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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1895, p. 11

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4 Liake'las dngerousty ll.* WOO4 'Of;Whltbye bas bcen, Ims Cade. Tuesday. thwalt. Ieft on Mondayto 09nt ýwith-vrst& *- cb f Tretton, etnd jô6hu ,,%opé,e, iwor rentlv vie- '.town.'1 DJId la Seu og nthe a3rd iust., Geoiýgt milIw*#ll be>'able te 611 any orders placed lackeôn1W:yVwe, grancý%saxuof .Mr. James, witl i hm. J 4cksogb 4aed i y est an7d 10 mos.,.J OT Mritedoithe oth nte athe metio. h .J o? Toa.A. McGeoch to Miss FraPn- h cottage batel la now, offered for sale C#i Vgilckler, botb of keach. at a low figuire. Ditriug the tbwtu oads lu tNis sec- kevivai services arc now belng held in tlonliWî.Slost impassIbie; Jceop Pur. the Methodist cburcb. nitim, -o. liad two funerals na' aud Wood bees have been the order of the Tusà. and coùld flot attend cit er wIth dgy for sante time paut ahaeas the roadls were dangerous. The r«eet tbsw bas resulted ln a, genersi Mitster John Denunson last his pet fox break up of the roadesud in man>' places onêýevéniglast week wbether by acci- thcy amc almost impassible. det rdSIgula flot known as the fox It l reporte<i that Mr. Brownscombe of brvl. 6 feet of chalu attache4 to EL straP Uxbridgc wlll occupy sudftas a brauch ai,. d bis neck. John would be pleased establishment the stpre now occupied by te '%-:-if snyonc bas caught bis pet. Mr. Bnrke Who lutends removlng about I.r new dnuggist, C. H. Allison, has the m.lddfê,o! April. been renovsting the Inside of his drug Mr. James Crss, while chopping lu thei store, and it now looke' spickr and span. bush on Thursday lait had the misfon. The work was done by aur artiutlc Deive, tune to cut his foot. *e undcrstand hie1 wbo kuows how todo aneat job. Cbariey ls doing as weIl as can be expected, and and- hie assistant can now dispense druge no senlous nesuits arc anticipatced.9 in City style te ait wbo lavor them lin their Thie S. of T. concert on Frida>' eveniug1 pllarmiacy. wa ha1-dly as well attended as uenal, but ThiehInsurance inspectons bave adjusted a ver>' enjoyable time virs spent. With1 the lo in the Willmrd ire. Damages te thei exception of lired Walker, Toronto,1 building $148. Mr. Wllardsa losa oven sud Mise Cook sud the, Misses Xenu>', sud above his insurance -le $700- Wblle sea av, wbo contrlbnted sevenal fine the store la being repaired lie bas taken mIca selections, the programme was thie damagdsoktthroeoete rendercd b>' local talent. Mr. Welch,c stresd etocku ate t g.oossale CuseSaintfield, fbirly brought down the bouse tomer. are boylug goods for lss haîaf b>' hie comtc songe ; but perhaps il wouLld9 the fomer pices.be asý well if he would learn as httle about8 theforer nics.music before trying agai. The proceedse Chie! Constable Robert McKnight was amounted to about $12. I unfortunate lait week. Ou the morning, Naw that there is to be a session of par- l of the WiUlard fine lie sl¶pped and hurt hlm- linent before thc electlou, oun eaiugr sefnsd on Tuesday following white cut- litic iwll bi able ta breater or rigtrees on the street hie cu lits nlght Eey for a time at least. Mr. Buruett bas fotvery badi>'. He wîll be laid solde for beeu bustliug every day siuce receivingE soine tîme. Everyone feels sorry for our the, Liberal nomination, snd means ta citizen, as lie lIoOur town's riglit band malte it worm for hie opponeut. Those s man, sud h. ln missed.' Conservatives Au Oshawa sud elsewhere e Thie Port Perry high school baseball wbo are so jubilant lu Uic ides of bsving f club wae organlzed lant week with tbe a weak sud uupopular mati ta filht May t] followlng officens -Hon. pris., D. Mc- have i-easott chauge their min&i before e Bride, B. A.; p res., A. F. Binchard ; vie-Uiecocateet le over.W t>es., J. Wonden; sec. treas., A. E. Mil- The patent steel range man has becu i le;capt. W. Fallowdawu; achool coin- etting lu somne work in thîs uelghbr. mittee, W. Tborburn, A. Wallace, W. ood. He bas s ouile Uiat lascblldlike Clanke. Qutside clubs wisthing to arrange sud blond, sud a tangue Uiat appears ta lie matches should sddress the secretar>'. lbse at bath endesud operated b>' dec- 01 1 notice tliat Mn. Arthur Allia, tica, wlio has been studying lu Uic great seats of learnlng lu German>' for three yeans, lia reached the top of the ladden. This bnillisut young man lias taken the digree Ph.D. at tlie univeruil>' af Berln, sud speclal mention o! hie attainments was made by the leading professor at convoca- tion. Heant>' congratulation ta aur talent- cd fdnd. Misra. Emerson leave for Britishi Colubia, ta go mbt the building lng trade. Matthew sud Thomas Emmer- *son, the menibens o! this fim, bave ben resîdents of Port Fenny for several yeans, and bave proven ta b. bonet and indus- trions cltiuens since caming atnonget us to do business, aud lu thein dealinge have bien known as men as always williug 10 be square sud upnightint lual their trausac- tdons, whetlicr large or smail. W4. Thomas Hope af iSugog, hast a fine young horse lu the lake ou Tueda>' -6th., W H me o was going ta Port Penny with a b.ad ofgrain, sud before lie knewAIt liad driven inta anu air bole that had frozen over the eveuiug previous. Ab fie was atone lie called for help snd tbe Messrs. jakonlearnzn hie cals nan ta hie assis. * tance and the saved ane hanse and tbe load o! grain sud the aleigli. Next morn- iug the drowned hanse came ta, the surface and the lianness was secuned. If the pastons af chunches. on secretanies o! ladiei' aide, chistian endeavors o! ail our cherches, societies, clubs, echools, ternperance societies, on if private persous in toWu wil klndly give me at an>' lime byTuemday eveuiug, an at the latest Wed- nesday moruing of each week, su>' news itemsi, reports or personals, I shah b. pleased ta have sucli items lu Uics columa. 1 appreciate the assistance 1 have so fan receîved (rom ladies sud gentlemen lu town. A grand bail aud supper took place in thie towo bail oin Wedueeday eveuiug. 27. A farge attendsuce was welcomed liT the managers They tnlpped thielilght fautas- tic toc te theirn harts' deliglit. A fine Cpradwasuered lu the basemeut b>'i OKedy.. Vistons were peet froin black#wc4 Sundenhand, &xbridge, Can. ali"o. , kh1tb7ý Oshiawa sud othen places. Music wus reÜdered b>' the wel k»"ow n e' srlg band. The pro- gramme conssWed o! 22 nunabers. Danc- in vieskept upuntil the wee tamali bouns, w9j t'lu-oensy psted, delighted wîtli 108, pl.euumt 'inies. rimes of depres- Moios "ae au>' finu pncpernug. Our en- toMWa -wW al barnosm aufac- turrt- outie ndJeffre>', are mkn goo4 ltw4wiay. Thq keep 16bad goIng fou itini-andl18iveaU£ie>' CMdo to kep p ;; thir Lde tweek they fqcive4 per mil orders for 8zSi eftta of hurnue.parus and collais. Thie «ors came ffrop Nova Scotia lu thce 4#, to Bti. tricit>', sud there are certain parties that regret having made bis ocquaintance, s it oul>' required s few da>'s ta prove that Uic wanderflcapabî1ities ai Uic apparatus, paiuted lu sucit glowing colons b>' Uic agent, wcre ouI>' visianar>'. Now Uic vie- tim bas 50 mucli old mron (or nather steel) ou hie bonds, but le minus $69. of bar cash, or wbat s cqually provoking, the agent or sameone else holds big note, wbich will bave ta be met some fine da>', uotwithstanding Uic agent's promise to tair e cronge baclk if t abould prove un-. satisfactor>'. Wbcu will people les=u to heave sucb fakes severel>' ahaneI TlOZIOTO. In view of the maby receut develop- ments ncsulting (nom ires, the question o! cautinuiug lusurance unden preseut con- ditions le becomlng s resu>' serious oui, sud is leadlng people to considef if som&~ thing in thie way o! prompt action should flot lié taken ta decrease thc numben o! appanentl>' inmoudiar>' fi'es that have ne- sulîed disastrously; sud this not oui>' applies ta citiez but, we fear, ta far too man>' o! the rural towns and districts. Fires arec cntijiually being reconded witb the yen>' definite- explapatany foot note "Cause Incendî'ary." On the footing that "4pneveution>'le bibtter than " cure,"l would ual lie conductive ta Uic safet>' I life aud propent>' thatsomething An the liue o! more nigonous puuishment sbould be lield aven the world be ansaus, s0 that wheu proved guilty a beneficial public ex- ample could be made o! theni; for onc weIl punisbed wouid bave a betten îffect on evil doers than any other course. The prisent plan punsued le ta select a jury ta inveetigote, and without imputiug thc lPery A ycèunmia with very lIirlted Ines, and by push sndenergy ha& aow a sej adid CI.coalwo@d and lumber busi- ne"s etabiahed, sbowing wbat a yowig Mau = ando, b>-plÜck,-sad.petsieverauce a nd Payi-cg strict gtiaution to buelness andi tnmàurm lur èlq"-dor&Se- p1--âîà. Mr. josephi Lsidlaw bai, been undîr thc weatber latel>'. But wî are glad ta sec lie le out again hale snd hearty. We are plcaicd ta sec Mr. Walter Me- Nevesu lu our midst agalu. Rien c- gaged with Mr. Williami Baird for the summer. Trhlge we would like to -know:- Are we goiug to bave a blacksmith at Wlck ? If jo ufun h ogIbimMCegt Our worthy contractor, Mr. Stewart, bas a large amount of work on bsud this ses- son. He bas two dwelliug bouses ta' ereet besîdes sevenal barns. Mn. Stewart bas becu in Uncle Sam's domaine for the Last two or Uirec ycars, sud lhe now car- ries the enviable -reputatiou o! being aecond ta noue lu his calllug. Ont of the evente o! Uic seson was Mr. Z. Fergueon's part>' laitFniday nigbht. Sleithlug was good auda large crowd as. semb lcd, bq»s old sud youug. Ah eujoy. ed themaelyesuad Uic>' tripped t.he llght fautastic toc tili monng. o ne feature of the affair was Uic splendid music furnlsb- ed b>' the Sonys orchestra. As Ed. As a vitale bearted fellow lie everything rigbt SOUGOG. Mn. H. B. Plumb, Uic well kuow breeder o! Clydesdales, bas sold bis sweep stake talion, Lord Raglan, (i308), ý7867, toasu A nerican for s good sun. This is anc of the beet hanses An Ibis section of Uic country' He As a credit ta breederesud if mone of sucli hanses a! good breedlug were used better pnices would be realizeei Mr. Pluzn6 bas some good once left yet. s i t c n v ABOVE ALL OTHERS, 1». Plerce' Golen Kedicl Dlsoovery, in every &»» Se sused by trliver or Arn- urbod.For '<s~siLver and Bowel .ranemenan dred alimenta, noth- big aproaches t as a remedy. PIERC E AmS UR out ]ONICY xxVv Z». sl .atdio l 1zeverb> els. B>' the Uii e - ~~taken a btl a al t à f so pptor j' \ that.Iate. Mi itrove- ment was wondO >J ÂUMEIÂVajZLE.Several yeara have Passed and mY cure 10 permanentP -" G soe We are 6mZJ wugR~ PRv %e %.bTu. Factory Cotton, 1 yd wide, only 4e. to 10e. White Cotton, 1 yd. wide, only 7e. tô 121c. White Cotton Sheeting, 2 yds. wlde, reduced to 250. Grey cotton Sheeting, 2 yds. wide, redueed to White Victoria Lawns, 14 yds. wide, 7c to 25c. White India Linen, wide width, 20c. to 85c. White Plaid Muslins commencing at 5e to 20. The new waist material, white, stripe, grey, only 2ýc. Plain white Canvasa Cloth, only 10e. yd. White ground Canvasa Cloth, with stripe or spots, at 124e., 15e. to 17c. Zephyr Cloths, plain or stripes, at 15e to 25e, with embroideries in ail widths, at ex- eeptionally low prices. M-ore new -Godfror money this Sp',ring,- tha-n ever before, conseque :nty More Dry Goods for the than ever. money Ail wool Serge Dress Goods only 25e., 42-in. ail wooi Meian Clothe, in ail shades, at 50e. yd. 46-im. ail wool Serges, assorted patterns, at 50e. to 75e. 44-in all wool Serges, in grey shades,- at only 60e. 44-in. Black Henrietta Cloth, only 25e. 42-mn. Covet Clothe, in ail the leading shades, at 50c. 44-in.1'weed Effeet Dreàs Goods, w111wash, only 25e. Webave a number of Dress Patterns, only 1 of each kind, you should see before lhei are ail gone. A1l-wool Creppons, in black, with silk spots,, at 65e. Plaid Silks, Surah Silks, Moise Silks, in ail £~nDress Trimmings we have everything that is new in the market..,oe IRYKDY-MMDF Great Bargains! Boys' 2-piece Serge Suite, 90c. di di Tweed Suits, $1.25. if ' ' " $ . 0 tg de e ci front $1.25 to $4. Youths' 8-piece Suite, long pants $3.50 to $5. di - é fi i dé $ 4 .5 0 to $ 1 0 . Men's all-wool Tweed Suits front $5 to $10. GLOTH-ING, Men's8 and Youths8, Spring Overeoats, iiFw and Navy, at'$6.50 to $10. Men's Tweed Pants at $1, $1.25, $.0 2 to $4. We have also added a new lime to our ýReo4y made Clothing Department Men's Fine, Blaek Metian and Serge coats and vesta, hi- JUST RECE Latest S'tyles in H ard and Soft as w Go SHDUIrLE 0Fr EETURNS 0FCON VOTION Madebefre usties f te Pace or he ouy of Ontario, transmitted by Justices whose naines are hereunder written and published by me under the provisions o h ada a.nd Ontario in their behaif. Office of the (Jlerk of the Peace, March l2th, 1895. JOHN E. FAREWELL, CLERK <W Tim PUAC»#U. C<Ji N~ame of SProsecutcs. I -- - ,-.------ -.~--. r4ame Of Detendant. R. 1. Harwood...Alert Ashmau.. .u .. e- .James Gordan.. Saral Barber .i. W. H. Barber.. Wm. Hinsu.R. Thomas.,...... Arubu limberi .... ThomaPete.. Michel inega -.John smih ... Charles- Hooper -. ThPlg. uicisDickie T. "C. Warnin..Weley 'Oliver. DUnca WM ....ames Gordon Pacoe Lie .......tlckThOtupsoD. ThOU Rm -- oo ob forsyt .. a * 0 Immwatm.. bainsProctor....4 DeteciivRos ..Ta" nud GlIro>.,., ohm1- er.1Hy. & CAia.Crawford Xdwv d rees... irWad UwdYBrOO,. h44 Wade,tg' Doga.... Robernt WeI*soei Nature of Charge. figling onste... ...... asslanSd battir........ ossault sud battes-te drunk sud disorderly -0....60 ...... sesaand................. aat e...... musait................ p lncsg10ded'reolver........ à0 a tber d $10........... MueliIquor durlng prohidhSn 1A Amoaiglurtaduknpno~ Wuae,.. rais. pnetnues Date o! Conviction. Dec. à4w e941 Sept. 12. e# Nov. tz..4. jan. lot '93 Feli. Mar.o 4 .< Mt-, 19411. Name of Couvictiug Justices. Flue or Damage. H. Glasefard. Treleaven.,.... Treleavea, .ý Otirson. . Il Q dnic a son «0..',a... Amonu:of Penalty, 'rime wnen- 10 ie- Midwssnid ;. * 0 te» ..* 0 latJustic...i 0. 6 0 es-.... 9 ad cste - ansouciâ ouud gui>'.ef fonihwitli fonhwltb forthwitt fient bwlih............. . Tins when To wbo0ï.Pa paid. Justice, 'D=-. 2494 ..G'loyie. D ýDcc. 21... @!De Ob.. 'l ~4tovu tre appunwu wi:,u3c u -l wjYu ne ta -in- testIgate every sau# 1 or -ire aùd -full the criminuit a rth 0 teSame as -ln case of murder. It la a reflecttuontu e law ai- lug reople of--tis country that every un- epanbeconflagration Asj set down as "incendlary" To aqr officiais whose place it Is ta, look aftér th intèrests o« their con- stitueuts w. ay mght flot, be out of place for tlbeým ýto jIi t this'important ques- tion the benefit of t eir consideration and do ail te>' can prevent the fire and fire bug from b g wbat little- we have left ai Toronto nd man>' emaler places. Prof. Sha of Saintfield, made a lengtby vihit at Mr. James McCrýeightjs last week. Mr. William Matthews left for.home set week whcrc be lutends rcslding for the summ n r. We will miss WinI. ~J~uw~ WALTES il . u OFFERISGS -1ý, 77 '7 THESE PROVI& IT-..% A

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