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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1895, p. 3

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or our ;than uc nt1y KnowLedge, .l3rotherhood. -xxxJx. WESTERN BANK 0F Ci WHITBY BRÂNO A General Banking busin( S1pecIlal attention tao olicthans, mers',Sale Notes at owest rates. W»Deposits received lu Savi Department ln sums oaiSi1and Na notice o! wthd.rawal sequired Hlghsst eusraeni rates af intermi and aseditied semi-annuahiY. Whitby, Âng. 811 CHAS. E. D. WARE st, 1894. sco AUCTIONEE.R, WHITBV, The jnderigned begs ta main!n bas talihu oui a license for aucisone will be glad ta fil arders fa: ibis cla ness. His book wiil be kepi ai 1. office, wbere aU information r*aY IN Whiîby. Nov. 2c), 94. C. N9. 1P. PATERSON, 4 Barrisier, etc.-After two vears i England heu nesurueti practice a St., Taronto.-OOt. '94,-6 mas. DOMINION Bi Capital Pald Up, - $1 Surplus, - - $1 Wbitby Âge: 0-eneral Banking Tra.nsaoted. BAVINOS DEPÂBTUI lates-est ailoweti ai highest ci No notice o withdruwsl require B. J. THORLN. P. G. Meidruxr Licentiate ai Use Rayai Pbysiciabs, Edinbursgh; Me r,- Coep ofiPhyuicans'anti Office. ad residence, nc o! the "Ilqrrace, " Byron St of Dundas Street. Tolephane communication Wbitb>', Jul> 4h, 1894. VOL.0 Who? Who? Who? Says the Owl. Who isel tise beat SBakîng Powder? W. iR. HOWSE doms. Why 1 Bocaune only tihe pasest igrdiants are usecC, sd ih la frequenil>' mde. toaseqamnti'la- ways pure & ireali. Lo ndon UE IRONO f at QId No. 1, DE MAPLE SVRUP, ire and Crockery, a sets choap, Groceries, Teas esc, etc~. ~CA Si OR TRA DE ST Tf/E TIMES. callng and examîaing prices for yoursmlf. kntis of Grain, AppWa hi>'. Have misa gem dis sl Aad.en's dul in ri Sprye- for tisa m g Ever> fmruiovws . W:le me!ftcw t 1W RO7tii Powder la tise bout Bloi Pluifier amd general Condition rowder in tise tnket. t iis thm ohespest powder ibat bas oi'r been offered for ale. It cures ai cases of Gmeal Debihlty, Laos of .A Oppetite, R otiusofethte Hais-, snual 'tieubessrising fs-om srn- purlty ofthtie Blool.. RW 000.per lM., -or 3B1iba. lot 50e MÂDE ONLY BY-- We HITBSYE WHITBY, ONTAR109 F-nRW-AY, MAIRCH 29e 1895. for the toagues for $:.oo ai ibe cas-ami store Osh- aw a.m It will psy au>' parties caatemplating buying su engagement or wedding ring ta seS ibm lange stock ai Fout Bras., Osh- awa as ibm>' vih selI ibi month vos-y cheap for cash, Genuine diamonti 14K. oui>' $5. 'Fhey arÏe alao making somne special, cifers iu Geais', Ladie's sud Boys, golt aftd silver watches. See them. Fel Bs-os. Mr. R. Benuet, driver for Ut. H. Gif- fard for man>' yeu, bas psuchased ibm niilk rouie froni bis employer. Monda>' mig bmeasi o! thse aanalah of ibm msei iin, bol>' communIonwa .eerit in St. Georges aiS8 a.m Mr-. J. Lutchird wiibH 1is àDlbgs Imnthanibm f hai ibnonth fmr=Gevlat, O., where he wiiimasin fur tibm mer. Mr-. McGHIlil'y, ai ibm Mail-Empire, vas la towa lait wek. lie Mail-Empire cauvas- ser for ibm Encyclopedia Britiaulca veeoaaso hem A meeting as cuai for ibm organisation of a Young =îera club oa YNida Wght, but as the electria ights vere fot i bm meeting vas postponeti À al meeting 6<lbthe vu couscli wu el= ynigh I suda aresoluion of sypa thy passed on bfoist!eai ibm f fmil>'ào emasetiTyeaffa.1 Mr. RjQy ofethe bote4,ba bad -e Ps-#it e 10wImUIessia o is prenda àa m w roer'o upon tie s-oC lus *MI,>$* 'Fbe hsnhlyofAn&AvI 1bssusWla St. aasr avS f= oakt< Sonda>' aenti.lm um Witt co bt Sýeli.fl 4-mv nieroants take eacivantage af ibeir opportini- ies sud do a. ile quie adverilaing on Sun. I days. The vindow la dresseti with se-UaoI cam- andi thembliads aiad so as toadmiit o a fis dispha>'of ibm contents.-.A.s vo mid w,- fore saine stoem as-enat sabove dogg a liuml quie businets ibr acm eSabbats.hoto% ia not ibm eautnecesat>'for hi, sud w. always ibonghi ihali vua avioatiSofaihibm 1w. We maypis> osab i &Malsen. HFovever an menilonetiSunday, busiessbd=o.ebut iutie, notiesmame h aVle limon tuen.hi tak s Ofe oo!re am aunaUy longthulto gel dais emmed, nv i11esgig w anti Ia féwgenikinlll e bae *0 dW s-feftect vo bave bOM nana ut baud1e bring timnble4oticIbthi ves cf mme evp1l. W.e *ould i e tehant ta uùse eous-ko6edg-. a-ertt lagW te b04Ing losm pn n but if -tbmauthoities l sin own dot do »ao dhng to sappresa violatind i bm a coemastaosome ce-neti sai ms-Y Wj.ý -use ne Mde ihrSaansd ,aw ord he mWise sheltbe sufficîeusiW. hope 80 forthel am * â salleiedtsth IsulstolielOaéemtOe-ie ýp= an 001 min iude oves-. Fie wutoh, elsk, idÏèÎmWOY rcpairlng a apemwt>'. mng- spent tlbloa0t Ye= aà«&ahUlf w1tkla. Mi. Weslmy-.Barker snd Miss Iiucitidaol prescowtweîrq .ffliidon Wed5d55i We hopi em m±irsanial foer di eutv wth ie comingof8pil~aat' h cn'that mchlonger ferutowant _c subjeets for ouigislis-e tUto*, A~rn~uY.' ters. miles attendance at S. S. on the west. he water fiow- md prevented their corning. naëichant Mr. Chas. Lynde anilethese days. He was h a fine baby-girl a week ay she live to bless ber par- irthy sold a bouse last week lodtb'e« parts and -received a sun., Soin. are *holding i that pruces are on the rise. be. ?,uckerin bus been vislting >m reçently. -HMeremains ln s umuzserý We would like te s ,bere,,bflt they shali have "o-, bus enaged Thos. mur of thse 41C5UOUmCLZta il -witers wortby of com- md We Wlsb theë'Par ail vgptüres.ý A lw paper loPlty owu bistorianand iethe datle.snd 'eV ideuce mm tiq aïe G1ad 5 o seesUcI Vi IMUJ~~AUU as cm !21 Oas Oui A tav With caim printed wordo, great thoughta, anzd untiring iniuZt;t'iJ we aduocate Peace, Progreas, ~sdons. and Par- ingus Bank u'pwards- REN, Manager. TT, ONT. ace that be ýeerig, and ass of busi- H-. Longs De obtaiiied. SCOTTr. residence in at 136 1lohn AN K. LW500O L,500 000 "oye Business NT. airent rates e4. 'TONp lmager LM. D. College of ,mber ofthe Dr&tl section reet, north witb office. and soine of theni are burleci lu me4.The' dop'notask the authorities te take aur single BOILZ LOCAL N EW S LETTERSm town should repair thein and in the wet *e0d for ht. If hey wanted to know the trit The bour of evening service lu the No more cuti weather a man should be ewployed to koep f hoq have tons and onze to find out for Mthodist churcb bas been changed frein There was ai Çmo~CL oREthe cE imcrossings cleasq tu the business pan o:e t bÏumlves. rbese orgas, bowever, are hie* . o.ta 7 'loc. undtay fromtI iown. Il c xJd e:1y be doue. usd-when ibis sort of tblug gais n. h Sabb. It c,7 iesay series e tcti os a oawihrayepe Mr, Wi1 Gordon la home from OrlliSa ing over the roi Les ~ ,ihuri no tev ' wý'4zngwfes where he tn ee icehs s -u~ He QUr genlil n -in-l the Medr st. chuc.lastead of the hiwgÃ" eao t ei. v f a in be i.elats TUWN LIN£. uae enteutL -tîeuî envehopes were distibuted î~ a broîel If a watch were kept on the wlll probably remnaia here for a time. wears a blofzd Mr. W. J. Davey and sons are ta kihi the aâkrng for Sz5o ta mmci expenses. The si- P. bor f nusace e raideti on the Mr. Olivet Durrant left bere on Wed- presen wt patron's beef for the ensuing seion peal wss welh met. The collection ln the a_ ofu'sSl uspicious ciistaflcelaesday morning for DeKalb, Ill., where ago. Long ma of lckrlg bs lasd te noring gave over $zoo. The bible a oeb1l p e wouhd begin ta have a litile mare frih be bas ecured a position in a barber siop lente. Mr. Banirs in the awternoon gave $W7, and the Sabbauit cniec aar yti o opUn We bope hie may soon return ta his native Mu. F.Ma north balf of the Lynde farm. sehool $15, miking a total o! $ie. wltb the~e tIen e! the law. As h anow stands ibe land and meet wltb success wherever he to buyers freur Mr. T. Dlavid formerhy of Hampton eveulng collections of $6o ta be added. Rev h*l obn u ac ietw. If a le. good rouind- Darington township, has moved ou ta the Thas. Manning, B.A., of Whiby. preacbmd al commita apea robbmry or shoots saine- Mir. R. Belmore, now o! Iron Bridge, theirstsiinia IaCarpenter tlin.in he mor nlgad Rev. J. Kines la the bihr lvaiechne !unsKee bt ntucky, was bere for a few heurs on- So may they b MseEan MGregor was severehy zng. Rev. H_. B. Keany occupied the Siuicoea.u, bas t a lU on te auîhoritishr e hrdyli H a eni hty r i biten n te lg o Snda lat b a eoti.puipi t ibm heveniag, fô iey>. make a usove. Have we graota okeepTurdy1a.H bdbenuWhty MiRiad Beiwmmnon thedlzgoonlSuckaTuesdaybmoraînog yl'ngréaers every wmmkwltbibIs old sioy? with bis. inother during the hast days of ber bis brotherto behoiigiiig ta Mr. Vaustone. Bewenz ndxc T won1*uld seem Uike i. People are mach miser- 11f. and returned ta Keà'ucky early this Myftle4ô&x.the1 The Almonda cburcb people bave bad a wibm ir b ehis ottged a ù ahan a rith es t drlve1lnit coi rs hat ihey shrlak ia oweekve.àd.' riedaserected forthe accomodatlon VOIt arddeTesealves &andL wmt îoOh1 lis toi The roade were so bad on Suaday- that thae gadin.- - ownd ndocupid y r.R. D Kennedy , tib Wb otey dosameting tbe attendance etbth Methodiat Sunday DervIitb 'r ýtheÏ of their progressive and palastaking chor. mihbad caughi fise froni the roif sd >uhr'Whwkdo: ?Beas acolpealeviewsotelrgas P. nda Mr and Mrs. Mattbias Mackey were was ahinas nilrely dmstroyed, toigeibrWt h aeahs sc hk aierrlga hrepeîdbtao4eebnrdadûtveo~ e surrisd o Tuisay veila bythei bm ontnts Te lua ihlbeabot < ~ woWt take ihm trouble for fear thaitbey were ptreseat. Owiag ta ilibes the Revý menidatio, ai friendsansd prese7te wlth an extension covmred by luminance. The seaseheus admn- mi a enerny or cause samineU-îeetag 'F. W. Leggott was unable ta take theparà, suc la i M t table. Tbe occasion was tue twelftb an- cessing flc nofthebmteielehsat nighi ah ibteinselves. What difference if ibm that hnd been assigned ta blm.. 'Tb. pro- shond b.ti ulversary of ibeir wedding. be stoppmd. »ve minutes ringlng is suffidient world frown If ibey are convinced tbq agramme coasisted cf 'sigg by the Sun-. nt fi vtOama Mr. W. 0km vislted Toronto an Satur- ta aa theib whole town. and ibere should lie do, teir duiy. Tbmy stand Iu a f air ay scbool choir and Saddressea by Mr.,J- oaactppe day and 'ordered tbm finit instatiment of a stop put ta ibm bauigoa belle for hallau hlght ai present. Neveria we N. Debait, the superinteudeand W. A. agdynn goods for bis new cash store. He pur- hu rmr sl enthrimcs.Te advlse ibase coacertied wbo rnad tbla Holiday af tue Presbyterian Sunday g poses keeping a stock of bardwate, excted rlnglng o! Use'bella for a sinahi blase b t do wbat tbm1r know th" y bta .chicol. oui iicurg grocenies. boots and sboes, statlonery etc. would lead one te thlnk ibat the wbhe tawn c&.g te law or causing i ob o u ir the store ia ta coasiat af tus-me apart- was on fire. People are dmprivmed of needed . 1: zay save trouble libmtenar futuire. 'Fb. editoîs of the CHRONICLs and the Mec"hanl. ibm . t~est sudi is very trihngta sick sud nervousFR .R.ous Orihhia Packet do not believe in the Utillt iiity ments, viz., th upsiaira the dowuati r ns The fire conitîme sbouhd give n- of wire fonces on tbe road aides as a pie., oo Ieyt and the backyard. structions ta have sa much amedhmss nose- ventatiVe of drifts lu winter. I amfl fotbyasua The secession mavement in the tcwa of stopped. Oseaws DUaifesDhwetory. rnucb of an autbority on sucis matters bu t ahm s Whiby la exciting considerable interest At utda treewoenweebuntîag X ILMg55Y, barber Smw BUff y obseervation bas alwas led me, th b& 'an w among a few ai ibm fermera af ibis neigb.aon h iw o birbaedwb .LHI(4flel~ib at a wire fence, la just what min.lel borhood. Tbey think ibat if the western bad not returned borne on Satuiday wLVERY, siicole strêt, nos-lb. necessary for this punpose. Ia this tewn- lert'a t il uortion ai ihm town be thrown upon Whit- nlght. They had gati lut> a club races ship farmers bave received a bonus. frontA b twsbip and consequeutly il u t hs adsetiereoe dlkiandn SOJiHheli 5mker, Slmoe s to-et thibmcoiulfor replacing wocden feuces section, ibere ina>'b. a demaad on the ganmbIîîng. instead of using it on their b OT u,, l K iK, W - witb wire ai places whmre drifting always mis, Thoil part of tbe section ta ihe west of us ta families. We are toid by ibose ina a S- . BTLTE-DomlDlon pianos and orgae, <csjred andf thé nesuit bas been velky sai- annex ibe Pickering part o! ibis section, position ta know, ibat liquor la kept and stret.isfactoir>. If we bad more of the .Wire -r and ihus leave the Whitby township people sold In saine ai these club rooma. No . oTEL4J. 0. WaonPOe0, fence we would bave better wlnter roads. MW-s.Cremu unden the necessiiy aibuilding a new wonden ibere la pavent>', bard ies, anda otlrnaît and Ps-is-ltcs- W.A.H. severe siokueë scbool bouse. Ho w will Mn. Jno. Smith ruigmadei bnmne'cnb p B a - n a ok.EslaSDroOs..t h and bis satellites like ta pou>' up for a çound fon suchi puiposes. Perbaps if In" * ue sud angod a. . . Rges, to the. Mu W i new schoh bousespector Ferguson coulti sparea tie f e mi. »ALBAU. bis tilm, whscb ai presmat somma ta b. de- : Kli-Wtb-5iW tg ne. 9E"AL, .-Ims- a oftasriage ess.aLihai Mr.E. ilîonis a b luib ueghbn- oid ta dig stas es, in keepiug an e>'eon X vos OOhawa ai E a m and 2 p mn, and Ro51d0315OpOffiTown HRaiBroi. iieno hood ibis week ta punchase horses for ihm somne ai ibese bddub ib d btYa U nsd4 m aLDYBO.Oi tc !pI1 5cr-are- vîsitla Enlshmnktlitile more ta ibm eleciion funds o ahi ibm P UX-Ls. 1L J. L. mXooKBE dealer linmil- plçean sudaver>' attractive, bath in patteru- vincelifph sudrketms. rmssmnaklng, etc., in andi prdca. Seo them for yonrsele.é Ms ui Theatendnc n Mi Zan abai Atib metig i Im chol oad a Mu- ilOiOfld, Siiscoe uts-met. are ai apleased ta show themn. Do y= Visitung frim The ttedane etMt.Zio Sabath At he metig o thesi oar OD OU-0,- Duur o oa-L J Maiwediapen- Wanut wali paiW. bs-vo t-al tis. Ou ae school and evening sos-vices were susali On a y eenng Mr. Win. Warren was lected ~Ls Fafslice<of pure <frug~s sud No aid stock. We have !nsft apaii 1»e o urra1 - account ai ibm rortds. secrtary-ireasurer of!thib Srd ai $150 salai 61al aways on, hant. ralse fremin he, ast Coaadaumakers.ta Say e wai aiib friea u me a ird el Eeybdywa ga t bveMi.Warmren se.- i in - Prîces s-auge fs-cm5 cents lup. Bordaista lst. Mosto h amr nne o ie epEyoyws a t av yCEAG, =i o lecar- matou 8M cur sUa.rlbboua .at:4,8 audi bave secured Use saine iu men or baya as cureimpston u b cto !tebo:,cstwagos nial id !et dents per yard. Mon's aisfabl>ok ibeir cases equined. laopen to citici.aIbmthefirst place su ai- sd lalgih ReBpafrtg a speciali>. bravas, andti he noweat shpes Wmaratcwfl 6esi The roada lu ibis viclniîy are a] mosti li- empt was made ta, appoint Assessor Morris, j< IIa , patates- and deos-aior. Limi- selng scmein extrinWnii linaoaiwisbhiuîsi passbleon acadi o ibmdeps aisna mnefficient public servant, ta ibm positioni mii . vas-I pape-, elllng decos-aions, 01.25. Oar boat le ci 012 andibmgeena îbw.$75 saler>'. Mr. Morris receives $P5~ as ae, oai nsies, bruabes, wlniTh ibsent salitsi Luther Hall and ti . J. O0mi Quie a -nuniben ai the farinem ofahisresponsîble citizens. voulti be tladftihijibm Jol w PELlow -dealerIm i aes urEsa, Mr, jas. warnierb-asengaged,ôï, h vciait>' bave soldibelr fat cattle fosr May' at $zo or even *15, ant i wuiote nuisie-tiô b 2", i~s ~ deUmyfair prices.have biedi4. isst, tp4 $0i._ MUr. ihi, oai vazsvile flous- 111,1a14i. t Wva«X heain im-miI t bm ma c tisnsnî, d b>' L. K-thiai ihe, salido not -?!* -aN c ,taS.~ts Mr awa. A grati Inrat the hast quite 'ooonno.. and ibe propnirMr. 'Fhcs. Pugb la go- excemd $100. Mowdin auseudment bRWWW s Xl. ouefor pafndlasdextraicion. Nb -. Jno. AÀ.. Comte gesto t us net 'î ing ta take chas-go until a suitable tenant Scott, secondet b>' R. Hà. James. tisai thî sel- exra weo«ýk ttmihé nlia aaneswt an>' i 5o. Tbis waa carried ona oeo dLo.~ » ~ sIter, Slios, MLW .Bon. . - eau ho obtained. ta 5. The duties are ver>' ligbt, consisllug iin uliCnvyoer,,&c. Mao> 0SEAWA. reporting them nites Oai ibm flontbly meetns t In.Ooeae omno suSa- Influe= ais been .vmry Vreta1mnt 1ituui- h BUSNES NTIE.- .shwasubsesibers sdpyu ecesslre. one hundred ca BS mt, Oshawa. aound hlielatel>, and liaâ sériousL4Y af-bees) are efigy or advertisers ma>' idusaci any business doll asbonld e bn lreslifor go K~ DoSNSmmBaker>'. Iiort etdlimatedneetaho. a> wÃŽth the CHIRONICLE, or may obtain ex- tile work, andi we cm see no neceSsit>'for, %Mces8 Our b5rmad la scld. la sh -amisa Kate Coates takelos ailier Tespes _ tra copies ai an>' urne, ai .B. Rogers), thraw*g away $Sooaf ibm publiceznoneyi The Wt iby lkrlngBZookUn olmas5macol u s>n aon Myizext.iaçd4i pai ffcebak.to-e Obaa.Meeting also refusai ta allow a confereisie Bagia]LWOOd yÃŽrd ta 01n" She leaves here on Thuracla>. W.- wisli- t If you wisb s nice Fs-mach china dinner wi h iac ouiiieapiib oa As La un i -h le iain hesaes.- ad council ta confer wiib ibm achool , .As~ dgontis' fn-nlshng haa Olaa Mr-. and Mis. R. Hunter s r and as-id e<!-lu~ or tes setioran aything la faucy china, oowr s>, o revr>mglamha M. aresgi Bpeuii asnimmh o of e , tw5td, rs . arera1 mf frthiramdngoiy glasswas-e, go ta E B Mas-gan & Son. ib oiinbtlUt m h osalib rvelgshirtse aliiét', aivays kepi lims * a ada' Myposeit' Men'astri boots, gaiters, laced boots 1the<f5 o r a$10oon iob.tastock.éit hoe n Moa y.My L -et. 0dfii ce ih tom5ocapsa$znolorm75 boo.sitw thebellows-m snra nao--4-am1- in ail shiùles, d patterns, tt ihades, at only rly 2ý5C. eading shades, ods, will wasb, bttCsl, only 1 ee beMore tlhey itli Silk spots, se Silkis, in al 1.rket. ff rcoat,. iii Fawn e t&) olîr Ieadv- . FIîî 1 en ts andu vests, in 1 flats. ERS LSHOES Knowledge,ý erotherh-ood.- L'of famus. r ixzmâ.ou 1 -1 IN-VI ii 1 ?y

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