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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1895, p. 5

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mtrngs oomfrt and Improvement ami tia opersonali *ujeyxnont Whou $gbl~u.d -Ti.mny, vho 1fr. bet ~than uOthersaud enjoy 1f. moe, vit! 160 s "eexditure, by Inoe .promptli aatthe vo1d's best Producti té ùm of hyÈodbeing, vil! atted thé 'vaIne to a Oh f ts ueliquik laxative prinoipleas mbraxë.d in the exdy, Syrup of F04PL Ita lecelinladue te ite presenting * lu thO tern t aoceptabe and pieu. bât 6th tu te, the refreshing and truly benefi*ia preperties of a perfect'Rax- lâti's; offectually cieansing thse uygtem, dispollng colds, Leaclaches and foyer. and permuneîatly curing constipation, It biS giveui satisfactionflte illions and * Met vWith the approval of the medical 'professionI, becauso it acta on the Kid- rieyst Liver anîd Bowels withoiut weuk- "ing-them and it is perfectly fr-os from every ebjectioiiable substal.ce. sSyruip ef Fig is for salo by- aIl drng. gita mn 750. botti-es, bÂut is in allu- ftured bv the Cilifnriun Fig Syrup Co. oîîly, wiiose naine is printed on ýecrv package, aise, the îîanu, Syrnp o! Figi, and being îweil frwc~ i xiiaot Almost Passes Belief XL as E "Noosn txuovf N.3,BrggesoreenL g Trs M t CANCER ON THE LIP, Sarsa- AYERSparilla ';%r. Nicholsn ays: 'I consnlted dcc- tors who prescribed for mne, but to ii,) purpose; Uithcancer begau tO Eût into the Flesh, 1pred o ychili, and 1 snffered ln * gu.r Sneven long years. Finay a wèiek Ã"r two notiSe4 & Dec!edImprovement. Làicý,.i-agad by this resuit, I perse. t!!l i a nionth or so the sre iider iuy chili began te heid. lI three Mou.t :;ny lUp-began to heal. tand, 5fter L4l1£the #rs iarllla for six monha the JaSt raco ~e caer 41 Aeïttted i the World'y Pmur, In roading over the. Items Einm ber. vrltt en t 1r tii he htyitbyCrONKÃ"LB ofisam w eek, w* wrre urprlsod te find a loUter lped by liro. Ree, ezpresalg ho slt- cor. iienksa sudgoëd wlshes toward tii. editor of tbibeesootf«or iii.wllngnosto defrnud actionla de(atice ofber .orphau b oy?i wliving berstes,. do knowhmg Mi.LRdand tii. boy a oIs te~cbr ecia vs ara élu* & bailar hDe j *od,, e~thn~ta aorne for the editor of apypapor te îlphold youinstrt I thei bâiM othe. ýdéfiance of the teactiers d PÙPubhcschôolos, No.w the. ôrdlnaiv piublic bisum ut leait aàsharë o! brala find» know- ledge as' well as eur cotets, Mi. Graham, an d we claun there are' -ad few brutes among ichool touchers as beleng te the editoral staff ef littie local shoots like the Whitby' CHRoNicLut. Nw the woes was thankful us she expressed hiqself but wouldlit nothbe bètter If she would bead- * ised ýby her neighbors .and friende who know the wbole monits of the case, but ne, Sshe sondi te Whltby for sympathy. We, fear the woman and boy and Mnr. Grahatn - are tee rnuch alike, fond of theïr own way, Sprosuming wbat the dent know is not Èwortb knowlng, a= our toucher inust J .now that. Now it la a groat deal of blus- ter for notblng as thse boy la a muchbebtter boy ince hoe was punlshed.-LCorrespon- douce Pickering Nows. r(This compound of bad spelling, bad -grammar, bad argument and uutruthful assertions dees flot trouble us much. It lai the first that bus been written on the subject by any person wbo dure not give bis or ber naine. The News cor. need net tell ils that ail the people around Kinsale favor corporal punishinent, and If ho bad te sigu his naine te such a statemont would net bave written it. We did net 1say corporal punishrnent was illegal. On the other band we churacterized our laws as being fiendish because they permit, tbough they do flot proscribo, capitalp un- ishment. The CHRONLLEnover maid the boy bas as mucb right te whip as bas the teacher, se the long statçment of our un- truthfulness in saying se in neodiess. We held however that il would bo far botter for a boy te stnike aman than for a maxi te strikte a boy. And we stili dlaim tisat a boy bus equalîr us much rigbt tn sweur with impunity, or lie, or chew tobacco, or drink whlsqkey, as bus as man. The weak have as much right te do as tbey please us have the strong. The News cor. caunot point te sncb a passage in the bible as 'Spare the rod and spoil the child," or anything ut aIl like it. The whole squib abeve quoted is a mess of reckîss state- monts and erratic reasoniug. The CHiRON- ICLE did net say touchers are brutes. Tboy are the very opposite In nino cases eut of ton. But there are smie with wbomn we bave te fight eut this hellisb practice of burting cbildren, under the guise of doing thoin good. We are net afraid te meet any person lu argument on this question, lot hlm be bidden fromn view or rot. The course of mercy nover suggests secrecy; But wben a person dofends an evil, or per- petrates oe, lho only gives bis views and withholds bis naine. We bave been fight- ing sucb cewards ever. ince we have been connected with newspupers.)-ED. CH. Lgter-On this point we may quote a letter received frei n ee of the most pro- minent mou ef Kinsule, and oe whose worîh and good opinion are recogni.zed far beyoznd the limits of Kinsale: "I wish te direct your attention te an article in the Pickering News respecting oe of Kin- sale's bud beys. I wish te inforin you that Mrs. Reid ansd the child bave the sym- autby o! nine-teutbs of the section, and hope is that the CHRONIcLE will give the parties wbo wrote the article in the News a good rattliug." We really hope this may end the motter, and very mucb four that onemies of the toucher, who mistaken- ly suppose they are bis frieuds, are keep- ing this matter bot te bis unnecessary in- Jury, for we are assured that ho is a good teacher.-Er,.CH. NEWCASTLE. Frank Bennett o! Bowmanviiie, bas pur- cbased the good will, etc., o! the Royal hotel bore. We anticipais ho wili do a good business as ho is well and favorubi>' knowu. The Misses Wilmot bave punchaàed the residence lermeri>' owued by Mrs. Wright, on Mill St., and are makiug considerable repairs. Mr. Henry Elliott is stopping ut the Windsor, and is sbipping a couple o! car- loads o! fat 'cutie anadbogs. Mi-. M. C. Rose, special agent for the McLaugblin Carilge Factony o! Oshawa, and wife, are in tewn, guests ut the Wisd- sor. Mr. Rose is on a business trip. The funexaî e! tise lato Dr. Tamblyn took place ut 3 P.-nM., on Tuesduy rlut, frein the station to the Euglish church cemeter>', ut Port Newcastle. Several eof the membeni o! the United Werkusan ac- cempunied the corpse frein Markham. The Rev. Mn. Cross officiated. A smail fine occurred in the building owned by Mrs. Wilson and occupied by Mn. Ough, ut Port Nowcastle. Mn., Asa Wilmot, Inspecter o! Fisheries, wbo bas been on an officiai, trp to Wind- sor anid Halifax, irnived homo on Wed- nesday. thloves are ugain infesting the tows. Mn. Jus. Coulson's butcher sbop vas again -visîted, when a quuntity o! tallow aud hides vers stolen. Mr, Seymnour W ilmot, o! the Dominion bau, Witb, vas down on a visit te ýMn.Ten on Sunday. .A collection was takon up on Sunda>' lmain St. Georges. church, in aid of the. clorgy o! New!oundland. Mv.s. C. Glendeinnng lias xoved, into tho ýregidoneSat theo st =ud of tho Royale ansd lutoxide iiepiis a boardlxi.g bouse, in connectien ith whz-iato iLihavoe, afin cigas ter sud les' cttala panioe in' the ~tee ccspld y asMisses Wilson, mil- When Poneh-ds-Leen sought te find The tountain giving back lest yonth, It may be that ho hud lu mind Thut draught whicb seoins te make a Trutb. Ont of the fable ages eld, Fer driuking it the eld grow -young; lIt î, iudeed, a draugbt et geid, Surpsssing ail by pooLhs, ung. The draught meaut ih Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical D)iseovsr. e! course. It is a moit potent rejuvenater o! the weuksned and debilitated systein. It drives eut aIt poison, ail impurity, ennichea the blood, and inakes the 'old aud woru out feel youug and vigor- eus. Ponce-de-Leon didn't diîcover it, but Dr. Pionce did, and ho nightly nsmed it when ho called it a "Golden Dicovery." Dr.ÈPerce'fi Pelleta cure permanentiy con- stipation, indigestion aud headaches. Ail dealers. "9Why don't yen go te work? Wby do yen wsste your ime begging ?,y Dia y2u ever beg ?' "No, of counrseflot," "Than yen dont know wbat vorla.I" WbY suifer trous weak uer-vos, vaut et ap- Petite, sud general debiity ? lettdngth. loie Oftiieep sud veut impoverush the syster n d thin tue bloc, vison snob-a rWly Merntoni- oue reusedy ai Northrop &, Lyman'is Qine *Wine may ho had ut any'du store.Ts article la recexnmended by thsehigst mens- b erq et the iiùedicsl faculinluCaaetoii»4. gestion, generaidebut>, lmois tappeti*tïï snd nervons affectons e&ailkinda It ia. se speciaUly beneficial te oilidren anide0i- este teusales, sd to 'bbdiuemn, itueuts sud those 0 ebave inueis main woîk. -W. weuld su>', Nover b. -without iL. It vii setwgthyen o, keep you'r systein lu regular oreierasd ensle jeu te sucesaful>' g, ppl with thse work yen have ted.i ues.. sent te the teste, sud coutuimnotlhln i- E *Uicuétotise moet delicatesopsitituin; b te usk fer the unlu, Wine, pr.,pared b>' Northrop &Lyman, Torouto5 snd vs are sureyon wMlibp usatsfied that 70u bave fuil value for yeur pmns>',Drue- gisti sel jt. He-" y vivi u brngig up; a fmtiy blin uptIeofamil>'.,Ye gosudbring upJ the. seu." el TheUS OIW&u a auru Per 0 fin. -Tôronto hors 'Modday who set pf- a charge of dynamnite in the woll, wlth the Ideà r that auch might incisas the vater supply. r Soins a5 lbs. of the oxp1foalvs was setoff caÏà- rf lng a terrible report. he roofo!the.shantyl rwas rarlier shattered. otherwise iage *waa doue. The water supply bas been much increased. a A couple of hoese buyers were here bTuesday and purcbased a fow animais. The prices ranged frein $,5ote, $75.- While 1 the demnand for herses !l speodily Increas- * ing the prices do flot advance inptopor- *tion.» Our humble opinion is thât herses will yet be razsed with p refit, patrticularly those that are marketable within the next ithree yeurs. Iu support of this contention 1we mlght say that stock breeders have done very littîs during the pat two years. Inl this lins, while the. herses that were twelve years old or ovei hast faîl, or many oftbem at least, have been sither kffiocked *in the hoad or sold te smre boue dealer and shlpped te the fertilizer manufactur- ers. We venture the opinion that those wbe flow commence raising stylisb coach or carrnage herses, or heavy work horses, will fixid the business remunerative. The market for blood clyde will continue te ro- main Iimited and unremunerative.-News. BROUGHKAM. John Moyens' brother ha. been here visiting humn during the past week. Thos. IBrown, at present ini Toronto, was homeono a visit. Ris children have been quite sick, but are now bet- ter. T.lhoB. says that he is getting on fat studying the law. 1 suppose that ho will kuew most of it wheu ho cornes home. e. E. Alger'. family have been siok for the lait week, . but are butter 110W. Soins of our moît influentiai mn weut eut te the Conservative conven- tion at Stouffvills, and we were very muoh pleased at the nomination re- csived by Thos. Pencher, Eîq., o! our town, for member o! parliament for West Ontario. Mr. Poucher informe us that ho hia net the ilightest idea of acceptiug ; but hiii weii known ezecu- tive ability, biesituirdy honeîty, and ai. inoat notonieus firruness of character would make hum a desirable acquisition te any legisiature in Christendin. Be- aides, ho has the requisite time and funds te embark in expeditions ef thut kind. Ho will probably insit on keop- ing both te himself. But do net he oce rush, friend Pouchbr. It i. anothor year yet before the elections, and, after aIl, money is not the only thing worth having in this country. Robt. Miller wus nominated, but of course ho wouid net stand. Robt. suyî that ho lias been1 ut exponse enough in that lino.1 The roadieout this way are juiL about1 as bad as; there is any need of.9 The Proîbyterian minister ceuld net get through the 5110w bauke lait Sun- day with his hoes; but ho is good stuif, se he left the nig by t4e way and walked the reut of the distance. GzwTLMam,-After hairing undergono twe opexations jor Kidnsy Complaint with- ont securing the leset relief, sud beaxnug o! soins remankable cures mnade b>' B.B.B. la our ueigbborbood, I dscided te try it. I vas given up by the doctors af ton the epenatieus failed, and it was providental that I hourd o! BB.B. Af ton the use et six bottles I ex- perienced se a'mat relief and se greut a change for the botter thut I foît the geod offets veuld ho luiting. as indeed tse>' have been. The seventh bottle pçrfoctly cured me, azd 1 am nonw atronger and botter *than I even was befono. People who suv me be- fore I teek B.B.R. and -who se me nov cau source!>' believe thut I sus the same person. FantonA Rsin à~r Qebso, Que. Mrn. Rrewnstoe-"I1 think Mary's muais pofese a uc -onifltuh" Mr. dollas aIon-Isol . h a ee NeOglsotm Md the BKeMsui Negleot eold l in h e op and yen vii sure- l'V have catavri, Noglest tusaI céain sud* yen w!U'u moely- induëepulmb$ry di8eases or Cà, fb t e s oaô wmt tis gstg a t t e nl d a n t s , f o t ' h a i i h vn , p'tr b -vn,&è.-* Stêp 'it ail&Uby utgDi "--hase'soCarifr urs25 Cents a boi cures. "ýWhsat are yen -reading witib se muet lu. tenaitl», ITve feund a lotofMads in ibis e gzlsthat have net' a lin: eU Napoieou Foy teri Undertaker, Cabin6et Matkér, Upholuter, Anid dealer ln' Furniture o! ail kindà. rwo~wiThe ootiOndlm Mme ,g.6ônideing theojo -_,,#le, a&*ê Wthinksèeote, e i, iti. I oni >ohou%4.be masde 9go Witbont a ibé ed îthlùs4iannër. W.,,, it not for a fi 'efwthe institut, would soon be dounot. Our town ia progreasing. Wo notice that a ticket window han been put in the halI-way» going into the auditorium of tho town hal. This supplies a long toit, want as the ja.m that coeurs thers st imes is terrifie. However, ne one had any need to corupiain this wintEr t as the Attendance bas flot exooeded the 1sgating oapacîty ef the building at any âmne. A Agreat treat je in store for the peo- pie of this vicinity by the appeîrance of Mins Panline Johnoston, Oanada's greateat poeeos, on Monday, April lat. This taiented lady is the daugbter of Tepahoinwake, Chie! of the Mohawk Indian resOrve. She was pressnted to the Queen and gave ber oelsbrated rocitations dnring hor recont Eu-opean tour. Sho appears in the int.erests of the organ fnnd of Ail Saints S. S~. Se posters for particulars Our citizons band have got a nsw eupply of mnsio preparatory to the spring parade and musical gatherings. By the way the boys hope that the council wilI not ]et that bandîtand business drop as it will be a pretty nice hing for thein bo bu able to pur- form on a band s'and instead of stand.- îig on the corner of the street annoy- ing teama and bsiag aunoyed thern- selves. Thsy would like to have it fin- ished by the 24th of May. Mr. Jas. Carrol, of Cas Oitv, Mieh., is visitingz at the home of Mrs. J. B. Pollard. We are pleased te hear that Master Ernest Clark, who sustained a fracture of the ankie at the skating rink, is able to ho up. Ho will have to move about on crutches for soins time. Mrs. A.iiwell of Atherley, died on Sat- urday last and her remains' wero sent bore by train and interred in Cedarvale cemetery. Mrs. >Allwell was 801 years old and 0e far as we ean learn died of shoor old age. She wau a former rosi- dont of Mariposa. Mr. T. Taylor left for Toronto this morning and wiiI proceed to Bradford where ho will erganize in that vicinity two new lodges of 0.0.F. Ho is the right man in the rigbt place. The young peopte of Thorah will ho pleaud te know that a basket social wilI be hold in Sproulo school honuil on Friday ovening neit. Mll invited to attend. TWO OPERATIONS. BOTH FAILURES. A Case of Kidnoy Complaint that would Net Yield te Surgrry or JUl> 241h, 1894, R. 1. LYNDis, upen the promises. O~~~~A EF~ in1 Ssaydescrib- IEFN I ing a roui s euine CJure fer Deafss, Siugiug in Bars, &cne matter how severe or long- standiug, will be sent post fres-Artifi. cial Bar-drumis and aluillur appliances eutirely mnperseded. Addresa THOS. KEMPE, VIeTRnIA CHÀMBEB, South- haumpton Building, Hloîboru, London. THE Owen Be/t. The only scieutifie and pracfical 'Eiectric Boit made fer generaI use, huving batteries8 tisat geierate a strongq current of ElectricltY thut ta undr perfect sontrol and eu be ap- plied te an>' part of tus body fortise cure of NERVOUS DIBÂSE Tisensandi ef people suffer from a vauset>' ef Norvoui Diseuses that tise id moded of treut- ment laU te cure. Tisore lu a lose! nanrvie force or power that *cannot be restored by any medicul treatment, and any doctor wiso would tv>' te accompllsh Ibis by any klnd of drugs i. pursning à dangerons practice. Pro- perly treuted, tisese diseuses can be Positively Oured Eiectviclty, us appiied by lise Owen Electric Boit and Applianees viii moît assured2ly do se, Il is tise oniy nown pevez tisut wMI supply waisatl acktng, naine!>', er-vsÀtomce or power, imparx tons aud vigor; and avouas te Ihealthy action the visole nervous sys3teni'. It vill most ussurodly cure General Debilty, Norvous- Prostration, Bisu- matism, Sciattca, Eldue>' Diseuse, Lumbago,- Lame back sud Dyspepsib, and mmany otiser *d.lsess. Our Largo Illustrated Catalogue Contains ofet crmtoIs tdiseus, sut o! Beit.s -dnAppliances, prise&swiov testimonian udpotritscf pope he, iave' ben -sue& ,e. Pbihdin. vei, s aor WU~Dg~<O5 r FOI CWIDt ENOSBURGH TALL$, VT.- For Twenty-ie l oins < .- addroe.. on. IeMTHB:QWEN EIEOTRIUG BB] Main ,OlSoand OnlyFàotor Thse Owen Electrk Belt Rki.> 20f10 o21 Sialle Si, . CIAO.I * Tse argatElectrlc Boit Establitnnst MHNTIQt ~ the World.- -.Mt#tTONT'SP.APRE MW The Subsoriber bege te annelincO e that' ho ha. again opened business in his eid stand, and haf$ placod thorein a choie, styliali and complote stock of NEW FURNITURE *- . 0f every description, which will be sold ut a imnal niai-gin on cost. A.nother bale of those celebrated Mixed ' Mattrusies 68.25, wqrth $5. Ses thoso Tapestry or Carpet Lounges ut $5 worth1 $8. Hurdwood Sideboards, 14x24 gla, for ' teZ $8,50, wcrth $12. cha. v.Z St CatiseiPe'5, Ont U nder'taking. IlC. 1. lyod & Co., Lwe11, MIWO- trubg Lý? full stock of Coffnsu witi . a gc xeral tlred feeling, shortnei of breath, and Oaskets, and a First- pain in e back, and Co=UpatIonl« I could get Glass Harse. nly littie re.st it n1git on account Of tise Pain Clas eare.and ho.d ne aPret1tO whatover. Ir Sthrtt tireil la .ny llmb thl.tt I g ave eut bef Iethate day W r v;ae gne. 1 trled a gre'at nuxubOr cf medietnes WM. TILL. but f1id Dot get aniy permanent relief frein anY Wbitby, Oct. 12, 1893-. urd post» C uri.e sr lupou recommendatton-o! a frlend, Fa rm frSle, i j jr t a bte cf e onceStapri (or , w] ~~~~~irnilex eiboeruone baenued Its use, havlug talcen three botties, anid 65 Acres, Lot No, 3o, 3rd Con, Township 1 Fee; LîES a New Man- o! Whitby ; 2 miles froin Whitby ; samrine i hve a good appetito, feol as strOng as ever 1 known as the Lynde homestead. Soil second did, anti e:-Joy perfect rest ut niglit. I have te noxie, in a first cluss state of cultivation. mch pleasure fa reconmendlng Hood's Sarsaý Goed fences ; watered by live streuin across parillaI." CHARLES STEELE, wvitls Erie I>re- eue corner loc yards frein a fine stone hose ;-sef'vlrg G.St. cather-lie's, Outarlo. framne stable and drîviug shed ; aise, framne 1 ý !f! q are prompt and ecfllent, yot bouse anid abundance o! fruit of ail kiuds. rato SNbalùugiU 2>. For particulars apply to ~.~ îLOS ot yalurgit,2c Without Medicine

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