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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1895, p. 7

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we ezpeeted i. sat4a~ed. ,SFàÉDY REMUIDY FOR -PEPAIDBY- Ohemi8t d Druggi8t, Medioal Hall, &ook0 Street, Whftby. F&IDÂY,-MÂUOH 29, 1895 With this issue the CHRoN*icLE coml- mences 16s teflth year under the preseat pablishers. Our intention at the outset wusto dfrplay somte euer*y and try to inake aà wodel local newspaper, givlug the news of ivery part of the county of On - tario. Our readers have no daubt noted teprogreos of aur work. In two or tre years more oUr ideal wlll have been produced in that lime. We hoped to test ,tepublic as to whether or not au honest, outspakeflaewspaper would receive suffi- cient support to keep it alive. We have the testimony of many thousands of sub- seribers lu favor of our course-in fsct the only mcn who do nat take the CHzRoNICL are those whose sciiemes we o ppose whea wL- advocate stralghtforwardconduct. » $0 wbih ws ucesarytg brIfg"ab>out 'Con- Protestast aide sud aUtake -outhCatho- lic *lde. NowIt 'app'ar' e bh& madea loose bargai. sad ust atatid *hatever interpretatIon te Uicsy courts may placé uheIe'arc two main princîpleà about communlty -of goveramýent : (1) tint nma- jaritiesmVuit tW ; (2) that mninorities mutntb. oppresse. Te ýcompromise af these two greatg ncples shonld pro- duce E oadanfue ~llaws. f11c Roman Catholess daim thit Ila oppression to re- fuse them separate scixools wlzere their te- ligious vlews maýy be taught as thc most important point lna'a chlld's education. They had separate schoola lu Manitoba untilz8go, whea a lawwas past abollshlng them. tnder a 'cluse lu the Charter ai Mauitaba whlch provides agalut oppres- sion af minorities, Uhc RomauCathkac now appeal ta tic Dominion governiacat ta exercise sncb luduence wth thc Maui- toba gaverament as wlll restore tiiei achools, sud their appeal bas been grant- cd. Manitoba may howcver, refuse -tore- store tie Roman èatholic separate achools, sud then willcame Uic struggle. The. Dominion govezumeut pays a subsidy ta each province at Uic rate of elghty cents per head i Uic populaion. Outof this subsidy ta Manitoba the Dominion çov- crament may decide ta withhÃ"ld sufficient money ta psy for thc property confiscatedl from the MaiaaCtolics, and tore- establi su ad maintain Itheir schoals. Or the .ovemumeut may assume Uic charges lor malntalnng Uiese schools, rather than fight Manitoba about it, al- though tuas is quit. unlikeiy. pouloPlit. Sir Richard Cartwright and 1Mr. James McMuiien M.P., adressed thc Bowmanvilie Liberals on Frlday iast, Leader Laycock of the Patrons spoke thre.Satu rday. Dr. Moutague bas becomne a full ficdged member ai the Daminioln cabinet, sud Hon. J. C. Patterson .6is reslgned owing1 ta, ilbhealUi. Ih is aise rumared that Sir Charles Tuppr bhs reslgaed the. partfolii of finance tbecause au electian was not brouigbt ou lnstead of cailing parUassent together. u9efmvray v&. rauaa. MR. EDiTOR: They take saine aneet wnîcn icans hï way, and try t tal6k against Uic wave As promiscd lu a previous letter I uow which is sweeping Uic CRONiCLE into retura ta the further consideration aif1Mr. every bore ne tis -part oi thc Province. Braadon'a letter whlch appearcd lu the We try ta make eacb week's issue a is- lclpesls otbtbfrdigs tory of the conlty for the previaus lca resat sutbu eor oigs days. Over sixty correspondeuts are vigi- let me say that I have seeu s number ai laaty jotting down news far ns every day Mr. Brandoa's letters written ta parties and we are cautluually appôiuitiiig mnore. throughout the Ridiug in which be daims This loc-al carrespondence, whea praperly thal be received the oaly nomination ai a handllcd, will maie the flCwPe a o the reàl patriotic convention ever beid in the future, sud we hope soon ta have cveiy county. In thc despatch which appeared letter ulgned by 1-6 wrlter. This *MW1 in the Globe tic day after bis nominstion cbarsctcr sud authenticity tu it, sud "ill wblcb was sent frain Beaverton, and was prove thc items tu be fresh sud original, evldèntiy inspired, if not by bimseif at -ilot -e3ce or rebsshed maay weeks aid, as leasi by aile of bis filcds, it was ststed are those of many otier local papers we htewatefitpacclfrm vr could mention 1thatedwin the ire pra t i an eve Neyer did thc circulation ai Uic CEmÇN 'tiofauatn lu the R idiug-wat. canyw IcLa maie gregterastrdes tian is Uie case faisuwatli u ha.Ma at this turne.1 Ifs paper is pod for news af us, Includlug myseif, were bora ia sud sudilas a wide circulatina wUaiab. bave ever iived -lu theco n, das a -re- ,oood advertisiag medium. We claim te sultfing4Iegacy'hbepioud =ai isbca, tiiat > beable ta accompli s ytig tint adver- Ia tbs cotunt3?Sir Oliver &éowùt? Sir M. C. tlsing wîU do lu this caunty - Cameron, sud thc Hau. T. N. Gibbs were Wc bave ia contemplation same first breughtitot public flice, snd that tge 1 schemes whîch will greatiy eubu.nce tie Hou. Mr. Blakç (father af Uic great BlakesJ Clt&oNicLEss value lu 'every way, sud af aur day), lion. Peter Perry Hon. Wm. hope tu put tuemlu ins apeclu tue course of McDaugall, Hion. John Drydea, W. H. thc acat year or sa-prabably to mark the Gibbs, Jobn Lumsdea, Dr. Gillespie, sud compîction ai aur tentu year as ita piub- mny others I uigbt menition, have ably lisies. -represented the people ai aur county in Uic past, at the bebests ai their respective Shor-t Note&. plilticai parties in patriotic conventions assembled. The Supreme Court oi Canada sud the Wbst can wc think ofaanuwba se 'QcnsPrlvy Council of iEagiaud shoild siauders aur fathers sud bretbrcn ai Uic taucb tbumbs. Tic anc has given direct- present sud fje past. I belleve that thc ly oposit deciioson te quetionof 1 y hcld convention of the Patrons coin- ly oposte eciian anticquetio aipascd ai men-,,of high respcctability, W"s provincial prohibition, sud tic tier has n o more respectable sud ua mare patriotic taken bath aides ofi-the Manitoba »scioaIthan those bled frein tisse tu tisse ia Uic question. if under se-called parliamen- varions Ridings ai the county, in Uic years tary gvernment aur parliameuta coul.d that are gene. It is surely a pour compli- ruo1le, sud tie-courts b. dcnicd theiviPfl tuent tu psy tiecmn who were preseut at, eg. aifrniscostrulug sud mixing uxp laws, i arnneto, for aimost without it waldbo beu t ti syttm~ fexception thcy bad atcdcd the convea- The erma paliamut bil yr- tiens af tic regniar parties, sud that toa path Ti P5t e-Bsmrc- tull-& Ia'the very best intercala ai Uic country in- perod he 13upeorWilliam aaw fittusofar ms tiey were able te form a judgmeat perld win Emetertbereon. And lu thc long liat ai thc Cou- treat hlm se dlsrcspectfully Now tbüt servative s:ud Luberal Staudard-Beare rs ai tic Itou Chancellor bias been restored ta tic Ridiag Ml u tab. bouud the 'nasses of Impcris grace, thc parfiameat sema s foncae who arc' mai as much eutitled ta b. hi M- ad fefuscu to pa a resolution cou- callcd practicai farinera asi leMr.*Brandea, wwtl#rthe veterastatem upon for instance Jhn Hall Thompuon, James '1 riay im~rrWilliam la as Glcudlaulng, 'Pflip McRae sud George B. tunciraffrotcd by tIkftaction uow us he Langford M..P. Mr. BrAndou says that wus wicn they boomed m&w- eP ntTompomt ~galnare n imleadersfraya.e Patron ktuotesn t i Out America usins Itve b=en poil w*U now, If Mr. -Wrigi:y lu -Ü« a. IcUer -lt îng for year.to work'kito, diplomatie COU-' thât he sh<>gudb. gdiwcr of theofficia or- troyèeals viti tbe pgeut Bntopean gS_othe party. I neyer mg$4that he. wus Zaina, sud bave uuccccded beyondeven u a fcer of the. movement, but 1 Iciow th 'ot &dt iée. n h bs itatu be a leader lIlutoWttbstaing spsce thtee Is the Bering uca tanUatteurno te a Notilutg woddldo then butta expesiveÃŽ oe nasreayu tons for z88s. They have a very enviable' record, as they have nat been beatea this year. Last Saturday a aumnber of -the, boys wcut aver ta Myrtie to plaa iilndWO gaie. Owiug ta the moisture sud t4ip. hevy odds against thein, aur boys w"r&q delpatdby ascor O3 tO2. We til t qulte su aversigit an the part ai soin coÃŽ tic intellectual ginats ai this hamiet, that they have net acquaiuted tic readers ai your widciy circulsted. per- iôdIcsl wti the -iutèestiug items that basvî*â transplr-ed during Uic wiuter. We 'will? not recall ticin, but leave thein ta tic curiésity seeker. To nlaiutain, aur place Iu the. Itcrsry world, we wiilendeavor to act ait scribe. Tis weck hba been ratier uneventini, but the eucloscd sssy appear interestiug ta your readers.. JULIus. KEDRON. Onr aaniversary viilb. hel~auntic a4th ai May. Suuday services tue Sabbath previaus. Mr. Wi. Bain bas purchased s number of cattie for fccding purposes sud -May shipient. On Tbursday, 2u8t imat., an cujoyable' evcnlug vas spent by thc young people of' tic surroanding ncxgiborbaod at à1r. HW. Dearborn's. Mr. Chas. Stabback, ef Columbus. bas Icased Uic Geneva ch..,. iactory 'for a. terni, ana vii no deubt carry on tic work,- sstisfactotily. -Ncxt Tuesday cveulng beiug Uteaunail' meeting of tic epwarttu icagne, an cectieÉir -of officers fo>r tic coing yeai wili take, place, sud al Uic members are reqticste&' ta attend. CaSmomcl dW..kly elobe and Oand. F-UeLMo nl -P en, su' on -th lue -lved nev stock1ad1esad It isabu the time of year for din Ã"useC11ig n 'when you' find that your Old Carpets- an,-Cutan wil1 ncit do for another season, call and. see The Grand Dis play ;*:qtber qw d id Wtutmie dr moue ,"6githV ai belonged to oee f the loivuwben at Sun4er- _The r. Wallae, hid,,the other day, plainly-' dewonattated the iibsurdlty afMr. MilckW$ PWalLq4 as te thé-ei hIr'g.of catti., 'and aubteso. tisse d.ioi hd rveàlthe, minda bis imaers Mr. Brandati's teasons for run- ning to the rescue of the iawyer candidate ,of tiie Lîberâlé part of North York, so that 1 noied noat naw take up mucli tisse to deai wltb it bere, partlcuiarly in view of the facti shown lu Mr. Brabazafl's letter of a few weeks ago snd wblch, are not succSs- fully controvcrted lu Mr. Brandon'a recent letter upon the subject. For niany_ er past 1 have becs an Importer 6fu live stock te a considerabie extent suÃœd Inalal these yeara'the rate per head Ïiat 1 have had to psy the ship-owners bas neyer varled ta any citent, and the rate, and I doq'tsee. wby Importers would b. sny better.treated thau expnorters in that respect. Mr. Brandon gives Mr. Mulock credit for reduclng rates froin $17-0 O to.00 wie the (acta as given by Mr. Wallace. as a responsible Minister of the Crown wltb the returns ail before hlm at Icsst 3 Ycars before Mr. Mulock opened bis mouth in Parlassent upon thc subject, wus that the rates wcre sctusily dowrn ta $7.5o befare Mr. Mulock's celebratcd speech, af whlch we have heard se mucb. 1 notice that isince iast writlng you Mr. Hy. Giendlnung, lannarked contrasit to the language of others writlng froin the saine standpoint, lu a fair and candld man- ner placed is position before the public, whlch at a later date wili reccîve my at- tention iti, I trust, Just as fair snd candid a spirit as lie dispiayu, for h. is a mnuwbo lma lways commnded my respect; ai- tbough we are wride apart lu our political vicws. JOHN A. McGILLIVRAY. Uxbrldge, March a5th 189,5. Sighing bas disapèeared, sud on Tues- day we 'notlced the first buggy of the seasoli. Our teain was not Inferior ln any degree as regards pisying, sud Jin Routley carried off Uic honor of being the star of the gaine. Owing ta the beautîfu! Sabbath, iud the fsr-reaching eloquence of our esteessed pastor, some ncw faces were uoticed in the cougregatton last Sunday. The roads ln msuy pinces ou Suuday were chauneis for the meiting snow, sud ln not a fcw pinces the cauncil wiIl have to repitb sbat.During te freshe,>r. Tobsta's milk bouse suidIt contents were swept awsy. The Ep. League Social at Myrtie was the centre of attraction au Tuesday night, where we understand ta ruake it asuccess they procured sasse af Asbburn's talent. Miss Alice Pearson rccitcd very creditgbly sud Mr. Clarry as a soloW' made bis debut on the platiorin. W iu-r part with the cakes iu aur usual vent maai' ner. Football bas towercd juta promlnencer already this season, and nat a itlte prideý la~ A-1f1-à U h P %; I -im n '.ni ch mn are Showinpg AT THE FOIJ2OWING ?RIC9S;' HIEMP CARFETS 150., 20e., 250. TÂPESTRY -AT- 23e., 30e., 40c., 600. UNIONS -AT- 60e., m I ALL WOOLS -AT- 75c., 850., 90C.. $1. hdirow MI lomm, DR Y GOODS, WHITBY, ONT. LACE CUR TAINS -AT- ART MrUSBLINS8 -AT- 12k-e., 20C. PEEK-A.BOO M1JSLIN~ 35 ots. s ( c c 8w REiqý,. o o o o BROCK STREET; WHITBY WE AJRE IN RECEIPT of our new Stock of Spring-Dry Goods, -whioh bias been seleeted with great care, eomprising ail the latest tig nthe market. Our Stock of Dress Goods is the finest we have ye't sho*n, oonsisting in part of: 86-m. kAU Woo1 Serge, colored, at 20c. yd. 40-im. kil Wool Serge,, colored, à1j 30 ets. yard. 88-i- Cachemire Velours, in ail theleading eolors and black at 50c., yd "42- in. -Goating Serges at 5Oc. ydI. 44-in Lochmaber Tedsa75. d<44» p 4 Coatinge ut 75c. yd. 6OY-in. Imperial, in black, only 65e.- 40-i. Black an- White- (Jhecked Wool Dress Goods, at 60e. and 75e. 54-iî. Ga TCl egein navy id black, at. 90e. Black Henriettas from 25c. up. -Something- ver-y pretty l Sis Muslins, Check Muslins, Lawns, etc. See our Table Linen at,20e. Linen Glas Towells at Se. Large Linen Towells from 9e. up..1h. GlsToeùg eGah Towelling 7e. Lace (Jurtains from 35c. per pair to- $7.0O :per pr.. Prints, Satiee Ginghame, etc., ýat.loweët prices.- Our Men 8's ?rnishing S3tock complet. wýith nelir Shirts, <Jollars, Gaffa, Ties, Suspenders, Gloves,' Umbreilas, Wte:rof'Oots 1-1 -e-te. The newest thing i Hard and Soit Hats. INSPECTION THE INVITED. NEW- DIIY 000D8 8TO0 W. E. W ~~O BCEfuPiMis - Wog W». k Cltets, r We -AI.-

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