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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1895, p. 8

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THE >42 and Brings with it a host of new patterna and1 styles in j eweirv. We have now to baud Silver Mounted Side Comubs, Silver Czarina Pins and Buckies, Flair Pins,i Stick Pins, Bag Tap, Umbrella Strapa, Coat Harigers, Beit Pins, Eniery Balla and Book Maricers. These goods selr at sight. \'ou must see them. Barnard. Brook Street,- Whitby. OMeW c auty OrgUD..-LargSSS irou- iation of mmy looai paper mCaa4". FRIDAY, MARCH 29o 1895. LOCAL LÂOONIOS. Scott repairealal kinds of pumpa. Il as anybody acta the firat robin yet ? Hardwood dlning tables, 4 leaves, only $5, at W. Till'a. Remember the Oddfellows concert on Monday cvening, April rat. vou can get repaira for ever>' stove and furnace made la Canada from J. Mc- I n tyre. Caîl aud sec tht erand displa>' of spriug gonds ai the west side boot aud shoe store. M. Colins; The CHIRONIC1LE hockey club Las not been defcaied ibis season, alibough open to challenges fron i at quartera. Those who have not subscribed for newspupers should do so. We are giviug two papers to the ed of the ycar for $i. Eitbcr the Globe or Mail with the CHRON- ICLE. Send in names ai once Owing to a misunderstandiflg of some sort, Driver Geo. Skimmerhorn of tic Dominion express stage beiween Myrtie and Oshawa, bas dropped the ribbous for the preseni. He was a very pôpular roadsman. Mir. J. E. Buntiag's humorous entertain- ment under tic auspices ol the Sons of Temperance ln tht musc hall lasi Frida>' evening was wortby of a better audieuce. He la an expert ventrlloquist, aud hic clever itupersonatins, imitations, fun>'- lamsaund dolleries affordcd great amuse- ment. He also shows excellent musical abilities but tht airain on tht voice throug*' the constant pructice of ventriloqtuism is very severe. Remember Thut Dr. Grunt's "'Hairene" is guaran- tced to stop faMlng hair aud remove dand- ruff* Invitation to go to Oshaws.. Tht ladies of Whtb>' are cordiali>' la- vied te drive over to Oshaw a to the mil- linery opening io-night, Fridav. A good orchestra ai tic arcade. THOS. MIL.LER & SONS. Lacrose Meeting. The town lacrossicst will mcci ut Bau- dal's hotel nexi Tucada>' nigbt to organize a lacmoSse club for the summer. The prospects point to a siroi3g membership and a fast ieam. The record of Crime. The Iliai of convictions b>' magistrates for thcel1st uhree montb5 will be found in thia issue. Thîsisnlahecfirst im rn e c years thai these liisebave been prinicd in a newspaper bavitig an>' circulationi,thb couni>' bavlng preferred îo ici it wierever tht>' can, get lb donc tiec cliPSpet.Asa resuili anme nuaglptrates dld not màke rn bures. whilst those who werc hable to be exposed as crimias escaped publication alinosi citirel>'. iEntrae Cum ita eamy St. Sbo Honor Roll for w1iuer 'terni. I Clatm honors,---m ' limum, 661 per cent. JOn. JA Thonipon,, WBttiinli, S. Joes. Il daif bonora,-nniuin, 50 per Cent- - Ed Nichiolson, J. McKa , G. W. Johunf, M Armsirofl%, A. Taylor. J. Dewey, R. Ste phensoli, G. Blow, L. Phhilpo, C. Tao blyn G, Waroer, S. Pdrt'gleo IC. jeffery jas. W. Thomson' A. Treineer, L. Mc blilifiti, H.Sutherlanid. Ili Clam' bono minlimuumti, 43ptTcent. M. RIUciadS A. Stewart# f. H.PlulshiiFrank Proctoi H. BeweiL Tiheigbcst staading -take by a inebeOf te clâ»76Per Cee; th lowcmao per, euat yNnib« la the ciu 40- A match niargOd bEatSt7 The iown a0d o'lleth ockey tern 'werc biled w plaY Ian cubbto u" O,otwa ono ndi Ibbi fà=S dowe (roui tihe oirdtO11 ben, d l mach Suld ce be OU ndw t b Sb .and lite Preerfveri.lu tis» uOS , *.bese. naal h8S* tMMtbb 4 the -pity', tS, for h woald bave beenu L &«u Ïdea furour flymiuo havetaec oMt ce. sud *eftW d b.e iUÏon<Ul(P«Wh~ a.iv. uâ i lAù aa a MV IU@tabavea Woven wIM ebd-prip iiillaixe, wlîh steel cor4ed wtt. .d Iiardwood fratneri Get.your1freptisi tttea, troc or bi*ý llnngt for ail kindt of' stoves, ranges ore furnaces, froni J. Melntyre. The Gdfellows oxpeci a gobd tom ont on Mv.îday - Vvenl,&prilets, ohear, Miss Stephenson and Mm. SIM F ar R. H. Bethune, gelieral manager of the Dominion batik, died la toronto on Wcd. nesday. H. rcsided la Whitby 32 yeass ago. Two rinks of Whitby curlers went to Oshawa on Friday night to have the. lut bont of the season. After the balances were %truck our men shone to the tune of 10 ahead. M. E. Jackson is ishowing this week a fine msorment of bananas, also the. follow- lng kinds of oranges :-Valenclas, Califor- nia, Jamiaca. Blood, Marmalade '"bittera." Lemona, etc. Call and see'them. if you are sufferlng (rom dandruif, or falllng hair get a bottie of Dr. Grant'& "«Hairene" i'rm your druggit, who »Ill guarantee it to stop fallingh air and w applications to remove the dand4ruf. Coal at Toronto prices. Sellinig .i.t durinoe next veek-I will seli at shed, $5~ deliverd-spot cash only. H. B. Taylor. % II CHEoNIOLI .nd Wsakly Globe andl fil Canada Farrar to Jan. 1, 1806.1 coa~ert ~lli.,$Aptil lt.- AIPwiu.sers of the R. T. of T. ame requoeie-d to be prese*t ccxt Weduneay. 6 pince.imoudâlnt.parlor suite, plûsh atî sik * s ande, forSt2, worth fUS, There wtll-be-an extra gond musical and llîerary programhme at the parlor social to be held -ai Dr.,'Adains,:'*The Terace",ý this frlay evcfling at 7.30. It muet be dead of winter at Port Pcrry. Our glft writer there speaks of the ihaw lest week, whlch we regarded as spring around bhm. Dr. Grant's 'Hairene," for the hair, is the only preparation gliaranteed to Mtp fafllng haïr, and remove dandruf No lead, no suiphur. Ask your druggist for The Bowmanville Statesman advises newly married couples to set up in Orilla, a1 Ti Si eN di il fMILLI'NEY pENING NexËt Tuesdayaànd-W dedy April 2nd 'anà d id 85 A Cordial Invitation ie extended to ail Visitors. No ofroulare. ilCs ave acsoneto ng andonsekeeperSo rffet re com t yun hly.ep T3ýe Oddfellows of ihis îown aire having concert on Monday evenlng, April îst.GENER re haesecured the services of aG-E E lendid company, and are confidently ex-C1 Scting an excellent turu out on Monda>' .ening. The W.C.T.U. bave provided a free 'eading rooni for the boys and young menl uring the winîer evenitiga. Ih is hoped ih fie citizens will assist the inembers by at- Lerding the parlor social to be held at Dr. Adams', Friday, March 2gth. Admission o cents. The greatest snap yet oflered, The CHRONICLE and Globe or CitRON- m ICLE and Mail and Empire for 8i1 t Jan. st, 1896. Two gond papers ten nîonths M R for a dollar. Send in nt once for tîbcm toMOR teCHRONICLE, Wbitby.Udean Tbe ponat shoe sale. ntandii Will commence uext week the manster cnand-i stock that musi be sold. Bargains for liani J. Munri everybody. Thousands of dollars worth wlfe, to the v, of the best boots and aboca made In Can- lic auctio,0 ada now to be sacrlficed. Don't rorgetth the ilage io place, M. W. CoUlina, east aide, Wbitby. teVlaeo Hait: M Xd Before buyiug a spray pump, be sure ai 12 o'clock and sec the Auderson double action force namel>' :-Po spray pump. The best in the wvorld. u, 35 and Two of tbem bought by the goverlnmefli bers 32 and j~ for the experimeutal tarin, Only $13-50 Village lots each. L. Fairbauk's Wbitby agent. 'lots 172, 'V'3 Pemsoal. Brookliii, ln Bro. Clark; Pickering News, dropped la lots being M, upnus on Friday lasi. said moriga upon cd a frame Messrs. Guy Darincîl and Chas. Nourse, in gond. rep spent Sunda>' lu town. be made ka< Mvr. Daly, Miss Finlay sud Miss Hall, plication to Guelph, have been visiting the Gross famil>'. Vel A chain with a hook ai each end, sup- posed to have been bast about haîf a mile frotn Oshawa b>' apo Patron fariner, who wasc elling ha>'aiM8oo pet ton. The finder expects itou îo be so chcap nexl yeur ibat il would not psy hlm îo appro- priste this chain, sud therelore reports it. Appi>' ai ulls office. Sam. Slater's accident. Mr. Samuel Slater had îwo fingers cul off yeaîerday b>' the aplitter at Gross & Grauger's woodyard. We arc ver>' sort>' to hear of Mr. Slaler's accident, as he bas been unable to support bis famil>' comforl- abi>' ibis wiaicr. Wc hope those wbo can sare it will corne t their relief. Nothing cari be du sufficieut excuse ta enable usc to tut n a deif car to the cry of wvant froin innocent children. RAGLAN. Engli8h and American markets will be seeu at our Openilg Exhibition. ýAL OPENING.z making il worth your while to visit one. establishlllft on thes's days. Good etRigt PrcesQfl rGA GE SALE. by virtue of ithe power of sale ia morigage, made by WIl- L7 and Elizabeth Murray, bis rendors, daîed, tiei 7th dayof gi)o, there will be sold b>'pb- ai SEBERT'S HOTEL, iln >f Brookle, oit y, Apri1S3th, 1895, noon, the. followieg properi>', arts of Village lois, numbers, 36. Pari of Village lots, nu- 33, and Village loi -number 25 ý ; 94, 196, and part of Village 'and 174, ln tic Village of the Conu> of Onario* said tore particularl>' descrlleà lu me, upon wbich ther. la ereet- I wclling bouse, stables, &c. pafr. Terma liberal, and wii iowu on day of sale, or on ap- PARKE & PtTRDOM, ,dora' Solicitors, London unt. S.E. quartera Lot 4 suda~ Conu. ,Pick- ering, 3 miles west Of Whtbv'town.3 acres (all plowcd, gond orchard sud amnalil fruits. Loi 4 grand soul. Lot 5 cae't be bcaleh for pasture. Good housses sud bures on Lot 4. For ternis appi>' 10 G. Y. SMITH, or Barrister, Wbiib>', D. J. ;CAMPBELL, HapiUltoe, Out. Marcli 27th, 185-tf. Eml>tue 40 a..lm89. CKaoNIOI.uand l'armera' Son 10 Jan. let. lm9. rue Societies. Rodrerick Dhu camp, Sons of Scotland neets on ibis Frida>' cvening to conaider a f proposition from the Campa in Toronto t10 rua their annual excursion 10 Whitby on1 Toronto clvic holiday. A full atiendance ia requested.1 Heir to a large legacy.9 We leurn ihai MIr. W. T. Penucîl,4 pahuter, of ibis iown, bas (allen beirtoa a hansme legacy ia England through the death of a relative. He wifl abouti>' dis- pose of his property and effecta here aud returu to the old country'. We coagratu- late hlm upon tht gondà fortune hie basi struckr. Colieglate football club. At a meeting on Wedneaday tiis club wus organized for i&)S wîth officiais as fol- lows : W. W. TumblYn, honorai'y pres.; G. H. Hogarth, pres. ; Mesrs. Sadcy and Silcox, vices ; A. G. Henderson, manager; T. T. Davey, sec.-treas. ; R. Stewart, cap- tain; commitice, Cochrane, Birrell, Bur- neit, Hollida>', D. Campbell. junior team: C. Smith, isec.-ireas. ; A. O. Coch- race. capt. Protectlcg Ss in the Bay. Receuti>' a largel>' signeal petition of ratepayers of tht town of Whiby was for- warded to the MinuEter of Marine and Fisheries, urging that protcuioiî be ex. iended to pike la Wbiiby harbor. it was requestcd ihat aIl methods of killiug pikte except by trolling and angling with rod sud inle. The depart-ment replicd thai no fishing of an>' kiad la allowed without peiusly obiaining a licence from the rlol luspector. This seules the matter, as no licences will be issued for anythîng but augling in tht harbor. Many Horse Bayera. The countrry la full of horse buyers. Of course there are plenty of horses, but froin the way things are mnoviîîg ai preseut prýicesh will sonn take a rapid advance. sot horseman hold the opinion that cx- ports wlll be large la ma>'conuuqries ibis year. aud Canadian horces are ina great demand on accouai of their hardy con- stitutions and gond legs and fcci. Ih -will be suauy a year before our fine Clydes- dales will sink into diagrace as has been the case late>'. A great Educational influence. The combined meeting of the Ontario Educational Association sud the Domin- ion Educatiolial Association will be held iu Toronto on1 Tuesda>', Wcdaesda>' and Thursda>', April 16th i7th sud ,Sth. Thiis ia one of the mosi powerful sud beal>' in- fluences of our admirable educational syctem, sud our town la proud to fecl thai the organizatioli of a provincial association of tis sort was the resuit of tht suggestion 2of our worthy citizen Mr. John Bull DOW, e with whom other Wbitby mca joined ta make the achemne a auccess. Owieg 10 ias suggestions mue> ' ver>' important ad- vauces have been madle lu our educational Slaws, and also ie thc practidal work of 8educational institutions. Ia 1892-the n original Provincial Trustee associatiolr a affiliated wltb the Ontario Educational e Association, alud ibis brouglit teachers, in, acov.Eacb brancb bas is Con tee, aand these make speclal reporur to 1hi el bdy. The cnming nus! meeting wii nebeo edcation interest to al fooen' >n eucaionbecaUse nexi Ycar ilae neil whicb thc scbool laws will again be ovet bauled. 55Tic Sessies Movemesi. op Since our lasE issue tic representative d. of the towu and tic (armera of tic corpoi 4. atioui bave beenc OntcrrhIig In Torol ..sedi, 'ov«er tccesion imalter, and - ' sor1o conU lted compronilsebas bee ypatcied up, >y whlièhabout tîwoMils1 Il thie town' expnditumemun *treets su E, Uigtinglesto be shlft.fromthe farmçi opof ticétown tien, tiec- otier ratepay os This I ý - vt a y blg tbing wb*W ih 4 ~uredout, but bic prlj>lc upos l whig be aidi utraéS anre rpctèr ts thc pot be Ù8 bep.tpOrptraemt.o bbbio o of buba W bav no , o »ba anSud frlitasKor ut 6aalay ala Straiçjht Bl4sines$ inese NOTICE TO OREDITOR3 t WhiteAsh Logs~ NANC'Y.JANE PUCKRII4 deceased. 'The nndezaigtid wlIpy *0500 PertboOî' - ~~~~~~satid feet for'scn rwhwbt ailg Purbuani to th Revlsed Siatutes of On- deilvered ai our w9OrJS. 1for familFie nforma_ tarin, 1887, Chapter uno, notice is b.'reby lion apply tb, oiven thai ail crediiors and oîberpersortes A. S.-WIT1NêWPGt<C>-, iaving daims agaiesîthe esiate o fN NcY Ceda Da% O nt JANS PUCKRIN, laie of the. township of ,Jan. anth, "93.--2 fl1OB Whitby, ln the couety of Ontro,, marrled _______________ woman, deceaaed, who died on or about the. iwelfth day of October, AD., z894, are Sittlngs 0fTh&fle 0@UI!Wmr. required to send or deliver to Meurs. DoW* & McGililvray, of the îowe of Wiby, an- Ikitors for Richard luckrla, of.-the ïnid, OtNY township of Whutby, fariner, admînistrator of tbe aad NNcy jAxk PUcKRiati de- Wmrn-â.D. Q. M con4l, Wby O ceased, iheir nmues sd addeues wiih In ;Pb ;Krb pIS q2 fnl partIculara of. ihelr daims ad of bth n 8 : jUlfi; flzOP, 3; 2;;~ nature of thc securlîles (if aay) bcld bY Dec. 8. hem, nor befome thc ati day of April, saaD .MaUSI#Wibs A. D, 895. lk~TuS c.;Mac4 p18 And notice la hcreby given tbat aller thcey8; un 4;liy Bflp.8-, Ot.S said lastmentioned date thc said Admin- o4;De., ' strator wilproceed o distribute ihe as- n -t-Glo 0w @ sets of the. said deceased among tic per- COlr.an4k hS y p1 .; sons entitled thereto havmlg regard on!> &P to the caims of wbkhC notice sBilanhaveSe.5;ln.. been given as ubove requlred; and tbhPe TPEZTW. itbfl1P sald adniniaîraior will not be Uable foIcPfy ler-~s 9 ae~ 9 said assets or any p art thereof 10 un>' per- illSe.;Jo 1 son or persons o f wbose dlaim or a s UIED-o 3.Gud Xb4U. notice shah flot bave been received b>' bint Clerk-4a u, le u 1 - 9 -3-1I Ù U h I YI or bis solicitors at the urne aforesaid. 12; Oct 14; Dec.1,7., Dated ai Wbutby ibis î6th day of Match, O.rwon-o mtz A D .. 1895. j àzý e1,m éh1 M ,4 W i1 4 Y,"1 %*1 RICHARD PUCKRIN, b5;De. 1.. Adminlimtator of estate of p NANcY JANsPUCKiiMdeccased. OckMrl 5 aIr04 e, DOW & McGILLIVRAY, . Brock street Wbibby, Iý b à Solicitors Ifo; Administrabor. UTEEII' 1 Wbiiby, March aoib, r895.-z6.3ie. 'l '-Mr e6 a Miss s 1Y1F16'~ Cétober l5tlh,18U~ OPEI... pleme4tdo, etc.,etclb. -WIt.L TAXE PLACE ON4- Tic subacriber bas received intrcions DIV AM eTIfV - fromthe adruinisuratrix of the laie JOHN FWRI AY AND U wiiUiili MeCCULLOUGH ib seilb>' public. auction o the premices, centre f loi No. 2 la. tic Mare 9th eand 8Oth.l 2nd concession of thc Township of Pce-LJ ing, on MM1R8DAY, ÂPRT.L 4th, 1895, thc whole of bic farm stock, etc., as fol- Ladie-s are invited té atten lows, vii Ian sci.t te Hoiszs.-î mure, icavy draft, 6 ycars td tok nid ; rhorse, do,,9 5 yca nid ; z mare, WiItby, Mardi ,oth, 1895. do.,4 ytars nd; z borsei genecralpUrpoe _______________ j g e m o d s -xz i l i s i i a z. e a r s n i d [ ?8 Y ' iaing 1 yeatold; X blond colt sng Ï bI i yhlsoi~ ore. riSlng 2 years old.' CATTLE.-z new milch cow and caif; 2 cows-due 10 caive --,ziheifër due to ýCalVe; ' 1 coit duc 10 catie fpril24th; i cow due aier akable OW- y Priée tocave Aptrllati; tzheifer dui o calve . M h 5t;cowdetocaltMay :1Wh; i ht rnslngohOk cow 96 étocdve july'isti he1ifer- âne 10 tcalv Sepvýith o; i ef.* luclf; ef j'ye0s xid steer iyar,old.- 4 Dra'Wig-room 8tiies% pies.-9 pfgea2m ntba o1d." l L M NTS -Ibiu er M ssaeym' '.12 Lii. T flhiii y 100 Acres For 1 ~ OR RENT. USLIN 35 ets. ich has s in the shown, id 30 ets. y d. 4 2- i. Covert id White navy and y ii Sýiwiss inen Glass S. Crashi s, Sateens, witli new ?oats, etc. Drlls tat Seedersi a aie back Nos. Fhave ot the ITBY. a ti ti The varý, Mrs. C. Hiodgson is ia the west attend- iug sick relatives. Wood bees aire tie order of the day. joseph Grose bad a narrow escape whilc attendiug ont lasi weck. The infant child of Mr. jas. White died on Sunda>' ast from pneumonia, age 8 mocihsansd 23 days. The afflicbed ramily have bhc sympatby of al l iheir uatold sorrow. We regret ho announce this week tht deaih of Mr. Hugh Rosa. Altiough be bas tnjoycd anythicg but gond italti for ma>'ycars, yet hua death was ver>' sud- den to alI. Tht famil>' have the deep syni- psu>' of thc entire commuinit>'in le r sad 4ffiiction. Mr. L. T. Courtice speni Sunday at homq. A. gun club ti n cm uOshawa clut ina>' be formed here Misa Laura Jackson, îown, viuied MNI. F. G. Courue last wek. Mr. and Mm, las. Reid, of Brantford. am vWsing Mr. Join Courice. Miss L. M.. Pbelps gâve an excellent tet- perailce lecture to a large audience aI Eben, c t. M arswcll division auuended la Se- gafle. L OU1TE DAE3NgoTONq. Tic social- altic- Christian Endeavor wag quite B$11dd055. Mr. Levi. VamCa9ip'5 jersey cowjavb birth bu a p>ur of twins, on Saturdi. Mrt. shar of Clarke, basmoved on Mrs. Mary Rade's farit, lksqt A large Rlock M wlidf. pes a be becs ,fiying around asCIa Isyge whîte :wL. Sm.-j. W' andeiasminved to,. isi jfarm on tic front fead, label>' vacate4 by ' Mr. Will iam~ckle- Tero men arc arouid tryingto trade ýail Sunguandbo5foir a ouhMi*ne,: If tbby cim hâ soame oneeSdft euou*h 'tê be iwIidhe ItJ by them. Mi ;.Wgliz a Wood and xg týé atMt o. Meoiwin azc, liver colored Fox Honnd- Becu bre aboudtIttc daIys. Owners will pl as é çd aim h im a i once. W . S O D Wbitby, Marchý 27, 1893-xin. O redit Sale b Public Auction, On Sale Hories. Cattié, Far"M' Stoèk, Iin- i

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