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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1895, p. 1

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With caim prittd tords, great t)ghtsand tni iginutrw ,advocate P-eaýe, rgre s, Klç .dge, Brotherhood, VOL. Xi. WHITBY, ONTAIRIO, FRIDAY, APRIL -26, 189w N. WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA. WHIBY BRANOHE. AGoueral Bauklngr business done. Bp.oIaI attention to Oolletlons, and Far- aer Sule Notes st lovest rates. li'De>osits recoived in Savingu Bank I)ep&rtme n m smo el $1 and upwards. go notice ol withdrawal required. Hlghst ourrent rates of Ltereet ailowed and oredited seml-axinually. B. D. WARREN, Whfitby. Ang. Blet, 1894. Manager. CHAS. S COT.T) AUCTIONEER; WHITBY, ONT. The underslgned begs te announce that he bas token out a lcense for auctioneering, and wifl beg lad te ftil orders for this cias of husi. usas. 'ils book wiil be kept at 1. H. Longs office, wbere all Information may be obtained. Whitby. Nov. 29,'»c)4. C. SCOTT. N. Ir. PÀTER8ONÏ q (O., Barrister, etc. -After two years residenoe in Englaud ha resumed practice St 136 John St.. Toronto.-Oct. '94.-6 mom DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, - U15009000 Surplus, - - $1?500 000 Whitby Agencye General Banking Tra.nsacted. Business SÂVINGS DEIPÂBRTUENT. Interesi allowed st higheat ourrent rates No notice o withdrawal required. B. J. THORNTON, Manager P. G. Meldrum, M. D. Licentiate of the Royal Coliege of Physicians, Edinburgh: Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Ontario. Office and reaidenee, north section of the,"Terrace,' Byron Street, north of Dundas Street. Telephone comunication with office.- Whitby, july 4th, 1894. Who*? Who? Who? r Who seli the best * i. Baking Powder? WR.HOWSE Because only the purest ingrediants are used, and it is ~ frequently rmade. ~ Consequently 19 al- Sways pure & fresh. L ondon CNOIJION Powder In the. béet Blood Purifier ana general dendlition Powder iu the market. t' àe the circapeet powder that hmaserer been cfferod fer sale. t cures al cases cf Geuieral Dobilltîy, Loues cf Ârppet te, iojneeof the flair, a&I JI roiFeÃŽarising from im- puritîy 0f the Bleod. Ur tO0c. P&rILb, or 3S-lbs. lot 50C. MADE ONLYB- W, R.t ROWSE,« OHZBMIST AND DILUGGISTP LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, BusiNEss NoTxCE-Oshawa subscrlbers or udvertisers may truusact any business with the CHRONICLE, or may obtiin ex- tra copies t any time, ut R8 Rogers', post office bookstore, Oshawa. If yeu wlsh a nice Frencb china dînner or teu. set, or anything in fancy china, or giasswure, go te E B Morgan & Sou. Mens strong boots, gaiters, laced boots with tee caps, or laced boots with bellows. tongues for $i.oo at the corner store Osh- awa. It will pay any parties conteanplatiug huying an engagement or wedding ring te sec the large stock et Felt Bres., Osh- rawa as tbey willi mcliIbIs rnont.b vcry cheap foi cash. Genuine diamond 14K. only $5. They are also rnakiug sottie special effers in Gents', Ladies and Boys, gold aud silver watcbes. Sec them. Foît Bros. H. A. Por-ter 18 spending a week in Toi onto. Mr. Will Lyons of Toronto, 18 spendiug a few days in town. Mt. Hinking, auctieneer. is able te ho driven eut. uguin, but is stili vory wcak. Rev. J. H. Talbot attended the Rural Deanery meeting at Caunington last Mon- day. Chus. Edward Wicks et Wbithy. bus secured a situation in the McLaugblin Carriage Works. Miss Alice M. Coad bas gono te Orono te tako charge et Mrs. Vinsons millinery establishment there. Mr. Kirby et Park streot bas left for Woodstock te work in the tunnery there until Mr. Knees starts up. The lecture on South Afica lat week was will uttended und the lecturer hand- led his subject in a very able manner. T. Missot lest a five year old child on Monday. The little tellow recoived a blow on the head whiie playing ut school, whicb finally caused bis deuth. Bread bas bçen ruîsed from 4 cents per snal bat te 4% cents wbolesale by the local dealers. The general public wlll probubly net ho affected. The Oshawa Oddfeilows will celebrate the 25tb auuiversary et their existence bore by attending divine service Suuday, April 28thl, iu tbo Simcoe-st church. Mr. Bon Motbersill brougbt down an eagle ut tho lake luet woek and being rnerely wouuded ho la preserving it ulive. It measured 6 foot frein its wing tips and ia qulte a curlosity. The -reniai»scf4-tbe--late -S. Tar,wbo died smre weeke ago. were brought frein Brockville Tuesday sud interred in St. Gregory's cernetery. Tihe romains woe kept in the vauîts at Brockville. Mehetuhel Pingle, relict of the late Jno. Adamus, was huried Thursday. Deceased died on Tuesday ut the residence ef jas. McTaggart, in ber_89 yoar. She was hemn in Napinoe andi bas lived iu Oshawa for 6o years. The bired man of Mr. Robt. Courtice whiie diîiving a ioad cf bay last Friday noa Tooley's milîs had the risfortune to break bis ieg. The load upsot on the bill and threw hlm frein a height et several foot. .Harvey Lander bas left for Peterboro te work lu the electricul works there. Mr'. Geo. Hcwe wout te Peterbero on Mouday but returneti next day, -as there are pras- pects et a sottiéent betweeu thie cepany and employees. A five year olti yeungstem usmeti Car met vilir an accident l ici-h old St. Grog- ory's cirurcir ou Suuday afteruoon. Ho clurnbered upon tireholy vater tout wbich fell upon hlm, bruisiug hier body ansudaat' terinig. bis leg bouc b.low tire irue. Tire fie brigade vas caled eut Tues- day attemnoon te W. P. Stericrers rosi- douce on Bond St. A blazing cimney vas ertiuguisircd itirout thre brigades as- sistance. On tire vsy te thre fie tire large fonr.vbheeied reel broire lu Ivo and vas rçrt4çrççl usçbos, The forme,. Pediar biock, fiôw thre Dmn-j gle blocir on Sîmcoe nortir, le assurng s vastly iarproved appearance witir us tac- iug cf raetal brick. Tir. stores are valied aud -ceiieti inside sud rooteti snd facedl outsitie vitir PodIum'. rntal geeda, mali- ing tem prscticaily fime proof.- 4 A local young mian iras gene te Whitbtr toi' 2o daysevlng te seme misundesiuti> ing A bicycle vas purchasoti lsiprlug sud. a note given wbich' *as -net geod. Summened te, appeat~ for obtalnuugigoo under falsé retflesentatloens, ire uogiected te appesi' sud tecelned 2e days forcou- temp~t fcout. Tire bicycle- mttet vas seedtlefàterlly we eara Tire revival' servcesla, the Simec e It, Mothodit cluu'cb veré toruzinated lasi Thurmday gut.'Thre rite of bAPtisaw a first cenferred upoit twe adulte,.ose maie,I tire othor ftomate. It vas tbought at firet tira i a wcdding vas ge1g tetake Pla=O vires tbey walkedl forwar4 iê v ere je- celne4 lzy thre miuister. .:ive inat~*s wCO alse bitptlue4.=d, 2&'UspMb0ffi i'cl.4 lste trh rcl 3 rë - getting "leverlastingly sklnned," as e have beard it expressed, and îk muet be etopped lmmediately. The hlgh claus Engllsh comedy «Our Boys,"I wrltten by H. G. Byron, wlll be prcsented in the music hall next Thursday evening, May 2nd, by the Oshawa Amnateur Dramatfc Club. The play la a 3 aet coI»' edy and wîll be under the auspices cf the mechsnic's Institute. The caste of players ls composod cf Oshawa's best talent sud the effort cf the Dramnatic club wi ne doubt bo greeted with a crowded bouse. Tickets are 25 and 35 cents, reservcd Bt F. W. Warrèn's. The Osbawa raiiway seeme te be bang- lng fire just at present. We undcrstand that there le smre difficulty belng exper' lcnced ln ecurlng contracters te undlet' taire the work. Dr. Cobourn uggests that It would be quite ln keeping wlth the general actions et Capt. Carter snd the railway pe6ple if those two efficient ser- vanta of the town, Messrs. Bonj. Robin' son and Patrick Crowley, were organizcd into a construction staff and the work pushed ferward by them. It would be about wht people would expect frein the way the -ihîng ha been handled al through the experience we have bad wltb Carter. The following report bas been handcd to us. The ppILs ef the Oshawa bigb scheel met and erganized on Tuesday,- electing the feliowing officers Football.- Hon pros, L C Smytho, M A; pros, E T Slemon, B A;- secy-treas, Incubator Len- ton ; capt, Sigo Brumwell ; muuaging cornmittee, Sam Courtice. Swivel Hinten, Caleb Hezzleweed, Cubby Clifford, Bocky Bock. Baseball.-Hon pros, Yos, Vos Ryley: pres, Skip Punshen ; secy-treas, Incubator Lenton ; cai, Skinny Butland; mauaging committee, Gizard Dingie, Cupola Halnan, Shakespeare Jacoba. Among tbe delegates present were Dude Thomas, Satellite Luke, Scuttie Gray, Freddy Woe Hure and other prominent intellectual lights. Mr. Avery Dearboru starts eut next week te delivor milk te Oshawa people t 4 cents per quart. For years mil bas been sold in Oshawu for 5 cents a quart, vbile looking ut the cheeso fuctory reports vo find that farmers soul their mur ibhere frein I*c. te 2C. s quart, and ut this 1ev price maire a profit. Nov Ibat Mm. Dear- boru bas lowered the price tbe other ceulers ackuowledge that theycnml mllk as cbeap as ho can au dtbey vifi probably aiso lover the price. However, in our mind it la the duty ofthtie public te support the man who et bis own frec wil givos the people cbeap murk. Tire othez' dealers bave heen muking an exorbitant profit for years, sud voniid me continue for years to corne hati net Mr m. )aboru coure forvard andi iowered the price. Pi'ebably, if Mi'. Dearboru ceuiti ho drinen eutcf th*> businesstheprice veuki aa in berasc have ail support sud enceouragenreut in bis enterprise of giving thc pocu mas cireap murk of first'ciase quallîy. QueeofthUic btel keepers wllb good grounds for complaint sys tirai vren au botel keeper lu fiueti for an infraction cf the law thre newspapers ptihlisbh I for ail il is worth, but viren thre drug stores are caught lu thoir iniquity tihe matter'le bush- ed oer sud very tew are tbe viser. ' As an instance ho cited tire tact thate, few veis ugo îwc efthIe ucrtlrcrly drugglste lui towu vere charged vitir breairing tire liquor lav, sud ne one knew auytbing about it. Tbey evîdcntly settîcti for -tire arneunt efthtie fines sud few arc tire wlser; This hotel mn ssys' bis business le taïed for $27'o per year, and thon ho bas te com- pote wltb drugglste wbich are allow*ed teÃ" meil wblskey sud botited lgbt liquors for'I medicinal purposes wihout any tax. >W.e have hourd Magistrate Griermon, and cirer prominent men lu autborlty ttiiiitk tbat Oshawa sheulti have- a sirep Ilcens, anti tiratis is luthreonly solutioncf the nexed prcblom cof slevwing drug stores te mcli liquors.- It soems s ibstat present théÉestc leiter of thre law canuet be observed,and. there lu groet necti cf a liquor store iu towu. FRED. R. HoBBsý EL. VIOKIIRY. barber. imcoeastreet. DR. D. L. HOlO-MOoe Klug St»e4tBuit. rntooKiw LVRE, Bimoce uteet, nortîb. WIL, EOLIPH, irares maker. Slmcoe stref. T. B. MOTEBILL, butolirr, Ring S,, Weet. Â. J. BTLràTU-DomR'ilou pianosant eran, <I.Won, ro equippel. POT OPWwxcBcOXSoMEoa-PUl Une of ibookn# tio»V*jý4Rogems 2 p M.and, Mas. X!I. uB8,tu 3»Âcoda1whin j' llner sud wantlse. hDiimo qetc-int ooPaoPiy~ Ste~e treot, Delers tu Watîohes, eooes, jeelery, silver- watse, 5po*acls, etc.. Engrving, geM d mUrýei atng umail dlgoil rtesmède ovr. iù watieb, eéCok, aud-Jewelery repairingas OOM leÂOLI5m NUL-Attiitlon of farmer. ls Ieoted tfoofed obo pinsgDow oarrled on ils ai , prbsg. Ce obrtedJewelbrand of 'uboil la Oanada., cold by ail grst-clus luer i Whitby emd Osha.wa, and at our m0w.Oem,beU & Whte.1 -VUOI& HàwEIXs-XDporters andl dealers tu ggnré', mnufacturer.' sud housefur- nlM~ ialies. Oulcluesf tluware. E~t~U<IIiI sdother eostatlgdone. lr~ieeeohadelarsandllamps. À-stock hP ana-. Mma Tbcrnon fro n ner OI'Ono, bas been Visitg Mr#. F. hiair. Mk MIGould of Uzbrldge vlsited Miss DmWÃŽfcÃŽià; lstweek. Mîý B. Duncan now resides ln the boume lateliy occpled by Ur'. John Walker. IIve yxxren uthe icmuch-advettisod Mass- aistm ? If net gel a package ai Holiday Aof Royal Templars went in, Wbith y un ~nss evenug te visit the couccil therq- SThé fresbrterian C. E society beid a tom- perasýue meeting lasi Sunday eveniug whlch was tsrgely utteuded. it WinRlddebougb and famniiy-have mov Into the bouse on Duke St. that he- tongqtc the laie Mrs. J. D. Hoar. 4 ~annual churcb sei vice of the 1.O.0. F. vil hel 4,tihe Methodist church Sun day a nc*o. Br«. T, W. Leggett will pech the sMou Tbke oule iikelibood of au carly cern- meni*rnent of wor ai the railway grave] pIt, A nber cf local mon expecîte form part of th *e that will spend part ot the summer rt1el vere hourd lut week for the fiust tirne this s and ou Tuesduy uigbt were frozen ever ~r thc firsî ltime. Wo are toid that tbis mustpccur wlce more before continueti warm weat#,r il set lu. Dr..%tari'bas- advei'tîsed for te nders for the buiId4gof his new residence ou Prince"s St. 1~r lrdRoberts la the architect. The old bou4ibattoed on the site purcbased hy the deccW hàs becu demolished and the collai' dug for tbp sew oee Numbnher.of oui' fiahermen have lately mrade Sdovu ecrkitb spear sud jackr- apkawrn ansd several bave succeeti. tuug smre fine pire and sucirers. are fouud dowu about the fourth or below tbat. 6J, Murray paid a farovoîl visit Io w: -week . After visitiug frientis at ýnieý u1- Ontario she will go te Syra- main for a tinte wtb ber sisici'asd Ilahfax.. Mr. Murray yull stant for- flin tire ceurse cf a few wecirs. Md k ïaiý tisseason cf tire eat re kt ougiri to b. e ta: a souabie. prie: aittona 'The-ert f ieBekhu et lù lb cir6n*îé il bas receiveti an uvitatie.a for tireteaur te go à oemingj HEîàings te prla ysehibilngae uom iniou dayï Itik.bhgdly iIoely tirey wigll ho able te o , as a-anbeof Uic boys willbe -Mr. ,Rob bswihieir eXa4rinatious atit àt rne. - A v wli t gaine le teb.ye d bore on XMarxith irwtb ___fi tir Wýarrl«ï=ollg tfainfrom, Torpnîo. Miss E. B iMr . e.Vipondlis borneteck lifê place day, wtié,' ameng fiftecu fine. anais of hWsOm.lasea;the >ie a Toroitohôrse show lasi veoir. Tisis, net asvlîigvt goed as -we 1expoçt ètibut- ïtleos è_ idoreti a ýt mai! gooti sirevng;, as ho had -te -cogmpote against MerhaIili seversi Importeti herses sund as aise thé geod bp yeungesi of tire loi. ,Whou bols ive or tibis Mr. P ycsrs eider lirere vil be few ifauy to.besi Strmcbau as hlm. trou, wbore Rer, 1. Kay ef Parliament Street »aptist tiritrlado. cburch preacbed lu tire Bpis. uci or Mr. 1. K liagt Sunday afternoon. Nëe Sunday- tire'pal- o o 'pi: yul ho occupuoti by Rev. J.c. ScamereIo bis baud. Comrnencing on Sunday, May' 5;b, teovlpects te li be -services in tire ciurh ât xi oçlock*ýa m* ïre 'and.-7 P.- m- to be conduçted by thre asisitant CedmrDaW pastor, Rer. Mi,. Scottitisýarrangeentsuipedt tk 01l continue for the sum6mer montits suad vil - pi'obably bW permnanent. Mrs. Wut.Bei mecenlly isitet iîer dsugter arinn vire lives near 1Nevcastl"d antei viri e om et tn ee7r vith s se$eusaccidgnt.- f3hserti bOt daugh- jday a 5nPU ter wetoe, ut drivieg and wviile paeaing a loa d ofetoues that irad been upst andtilot on thie, thwr ut roati, thre hors.euoli fririt and. ruuulng awai"liI»1 both vote thîowu ont. 'Mrsýsilfell on lber ý beurt aud wa8 ccrpletely sined ':for, soin.Do no oc limne iclu 'ow hoe.agais axdl a glw" a uus te mev i hat se mire e ryiIsg.nlly frointhîe 1, - 4 ,eftecg ofirer injuries. One -w041l Ibt sithe bas pe oy octi grmntis *r am-uit.fr damages Againsi iiati'mun[d5hl&y, Miss Anale Bush bas goné te Tboruton wltb Mrs. Burke, wherdi she wil remots for a few montbe. Oui botel iustili unoccupled, but IL là fe- ported that Mr. A. Rose, cf Epsom, will taire possession ln the sear future. The fail wbeat ln this section appers te' have braved the severe witerwiîthllttle, dame gecands ncw looking favorable for- a good crep. The last few days bas made a Wonderful. Change ln the mcil snd vegetation, snd the farmlng communlty ore pow at their seed- ing operations full swing.. EIijab Betre andi Alex Ewln lntend tair- lng a trlpi te the cld mcd, they îre vgc lil charge ef Mr. Balrd's shlpm ent cf cattie sud expeet te start about tue firmt cf May. -The Preebyteria n Sunday' schcol wlll boéld tbere anlversery services as tisuai- on May 24th, it bas always been sa succees' ln tbe psst;, and ne doubt tbis will b. fié, exception te the rule. Particuiars later on. It wlll be of intereat te tbe ladies te, know that Misses McDonald aud Ashtcn,. cf Epseom, have opeîîed a dress-making es,, tabllmhment ever Browuscombe's %tore. Give thein a cali and -they wlll do their best te please., Tbe iroads are now lunexcellent condition arouAd bore. Miss Lydia Heard returned home on Sait' day, after a two weeks visit wnth frîende in Uxbridge. the Methodiat chmhbere last Sabbath moru- Ing. A large nuaier were'eut and ail enjoy- cd tie dieourse vei'y mucb. The Scugog fuir held ut Port Perry en Tuesday 414 net tutu eut mc prosperous as vo had #xpccîed. Nouvnthsanding that Man., chester' had given away te thein this year, notbing could prosper wtbout a littie epposi, tien. I t la boped that Uie meinhers of ýRescbh society vu;. corne eut toixt spring aud show thiruopponfnts wvital success Macte show wiil he if the effertisl made. In icading up Uthe Toronto papers of the. lasi fev weelok acis o a notuceld at car eid frienil andi orer:echr, Mi'. Tiros.-11* Geenweod, bas been taking s very promi=teuL part lu tire troubic-at tbe unlversity. It lusand alvays vas his aim te help on everyihiu«. within bis power te the intérest of aUil e.nrn'. ed. sud in the prescut casç vo believe bim to. b. feilowing su honogable bcginlng'Ho lu, we hdlieve, vorypopularv- ith bis Uow star- dents sud Prof. Dale. , â#d.'t luther«Çore 50ý* more tban rlgbi antd-,ustice -that heo sireuld- iutercede-foir theinm epl' ir th i'Wwbicb. bas been cenferred1 upon hlm lu being oelmç as presidozit àôf tib etàs1udeni'è s1cec-,lub, aud boy straightlo rward ho bas trieti te be. iti become orneneron or re,'eol'dtyo.pl i _missStepbenes, cf Trontoje visiting. idec r.E. TlUeY lVlsted oui' sbotiredgy lait. Mrs.~ 3 ,*ow4 Udm Bell Stalker speut eseter witb frtiedn& t0 City., Ww..Fcberligbt, V_.. #È,bas opened an oce IDMi. enrY'4, ficur and feed store. W Mr. o W bas ' ged te work gr. Wm.:Cnesi,~> shares this .1lsBeatice Dane,-5cf Balycluif, is vilig.at*her uncle's, . .D. mcCon' -W.erry to léarn of the severejîl- aies of oui'esteemedcitizen, Mr'. -Thou s Mr. Richardý Guilde, -of Syracuse, N. -Y., la vlstlhg u t bhi% brother-in4ï-aw's, Mr. N. A.jerome. Mr. Davld, Noble bas'a ewe that gave blrth >to ifour laràbe lasi -week, three of -wbich are livin. Mi'. R4phS¶itt ila the; flrst we bave hbeard,ôcf lu this sec.tio odo sprîi gseed- ing, féhÏ. ivtg ov a ff -,eld of bïrîey ou Mr.iteecbl houtesnoM--Orono boy .1 W reeiditig.lu Toronto>, wasein town tlii wee aid aranedtoe nsa çoucm eroe oq Sït#urday èenitig 27tb et Wi-aarepleaed te lie able to lnIbrm the iany jrfriends ofMBr. UoI aile n old Ken4tiiboof his frdfliant stccessataithe. recent Trinity,,Mecdélcà1.CIlego.ExamùW-_ Sywpsly is eeteudlod to Mr, aiidMns. T. W. -1acksm- n- a t e ac, f -tbaenfn child, Roses wbich - di14 on, Sande OLand Was. interred hInthegcemëeriyý bore. Tues, Mr.. S.erteul cl~o a ing ton c otltegefor is, a= = ,rv am- ý_,,Quit. a tumber of oui' aiçrpring: hersemen.attonded the bi 1slêwn To- 1fr. -Morto>n p gg of.-Emarsniàe> a-peut bi àstrvcatin n4g îbi C- tvr' h gt=usewith nry'i beot fi ey oEMarinè Oit. irsatser, Mus. Tirc e t il ý 1

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