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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1895, p. 2

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s KNOWLEDGE Bringe oomfort and fimprovoment Mdt tendi ticporions! *njoyment Wheu rightly used&Tise many, who lUv. bet- ter than otisers and enjoy Hife more, witb les xpenditure, by morg. promptly adapting tise worlda béat producta te tise needs of physical being, will attest thse value to healtis of tise pure liquid laxative principles embrao.d in tise remedy, Syrup of Fig.. isa excellence Le due te, Its presentlng in tise forusmnti cceptabe sn4,pless- sut. te the taste, tise refreuhizsg sud truly beueficia1 properties of a perfect lar- ative -, -effectually cleansing tise syteus, - dispoiling coids, headacis ansd fevers snd perniaueîtly curing constipation. It ha, given satisfaction te millions aud mot with tise approval of tise medical profession, because iii acte on the Kid- neya, Liver sud Bowels without weak- oning theru and it je perfectly free froin every objectionable substatnce -Syrup of Fige ia for sale by ail drug. guts iu 75c. ho ttIes, but it in rmanu- factured by M'e Califoriia Fig Syrup Co. Only, wboaepause is printed on every package, also thse Damne. Syrip of Fige, aud being well informed, you will not aSeeptAny substitutie if offéed. If<-# 1 Ayer's Pi 1I would like to add rny testimony to that of others wlho bave used A yerae Pilla, and to say Lhat 1 have taken he for many years, ani always derived the es etUtsfrom their use. For Stoinach and liver troubles, and for the cure of iealache caused b y these derangements, Ayecr' s Pis cannot be equaled. We mY friends ask mue what la hene îcnîedy for disders of the stornach, Liver, or Bowels, mny Invariable answer la, Ayer's PlUs.- T aken ini season they wlll break up a Cold, prt"vent la grippe, check fever, sud rozulate the digestive or gans. They arm e.isy [o take, and AreUn the best fl-round famlly modichrse 1 have --,r l(liOW. -MI-. AYJOHN<SON,3iC.,R Ave.,New York City. AYER'S PILLS Highest Awards at Wrl'-., OORRESPONDENCE WHITEVALE. Miransd Mrs. Jacques, of Woodstock, Sperît caster witb tbe Rev. Mr. Siple. Maiss Maggie Tait, of Norvai, visited ber moi ber, NIrs. James Taylor, Iast week, Nli>ts Kate McPhîee, of Harniltrîsi, spent Gocod Friday witis hem motiser and sister. Quite a nuumber from [the Vale took in th5e horse- show at Toronto Iast week. Mrs, V. S. Major bas retureed from vis- itiîsg ber motbc-r, Mrs. Annis, wlio bas been vemy ill. We regret to learn tisat Miss Morrison, of Cedar Grove, is lying dangerously ili at lier sister's, Mrs. James Malcom. Mir. A. C. Tresbarn, corductor of the7tb batt. band, Londons, spent easter with fdends isere, and was warmly gteeted byI them lti1. Our sociemy of y oung men did not go to tihe city as agueed ce Saturday, mucis te tise disrsppointment of more tisse eue. Engagemnents should be kept, flot made, -è ike pie crust, f0 be broken. three cde ndeg-o rby ,old eîderberry. wine, far ex. cee 'cured or uew sud unfer. men Bennie ln tise one case, and . iesmeaIzed after Inno- centi partaking tisereof. John of Tisesalen, la vWetlng friands Vale. Hie graudmoUsbr, Mrs. Pea died at tisat place leitwèee sud lbe accornpanlibe eeusins to Glas- gew, Uxbrîdge, wbere tise Intermient was usade. Deceased wus wel and (avorably' known here, sud ammcis ayuapathy à» felt fer Mns. Beesie and famlly us tiseir dou1ýIe bereaverueut. Mr. sud bMii. T. lhrFb li, oSfSrtr,, visited at Maple ses. hast w.elt, Wbea lcavlng for ho=e-onWede$d*y tb.i' teaus rau sway sud the. toogia beootnng lng detacbed Ir0înthte bur yIts opcý pants were ieft sltttng lut --bwule 4h eteeds golope w sy. fliu4aou i -o 4, cause, and wbu og 14 D_ h., faV1dVýourîg; -of Guelph, wAsSbi é t. very ably pieslded anld càlë e4r.a-üë' él li gthse pafew days with hIsè,peoipWr, lexÙe progmnme,- coslisg ,rof, vocal uand Misses Maggle and Adelaldé> ",BaÈlif o Instrutuentàl muics,- rçadings,- d.alqgues, Toronto, are v1sithng at Duncan> Matýnb)às asid.tableasa illustratV of thedrese, cus. Juet now. toms and reqIrement, of the -differenst Mr. Gibbons is starttng a general ýgroc- heathen peoiple anone wbom ilaion worlc r nýnetInwtlbsflu n.fe la being done. Thé , audience was large store.nwit bsforan.fec and ausreciatîve. tise, ffir ' wga-under GrhmBoeshaefn re tte th-s ontrol. and inà%age)nent of the Gaa rteshv iehre tts lades nd be deerv gratcreit orhorse show in Toronto this week. We the manner lu wbîch tbeygacquiled tbemn-wihtenscss selves. The sterner sex werc allowed to D. Forsytb bas bis tea m le the city this participate as spectators andti.côn tribu torr, week sbowing themn against aIl coners. to the silver collection taken up, ansd in They are a gond pair. this way were usefui, but flot essentiai to Mrs. I-arry Tbornpson is sligbtly better the success of thse affair. but is yet i rather poor bealth~ liS'e has Qn Tuesday night of last week a large been serlously fil for a fortnigbt. nl unber of the iriei'ds and pupils of Mr. Mrs. Hendetson an-d Misses Young and Thos. Ward assembled- at Maple ave. te Gregg lcft Tuekday morning for the City, do hlm honor, the occasion being bis re- es de eg-',tes to sorne Woman's Foreign sîgnation as principle of the public school, Missionary Society. te continue bis own studies in Toronto. Dr.Siho tufle wlvstCa- After the vast cornpany bad partaken of a rnont oSm e ir o ndStoufie wil vsitare-f most exceUent supper, Mr. J. W. Wonch each montis. His dentat rooms are ie was called to. the Char, Mr. Ward was Bundy 's block, next door to the market. presented by bis pupîls and friends with 12 volumes of the Encyclopaedia- Britae- Bert Dowswell returned from Dakota on nica, accompariied by a very fiattering ad. Saturday wbere hie bas been for tbe past dress wbicb was read by Misa Nettie two years. He likes tbe clirnate, but re- Thornson. At this stage of thse proizramme ports turnes rnuch worse thnle Ontario. t4e grief of the chMldrcrs at parting with Mr B3rown 19 110w able te be about, an-d tbeir teacher made it most rnanifest that will bld adieu to bis daugister, Mrs. bie possessed ,lie affections of every one of Found, and start for bis borne on tbe Man- tbern. Mr. Ward rnade a very feeling and itoulin Island as scion as navigation opens. able reply. Messrs. Robt. Miller, James Mrs. E. R. Eddy, we are sorry teosay, is Taylor, David Annis, Thos. Hagerman, conmpeiled to absent berself frorn school -Jonson, D. R. Beaton, W. MIcKay, (Mr. these days through iliness. Her riother, Ward's successor in tbe scisool), W. S. Mrs. Cleghorn, from Prince Albert- is bere Besse, and W. B. Hagermaru, in speeches with bier. of varying lengtb gave fiattering but true We baeognzdaY .C noi expression to Mr. Ward's %orthbhotb as a vlae orLaied a Y. M. teC.A.n o'anr man and as a teacher, and voiced the gen-viae. aies wproame. Tcrnewad eral regret that bis and bis amiable wife's otake pr in te programsmeTeegwasu departure bad occasioned in the commun- only on eresoeablte asitanmetn. u ity. The pro(eedings were enlivened by sernee oeal sitne vocal selectians by Mr. Ward's choral Some fort', of our young people had a class, C. Lehman and others, anid by sev- taffy-off at Messrs. McFarlane Bros.' bush eral renditions by Messrs. Ward a-id Good Friday. They hýad a splendid time, D.ummond, on the piano and violin. Not but some of thse fair sex were pretty well until.a very late hour did the corn ai- dis- drencbed by tbe ramn in retureing borne. p erse to their bornes,. We are pi eased to Maroîs, the Frencb borse dealer, wasE learn that M r.. Ward bas decided to con- here Tuesda), and purchased a few ani-E tinue bis residence in the Vale for tbe pre- mals. Tihe farmers consider this mari an sent, s0 thas bis services as conductor of emergency buyer, that is one who purch-t tbe band, and in the musical way general- ases wherî a fell)w lbas to selI, and comnpel. ly, will be for a time retained. He will led to take atiytibing.-NewE. spenoi Saturday and Sunday of each weekf in the vale. He refused a good position in a school in London since resigning bere as he wisbes to read for a 'iigher certifi- t cate.-News. C]3ERRYWOOD. Tho Poiapl S1oa T. Armstrong is visiring ait Mr. Mc- Creight's. t Mr. Robb, of Markhamn, spent Good - .Miss Pilkey, of Wbitby, is home spend- flT EY SPREA D THE ing ber easter vacation. h R. Davidson is spending bis vacation ati p4f '~ home witb lus paretits. GLAD .. NEWS, cT Thse Misses Pilkey of Markham spent Sunday at Mr. Nýinand's. c( Bible class as usual on Wednesda y * .th evening. Ail are ,,%elcome. P1unPAvi. ilm Tbe Misses McCreigbrt, of Toronto, are éréêI:êj Wléry WWWp éIdIMii: M iome spending their easter vacation.L_ Miss Sadie Taylor, of Markhiam, is bone i present spending ber caster bolidays. % M Wollo Mrs. Green spent last week in Scarboroli isiting ber marsy frieîîds of that place. th Frank McCrae, of Scarboro, was home ce or a few days on a.count oi bis sister's ilI.AlI-~ .-i v i< Quite a rsumber from bere attended thse sale of Mr. Woodrufl on Monday last and, pronounice it a success. The farmers around this place are busy witb their seeding. WVe would like to know wlsicb une will be done tlrst- T. Henderson and family, of Brougham, visited arng their many fiiends at tiss place during tiseir easter holîdays. Mr. Clark, tise Ed. of tise Pickering News, ansd Mr. Richardson, heaitis inspec- tor, were in townî isat week. mitr uieriig rur 10 Tears The Great Spring Medi- cine Cures Mrs. G, H. Parker. Eighteen years of intensie snffering, disappoiitiment and anxiety1 If any one is wanting a laboring man or worthless meèdicne ruade ""e'sad ud a good 1boy, be would do weîî to corne 0 dreary for Mrs. G. fi. Parker, Winona, Cher rywood for we have enougis and a few Ont. I to spare. Afuier some p)ersuasion, Mrs. Parker Fishing is tise order of tise day at pre- was induced to give Paîue's Celery sent. A few of our sports wenui down on Compound a fair and isoneet trial. Good Friday, but luck rnust bave been WA bat hsappy grand resu ts 1 Sncb a against mem; as the suckers were flot veryvioyoersfrngf oupeece nu merous. itr vrsfeic1 opt ue Eggs were tise order of the day Sunday and renewed healtb'l t and Monday. The îargest score wvas ten The followinR is Mrs. Parker' un- at one meal s0 far, but we bave nom got ins obîcited tesmimony - aIl tise returns yet. It rnigbt be beaten "I have been a great sufferer from' but that is isot bace for otie bead. nuagafrnal ihenyai Wie regret f0 bave to state that scarlet tnee ugafrnearly igs wecu e a fever us or,.tise go west of thîs place, as fourthe ffrusatmswreebd of MIr. McCrae's family are down very low. that word8 wou]d fail to describe thern. Tîreir many friends of this place are anx After baving tried every knewn rernedy, iously waiting to hear of the , r recovery. and different physicians, sud reoeiving Fun is fuir boys. and so is sucker fisis- no h elp 1 was persuaded to try your ing; but t would look just as wehl when Uine's Cebery Compound, which I yoru are fisbing on Saturdav everîing when have been usiug for tise pasti four if becomes Suîîdav morning to stop tiîl monthus I amn happy to syta Moîsday morning, and h beieve you wîl~ ia have better luck. amn now a different womau and cens- G. Davison bas a cow wb'ch bappeneci pletely cured. 1 can recommeud your with a very b Ad accident on Saturday îa.ui. Paine's Cebery Compound te ail iMy VVile tise ierd was turned out in tise yard friends for iL bas been wortsh uzndreds one of [hem managed to break its leg. of dollars to me." à .Jfi'lia I 'li I1vJ[J, but Mr. Lavison sasiis no use lie will have to kilI it. - A few f tom heme took in tise farewel party at Wbitevale ast Tuesday evenirig, and report having had a good timie, aud we agree witb tiser- as tbey just arrived borne in lime to go to work. Tise old as bad as tise young. Geo. says that was his last, he will flot go te any more. I guesa flot . tise ne-xt one. A meeting wiil be beld this (Frîday) evenîng in order to reorganize our foot- bail club. Ail tiose ihterested je tht garne wilI do well to attend tise meeting. Our boys have been very successful lu tise past and we do net see why tisey shomld flot be le tise future., Everybedy tt-neout and gi-le yuur opinion on this matter. AUl are welcorne. -News. CLA.EMoN'p. Bert Parka le bere witis friends. Mns. Bowes la indispesed this wçiek. Mns. William Scott lis preving alowîy. Mis Gourbey ie receveriug frein a short 1linesa. Mns. M. Norton la rnuc i mproycd in Mit. Mine continues yery lmw i iseaitis. Irrank F'errer, ofr orato, asIo re wU XMre.Wd 10 o*ihtly'botter, but là la ,vey -lm.i Geo. Hoît diaposed of a pair of iseavy horses tise otiser day for tise handieme slum of $250. W. Stanley waetise, buyer sud ise was acting for a man up west. Tisey were *a fine a pair of herses of tihat olas as we have yet seen lu this neighborhood. Cisief of Police Jarvis, of Bownjau- ville, paased tisrougis hore Wednesday frotu Kinîg wisere ho had captured Rich-. ard C. Newton, a lad of 18 Whio I ciarged witis hol'ae stealing, Newtonâ 11s a pretty isard customer sud Chief JarviS bas been Iookring for him for soute five menthe. Whsen arr"ed NOwton isad four revolVers sud two watehes in hie possession. Thee sesssor R. W.. Mowbray au j u s t S ! »t s d u t i e o -1 8 9 5 , î tàe oll*34rooiyed aItisèe, Counueil " où I5onduy. Thée dufies Of tise oice b&e' boën. -Performed i à âh bIî syatfA0t,ý wbaehsproDer mýanID the a -% aeeuy pujizenout, 'fyouutgso90s 'thée practice 'of dêhôrnI"ng cattle promises to be ail tise rage thlinsmeamon with farners in tItis district and the local veterinaries are protnised a but3y t~siuboys y 'ti e i a A soutis ward citizen, wso isas bitru- Gussy-Wisy do you GO persietent]y cd five corda of wood in four usonths is wear tiseisair of another woman 0On puzzling isissf over tise fact that hie your head ? Beatrice-For tise samie neighoýr lhas muade a single cord do isim reason that you wear tiese kin of an- 1fer thse saune length of time. Serne otiser caif on your feet. wood burne longer tissu otiser kinde, Firat boarder - Wisat's tise star but as a rule it always burus shorter. boarder making all that isubbub about The two electric light companies aud over tisat berry pie 1 Second boarder tise two brick yards use up about one -I gueselise found tise berry. tisousand corda of wood eaoh annually, Mrs. Mealer-I amn sorry te say, tise ofour t ousand cord e inore . 1In tea is &R exhaust d. Crusty b a d r addition tise town consumes probablyrrîd L a euvr imagine 8M0 corde wood run in a single weak for soma turne. pile would be nearly cigisteen miles _________________ long. About tise distance frorn Lindsay to Fenelon Falls.I 0f late years farmers have been botisered to quite an extent by agents of al sorte for aIl kinde of articles from steam threshers down te soapsansd blackening s0 tihat tise lives of many of them have been made miserable. It is not surprising, therefore, that some of tsenu'sisould have becorne deeperauie. Iu Opestownship tise other day a couple of cooking range men were rcque8tcd to retire from certain farm remises st tise point of a double barrer shot gun. Tise callers retired promnptly sud have scsrcely yet recovered from tisesurprise and shock received on tise occasion. They were perfcctly civil, but tise facti that tisey were agente selling was Bufflu-ient to arouse tise dander of tise firat log scisool isouse man sud cause- isimu to go at once on tise wsr patis. Tise range men have since doubled Toronto, Ontario. tiseir life in8ur:nc:.-Watcsman. A WÏ,a E e Mr. R. M. Noble is at present attending the Grand Camp of Sons of Scotland at After Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla Niagara, representieg Tamn O'Sbanter lodge of this place. Cumed o-f a Serlous Disease. Dr. Bingbarn, of Cannington, bas beets I was sufiering frons what is known as when ho propoué éo igeInalin bUt She-4 know l 1,imCrO88s At tint 1,01ïï, but if 1 hW, ny lue t40-. *loer agai I- sheuld "Mare'y yen1 ujüst ÃŽtie, same. Hoý,-I haie My dOubte about that, nsy dear. Thse lady arrives i littie late abthtie sewing circle. Servant,-Bcue ele rnadans, but I'd advise yon te wait a r 'e "ir. &. iVai~y fas gene te Perths to, ac- cept a situation is a hsardwvare store. He will ne doubt give good satisfaction as hie la a good man lu bis own bine. Tise willing workers iu connection witb tise Presbyterian churcs gave a social in tise basemeut cf tise churcs on Geod Fi - day eveuing. Owing te, very unfavorable weatber tise attendance was sunail. Tise surn cf $9 40 was realized sud wiil be Sp. piied te, wiping eut tise debt ou tise manse. Tise annual Ester Monday vestry meet- ing of Ail Saints' cisurcis was beld ie tise scisQol room on Monday afternoon. A re- port was banded iu by tise Wardeus sud everytbing fouud satisfactery. Mr. J. C. Robinson was appoiuted Warden for tise ensuing year. Tise subscription liat la far above tise average sud everytiig Pro- mises well fer Ail -Saints' tisis year. Pur pe ophe are gnxiously awaitidg tise Misses Weblings aud from ail acceunts tbey wiib net be disappointed lu tise pro-- gramme te be rendered. We need sorne- tbing like tisis te wake us up fromth ie lethargic state into wbicb we have fallen. Mr. Fred Brandon was sbcbdenly attack- ed with infIarnrntory riseunatsu n Sat- urday hast. -'He is recoveriug aithougs bis sickness is very severe. Tise baud euhiveuéd the towu with a few choice selecti<'-is on Good Friday. Tise couer ',ad a special meeting 'on Tbursday la. consider au arbitration ýon tise queati(, âe Village vs. Vicars. We have net ht srned wisat conclusion tisey carne to but it la to, be boped that that thse matter wilI be settled te tise satisfaction of bots Mr. Vicars sud tise corporation. "Half a span cf augry stesi" wul pr-oduce no more fatal resubte than s negleetedLobd or cougis., For ah lîbroat aud lung diseme, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral la tise beat reinedy. It iia invaluable l u aesof croup, whoepiug Sir Willam Hareont, tise Englisis Chan- SHlbr.pf tise Exehequer, bas gen b- kte tise U o f mnmonscipt whea'9delivering 9hie Itright's disease forfive years, and for days at a Urne 1 bave been unabie to straigliten Inyseif up. I was lu bcd for three wceks; durlng that tlme I had leeches applied sud derived ne bene- fit. Secîng Ibood's Sarsaparrna advertlsed le the papers I decided te, try a boUtle. I fcund SarsaparilIla C 0URES relief before 1 had finlshed taklng half of a bot- tic. I got 80 muchlihelP from talcing the first bottle that I decied to r another, and sipco tkn teeond bottieI eel as weII as ever 1IdidlnmyflIc." Gzo. mzRnzrirToronto, ont. 94ood' PlUS are. prompt and efficient yet easy o! action. Bold by ail druggfsta. 2~c. I FOR MAN OR SCAST. C Srtaln tln ita effectp sud neyer bUMhm B"o kand 0b1 b a" mdPuo t l"0Sw sodw ime n Mtoct? m anO.I DaI uid lire O kejabo UMMLuMI5t Ilurndor - To i~uy, fà% J. Pw. r. F.4AL'8sPA E noRE a . Kssq9u,-qe 65 Acres, Lot NO. 30, 3rd Con, Township of Whitby; 2 miles frosu. Whitby; same known as thse Lynde homestead. Soul second to none, in a firat class state cf cultivation. Good feuces ; watered by live streaus across one corner zoo yards froun a fine atone bouse ; frame stable agd driviug shed ; ass frame bouse and abundance cf fruit cf ahi kinds. ForY parthcuL894-pl DE IIILSS* in ga re allygea (Jure for Deafss, Singiug, in Bars, &one matter how severe tir long- standing, *'wil1 be sent pout free Artifi- cial Ear-drumsand alusilar applisues eutirely superseded. Address THOS. K E MPE, V uronzj CHAIr-m, South,- hampton Building, Holborn, London. R. 1. LYNDE, c t The only scienuific and practical Electrie B'elt made for genersi use, #ar! na bbttre that generate a strong curreut of JO2leetIt that le under'perfect coutrsud C eueap plied to auy part cf thbe body f c te ofe Thousas. otjepIeauftfom a varléty of Nervous aDlsase. zth metla u te16. c0ure. -Thor e&les>o' e force or pewe*àr thaIýit.i a o.-bat any medicali eýatment, axd y ProZteèly geou e as-tiot, e slild by thse Owen lcI1 Boit sad Pfnesw éa ssrelýd go. It It o 0 M47 pwe"tiaI.~I auappiy whàt la lsekingi,àI, ns e ov:t3 orgpoor, ihzmpart loue snd vgraasee te oalthi g.etlen tise whole nervou s etes in wlfl niost sssrely cure- General DII Bisetait -aé&iO Reu UBojm.8catica, Sidney Discaae umag Làme baok s»d Dyspepsîsi, sud mauy othr. Our Large Iiustried. a,&kýu. Out Ooie- and --A-ppIlsuýes pica wo_ë tesinusoniis su .Doreaî*e, .. r/ff hvlenti Ietri i O1J~vil ~THE - OWEN n7e Oro'en .Rtegt,* The, Largest Eleetrie, 1- eept me- suad then,' -.gand tak Pa March anger. "I ha"e "Tos.r you. If; ment »f aM shul h Eluard Ji1atmoutouz~o.Gsrg#taow& I is euis, ef m hà the, o i _onoed1v te-a Lurr Lue v, ice ,.- presidency of the Alumini Association of rinty medical college. A girl's guild has been organized in 'onnection witb Ail Saints' cburch with the following officers: Pres., miss Wvatt; 'ice-pres., Miss Taylor; secretary, Miss Mary Allie ; treasurer, F. Munro ; orgau- Lt, Miss E. Sharpe. The Cannington achool now boasts of a fot-ball team. Mr. Albert Twohev lias gone to Graveri- urst to take charge of a practice there in5 se veterinary liue. We wisb him suc- 1 1 , 1 Ajddealer ýin«Furniturt. of ail kinde. Tise8i~scrier egute annbuice tisIhe h-o ba a*iopped bnshwsain hiode~dtdand; hasplaced theréin a N EW FU RN ITýR-E 0f evory description, which -wMblbe sÃ"hl at a grrali ýmsrgfÏi onoo.t Another baie, of tisoe oebebrated. Med &fattasee *8.5, woth P Sesthose Tapestryor éOarpetLoiunges. at 0P -Wotis 8. adwood Sideboarde, I4xB4;LM, for #8.50, wortis$h Und iCf-jkIg 1.0EÂÀfNiU stock of 'Oo'M'nseÇ and Osakots, and 'rt Olasa Hearne. Wbitby, Oct. 12, 1893. 1 1 1 In thsea Thse Occurr s trike me ed with th< terview.i aud that t1 sud nie mai Pl wasu * ed upto 11 S Ivie coi Flo," aaid "6Oh, bot "Won't; t sborld pro] Morrow. Your pardot "Oh, I di was oniy y, 6"My n-o didn't mear 1ýtyou re "Look b rupted Fbo, thing more got to maki can't listen J2pou thi1 1Isat dowil 8erved cain ",Well, L was in love Flo turut occupation .41thng cotnplacent if 1 cau squ donc your ratier like Flo was open eyes. have ment browr, ; the "It's al i as though i "If I cas said I. roomus the j "And yoî 111 think said," I s gui1ty. "And yoi vice ?", "She tho said, hastil "To get r "Now, good girl," Flo rose the writing "Excuse ting down "GIad ah to Myseif, as she wro ncw ws* 0o Prefcrred i was a coqs haix wssi ways want "Read t * weopinoeè note i el Bo I reas nity, "*you - . honld)sbal course of tl "This n wrÏtten te, Mmeata mi Pt

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