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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1895, p. 3

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111 kurds. ht'remu a >Ck of JRE [l bt' gold t' ,,thmv S.ý wurtfu jeIlist, for alns'%. cept me-yes, you did, practialty; and thon, without a word te me. yen go aud tako s swoop like-" IlW ell, what did yeu do with Phiilip- Ps Maroh ?'" cried Fie, facing me in angor. III bave coee brt like a man to- "Square me," suggestied Fie. I'To arrive at an nnderstandiug with yen. If yen lied ciaimeid the ff1lil- ment et-rn>'promise, I1seuld have-il ehould bave conside red tht matiter, ýoo're erYgood," said Fie, her Dose, -in'the air. "But, ne. yen se, I don,# cdaim ft." I lookeil at Fie. If, was aIl ever ho- tween le, 'l did -rot wish tu part bad toyeU s"Mto have no regrets, Fie," 14 eUy; Ilatsme. wby I ahould," 1ObIknow l'un 'p'motchWbcf a 1 p"conhs.4e hunsbly "but VU~ 'a inwho leotum. downuansd dd exoi40muth ofixme, >o kow-" fflahktý,Wv vn vnt ki phuinna I*ly."-7È -, .OI Wleh h e.Pr"'te Of: h4 ooming in. t'viO. 11w s 1 I bresak t~o yFI i1hst 1 hadaîi last found My true haven, &bd4 that the sfnotse betWeen hemsif udme muet end? 1O wuS itting on the sofi. I walk- .4u t, her, wih a shame-faced air. 'I'Ve corne te tell -yon something. Fie," laid I, in a grave toue. ",:Oh, botiber ; 'm butiy," sa.îd Fie. "Bat it'e important. When yen hear "Won'îte- morrow do, Dick ?" ahovld,' said J. I wua wouud 4; oudprobabiy ho incapable of it te- MerreW. "i hzave orne, Fie, te bog yeur pardon *for-"l 11Oe, Ididu't i mmd that. I kuew it was only your nonsense, Dick." t'My nonsense ?" said 1. "Oh, I didn't mean that. I mean since that Fie, yen remember - "Look here, rny dear boy," inter- rnpted Flo, "uI'mtbiukîug about some- tbiag more imporfant-sometbing I've get te make up uny mind about, sud I oan't listen tu you." Upon this, being tome what aunoved, 1 Bat dcwn, crossed My legs;, aud ob- served calrniy: "Weli, i only came fo tell you that I was in love with Piiillippa Marchi." Fie turned on me swiftiy, lier pre- occupation entirelv vanishiug. "I thonght you !lsten," 1 observed, oempiacentiy. ,Ye8, and it's aIl riglit, if 1 cau square v'on. Hallo, Flo, You've doue your bair differeut Le*day 1 1 rather like it that way." Fie was stariug at me witli widt, open eyes. (I dont kuow whetber 1 have ineutîoucdl thiat bier eyes are browu , tbey are) "Ifts ail right if- ?" slie repeated, as tboiugb elit had riot beard arîgbt. "If' 1 cari square yon, you know," Raid I. "Because yon see, in My reenie the other day -, "And von told that March girl ? 11I thiuk I muet bave, frein wist cie said,' I stammere'], feelîuiz ratiier guîlty. -Aud you came bere by ber ad- vice 2", "She tbougbr t ouly fair te von,"I sai d. hasti1y. "To get rid of me ?" ended Fia. "Now, a0 be reasouable. there's a good girl," I urzed, sooriugiv1. FIe rose ýo lier feet aud walked to the writiug table. "Excuse me a miotiîeut," raid sbe, sit- ting dowu aud takiug a pen. 'Glaci ebe takes it se coolly," said I te myself, sud I fell te wafcbiug lier as thte wrete. Certainly I liked the new w4oef doiîg lier hair ,iu facf, I preferred ifte Phdblppa's way; there wss a eeqfloty abeut if ;Phiilippa's hair wae severe. A chap doeen't al- wsys want bracingz up. "Read that," said Fie, rising aud sweepinz dewn on me witb a writteu no)te in her haud. Se I read if. If was short. "Ye- Florenoe." 1 tned it ovor in my band. *,If," said Fle, with unlimited dig- nity, "1yeu had net happened te eall, 1 shcu.ld have written te you~- in the course cf this afteruo-" "Tinoute ?" 1 asked, ioeking st it in a puzzled way. "No, nef that nete. I should have writteu fc reiease you frein your pro- mise to me." "My dear Flô 1" I said,- radiant. "In tht same way ?"; There wus yot anethor panse. 'II suppose," Fie thon observed, 'that nobody ovor writes s lottor twice iu quite the same words, do thoy, Pick V" I said that they did net. 1 wont downsfsirs tht happiet man alive. And], 1 piedge my words, it was net tili I reached the cerner ef the street thsti thet tonghti struck me, a.nd I oried slond in diemay: 4 1By Jove, 1K have't doet i19' In tihecourse et talk ont e isewapt te forget thinga. Whtn ome my people ame takiug asud deriv- log benefitfromeunHod's SampwfsriUswhy in t do't yentr y if Yeu 1fTtls hwghlyneor- fait meeuded. #<1ît] Albeit George Sadesun, the uew Govr-an soi of tt eBauk et Eglaudi, vas boru lu TOais àOVI»OK talidk ru o ehildiexi or *doit$ Dr. Loy'. Worm Syrup la anti Tbmse uero afmdin.. . i pub oef Ami& sud MileMe( sMo ojhau of Autbom *4W0u#,WiSd by be ' P"lMwyfn a4 yuw . - Pro 'UlmvIl b.tio*tWW:08 4ln U OU f ou»e,*don't notice the 1i îefano qi ~iAMrh1 6"Yes-ot course niV Âfter au ~intervals, i3'Osai, y g band on myý arm, "I'm se glad we. partig- ",It's al for the hast." sBaia i genitlyý toucbing Fie'. hand.i "'Partîing friends, I wa.s going te aay, Dick. We shouidn't have get on wefl togetlitr." "I expect we should have qnarreied, Fie." "0Of course, we ehould have had some geod times--" "Ripping 1" "Trotting ahout together, and stay. ing on the river-- 'II Bay V' "And running over to Pari-" "13y Jove 1" "And-and I don't tihink Porcivs.- Capt. Worelf-oaroernuch about that sort of thingz.' ,11kuow it's poison te Phil-to Miss M arci . " TiierA wis a silence longer than any of the previons eunes. Tliq-u 1 siid -aud I mijet observe that I amn not in the habit 'cf doing it before latiies I said -0O1 d-u ' "Duck !" cried Fie. I rose. I poiuted te FIo's note, whicli lay ou a table, -Let's bave if over," sid I sternly. ,Tut the beastly tbing in an enve- lope.,' FIa went te the writingz table. "Ad-dress the beastly thing." I cern- iniand e d. l took quite a long while addres ing t, for jr must have been a fullitain- ite before euie asked: "Pick. is Jermnu ereet W, or S.W.? T-I-I dont know." -S\V." said I, in gloomy and tragie toiles. 'lThîauk von, Dick. I've doue it n ow. "Doue it 1 I1shouid thiuk you have," I groaued. 'So have IL" ' ý Wili you post it ?" asked Fie, aud she stretched her haud out behiud her, with the letter betweeu ber finger and thuunb. But she kept ber bead the other way, and anpeared te be studyiug the biottiug paper. Well, I weut sud teck the note, and 1 stole back io the heartbrug. Fie did net move. -Wbat a strauge lcttery je life 1" 1 rnused. "Who would have thougbt ef Worsley beiug ycur husband 1", '-Or *Pbilipps March your wife 1'" camne fromn the writing table. "It seenis incredibie," I murmured. "Almost," came froun the writingtablo. There was a nice bright fire in the grate. I stood and watcbed the jump- ing fisuit. Flo rose from the writiniz- table, and, cressing, stood by me ; and we both watched the jumping flame. "Do yen rememnber." asked Fie pres- entiy, "l'how we used to tell fortunes from the fire ?" Yes; and to Bée faces there 1" "Yes. 1 rernetuber. Pick. I dlon't see anytbieg there now." 641 should like te se.e omet.hing," said 1"Would yen?2 What ? aeked Fie. Now as we happened t0 ho standing, my baud, which held the Captain's lot- ter. was in immediate proximity te Fuuuny Things Io your oditor s man et-lottors ? Don't knew, st.ranger, but yon kin find out by suin' the pestmaster. She--So the# count'. relatives consid- 'or if mesailiance 1 He-Decidedly. Tht girl! lias oniy a q' arter et a million, sud tht count ewea three timon as mach as that. Mrs. Jackson-Do, yen tait this spouge cake ? Why, it. is as liard as at;one. Oeok-Yes, mum, -that tht way asepeugo je boforo i je t. Soak if ini yoar tes.& Gautrà.u burat liko a whirlwind in upon his Mound Gaston. "XVWiI y ou ho My witnossV?'6 "Going teO figlit 2"' "Ne, te get married." Gaston (attei < pauge-Can't yen apologize?2 She-I can't holp thinking I have itou yenr portrait in the newspapers somewbtre. Ho-Oh, ne doubt; eiV's ofteu beon pubiisbed. Sho-Tlhen I'm net mistaken. WliaIt ere yoeu cured', f9 ' f Kms Kicksy-I se hby the0 eadline. iiserthat Spaîn lias ber bands 1. ey-Ys, sudif ahe fôci th -tb;w ceutry s.I aébr'h atc My feu oet heln. tigs...y uti sâ't tit a piotur. te-Qui. etyiai:,But whm Mi. it 2, TUAS, 115,0009 00.0 Rackets BRO EkOXBe' POi PlU .'Kt f tht board of Iioense t4(ýbmmiwmoerge forT So«Ut b Onutario, consistin,6 d Dr. Rfie, Ush1- aWaï je. Watson; Grttibnk, 'sud jra,. Tweedie, Whitby,. On motion flr ýRae wàappointed chairman$ and Inspector 'ergn uoo akted assecretary. &T;;e was only ont new license applied for, that cf Jno. Whltney, Epsom, and ho was backed by a petition with go qua11fied voýters subscribed thereto, while ln opposi- tion there was One with40 names, as wil be seen by the Petition as printed below a nuniber of the Epsomi people signcd both for and against tht granting of a license te Whirty. The license was granted, Mr. Watson dissenting. The coosideration of tht application of J. M. Brooks, Port Perry, was laid over until the liquor cases are finished'there on April 29th. The iist of successful applicants is as follows : WHITBY TOWN-James Emaney, V B Woodruff, Jos Bandel, J A Perrin, John Stniith. OSHÀWA-J C Woon, J E Ray, R Kir- patrick, P Creighton, M Finnigan. EAST WHITBY-R Angle, F Mallett. WHITBY TOWNSHIP-O Sebert, C. New- sorne. POaR PERR-L Sebert, D Whitney. REACH.-J Broad, W C Heard, Jno Whitney, Ed Newton. THE EPSOM PETITION AGAINST A LICENSE. To the board ol Commissioners for the License district of South Ontario : We, the undersigned ratepayers of pol- ling division No. 2 of the township of Rea ch, hereby petition that a license be not granted to the hotel at Epsom ln the said township, as the said hotel is noi re- quired by the travelling puhlic. Signed. Thos W Ward, Jno.Nicholls, James Camp- lin, Francis Wilkinson, Henry Vietch, Alex C Brown, William McGregor, Samuel Former, Wma Vietch, Francis Dobson, Al- bert Dobson. Charles Henry White, John Durward, Luther A Scott, Reuben Stil- well, A R Macdlonald, Geo Hart, Sulas Page, Andrew Page, James Page, Joseph Alton, Jno Wood, George Ward, Edward McCulloch, Arthur Ward, Thos. Gibson, Levi Duncan, Wm Costello, Alex Mc- Gregor, Robt. Scott, Joseph Bryant, E A Walker, Alex Calder, Jos A Claughton, WVm Sellers, James Hortop, Fenwick Har- per, James H. LakeY-4o. FOR A [ACENSE. To the board cf License Commissioners for the riding of South -Ontario : GENTLEMEN.-We the undersigned Electors cf polling sub division No. 2 in the township cf Reach humbly ask your honorable body te grant a License te John Whitney at Epsom in the township cf Reach. he being the owner of said hotel, and a person of good character. We fully believe he wvill ruri it in accordance with the liquor license act, and your petitioners wiii ever pray. Signed Neil Macdonald, A Rose. John Akney, Alex Macdonald, Thos Watson, F Watson, Chas Gibson, T if Crothers, jas Stepheus, Fred Croxail, Frank Allun, Wm Terry, W J Waring, Jno Ward, Robt Bowles, Wm Foster, Welling- ton Boîster, Robt. Bruels, David Fralick, H T johnston, Jno Armstrong, Wm B Thompson, Alex Keith, Ed Ashton, Geo Prentice, Wm Brown, Chas Bowles, W J Ashton, Francis Bailey, Solomon Wilson, David Warren, J H. Akney, Jno Warren, Wm Warren, R Lay, Wm Akney, Wesley A.kney, Wtn A Sellers, Jos Wright, Wm Reynolds. Alouzo Wood, Robt Bowles, jr, Wm Sellers, Wm J Brown, Win Whitney, Wm Barbçr, Wm Prentice, Richard Bailey, Hugh Mure, C H Fester, j tox, A E Ciaughtou, A Stretton, JIno Bafily, Wm J Armstrong, Jno Ferguson, Chas Brown, Thos Whitney, S Harper, Chas J Brown, Chas Brown, Richard Watson, Fenwick Harper, j no Ashton, Philip Whitney, Jos J Nation, Hamilton Whitney, James Comup- tc.n, Robt Stretton, H J Stret'ton, Fred Waring, Robt Gregg, Ed Ashton, Harry Sally, Wm J M unro, Philip Whitney, sen., Geo Selly, S H Croxail, James Walter Whitney, Chas Stone. A C Brown, Albert 041d the Cou rntry, F [M 1 LB. ABD -jLB. LEAD PACKET AT 40, 50 BDl 60 CEITS PER LB, FOR SALE EY MATHISON BUOS., WHITBY The Kent Cas e. Pbysicisuus Uuiversally Admit tht Diagnosis to have hotu Correct O'rrAwA, Aprl 22-Tht diagnosis in the case cf Mr. G. H. Kent, of this cify, whoe recovory fi-cm Bright's disesse hy tht use ef Dodd's-Kiduty Pilla bas beau soeoxteusivtiy chrouied appaste have hotu a very cerrect eue. Tht swelling of the body sud extremnities te au abuormal size, the fearfut convulsions sud cousoqueut busexsibiity the rackiug pains the formation cf tht.Lr nidgeoa soiosa (ho pit ef tht stomaéh sund' tho, great loscf albumen are, al yunptoms cfi tbis terrible distase, aud if lu unîversally -ad- uitfod thaf ho owpg bis u-tfored 'heshth te, tht ahove unuioued romeédy. Tht returuing officer's cotant lu Vorcheres- toek place at St. Antoint., hMî. Geoffrieu's. official majority le 161, "-Afftr'years ef dyspep tic uisery,. 1't can At last est s goed square meoi' witbout1 itsdùbu- tresaing me, Ratefnlly exOWame uewhoîw ,appetife hsd bho,t rotored.by *eosfe Ayer's Sartaparilla. ýThi#&remtdy nud-' fofy sharpens tht-*ppetiÎte sud Impeves <Thons W a aegid to e s' defiit-of .noanly io6Oli'thé acmonats, ef Mre ,Clemez4 Mathuxex-reeuro cfTlUr -ry otu,. OomWblned wtth the bb.,st fgt h - the , a l. makes-tho e#t.bn Corset4 unequallfed, iti 1' prescrption for Infalà ither ODnULu Inorpbinê,»oi' t lsa h armlem "sUbatute ig Symupg, an& Castor 01 ýe Io thlrty yea lits b destroys Wormsandaikwe' --nts vomiting Seur Curd*, Colle. Castoria relleve nstlpal4on and fauency Pd, reguIaes the. stomach and rnatural sIeep t-omaw 'rea-the Xother's -FrIend. ",CasterIo tht best remedy for childi-en cf which I a=n acquainted. 1 hope the day la nef far distant when motherswMflonsidurthereal lntoeest cf tiheir chIldren, andl use OaaInria In- etead of fhevarnfeusquackncsta'mwichar&e demtroyluther lovedbees bytorelgoplum4 merphlue, octhlfng syransd cthtr burtini agents devu their tbroats, thelfundn th=mto promafuregravesY DL J. P. Knscwou, Castori& "Cstorais soweflsdapted tcldta it recm Iaaupeiortpanypropi-m knowu te ime.,, "Our physlebm u thte hldren'g deuet- 'ment bave spohen Iughly' of hkoer- euS ln tluer outae pafevtO sa sud aUflhgh o nlylaeameW o productN yotweau ne s to, omeMtbats .MR,48 of omtoefs busvS a o okwfth Élaverupea- 1 -' - .. : 1 qw tTL NrZWWIT For thatBad c AS AePreventieand.C Vanicocelet T11e Ktdney - W'You caui Os; te b. paid f.4bua~ Eroe## sud nudzniddle egedmen. tl~i sieus-sif have itariotlme .M~ddIf aged mou, youtre gu Cousait ns before tee late VAR.IoeCEI W. S. COLLINS. W. t Of r TII 's MI-cih lol 1 1't' E~s q ATf Irk'al- ,toir, liv n(,t.'r î'lý Y kîu.î of lu"' i'rt4 a i-A.'.'trtt' tu'-il Mt b Lt. t t t 4 'a the C (an- tlanen ýor the Al l'lie r of ap. ung te 1

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