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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1895, p. 4

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Stop that üugh. 18 à AP ÂE, SURE A&ND BPEEDY REMEDY FOR OOUGHS, OOLD89 BRONOHRITIS, ETO., -PLEPÂEED BY- de Eu WILLISI Chemi8t id Druggist, Medical Hall, '. E rook Street, Whitby. FRIDAY, APRIL 26) 1895 Short Notes. Japan and China have quit, fighting. The laps are to have free trade with China in future, $roo,ooo,ooo, the island of Formosa and other favors. Bis are being introduced in the Cana- dian House of Commons to forbid tnemi bers of parliament riding on free railwav, passes and to abolisli the French language in the northwest. There's no talk as v'et of an act to abolish the curl on the pigs tail, but it is certain that if parliamnent, wishes to keep the ear of the public it> inuqt stick to questions within the grasp of the public intellect. The daily papers re- coguize that it is claptrap about popgurî iel Po. tel eh as 50 49 1 vil ttl speech, sentiment or, .taffigm4 l st.ndtompatil wttîI<S*tmss tlve bodies ln "ilodýi T!ýeeat ='me i theCommlois -were t e govén*nent aideby IF'haiàie 1 1tte Poster, wbo le leader O'f 4h. Itone,.é-Sir, Charies H. Tupper, Sir Jam~es Git e*d-Uý Nicholas FlIood Deian. wbile on the:op. position aide Meure.. Lautter, 4rj igt Mlsand 'Patterson expouadd the lib- erai view of mattefs. la th e' iate Premier BowelI Made a Speech on Itonday in the course or whIcbh heitade a most notable referenbae ôto UicMtobtifobool question. He declated that the. promises of the imperlal governaielt, àse tôthé piro, tection of the mlnorlty of Manitoba In thIi privileges' would be carried out tothe:let- teand that Manitoba muet conifort to thee undertakinge, and reatablleb such of the separate achoole of that province es would secmi to have been guarantccd bythe crown. Failing in this the Dominion par. liament will be called upon to act. An lu- teresting feature of the session wlll be thc further consideration of an lusolvent'e act. for the want of whicb business is some- what hampered in ail parts of the country. gisiaLioU UmaLt isin uemanul, andu UîCv e- art very littie of the important affairs of ste as brought forward in parliamnent. We agree-witb "Endeavor," whose ]et- ýr we publisb elsewbere, that woman ould be-enfranchised and acknowledged ibeîng inteilectually, moraiiy and Port Perry Spring lair >cially man's equal; but we are afraid The Scugog Agricultural Society held Endeavor" takes a poor method of cou- isana srn hwa otPryo ýnci-ng obdurate man of bis er-or. To tanulpinshw tPoteryn il man that be je too utterlv corrupt to Tuesday. The day was a very unsuitable admit of redemption, and that womnan is the emnbodimetit of al ibat is pure and good, a too severe pon poor ang the o sud good that the world can be redeemed, bave a soothiug influence. He wil! bard- ly cufrauchise woruan onl so one-sided and unjust an appeal, wbicb, wbile making him Uic judge, holds ibat he ie the worst of crimlnais. If wornen in active politice wcre to display as poor dupIomnacy as doe "'Endeavor' she wouid be better without the franchise. The Port Perry Observer is quite vio- lent in its opposition to the introduction Of a curfew bell in that towu, sud if-tbe stand taken by our nortbern cotemn. is at ail in keeping with the position it usualiy oc- cupies in regard to moral reforme, the people of Port Perry should at least taire It lor gra utcd that the cnrfew is the right tbing. The Observer deserves the credit of always baving a decided opinion, and of speaking out plaiuly in meeting ; but it is 411forever wrong, sud if it were otherwise those wlio bave fotlowed its career would isake sure that it had e'ipped a cog sorne- - ~~ where, sud bad reversed itself. Those who were not quite dccided as to the uti- lity sud absolute necessity of having a curfew to ring the kueli of parting day, wlll now feel, since reading the Observer, that the question le settled. They wili support the bell. The Toronto World of yesterday writes its lesding editorial on* the-subject of lake ferries. It commente at length upon the great ferry boatz now used on Lakes Erie and Huron, and sees no reason wby an immense lake traffic can- not be worked up in this way. We agi-ce with every word the Worid bas to say in this matter, and the towns hav- ing suitable barbore wili very soon find -a revival of trade. Whitby bas remained n ulet since its harbor trade was cnt off. iake trade makes up for the absence'of population on one aide of towns bordcring on w ater. These ferries wili not likely confine their trade te ong tbwn on eacb laide of the lake, but wili visit many pulces. Whitby bas the best ali-the-year-rouad harbor ou the nortb shiore, and, we doubt not, vi Il corne iii for the iio's share of traffic, especially in the wintcr season. We 1 ave no fear for oui- towuns'future once'Ithese ferries become anestabiisbe4 succese, as s lake traffic la wbat wc want. Raiitvays bave becu the ruin, of Wbtby, baving cut off our barber bueini-es on oee baud and carried our retail trade away ou the other. The great sprlng horse show, abýout whlch there le so mucb eociety .tslk,îu sdaccame off in Toronto- Iast yack, 44 aud waes sccessfui. It le caIed a stock show, but there là far more two4leged stock on exhibition than ftour-letged. This horse show, as it Is t«erna,4 le mate- lyaote naine for-an ezib@tka « the, t'e lad ies sud geut1émema iu tb.ir gorge- oui fashionable gart sud fil equtpmpq., Stin many. ,fineanimabewere . eowu,-and 4 ~ ~ M 44 Poa rimprla lslooked upon m 'agrét 4 4 houer. Amonigt tose, a aUagý -t » distinction' wc .m=y ,note MeâïK' lobai Davidson, Job. Whiteaisd Brcék Un sud *. Robte vill, if . vilaty swetbi t îoý ahse. of the -honorawm. ti one, a bowling gale being lu constant pro- grees during tbe day. However, it made very littie difierence toe ither the exhibit- ors or exhibits, there being scarcely any of eitber. The owuers of brceding stock have either becomne se discouraged or so indifierent that they wil sot corne ont, or cisc the old-tirse stockmen bave gone eut of the business. There was enly one Cly- deedale on the ground, Mr. Jno. Vipond's magnuficent Canadian bred stallion. It was lu fine condition sud wae the object of niuch admiration by the great crowd who camne out te cee uext to notbîug. The numrber of road aud carniage statuions was not se emaîl, but they weal epring poor, and se ill-fcd that their winter coats were stiil painfully in e-videuce. Tbe drivers al looked fair'y well, but mauy of tbern need- cd short oats more than long eues. In cattle tbere was a fairiy good show of Dur- bams, but nething cisc. The exhibit of dairy produce wss aise meagre. It le semewhat singular that auy class of ex- hibits- sbould be slih, that is, if there be auy exhibits lu the country, for the prize list was ineet liberal. Meney je noue too plentifui these times, but Uic Scugog<So- cicty offéed at least twice as mucb moncy as should be uecessary te bring atock into competition. A large ameunt of Uic prize ruoncy reverts te the society because no per.-on sought to win ItL The following le the liet of prize winners: HoReus.-Draugbt stailion, aged, John Vipond ; drsught stalliOn, 3 yeare old, J. W. Mcbarry, H. B. Plumb; carrnage stai- lion, sbown in harnese, Alex. Watson, T. W. Evans; road stallion, shown in bar- nees, Geo. Palmer, W Naenitb; thorough brcd stallion, noue; span draugbt herses. geldinge or mares, jas. Rennie; span agrîcultural herses, geldings or mares, Anson Taylor, Jçhnsteu Huston; saddlc horse, Wm. Ward; draught mare, lu foal or foal by ber side, Albert Williams, Thos. Rundie; algricultural brood marc, do., Peter Christie, Mrs. R. Harper; carnage brood mare, do. Wm. Ward, Wm, Ward; single driviug herse or mare îsj bande or under, D. Wbitney, Geo. McMillan, S. M. Prooks; single driving herse or mare over le~ bande, W. M. Willcox, Geo. McMfillan, b., H. Bycrs. CÂTT'rLn-DurI4s bull, sged, jas. Gra- bais-, Durham bull, 2 years eld, jas. Reu nie; Durbam bull, i year old, age te bc considered, Thos. Graham ; fat- cui or himer, i and 2 jas. Rennie; fat o rser i and -2 jas Rennie. e rser IMPLEMNTs.-Lumber wagon, J. Swran & Sous ; single buggy with top, 1 and 2 J. Swan à S<>ns. B3UTrua ý»zneaoa-Tcu -pounds butter W _r tb. rouea, M'm. W. ?carsn, lire, G. H. Bycra, Mrs., Wm.,Ward: t*cnty 'pound buttea b z li b. trelis, im.R. Harper,lMre,' G.II. B r$r. L. Stanton; teu pounde butterîlu crOék, Mbii. W.. Pearson Mire. Wms. Viard, lMme U..Stanson ; Mif lb-.)i, bUtior In crck lMrM.Wzii.BraO -. doses Um*4p (resu , I'bo, *RodmiW I juat now, buel*ie atafteai$IlI ý. n4 rmsure Me a oacfh judge on*lIgtt es at thie Port Pr (airlon Tuesdây, rGo ekr i. Mr.ndMri. W., M 'Orr, sud 3mr.Al- brt Singer of Tronto tattendéd 'the son of thelate IR',..Orr, on'Titesdai. 1Mr, Oliver Hczzlewood, Oshawas, 'preahedin the Mlethodist tabernacle on Bunday moming, and Revý Mr. Kenny performed a like function in the evenlug. *Mr. J. Casteli Hopklne Torontoeî whose Lue of Sir John Thompeon la atttactlng great attention to hlm as a wrlter and bio- grapher, spent Suuday iast here, wlth Mr. F. Howard Amies. Hia Honor Judge Dartnel has been con- fined to hie residence this wcek by a weakness which came upon him suddenly on Saturday last. He la recovering slow- ly, and we hope to sec hlm ont in a day or two.40 Town Lessis. Get vour fire-pots,. grates, Iron or brick liningi' for aIl kinds of stoves, ranges or furnaces, from J. Mclntyre. We are showlng ail the new thinga In Men's ba'rd and soft bats. New atraw hats to baud at W. H. Warren's. You can get repaire for every atove and furnace made in Canada (rom J. Mc- Intyre. The aunual art examinations are going on here today, at the collegiate institute, Principal Brown and Rev. jn .. Abraham presiding. We are sbowiug new things in side comnbs, fancy pins, ladies' belt buckles. Cearmna buckels, the uewest thiug out, at W. H. Warren's. The greatest snap yet offered, The CHRONICLE and Globe or CHRON- ICLE. and Mail and Empire for Sitto Jan. îst, 1896. Two good papers ten mionths for a dollar. Seud in at once for tbem to the CHRONIcLE, Whitby. Those who have flot stibscribed for newspapers should do so. We are giving two papers to the end of the year for $i. Eîther the Globe or Mail with the CIrRON- icLE. Send iu names at once. If you are suffering from dandruif, or falling haïr, get a bottle of Dr. Grant's "H,airene" from your druggist, Who will guarantre it to stop falling hair and two applications to remove the danJ.ruff. Our clubbing llsts We have done so much clubbing this year that mistakes were inevitable in some cases. Many have been rectified and wc hope to hear from any others who have flot received the papers they want. Hait: Before buying a spray pump, be sure and see the Anderson double action force spray pump. The best iu the world. Ten of themn bougbt by the government for the experimnental farm. Only $13.50 each. L. Fairbank's Whitby agent. P. B. Waraip's spring stock. Mr. P. B. Waram, painter and bouse decorator, bas ope red out an excellent stock of spring goQids lu bis lise. Hia wali papers, room mouldings and win.4ow shades are in price away below anythin.g of the sort ever before offIred in thîs tqwn. Ail of newest designs. Gîve hlm théfiist cati. The. Great Emergency Sale. Look out for cheap boots and shoes. The great stock of fine grades of. beautiful. fitting styles, ail the newest designs in ail colore. Tbousands of dollars Wort.h to be sacrificed. Heape piled outside the door, and prices marked away down. Calcar- iy and see the bargains at the new choc store. M. W. Colline. Carrying the. Wa.r into Corea. If the Coreans knew of the manifold virtues of the New Williams sewing ma- chine tbey wouid teach the Chinese and * Ltarry Ntes. The April Cosmiopolitan is a delightfuf number inwhich the opening articlef, 9 lrë"T Nymph of the Altitudes" (Lady Hamrilton, Uic lamons beauty-wbo bewitched Nelson), and another "China and Japan" are affls-~ tically -and in a 111 erary way notable-. çofl. tests. Fan- wbl oee ,wbes y, 144-Mo 9ý- A We3çre going to' talkto yu this:wléeek,-aý littile 0.ot ra Gode, thé raddip~wês-hÃ"Wing ý au tile gret Faney Plain y 1 Oolored Berges, do id d 6 Black d Colored Henrietta Black .6 Also a few odd lengthsi 1 very olleap. uble fol& 'for .20. -par ~ ad5o e à 25e.,85c ud 0 ey&. Si *' " 25e., 0 . and M0. -peryd do 66 40c., 50e., 70c. and $11000 peryd teft of our Tweed ëffects which we arMU fem We hate placed on our counters a lune! of Dress Goods worth 25c., 30c. and 35ca, that we are clearing out at i5c. per yard. Be sure and secure some of them before they are ail gone. ' FULL LINE 0F DRESS TRIMMINGS IN STOCK. -U Somethzng Nw~ Fibre Chamois for interlining Puif Bleeves, Beveries, Skiit, etc. Cail and Examine it. 3ŽW J :D REU SPEEJAL Childrun's, 70 inehes wide, at 85 cents per yard. mu [LUTH ING. an' mon': ROýS Sm SALEV Rs >y-msa For this Season's Trade we have made a very extensive purohase of (Jlothing whioh is now to hand and whioh/ we purpose to seil at very close prices. These goods arâ equÈ1 to the beet opst*om made go'Ode and\ at about- haif thie price. EW Note a few of our prices: Ghildren's 2 -pe'd Suilte, (Oost and Knicker Panfis)oWo $2.65, $3.00, $3.50, $8.75, $4.0a~ 45. Boys' Knicker Suite, 29 te 2, from $2.55 te$4,50, 94 id27 to 32, (coat, vest and Pants) fo Youths' Suite, 88 te 85, frorm $4.5O tý e 8.00. Mens Suite from- $5.00, $6.OO 700, $ 0, $&.75,j Boys' Knicker Pants for 75c. Men's Wool Pants, good quality ýand well made., for 4I.25.ý Men's Oolored Worsted Pants for $8.90. Men'e *Blaok Woreted Pauts, for $8.75., THIE NEW DRY GOODS STORE. A large pocket book, containing sev- eral notes o band, mostly payable at the KEE F Dominion Bank, Wbitby, to the order of the undersigned, 'and other -- valuable p=ér, ail. worthless to thé finder. A sütâtble réward'wll be' given to any one who: returusi the saise. I hereby notify an~ OÙseagainst negotiating for the notes, ÃŽ.à,cstopped p tynient- for the same. WAI H. W. WILLC(oX. > VI -Whitbyy,Apil 24tb, 1895.40. - 8ti'a wher 0 pa. The- èuàder&ifrned bhas, forsale. a-limted a]t se ov Fi * w cf ve c i c f Sp - - t" WÂ' SYOUR-FE'T' hang on: R GRANB-9Y MIT tPtc>E MA;,PnLEUT i ONLY PEY YARD. t r -j, i k . .... . ...... îlnth:'

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