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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1895, p. 5

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This walcbes. STËàg WIN Âr S AccuRATE TMtgpa And we "ci l foi Brook 8treet, -Whitby. WB OÂN'T AFFORD To sel fursiture at cost, but we cas, afiord te seil at as l0W a price as 18 consistent witb an PROFIT. We keep tie argst and finest stock of Furniture in Port Perry and our prices are the lowest. Jeesop Furnfture Co., W. J. NOTT, - MANAGE&L. omw osaloaty Orgarn.-.Laragt Cfrou- latte, e9 MW local paperlau CAUUMa FRIDÂY, APIL 26, 1895. LOCAL LAOONIOS. Tic roades are lu capital condition, but ratier dusty. -Hardwecd dining tables, 4 leaves, only $,5, ai W. Till's. Sec our ciambrays, prints, sateenesu vcry low pnices. W. H. Wanren's. Ladies' aIl yood cashmere hose ai aoc. s p air. . A bettér lin. 35c. or 4 pair f6r $i at W. G. Walters'. Tie report cf the annual meeting of lie Seti Ontario Iicense commissioners will b. fouud in another column. Messrs. Pningle & Co. are seliing choice alsikte and mcd dloyer seed sud îhey are also sellieg vcry choie. black eye peus for seed . Our readers are recommended te go over te Ontario Ladies' College tenigit, Friday, sud hear Prof. Keys' lecture ou Washington Irving. Admission i5 cents. W. are sih -wing a very choice selection of dress gooda in ail tie new materials at very low prices. See our 38-lu, serge al wool at only aoc. per yard at W. H. War- ren 's. For tie preseut sud tli our ncw preni- ùse are rcady for occupatien, wc yl oc- cupy thce essi aI( of Miss Areold's brick store, nexi le lie old stand west. D. Mathison, Baker aud Conufectionc.-2 i -in. An exchange gives tb rollowing revision of lie game laws : bu.. agents may be killed from Augustisiite oOctober i; spriug poets from Marci isite oJuly ist; scanda! mongers from January ret until Dcc, 31st,' both inclusive; umnbrella ber- nowens froni February isite May ist sud froni August zet te November ist. Open season sîl tie year round for life insurance agent sud thc fellow wbo borrows hie neigbbor's paper. At Whulby, on Tuesdlay, April i6th, 189,, the wrife cf M r. Arthur gilpin, of twins. Our synspathy wlth a brother. .We feel great regret a thie loss Brother James, . ef the. Bowmauville States- man, iu tic losa cf bis wiole plant by fine on Monday nigit, Out cf the. aher efthte fermer plant we hope te sce a fanrp-ester power developed by eur cotesi. Wby dcu't you Pay Up? Wby don't yen psy your suiscriplion te tic CIHRONIcLE; W. take lie utmosi trouble caci wccek to make lie paper thc best w, osibly cas, sud wiîi tie assist- an ce of forhy oi fifty writers fremn varicue parts of thie ceunty we fill it wiîi fresi news. Each weck'e CHRONICLE ceutains thc itory of tic counly for lie previous seven days, sud we try toecaru our dollars fully. We woeld, tierefore ask tics. lu arrears te &end us tic amount at once. A kg of sand rat*- Jno. Robson. commn.ely kncwu as Mule jack Robson, was suulimoncd befone P. M. Harper on Wednesday te answcn a charge of havieg unec profane Thuguage te Michael Fittpatick. They boti live oui tue barren uand ille slcsg tic Brock nosci about twe miles senti et Broughianl Pickerfrug towus"p It appears tint tue >anus wbich foîmnerf; belonged to Robson hu nov passeci (rom» ils owpersbip, snd Fittpattick ýbas acqulncdth i -ght et pos- Session (roui lbthcopanmy on indIvidual wi'o nw wnflWhe plact. Fbtpatîlck l9aa tylplcal rîobiail of a breeci tbisaI10 mimer- osa anvound lb.sandi biIS la question, sand wiiet he and bis son weut 10 talc. fonusal possesion of Robso'a place they liund thal hovia stI li re alose Iu tieions, and w bood toduat eto tst POint wlth el at !aud . ee yo n eartlt Aftter -- n&rîüi' bar od OWs *OI iii sd lin At 84, but oiltiog wu *0i up bis lm, se, " a te bis aWslns$ Wu sd a ey. euiehr for,.sedig could une be desir.d. Thei'i lufdue condtion, and' Jupt recciveci new stock grass, nens.l black, wiiite.and gréy, alise fibrecblanuois Hair ciOtis 2ec. tie 4c- at W. G. Walters'. Thc gaie on Tuesdy fbrced the wVater.. lng cart frosi its wlnter'u quarter:;, which was about tbrcc weeks carlier thas tnouai. 1About 00w a great mauy farmers are wondering 'wbst crops to plant or 80w on ,Certain fields; bow masY acres o f this, and how many cf the cher crop had better b. put le. There la certainly very iitt c risk in grewing a good aized patcb of potatees because if the ground i , well masureci, and libers! cultivatios given, a falrly good crop can be secured. If the price or petatoes bappened te b. low, thc crop can b. put te good use ini thc stable to feed bogs, cows sud even horses. lu may be of interet 10 housekeepers to know uhal evcry article pf food sbould b. kept covercd until it appars os the table. Milk sud butter sbould b.kcipt in airuight covercd vessels. They take up every odor flying in the. air and are posltiveiy Iiarm- Tul i tte e tomach after stsnaiug unScver- cd for an heur or two. Net only odors, but the aulunalculs ubat fil the. air, art attracted te milk and butter. Uucovered jelly lusa menace to famiy besith, yet it is safe te say that in two-tbirds of the. pan- tries in town will be found baif-used dishes of jeîiy standing uncovered. A case was reccutl y decided at Guelph that should b. a wholesome warniug te al liquor-sellers. The widew of a man wbo was drowned lu a milI-race while iu a state cf intoxication 'obtained s verdict for damages against the two tavern-keepers wbo bad supplled hlm wiîi the liquor. Oue bad te pay $300 aud the other 86oo for making thec manso5 drunk as te b. incap- able cf îakiîîg care cf bimself. This decision establishes a principle whicb ought te exert in important influence on iii.sellerscf strong drink. To give aman wbc la already under the influence cf sîroug drink more liquot is a cruel sud selfish ibing. A new Dentist lu tovu. H. Wigbtnxan cf Toronto, will open bis suite cf roomes over Gross and Grangers hardware store, about the isi cf May. Two boys on a apree, Two boys namned Davidson, aged about 14 and 12 years respecîively, managed by corne means te secure some intoxicant on Saturday sud ludulged in it until îbey be- camne compleîely paralised ou the sîreet. Ibeir antics duriug the earlier stages of the. carouse were very wild, but they flnaliy stretched themselves ou the road- side aud drowscd jute a torpid stale. It was a sad spectacle. A cnrfew bsnU needed. If auy person lu Ibis towu believes a curfcw bell is net needed te warn young boys sud girls cf tbe proper heurte go home ai nigit, let ihai person take a walk round towu beiween nine sud ten o'clock any cf these nice nighîc, sud kecp ceuni nf how many smail boys sud girls will be fouud loitering about or perpeîratîng mie- cbief. The worsî feature cf the case wltb chidren le net the hanm they do areund tic ctreet uew, but lhe habit they contract cf sîreet loafing sud misciief, wbicb will develop ie vice sud disgraceful conduct by lhe lime they grow oid enougii te as- sume coutrol of tbeir own actions. Tie big loafers wio now bang round tie cor- ners sud pues remarks will be remeniber- cd by citîzens as iaviug grewn from the emalbeys wio were learning the trarle ef loafing sud insolence sround lie town ai nigits in lormer-years. Tiese wbo do net acquire this detestable habit whule young bardly ever take it up afterwards. Tii. curfew by-law works weii wherever it le v'ell euforced, and ne law ever made by any people workc well unless il lsenc- forced. We have several times rcad that lhe curfew was a failure, but lu every case the failure was attributed te negligence in ils enforcement. Whitby neede the curfew badIv, snd any person who takes a laie evening stroîl wiil coincide wiîi us in tuis opinion. Ou Sunday afternoon tic Oddfeliows, under thc dire-ction ef Major Farewell, prcseuled au irnposing appeanance 58 tbey ÃŽaraded te AUl Saiut'a churci, wberc lu ad been arranged tiat tie Rcv. Mr. Brougiall wculd pneah tiir aunual ser- mon. The atten dnce froni neigiborlng lodges was unususlly large, sud thc coin- modieus ciurch ws txed te its utmeet 10 accommodat. tic large numLer cf fieuds wbe united witi tic society ln celebrsling ils anniversary. Tie tessons read in thc carlier part of lie sermon wcre fully ap- precliatcd by tie brethren, as ticir teacti- luge are specially cmbodicd lu tic pris- ciples sud traits cf tic order. Tic ev. gentleman took uis tcxt -<rom Hebrcws Suh chapter, 4ti sud Sth verses, basing bis remarks ou lie lust clause of the 5th verse.- The clemeuts of pertect wcrkt were laid down as lwo, viz., perfect wonkmianshlp sud s perl;ct patter-n. Perfect workmau- ahi pdended upon perfect taifuluces sud perf ect euhl. Tic absence of cither or botu ofthtese leade te but one result : fail- ure. Tic preseuce cf both does net sec- essarily result lu perfect work. 'A perfect pattern or -model la a uiecessany addition ho atîsin perfection. Perfect' ekîl!, perfect faithfulneas sud a perfect pat- ternu united lun one indivisible trnnty eau have but ose result, perfect workr Soey osist0cfindividuut.Tcsc c eas cai ycinyleauy underlk gde- peds ouù t'bciaracter tcf e id o 0 o . u individual. If ti ndtviduuia ,el'eapr- tect patteonsaud adds thceuaitis cf faith. falnessand perfect akililie, wQ îofp-the society weiuid be perfect. -Tlsere exists li God's mind, a pertfct pàtternor -Ideaf"life for evmr individual on the face of Iii.' eartb. regarcltet ofrau* or c0aditln, and It le tbe duty cf every 5u4%vl4M"sI licsearci Ion liaI pattern as- reveale4 d I te -lly, gripturca. Itbrecr -l~sl rasae~jt, hhose that look fiWibie MIs suiteansd are ÇnI~I% * p ýI th e .t ari g nt'tilkg over- ca~Is ontract, and as usual S < ftbeintereited ones 4~mkn Capital of Party, polities. 'onsityw 'ed in town go Tueday fir011 th* *et, a gave an exhibition li the. barroon of theiîQecas- Qu - fthe chaPs called' tàgiss en isclshlon asud d1ove hi1 9esb fui! cf plus. Another le a contortiontst. Ail colda booze freely, and t.y Zéagd to til up, to a degrec of fui.' hsCs. flice azingto betuold. On Wed- udaY rnor ig they struck off-eustto loin a trupe .utier down-tii. country. Por htii ant fiftee years, the Royal Canadi4n Acadeny -of Arts bas been bold- Ing annuel exhibitions ln Toronito. In these tie exhibitors bave been and are the torermost painters, scuiptors and carvers ln Canada, witb an occasions! exhibitor trois the OId Sod. On the i8thb mut., the. itcthannual exhibition was opened, the catalogue of which la before us. Among the. bundred or more exhubitors, we note the name of Miss Charlotte Green- wood, daugbter of our esteemced îowns- man,J Hamer Greenwood. Miss Grees- wood's exhibit la an unique le oriental Pottery, and richly deserves the. position fiven itlintthe exhibition. We congratu- late Miss Greenwood upon this recognition of ber ability as an artist. Rememnier That Dr. Grant's "Hairene" 1ie guaran- teed to stop falllng hair snd remnove dand- ruff4 A iong-wind.d prelimlnary tria. Another short engagement ln the Row- land-Newton defamatory libel scrape came off before P. M. Harper ln the town hall on Fridgy last. The defence had suni- nioned a number of witnesses and appar. ently intended to go int the details of both sides of the case, but Mr. McCul- lough, on behaif of the prosecution. heid that this couid flot be done before a magistrate, so bis worsî ip uoted the points of law advanced and adjourned the case a week to consider tbem. Baptist auimmer services. On Suuday, April 28th, Rev. A. Enirie wiil preach in the morning, and Rev. J. C. Sycamore in the evening in the Baptist churcb. McMaster University session having closed, Mr. Sycamore will be ber. again as resident pastor. The growth cf the churches bere entails more attention snd W. B. C. E. Scott has been secured and wili take pas- toral charge of Brooklu church for the coming summer. On Aunday, May 12th, Evangelist W. H. Palmner, laie of the Brit- ish Royal Artillery and recently with D. L. Moody in Jerusaieni, wlll preach, -and froni thten every evening until furtber notice. Mr. Palmier is a most able preach- er of tbe gospel and bas been eminenily useuj in christian work among ail denom- mnatio He le reco -.nized as s powerful evani-. and large numbers bave gsth- ered te. t his faithful presentation of the way of saivation wherever be has been. Later announcement of the services wilI be given but everyone le invited te corne and hear him at ail the sef vices, which wil commence lu thie Baptist church on May 12th and continue until further notice. About Rggs. Messrs. Guun, Flavelle & Co., Toronto, send us the following circular fer publica- tion, which is for the guidance of ail par- ties handling eggs : At the commence- ment cf another egg season permit us te, again call yoýur attention te, the import- ance of handling your egs promptly -sud flot holding untili they ecme stale. lu this clty la4t sumuner thouüsande ofdozeus of eggs weyre sent -to the. dump, and. tens of thousands of dozens çwere almoast use- leeà because tiiey reached market tee old. Our chief 'market now for egge je -Great Britain, and it requires case snd akili te overcome the distance and land the. egp in good order ; but ail the care snd skili is vain if the egg la not fresh when it reaches the pscker. We therefore ask yen to impress on.your farmers the -im- p ortance of marketing their eggs prompt- ly and reglarIIy, white they are at their best ; and we also begofyýoùto dispoeo f thein Droml)tlv and regularIy sud flot toi tive physîcal systeins. They set out -for the creek in good tie. and partook cf the contents cf the.lui, v4ry frequetIy -on the. way thither. Upon arriving at he' i scçe' cf action, t6 their dlsappointment they fouud tbey had broughtglong -no .speas with wbicb te impale ti other kiùd "of muckers, nor had tliey, brougbt along a,,ny. other combustible niaterial exceptlng, more .matches. with wvhich 'te ligit theniselves du rith te psaors laught.r. Upon discSe4lg eirlc finfiamsables and iustruÃ"eets 'cf impslation thnysat down and held- a. eoumili of wat. After isulgieg ln many roundsaqf osideration, or rather llquld, ît vas decided_ to nake a fic on ,aknoloevrloaslateuaatî, aroued4 wbicb tbcy gathnired for a4friëudly cquver- sation. ýA motion vaë nuantnmulwna& ' ( :wd are dl6thi fine tu*deWe. aMevery buy. W. Iýould sii-the. ladies te 'Coe as earély lu lbthe-week aus-possible te avoid the. overoowdiug as muoh as possible. -> WR ITBY Black $eg ae ot 1.2È, for 95a. Blsc, Bo~'sor avy Bine Olothý Capewr8 2.259 to sml for #L75. Thes. are correot styles, right sizes, ând the. vory lowest prices. F. STEWART, WHI TB Y. Faîl whcat hau pulled tireugi the Win- ter badly bicacbcd. Men's ail wool navy blue serge suite oulY $3.75 at1 W. G. Waitcrs'. ' Caîl and sec tic grand display cf spring goode aitich west side boot aud shce store. Our stock cf childrenes, yeuthb', sud men's clothing lu v ery complete sud at v-ery moderate prices. W. H. Warren's. A geod many cerrespoudents have fallen short or their duty Ibis week. Wc wlsi îbey would ail write weekly, and esriy le the weck ai liat. A gcod time was lndulged in by tiose present at tic assembly held in tic music hall on Mouds y eveniug lust, ield under lhe auspices ef tic Whitby orchestra. Dr. Grant's "Hainene,"' for lhe hair, is the only preparatien guaranteed to stop falling bain, sud rernove dandruif. No lead, ne suiphur. Ask your druggist for it. Apples arc booming lu price lu Englsnd. Newton Pippies are selling for Siu per barrel ticre, but in New York are only $6. Baldwius brtng 26 shillings ln Eugland. A recent report shows that in this district the following are tic varieties wbici ex- penience bus proven* b be most likeiy te thnive: Summer-Yellow, Transparent, Duchesseof Oldenburg sud Red Astre.- chas. Autuei.-Alexander, Trenton, Graveustein, Wealthy sud St. Lawrcnce. Wiffter-Golden Russet, Pcwsukce, La Rue,, Bcn Davis, Red Canada Outario, Nensuch and Blenieimi Pippie. Fanmera wio wiub te plant with reference te tic Engliai îmarket will do well te, confine thiu attention te Winter apples, giviug prefrence te otue more bighlyrcolored. Coal at Torcntoprc. Selling'eut durin~ neit we.k-I will self very best SeranIton mdLebigh ceaI 14.75 ah shed -$5 dellvered--spot cash ouly. H. Prot f. Kjon Mattlew Arnold. -The tcwsspcopIe, appcared to -have al- t~ca. ptçJ neôloked Porft Key's lédc#iéttlie -o eUe lua Fm-day uighîbel ebly. about ltwcnty" haiVing geue oven -te -erhmdeal wiui Mattliew Aruoid. sud hua, w«ntiugs. Tic discours. waavery aile osé, asd'should -4raw-at lest a huis- dred .peope frois tbe towu Ibis Fniday, enlgte ,ean Prof. Key's lecture ou 1u ~ tu ri.Tic admission <e, le oy- cnt$. lios inteiicctuaiiy in- cliedeholdhear ticse lectures. tlie Wabas i Rîtahrcad le nov acjàowledged b y traveilere to b. tii, ouy truc route te Chicago, St. Louis,, Kansas City,; Texas, -México and aIl Weet,- Seiulwest -sund Pacifie Cost points., Tic- kts. soici* at, owest rates.hotail points-je America. Touriats and - teachers abour bear lu iislud thaith~e Wabash la tic onWy lise -tiat, cas t#ke passengers toeav via.-Sl -ILouis and XK1 MMO City sudi rettaru them,:v-ia Chicago, ion vice versa. By go mng our way yen pase through, six states of tic IJalos, lu thhcuest'equîped trains lu Amiedca. Ail particulars froni- any- rail- rcad agent, or J. A. Richardson, Cauadisu. Passeniger Agent, nortisest corser King, sud Yeuge streets, Toroute. Eduncailcual Association. MI'h omnblued meeting, of the Donion and Ontario Eduesticuisi Astsociatioeuje was hcld lu the. Normal sclip6l building T- resito, 'ou Tnuey, Weducsiday ýauid-T ro- dpy of last week.- bTearly ail the Pro- vuceo ,were ofllcialliy. npresented aI -tic .meetlpg, wrhich proveci most succesartul lurtopect cf boi usumbensr sud-inierëot., More than u ses! importance was aqIlseec tothe meeting oni account of the. Intendeci revisipu suaid- -cénolidation 'f the _- school lav 'a at tiemexsesion, of tibLegislatume; Sec these fedora hats that W. G. Wal'ters 1 i efferlng at 50c. The. town authoritles arc purchasing a large eupply of broken stone frem the jail-yard pile. 6 plece solid walnut parier suite, plush wh silit plusii bande, for $32, Worth $45, at W. Tills. St. John's church at thi Bay. Mr. H. R. A. O'Mallcy, cf Wycliffe College, will officiatei.nlutus ciiurch ou Sundsy April 28ti. Plrst cf the seasan. Thc First Presbytcrian church of Port Hope have arranged for s cheap excursion froni Brighton te Toronto via thc G. T. R. on- Tuesday sud Wednesday, Msy 7th sud 8th geod to returs up to Thursday, 9th. Thls wi!l afford a plecuant sud chcap trip to the, Quecu City at s delightful scaon of thc year. Furuher particulars -wlti Urne- table and rates le posters. Lock for IL Wait for it.-i9-4in. Route 2111*. The. CHRONICLE bas always turnd eut the. bcst borseroute billsite ccounty snd is prepared te maintain its reputation this year as usual. It is au unfortusate thing that tiiere le sot -more breeding dose, but a handeome poster i a goodsri - ment for a herse. Those who get their route bille pristed by the. CEmoiNzct will have their routes prlnted free lu its columns, snd it ithe. only paper haviug s sweeplng circulation sniông tie farmers cf thie couuîy. There. are no$ masy taking two local papers, sud thoe who lock over our mailing liste will fiud that the. CHito- icLE goes loto almoot evcry bouse lu thc couety. Talent Social. .Tii. social given at the. presbyterian manse on Wednesday evenlug. by Urs.- Abraham sud Misses Donaîdson sud. low was uuualiy Well sattièudcd. .Dùrigthe eeng parleýr gamues -wpreinïdulged lu by toedeos se whulc tiç foliowug. pro-. gramame w,ae given aý vaJried lnerV4 :.. Piaxio solos, . D.!are, Miss Lor44 MIssCarnejoà atnd-n4Mr. ~.E. Afrt rabam; vocal solos by Misses Mcie Hol!dayý, asud Keteben; reàd1ngs and., ÃŽeiaiu by Miss Lick,'O., L .C., andi Mesura.Sidey, Hendelreon and . B&owu. Meesrs. 1). Wilson suad Ji turng cogtribut- cd orchestra mÏmic Refrésesinsw served durlng cèvnàg Wbatevcr bas bappened liaI-tis towa cau. have lwe successful balle in' :one!se,- son? YVeam Lsnd yeàrS ag0,, th oteldest, lehabitant; says, such t luget were done,, but. cfliewhy,-a pretty girlnilgliî as *elee enyse te afford lter ad<iIr, auoportnity lwlce witi reeaoso dn4ci gWltb ber upcn tie flor of sa- rocs. ,il h as ,. cen -dosne, >thobgh. Wbthber it le an Indication of, the return, of p osperîy-, -lunme àloe i tel.- -Ofthe certainty tiatlie. Assemb1ý-gven by thii. teutlemen of Whltb y An the msusc l'a, Fnlda' vsi~was -one cf the sMost,., cf donti but esit wbiich tc reil1en t r orzesu -Sprlsg Ssts (lu >talnn &prmetl - lu fult swn.Novihe le b:te gel a fluesui. ~V'1Iguamdntee teO fit yen purfoll, suit yen .zao an sd As ood abat asyo '1I ufox 0.; and libe nwstayl àl umeikwear eztremioly ohep LOOR at the remarkabl 1w priees that I amn uellinlèg 8oliOak Draw ing.roo'î Suites atocThe pýices are from: $2-'.* ',-$2ge $28.50, *80.00, *35n4, up- DONýT FORGET, tflat these gomdsarê myiowün mùke. to me hln y owËsper. .**eEa... Led egude:rfker, ini ýêOonn90 Fan» oRn.~ if .Hto 0 t\VhIî haýe(jtl t elv uçCril ,es ther., r-rea,-lll is ý)f - . -aiid Iu Ali w'rk ly atteilj. [OR, t., Es, Whitby. eggs for PlYmnoutî i Prepared f $1 -00 per WDEN.

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