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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1895, p. 7

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K I~. fl2utAstonIs3h MEN 0F SCIENCE. Sarsa- AYERs-pril A MEDICINE~ WITJIOUT AN EQUALO Staternent cf a Weli Knoim Doctor *Ayer's Sarsapartîla 13 wtthoîît an equ.il as .1 bboodI-îurifier and Spring medicille, atid cannot have praise enough. 1 have wvatclîe i Its eflects lu Chronic cases, wlîere other treaUxneit was of ne avail, sud ha ve beeti astonislîed at the reqult.s. No other bleod medicine that 1 have ever used, and I have trîrd them aM. 13 se thorough In Its action, aîîd efets so mna!y permanent cures as Avv' yr saIlarlla."...Dr. H. F. MRIL Augusta, Me. Ayeî' j,-qSarsa parillai Admttaed at the Wor1-d' ai-r- Ay~er'a PISafor lir e,- a td boir-cls. HEALTH A.ND HAPPINESS. 110W IT %VAS FOUND BYV A LAN.'; ARK COVNTY LADY. Site Had Suffeced for Years Fromn Weaknesi; sud Pains mn tite Back- Sciatica Complicated the Trouble and Added to Her Msery-Her Healit Alt LMraculousiy Re- itored. From BrocRvlle Recorder. On a proapero)us farmn mn the townsi cf Motîtague, Lanark county, lives Mr and Mrs. IJosepil Wood, esteerned b3 ail wito kmîow tbeni. Mrs. \Voýd wai hemn in te village of Merrickvîlle, ai SPent lier whole life there until hai rearriege, and ber mnany frienda ara cor. gratulatîng ber on ber recevery tc itealtit and strengtit after years cf pain sud sufféring. When the correspondent cf tite Recorder called et te Wood homiestead, Mns. Wood, altiteugit now net lookmug te Ieast like au invalid, said uhat aince girlitood and until ce- cently, site was troubled with a wealî beck wbich gava bar great pain at times. As she grew older te weakness sud pitin increased, and for nearly twenty years site was neyer free from iL. About s year ago bar reisery was increased by an attack of sciatica, sud tiiswit ber back trouble focced ber Le take te bed, whebes sie remained a belp. leas invalid for over four montits. Dif- ferent doctors atr.ended item sud site ried numerous remedies said te, be s ýcure for hec trouble, but despite ail she couLinued te grow worse." Bite was ad- vised te try Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla, but site had dosed berseif with se many medicines thaL ber faitit in the beaiinq virtues cf anything was about gene, sud site had fuily made up hec mmid that bar tronble was incurable. At last a friend urged lber 80 strongly tat site constnted te give thes Pink Pilla a trial. B.sfore te firsL box was ail used s felt a sligbt iruprovemnent, wbicb detar- iîied ber te continua titis treatment. Frein that out site steadily inipmoved, and was soti able to be up sud about te bouse. A furtiter use of.the Pink Pilla di-ove away cvemy vestige of tite pains whicit itad se long alflicted ber, and alîs found heaself again enjoying te blassing of perfect itaalLh. Eigbt nuontita have paased< ince site ceased uslngite Pink Pille, sud iu that ime she hais besu entirely fcee from pain or weakness, sud Bayasithe is confident ne otiter medicine could have psrformed thte wondec Dr. Williamsu' Pink Puis have doue for hec. Sitesasys "I feel happy net only beoauae 1 are now free frcm pain or ache, but because if my ,old trouble sitould retucu at any titue I know to what remedy to look for a re- J esse. " Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are sold ouly in boxes beuc<ng the irm's trade mark sud wrappec, (printod lu red ink). tîe« in mid titat Dr. Williamsa' Pink Pilla are neyer scld in bulk or by tii. deseoi or bnndred, and auy deair who offt*s substtut.. in thia form is *y~ to 4o!rauî you sud should be avoid The. publio are a"so ostioned agalnt #II other seoalled blood buldeàs sd îzûo *U14 opt; op ÃŽtahsianar ferri- n tend.d to deesîse. They are tglimut- Uions Who$$ takers hope tOru ar .".b oîo.4 b r.Wonst " Pnk sk your dok' fo nue .pilam.b7fta. toi-- 7.3eioneCo ayBimà Indoendeni Orderof l0rettei, "- the Present k habeent goocf fortune cf the Independont Orde cf Foresters te fand each 7ear's huitor of the Order better than ýany preceec îng ysar. NÃ"tably la this true cf 1894 uthe record shows s higiier gain thanaii other year. Allowiug for deaIths an; lapses. The net ga*l m* brai 15,151. The total meusbership stood on Siat December at 68,468. Anothe fsteually gratifying, in that aIthoug] the 0Orer je 00w in the 2Oth year cf ut hiatocy, an tige when btse death rati migbt reasonably be sxpected te ho in creasing from uysar te ysar, the deat rats foc 1894 wus 5.39 per' 1000, ai againat 5.47 for 1893. Though te 'Jr der is a year eIder titan it wus twelyf menthe ago yst.owiug te the influx ei new membece, the average age te-day ii 34.82 as againet 35.31 lust year ; fi ether words, we are growung yeunger ai we gî-ew older. We know of ne frater. uial organization whero tite averageseg of members is as lew, ItLt au Ordez cf yeung mon, for young mn. One of the mo8t gcatifying facte in thte year'a hietory is the capid gcowth cf tite Re- serve Fund. After paying eut ail death claims and sick and ether benefits, amounting te $511,162.30, the Order bas increased te reserve by $298,367.. 22 sud stands rsow at $1,255,188.57. Titis rather contradicte thseassertions cf financial journals that have been pre- dicting ail] aleng that bte reserve could net continue to grow. Feur years ago we were teld te sud had been rsached,' grewth would cesse, and tse demanda on the reserve te pay claires would wipe it eut. As a matter cf fact, the growth for 1894 of the reBerve, shows the largest increase in its history. Dur- ing 1894 the Order bas been gceatly ex- tended beth in Amierica and Great Britain, te new organizatiens cf bte Order fer the year being 4 itigh courts and 3î6 subordînate ceurts. The sub- erdinate courts instituted show ani average cf over oe per day, and te rate is increasing. Equaily gratifying is tite fact that the utn>est itarmony prevails througheut te witole Order. The mucmbersitip have te fullest confi, dence in the administrative ability sud itigh integrity cf Dr. Oronhystekita, tFe Supreme Chief Ranger, and bis col- leagues on the Supreme Executive. Thte 26 itigit ceurts are workiug cer- dially and iteartily with te Supreme Executive. The 2000 subordinate courts are doing their work better thau ever. And the loutera of thanks, pub- lished from rnonth to month, show that thte fraternai spirit of te Order is net oniy profeased but practised. The Executive. tee, makie tite pardenabie beast that tere is flot a single claitu in dispute or unpaid. The 337 claires were paid, on an average inside cf 10 isys after deatit. A showing, sucit as the above, is certainiy oeste ausure ths isembers cf te strength sud perman- ence of the Order, sa well as cf the effi- .iency cf its management. And alec, mne weii fitted te inspire tite public w-ith the fulle8t confidence in te 1.0. F., when it appeals for support, sud preseuts te beuefits it offers in con- nection with membe rship. s Died. MCLEAN. -At her resideuce, lot 23, cots. 13, Brook, on April 7th, Mary be- loved wifs of Mr. Alex. C. MeLean, aged 46 years and 2 menthe. WEsTcoTT.-At Thorah, ou April 12, Mary Westrett, wife of the late Geo. W eatcott, aged 93 years. GRÂHÂM.-At Thorah, on Sunday, April l4th, Bessie Graham, aged 34 and 3 moutha. MORISON.-At Thorali, on Monday, A pril lbth, Jane Isabella, infant daugli. ter cf Henry and Margaret Morison, aged 3 menthes and 9 days. The band made ite firet public ap- pearance in 1895 on Good Friday, ren- dering a programme from the balceny of Mr. A. D4. Morrison's block. Mr. D. M. Smith in buay building a bakery in connection with hie promises. A large portable oven has been pur- chaned and a first-clase baker will be employed. Mr. P. MeMillan, jr., lelt on Mon- day for Niagara, te, attend the meeting of the Grand Camp of Sous of Scotlaud as the ccpresent.ative cf Camp Douglas No. 27, Beaverten. Misses Annie Logan and Lottie Mer- rison left ou Monday for Oshawa where tbsy enter the Demill ladies' Collelg e. Misa Nellie Gunu left on Wednesday for the anme institution. The. number cf tramps unho are wend- iug thair way te the Trent Valley canal looking for work is legion. Soarcely a day pmaue without @orne of these Unfor- tunabsu putting in an appearanca. Mr. E. Galsgher whe was barténder for tihe late proprieter cf the Ontario House, Mr,.1D. J. McDonald, died on Thuraday lat at Brochin. Mr.-Galis- giier went huuting luet fuil and cauglitg celd which quiokly develeped ùîtpo on-4 sumption. <1 The ouater ve.try meetig of St.1 Paul's Epilcepâl ehuroh waubtild -i't the. church on Tueedzy afwormonlat. The. annual report of the- tnsuroe vis presented showringthe Bu o e a flourîshing tondto h eotOil thse Wow.ne ug' u seiited showing' etu" ladies for tii eo of the. obhui Mmpflréd aboat Barrie thatti ulawl be0 b.' laigthen, lnProPôse4 whet 141h1,lle fi buU.would be'-isunchied wluhen tih e. lîP à'I dîsepeared a»,d'à few; uecesaary cePairs maie"M.JonR~ nedy, who hadea'5ve yeers' lease cf the I s uad steamer, bas refused te accept *the, condtions of Capt. Mclnnes, bhc owner, Uules the boat ls reedy for iievl- gebion oQu May 23th, whicb le impossible if the %poei improvements are cerrleci eut. rc. Kennedy catered meet iticces- fully te the needs of excursionists lest seeson, sud it la te be boped arrange- ments can bse ffectcd whereby he mey continue te, do se this summer. Capu. McInnes jseout cf bewn censequently the News-Lebter was unable te learu what bis D. A. '«oclauru ClOo al. Mr- D. A. McKinlay was et death's door lest week, the resulIt cf blood poisening fron, e amail wound csused by e herse treading on his lcft foot on Monday, March 2,5. The herse was sharp shed and theb cork cf the shoe cut rubber end boot a ndl penetrated fineo the ficsh part ef the foot, severing an artery. The wound re- ceived careful home treatment and began te heal bill Wednesday of lest weelc when Mr. McKinley cemplained of chilIs and headache. On Thursdav erysipelas set in and orn Friday Drs. McLean and Gîl- christ proneunced the patients condition critical. Dr. Cameron, *a specialist ef Toronto, tvas sent for and tegether with the Orillia physiciens held a consultation. On Monday Mr. McKinley's condition wes improved and he is at present pro- gressing favorably. Although flot eut of danger his medical attendants are hope- fuI for bis complete recovery. A young woman wbose identity fbas mît yet been disclosed, showe-d somne tomvn storekeepers lest week that she had e ratiter originel mind and had any amount cf nerve. It seems that on Tbursdey cf lest week tbis young woman, who was flot particularly weli dressed, rather baIl, with dark complexion, carried a cbecked sbawl and bcd tbc appearance of a very cemnion place per-on, went inte Messrs. Moore & Kerr's store and erdered goods te the amount Of $21. Tbis wes principally made up of clotb and trimmings for a dress. Tbe yeung woman who chose ber purchases in a niost deliherate way, aaid she wes in the employ of Mrs. Watson, whose busband runs a brick yard on bbc Atberley road. She dîrecbed tbab about $14 wortb cf tbe goods selected sbould be sent te Mrs. Wat.son's bouse, tbc remnain- cder abe being ellowed te bake witb ber. Mrs. WVatson was te setîle the wbole bill of course and bbc goods were ail ordcred in te alleged emiployers name. Mrs. Watson was ratber surprised wben bbe parcel rcacbed her bouse, and informed Mes-rs. Moore and Kerr that she kncw notbmng whatever of tbc young womeu, and bad given ne one instructions boorder goods iriber name; sha bas net the leasu ides wbo tbe womai- was. After leaving Moore & Kerr's bbc female sWarper went bo Mrs. Curran's mnillinery Isbep wbere she secured a bat by giving a writîen erder froni Mrs. Watson, wbicb was a forgery. The bat is black atraw, large crown trin,- med with black rilbon, with piuk roses and two pink ip feathers. The dress got from Moore & Kerr'm, is a uavy blue serge with lighîcr trimming, A reward for her arrest would be given. A young womsn answcring t(he bhief's description purchased a ticket for Beeverton Thurs- day alternoon. lb le net yet known whebher any other store-keepers wcre im- posed on. -News-Letter. Broken Log. Alex. Keith of Reach met witb a simple accident on SutTday morning that will lay him up. While walking on the road to or from Epson he fell and broke his leg. A short time ago thieves visited Mr. A. T. Button's poultry house and .carried off seven- teen of his foui. Tbis'is oe eof the things that try a man. A poultir thief seems te be about the meanest kind of sneak. Sad Acoideon&t About tbree days ago a two year old- boy of Mr. John Godfrey, who lived near the afii on 7th con. Of Scott, got his clethes on fire while the mother was out of the ruom and received such serieus injuries that he died the next day. Mr. A. E. Pirt and Miss Violet Mooney surprised many of their friends last week by quietly geing to St. Paulschurch and getting ,"tied" as man and wife. They then left on the morning train for the south. before the aforesaid friends quite realized what had hap- pened. The young couple have returned frors A Colleotlng AgencY. Wben a man gets religion and experiences a change et heert it is te be persumed that he will psy bis dcbts. Some cf our business men have been stndving* the subject a little and would like te make a bargain wîth the cburch for the immediate conversion cf certain genule- men-( "*gentlemen cf Iisure" we might say of some cf thcm>-who owe thetu sundry accounts. In uther werds the cold bleoded schemne is te, make the churcb a collerting sgency, If somne such plan couici be worked a liberai commission would be paid andl enough sAbjects couid be peînted eut toene sure the coutinuance cf revival for some weeks. Uxbridge would gradually becomne a *'scttlin)g" peint and people weuld be induceil te cbmc in te the revivais fret ail directions. Bonus hîmters silil live, aud hut for bon- uses,.in eider to Jive icugcr. The Mkyerof U xbridge bas received e letter f'rnm .a7NOr,,t. CO. ai White, Cloud. lIcb., in which tbcy Clate that tb.ey MaIe odekl aor* lotand thât UxbriY e hbu been represested to tiet as a desirab e locatton. Teg~ bhave chie frein t , westerfï c ~~o cash bonus (by esgoiption), - a lree ete# -and water power and exempilepe fions taxes ent4 wa4ter sd lgu isfor Iw"tY vfln.'butI :1 unrable. Kow it is net. I~a11 knwiUnfeta u qui krthan any other knwspeci. Soott's PEmulon pro- Imotes the making c! healthy lung-tiosue., reive s inflmmation, overcomaeathe excess- e Ofstef6he disease and, gives vital For Oougba,001d4Weak Lunga, SmreTIn'ot, Blronohi4 Oonsuipti oofu«Nl, nbma, Lone of Flmha h u âtng Dàmeaesf Oidxen. Buqy only the gennine w".thOur trade- "mec MARK. mak on :amm.colôrred 2wrapper. SnsdforpampAîe.t on scott': Emul:4,,. FRC Soott & Bow n., Bellevile. Ait Druggiste. 50c. and Sif. IMIMAILTH FVOIR A LLi I1 1 Purlfy thse Blood, correct all Disorder. cf the LIVERBITOXÂOH, KIDNBYS &A"DBOWBCLS. They invigorate and reetere te healtit Debilitateil Constitutions, sud are invaluabie lu aiJ Complainte incideutal te FenWsalo f ail age... For cbildren sud te aged they are pricelesa. Nanufac(tireonly at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (liste 588, OXFORD STREIMT, LONDON, and bola by au Medicine Vepdora throighout bhe World iff urciieumahould look to tis. Label ou tise Boxes sd Pots. If tise addre.a la net 558, Oxford Street, Lomidon, tisey are spurloua ANI) PIN WORMS. 1IrCHlNG PILES la an ""CeelgypifladSnyn tl N o ~~tien, found allas in the rieh and Peoor"." m'ylai nd iftemale.a The !p ani BMyxPtomP are a severe Itch'nwb awrLu î~ t h ferer becomes warin in bed. 5e zerribirp is thm itching that trequent M ore Itla IposiieteDronlro sle.p. Otten the, aufferer ucnco durlngalee,, scra:ches tb p arts until they aire sera -ulcers atd turne o inecessive nioliture ta exu.ced. Females are peculiarly affect M Ci V . o t disoaso, cataîmîg unbearable irritation and trouble. Thea. every ocher symptoin of lthing Piles or irritation in an O~ f bojare lim media rely allayed and quickjy cured by Case'à mn.It wll lastantly stop iLchlugç, boa! the mores ud i m À* % up the meistur6. Istan Rnstant Relief. IN TMo8 'l e IT ~r a tchl g Pi es. r W ate a ca s ud am to m e ao i h s n Snttou-Mr. Sheppard, M r%; McDonad King 01tyW m. W sken, BaUevle-IL TGaprdon, rg~t hrhii svdGc. The eMob TotDr. hbm-anse Bae Scanlo, J. er I BrafoPile s. J. hBme »d t, urnq IthyBaiDem-a E. Garden. Ith are sla.BabR To.,I rt FDr. Cha'. u n;smd OrssyfrIclnePls uml e ;2 to~bulnslIthy k li p sc sRzeaqtc.Brbt- ZDUA-48-0 #4, dr4 C"4 Tsro >rUc'- 6 itr tch aiRes.~~ *Wà have the. YlnestSoiectlon lntmw ef those BEA UTIFÛL AMERICAN WA LL PA f--RilS Borders to Match Corne early and getfirirt coIaOce. Pu-B. WARAMJ Bryan's oid Stand,.- Brook St., Whlt i BÂDAM'S MICROBE KILLER REMEDY. 3..EDGAR, Kerchant, Wind- sor: M. K. ecteil marveiousylu inMy esut cf chronic stomecit andlbowcl trouble. WM. MAORAE, L.D.S., Cook- sibire, Que., Was given up te die frotu s complication cf Dyspepsie and Liver trouble with cousujnp tien. Arn as weil as ever uow ; it is tcuiy wonderful. T. H. LUSOOMBE, Barrigter, ,~London: Chronjo cougb and Isenorrbages frin mtIse lungs were burrying my wife te sq euly girave but thanks te M. K. she W~as weillesev. Wm. Radam Mirobe Killer. Co. (Ltd.ye 120 K!NG STREET WEST, TORONTO ONT. For sale at ail cheuisîetor ait W B.HOW~.s -' WHITBYr D~lA.LF~u IN GOAL, LUMUE~, LATE~ Terentc~ Ont., BoieM.at* gorpo~~~ ~p,4 UW4 UOau A cha.nce 1 That ie te say your lung. Aise al your breathinîr machinery. Vary weunderfil ma- chinery it x. Nt onIy the larger air-Das- sages, but the th ousand f litte tubes and cavities leading frome thons. Whqn these are clo ggd snd choked with motter' which onght nt te ba there, your lugs cannothaf doetheir wrk, And wihat they do, they caninot de well. COal! t 'cld, cengh, croup, pheumnis cat*rrb, consutuptien or any cf the famnly cf throxt sud - nege and head and Iuug ob- structions, ail are bad. Ail ought te b. got rid- cf. Theie is just ene sure way te, get rid cf thetu. That je te take Bescheelu German Syrup, which any druggist wiIllseii ycu at 75 cents *a bottie. Even if every. thing else had faied yen, yen may depend npen this for certain The North Shore Navigation -Cempany'e fine uew-steanor, The City f Toronto, ws suocaefuly lanbed ouf Saturday et Owen Sound. A Life Saved. -Mr. lames -Bryso -n, Caim- erson, otates: "I was ceiifiàed te ruy bed witb Iuîflammation of the lu.ngs. snd *#ae given up by the physiiens. A- nsghiber advise me te try DR. Tuo",s' EoLrz OIL, istatinig that bis wife bailused it forka throat tr3tible witb the k4esti -esults. Actig on bis advce I procured- tie inedicin , su les& tIssu sbaîf bettle cured meo- 1 1ertaiuiy that I consenteil to a ti 'al# â , Iw s re u t te soIs s otite. t 1 Idcîsbte& tIse powet cf anyx rotdy tedoms any *gcod.» A Londoncabîsae tY -0,-ffloÙon between ceunt lua rptur cftIe 'alliance. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN-KILLR, 'lt, lief r frons th e Méut intueeve pain$ it fflthesýths lstdttd or nflaiRm"ar-al- 4-- 1'h.y are Glving Wa&y. PhYsicians Commence -te Renlize the Value cf.Doddj's Kiduey Pfile. OTT.&wA. April 15-The. inveterate reluet. ance te. admit the succees of patent medicille, uas&lly eviced hyùpbysaeans le rapidfly gi, ing way Zsefar as Do.ddes idiey 'Pille are concerned. The cases of P>r. Rose sud Dï. ,XoCormick, who pnbliahed det"il-of. their :C recovery frem diabetes and Bright's dMesase, tbrougb the a«ency of this ui'mdy, -w*eli irst attacks on the citadel cf theli ekptis and uow it appears as-if thé remarhablà'r. covpery of Mr. G. H. Kent, c f tias city, i e' details cf whicbh have been already transmit- ted to the press, would coinplete what bas8 been e anspiciously begun. 7Tbe pbjibed interviewa with Mi,. au& Mrs, Kent isud: th çw rn stateme t cf the formereav éé De foot, > hold for diabolief. At San' Francisco the Ooor'ea .'Jry charged Th eodore Durrant ut the cm.rder cf Minnie--Williams, oescf1 irskilod in Emanuel flaptist Churehî, Why suffer fes~atnre ~fp petite, s'd gonersidebifyI- eJetha nz cf slsep sei1reèt;litp)Vertigh tbesysteùmdý,Il thià the bIffl i wen suoh11 a zei ~3, :-: PRICES, Gives, 1 dIMM 1 1 1 1 lý 1 - 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 'omted-$looooo. wu hey h« lu, Ail LowFST A nervy vonng woman. UxBarDoIr,

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