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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1895, p. 8

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Tb Ie¶ular meeting of tite bm4d>f4.-éù «tq 1lb'ed on Wednuady I4enng OU w high ai4publie schools :e.opeited on bMoadaltv mandafîeér the eaiier vacation, with a large aitendance. Afull report. o&our s rlg fair lield laut >rueday wîll be found luanother columu of the exCRoNiCLc. Mrs. Dr. Sanguter, Miss Caey Sauter and Mr. Bert Bard were in Whiitby Iast week attending the assembly. Tbers was- no service In the cburch of the Ascension last Sunday eveningr. Soanthing had goine wrong wlîh orne cf the connections or Wirea. 6 The Interlor of thse barned store bas been repalred and looks cdean and bright. Mr. Willard will open out aext week witb a new stock of goods. Street Commissloner McKnlght and bis mes have muade a tidy ln cleaning up and re- moving reuse from, the principal streets ln town thls w.ck. Thse laits cleared of le on Sunday 2itt mt., which waa îhree or tour iweeks laier than last M ear. We shail soon hear thse whlstle of the Ïs plying to and fro MariTed, on Tuesday, 23rd iat., ait the resî- dence of M. H. Frise, by the Rev. R. White- man, B.A., Mr. Henry Sameils of Cartwright to Mrs Miller, Mariposa. Speclal revival service will be held in the Salvation army hall for ose week, commencing Monday evening 29th inst., led-b7 the well known revivlhist Oapt. Parker. On Tuesday and Wednesday eveninjs 7th and 8th May, Capt. Ross provincsal agent for the Iight brigade of thse Salvation army in Canada, will give two lectures with tereoscopic views. Vhe subi ecta are "The llghthouae, or among te wharfs and wharf rat of Montreal, "and "Thse Solcmn Asscmbl." The admission on Wedneaday evening ta toc. Rveryone lu invited to attend. Capt. Stainforth and wife in command.. The birds. Starr and bis concubine, Mrs. Simipson, have flown to parts unknown. flicy departed by the light of a very dark moon, and thse party to wbom thse bcd and atove bctonged was glad to get tbcm away safely under cover of the darkness. Publisis- ing the acîs off sucis creatures in the press does more good than warnhngs. Some one was good enough to show Starr thse CHRONIC.E Off i9th i nst. Ncxt morning there was a vacant bouse on Clark et. Thse lqilor *aies were 6d l et another hearr ing Monciay 2151 Inst. Tise lcense inspecto- had mailed a lst off wîînesses to the magie- traLe 10 be subpoenaed for that day, but as the leiter only reaohed the magistraie on Mon- day mornings mail, the crown prosecutor asked for another adjournment. The court had the naines of ail tbe defendants and wtt- nesses called, some thirteen in ail. only tour defendants responded to their naines. Tne lawyer for the defence. Mr. 1. R Grant, ro. tested against any further adjournment. ise pleadings of the Cr9wn Attorney prevailed and the court announced the trials would take place on Monday 29tb i.. -ai 9.30 a. M. Crown Attorney Farewell announced in open court that leie ntended 10 make the trial nexi Monday so interesting to ait eoncerned that the delendants and wtnesses would fid iht their personal interest to attend. The inagis- traies also annouLced that ail witnesjes and defendants in the seven cases were notified îo be promptly on hand or warrants would be issued t0 compel them to attend on the 29th inst. From the remarks made by Mr. Fare- well il is tbought sorie very sensational evi- dence wil b. produced, if so. many îiink i will go hard with ouise of those concerned. Tise miii off the goda grind siowly, but sure, and they sometimes gnind tiingsavj-y fine. Messrs. Sebert and Whitiaey bad tiseir hotel licenses renewed for anoîber year on Monday, but tise application et Mr. Brooks off tise Orientailias ben hetd over for furtiser coasid- enation. [t la underaîcod that hist a littie off- celer antis tise lcense comnissionera jusi now, on accouaI off tise liquor triais whicis are pend. ing before the. benci off magistrates in tewn. Thtis trouble off Mr. Brooks' appears to b. somewbat compicatcd. A cisarge was laid utzainat binuseif for vilation off tise taw by sel- ing afften heurs on Saturday nagisi, Marcis 23rd, which he admitted andi for which lie wa& tlned $40 and cosaTien the inspecter runccd on tise parties who were aleged te have get liquor tisai night ai tise Oriental; but after previously admtting tise corn, aow in sworn evideace Mr. Brooks and hua bartender, .Archie Sinclair. boîli stouîly deny iaving sotd laquer 10 anay one tsat i ngit. If Mn. Brooks was innocent, as lie aims te bp, iben it would appear as if lie were in a certain wssy a victin of biackmait, tisougi off course tisat ceuld net be cisarged againsi lise inspecter, who was onty acting on information ptaced mn bis hands. Attise saine turne fi would appecar as if tise $o and cosis sisould be rcturned te hlm as was suggested un last week'u editorjali la tise CitRONICLa. Funtisci developements in tise case are tooked for which may enuble tise publio te fcrm an -?pînion. tnffl werc oeuswug thirift l tot e ta talumnt of gitéat Iearnlng 'r kill»,and that 4uite as msuy or1 more. are travelling that way which means destrukition. Co' thse latter clià.suB 1,would tiee£'tlwords, 1 once heard frons the lipe of avtry religions old lady;:, "God pays bis debti W- other things bemlidets iiieey." Repeated warulnge have been given oui' hotel keepers for their fiIagrant.- violations of the Iaw lu aelling lquor Saturday sighs and Sundays. Every other mat in town whes hie closes his place of business on Sattirday evening keepa it closed until Monday 'mornisg, and ohly desires te do business in legitimàate hours. I an not a whiskey informer nor do I intend to place myscif in that position, neither have I any fear of nor favdlS to ask or receive -of our hotel men, but I can plainly tell them if they will persist in opesly defylng thse law and- have no respect for the Sabbath day or themscîves, that some 4ne day in thse near future tisey will strike a enag and have smre of the sarne experience that Brooks, of thse Oriental, la now passing through. I do sot think it lu right that fias should be made of ose mas and*flesh oV notiser, and I again call the attention of License Inspecter Ferguson to tise tact that every Saturday night and Sunday since thse action againat Mr. Brooks was started liquor has beecs old and thse law and SaIbath violated, and furtiser, a good many respected citizens are bcginning te ~>iul Brooks' case savors of apite asd tat thse authorities are closing their eyca to tise violations of other mes in thse hotel business isere. Inspector Fergusonï do your duty, and do not h ave people say. ing you are showing partiality, or sorne of these dva you may receive word fron tise Proàincial overument that yen are not attesding to your business as far as Port Perry la concerned. Some go so far as to state tisat the crown prosecutor purposely avoldcd asking any questions when refer- ence was made to liquor being sold at other hotels the samne evening as the Oriental violations, la that right ? Not at ail, and 1 amn credibi y infornxed had Mr. Farewell asked several off t.hose whese evidence was taken on thee x5th inat, if they had procured liquor elsewhere lie would have reccived favorable answers ? I like to sec Britishs fair play. I do net take Brooks' part, at thse sanie tme when others are in the saine boat they should ail corne out off thes wimn alike. W. J, No'T. EURKETON Mr. McHowl, shipped faom here on Sat- urday, a mixed car load of cate, sheep and hogs. Mr. H. Hodge, has purchased one off John Irwin's new iron pumups, whlch wil add mnuch to his comfort. Mr. C. W. Lot and amnily have got set- tled in their new home. Mr. Lot has been appointed station agent isere. The night carpenter is at work once more, whicis is quite a benefit to many of tise citizens, as it saves thse expense of an alartn cdock. A number off our citizens met together on Monday i5th, to coîssider the malter off whethecr h was better to give thse flag pote isere a coat of tar, and ornament it with somne featisers After considering tise mat- ter at serne tcagth, il was decided to leave it remnain as it was for the present, many off thets thinking it was better to remnove it att6$ether, as it was only a diagrace to tise place aitie best. M14 FIELD. Mm. W. Tapp bad a large wood-bee last week. Mr. T. Wooten loat a valu4ble cow by chokang. Mr. 1. Forsytis is prepariag to build a bouse on tise McDonnell fam. Laster viitors: Mr. II. Bradley. Uxbridge; Miss L. Hezzlewood, Raglan ; Rev. W. Mc- Culiocli, Bare ; Mr. and Mra. H. L. Pascoe and Miss Har.el, Taunton ; Mr. Geo l-ezzle- wood, Oshawa. Repent off Enfietd public sciscol for pasi quarter. Naines an order off menit : Class 5îh -A McCulloch, M McCulhci ; 4t-I Mc- Ouiteck, L Campbell, A Hubbard, F Rey- noldsa; 3rd-G Halfacre, N MeCaîttocli, L McCtsloch, A Naddery, C Powell, W For. sytis; 2rd-C Niddery, C MeCullocis. M Mc- Culloch, E Hurîbut, J Wottent E Webber, L Hurîbut ; jr. 2nd-D Niddery. If McCui. loch, G Tramner, B Hubbard ; pt. 2ad-A Forsyris, O Nuddery, O McCutlocis, W Powell, L McCulloch, H Webber; isî-L Hurîbut, V Trainer, L Niddery, 0, Hubisard. BOWMANVILLE. Bowmanviile cas cow boasi off a Chinese laundny, wbich is managed by a real live (Jiinama n lstise person off Sing D. The work turned out by him seensa 10 give entire satisfactions, and it is said tisai b. doca net tear Mesra.Laig nd ehary.a - a- __n nns n otrsa u a--uesea Mesrs 1aig ndMcary ak' te itsad o If e ges mail stise ktsa l serious cemplaint agaitiat our town cens f re d.I i et l h wr hti cil in awardsng tise tender for a new roof' being @;en!t 0119%11 f pl week ise sisouid do te tise tewn ball. Tisey clamat that tisey Weu. put in eigist différent kindu et tenders, On F'riday êt'eninîng fast Mayor Loscombe rangling froin $~. 5o te $9 per square, cither entetained tise members off the town council, rib or flat roof, as ne mention was mode cli- officiais and a ffcw prominent ctizens to a in advertiscment off tise quality et material banquet. at bis handsomne residence, " Tise te be used. Laing & Mcbarry say tbcy Rima." PMr. Lopeombe. wbo is a mosl ac- were asked net te appear before thc coun- complisied entertujer, assisted isi'tise Misses cil wiscn tenders were epened, tisough Locomibe, did al 'ruber power te make thef two ether tenderers were there. Tisey eLSa lasn s o ts sebe furtisen tate their tender was for $8per eeigapesn n o h sebe -'arc and tise counsil gave it teC. . gucats. About 9 o'ciock tbey were inviteci te - '-tiare. for thse the spacieus dining room, wbeçç repast fit Ã"'it .. ât~95>îd ~ ots t1e3 ffiPC& t~ ~Mgi u set u.~and wicis ut have saine quaityof tathe HÏ % tteh flalot et titse ond laber te pre- lt wlth, 1s thàt tliïdr tesder would'save I Atee thse sevcraî courses bad becs serv- thse to*s ttihasury about $30- This. h"' ed, J. K. Galbraiths, Esq., berrister, in a suai have hotising te say agamsat Phil[P & Ce.- speech, proposcd tise iealtis of tise host andf beiisg awarded tise tender, but cdm thevhsta.Mn osob crpid vMr feeliusgly, were net given tain play by thse counne. b tsn bs MrLendufe ribepesionc h They ftrther say ih w»sstated iu councsl t"g Hi pind oris xrsino h equa te Bradey"whe it u aweîî- hm d isL ed ts aw ailp ete i ejo tisat tise brasd ksown as "MlmS" aged wi e was aspet have thts i kqnowac t"Bradley " -luithe ba elsl-hisealves. Ise oompany tisea proceeeded te miade. Gentlemen et the Port Ferry ts ssse rwsoo,,weeMri couneul, what have yen te say about soul orchestra resdered a cilcepogam awanding a tendes $30 higisci than the et musie, Ths e manderof tise veshsg waals Blini ai whici aisother fira offered te do "-ts lu socW aitmrcse and amuisenmts amI assequaltitt -h 4a is e ftisyw tlat Mn. Losoombe bas tise saine work atd am qdit o 61 U te usayWn'scbair and ie samas te be tise Wisat a ide dIfference tIsrel I Ce iglit Masluithe r«131 Place tise conduet and ambitimonsoYOUng tMent ,ThaStteunau for thse burt time la lus cMr- Since commencing te writé tishe PC'leM eo ci 41t yeurs bas% eeu bnmed out. -Monday column n1Ihave becemte panfOsfy CC'ad' sgot 4few ngmluesagtiete wkà e t t ie oua that wisile smesef0<Our y@sg Men ms'e à"fflire b oliC=ha the .emposiag i'om nist pcrseveri t M telgioad iesdtb os a ms-tm sai. Mesd t ieraa .ê n (n ...,n.]wfIu&lna Md I~aa ., s......sî avocations, oye, sud attalssiu helr-& ms as 1 ams occàabesally pleasetO T-f5Ct 1 otbCrs are steessug a c055ê of dor and dc¶cedation whicis laq4uite appW te wal ch. 1 have leas'ued frnm my= experinlein IsJouruamtisa ite, dutio off a iriter afford hlm a wide rb servatien and gratokpowtmutî o O eIL Wil be s tave rull e istisemeactab tbe fiSts 89 ln their caUll sothers bar, beepu- wate;w la g fer as opportutlty te lipla an oe nefor 0o4a sakeltoi te ieçot nilaemeanen mandhtvâns Who $et out in the world I.4~ wealtk Md nontiot4 wb» -carrv* I. sidence, or tisat as a party ho belogate a inerity. It lias been truly said' a lack of moral force weakens a government, aed, judgtng freintise state ef affaira cf govern-, ment witli its -unsettled questions, soin.-1 thing le sadly needcd. Weman is the original govýerser. This power was -in- cluded in tise original grant of ber maKe up. Hanet woman brotsght pu,'ity and, order inte ail the departruents eo-public lite whlch se ias entered ? If tises polities -are so corrupt surely tise fuiînes et tissé las arrlved when woman wlth 'ber refissi purifying ana ensobling qualitlea, :sitois corne te tise rescue Witls er cleam. ballot. My brother reader, ha the faët sot -oûtet rankied iv your beart tlsat jroui' wifé, msoiher or sister lu regard te tise franchlie bua been claased with. tise Innatés._eo off asyluma and penetestiaries ? W. ,_"q sot Cerne as suppliants, Yeu would tinot wlsb us tee. But -May min, a-,nuoblert. nature Predomisate'and make hlwittin to 'q toe isulters thse rigbtsongsi tisat Goti lutezidd 'a~ i Iuldtisusrlek s i. -. v 1: PRES ALL THE, NOVELTIES. -agonuruidîiscuwson on tise matter on e obir, sar.ostàpoken 'tisas tise- rest, said ti- tiseý ;geai, ise murde, woisd corne ýout, ý NowIt &P, Mr that ddung&Il tisese years theoM isadbeen confinied la thse bodgé rMlis - ibe O9tarîo Musons, wbo meet over ,tise Stâtes - mas office, and dûring thse progreofethtiselire' be mansaged someisow or otterFt ecape, abd ater wandering 3botit the streets, *Il nigist, ansd belsguable ta gain admisson te bis old quar- ter., owlsg te Dave Davis having bolted thse door leading te thse iodge rooin, i e, knwingý WirllIiam's old time bann, dld iabout zo o'clock on tise mornltsg followîng tisetire, bold- ly mairchi Ito tise Bennet hotel, andrecognis- Ing William in tise midat et tise crowd tiser. gatisered, gave a blat of recognition, wich made Willam's couintesasce becai with pleas- ure. After fcedlng tise goat, William led hlm bock to bils old quarters, wilch ho recogniscd ai once, and n0w remains tisere costented and hsappy, but strictty guarded by bis old master, -Sitaesman, uxaiRmGE. Saturday mornlng a Frenchs young mati and woman wcrc icft aItishe station isere by tise conductor of the down train, ise net being able te fia1.d out where they were go- ing. Tise two were taken ta Rev. Father Lynett, wiso lu a fluent Frenchs inguist wisen it was discovered they were bounci for Sturgeon Bay, sortisoff Madland, They were put on tihe 6:30 nret. train and sent te tiseir destination. F'riday evcning of last weelr closed thse most succesaful revival services ever held la Uxbridge. For seven conaccutive wceks Rev. H. M. Manning, pastor of tise Metisediat church, bas conduvtcd revival services iu tise church, and masch off tise succf-ss la due 10 his suggestive and carn- est work. It la cstimatcd tbat over ose isundrcd couverts were rmade. We hope and trust tisaItisese services will have a long lasting effect on tise town. On Friday rnorning a deaf and dumb man struck town and started sellicg court plaster. He would hand you a card, with some reading on it, and a package off court piaster and expect a nickel. He made several sales and was la a fair way te do a good business; but, alas, " pride' cometis before a fait." Friday evcning's train brougist Constable Cochrane frein Peterboro', who arrested..thse fellow on a charge of having stoien 8b9 and a pocket- book froni a shoemnaker ln Lakefleld, a small village east off Peterboro'. Tise con- stable identified a pocketbook found ia tise man's possession as tise eue stolen, but only about $20off tise money was found therein. Tise fellow, who gave tise naine off Clarke, bougist a bicycle in Lindsay, whicis he shipped te bis home lu Toronto, te wisich place he was going himscîf. After spending tise nigist in tise tewn leck- up he accompanied Constable Cochrane te Peterbere' Saturday morning.-Timues. GLEN MAJOIR. On Tisunsday affternoon off lest week Mr. E. Anderson and hii% gang off mec were at work isere building a dam for tise Broekdlale Trout Club. A pile isad just beca driveas, and tise weigbt was drawra te the top ln preparation for driving another. Mr. Anderson was standing en the base off thse driver, and wisile tise ma- chine was beiag moved into position tise guy rope to the top broke loose from tis tump ta whuch it was fastened, and, being tdp heavy, the driver went down on its aide with iightning rapudity, throwing Mr. Anderson sane thlrty feet in tise air. Tise unfortugnate rm ai Igtated on bis head and shouidors upen one of tie- piles, sustaining evere bruises abouttise ied., and ara. ig knec was also badIy brnfisd. He wal driven te iis home ut Uxbridge the- saine evening and we hope soon t seamIim around again. Latter from a Woman's Righter. ED. CHRONICLE : "God created man in bis own image, in tise image of GocI created ise hlm ; maIe and female created isethein." Following this lice oftiougisr we may read on te find God's purpose as regards mais and wernan. "And tise Lord God said it Is net good - thsat Uic man sisould be alene ; I wiil make hlm an belip mccl for him." Doca net cvery uine MORE Piques, Russel Cords, -madras C/at hsi French Sateens, Etc., Etc. The New Dress Linings, Fibre Chamois, NE W DRESS Hair Clotho, Grass Linons. GOODS. t eceived another Large Shipmment of VE W NEW BLACK GREPONS. BLA CZ< CREPONS. W. G. Walters keeps W. G. Walters keeps -The Largest Stock of- LADI48' AND MISSES' LADIES' AND MISSES' -NEW- -NEW- JACKETS AND CAPES.1 JACKETS AND CAPES. Lace Curtairis w. Go ANDERSON'S OOOBLE II1 FORCE POMPSOI fffPRO VED IN Q UALITY. REDUC.ED IN PRICE. Tisese Pumpa are guaranteed tor 10 Years, and nover f reeze, even su Manitgba. Our Spray Pumpe are grcatly imprvdsd are tundoubt- edly tise ieat iu tise aket, aud are ne- - duqelu price. Cash prioe $13.SGto $15. NE W BLA CK NE W BLA CK atLq 28c. CREPONS. CRÉPONTS. No. 1 is a short Opýpe in Brown Fawnm, Oaidrnai Fawn and Black- Piiiked.- Edgos and ail WooI, oinly A better lino at-4ý to* $7.00 per pair. - - WAL.TE RS. JUST RECE VED. S Pure, New Made Mapi China Glassware -and1 Il L. AIRANK, -Agt., Whitby. 'Den't buy1 Lower Prices! 25 Ilb. Beat Grounlated Sugar for $1,00. _àe lb.. Bright Yellow Sugar ter,,4f.o. 8 lb. Choie.- Whcot 'Flakes for...le 45C. Tea for.#$ ........35C. Dielilu s ugar C red Hars, zoc.,per lb. Le -Syrup. Otockery. Choice Family Grocerilesr To Fruits, Etc., Etc.' Chatior Cash or Trade. Prices -ta Suit -the before calling aud examaining thse stock andl prioes f ESTÂTE of YEOMANGI tir W&TD.-Apple8, Butter, Eggs in stock the Mesorn. Holmes & Holladay SwPF commended by the leading FruitGroers. them ad evey Fruit Grower should hlave a-Spi ES-TATE 0ýýýF" Y-,- MAN' I Our linos for Spring comprise more novelties and spocialties than ever. Prices romarkably 10w. 11i Scotch, Swisses, Galateas, Ijucks,' Crepons, Zéphyrs, - Lawns, 1 Si/ver Silks, A spec Dep, No nl Ri1 and Whiî C Thi basti wiIl b neas. office, ,W] &Mri Eagîs St., -. Cap Sur] G Traa Icte No ne0 p . Lic Physi Colle Onta Ofi of Di Tel Whit Po Pl mon coum sen. MW me Dum- veuï. Nci ktËffl had bboi ad go Ur as we cm lu= #«*

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