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Whitby Chronicle, 3 May 1895, p. 1

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Thé Chronicie. JVIit ca/m printed words, great thoughs8, and untiring indwstry, ive aduocate Peace, Progreýs, Knowtledge, Brotherhood. XXXIX. WHITBY, ONTAIO, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1895. WESTER41 BANK 0F CANADA, LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. WHITBY BRANCHI. CîssoNîcLit CReaSPONDNscs, A ienerai iianking business done. Spucial attention te Collections, and Far- mers' Sale Notes at loweaî rates. tW'Deposit;s received lu Savi Department il unsmA f1Sasd No notice of witlidrswal requlred. Hlghest current rates of interet and oredited smnuan.oualiv. E. D. WABE Whitby, Aug. 8lst, 1894. s c0 AUCTIONEER, WHITBY, has taken out a license ior aucîîoueeriug, sud will be glad to fill orders for ibis clissa of busi- ness. His book wîll be kept ai J .Ilt. Lougas office, wbere ail information mav b'- obtaiued. Wbitby. Nov. 2Q, 'Ç,4 C. SC.OTT. N. P. PATERSON, Bstrrtster, etc.-Afier two vears Engiand bas rtesumed praciice St , 1frouîo.-Oct. 'Q4.-6 nies. DOMINION B Capital Paid up, - $1 $1 WlàitbyjAge General Banking Tranisacted. SAVINOS DEPÂRTME? Interoiet ailowed mi higlast ec No notice o withdrawai requlre( E. J. THORN] P. G. Melclrum, Lî1centialce ueRu. Phi -,iu. ails,Fdîhig Mi Colil-e of-Pci (ii s aî ind SU Ontario. Office sud residenet, nont of the "Tenace,' B3yruti Stni cf L)uîdas Street. Telep1hotî r- 'ni ni nucati < iii 1 Vlio0 T'1o? f Says tl Who sell W. R. do es. iBe ca use art ued, fi eq ut ti ti Cocil se (ju ec Was u ILon don Powder la the beet llod Purifier anc Condition Powder lu the mn ie the cîeapeet powder that beeu effered for sale. It cases of Gienersi Debilîy, Appetite, Roughties8 of tI ani aIl troubles ariing1 pi. ity of the Blood. Iý] 20c. per M/., or 3 ~ll>s. MADE ONLY BY-..-" 'inga B3ank 1 upwards. TOWN LI NZ. The farmers of îhiîs vicinity are preîîy well through witlî their seýding. There wss no service in Almonds church onl Suîîday afternioon owing 10 the funeral o'f the laie Sylvenus Brown. lit iloe(l A meeting wag beld in the church on Thursday evening for the purpose of elect- tEX, îng s representative to the quarter Bourd. Manager-. Then follwlng are the oficers of the Tonine F. 13. C .-Hon. Pres. Jno. Gra- oarn ' Pies. Frank 1)eHart; Vise Pres. C. Osborne,; Cspt. Ait. Jeflrey- Sec. B. T Ty DIavev,; Tres. Wrn. Hal,- Com. 'of mn ONT. agement, Art. Cochrane, Fred Rowe, C. - Stewart, sncFred Davey. The Misses Irving intend giving su "At Honme at their residetîce on tihe 3rd con- cession, lu aid of the organ fund of AI- mouds church, on the evening of Friday May ioth. A good program is being pre- pared sud ail sorts of parlor games will be provided Come afUd enjoy a good tes, and s nighits fun for îo cents. not been adtmertised until the preceeding day. The Pediar Metal Roofing Co. bave com- imenced the building of a large addition to their works, which will run the lengîh of the main factories. The Pediar Co. are building up a large indus try as their gooda almost sell themselves. The Lord Bisbop of Niagara wvill bold a confirmation service in St. George's Anglican churcb on Monday evenîng, May 27tb. The date was fixed for May 31st, but owing to Bishop Sweatman's absence in Eugland the above change has been made. Mr. T. G. Hawthorne is moving his family to Montreal. AL. auction sale of the bouse- hold effecta was beld Monday. Mr. Hawtborne b as been engaged in the manufacture of edge tools at Moutreal for the past ibree years and it will be mucb more convenient to bave bis famîily there. Few people are aware of tbe fact tbat the string balls used by the youngsters are manu- factured in town. Raýph Johns Wbo bas been lame for some years belps pass bis bours in the bouse by making these balla by band and bas become quite akilful in their manufacture. Tbey are very duratnle sud are in great favor with the amali boy. A number of people are peddling large one uoiir eze ottes t -s<asaparilla -5abut Q~U. Arbor day la te be celebrated at our towu which they sel] for 25 cents. Tbe drug- 136 lue i school on Friday. The speclal features cf giats ssy ihat ihe fluid is nothing but a solu- res16îd n the day will be Arbor day recitations sud tien of alots lu water. It is a laxative medi- ai ohn songs, the May march, sud the crownîng cîne sud having tbis effect people tbink it cf the May Queen. The following have musi be dong tiuem good. The botule ia pro- been elected te taIre part in the latter per- bably the most expensive pari of the prepar- forniance -Hattie McCuliough. May ation. ýAN K. Q uee n Norman Jeffrev, Dux ; Nettiei A well managed life inaurauce Company i honor,' parents sud others iuîerested in sîrable institutions of modern finance. The 1,500,000 the school are inviîed te be preseut froni company whîcb seems te be makîng mosi ex- 2 ,30 until 4. traordiuary progress lu thL- district is the Ex- 1,500 000 , The deaîh on Thursday asat cf Mr. celsior Lite lus. Ce. sud Fred W. Trewi nr, Sý-Ivenius Brown Aged 98 yesrs, 9 months their bustier bers, deaerves tht bighesî cern- sud 1,3 days, removed perhaps the ildest mend for the manner in which lie bas pushed residetit n this country. He'was the only the compauy'a unterears lu ibis district. enCye remiairiiug one of a family of seven broibers R. 1. Urquhait of the news agency bas de- s; lic amte to Canada in TS07 from Ver- ctded te go oui of business sud heucefortb our mnt i. They came on their ox sleigbis and genial frîend Mi. E. E Rogers stationer sud Businelss ct-sed tw e St. Lawrence ou theice Alilbouksclier aill bandit al tht e route dailîts, suitlud oit new f.rnîs in the townships of magazines aud American byve cent weeklies. ýNT. Wh i,,eb *svdan(] ickering.r)eceased bas Mr. Rogers baudied the papers for many NTi\licebv il l<o Loter îîg, iyears, sud being iocated nexi the post office urreut rates atid %vas twice marrie-d lha%,îg b hte first tht papers aill be miosi convenieut for the d. niia rriage severi chîldren, aud bv the second genieral pubîic six chiildrnctîlv ibret cf wbcmn survive The editors of tht local papers flot finding TONJ tic-r iather , vis, ")avid lBrown cf Whiiby, their space comnpleîely and entirely occupied Managet F-di ii Brc-iî cf Calîforîtia, sud Mrs, by thtdiscussion ef tarifi questions and gev- Ariiiage cf Torcnto,()fllts grandchil- errneni policies are hfliug up tht balance ef di ti there lire ati preselt living thirtîv- their space wîth discussions -about incubators M. D. tte, gîet gratîdcliiidretî fîfiy-ihree snd sud poultry. Tht Vîndîcator man bas a great giet graudcbildren Ibret. Mr. weakuess for cockerels sud faucy poultry (wîîh fii cutivas a member cf tht socîety cf eges ait fancy prîces) aud tht Reformer organ CV,!lege cf F riends and ail lus lîfe a man of temper- assaîls bum on thîs vulterable quarter. The ýitr ol tht aie habits, a gocd citizen sud neiglibor. edîtors sbould fight ir oui on the menit of the urgeons, cf uurîng the lIsa few years lie bas been dîfferent sexýes, tht Vîndicator man 10 be a sornewhat demented, sud heipleas. His shanghai roosier (or cockerel) sud tht Rt- -h sectiotn renaîns were inîerred ai the Frienda bury- former man te, represent a clucking bain. eet, îîcrth îng ground on Suuday afternoon. A Scotcbmau named Ferguison was corn- OSHAWA mîîîed te Coboîîrg iass Saturday by Col. ith ffie. NOTCF.-OsawasubcriersGrtu-rson for sîealîng sont harneas and a robe or advertisers ma.y trausact anly business rmLv V;nap Cosbl ODe wilt:i'ýe CHRCINICLE, or înay obtain ex- arrested hîm. Fcrg uson ta a young man of tra copies at. auy turne, at E. E. Rogers',splendid physique sud good farnily connec- posi. office bookstore, Oshiawa. tio ins, but is s vîcîîm of tht accursed lîquor T ii f vu wsh îîce renh cinadi uerhabit, hich bas brougbî hîn dewn te tht [17h0 iIf uvvs ic rnc hnadne level of a conirrmon thief and laudied hum i or tea set, or arlti in iifancy china, or pio S glassware, go to E B Mo rgan & Sou. The McLaughlii Carniage Ce. are very lie wl. Il wîll pay au', parties cotipg busy at preseut and ruuniug fullbast. biix îug an engagemenît or wedditîg ring Tht firm are making prtpar.'tions for saw- 1 the be8t te ste tht large stock cf Feit Bros., Osh- ing up tht logs purcbsased duriug the win- a'wer wa as they wiii sell ibis month very cheap ter, which will cul ie sont 200,000 feet fot ash Geuinediaoîî 14 .1V $5. of lumber of ein, maple and basswood. A 11() WS E Thev art aiso miaking sont special offers saw-miil is being put lu sud tracks laid to Why ? iii Gents', Ladies sud Boys, gold sud bandit more couvtniently tht legs. Tht sîlver watches. SeetIhen. FeIt Bres. sawmill wiil require tht whole power of 011i]y the - tht engine anud sawing wil- have have tu riigrediants Roiaud Rat lefi on Tuesday for Detroit. be dont ait night. su ad il i M. A. lames cf tht Bowmanvillt Stateaman A cîtizens baud bas been organized lu t3wu, Vm ade s ai g Thtaourn ed esty metnic S.ard at tht start will contain 12 musicians, is a- Te ajoured esty metin ofStThe Wbaiey-Royce Co. of Toronto fellowîng re& fresh. Geoiges lovas held Monday eveuiug. are the ufficera : leader, D. Lockwood ; pies. Miss Mary S suders, cf Wbîîby, speut W. Cox; vice W. Hewson; secy W. Flukit, WVeduiesday sud i bi.rsdiay of tbîQ week in BX 200; treas., Jue. Short; librarian W. to%% n.Chauey. Tht band purposes practising Mayor and Mis. Cewaansd Mn. las Cowan, deligently and wil be open for engagements returned lasi week from s montha sojouru ini at reasonable rates. Tht baud room is lu tht Florîda. True Blue Hall. fbere la always roon for Pst O'Leary sud C. Reinhari, of tht good miusic, and tht new baud will ne doubt p iano works, have l-eft for Chicago te look soofin ake its presence (eh.. - for situations. Mr. W. Hainan, eldest sou of Cbief Con- / ~ Cycding is ail tht go new and juclgiug by stable H. nsu, is erecting a large fiant tht number cf wheeis nîdden il must be a werkshop 20x45 and two stories bigh lu tht popular pastime. rear of the residence, Albert street. Mr. Frtderick Norman Rat leaves for C. Schoo0, Hainan bas comnenced tht manufacture sbortiy te tAke a course for a lieutenancy in of a superior qualîîy of buggy bodies sud Ne. 3 Ce. 34th Rail. seats, aud bas already secured a large pat- ronage. Being s clever sud original me- Burgiars attempîed te gain an etrance ote chanic, and baving taking a course in tht Mirs. Leonard's last week but wtre tigbtened Chatat.qua systen, he is in a spilendidi way away by Mra. Leonard. tu turu eut first-class 'work and bis busi-t A large audience is tspected to attend the ness will ne doubt assume haudisomne pro- production of "Our Boys" un the Music Hlall portions.t thia Tbursday eveuîng. Tbe Oddfellowa of Osbawa celebrated tht id geutrai Mr. Fred Warren is rnoving inte tht Poat 76îb anuîversary of the founding of tbeir order iarket - It1 Office store su4 G. G. Ridey wili move ilitO by attending divine service last Sabbath in tht thas ever tht store occupied by hin. Simcoe St. methodist cdurcI. Reverend Bro.c cure all Mr. Jos. Holdeni, tht popular stage pro- Jas. Kintu preaclied an excellent sermon era- crsal pnetor, îa building a roomy barn aud driving bodying lu bis discourse tht ais sasd pur-0 Lous of shed near bis resîdeuce on Coîborne street. poses ef tht society Tht churcl was crowded ho Hair, Teel eea bfigaogtn witb townspeople besides 300 members of (rom iru- anisof bosa e alhits sn, uamonu tn-Phoenixud Corînthian lodges. Pie daught. ber e f bousnes alu rs esnearda ug enaof Rebekali attended but did flot partici- place. palle in the parade. The band of the 34tb /or 50C. paW. att. led tbe bretbren to and frooe the church.a Wednesday being tht festival of St. Last week the Daugliters of Rebekah celebrat-a James sud St. Pbilip, there waa a celebra- ed their lx7tb anniversary ma Oshawa wltb anM tion of Holy Communion at 8 anm., lu St. ent.ertainment and supper. t HO WSE, ÇHIEMIST AND DRUGGIST, là i I T B -r THE BE8T SOAP lIn the Worid. ONLY-. 10 cents per cake at HO JVSEs Mr. Robt. sud Mis. Willilams sud Mr. Thwaiîe lef t for New York last week t0 em- bark on the Etruris for a twe month's visit lu i the Old World. Tht high school base baIl club are ar- ranging ior a game witb tht Carletons, of Toronto, on May 24th. Tht gaine l probably be piayed lu Klng's field. Tht weekly cottage prayer meeting of the Metcalf church wua conduct.ed at the residence of Mr. John James, Willim et, on Tuesday evenaug by Rev. H. B. IConny. L .J . Diekie, tht esturpusMg Sou&h 0mb awa gromrbus dee*ded neo pta en uptova store-An tht mm vDlswle Mo* Mvý WIII Gardoo, foemery of»Cegsa'a. WlIb. -moa. Mm. WT.D îoe Ã"alp latFrlday. Mrsa Dfhglpfor tb nWS tbo A young mamed woman (romn South Osh- awa was sutumuneti belote Coi. Grierson P. MC on Tutsday for ubefu. During tht progrea of tht sale at Mr. T.- G. H.awthornts on Mon. day se as <bserved lu the pantry. but noth. lng was suspected untîl )é dosen siver kircifs snd f orks. i dozets aller spoons snd otiser' articles vert mlssed. A Seaneb warrant vas issued at izio'cioclc Tuesday umoenng and thte articles recovered wlt thtexcoeption of s teS. pot and one or tva other uhing. la the after. c000 ube vasivec a -heanlug and pleaeu guiny. Thse magbtSnrw untesod ber neo ou nm la Pol4tintas u Mis Mvta ue »,Wkcnasio soulfrotma futMa -the bubas am fsfant ckil tole as « o , dUUWmî Im ma . mlà-goa -upsa Ipr.vate purpose to serve, make a newspaper Icorrespondent the unconscious tool ail their jdesig ns. When a judge in court decides s Iquestion Iu the manner whlcn seemns proper to Ihim, and we publish the facts in accordance areh to(erit blmefr nyuttrse altakee by ibe aret hlKSrefrcî, w ouserl ai 0ae thwe j udge, eOen though the verdict seem unjustifi. able. &a judge la in error then an investi. gatlon a~t the facts of the caqe should be made. We cannot and will flot witbout good reason auppresa publication of hegitimates news items. Because local papers do these things. it does flot follow that we must do the same, and our intention to give people an abbrevlated and accurate account of events will bcs persisted in. Il we tried to please everybody we would make a buge mistake, so we don't intend to go out of our w5y 10 do if. FRFD. R. Hoans. Qa0hawa Business Directory. E L. VICKERY, barber. Slrnooe atreet. DR. D. L. EOIO-Office Ring Street East. BROOJS' LIVERY, Suicoe street, north. WM. BOLPE. harnesa niaker. Sirncoe st.reet. T. B. IMOTHERSILL, butcher, Ring St., West, A. J. BT&Tvra -Dominion pianos sud organe, Simooe street. OoltifflczÂL HoTEL-J. C. Woon, proprietor, do4arn liostelry, neat sud coinfortabiy equIt'ped. P08T 0PICE HOORSToaE-Full lins of books, etationery aud faucy goods. E. E. Rogors. Biiuoe street. Jos. RouLDiiN-Whitby-Oshawa stage lina. Leavos Oshawa at 8 ea w aud 2 p ni, sud Whltby at 10 a iniand 4 p i. Mas. DE. J. L. BRsxÂoOmBE, dealer lu mil. inery and mantles. Dressinaking, etc., li 0onpctbon, Sinicoa street. OsEuwÀ DRa STeaa-L J Maxwell, dispen- sing chemiet. Full lins 0f pure drug-s and chemilcals always ou hand. Josxip CRAie, manufacturer of fine car- riag#e, carIs, wagons, and ail kinds of cut- t.rutnd aleigls. Repatring aspecialty. joax is Rw.ER, pairtter aud decorator. De'îtl- er m wall papers, oeiing decoraîlous, palnts, oi1, varuishines, brualies, wir.uow shades, etc. JAMES PELLOW, dealer iu stoves, furriaces, tinware, etc. Large stock kept conis antly on >and. Jobbiug a spccialty. :.nicoe strqçt uorth. DR. PA¶-ragsoN, Dautist, Ring St.. Wegt, Oshi- awa, Allroperations perforrued ln the beat stylo. Rozina for paluleas extraction. No extra charge. L. R. MucaTome, B. A. -Barrister. Sî-li-itor, Notry Public, Couveyancer, &c MoLey toend . Office over Dominion Bnk, -iu coe Street, Oshawa B. 8, EDmossoN-Steam Bakary. Elecîric procesa. Outr bread, la sold lu Osbaw t., Whutby, Pickering, Brookli, Columbus aud Rag!2zt. Wood yard lu conaction. F. LÂKBEBT & b0Na--Tbe leadingz tailoring sud gente' furuiahing bouse of Oshawa Splendid assortineuit of tweeds, worsteds, trowserings, shirts, cellars, etc, alwsys lie pt lu stocir. FLT BRoa-Watchmakers and Jewelers. Dealers lu watchas. dlocks, jewelery, silver- ware, spectacles, etc. Engraviug, gold and iliver platiug, aud old gold rings@nmade over. Flue watch, cluck, sud jewelery repairiug a specialty. ORAÀWÂ ROLLEIS MILLS-Atteutiou of farinera la directed te feed chopping uow carm-xad ou daily at 5i parbag. Clebrated Jewel braud o! flour, beat ln Canada, sold by élI first-cla.ss grocers ln Whitby sud Oashawa, suad at oui mile. Camipbell & Whitie. EVRnaoiN & HÂwxa-Im porters aud dealers lu fanmera', manufactu.rers' sud housefur- nishi.ngsu pplies. Manufactureracf tinware. Esvetrough.ug sud other coutracting doue. Furnacea, chandeliers sud lampa. A stock ofl bicycles kept on baud. RAGLAN. Mr. Josephi Thonipson bas returned home (rom Havelock looking bealtby and strong. Miss G. Grose of Mt. Carmel, la learning dresniaking render the akiliful hand of Misa L. Hambley of Raglan. Tbe Mt. Carmel fanm, belonging to MIr. L. Foster, bas recenîly been rented îo Mr. J. Tht boys of Raglan wili have te leave tht street corner vacant on Sunday evening or Mi. Lyle wiillbave to use bis cane. Mr. Wm. Brenr ta rejoiciug over tht arrivai of - ouag daughter. J. J. Ormiston is re- jw,. g inl tht sanie nanuer over a young sou. This comnunity fetis sonry for Mr. Stret sud the way bis home la broken up. Htelias always been a bard worklng man sud trled te provide for bis famtly. Htelias liad a great niany dontstic troubles sud la unow fret tien then ail. Mr. T. Moffatt, la going te improve bis buildings. Ht is goiug te nove the barn (rom whtre W. P. Thonipson hvts, join lu te b barn at borne sud enecu a atone foundaîlon, Ht wll i han have two of the fiuest buildinigs ou tht 9th cancession. Tht Raglan division bas been talked about a great deal lately, but las been ackuowledged by aIl te be a good sociefy and la pregrtssing lately under tht leadesbip of the new wontby patriarcli. Sînce this quarter began tbere bave been four new members sud five propoead. We bave now a àp~d insurance company and any one wisbing tobnsure their lves cati easily apply 10 Wm. Wemr, the deputy grand worthy patrianch. We wlsh to make known to, t4I' surrounding population tisat our tem- perancesermon wiUh epreacbed bythe Rev. inake everyone weloouqe to, hma the sddres. The EnlieId and Mylte divisions, yUl be Premet tw aoomy tm.Tht foilowing ar tic officers for tbe peqeraîquarrer-W.P. BroD. T"opsm.; W. &. S!&- M. Wadge; F., S., Bir. E. Wadge ; Treas., SI&.Mm. Ross. -R, S. Br.1. W. Wadge; A. iR.S,, is. P- Hassewood; Cba .4S b S.- gambley 1WBr4 'P. ziAC . K uew d;M., T; 1. S. Bro. iL Br=; o;0., PxT, Rsi P. M. P., Bm.* 3ee~ rmWoa ~pnlt. sis. UMm Rôsu 4 ( BROORLIPI. On Monday evening the Presbyterian C. E. -society re-elected ail their officers for another three months' terni. Mr. Frank Howard, son of Rev. A. H. Hloward, who was pastor of the M. E. churcli here sonie twenty years ago, spent Sunday and Monday iu town. Messrs. Geo. McBrien & Son are re- painting the outside woodwork of Mr. Sebert's hotel, aud are niaking quite an improvement in its appearance, The executive committee of the Whitby sabbath sehool association is called to meet here 'iu the methodist churcli at two p.i., ou Weduesday next, 8th inst. "Where shall we spend the 24th ?" In auswer to this question we hear only one reply, 'Go to Greenwood"; but there la some talk of an excursion to Niagara Falls that day, which would likely be a very popular trip. Mr. Thos. Coakwxell,' sr., is still confined to his bouse by a severe attack of rheuma- tisin, frorn which lielias suffered about two uionths. We hope tlie warm weather wjll cause the unwelconie vîsitor to niake a speedy departure. The uew arrangement of the services in the baptisit churcli goes into effect next Suuday, wheu there will be public ser- vices at i ia.rm. and 7 P. im. The Sunday school will meet before the morning ser- vice at 9.45. Mr. C E. Scott will preach. Messrs. Elliott Bros., of Kingston, shipped sixty head of cattle (rom here on. Tbursday of this week, for the English miarket. On the sanie day they also ship- ped froru Port Perry, Woodstock and Newcastle. The recent advance in prices bas been a good thing for theni as they bought largely early in the season. Messrs. Williams sud Hall were to make a shiptuent this, Friday moruing. The cheese factory was opened last week, and Mr. Vaîleau and bis assistant are now fully into work. So far they are making on ouly four days of the week. Tlie delivery of mulk lias been larger than at the opening of the season hast year or year before. A large xnajority of the patrons bave not started to seud their milk yet, but the quantity wil uOW in- c reaedy.c ertt nonet h I effr-mucde reestbte a necehat thtin eft mdete eres ntbs a melianica'fir thitttea her ebas ntbeen scesfunlfeor iiscso at easint her sho nddIbe ne dheisceremeut lu bsteuli sd tI hope th tae inatemay net ealowed ste drte tif ofake up eîynxt fahi justmademot tint of, yer eu il would bemad e cn-s fideuîly looked for. Prof. A. B. Kent, tht veteran electric- ian, lectured te a smail audience in tht uiasonic hall on Monday eveniug. Prof. Kent gives tht sanie lecture, perfornis the same experiments sud singe tht same songs as he did forty years ago. lamiy of tht things wbich lie talks about were then considered marvellous, but have now be- corne very common-place sud te tht boys anad girls of two generatieus tht lecture bas beceme a very old stery. Tht churcli service of tht I.O.O.F., held lu tht nethodist churcli last Sunday afternocu, was hargehy attended. Tht niembers of Beethoven lodge were out in full force, sud their numbers were aug- niented by visitors froni Broughaan sd Whutby. Lu ail about stventy-five Odd- fellows were preseut. Rev. T. W. Leg- gott, wbo belonF-s ta tht order, preached tht sermon, whîcl was quite appropriate for tht occasion. Tht ledge litre bas latehy tiansferrtd a nunîber of members te other places, but there have aise been a nunibti of initiations sud the present nmembership is thity-uine. W A.H. Business Direotîory. GUY & CO., grain buyere. BEALL, S.-Ieeuen of Manniage Licenses, RemLidece opositemeTwnHl Broohave EIOlwIay ut witos. oumner tin s-we ave gaway s eddt whst you ee la faast insd ad-da sedea-anegleet bot ante kin nisud îîlsty e ae asrnet, and aN- niî p eels wred math a re y rehiaie.n socd a srniayd oeu. Every pond lah lastokwat ee s this epg.Te lad tis nothe wear ah aaearedin atha as eno!eear woth laverythln tihtniv be ntceshoe. ygfor ckofngad bnprglitetog Uote om. FBig setcketwaf polpenpe ioearn i. FuIfesotmnt e colore lo u ur peaned puatif ye wau so bra !aua e urqoaioabfr you buy. Mrs. Enock Kendall, we are glad to bear, la improving. Mr. jne. Warden 15 going carpentering tbis sumnmer for the improvement of bis health. Mr. James Medd la tht' fiast tbrough seeding Ibis spring, baving finistied over a week ago. Mi. Luther Sonley, who bas been at tht TVronto general hospital for some timiF is expected liome soon. There wiii be nu services in tise metiso- Aîist cburcb bere next Sunday, owing tw the quartenly serAices lelti ai Epsom. Mr, Jno. McClintock, wbile eagaged, ln tearing down a barn, was tbsrown fromn the plate and severely wounded his ankie. We hope te soon see hlm around again. Mr. Geo. Broderlck's bouse 'was de- stroyed by fie on Thursday mornlng last, cauâed by a defective chimpe Y.The'fur- niture was neas'iy au,«:. D l," pardly covered by ipsasranmo, The barisof, Mr. Robt , trattauj. Enmm.iooeeher,,wjth a. oot f faums.rSA A teachers' meeting is beingfoi*med for tbq. purpese of instructing tht Sund schoC& teachers and flttlag thers for thiirwork. It assembles Tueday evenings,, Our churcb choir is fast galningground. Neyer before did it seem so prosperous. if you do flot believe il lie i attendante eueh Sunday mornîng au 10.30. Mr. Walter Bray had the misfrtnéeîoJ<se a fine mare the other day, sand- Mr. ýTho,,, Puckering bas batd to purchase a oise botakut the place of a sweeuliedcol5. The HaneY Place -se=mo b ho rnnlug -iê commous th*syara% nBO Qebas rented it yet. We boas, aliswzt - là, pendtng.. IMary80 -me Zood adghorgetpossession of i Mr. BenJ,. Martin, - wto ba. lWbeah for' the pasî fkW tuondSita rsb.ýba Monday. He vas, su bastiluxsuspa4 leives a vonf ilyoýoI sowio 'rAi.bth"ose% o<m sud rsaoý&-way whhli VOL* CHAS. Surplus, W~ R. 1 . 1 NO@ 3 1 9 1895. BUOUGHEN Norman Poucher was home for two days last week. Will Gammage speut SundaY t Mr. Joe. Burk's. Mr. and Mrs. Varcoe are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Bateson. Stanley Gerow is home after spending a few weeks in Toronto. Mr. Harcourt visited his cousin Dr. Bateson, a few days last weefr. Frankt Gerow was home over Sunday, and returned to the city Monday morning. W. 1. Bodpll1 bas our village carpenter it work with bis gang of men, sbingling his bouse. Mrs. Wm. Smith's mother was buried in the Christian cemetery Tuesday last, that making the third bur-ied there witbin a week, On Friday last old Mro. Bylow died aud was bun.ed on Saturday afternoon. She was over 80 years of age and had bten sick for some lime. Mr. Urquhart, the tailor, went out for a drive with J Hogle, and he either fell out of the zig or J im upset hlm out. At ail events Alec. camne out head firbt and (ell on the bard ground, shaking him up bad.'y, so bad that the Dr. bias been in attendance smnce. We bave a new harness maker, Mm. lewel, wbo started work last Wednesday. He hails from Fenelon Falls, and la sait! to be a first clasg workman. We hope that lie will do well. Mr. Bingham, Kinsale, talked of start- ing a shop here to succeed the late Wm. Har- grave, but lie was too slow and lewell got there first. Ibos. Parker, a Voung man living with N' L. Stevenson, had a very narrow escape. He was drawing off stones .wlîh a teamn and atone, boat, wlien the horses becamne unmnanageable and ran away with him. dragging hlm quite a distance, unuîl at lasi lie Jet [hem go. He was more frigbuened than hurt, although lie was somewhat shaken up. Our old friend, Wm. Hargrave, bas passed away to join the great majonty. He took bis bed sunday evening and dieci on Wednesday morning. He had been ailing for somne rime with a bad cold, but bad been working at bis trade Up 10 Friday before lie died. Tis la one ol the most lamentable cases that bas oc- curred in our midst for a long limfe, as lie leaves a sick wife and one daugliter, not wel eriough to do anything for tbemselves, thie second daugbter being the only one that is able to make ber own living. 0f cours, she is bardly able 10 provide for the rest as well as berseif. Besides, deoeased was a man that will be much misased. lie was most industrious and also a good worknian, By trade he was a barness maker, and bad worked up quite a good business. He was flot quite 6o yeara of age. Inflammation of the lungs was the dis- ease that caused bis deaîli. His remainswerm laid to rest in the Broughama cemeteri.' 4-&W funeral service was conduced b te Rov.'hr. -'HaSisr .Who .ç%reach"4~ sorrowing friend. Some have finished seeding. The post office wears its name over the dnor now. Mr. F. Mc0artby wll work thie Whitemnan farux uhis year. A goodly number from bere aîîended the quarterly services at Greenwood, on Sranday. Quite a lively practice is said 10 have taken- place on Tuesday evening. Turn out every- body. Messrs. Bell and Hnntly bave' ren ed the 5o acres of the McKay farmn on the frontsuc- ceas 10 you. Mr. Ira Hall, of Oshawa, visled bis Mother here On Saturday and' Sunday last He bus not lost any flesl since last heme. Dr. and Mrs. Walters, of York setSn d ay w ith p a ren ts ere , UL e G e orgie b aS n been here sick with an attack of Meses. Mr. Dradley bas traded off h.Ls rosdst Mr, Walters <Dr.) W ave flot beard'-lh conditions but we believe Mr. B. hmasSaod Mr. Ireland arrived last week from bis vist to the old land looking as coatenied, a conld be. Sorry lie did flot reals the fortùne 'er- ^ ti

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