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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jun 1895, p. 9

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Reliebome Paris Green Mid Ooppor Suiphate eher; and Fruit Grower. Ohioride of Lime, Camn- ho Moth Oamphôr, InetPowder, Copperas and Carbolio Aid Spring House-Cleaning 7GGIS7t, -OSHA WA.1 ~AWJUNE 14, 1895. RIA WAPAGE MIM#ES NOTIC.- Oshawa subseribers Netti3sers mnay transact an y business the CERONIcLE or may obtain extra. & at ay tisse, frot P. R. Hobbs. rmers *Ill do weli to cail at M. E. a o boys' ready made clothing. ïou wih a uice French china dinner or et, or auythîng in fancy china, or glass- .go to 8BM)organ & Son. nUI pay any parties conteinplating buy- à enigagement or wedding ring to see large stock of Feit Bros.. Oshawa as wiledl this mnonth very cheap fot cash. Ïie. diamnond 14X only $5. They are tqaklpg some speclal oýffers in Gents', t' and Boys' gbld and silver watcbes. hem. FoIt Bros. Finsh Dcwar and Geo. Downey spent ky in Myrte.. à time for, maksDg preparations for decom a- loy. The. lodges sbould take steps very S. H. Talbot, of St. George's, is ai- g ibe Axbgelican Synod in Toronto this eýDlngrle lion block bas recccved a coat of paint whlch consdcrably improves the ap- ftpp thereof. Ittlé vord hss been exhlbiting opposite thse ojU for the lait weck. but thse diaies are cg for inch things to thri've ere. c. 0Lawrenle attcnded the Truc Blues *tIon ai Lindsay laut week, as representa. f th lovai lodge. Re was elected a mcm- r0s corrcpondlnotcommittee. a Bertha Kivel and Beatrice Buttery, two ie I S.A. lasse&. bave thi. week for a e at the. tralni h omne in Toronto. aftcr 1tiiey wilIl =av01wthtbhe singiisg troupe about thse province. 0, -sbla hbià l rowngon many of the muen fa toa sls" go in rm weather has ~do« tu lu mady business. One rslirod it at break of day lait week wlîb a team of s g haut bok thse catch, wblch, however, mdof ont poor luttle *four inch pike. Sai- '0 olSgngmilly sendi a crowd to thse ebutg<ho ûsh seem to figisi sby of thse gr Obawa divson Soniof TemperAnoe paid ëm visit on Frlday evenlg tb their Solina nrn. A splendid programme wus presented à,vistora, SiusXA. Urqobart balnging down kaue wih' hie renderi.sg of several conne a&*,, Whou thé two bandwagons were re- ig one of Millman's boises tool sl", and boelPnfts of the rg basi 10 walk (rom the mieUst go Mr. Gm ~Tiiomas. wisere anotber jW"i soured. Williv McOaw kept the W ladies ln tow on tbis perilous midnighî >mnt Reynolds, a youug man empioyed at Nerlar works. isad tise misfartune to liose part #cger ou Satur:iay afteruoon. While drav- Èics (rom tise large pnes s ibis flugers bis f ai. csugbt sud about au incis o!tise sec- fingèr oompletely severed viitei top o! blad was cosilderaiiiy braicd. Dr. Coburs sd tie han& Reynolds used a pain ai pin- for thse vrbutibad! ýrokeis them shontiy te la tise pi«elcsc the acciden1t vould pro- ýy oa bave bappened. ichlg upply. th~e absence at confereuce of tise Methodiet crs O. palpite were occpled lait Sobisatis ays In luthe Modcalf et. churcis Mn. F. Fowhe pmcchcd at tif moining servce, and wS. avenson took tise evenlng semon, lu BSaoest. cburch Mr . Joisu obia officated he moprcng service, aud tise ewsnlag devo- à vers ovwied by a service ci ioag unden )oblilas directilo. Tise sermons vire ail il &W tise preseuce of lay picachers drew s congregationi despite the heat. ,ted Kalghts ergania.. Ir.-Iewis orgaaused Equity Leglon No. 25 .t Kuigis o f Canada here laut Tiiursday "Ilg ise lodge bad foemeriy cxlsicd but andedtome yeans ago lb bbs becu rer- ied under mosi favorable circumtasces vîti following lât cf officers: Commander, W 1 r; vic commnander, Wilkes White* ULeut, Kawklins-,pait commander. Aies i4acke ; xder, Jon Balles; coliector. Wm DIckle; »fter. A W Farewel; aid, Chus Balles ; lu- >seatisel, E E Rogers; oi»slde seutinel, F lr.as day service&. b. Bnnai chidrenis day services of tise ~toa cisuncis abbath ichnolvere held lait rds day in, the. body of tise building. Tic imi va beautlfully decoia:ed vitis fipie 1 esabk=4 nu. d a aumber of shrglag iirds ad- 1 to lise 41 i~ees f ieservices,- Mîer Mkosiesylaa s aglg by tise scisool, à IieresMinpg pwogra o f rectauous. dîalo- * and msosie*as pes.ad by tse scisola go wo* bythepop so hêMi tis, ýà@ âi"«Sdaiwyumia am s 1 ". miss (ïr1rsid1V. Nîchols ofTaQtuntý ila speudlg aa shot voauoawlb ladla tQw14 Mima Graca é oOh w a uss MenlaezIooobW dopastumt of thse R. S.WR and scierai orders arc bookedaiud Tise Str. Gmrdescityinul sdeavor îo make arngemnents for regI7i -ue:x1.uiotrtrpafrom Osawa when thse electrlo rallway la COMPlcied. Mir. Johni Wilson, tise horse breeder. has Just sold thie splendid runnlng borses al a very large figure.Mr. Mllard, of New York, bought them for the Englisis market. Tise Young Actives baqe bail club were Jubilant lait Saturday, oWe their defeat ol( the invincible and blîberto uucouqufred Cbubby's îearn. Tise score staod a8 rua ir8 i. Thse Ratihun Co. have purchased six acres of laid an tise Fser farm South Os.hawa. A coal and wood yard sund a 1lumber yard vil be located there, also tise car sheds. A targe number of agiculturista from the sur- rouuding country took in the Model Fanas ex- cursion. Several townspeople went along and report a thoroughly enjoyable outing. Tise new premises occupied by Mr. T. G. R yley the drugglst are thse hadsomest iu îown. Thse fittings are bcautifully colored and tise wisoie appearance of tise interlor is Mait refreshifig. iu stringîug tise large trolley wire a ikeleton tover on wbeels is used. Tie vine is coîled an a drum aid uneoils as thse veiicle moves aloug. Two men on top -fasten tise wire to tise cross wires. A cow belongiug ta a resident of tise nortis cast wand gave birth ta twiu calves on Mouday afternoS. Botis animais were penfectlv formed and are thnlving. lu colon tisey are identic lly tise arne. E. B. Morgan & Son are openlng a Store at the lake for tise purpose of supplying campers requlsites. Tis is just visat h uneeded, sud tise enierpriseof thîs firni viii be awarded by a lisige patronage. Tise beautiful silver cup won by tise Oshawa curling club has been on view at Ry ley's drug store for a couple of veeks. Thse cup was pre- seuted by His Excellenc Lord Aberdeen. lu winuung tisis cup tise H ami itou Thisties visa wan tise taukard vere defeatcd, s tisa.t tisis yen- tually makes Oshsawa club tise real champions. Iis reportcd tisat no lestissu îhnee mauufac- turing concerna are suter the old Luke facîory. There is ualtishe least doubîtishat these works viii soon be iu operation again sud emnploying several iands. A manufacturer o! voodeuvare bas becu bcokiug at tbe Dingle works and tisese prernises will alsc> be running before mauy montiss have passed. Upon anc or îwo occasion@ duning thse last year tisere bas iscen c:rcumstances aîîendiug deatis wviici s sould demand a coroner's inquest. There is evidentally a breacis af duty somewisere wisic s siould be booked after. Tisere is too muci af tisis kiud af vork wiich siieldi crimîn ais iu Oshsawa because of influence or personal favaritismr. Tise work of makiug tise roadway ou Siuscoe Si. is gaing steadfly fonvard. Part of tise road- vsy is finisised aid preseuts a splendid appear- suce. Reeve Caultsard seems ta uuderistaud wisat is vauted sud is daiug bis best ta see tisai everythiug la properiy canied Out. The reeve deserves thc thauks of citizens for bis kiuduess lu givlng bis persona] supervision ta risc work. Tise stones are beiug put ou tise business streets at prescut. A mais uamed McLaugisliu isad s narrow escape from deatis Mouday aftennoon. He was working near tise station witis a gang driviug apikes visenth ie sledge hazumer of a compauson accidentallY struck him vîth great torce ou tise isoad. Had tise biaw been a ltte marc direct his brains would bave been dasbed out. Dr. Caburu dnessed thse man's wauuds visicis vene fortuuatel y flot uearly ai serlous as at firet expected. Thse rnan's home la lu Paris. T'he Oshawa iigb scisool basebali club played Uic Bowrnanville at Ebencezer ou Manday afîcinoon. F. Butlmnd aud Joc Bouc vere tise Ostawa battery wbule Osisorue sud Lambert dîd Uierwonk for Bowrnanville. lu a wll-played gaibse thse scisool boys came off victorious by tva roi~s tise score beiug z3 fmus 1 i r. A large nuasier of spectators were preseut but tbcy must bave been a mean crowd as tise receipts netted ouli $k.%<o. Tie boys upon tbeir returu home made thse air ring witis their music, chus sud instrumntal. Tise Whiby coflegrate rnay take At 4 a'IOCk Satunday mamnig tise fic alanm soundcd. Plames were discavered issuing tramn tise aid Ayleswortb nesideuce. varner af Colîborne and Richsmond streets, sud visen tise firemen an- rivcd tise fine b.d gainod sncb ieadvay tisat notis- iug couid be saved. Tise pnoperty vas valued at $900 aud iusured for $650 lu tise Qucen's. The bouse bad been vacant for some tîme, but vas Seing repaired fan a prospective tenant Tise fire vau udaubtcdlvo! îucendiuiary onigin, but tiiene la little clue as to the perpetrators. A bugy coutuning tvo ocpnsvss uts tseighbonood about an hout before tise fic vwas dsvedbut ualhing fuitisr coucenning this clue bas bien dLs.covened. Mn. EH.E. W. Ayies- wortii vas in town baturday afternoon lookiag afuer tise estate. Deatis o! Jamesi Mron. The funenal tock place on Moaday aiterisoon ai las. Muton. one of Osissas oldest and mait esteemed itizes. Barn .JO Cornwall, 84 yeans ago ho- came ta Canada viien a young mm. settllng fin. la Coabourg. but siiortly. ai té- wards mreving ta Oshava visere se bsiresided connuouiiy for about bal a century. He va. a stauvis reformer sud vas a memben ai thc oys cou uDt lma 3Y YeaMsago. He vas a builder by trade a"d by bis lndustry bad become psesdof considerable ni. Ouly one Son survives hum, Mn. L. K. Murtots, hamster. DeMesd dled ratiser auddetsly for.aUthougis ail- iug foi some time previously ho isad becs about ou Fiday. Saturday marning he vas fauud dad lu bed, isvlug pisdaway probably vbileasieep. Tiie fanerai to Uic Union Cemetery as unusual._ iy lange and vas ocmpoaed of the leading cltien of Uic towu. las. Daly bad au ezcitlng turne Tuesday aiter- ucon nsintise pust office. He was carrring a lange parachute under bis aria vhich ho mced <o yard off tise raya of tise sMnvises hovas sot lu thse ahade. AUthbie MMSaie im ls as vaso- lng uis meemsaum (of cWv) (rm visici a sparit musi bave faleaitlc tise folds of tise uasbrella Wiien Itnsmy discovcned tise confiagration le fothftib u mdey oganlzcd birniciflotoeta fire brigade ad pmeeededtolavresle **htbtie' fatms, e.rusisd li tisteroad ada" «ptd It loto tise *4 Mai a mp Ju S it a a, j 5 again vilS Balla e rgWbt l '; jÎ OÎ i rinces obv e t xs efl laiebe iteptedte bel.h<le- aiesburstomi abash. tismu gaa r r «cirons or a whll asit tis eyo&tumm, mue& t<111 <ein -Mes ahed - I.n.. A a a ivit S " 0& d»' tse oumI X#Wuh ýA«uwcrk. Burg iars ester. elitotswssus. et « T h o rr to n 's c o r ie r a i t w e k a n d O t ed O ff but tbé owncr frlghtcnc tisem o09. iMr. Bail- lett's bouse wus not entcred ait aIl aitise Vindi- citer aa. Sornebody hui becn4sstU0g" tise editor or cime tise varrn wecder is tellâ*an hlm. Tise trolley car rundn. 'Tise trolley cars started ranulng thisi, Tisurs- day, mornlug. Two summner motor cari, Nos. troan sudàa arrivcd Wednesdsv eveairsg.Na. tl' rau from tise depot up towu ail morniug. ta tise great delight of tise juvenfles, sud aider anes asa, visa vere given free rides. No. ta came up ta tise R.C. cisumnc'utise afternoon. Tise cars rau alaug spiendidly vush considerabie speed. sud tise finit ruvas mail successful. Our Wbitby frieuds viii uo doubt ail corne dowu ta sec tise ailwsy Une in operation. Tise wards af tise pact are actually reaiizcd:- "For tbey ring tise trolley bell And tise cars îisey go iike-well pretty fast.> Tise cars are uew sud si-nilar ta tise sumrmer trailers au the Toronta street railway. They are furuisised vitis belîs sud raller shades wisicis may be dravu dovu. Electricisu McDonald naviga- ted tise cars ou their initial run. Wedding Beil8 A most pteasiug event took place iu Cedar Dale ou Weduesday eveuîug. tise occasion beiug tise mariage of Miss Maggie, eldest dsug hier o! Postinasten Hsrny Robins, ta Robert alder Esq , proprictan ai tise hotel Del. Monte, Preston Minerai Springzi. Ontario. Tise ceremotsv vas performed attise brides homne at 5 o'clock p. m., n tise preseisce ai a limnit.ed number of relatives sud frieuds. The bride who la anc of aur mos! cisarminR daughters vas attireri in cream cash- mere ncisly timmed viths slk ribisons aud lace tu correspond. Sise vas assisted by ber sister, Miss Olivo, visa vas very prettilv attired in cream cashmere also. îrimmed witis blue silk. Miss Bertie Drev player tise wedding mnatch o! Meudeilsoisu, viile Eider Prassar, of tise Christ- ian cisurcis. tied îrîe kuot. Dr. Millican, head pisysiciau of tise sauî:-orum, actcd as best mats. Tise bride receivcd mauy usetul sud beautiful presents visicis evdeuced tiseisigis esteem in wisic s mie vas held. After luucheou thse bridai party tcok the eveuing train for tise west. Tise cordial wishes of a large circie of friends foilow Miss Robins ta ber uew home. FRED. R. HaseS. Oshawa Businesi Dirootory. E L. VICKERY. barber. Simcoe street. BROOKS' LIVERY, Blxncoe Street, north. vM. BOLPE. harnes. makor, Slmooe Str-eet. T. B. MOTHER5ILL, butcher, Ring St., West.. Dia. PÂTTERsoN, Dontit; office ovor Rowse's store. A. J. STÂLTEa-Doinfion pianos and organs, SizecoeS treet. A. C. WÂsNNN, Veterinsry Surgeon and Dentigt, King Street vost, Oshawa, Ont. COMMEEcIÂL HOTEL-J. C. Woou, proprietor. Modern hastelry, noat sud comnfartably oquipped. D. M. Toix-Cateren for Balla, Assemblios, Wed- dlinge, Suppena, etc., etc. Âlso &UIikide of Bavwera. Osaaw booKsToaz-FultliUneofo books, statlanery sud fancy gootis. E. E. Rogers, Simcoe stroot. Osn&vA Dauuo ToR-L J MaxwelL. dispensiug ohensist. Ful lina aofpure drugsansd chemi- valuatways on hand. Jos. 1101ULDEN - Whltby-Oshawa stage lino. Leavod Oebas at 8 sasm sud 2 p m. sud Whltby st 10 s m sud 4 p m. - JosEpE CEÂZO, manufacturer of-âne carrnages, carta, wagons, aud ail kinda of cutters and lelhs, .lýepalxlxsg a peclalty. Jomi Bauwpun, painter sud decorator. Doaler iu vail papens, oiing decaratlons, painta, où, varnlshinsei brushes. win<iow shades, eto, JAmme Pznnýow. dealer tn stoves, furnacr, til- waro, etc. Large stbck kept coansba ou--'o band. Jobblng a speolalty. 8iméoe'SiTt north. L. K. MuaTari, B. A. - Barnistor, Solictor, Natary Public, Convoyancer, &o. Maney ta lend. Offfce aver Dominion Bank, 8lmcoe Stroet, Oshawa. f. BE. M&T-Dosier in Grocoies. Fane y China, Ctackory. Tînwaro, sud Fancy (loads. Pure Tesaisud Coffoos. Boys' roady made suite a apeclalty-veny choap. AucTtaN SALcE-Tise subacriber will ho ln bah ia-a, at the Central Hatol, Pridsy af escis week tram aone ta S coalock pan., taebInako ar- angements vils parties wlshing ta have sales. L FAmIBàNIts auotianeer. Y. LssoemmT & boe-The iead±ng tailonag and gante' furnishing hanse af Oshawa Splendid asuortment of tweeds, worsteds, trovserifgs, shirts, collars, etc, always kept in stock. Dnz.'r Bis- Watohmkons and Joeers.q DeuIors in vatches. clocha, jewclery, silver- waro, spectacles. etc. Engraving, gald anud silver platlag.and old gaid rings made «ven.. Flue vatch, dock, snd jewelcry nepalrlags a spooialty.4 1 OsHiuWA BoILEEm iz-L-Attention af farmersi te directod ta foed cboppl.ng naw carried an dally at i Siper bag. Colebnsted Jewei br-and af Baour, botinl Cana"a. saîd by ail firet-clas grocors lu Whtby -and Oshawa, snd ai Our uml. Campbell & White. Ernso & RAwKiNs - Inspartors snd dealers lu farmors', manuisotarens'sud housofurnisis- ing supplies. lManufacturera af Iluvare. LRave- tro bauhnsd oIson ccutractlug doue. Fur- zmcs handeliers and lampa. A stock ai biyle ept on hand. Visitors :-Miss Piseobe Hezzlewaod, Rag- lan ; Mrs Dr Archer, Port Ferry ; Mn and Mrs jas McCuilough. Manchester ; Misses Launa Hogarths and Mabel Pascoe, Solina; Mi"se Brirnacombe and Ashston, H-aydon; Dr L N Hogarths, Bowmiaaville ; Miss Annie Asiton. Hampton ; Mr W Dyci and Miss Hannais Hob,,, Columbus*; Mis Macdon- aid, Brooklil. Tise'bnnivensary services were velI at- tended. Roi. Geo. "McCuliougb, Toronto, formserty an Enfld boy, preached tvo cloquent semons on Suaday to apprecia. tUvé audiences. Mgoaday afterpaon Dr. Mitchell, a&,edý'as cisairom, elping .ey tiig to -passoif hiapply. l. tise evecuag a iImclas. concert wa ien, Mr Donald MlcCullpugh, chat aiSeleciloM s eï glvuisby tésbandd sia£[a'by thse cisal solo s br UlmaPheoa aalitalwcx Rakian Mr. j». Harvey bas- goneto.Grlmdsby for1 A- large irseise took lu. the excurinon 10 tiserIfodel Parnel Guelphs on Tueaday and 'TbcOsawa R. Ry. Co. pald off "of tisir mecn Saturday p.m., tis.sléaves abcut 40 tu thse gang yct. Connections are belsg madte bétwcen tise lieof the'G M. Ry. sud teOshsawa -etreet railla rtsswelk, a gang of G.T.R. men aire doyrng tise work. Geo. Pettic viso tîves smre distance east ai tise G.T.R. station, isad tise misfortune 10 be thiovi off a wagon conc day last week and tva boues of iei arm were broken by the fait. Wisat migist bave been a very seriaus ac- cident occurred ta anc ai tise worknsen on Manday, named John McLaugbtin, wiso vas employed an tise Oshsawa street raitway, while stooping dawu ta pick up smre mater- il. ise recel ved a glancing blow from a ham- mer in tise bauds ai a felaw workrnan, giv- iug hlm a severe scalp wound sud reudering hlm tincanscious. Medicai aid was immed. iately called and bis injuries attended ta At first it vas oais ghastly appeara-ice sud one ai tise other workman fainted, irai tise sight He (McLaughlin) regaiued con- sciausness on Tuesday aud bis brother îaok hlmn ta his home at Toronto Jct. One ai tisase pteasirsg events visicis aiways cause a flutter iu saciety occurred at the re- sidence of Mr. H. Rabbins, postîmaster of this place, wisen hlm etdest daugter, Maggie, vas united lu marriage ta Mr. R. Walder, ai tise Hatel del Monte, ai Prleston. Tise bride vas attended by ber simier, Miss Olive Rob- ins, sud tise groom by Dr. Meltican, o! Preston. Tise bride vas given svay isy ber istiser, and tise nuptial knatî.was tied by Eider D. Proseer, af Newmarket. Tise bride looked tovety lu a beautiful bridai suit oi visite satin. trimmed vils silk lace and rilison witis tlles of tise vatley sud veit of orange blossomas. Tise bridesmaid voie a dress o!fvisite sud paie blue satin sud car- ried a bouquet oi rosebsud maiden bair iernis. Miss Bertie Drew piayed tise ved- ding march. Mr. A Tod did tise caterng Tise presents vere numerous sud costly and were received irom Guelpis, Woodstock, Preston, tiespeter, Stratiord, etc. Tise isappv youug couple let ou tise evening train amid sisowers of rice sud good wisises from a large numiser af irihuds. Tise bride vore a travellin, suit ai mixed gray cheviot. They viii visit tise Tisousand Islandisud Montreai retu rning isy vay of New York and Niagara Faits ta tiseir home lu Prestan, Ont. Our est wishes go vils tisem. T e bicycle nuisance has by no means abated since tise advent af fine weather. The question has becomne anc ofconsiderable iu- terest toalat pedestniaus sud action yull have ta be taken by tise autisotities. snd a means o! disposing o! tise malter arnived at. Tise bicycle craze bas become mû, general sud tise numnber ai cyclists 50 numerotis tisat foat traffic on tise sidewalk la considerabty inter- iered witis, sud at limes na uitIle danger is experienced by people visa are walkiug an tise sidevatk. Lait veek a lady ai tisis burg vas kuocked dawn by an amateur rider sud has since been coufined ta ber bed from tise shnck sud tisiaugis injuries ret ived. It is carryiug tise business altogether b b ar visen persanal safety is jeopardized by care- less sud indiflerent ridens. While tisere are a nu mber of ridens visa study tise pedestrians con venieuce, tiscre are likewise a large num- ber, îlsç majanity in fact visa don't cane a rap for auy persan cime. These riders dos't ap- preciate tise priviiege they enjor sud sisauld be compelled eltiser ta necognîze tise first right of tise public, or failiug this be praisib- ited altogether frôm riding an the vaiks. Tise condition ai tise roadvay just aI present prevents wbeeling but tise road viii soon be ready iar traffic, tise wiseetmei s sould tisen be required ta keèep ta tise road an tise main streets or incur iiability ta a fine for eacis of- fence as is tise case Insmone of aur neigisbor- ing towns, also ait cities. This sems to bc tise onty vway out o! the difficutty. In a re- cent decision given by a learned chic juas- tice at Bram pton, lu wisicb be iseld tisat a bicycle is a veiicie and rlding il ou tise si.-1e- walk is encumbening tise street witisin thse meaning ai suis-section 27, section 496, of the cousoltdated inuniripat act,- a certiorari to bning up a conviction under tise bytav vas refused. tisis soutd Se a warniisg to Oshsawa cyctisîs visa are ln tise habit ai niding an the sidewalk. SOLINA Mn. Tisas. Baker bast a valuable. colt- broke ils ieg. Osisawa division, about 75 strong, visited Satina division Fiday, giving a capital pro- gramme- vitis Mn. Walter Poster in tise chair. Refresisments vere erved sud att enjoyed a pleasant evening. Tise home ai Mr. and Mns. Artisur L. Pas- cae vas tise scene af a pleasant surtrse party Weduesday eveniug, visen aboult.six- ty Patrons afilndustry sud friends as- sembled tu spend a social lime together. Tise company vas caiied;-lo order and Mn. W. Werry vas appointed cisairman, and is a few yards exptained tise object ai tise gathcninsg. Mn. H. Argue then read tise ad- dreas. Mn. Pasvoe made a.suitable reply, îisanklng tise frteuds for tiseir kinduss, as also <id Mmm. Pascoe. Excellent speeches %vere made by Messrs. John VatsNfft,,D, Montgomnery, W. Asiton, Geo. Argue,,W. H. Gorrili, Jno. Pascoe,_M. Crydernian, B.' G. Pascoe, H. -G. Pmstboe, H. Arýgue, T. Pascoe -sudothers. Mrsw Jobs VanNest, Miss Lydia Montgomery sud--,Mn Scoit: contributed to thse musical part of tiseenter- tainment .Very crcditably. -Tea v as tIses served and ail did ample justice to :tbèispiles o! cisoice viaisdsprepared by tise ladies.A, veryplesantUrne indeed as spent by al snd tise coa>paay, dispèrsed, t a reasonable isour. Lake OntarIio i over 3o lùcleè lover tisas> usisa ,Mr. and Mis. W. W. AllnanÙud Miss ý£diths bave boeau visltl'g'at-Toronto" sud'Stouff- Villa Iflj?~- -, Afl~j1WD. Whit aBwies Stripe Mulin l0c. per yard, worth 20c. White 80-in. Pique 5c. per yd., worth 100. White Swiss, with eolored spots 20c., worth 86c. Ladies' sud Ohildren's tan fast oolor- ed Hose from 14c. up. Ladies' pure silk Gloves in eream at at 85c., worth 45c. '~SpecaL 80 doz. Straw hats for Gentlemen, Children and Youths at ý price. Stylish Millinery and Dress Gooda. CASH ONLY. Thi Millor S : THE ARCADE. Gall at PELLOWS, and see his Wrougyht Stei -AT- Is tise 0Oprtuity ve uov aller you of buY- iug aWIATCH at a mate"la reduction froin any prives ve ever made on thein befare. For example : We viili lla vatois vortb $35 for $25; a $30 valcis for $25 ; a$5 for $20a; a $2a watvb for $x6; a $16 wvaîch. ion $14 ; a $14 ior $12; a $10 vatcis for $8; a $8 vaicis for $6.5o; a $6 vatcis for $5, sud so on dowu ta thse botfan. Dan't Wal ta sec tise bargains ve are aftering iu al lunes at 9BOyI>'9 JeerV store. (Headiquarters for Bargains) KING STREET WST, - - OsHA&wA. ,--HEADQ&ARTERS FOR-, Field, Garden and Flower Seeds, Mangels, Field Car- rots and» Turnip Seede of ail varieties. Ensilage and other corn at lawest mar- elket prices. S al s at batt Highe4 Farm qp5O.OO.ilBeaton's Mlso his COAL OL and GAS STOVES -FR OM- ,p5.5O to $25-00. Oshawa Steamship Ticket Agency. Steamship Tickets tp Europe by tie best iUnes on the Atlantic. pecial railway rates, Oshsawa ta Montreal, in connection witis Steamship Tickets. Oana.dian Express Go. Goods forwarded on ail Passenger trains ; also coilected aud de. livcred ta ail parts of thse town withaut extra charge. -JMoney Orders on sale f rom cigist a. m. unfileigbt p.m. Give themn a trial and you ani always use tbem. Great North-western Telegraph Company Foyward messages to ail point of Canada and U. S. Messages reMeved promptly dalvered. W. P. 8TERIOKER, Agent Office opPoaýte the Post- Office. W E. D.YER, 0 e OSIUWA 07110. BaeBo -,jX-ati itseps f fice. Inspector o! Agencies ai Aid Savings & Loan Co., Toronto. Agent Sun 16ifer Assurance Company cf Canada "nd thse Employers' Liahility Corporatian of LONDoiz, ENG. The ios-ph Hal eand Fancy Groeeries ttom prices. est market priees.-for Produce. Grocery, Oshawa, -Ontarto. THE CORNER S-HOE STORE, G-ýO -SHAWA.-E) Leather Steadily Advanclng. Wholesale prices for footwear are 2o per cent. higber. Our immense stock is selling fast at old prices. Save moncy by buying your The-opportunity wllso1p1 s One prîce to ail. Cs on 4- _JW Our r ite of profit is thselowest in ibis- district. IT KEEPS US..J>OOR;. We have always a general. and varled-,. stock to select from-latest, désgna and finishes. Prices rigt Undertaing departmcnt fully'stock-, e d, aud embalming according t6 lateat metbods. Pfttuté framlng prousptly -,andua- factorily donc. Luke Bro,, -m iêiue i t>005t ïadob D4 Oapi Sunt G Trar Inte No 12a Li Phys lege wel GN Bar Eng Tor 1 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE,

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