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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jun 1895, p. 2

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,Brlnpu omfort and Improvement and Midisto porsonal enjoyment whes rigiitly mie&d.'The. may, who liv. bob' ta than others and enjoy li. more, with lOis expenditure, by more promptly daeptlng the, world's bout producta to *11. ueeds of physical being, will ate the. vau. to health of the pure liquid laxtive prihociples embraoed in the. i.medy, Syrup of Fig.. -Mt emSceno is due to, Its présenting Êi (the fornu moast acceptab'. and pleas- mb to the baste, the, refreshing and truly benneficia properties of a perfect lai- ative ; effectually cleansing the uystem,4 dWelling colds,hbeadaches and foyers en eranenly cringconstipation. tuba given satisfaction ta millions and imet with the. approval of the medidal pofession, beesues lb actes on the Kid- uueyrs Liver and Bowels Nithotit weak- oewg thonu and ib is perfectly free from *verY objectionable substance. Byrup01F' aMfor sale by all drug. tb M 75CTotles, bub it is manu- Cure by the California Fig Syriup o. only, whose name is printed on every package, aise the naine, Syrup of Figs, *nd boîng well informed, you wii not eoapt any substitue. if offered. Resuits Astonish MEN 0F SCIENCE. AY-ERSpal A MEDICINE WITIIOUT AN EQUL Sitatement cf a Well Known Doctor 41Âyer's Sarsaparilla Is wthout an equal as a blood-purilfer and Spring mediciîne, ani cannot have praise onough. 1 have watclied It offets tg~ chronlo cases, where other treatmont was of no avait, and have ber astenished at the resuits. No other blood modicine that 1 bave ever used, and 1 have triait them all, In so thorough ln litsaction, and efforts no many permanent cures'as Ayor's Sarsaparilla"-Dr. H. F. MEERItLL. Ay&'ls nlSarsa parilla .&mltdat th WorM'. Pair. d.yr'a FlUa for Ilver and boweijo. CORRESOPONDENUE LIioEaA. Messrs. E. A. HoIliday and Ab. Sil- verwood, of the collegiate institute, rode to Beilevili Iast Saturday afternoon on their bikes and returned on Sunday evening. This is the longest trip taken by an:I of our bicyclists this season, the distanoe being over 2oo miles. On Saturday afternoon Chiarles, the yung son of Mr. James Meehan, of West Ops. met with a very painful ac- cident. While passing through a gate- way with a very keen-edged hoe for cutting weeds in hîs hand, a blast of wind caused him tw stagger and let go0 of the hSe. In falling the sharp blade struck his leg with ronsiderable force and inficted a nasty gash from which the blood gushed in streains. Luckily there wds somne stickiug plaster lu the house, and a liberal application of it *oo stopped the flow. Vie bospital question wus dlscussed i n.committec Monday eveningr by thé ful Suncil. There was strong oppSi. t>ui tothe propoit.ion endorseti by Di. i) JBrje to erect a combined genersi and1 hitô oqpitalat a. cost cf $3,500; 's ome otf the nembertakln t@gou reacli a farm house, where he was cared 1 for until the coéo f the eveniug, -wheu- he was couveyed,-home. He' was thet feeling muçh better, but during the night deliriu m set in, and ho is ,uow very ill. His medical attendant hopes that a few days rest and careful nursing will completely restere him. The importance ot having welis and cisterns periodically and thoroughly cleaned has been frequently demon- strated. Much of the sickness often existing in a neighborhood is traceable to a dirty well. During the last three months a famîly in town had a severe visitation of diphtheria, and in cleaninig up the premises after the sickness tle well was examined, and it was fourid that a drain from a sink had been cut through when the well was pnit down and the filth from it had been dîscharg- ing into the weIl. Another recent casc was traced to the well in which was found a badly decomposed cat. The importance of this matter cannot be too strongly impressed on every bousehold- e r. Mr. John Short, license inspector, was in Oshawa the otber day, and says that a large number of men are at work on the new electric railway being built by Mr. Rathbun, of Deseronto. The town, baving entered into an agree ment to remove the soil thrownput in excav- ating the road-bed within the corpora- tion, had about 75 men empioyed, and Mr. Short says it was 'dead easy' to tell the gangs apart-tbe construction men were kept bard at work by their foremen, but the corporation men seemed to look upon their job as a sort of holiday, and idled and passed awav the time in the happiest fashion. It is sometbing te, be a voter wben in the town's employ.-Post. UOLILLiA. A Double Bliver wedding. Last Friday evening Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Beaton. and Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Cosb celebrated tbe twenty-fiftb anni- v'ersary of their marriage day. The double silver wedding was a joint aflair ail tbrougb. A Hard Blow. On Tuesday morning there was a slight misunderstandîng between Sani tai-y Inspector Henry Luif and Mr. Chas. Ansdeil, of Mary street. Wh en it ended the latter was unconscîous. It seems that Mr. Luif resentcd NMr. Andels practice of ieading his horse along the William street sidewalk, tbereby damaging Lufs boulevard. so the latter dlaims. On Tuesday Mr. Ansdeil came along w-itb bis horse and there was a discussion. in which Mr. Luiff daims he did flot use bis boots. A spectator says be did. A charge of aggravated assauit would have been air- ed on Wednesday morning only the compiainant was not abletoappear. It will be tried on Saturday. These Ballera Gel Boaked. An accident wbich might bave ter- minated seriously for Mr. Richard Rix and bis nephew George bappened on tbe lake Tuesday afternoon. Neither1 Mr. Rix nor bis companion knew any- thing concerning the management of a1 ssiI boat, but the day being fine tbeyj undertook to sail across to the opposite shore. When near Heron Iland the wind increased and in coming about the craft capsized. The inexperienced sail- ors secured a firm grasp on the boat as sbe overturned and clung on steutiy for nearly fifteen minutes, wben the steam- er Longford, on ber return trip te Orillia, hove in sight. Gapt. Jobnston bad the now tborongbly clîilled marin- ers assisted to the deck of the steamer. The sail boat was righted and baiied out, wben Mr. Rix aud bis nepbew re- embarked and sailed to town. "u OrWliau Koooked out. A brawl, in wbicb it is alleged an Orillia man carne out second best, hap- pened in Coldwater Monda> evening. Thos. Clark, an employee of J. R. Eaton, was sent to Coldwater te do cer- tain work on new bouses, the building of which the latter bas the contract. The fracas accurred at Keliy's hotel wbere Clark was stopping. John Bor- land, an elderly. man, who lives in Cold- w4ter, came into Keily's on Mouday eVening somewhat the worse of liquor. Clark, it is said, aggravated Borland in a teasing mauner, jaud couciuded bis fun by punching hlm, after which he retired te bis room for the' night. In the meantime a friend of Borland con- veyed the intelligence w - a young son of the latter that bis father lad been severely haudled at Keily's hotel by a stranger, whereupon lis sou at once made his way tIcth scene of his par-. ent's diegrace sud going into Ciark's room unannouuced Proceeded to ad- minister to the Orillian what had al- ready beeu deait tw his father. The younirer Borand i.s nid to have left =u indelîble impresioti on tue mouth, face, sud eyes of Cauk who was completly lcnocked outNusLetr III Two Made WeII ati Mrs E d#yand Mes Brodie, of Olarmou, wr*q'iore on Saturday with friandis. Rev F4abiier landi cf Toronto, waa 'Father Gallagiier. He wheeied down Sfrom the. city, aocompanied by rnuch dust. Strong I Paine's Celery Compound Dois a Wondrous Work for Mî, Samnuel Hannal NEIGHBORS AND FRIEND81 ASTONISHED. Like Resuits Neyer Accom-1 plished by Any Other M edicin e. The case of Mr. Samuel Banna, an os- teemed rosideut of Manvers, Ont., bas attracted the attention cf huudreds living in the district. Since Mr. Bannas cure, by tbe use cf Paine's Ceiery Compound, scores wbo were previously akeptical, are new thorougbly convinced that every word and sentence of praise written in favor cf Paine's Coiery Cornpound in the past, is true and deserving. As a speedy curer cf disoase, a streugth- ener sud healtb.giver, the vast niajority cf mer' and women in Canada admit that Faine's Celery Comîpound bas ne equal. Mi'. Banna write8 thus about bis wonder- fui cure - "A f ter sovere sickness aud suffering for a longth cf time, I arnbappy te state that 1 was made well by Paine's Coiery Ceom- pound. To be raised up from a low snd weak state inside cf two weeks, is8s a a vellous work, wbicb nothing else but Paine's Celery Compound could have so- complished. "After using baif the first bottle cf the Compound, 1 wue able te dig the bobes for a forty rod fonce, and help te buid it. Before using Faine's Celory Cern- pound, 1 couid net sieep, and had ne ap- petite; now I eujey good sleep and a boaltbful appetite. Paiuie's Celery Cern pound is wortb its weight in gold to any sufferer; it i8 the best medicine in the werld." COUIETICE. Mr. Arthur Aunis, Tyrine, was home Sunday. The D. U. C Ce. is doing a larger busi- unes than noual. Auniversasy services at Zion are be- cooming very pepular witb oui' youn. people- Mr. H. Pepper bas joiued the. 84th Batailion ef voonuteers at Oshawa wbich go inte camp at Whitby in a few days. Mr. H. Gay bas prepared plans for the eniargemneut sud rofitting cf Medosif St. Chnreh, Oshawa, in compotitien with twe Trorento architecte. Mr. Gay's plans have been adopted sud ho je buey getting out the specificaticus. Ou two different daye iset week the bot raye cf the sun focised by the con- cave Lettoin of a neow rilk can set fire to Mr. J. Littlejohu'e wood pile. Lt was thought the firet timo te be a epark from the cbimuey but on the second tbe wind was biowing in au oppo8ite direction en- tirely.1 Borse ]Moutes. Royal Seotusa, (5817), lydesdsbe, own.d byJo >aW'rer ickering. Mon4ay le Kennedy'., bazelise, noon ; Central hotel. Osh- awa, night. Tuesday, te Woodmuftu hotel, Whftby, fortlb.ntght. Wednesday,to biotown stable, Pickering, for the ulght. Thursday, Gordon's hotel, Piekerg,nDoon sud hie own stable for- the night. Puda&Y to e gand Oreek for the night, Saturday to him ovu stableun- titi Monday. Toims, $1050 inure. Newday, (8078) (19121, Clydeudale, owned by Wm. Rich&rdsen a& Son. Columbua. Mouday aflernoon leave hisowu stable for Breoklil and romais overight. Tuesday, Hprteph'u, Ilie4 noom; MMfrsÂn l .W.deuay Prde ailnx riceaâ,noxi;VIc * a Mo ele Rln'guton oa Ê' ote, Whitby, nlght., 7rt4 ,oCraw- forth'., baaelné, noon ; Central bots,' oahwg, day. Tertes.$10gtelumure. - ixotAl 'l~y zion; Central bote-sea necu Wedesda, 4à.!' WilndnX botea *h-' oW4 stb til oudY emhOte Chas Hotge, cf Whitby, has leased Decker's barber shop sud opened eut a tongoriai business therein. He is said to be a first-olass hand. Miss Allegra Oronk returned last week after spending a couple of monthe at- Chippawa, acoompanied by ber sister, Mr% M Dewar, and two amail nephews. Jonathan Porter wishes te state that be bas purcbased another Clydesdaie herse, "Fintray Star," from Messrs R & A Canning. Hagorman. ii'his horse is a very desirable animal, being pronounced a model by good horsemen. Mr Porter bas met witb mucb misfortune during the p ast few years and is therefore en- titled to some consideration on that ac- ceunt. Have a look at bis new borse, it may pay you. Monday night, long afteoi respectable bedtime, our people were awakened by the repeated discharge of a revolver. For a time it wau tbought that a foui murder was being perpetrated upon oui' streets: but after inve8tigating it was learned that the revolver was in the handa of smre fellow who had beon indutging rather freoly in fire-water. We are no& aware c f th e young fellow's naine. By some unaccountable way the rurnor has become circulated tbroughout the township, that Pickering college will ro- main ciosed after the present torm. WO have it upon the beat authorlty tbat sucli a statement is an unqualified f aisohood, and must have originated witb someene unfrien.dly te, the institution, Tho col- loge is prospering nicely and promises much botter thinge duriîîg the neit yoar. Thoso who desqiro te attend a coUlege would do well te make arrangement for nort term withent dolay. Iu company witb Dr. W. F. Eatstwood sud L. Barues, Claremont, aud Dr. J. B . Eastwood sud Geo. Seldon, Pickering, we viaited Black river, In Scott township, on Friday. The day wus fine sud the mosquittoos plentiful, tberefore wo geL a good haul cf trout. The party had the luck te catch 130 speckled beauties, the majority cf thein measuriug 10 huches It wa uet uch ,ood fortune as oe cares te meet witb frequenti>. Iu erder te reacb the Black river it was nefLessary fer te, drive tbreugh Pickering andVUx- bridge townuships, sud well inte Scott We must say that, as a rule, the farmers of Scott are a very tidy sud induatrieus lot of foilows. Large brick bouses, cein- modieus barns, sud wtll-kept fences in dicate that presperity bas been their por- tier fer many years. Perbape the fine appearauce cf these farmo is due mostly te the fact that there are few tenants in Scott. Such is a boom te an> township. - Ne ws. Can't Wash ~Them Out!1 No other metbod cf home dyeng gîves colors oeehalf se fast and beautiful as. DIAMOND DYES. Ail the colora marked «'rASTr" give fUil, bright, sud handsome colors that sunlight will net fade uer seapsuds wash out, two thîngs that are not truc of the inferior imitations of Diarnond Dyes. .Do your Dye!Ag at Home witb the Original and Reliable Diamond Dyes. Sold everTwhere. tW-Direction Book aud foi'ty samples et colored cloth free. VIELUlcw£ à»Box Co., Moutreai, P.Q. Pewr are the remedies whose beneficial qualitie.sud ros kiots bave made the msom popular with thie public, and inoressed frein year te year their consumption, wbich, whist possesslng the moat valuable remedial properties, are yet sc simple ini their coin- pound. sud soe eay ta tiake, as The Quinine Wane, prepsred by Northrop & Lyman of Toronto, Thuis article la prepared from, tho pue Suiphaté cf Quinine, combined with 0in Sherry Wine. . aud choice sromatîca, wbieb relievea tlee Quinine, of its bitter teste, sud doms net impsir iu the .toastdegre. the efficasof 0 il action upon the patient; whilo aaI1t ose. trequentIy.res»d, ettengtben tbe.pulue, lucres.. muëlr, for c d lu- vlgorato the toue of the nervouâ system, sud orstb u Mapailte, wbhl@R ives te thistoin- eeh tue s.deuerysd; ftIfiesthiss &Imeg lu mi nf t l iséaes.Auk for N= & ~yma's Qunine imWlîe od T6. -Jubiles s- m«m . Kuy bnru,,GII am- bdqF içhlà *44dsotabie gmbtI I Pro"&u v.* vnthig 1 e i c r o j Baker, Alisup, Forsytb and Slack,r four youtbs of the nortb, made tbem-t selves vei-y conspicuous on Sunday night by driving up and down our streets at a furious rate during cburch hours. Tbey sbould bave been arrest- ed for cruelty to animais as the borses were very mucb overbeated. These boys will net be content until the> are taught a lesson. rù@ Wm. Linton met witb a serious acci- dent on Tuesday afternoen of iast week, while engaged wîtb others raising W. Scotts' bai-n in order te place a stone foundation underneath. The frame was jacked up, when one cf the uprigbt posts slipped off and succeeded in pin- ning Wm. to the ground. Lt was some time before the unfortunate man could be liberated, and then it was fouud that bis shoulder and collar bones were fractured, while several ribs were broken. Every attention was given bim and be is now progressing as favor- ably as couid be expected.-News. ENNISRILLEN. Miss Ena Trebilcock bas heen guest cf Miss Laura Mitchell. Rev. D. S. Heuck and Mi-. F. Rogers are attending conference. Tbe memoriai services for Grandma Stainton in tbe Methodist cburcb Sun- day evening were impressive. The sermon was delivered by the pastor. Rev. D. S. Hoixc.k was visited at the parsonage last week b> bis aged par- ents from Brock, and bis sister, Mrs. Bunker, of Barrie, and her littie daugh- ter. Powerful î%aline aud other drastic purgatives mhould he strictly avoided, except iu oxtremne cases. Wheu an aperieut is calied t1er, take Ayers Pille. They restore natural action by imparting strex,.ýth aud tone te the bewels, sud their use is always atten-led witb good resuits. The city ceuncil bas authorized the city treasurer te proceed te Englaud te fleat the uew loau of $1,224,000 tbrougb an Ediuburgb ficm. If attack witb choiera or suminer coi lain't cfqn ki id seud at once for a bottlecfr.. D. Kelleggm Dymentery Cordial and use it atcerding te directions. Ltteswîtb won'ler- fui rapid ty in subduing that drendful disease tbs: woakons the etrengesat nsd that dee.- troye the young sud delioste. Those wbo bave used Ibis coiera medicine may it acte prompt- Iy, sud nover talla toeoff oct a thorcugb cure. At the Bay cf Quinte couiferbuce s resolutie n was adopted nppnein« lutWrference lu tbe Manitoba achol question. à Lines On K.Lsud Um I find the. people around here perfer Dr. Chaso's Kiduey-Liver Pilla h o aby cthoc I 1have lu stock. Tbev are a wonderfui Ipi. 8aud 8 dozen at once, I amn nesrly out.,P Bond by post, 1. W. Ireland, Gourock., Bey. Mr MoDousghb gave netice o! a motion referriug in the Manitoba scool question at the bondon confoenuc& Éoen. JiO 4d, 01-N'ew Zoalaud, à s.- rlvred at Otnswà to inerview liii. overa;insa, ou0 the Pfecable eé ee ocila û- tblu.ad-Nwml B&aIm U e 0' lai repoted thât a hial-stbrm Pas- sed over UÙxbridgre last week. H. R. Astridge lias returtled from Carleton being out of work. There was a big market on Tuesday. Much produce changed hands.- W. Edwards, south of Baisam, is building a bouse of commodious pro- portions. Drover Henderson ships cattie about twice a week from this station. He dispatched a splendid lot on Tbursday, The Baptist Sabbath school intcnd having their annual excursion about the last of this month. James Underhill lost a valuable steer on Saturday. He was driving it here for shipment when the animal be- came over heated and died. This was a heavy loss. James Evans lost his valuable stal- lion, "Here you are," one day last week from inflammation. This is in- deed a severe loss for Mr. Evans, and his friends extend him their sympath- ies. The ten year old daughter of Rich- ard Ward was severely injured by a kick from a horse on Friday. One eye was dispiaced whiie the other was in- jured. Her recovery iq not yet a cer- tainty. although every precaution is be- ing taken. She will at least loose her eyesight. Cured of a Serlous Diseaso. "i was suffering frcm what Is know,ýn as Brlght's diseaso for fivo years, and for u~~at a time 1 have been unable te straIghtenrl yself up. I waslin bedfor three weeks; dur:îg tbat Urne I bad leoches appiled sud derlved no bene- lit Beeing Heed's SarsaprIilla advertlsed in the papers Idecded te try a bottie. I found HOOD'S Sarsaparul la CURES relief befere I bsd ftldt Aklng ba aboit- tie. 1 got se mucb holP frem, taklng the first. bcUle thst I deciaod te trY axiother, aud since taklu th* e»Coud l>otle r feel as well as ever Idimfylf." Gno. MEERETT, Toonto, ont. Ho@d'ls Pille ar prompt and officient, ye- easyof action. 5c1lby aldrugglsts. 25c. THE IOST suceESSFUYL REh'EDY FOR MAU OR BEAST. I Eeadproofelw KENDALLS SPA VIN URES Box 55Carman enerCo., DM. Peb.M, 19. Dr. ]B. J.tEi>ALLm bo. Dmrt Bir-PleamouSd me ouyorHUm esnalimSpvn uewitgood aucSwe ilelu a wonderfnl medicine. 1 once bad a mare tuai Lad an Ocouit Spavin aud fOve Loulou cureil bar. j[ kee a bth. on baud ail Ibetium. YOUMstruly, c Osa.PoU. KENDALL'S SPAVIN SURE. ]»rJ. lz"3. Ku 1 10, Pr. -% M Dmrt Sir, -1 t ued meveiMi bntw et fyour thiink It tho e Li nim eI ve nuedl Hâe m - moed one Curb, one looee Spaviu n d MUc two Bouie @Pavin*. Rave reommeneled 15 SQ meerai o! f riende who are muahpleasewlt and keep B«W-L uly For $eby à Drugsw,4or addrem; BNsUCHFLS VT. Sioi KEDACgE, INSIJRES 3c " tu0 i eTif4 PRJGE25TSU EDO Fpor TwenyFv er chan Vote Tori Baxt leie maii frukl leavi by 1 * guis hont WUi Awoma uwftu a baby walkedi thousof, ReveFisher the' day hlh le.adhi$ fiamily ven diioer, and aunouced dat ahe, corn e to 1eave .thue cbuid. On li nutistiorue s ae nid it bekoed1 cg wornan là Uýriiii w ïhip iýuýùs: touje hebw c cý the rlilýe usd tb* CII4 wd %to si4 : at TorontO, OnaI-e As Wel as Ever After Taking Hood'8 Sarsaparilla ýuý 1 Anot do ED. reluct other Laurie Cou nto Thcûrn Vanlcj<) Huron SHuron the in< - we d expiait know, respec (Jntari lOric n respec f,)run~ *wili r( the il the C bandl and ai the%- y ng th< the M pdtror Grit n Mr. princi~ land v Vc-t wa VOting into 1 face w g ettini WVIllut. nothin into S gettin agrîcu first w pectîn evenI his T< Mered seeIng for hi~ tiono came like a riots of oui to ref poses. ter ur in RHa Patroi cause Mr. A few n Fair, was d Agail marc] the filled alike victor

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