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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jun 1895, p. 3

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PartyY M ýq killed itself, the intelli- gent fariners of this* county need no Other Proof than to know that the Globe has discovered Patronismi to bc an Out an Out Tory dodge to defeat Mr. Laurier. Nearîy twenty Grit seats are counted where Patrons are iikelv tt) Wvin, amongst themi West Durbain. Thornton vs. Beath; Nrtii Ný î i-ok. Vanloon a Patron and Charltn South Huron, Common vs. McM1îlin East Huron, Tolmie vs. NcKenzie tu. ut the industrial people of No rth n, we direct this letter askink, adl\ nt' anti explaining recent Als"ut~;s VOU know, the emaciatc utrtni nant if a o) it t respected Conservatîve tçti itii Ontario has fled froinîtIiut1 bindS1 toric moorings, de-sertt-d by ts able ani respected leader NMr. Nrluudîtbtho tun- fortunate relie finds shuitur nn'er NMr Mowats fostering caru TI u r't wili remember the ftiort- ru imd' t Vc- the first P'at ro n \t ttc m t bu I 1)y the Conservative r-'- ait t Illu i gone Grit, but mo st o.it'u ii band stood for the pritu tîtlu, ti i b tint and awvaitet bu rel' trt f a Fru " ' - mission l>foru iuit¶\'ii ht î- they being mainiv intt îiiti 111 iii the medicai bill pruit-.unictl n tlit Patrons, -trange t -a.\ ti 2.,\\t (,ritrnedut mu baitlt 'i Mr, Marier, tluu t-Ici ' î"tt princîpit-(of l r\ , l ni i- > 1,,i\\n votîng to niaintaît 't-rtuîttI into Rv-er,,) , , jýi oi ý,ý ý \r face wbileu muartlîîing tîn îîaîu- Sir 0 livers suxt'- IIu t utI ttlti'!I- geuting fat pro\ 111( 1a] -uî ' i Wiloughby tbt '-çll'i t i -\\V.1'- nothing w-hen eli ur'tt-il into St. John, tof \\-t YVrk n\\lh, 1,'r- getting al tbu tradittttn-.'t bi- T 'ragriculturai nl u mr. ltiiwn lit t first wore a cap lîkt- Nîr, atk- c~ x- pecting an atfi1itit n o'f tht- l>tr' ns. even he, thelie Sînt , bt onut n rc-t(, bis Tory îsm ant i wt bt li- r-dtt ' Mr Mer(-ditbl's (trpbans t fttr tht' rua!i itatur seeîng wbu'rn tbu- t tîntrv bil l'tt- for bis ad'îser-rswisulcv a t t'ulod ti- tion oin the l'uitt hi thctital Itu- camne jrit sirîner- Fat t. 1>i- tl t like a ( rut d >g- -2 aitt i aoýt- riots who wants ut t ttflsn,'t\ tt it li lt r of muriaws w'hit.h ius t ur irtbruglît. andi to reforin abuses c xi-.ttnug for t ar-- pur- poses. But D rs NI ntagmue and Bax- ter tînte tbei r ft trt -- ( rit and T tr" in Hialirnand against NMr. Snn, the Patron, whtu had been nnseated bu- cause lie soid mnarruage iicunses vbie Mr. Awrev had tbe favt ) ý'r Sooo ftr a few ii,'nths' service at thie C' Iiuml)iani Fair, y'et at the bye elicettin poor Sernn wa_- defeated-looks like a Grit dodge. Again behoid [)r. Baxters triumphai miarcb for introduction on the floor of the asscrnbiv roorni. ow the cheer filled the throat of Grits and Tories alike as hats went up for a partizan victory anti a farmers defeat. Think Systemn. Here again her Majestys loyal Tory opposition had another chance to show their manhood and vote with the Patrons, but hark, the Tories are treated to a dose of Dr. Iaxters political purgative pellets, for he is in the bouse now and, like s0 many street beggars fying with illegal fruit frorn justice, these men again fly, eaving Conservative honor for the smail balance of the stock left had by this time been so thoroughly watered by l)r. Waters that it was not distin- guishable as any principal of political bonor and was allowed to drift with the winds and nestie under the Grit tail of Mr. Mowat's cloak-whose party al voted against the Patrons-don't for- get. friends. that the railroads charged us Iast summer for the advance in coal caused by the coal strike in Pennsyl- vania, three dollars more âb ail grain, cattie, Moga. lumber and wood cars, yet no government interference. The famers foot the bill every time. It looks like a Grit dodge and a collusion against us aIl round and a Tory dodge to boot. As wc have bec,> collecting frcah data we promise the farmlngcom- munlty orne lnterestlug news next wcck. Ini thç meantime if our illus- trations are a little crude we ask the rcader's Icnicncy. The whole political system of our count has 'become, a preyMa tm o1 n the= connlv in uwho ensplre to niaitt h«< 00011Y fluce the. we t-e ing c'omn mwilty oOut d Mzcb of thefrltrlh Ra fui Uhrwv .w Canadian enuln. -Th *eflgishlnf emblem ila alarie white star o*tiiderni field of the giag wiitthe Union jack in 4t5usual place. The idea is excellent. The June Cosmopolitan is a beauty. The leading article, handsoniely illus- trated, describes famous European sea- bathing resorts, M rs. jas. Thornton is visiting friends in Norval. Miss Calvin spent Sunday with hem parents at Toronto Junction. (;1-race Wilson is home from the uni- versity during the vacation. Elh Wilson, of Toronto University, us vîsiting with his father, John Wilson. NMesdames Brickerdon and Chambers, of Toronto, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Inti. Sleigh. iss Emma Chester and Mr. John Nlasuin, of Bellamy, visited WS. Major this wveek. Nîrs, WVm. Boyd and Miss Mamie Bla.nulie Boyd. of Toronto, are visiting fruund(Js here. Nirs. .Finning. of Toronto, and Miss ler'.of California, spent last week wîtii Nirs, Mclhee. tas lcorn leaves in a few days for tfa ksttî's Point, wbere be bas the con- taiý(' t()f erecting several summer cot- WF. Bi1rnie and wife returned on ,tturdlav frorn Cleveland. We are 'auIttt sue that MIr. 13irnie is rapid- uttt rigfrourn is recent severe iii l'hu 1 pt t 'fice was mu veti ton Satur- làI* t' WVest H ill. During the suitrN n thler We bave been having rnanv. re- itiuun the east part of 'the village, ýrt% t'aitt the discuunftîrt of a walk,. it rgiars appear to exist in this tutwn, ')r hav\e been favttring t with their juuei .Last week the domicile of Dli' s White was invaded in the nigbt ani ,'-to secured. The following night L J. Sqires' wife hearing oen tioiîvng about the bouse, awakened her hinsband, wbo, getting up alarrned the \vitttr, who quickiy decarnped, accorn- pnned bx- tw-o conîpanions who were t usdthe three being seen running awvtogether. Mr. Squires had a con- siderable sum of monev in the house. ALgaun on Sundav nigbt B. A. Ellison wads awakened by hearing someone at- tuiuitiutng to eflect an entrance. pro- i nrung his iittle shooting iron he quiet- I\v waited for them to corne in, but after trvu Ing ail the entrances they suddenly uwent aw,%av, probably having heard Mr. E-. meving about, or the doors and wiuido\Ns of the bouse being securely fastened did not care to make a noise un fo'rcing one of thern. Housebolders are burnisbing up their guns in expec- tatuon of a xisît from the gang-N ews. Fuiy Thinga. New Boarder-What'.s the row up- stairs ? Landlady-t's the professor of bypnotism trying to get his wife's perrnission-to go out this evening. -1 hear, Miss Impecune, that you have the bicycle crae' - Yes.. That is. 1 have the craze, but I'm sort-y to say that I haven't the bicycle." Stern father of the girl-I saw you kîss my daughter as I passed the parlor a while agô, and I ignt you to know I dont like it. Young man-You may not, but 1 do. Proud father-This is a sunset my daughter painted. She studied paint- ing abroad, you know. Friend-Ab! that explains it. I neyer saw a sunset like that in this country. Perdita-If you continue much long- er to play poker with my father I won't marry you. jack Dasher- If your father continues to play poker with mie much longer 1 wont need to. Landiord Logic- Prospective Tenant -1 like the top floor best. Why doesn't the fime escape go lower than the third floor ? Agent-it isn't need- ed. The fimst three floors are empty. Little Miss Muggs (haughtily)-My sister neyer goes out without a chaper- on. Little Misa Freckles (disdainfully) -My sister wouldn't be allowed to, either, if she was like your sister. Father-Fritz, I sawv you last even- ing helping home an intoxicated stu- dent. Don't do it again. It makes a bad impression. Fritz-Oh, that's al right. I only did lit to get eveit with hini. Figg-Wonder why it je that these professional pugilists are euch con- founded taikers. Fogg-Perhaps ýil is because of a determination on, their part neyer to be struck epeechias. Debtor .(polgtiCly-TRepy ment of that account ie a sourc> ut con- stant anxitty tu ieé, Iuasure--,you. Creditor-Very * elY. YOurs aid you might forgetyouï9elf and pay it Author-'v gôt a -grtaVI.Di.îe tO make a fortuuC- jam * oiOg tO wTit a book, on the flnaneW qUiônO. - ýi frind~-,iAuthir.A»idthéâi I'm going.to, wsit,,are$ly vheij1tm* dIf i oI4 ê UB S "Oaly thik,, exclalmâd Fenderson, .46f the man ï uses to which paper 19 now put!»"I- know;" replied Bass.i "Iwas at the theatre the other nlghti and I was told it was all.paper. And it was a fine, substantial looking structurei toc." Roddster-I say, old fellow, can you lend us a pair of scales for a few days ? Married chum-We have a pair, but sorry to say they are out of order; they weigh heavy. Roddster (excitedly)-i The very thing; we're going fishing. 1 Outertown (enthusiastic-ally)-Citily,1 old man, you ought to move out toÀ Lonelywood. It's peacefulness and quiet would make you lîve twice as1 long as you will. Citily-But if 1 were1 living out there I shouldn't care to live twice as long. Old Gentleman-Do you think, sir, that you are able to support my daugh- ter without continually hovering on the verge of bankruptcy ? Su itor -Oh, ves, si'r, 1 arn sure 1 can. Old Gentle- man-Well, that's more than I can do. Take her and be happy. Ananias-Blood and death, but there are some insuits too great to be borne! Saphira-Well, what now ? Ananias -1 dont mind being called a pretty big liar. l'm used to that. But a fel- low just accused me of being the author of the Cuban war news. Hobes-Mv stenograpner is invalu- able., I couldn't get along without one. Nely-I3ut you dont have enough cor- respondence to keep a stenographer busy' Hobles-I know, but do you suppose l'ni going to let the men with whom I do business know that? Judge-Do vou inean to say, sir, that yon prosecute this nian for theft, wben vou have no better evidence of bis guiit than that be had $10 on bis per- son ? Attornev-Yes, sir. Judge- Hlow dare you ask a conviction on such evidence ? Attorney-Tbe man is a poet, your honor. Doctor-I wt)uid advise you, dear rnadam, to take frequent bathis, plenty of f resb air and dress in cool gowns. 'Husband (an hour later'-Wbat did the doctor say ? Wife-He said 1 ought to go to a watering place, and after- wards to the mounitains, and to get some new light gowns at once, Farm work ini Summer. A lawn rnower that will eut high grass will become a favorite, but it may lead to negligence of the lawn on the part of sorne. Turkçys hatehed as late as july ist will make profitable birds, though for heavy-weights the earlier tbey are hatched the better. Cultivate often. It warms the soil in early spring. It allows even light rains to penmeate the soil and retains the moisture for use in summer. The basis of a nation's prosperity is the broad shoulders of its farmers. Place burdens on these shouldera and ail others will be weighed down and tumes will be hard. Milk and eggs are two articles that are always sold for cash, and they en- ables the famer to receive daily t-e- tut-ns. He does flot have to wait for harvest tume with such produets. It is usually a foolish waste of money to feed a dry cow through a long win- ter; more is to be made by seîling both eow and feed. Few cows are good enough to keep unless they are giving milk liberally. I mproved breeds of cattîe are regard- ed with favor because they have large feeding capacity. The 1,breed and the trough"- cati only be cornbined by se- lecting stock that makes the most gain froni the food. The man who knows and appreciates just when to use the roller and the har-' ow upon the ground for its best good and the good of his crop, is weIl abreast of the best thought of the age in mat- ters of soil tillage, Potato beeties will leave potatoea to attack egg plants. They seem to have rgreater partiality for egg plants than for anything else, though they wiIl also feast on tomato plants if potatoes are not up and growing. Sow the ca.bbage seed for your late. plants. Make a bed on the open ground, use fine, weli-rooted manure, and soW', the seed in rows, so as to pertmit f keeping thc grass and weeds out ç>f theý way of the young plants.. The pig iarrowed in Aprilshoul reach zoo poundý before Chrisrnas, and the clover field ie thebest p-a for it Give growring çigs a me"s of ',r- î «-. skim rnilk ait night, and -they wilt ' ie4d but litie, other. food if they have thé' run 4t a coe t The bet vadetde so f. lurns are veîY.q prft~kw~ ruiii e tthci thdaW *e tros are s'aid-it&have kiled millions di young graishoDppers that were hatched durig the previous W4r weather, and threatened to de- sdýo=ythe crops. Better frost than the grassh oppers. It lsaàstonishing what aw poo'r and in>- significazât house a man has when he applies to a court of revision for a me- duction of assesanient, but it is neyer- theless a fact that sevemal properties in this town can be bought for less than their assesanient. A&lot of whcat Mr. Peter Christie is one of the lucky fanmera. He bas over a tbousand bushels of wheat which he is marketing at the profitable price of $i per bushel. Part of his wheat has been stored in warehouse for a long time and he will draw the moliey flow at top price. This is one phase of the grain business that gives the farmer a chance to speculate in his own product. Pure devutry Dave Clark, the west end butcher, found his wheel punctured Friday nigbt last, and an examination showed that a fine sharp instrument, such as a needle, had been pusbed tbrough both tires to the wood rim, making a double punc- ture in the air tube. This is the first wanton damage to 'bicycles that we have heard of in town. Sbould there be any more of it the bicycle club will no doubt takè up the matter-Journal. ]RAGLAN. New sidewalks are to be the rage this year; the village stands in much need of thern. Everything in the line of vegetation bas been very much benefited during the week with the delightful rainfalîs. We had two fine showers on Monday atternoon, and again on Tuesday night and Wednesday, each sbower followed by general warmth. The growth is wonderful. Crops are looking beauti- fuI. Mt. Carmel people a grand anniversary June 16th and 17th. are prepaning for tea meeting1o One of our citizens planted somne corn about three weeks ago. At the end of two weeks he engaged some experts to examine thie his and ascertain the rea- son for its non-appearance. They dug up a hili and found the corn had rotted, and advised him to plant it over again which he did. Now he has two crops of corn growing and does flot know the life of which to take. The said experts anticipate a eall to advise again. It so happened the only hili which rotted was the one they accidentally dug Up. DE LICIOUS MAZAWATTEB TE AS, 15,0009000 Facke/s soJGAlinoaI la Great Feath e PO. fvlDqTh rbone ta Mi c QgUinc Skirt A light, pliable, etastlc bone mpade from quills. It is soft and yleldlng, conforming readlly to folds, yet glving proper- shape to Skirt or Dress. Ã" 11I LL AND ODAF l' The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without lnjury. --TO- The Celebrated Fea.therbone Dreses1 Corsets are oorded with this Ladies Dese, materiai. For Sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers. What is Castorla la Dr, Samuel-Pltcher9a prescrption for In"-ntg "andi (Jildren. It contjains neither OuiuznMforpblne nor other Narcotie substance. It 18 a harmiesi substitute for Paregorie, Drops, SoothLng Syrups,-and Castor 0CIL It la Ileasant. Its guarantee la thirty years'use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms anti allea feverlshness, Castorla prevents vonîitlng Sour Curde cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipal'on andi fltulency» Castoria assimilates the food. regula*es the stommach and bowels, giving healthy and, nalinral sleep. Case. toria la the Children's Panacea-the Mtothr's friend.- Castoria. "Caatonla an excellent nmedicine for chu- droit. Motheri have repoedly told me oftite good eaect up0i their childrenY DIL G. 0. Oseorn, Loveil, mam- "Cstorlaila the bearemedy for children of which I a=n acqualnued. 1 hope the day is not fan distnihen mohrsilicoflhder the real Interest of thelr chBinomeanune Castorla iu- toad of thovarlousquackOshmmwbhICBr deuwoyng thefr lovod one, by foreingoplum, morphine, soothiug sy. nupd other hurt! ni agents dow t.holr throato, thonoby seudlng Ch=ito prOmmuregr&"&". Da. à. P. Knicmou, Convay, Ark. Castoriak knawn t10 me." 111Bo. Oxford -SL, Brook1nli.Z. "Our physians I. . childrema tdepge,-., mmnihave sp&keahigbly of tb*expSl ence la the&r onWde pracce wmtcbsttf and altbougb. vo ouy bave» o, medical supplies what la known 8m iegult prodUcta, y e etree o confeu tha th. montas of Culta bas wonus te Io* -- famor upon it." r- lUsrTED RomàL aàwD MMÉuxr.~ Aira The onutour Com.panvy,7 MmaY. Cured b'ri Nyw wawsaceIuu b I M vxb %il v 1114 tt i

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