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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jun 1895, p. 5

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ELLEBORE. ýNIUROH'$ I N8EOT POWDER For, destruction of all leaf.eaîing iecte, in 1 Pound tins, 100. English Paris Green.1 Church's Potato Bug Finish 2j- ots. per lb. d.E. WILLIS, Chemist.i4 Druggist, Medical Hall, Otreet, Whitby.1 WHITB«Y, JUNE 14,, 1895. Short Notes. 'rthe New York Sun complains because in two instances American fiags were tors down in Canada on the Queen's birlhday, aud urgl-dtisaIlise parties who did it be bunted down wben thc Americans corne over to bake possession of Canada as their ,OWU. -Although it is assumcd by the Sun thsat tise Dominion will thus becomne a part cftise American union, il docs not venture a.fliftier rophecy as to the exact date. It .will ueed be witbîn a gencration or sa, haw- ever, if bbc parties who tore up the Iwo &W& anc ta be punished lu -he ficsh. One nilhtsouppose tisat the Sun would be satis- fit. wltb coming over and possessing itself of our country, wiîbouî revenging old M sores. Waît ishe punishrnent ' anyhow, ibr learing down a flag and then tearsng il 14p ?," Since aur New York coîem.* is s0 cer- ,in as ta the American flag comiung over -hfte to st4y, and Ihat vcry soon, we shall flot vaste words discouraging the ides. if the Beaverton Express would print the CKIIONICLE's articles when il wishes to dis- pute aur contentions, and not give a dis- torted and ridiculous ides upon which to,' found an argument, the public would be able ta judgc beîtveen us, To assert that tise CHRONICLE howls down Patron isrn is 110t truc in any sense; and it is worse stili ta assert Ihal we answer every argument ofýe aant parly government by stating tisa Caadais a great country. Sa far as tise Patrons are concerned we have no ob- etion t10 licr platforin. The ." planks' ame good ; and cither onc or other of the -present great parties professes ta favor thern all.. Tise trou ble is that the Patrons only --traverse a very imilcd field. We pointed euittwo wccks aeo that Canada bas been ,"swly moulded imb a nation on the broad anid progressive ideas af the present parties, snd> we do nul doubt Ihat if any evils have ürown upon us Uic remcdy can be applicd -, ithout disrupting cverylhing. Any persan vise reada Candidate Braudon's letter in tItis Issue will sec Ibal bis campaign is ieiù igrun on a lot of small matters magni- fi-eft nto importance by Uic use of immod- crate lang"age. Nol thal we have aught agaituat Mr. Brandon,; but wc believe thc -people of Canada wouhd ho very féooish ta overturi the present able and faithfui political arganizatians 10 carry oui a piea- y~,une programme snch as abolishing railway passes, smending tbc medical act, etc. To j., solîsis Uic senate would necessitate a cain- S.plete overhauling of the Confederation Act, end tise establisbment of a divorce court. 'As every oliser country bas a second chamb- ei,-Canada can stand one for n whilc longer ~ urtil otiser canstitulianal changes are found neeSssry, and ail can ho broughî about at once. It is easy ta formulat twelvc or ÎUtëen planks for tbc plittformn of a new ~party, leaving out ah Uthc knotty matters of great importance witis which our present1 l ulets bave lisata rack their brains. It1 tm&es statecraft, cunning, diplomncy, coin- promIses and a&good many tricks and doges t o out te political destinies of a1 peo6plc, and we believe bbc history of Can-1 ad& shows tisaI for ability, patrotism, zen! and houer Cannda's statesmen bave been4 models for tise worhd. We nedý not look foi perfection iu Ibis spisere, and especially sc visere everybody bas equal say about tisingu. We have a blstory te be prond of:- if lb were otberwise we migist be wlfllng 10 listen te tisose who would tear things down. Itls esy to finitfault, and there will still be pleiity ot fnuits to find long after tise pres. eut parties bave become cxtinct. Couaiy commoa Nots. Who wlll Lake out tIhe irsî land t111e under - ise Torrens system ? Tise county council la like aIl lbheallier Sood roads assocIaions. It talks a great dealo but makes no break. It was a staggerer f r the e 'nucil -te dis- ceVer, wbilsî et the point af passlng lgisi tibci ta establ q the Torren, system of land illes, tisati ('Elgiîn counîy cnly onteaorrers deed liedbXe taken outinl' four ycars since the systen was establlshed, and tisai <yen In Toront.o and York county onhy cheveu tit*es were made on ibis pîla I r&9. Ih -was .wwuiib to turu the stoutest hearts, sud the t wopder la tise scbeme did msot get voted - 4<wn iben and ibere. It le evident ihat auctioneers sud ped do blot take cutl icenses In-haîf the coies. -'This la more especîally truc cf podiars. Every bousebolder wbo 10 vlsited by a ped - lar should deuuand (as'te c aw directs) Ibat -e èi~r'she show a pedlarle. licous. befr pur- ,ebeengaoy goode front tient. 1foey hawC no 11=6ns cocda sbould bW porhase4 in» stisem nt u a desrptimo f thse paty ;ý 'Oft slceI t l gvormet lYUarbw&o l" rIj lws whtcI to I 0 h. Meetinus of municisumi sa à Warden and councll, composed of afine lot of ercia i* ,b elpêd Isisîlve functions entrusîet thett 10PèrZ form. We congratulate the Warden not only upon bit own auccess as bead of the county,-butkaliso upon bavlng bis Ues cast lu pîcasant places, so'far as capable colleag- ues and able vounty officiais are concerncd. We are flot desirous -of gettlng rld of Thorah, Mars, Ramia> and Beaverton ns por- tions of Ibis county, but we can hardly sec wbat advantage il can be to them 10o retaîn connection wilh it. The îown of Orillia offers a most sullable location for the county town of a new county, and le really the cen- Ire of a number of municipalities which only figure as the tail ends of counties, stuck on because îhey were loose and had no abiding place. These half-castaway people look away across the beautiful waters of Simcoe and Couchiching and behold the beautiful Orilîla on the hilîs beyond, a veritable pro- mised land teeming in beauty, which they mnay see but cannot enter. Orillia bas often courted the cooperation of the many sur- rounding municipalities in establishing a county seat there, where their title deeds. courts bf justice, county legisialive halls, etc., could be located; but the wooing le slow. We do not doubt that each of the ad- joining municipalities would be as much ad- vantaged as Orillia by ther formation of a new county, for the scheme would bring In- numerable tonveniences to ail; but men and municipalities are slow and conserva- tive, and seem to prefer old associations and dsabilities rather than undergo changes. Why should the county council be so fer- ribly frightened at the idea of assuming the Cartwright roadway, an undertaking it should have taken in charge thirty or forty years ago ? The members and committees1 arc alwaye tallcing up the importance of tbis roadway, and members arc always declar- ing in favor of g rants and admitting the greal necessit y of a pp ropriating moncy, but the fear of falling heir ta the raad ie the bug- bear which makes the boldest of tbem haul in their bains. We do not belleve that any member uf council has doubts but that the counîy should assume that toadway ; but they seem t0 fancy Ihat becouse they may not have donc so they will shirk the duty as long as possible. And they go îhrough the farce of making grants ta little bridges thirty and forty feet long on obscure boun- daries, whilc a great and valuable work is al- lowcd ta sink mbt decay because of their contemptible cowardice in taking hold of it for keeps. One would suppose that any in- telligent legislative body would be cagerly watching for chances ta build roadways which would bring tens af îhousands of dol- lars worth of trade int their cou nty yearly. Our haws leave the caunty council 50 little ta do that one would suppose they would lumnp at a chance ta exercise their privilege of pas- sing a piece of legislation like this which would do thcmn honor for ail time ta came. But na the moment they find an opening in the statutes which enables them ta do a special thing for the public advantage they faint. This farce of making believe they would do a good thiný, mýid then running away for fear once doing the right thing might entail the rcsponsîbility af always do- ing the right thing, is quite pla *vcd out. Why do flot aur counity couniciiors take hold of this great C-îrtwright roadway like men, and make it the great cross-country thora- ughfare it ought ta be ? No roadway within fifty miles afi a is af hall as much importance as a cannecting link. This hypocritical fear or daing right lest they might always have ta do right is disgraceful,,and in the mean- lime a large portion of this county suffers very great loss for the want of proper action on the part af the county council. Miltary Notes Lieut. T. H. Greenwoad bas applicd for leave of absence ta visit the old sad. Camp will be pitched on Tucsday next, at the Ontario and Durham Exhibition Park. Quarter-master Dillon was in tawn on Monday tnking tenders for camp supplies. Lieut. F. Howard Annes wili wcar her Majcsty's unifarmi as lieutenant af No. 6 Ca. 341h battalian. Col. Patterson was in town on Modday sclecting grounds on which to pitch thet ents of the regiment. All soldiers are expected to supply thein- selves witb a lin cup, lin plate, knife and fark and spoon. NO. 3 Co., of Oshawa, will turn out witb new uniforms, and wiil no doubt be as slick as the best city compnny. Lieut. King, af NO. 2 CO., is the busiest man in tht militin, galhcring together tbc boys of bis compnny. Captain T. A. McGillivray, of No. 2 Ce., bas taken 10 bimsecf a wife and bas been re- lieved from attendance at thc coming camp. -The campanies frointhbbcnertb wilh arrive on the noon train. 1, 2 and 3 companies are expected on tIhe grounds by i in.m. The abollshlng of tbe cauteen bas pro- duccd the efFect of causing a great dîffercunce iu tht character of thc applicants for posi- tions lu tise service. CapI. Bick witb bis bugle band fron Cia- nington, wlll b. bbc proudeat man in camp. Ho desorves great credit for tise successa ta bas attained the Battallou's efforts ta organ- ize sucb a band. Ahîhough tise officers of tht 3e1 battahion bave lucurred beavy liabilittes in tise iter- este of tise nillitia, in tise way of procurlag bemlet-plaies for tise rank aud file, and rei- mental cosirs, and altiscugis net above se. ceptlng donations bowardstise botter equlp- meut of tise reglment, tisey are dedsl against maklng a travellIng showefts u under tisen by movlug tise camp srcuudtise country at tise be.vk of tise bigist bd der.' Tise greusest objection ýatust bringlug.tise reim- l Its owrn bc wsr au ¶tin k4the d1lapidated cc isiditiof.!tsoi range. Maft handeosueoff=rs veeuze Ise re c en b Cal% gton sudothemuni-ý gipaltUeï1 ai ! icis v0ýerdeledsdw iuktise mblIc slrlted nmnlu tise ut tb*l':$me ùshower appreclatimb f.t-iseý oflor'cînduetut Insi tter lie aling la tise rpiste tise rfern SPeclal hnehuldren>s uavy gi~t$ to -fit ages 5 tO 12 years oniy $1.25 aI W. G. Walters' Ladies sold silver neck buckles, thse lat- est thing out, onlY 75 cents at Conner>s, the newtewelry store. *Have you seen tbe new Trilby corset. If tiot cal! and sec îhem. Warràu'aIs is he only place in town you can buy them. Mr. W. Z. O'Brien called on thé CHRtON- ICLE Thursday while in town again for a lime. Mr. O'Brien reports business brisk in Oshawa, but evidenlly feels very lonely yel down Ihere. Great lace sale on Saturday, June î5th, 1895. New Venic,,, Chantilley, Irish Gupeir Point de Ircland, etc. In black, black and white, creams, whites and two tones in al qualities aI half price. 25 lbs. of granulaîed, 30 lbs. of brown sugar for $1. Saturday special sale of teas 35c. green and black teas for 25C. 40C. and 45C. Celon leas for 3C. Bargains in men's lies, 25c for x5c., also ladies' and children's fine Irish linen hem- stiched handkcerchiefs for ioc. Old stand on the corner. E. R. B. Hayward. ELACKBTOCK Mr. Geo. Reynolds is no~ belter. John Quinn bas been adding improve- ments 10 his bouse. Mr. Byers was visiling aI Mrs. William- eon's hast Sunday. The orange tesaI Boom ington was wl atlended by Blackstoék. We will have a ncw methodisî ininister to preach for us nexî year. The presbyterians will run an excursion to Sturgeon Point next Tuesday. A good time is cxpected. The Caesarea mnethodist church will have their anniversary on June 16th. Rev. W. Phalen will preach in the evening. Some person was mean enough to break out Mr. Johnston's windows on Monday night, and thought it a fine trick to play. Dr. Archer, of Port Perry, has built a telephone 10 Blackstock, passing througlh Shirley and Purpie Hill The boys cut down nine posts the other night. ZION. Sunday, june 2nd, was really a delightful day antd Zion S. S. anniversary services were well attended. The church was over- crowded aI night. In the morning Rev. C. Parker of Bowmanville preached an excel- lent sermon.- The evening service was taken by Rev. J. S. Clark of Oshawa. The heat was very oppressive yet the audience was held spell-bound by his earnest sermon. The choir gave two good selections and the scholars under the efficient leadership of Miss Henry acquitted themselves creditably. Doubtless manv were hindered from attend- ing on Monday by the ramn, but those whý were fortunate enough to attend were-weli repaid. Seldom is a better prograrme lis- tened t0 and it certainly reflected great crediton Miss Bain and Miss L. Landet who had charge of the literary department and took su much trouble in training the schol- ars. The singing was a very pleasant feat- ure as usual. The class of littie girls de- serves speciai mention. Rev. H. B. Kenny did us good service, giving a very earnest practical address which delighted his hear- ers. A welcome awaits him here. The re- ceipts are flot as large as former years but reached the xieaî little sum of $56. We will hope for a better day nexl year. BE]NEZ&R.I The anniversary was another unqualified success. The Sunday services were espe- cially interesîing. Rev. H. T. Ferguson, B. A., B D., gave three ruost suilable discour- ses. Monday brought the usual large at- tendance and the whole aflair was most sat- isfactory. A lwo hours' programme was given undel- direcîlors of Mr. W. Everson, chairman. Among the reciters were-Irene Worden, (opening address), Frank Found, Mabel Frank, Irene Langmaid, Wesley Sal- ter, Elma Pickeil, -Herbert Osborne, -Ethel Gay, Percy Walter, Miss Brimacombe (pupil of Ontario Ladies' College) Bowmanvile, Inez Pearce, Luther T. Courtice, Flossie Osborne, vaiedictorian. Short speeches were made by Revs. R. D. Fraser, W. S. Pritchard, H. T. Ferguson an~d jas. Courtice, superintendent. The tea was enj.oyed by over 6oo persons and the financial results must bave been very satistactory. Bowman- ville people were there in large numbers. COLUIMBUS. Mr. N. Kivel. bas returned home frein con. ferenoe. Mr. J. B. McLaren bas gone to London to attend assembly meeting. reports business good. Mr. R. E.- Hodgson bas gone f rom amoug.,us £0 seek.a fortunte eisewhere. Rev. 1. Easuna of Oshawa wlll th~4*e Columbus Presbyteriptu pulpit ccxt Sbbub-ai 2.;r0 Mt. %he Columbus Pme. Y. P. S. C. E. are maldng preyarations for holding a lawn party the evenlng ofJuy stihe cburch grounds. Qahte a number of Ouryog people mvafle themselves the pleumr arp to Lladsay by boat frons PortPrr AUl spent a very-pleasant day. McG1LLiVRAY-luCLAUEN-OU Tues- day June zuth, at the resideuce <iftti. br ';% mter. ssSoset reet, Ottawa, by the Rev. 1 :L acLarce, DD'i ., ui df thse brie, asslsted by thee Rev. Dr. Moôre and tise R«r. Robert ýGamble T epore Auuts =cWvrî 1yï, L.»., .ý> qeleu èldest dïnUgbr of theIate John Macl;ar.u, Esq.#, WmflkeSld. Fail vieat, !ew*d, 43C; ,Peu. b6uki ÂNqDREW UNE DRY : GOODS 5 *~p '-e-,',-. Mu BARGAIN* A WHOLE MONTH BILK DRE8S DEPARTMENT. Blaek Surah Silk at 40c., 50c., 75e- and $1. Black Brocade 511k, beautif ni goods, ai 500. Colored Faney Silk at 50c, worth 65o CURTAIN DEPARTMENT. Good Taped Lace Ourtains, taped al round, 5 yds long, 45a per pair. Better cnes a t 75c., $1, $1.25, $1.76, $2.00. BLACK AND COLORED DRESS DEPARTMENT. Black Serges at 25c, 85c, 50c, 60ô. Faney Serges at 20e, 25c, 85c, 50c, 75e. Also a full lime cf Hienriettas, both ini blacek and eolored, at exception- ally low prices. LI ST9 FOR ]BARGAINS. PRINTS, MUSLINS & DELAINES A large assortment to choose from. Ohallies at 7c., worth 12.. Art muslins, Peek.a-Boo muslins also in stock. GENTS' FURNISHING DEPT. Men's -Cotton -Soxs at 5c, 10c, 12jc, 150, 20e, 25e. Boys' Cotton Boxs Men's Shirts and 50c, 60e. Men's Braces, (2 Men's unlaundried Shirts ai 40e, 50e 60c, 76e. Men's lalindried Shirts at $1,$18- Boys' unlaundrjed Shirts at 50e.- Men's and Boys' Straw RHats very low in price. See north win- dow. Grand display. at 5e, 12je, 15e. Drawers 25e, 85e, pr. for 25c.,) 15c, P.S.-Remember for One Month ID ]DRu DR Y GOODS, GLEARJNG HOSIERýY, GLOVES & UNDER- WEAB DEPÂRTMENT. Ladiles' Veets with oleeves at 8e, 10e, 12k-e, 20c, White and eream Lace Mite 15e. pr. Blaek Lace Mitts at 25c., 85c. Crearn and w hite Silk Gloves at 80c, Black Silk Gloves 20c, 25e, 85c, 40c. Ladies' B3lack Cotton Hlose 10e, 12e, 15e. Ladies' B3lack Cotton Hose, fast blaek, warranted, ai 20c, 25e., 85c. ; alo a job lot cf ehildren's at 2 pr. for 25c., ali sizes, STAPLE DEPÂBTMIENT. Fanoy Flannellettes ai 7e. te 121c. Good Faetory Cotton, 1 yd -wide, at Se 5, 7e, 8e, 9c, 10e. Good white do., 8e, 9e0,eo, le. Great Big Towels, 2 for 25e. Alsc nurnerous allier bargains. Corne and ses for yourself. only ROS SD WHITB Y. For the purpose of reducing our stock we have decided to hold a grand Clearing Sale of new and taishionable Dry Goods. The stock is thoroughly complete in ail the latest novelties in the trade. We offer: 38-in. wcol Berge at 124e., 15e., 20. 40-lu. wool Serge, faney, 25e., 80e., regular 40c. goads. 40-in. woal shot effeets, 27e., 29e., regular 40e. and 45c. goods. 42-im. wool Serge 48e., 50e., 55e. 45-mn. eovert catings 65e., regular 75e. 45-mn. Tweeds 65c., regular 75c. Black Dresa Gocd8 ai 25e., 85e., 40e., 50c., 65e., 75e., 90e., $1.00. Lawns, .check and stripe Muslins, Swiss spot Muslins ai low prices. Corsets, Hcsiery, Gloves, Underwear, etc., Prints and Sateens. Duek Buitings ai le. and 14je., regular 15e. See cur 52-in Table Linen,9 only 20c., better quality ai 80e., 85e., 40e., 45c., 5Oc., 55e. Bleaehed Table Linen 67e., 80c., 90e. Napkins at ilprces. 16-mn. glass Towelling 7e. Roller Tawelling from 5e. 18-lu Hueck Towelling 124e. In Men's Furnishings everythirsg up to date. Me.n's Fedora Hais 75e. Men's Hard Hats $1. Btraw Hats fer 25e. Men and Boys' Clothing ai the very elosest prices and cf the best quality and make, equa] to amy eustom made good1s. It wil pay you ta inspeet aur stock and prices before buying. W Ha *THE : NE W S. O . Ezoz03o To MODEL PARM~ GUELPES Tu.udy, June 25. D si onos of England wilru a Fa rnra' - ecursion totahie Model - Farus, Guelphs, on Tuesdny, june gs. The Agricul- taraI Collegogroudsansd- Faim are iu ex- cellet condaition 'now and ibisjlithbbcbuet Sssson f ail tise year te v4Iýt there. This it likely'tte be:the: land .best -excursion ta, Guelpis t4is year fromnt tisdis trict, Tuesayi, Jan e t, excursio0n'day, a speclal train * îl ave G,11-R. stations as bebow aàti tise fuolvus rates 405 ive' at .6e .55 i WH ITBY, : STORBE* M ilCE IX JIRTIT MAI Mr HAYWARD, THE, CH And will be open- IN, THE OLD)_STAND, Cyc r p Stand VIOTOB VIOTOB tiof o FRI] West aide t We chai shocs. W to believe goods are not markt tend sellir you are g per cent. r Scott rei Warren' bath straw Gent's( chcap at E Hosiery prces at ý Miss F. last 'after Guelph. Men's without ce aI W- G.1 Corne ai and boys' the prices Mr. Fra Mr. W. R bas gone t tion there. Cedar 1 laid on thq streets,i the shape crossing. To thosç say that dl able for ci May frostýU d ~ cinity. Messrs. - Miller, jr. the lime ti ivil be ne * they may they may' aboundisl good bealu Thestr fifly cents - cnt Ibe we * the colleg Toronto- p * the collegt - Mr. C. 1 Richmond Torwito F accountav * This coml them todà the ecepl ering bma of June, L,! manager i Tbat Di te stop fa] The Re Divinity1 (D.V.) pr I"begt te"Y' WARREN, ý(;,eýjý »" i i rm.ýj SALEI

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