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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jun 1895, p. 7

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TUOD DAY. Icel tIo'1clook. lb.I Coye nted that the fdllawing 00MOiW be plkinted ta te. thé-, law eoscerning pedlanansd lak n Mu.. Ourla, Pringle, Weir, ma te moeu. Tb$ MOver e:plained thal the premeut M amgppears tW be simoot totalît in- UrOot4,e aud ieal>' needed compote vehauliug The. malIn oarried. 2*AXKB AND- $100 TO THE WARDEN u.- Gillespie moved that the usual ~Mt O 0 100 be made te the Warden to poeuonal expenses du ring the year, uti ot h. b. teudered the ths.uks cf li oncil for able, impartial sud othor- riII. satiafactor>' manner in whieh be bas iiobarged his duties during the year. Mi <uile>' meved in ameudment that be 0ouncil do net grant $100 te the war- ent. but that the grant be merel>' enough tOOV«i actual cutias.. TIhe ameudmeul was vcted dowu and h1 Mlotion pasaed. *TE LATEJamES RÂRAM. lt. Wilcox mnoved ihat the anembers f the caunt>' council now in session de k05 10' place ou record its deep sorrow zxd rkegret in the des bh cf Jamae8 Gra- ttD, -ate reeve of Scugcg, and Ex- War- 60,0f the ceuni>', anud embrace this op- iUuity of cxpres8ing cur higb appre- àlion of him as a rep resentativo council- suMd friend, oue who bas filled every Utiles iis ceunI>' cculd gzive and wbo Ua done muoh for tbe faruiing commun- Y as a hi-coder cf cattie sud in ail mat- Éa affeeting the intoreste of the farmiug 'MuMunity for thini>' years past, and we ieofre tecoavey te bie widow aud famil>' mIV hearîfelt syrupathy with tbem in toit bercaverneni, 'an d ihat a Copy cf da ruolut.lon sigaed by the Warden sud èi-i b. fcrwsrded te Mrs. Graham.-, TRE TORRENS LAND SYSTEM. Mr. Maure moved foer a specis.l cern- maitLe, eoouul.ting cf Meuors. King, Vrco- mo, Kilts, Carte, Gillespie, Hoyle sud the mover, ta a»certain tbe probable ceet of Iutrcdnciug the Toi-iens land system fa ib" ceuni>'. 1 Mu. Pringle said Le had no particular pjoctios Le efferto te is motion, but at ihi aine lime it was needlese as the in ft9nsought for bad al hein report- 04 upon at the Januar>' session cf ii 00ustil.Net as.iy Lad the commiîîee i-e- porled fui!>' on the inaiter, sbowing thai thé cool weuld be cempausuivel>' lew, but Mr. Farewell Lad gene mb îLte matter most e:bausîively in a special!>' prepar- *4 »eport on the question. The <pinted reports cf tLe last seessions embodicd al lb... thingas. Mrf. Gillespie said hie experience in Io"a gmos.>' for companies bas been titat i takes frein $17 te, $79 to search a bile, sud i wu a gi-est Laudship te bhave t0 pay tii. The motion passcd. FIR8T REPORT ON FINANCE. I. Mewbi-ay teid the firat report cf fiisce omnmittee as feilows: (1) ming tLe report of the ceuni>' audit. ; (2) staiing ihst $18000 vili have te borrowed duriug tLe ccing half ; (8) tefuahng a grant ta the Pi-ovin- r'ue association for bbc purpase cf lng a shooiing match la Toronto; (4) in# the treasureu's bond as satlsfac- -~()alloviag 81 esoh t thLecocron- 117 in tLe uccent Menises duowning lui Mars towship. a the clause ta grant moue>' te the qor' jury, Mu. Hoyle naid we should mide b> eu aws, which did net pi- -'for payig jurer.ai tcoroners ,li. %, t in to Le supposed ibat mes lu Cam awill sacrifice a ltble lu -the lu eu of humauity r. lts cited case. m- Pickering re long delsys sud mach trouble waa ýrnood b>' coroners' juries, and ne mpeuse allowed. tmty Cieul Farewel vas hourd, and Mled that ilutbbc Morrison casemen sommocned ln Mars township, vhile lrgoing took place lunBains. They t a greai, hardship, sud oui>' asked «b rooompousa toa py tholi- bote! . 40 o thelaw, bcsidhî wau once mi limai 'jurera àud vitueeesinlual ,t oases4ad ta sei-ve for nothiug. sud y bi beos oomp.lled to, go to To > au d romain uhere for weeks iho 1 notafford toave'a b.d to lie on 1» i the city. Ih b.d ail been 6.6 Dow elcepting ia îLe caseof cor- ir ib o mlliisuffeted fuom ibis r. Prlsgle suid it appears tc e b. a 9I0oaeas letoher vs iutend tLes. ehi s procedent fer paying coroners' l -in certain instances sud net lu . r., Gllespie blleisa coi-oer' juîie Id b.s piud il Ulcases, aud hopos the PIiI secs ho obanged ta provide for le report wvs thon adopisi. e onsil î met ai 2 o'clock. ITU TO0 LORD> AUEEIRnU. Se. Jn.BaliDo* sud 'i voi e pomttei -to subito ài»tsieuo te su lvai «ý lucf eScoîlai aba e,4lmid. Th«0 R at the ofic e«Jmv a "10 peut$ in olihér wP a si aauot aft* Thé utattervua r.fm.rd to te fa oommlts. Mdnithe recuit Wfin b. me later mon..' . TO AssuWE OAETWEIGIT OADWAT., Mrt. Eam introduc.d and ean4ied through its second reading a bylaw to as. @Ume the ýPort Per>, scugog and Cari- Wright roadway jointi> with the United courffies cf Northumberland and- Dur bain, ubculd the>' 8so nt tbmeet this county in the matter. Before getting îts third reading the bylaw wau sent ta the comxnittee on moade and'bridges for con- sideration, which body reportod favorably upon it, but il wa.s voted dowu on motion for its third reading in concdi. RAISINO WIND. Mr. Mowbray introduced and carricd througha a bylaw te borrow 8000 tem- porarily te meet the expenses cf council until the municipal rates are paid in the Cali. A CREST FOR THE COUNTY.* Mr. King moved bis motion of which notice wu8 g1v8f at the Je.nuary session, to s.dopt a crest, motte and arms for the count>', as follows: COVNTY PROPERTY. Mn. King read the report of the committee on qounty property as follows :(i) order- ing p7-yment of the folîowing accounts: H. PargQps, $.2 L. Allin, $i Hart & Rid- delI, 675-60o M. C. Lawler, $4.89 'eS. M. Newton, 83.5oe; (2) stating that 26 pensons have been in jail between January and june, 24 maies and 2 lemnales, and were kept ai an average cest el 5Y cents per day ; (3) order- ing somne repairs to jail ; (4) recemmending that the Warder cf the ceunty te maintain salary of jailer and natron at figures fixed by this council at its January session, but that in any event the Treasurer is te pay the surn agreed upen by the Warden and Inspecter of Prisons. The report was adopted. THE JAIL INVESTIGATION. The Warden reported as te the investi- gation of jail niatters, wbicb bad eein asked loi- at the Januar>' session, bad been hold last week after a geod deal cf deiay. Tbe evideuce bad been taken ho- fore Dr. Christie, ex. inspecter cf prisons, but bad net been reporied upon b>' hum. Ho (the Warden) could net say muob about the case as if was stili in a stage which prevîntîd bima frein feeling at liberty te give detaili. Hie private cpin- ion is that the jailor is te blatue, but ho is unable te foreshadow the inspccter's report, non dois ho feeu at liberty' te try te do se. 1He wiil be bu Toi-ente sbortîy and will wait on thc anthorities te, find what ho eau about it. Iu the men- time be may sa> the jailer bas nefused te accept bis salary choque on the bauis of the reduction, altbougb tbe matren bad accepted ber cheque, sbe baving been grauted an increase cf salary. HAWKERS, PEDLARS ÂNE AUCTIONEERS. Mr. Hoyle brongbt in the report of the special coinmititee appoiuted te nevise the hyiaws te licunse auctiineers, pediars aud bawkers, as follows : (i) Stating that only 15 auctioneers have taken out lioenses for eithen the whole or parts cf the county, the revenue troin the saine amcutîing te $176 ; aud onby 12 pedlans' licenses for any part of the couuty bave been taken, produciug bi34 revenue ; (2) Stating that the absence frein the list of severai well knowu auctieneers us sufficient te show hcw boldiy luise bylaws are being evaded by a large nutuber cf persons, wbereby the county sustains a boss of revenue sud the mercantile interests of the couuty suifer unfairly;- (3 recmmendiug that lists of ail licenses grant- ed an thas couuty be forwarded f nom trne te turne te the cberks cf miner muinicpalities te be by thena posted up for the inspection cf ipcal pe- ple; (4) that a notice be ppntaed on a suitable placard warning ail offenders of the penalties of infraction, sud offernug half the fiue te pensons giving informnation of infractions cf the law, shahl be forwarded te each postoffice iu the county te be posted up for public information. H. aise uead the namies of al Iicenaed auptioneers, pediarsansd bawke-s, sud il bccame quit. apparent ibat sBeeof the uniicensed anctioneere are quit. pi-cain- eut in the business. The lisi vas pub- lishcd lu lest issue of the CEmnxx. Beverai members inaisted apon having the naines read cf ibose who have been doing business without licenses. SECOND REPORT ON EDUCATION. M. Edmonsos i-ed îLe second r< lows: (1) Beviewlug îLe ireport cf Publl Sohool Inspicior MoBrien, Who s8tq that tLe achools of bbc ceuty>'arc al do ing capital wouk ; (2) crtieiing tbat the Inspecter notif>' îLe tuesicea ln advanee cf Lis intention te lunspoot achools, lu or- der that the>' ma>' b. presens. The report vas adopîcd. RE TOREENS LAND SYBTEX. Mr. Pringle read a repart frein tLe apecial comsutbee appoited ai tLe Jan- uer>' session ta, interview Ceuni>' Regis- tue Per>' as ta lb. pi-aspects cf belug ahi. te ebtali-roin u is office for Tou- tous deedi. Mu. Ferry vii give oser oe issu for lte vuse-of ltme corporation, pro- vided ho lbasthei.right ta occompan>' AIL partime eteing. This b oalisfsotory to a&U partias.. The report vws adoptîed. Âdjoui-ued for the dey. FOUBTH DAY. Mi-~~i" -uoee. is'tù uIPfl ()' I7IU»g Me troubi*-wiii nos o, (. TMIen)uibaiea 111»WM Dover th.epe»Om. meut relurne for Tor-osto sudYoi-k coulaty Iuder the Torres Lan4 8stem for 1898 to show thal on!' l cè?1fOates weue taksn outin theb whole it>' cf To- i-àto sud cousîy of Yoi-k. Re thinks vo bad botter be careful befote going te expense teo Pt s system, that i. net usedl where the>' bave il inoperation. Mu. Ring said it osly colt Elgin coun ty $170 le pi-avide tb. machiner>' for adopt ing this systein. The probable reason why the Torreps-ayuî,m bau sot been ueed is becanse Iawyetu do net fayot it. . Mt. Hoyle uead frein the reports cf thc Januat> sesion whero lu s ordered that, if a portion of the registr>' buil di ng eau be had, a bylaw be passed intrcduciug it in this ceni>'. Mi-. Treloaven'. motion carnied b>' a nuanimous vote with theexception of Meuers. Couithard, Pringle and Dows- woll. Adjouirnel for dinner. A.P'ERNOON SESSION. Mr. Mowbray introduoed a by-law to appoint a caretaker for Pickeoring bridge and te ix hiesala151. Mr. Conîthard said he uudersteod, s year or two ago, that the couuty settled its liabiity for this Pickering bridge fer $400. Mr. Mowbray said that wao ouly in settiement of tbe countyg ohare of the cost of building the bridge. The amnunt of salar>' of thie caretaker will rect-ive will be ver>' omali. Mr. Edmeudieon said if thc salary of thia caretaker ameutnt te cul>' 5 cents per aunum, the effîct of appoiuîing a care- taker now is te assume the bridge by the enty. Tbe bridge is now under tbe supervision cf Pickering townsbip, sud we should net take it froin tbeir care. Mr Conîthard meved that the commit tee risc, wbich carried, sud the by-law was thue kiiled. GRANTS ON ROADS. Mr. Mowbra>' moved for $500 te eut dowu bille on the Kingsten rcad bnute Lownship cf Pickering. Mr. Edmonson ruoved in amen dyent that Mr. Mcwbray's motion be i-elerred te the road and bridge cemmittoe. He said ail these matters should be referred te tbe cemmittee on roads and bridges. Mr. iHoyle said that a gi-est man>' grauts are asked for ho'-., but ho did net helieve any cf the reeves had been ne- quest.ed te, do se by their local municipal cenucils. Ho bopes -ever>' one cf these gre.nta wil be veted dowu, sud he will vote against them ail. Mi-. Couthard said Le cousideredl it was due te the commitice and also te, the interests cf the ceuni>' that ail such motions should be oonsidered by a coan- tuittee. The ameudment wus camred. Mr. Edmondson moved for $800 teouin dowu bils on Kingston road between Whitby sud Oehawa, providing tLe grant la supplemeated b>' $100 ech from Osh- awa sud WLitby, aud $50 eaeb from tLe townships cf Whitby. .. On motion Lhis tesolution vas rcforred ta the roadesud bridges oommittwe: Motions for gi-anis lu ibeir respective muncipalities weue moved b>' Mr. Dows well, teeve cf Uxhridge, Mr. (Jook, reeve of Scott, Gillespie, teeve cf Mai-a, Cleave- le>', reeve cf Rama, sud several obbers, ail cf wblch vire ueferred te the toades and bridges committee. NO LEGISLÂTION ASKED FOR. Mu. Brown i-ead the report cf îhe coin- mbttie on Legisîion sud Memotials. It mercI>' dealt ith theiL. ter cf tLe Good Roada Association,- sud. ucommeuded that bbc couscil take no action lu the niaticu. TUE I ETEENÂTIONAL' FERRT. On motion Mu. D. Galbraih, pre8ideni cf bbc Whiîby Haubor Compasny, was beard lu refece ta îLe lake feui-y sobemo -beivecu Wbitby sud Ok Orch- sud, N.Y. He sahd the suihoriies heu. Lave becs lu communication with the compan>' lu the United Statewit.b tbe vhew of havlng ibis ferry cstablished, but fiud tLe Grand Trunk reluctanit t treat vith tbem. He is cf opinion' that i would be an sdvantage te Lave thbe as- sistance cf a commitîe cf ibis ceuni>' ceunceil te asisi in foi-warding tLe echeme. Ih le sol puoposed te ask tLe euni>' for an>'gi-anis. Ail that h. want- cd ie influence sud assistance. Mu. J. If. Long said ILote are two Lau. bars on tbis aide whcb ar i-e1k.!>' te t-> for ibis ferry, WLibby sud Port Hope. The Tususpouîatiien Company' la most suieus te go on wU thîe negetialios, sud thL. Quand Trunk did secm quite en thudaiasîl* aIfffaibut laton>'las b eld a*lotf. hi l e0.csqay to bave the G.T. R.bini îi' seIf net tLe put ou exorbitant rates sud kaltheL achome bei-cafter. The Tuanpoi-aîos Conm an snol do au>' Ms' Js.unîlo , ayu f biby ferry bo t eveOak-Oa~ DearMr.RdUo :-Will~ouklsdIy lu. 1crin te.d, fyu auale piper that I l1igad>t us PE te assy sufferer (roin L.s Uaobood, NervousDiblIty, Nlght fosme, Variccèea,1 Potency and t he riaijits cf yeuthfu l 1>, Pariculars of a simple snd Inexpensîve means Of self-cure whlch after be- lng humbugged snd lmposed upon for years by quacks sud patent mediclue sharks, cured dee lu a few weeks. 1 have nethlng te suni0o gave away, nor amn I advertislng au> patent medicine business, but wlll be pleased to hear frei n ay sufferer anxicus te find a cure for bis complaint. te whom I will explsin confiden- tially how snd by what means I was cured. Hundreds have been cured tbrouRh my ad- vice. Clouts uthing te learu wbat 1ipald hun- dreds ef dollars to find out. Address confi- deutially and enclose stamp if convenleut. D. G. OWEN. Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.O. Emnperor William inspccted the Baltie North Ses canal, and passed tbreugb the waterway ini a yacht. Why suifer frotu weak nerves, want of ap- petite, snd gencral debility ? letting the bos of sleep and rest impoverish the systern snd thin the blood, when sut)b a real.; menitoni- nue remedy as Northrop & Lyman s Quinine Wine mn>' be bad at any drug store. Tbis articleis necommended by the bighest mem- bers of tbe medical faculty in cases of indi. gestion, general debil ty, ls of appetite, and nervous affections of aIl kiuds. itL is al- 50 épecially beneficial to childreu and deli- cate females, sud te business men, studenta, aud those who have much brain werk. We would Bay, "Neyer be without it." hI will Strongthen you, keep yeur systemn in regular order, and enable you to succesafoîlly grapple with the work you have te do. It as plea- sant te the ta@te. and contains ne tbing in,- e uos te the most delicate constitution. kiember te ask for the Quinine Wine, prepared by Northrop & Lymnan, Toronto, sud we are sure yeu will be satiatied that yen bave full value fer your mouey. Drug. glate sell it. Mr. Gladstone bas suffered a sligbt relapse, due toe bsgeiug eut carniage riding prema- turel>'. The Proprietors of Parrnelee's Pille are con. stautl>' receiving letters similar te the follow- ing, wbîcb explaino tscîf. Mr. John A. Beatu, Waterloo, Ont., writea : "I neyer used any medicine that can equal Pa.rmelee'!s Pilla for Dyspepsia or Liver sud Kidney Complainta, The relief experienced after using thetu wa8 wonderful. As a saf e famil>' medicine Parm- elee's Vegotable'. Pilla can hi given in al cases roquiring a Cat hartic. The coutract for the Halifax drill shed, te cost about 8260,000, wili be let in a few day.. A woman, whoae f rown cauod tbe bousebold te shiver, Is uow the most peacef nI witb wbom yen could dwell ; Her craukinsas came from complainte of the liver, And Dseljay's Lozengea made ber quite weli. Tbe corner.sîone of s new $30,000 Roman Cathollo cbnrcb wss laid at Niagara Falls. "A LrTTLE axucOUS?' This may lead to eron eus iliness. Got s box of Esoljay'o; Liver Lozengesata once. 25 cia. at drngzgista, ApRrrry WOMAN ma>' incneaao ber chari-tusb> cloaring ber akiu cf saUownes ansd diufigurng eruptiena. Eseîja>".o Liver Lozenges. 25e. Heu, J F Wood, Col. Tynwbatt and Col. Denison were upset in the canal wbile boating ai Ottawa. Piles I PU«es1IItchtug PPue*. SYMiÇxs-Mcisture; intense itcbing sud tiuging; moeat aight; wora b>' aciatchiug. If sllowed te continue tmore forin, wbict. cften bleed snd nîccrate, becoming ver>' @ore. ",swATie~s oiNTxiNTur'stops the itcbing sud bleeding, beals ulcerstion, snd in most caues rensoves the tmnra. At druggists or b>' mail fer 50 cents. Dr. Sway'ne & Son, Philadeiphia. Lyman Sens & oc., Mouneal, Whelesale Agents. Mr. Edward -Meusette,. of Menti-cal, wbilc flshing fe i mi the river and waa dnowncd. Miads Liniment fer sale everywhere. Francis Tusignout and hie eigbt-year-old boy met their deat b b> drowning ai Wanbaushenc. Wben Baby wus sck, we gave ber Castorla. When che waa a Child. uhe crled for Castcrla, When she became Mines, she clung te Castorla. When she had Children, she gave th- mCasorla. Mr. W. E. Parker's jewelery store in Hamnil- ton was robbed cf $40 worth cf geods. The Ladies. The pleasant effeet snd perfect safet>' witb which. ladies inay ue the California liqid laxative, Syrup ef Fige, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To qret thes and gnne article, look fer the naine cf the (Jaiftorna Fig -Byrup Oc., printed seat the botîcin cf the package, IfyOu Must drawthelne atidh ~ther br. A.ý*«Wrmm om JJ. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D. 1 ]Brooklin. Office heurs 9. a. nm. ,ff-Privale Telephone Communication. D. P. BOGART, Ml.D.,L.D.B. Physican, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next te Ail Saint'o Cbnrch, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ail its branches promrtly attended te. Dr. H. Wightman, DENTZST. Whitby. Office heurs 1l a.m Over GIrose & Granger's, W. B. Y ARNOLD,9 D.L. S.. Count> Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port eKLy, Ont. A. A POST, Architeot, late with Langley, Langle>' Burke, Toronto. Designs for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Prawings prepared for remodeling existing structures. Office-First flat over W. R. Howse's drug store. 9ý'P O Box 202, Whitby. WU. CALVERLEY, BÂRNEBOAMÂXR, WHITBY. Having moved into our new premises, we are propared to extend the range of business. Ail work pertaining to the harness.making and saddlery business wil be done to satis- faction. Collars a specialty. Call and sec my shop and stock. W. CALVIERLEY, Second door west of old sholp. Dundas Street, Whitby. JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumber, Shingles, Saah. Doora and Blinda, Tuinlng and Frret SawIug. _A-AlI onders on information obtained frein JOHN NOBLE, Street, Whitby, opposite Mn. A. scn's îrsidence. Whbitbp Eruct Esotablished 1856. t1 pet ann um in advance, otherwlue $1.60. Subscriptions always payable st the offcet publication. The publiaherr de net undetake te deliver the paper -at an>' pest office but Whitby.- An>' paper whieh talla te reah its destination wîll be rcplaced upen notification as a malter of courtes>'. Advertlslng rates unless by ton- tract, 10 cents par-lins, nnpariel, fuut in. sertion, and 5 cents per lioesach msubse. quent insertion Locale, 10 cents pet flino J3QHN STAZITON, Poreman. Farm f 8 ale. 65 Acres; Lot, No. 3o, Sid Con., Townsbip cf Wbltby ; - - iaes frem-in hy ; saine known a& tbe lýY-àde homesteadi Seil secnd! to nons la tcla ss 'taOf- culivaulon. <c fenes;--waere b' Be trersacrouo cor.<41 nut zoo yagdsfroïà a fine $stsbouse frame, stable and d"k,âg ed ; alec frtwe house îund abundance cif ruit, of mli nds. For puLea.. lmr appt> t RÏ01VDR can be Dundas C. Wil- Dundas St., Whltby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial men liberafly deait with Teaming done at ressonable priees . F'reight and Baggagc hanled at reasen- able pricos. A eall *eicited. MACHINIST, WHITBY, Hla. opened a Be pa'r Shop in conuection with the Cooper Thop Ilately oarried on b>' bis father, opposite a Saints' Church, and wilI do ail kinds cf Bepa*r*ng. Sewing Ma- chines a speciait>'. La'wrnM wers, Bicy- cles, Firearms, Looks, Scales, Clothes Wringers, Washing Machines, &c. Saw Filing. Skates, Scissors Kuives Clipjers, &a., sharpened and rcpaired. Al kinds of Cooper Work made and repaired. Shop opposite Ail Sainte' Church, Dundais Street, Whitby Manufa.cturera" Life & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. Largest Capital Stock Lif e Insurance Co. ou the continent Ninety per cent. cf@aI accumulations et suplus in returned to the policy holders.Ail claima are paid wrthout delay or discount on proof of death or maturit>' of endowment J. B. POWELL, Feb. lot, 93. Agent, Wbitby. O. -l- I GS DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge Bt*. Toronto, For the noit three maontha I amn givm*g special attention to zatients frein a dis tance. Arn stifl mûking plates in ru-bber, 18,. cdlluloid $10. Golfdandsilver filig werk crowuing b>' first-elass operators ai the mest reasonable rates in the cil>'. When in the oit>' eallin auçý lci, me ezait- ieyour teeth. I make ne extra charge. 0. EL ~RGGS, Dentist, ounth cant corner King snd Tonge ist., Toronto. Nov. 8th, 1892. A8K >'OUR STA TIONEF? SPARTIOÂ, TAKE -N O RTERE Auguui 3zst Z-893 GRAND TBRUNEAN IDAII TEAINI GOING WESTWAESt. No? JORE. FAR*WLL, q. cap Burmter Oounty Oro"n AttorneyMdn (Jeunty êclicitor. Ofice- SouthWgng <of CouLrtl Houe, Whitby. JAMES IAUTLEDGJ19 Barrister, etc. Office formera, oooupled by Farewell & Butledge, next Ryal Hotel, Brook St., Whltby. DAVID ORN1STON, JB. A., Attorney-at.Law, Solicitor in~ Chancer>', Oonveyancer, etc. office - In the Office South of the Post Office, in McMillan's Block, Brook Stieet, Whitby. G. YOUJNG SMIlTH. LL. B., Barrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan. Iser of Marriage Licenses. Office - Smith's Block) South of Market, Bi ock St., Whitby. DOW & Mc-(lLLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hawken's new block Brock St., W hitby, South of Ontario bank. Drs. Warren ~Moore. jr hi of ha ai ha cf ai ai hi ci n2 se hi aE fa cm i VOti1TY 0F OUTARIO 1895. Wrn-D. O. MaodonoIJWhltby, îerk jan. 2; eb.2; Marsb.; X41ll; Ma> 2 ; June 8: july 6;O Sp.ai ot.2; Nfiv. 2; Dec. 8. I osneW-D. 0. Macodnei, Whitby, Clerk ; Jan. 8. Fb 4- March 4; .April 8; May 8; Junc4Ï; Jui>'à8; sep. 4; Oct. 8 ; 1ev. 4 ; Dec. 4, BiaouOez - M. Gleeson, Gronwood, Clerk-Jafl 4; MarOh 5; May' 4; Jul>' 9; Sep. 5; Nov. 5. PORT PEIMT - J. W. Burnham, Port Prry, Clrk-Jan. 29; March 9,ý May' 9; Jul>' il; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. .UXB1meu--Joieph E. 'Gculd, Uxbuidge, Cerk-Jan . 80; March 18; May' lôth; a ul>' 12; Oct 14 ; Dcc. 17. CANZINGToU-Gcoige Smith, Canningtn, Jan. 81; March 14; May' 16; 3111> 18; Oct. 15; Dec. 18. 0 BzÀvEB]TON-GeO. F. Bruce Beaverton, Clerk-March 15; May' 17; Ooà. 16; Dec, 19. 'JpTrsneîcvz-P J GilloupieUptergrove, Clerk,-Martih 16; Ma>' 18; OMe. 17; Dec 20. B>' order, J. E. TAREWELL, Cierk of the Peace. October l5th, 1894. New Livery and Sale Stables -t ,"W.. J. Zj -U:Eý-_ -W. Mitby. 1 1 LIFE INSURANCE.

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