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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jun 1895, p. 8

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SIck. H eadache CURED PERMANENTLY EY TAINq Ayer's PUlils 'l wus troubled a long ttrne wlth sick headache. It was usually accompanred wlth severe pains In the temples, a isense of fuliness and tendertiess ln one eye, a bad tastè ln my Imouth lonKue coated. hands and feet cold, auîà sic kness at Hlie atomach. I tried a good many remeciies recommended for thîls coniplainit, but It was Dlot until I ]Beg4an Taking Ayer's Pis that I received an ythinky le perma, fient benelit. A single box of thesv pi iIs dIid the work for me, and 1 arn i novfive from headaches. and a wvH min.- C. H. HL'TCHINGS, East Aubturn, Me AYER'S PILLS Awarded Medai at World's Pair AVer'o Saroap>arilla £s the Be-et. Tbirty Years of Torture. HAINDS AND FINGERS TWISTED OUI 0F SHIAPE WITH HHEU- MAT ISIN. The StorY of an Old Man Now Nearing Tiie Foot of Life's Ilîl.-Eow lie lipi'Cîîrue Lu Jin After llepeated Failures and -)rsappointmnents. From the Kemlpîvi lle Adv~ance. I aiin now almost at the foot of the hill of lite, hiaviug attaîred the 76îb year of mv age, anidîîever during that turne have 1 made a siateiluent more willingly and con-cieiitîously than now. My body bas been torturen itli hpmin for upwards of thirty years, caused by rheumuatism, and there are thousands enduring a like affliction that need flot if they would but hieed my experience and avait themsaelves ot tbe proper means of relief. The dis. ease first affected my hip and spread to my legs and arme, Like many sufferere I spared neither trouble or expense in seeking something to alleviate the pain. The disease had made me so helpiesB that 1waB unable to put on my coat and my bande and fingers were twisted ont of shape. There seerned not the 8hadow of a hope of relief and very flaturally 1 be- came discouraged and disheartened, and ime after ime hiave I given Up in de- spair. W hile in Arizona three vears ago 1 heard of Dr WiJiiams' Pink Pille. 1 sent for sir boxes in order to give them a fair trial. I followed the directions close. ly and by the time the fourth box wau finiehed the pain had grea.tly lessened and I was much improved. My frienda I tees unz>ble Io pui on my coal. baving witnessed tue vooderfal effeot o e my body could net help àdnw'ing the Pink Pille, sud being about te les,. for thoesst, I gave the. remainiug two boxes te thora. ,Unfortunatelv 1 negleot. -üd getting asuoth«e spply fir nearly a year afte.r rturuing te t" apart sud I felt that te me Pink Pila ere one of the neessazîesoft le. LIt spring I proeur. ad afev boxes imd have been takiug tbemn sine iii a very éstisfstory effeet I amn glad téosay. NovI féeil like aànoW man entirly bu . rom pain or stiffoose of joint. I have a mgt numbuesa cf foot aud haif way gte knee, but amn confi. dent tust tuoe, pilla vil relieve &is feel- ing. Âltbough veil advauoein years I amn able sud de walk cuany m=de.s aday. For niieuatiaru Dr. WilhiamaPInk Mil standproeegu1entjy above a&l ether naedliea eo rdsug te My expeieno. and 1 urges tris!on ail mufferiug rom tuis painfl milady.:' Tih. aboie la an tiiiisrniuhe atement of (sotis. told the Âdvauo. r.eetly bMia tea. 8.II o f, au t a4resu "oud (ail to b.e oaybWd'o't )bu *sf ',Clerk bd &y 2 Cierk May 3 Nov. 4 ý n w od, July 9; ý,Port May 9; tbi id g e, Ai. .J Ily sortu i, l)ec, 19ý Tr rvel, V, 20h Mr..Kinq-Tbe ooEmmitoU 2115 n»ve, b. called tU«04.r Mr. Hâte osd tte f«" yb.e«Uft il w viii terfor vih $b kkiw o of* able ^te h1$Ul,;; makrs ep ~orspa~ponulary advan- tagefrom~IiSwoderiu1 re putaluon Asic yourdelrfithm These Pillé are u re~d by p Dr WlaM' redicine OeMpay Brook. ville, Ont4rjo, "and Bcbenectady, N.Y. and re sid n i boxes bearing the firi' trade Mar and wrapper, at l50 cents a box, or six boxes- for 62.50. They may be bad finanY dealer, or, wîll ho sent by mail OU receipi of price. Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pille may be had of aIl druggista er direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Comipany frotn oituer addres. The pries at whi.ch tLue pille are eold make a course of treat- muent ceinparatively Inexpensive as oompared with other remedies or medical treatment. The report wae adopted. TREASIJRECS ESTIMATES. $ Mr.- Curt4 , bro'uglit ln the, pay. Nerme Day. Mlles Wm Brethour, Broek 5 41 C Caldeig Wbitb tp. 4 8 Ge* Cleaveriey. Rama 5 88 W Coulthardt Oshawa 5 5 WCuta, Port Ferry 5 18 lesssCok *Scoit 5 69 Oeo Dowsweli, Ux. îpý 5. 56 E S Edmonsen, Oshsa,a 5 s Pl IGillespie, Mara -, 5 75 Geo Gerow, Pickering 5 22 HIJ Gould, Ux. îewi 5 48 RIJ Griersen, E Whitby 5 6 W R Hem, Scugog 5 2G. W 1 Hare, Oshawa 5 5 W H HIoyle, Cannington 5 47 Jas Hîlts, Pickerinug 5 10 mnu Hunter, lJx. town 5 48 Chas King, Whutby 5 0 P D McDongali Thorab 5 67 1 McGregor, E W'hitby 5 9 R R Mowbray, Pickering 5 9 las Munro, Reach 5 28 j Miliard. Ux. tp. 5 25. Thos Poucher, Pickering 5 i12 W B Pringle, Whitby 5 0 iM Real, Reach 5 23 L LSmuth, Whiiby tp. 5 4 Thos TreIeaven, Beaverton 5 61 Jas Vrooman, Brock 5 45 WM Wei, Reach 5 23 W M Wilox, Port Perry 5 18 Jait Walker, Uxbridge tp. 5 17 John Wethereil, Breck 5 5 Salaries........................... $3,6o0 County Councîl ..................... 1.300 Grant ta Warden .................... 100 Constables.......................... 500 Jail and Court house supplies.......... 500 Fuel for court house..................i800 Printîng. postage, advertisi ng, etc....... 550 County property....................... 200 Administration et justice ..............4,000 Discounts .............................350 Public and hîgh schools................20oo0 Industrial schooi. Mîmuco...............3 "0 Debenture NO. 2........................ 2.020 Notes in bank, disconnted............ 9,000 Roads and BridRes .................... i. ooe Non-resident taxes..................... 400 Grant te Model schoois............... .00 Miscellaneous ............. 500 $27. 420. ables $ 2.421 200 22,999 $27.420. County Council concludeld. the bylaw aanming the Cartwrght roadway, jointlv with Durhamn and Northumberland, be passed ; (6) ditto the Brock byiaw ta close a road; (7) granting a speciai sutu of $5o te Scu- gos bndge ;(8) granting $5o on county une e- tween Ontario and Victoria between Rama and Dalton, Thos. Cooper, corn. ; (9) granting $85 as this countys haif cf cost cf a bridge between Thorab and Eidon ;(Ia) granting $200 te Cart. wright roadway Previding Durhami and North- umberland meet our grant with a like suni, and aise meet aur expendittîre of $r6o last year ; (i i) refusing grant et $5oo moved for in Mars on con- dition that Mars spend $800 on centre road un ihat township ; (z2) refusing grant moved for by reeve of Uxbndge ; (r») ditto one moved fer by reeve et Scot: (14) ditto ans moved for on Kingston road by deputy reeve et Oshawa ; (iS) ditto one applied for by reeve et Pickering on sanie road ;(16) ditte ene maved for by deputy reeve of Brocic. Mr. Willcox meved an amendment te the clause respecting the Cartwright roadway te the effect that the counîy grant $200 on condition that Scugog and Port Perry grant $50 eaoh, alilte be spent on our end of the roadway. Mr. Couîthard said that when the firet grant wae aeked frein this county for this road, iL was declared that the county would not be asked to assume the road. To go on now and de an act which he would be strongly opposed. Mr. Wil. coxes proposai te spend tue money on our end of the road he regards as a fool. Isl, piece of legîsîstion. It would be ndiculous for us te buuld a bridge to the middle of a streain and stop there. Mr. Ham said it was true that in build- ing the bridge the Company did not es- pect to impose iL Upon this county, but the Ontario Governinent had afterwardf, compelled thst company te abandon the roadway, lest it might place a toîl gaie thereon. Then of course due road had to faîl upon somebody, and the aijoîning rnunicipalities had been compelled to seek aid wherever they oould find iL. Mr. Pringle said that the fact that this county bias aesisted in a amaîl way to re pair a road did net amount te an assump tion of the road. Wle are privileged as a wunicipality to grant sume Lo a8sst local niunicipalitiee in suoh ways. The Warden read the law, which ap- pears to upheld Mr. Pringle's contention. Mr. Curte said they were very sorry te, have te come hors asking for meney, but the Sougog roadway badly neede it, and did net know where te look for it. Our end of the roadway je the dangerous ene, and we s8hould at leaet fil it. If the county refuses te, make repaire on this roadway it will be necessary te find eut wlîo is respensible fer ite repaire. The vote on Mr. Wilcex's amendment was lest, Mesasrs. Ham, Willcor and OurLe boing the enly members voting for iL. When the clause came up ref usine any graunt on the Kingston road between Whitby and Oshawal Mr Edruonson movsd that the county grant $300 on condition that WIlitby and Oshawa tzrant $100 sscI -and Whitby and East Whitby township $50 ecdi Mr. Gouîthard said lie was oppoaed te the granting anything on this rcad. If a general grant to roads were being ruade ho would be willing te vote for it, but cannot support One loue grant hics tuis, Mr. Edmonson ssid hie was in favor cf a general urant on reads. This council skuould net ait here session after session and de nothing. Last session we spent $700 te appropriate lesu than $800, eut- aide of uncontrollable expenditure. The Kingeton road leade toto large towns and 19 tW 23 & 21.90 20.60 115-50 22.50 17 20 19.80 i5.6o 17.00 15-50 19 70 16.oo îç.8o 15.00 21.70 15 90 1590 1r7.80 17 50 16. 20 1500C 20.50 17-30 1540 2 1.10 19.50 1670 2030 ý651.4o MANLEY'S C)ELER Y-NER VE1 WITII BEEF, MION AND WINE. New and Wonder[UI Blood Purifier and Nerve Contains NO INJURLOUS DRUGS!1 Every ingredient is a HEALTH BUlLD- ER. CERTAIN and PERMANENT RELIEF is GUARANTEED in cases of Constipation, Dyspepsia, Nervouaness, Ail Weaknesses, Blood and 8kin Diseases. It is based on GLYCERINE instead of ALCOHOL. For producing soft, clear gkin, bright complexion, and relieving allilleU peculiar to women, it ie unsurpaased. ......BE CERTAIN TO GET ... "MÂNLEY'Se" Take no other. W. have the Finest Selso- tion in town of those BÉA t'TIFUL AMERICAN ~ôr wGntyVar BotsEinubuin has been endOrsed by physicians of the whole -world. There is nosecret about itp ingredienta.' ]Pbyoiciansprescribe Scott's[$uLIon because they know whjat great nourishing and curative pr5'p- erties it contains. TheY know it is what it is represented to be;* nsm.ly, a perfect emuision of the best Norway Cod- liver OÜ with the hypophosphites of lime and soda. For )Ooughls, orSe Thmot, BronohitisWeak Luapg, Oonsump- tien, Borofula, Anoeilao Weak Babie8, Thin Oildzen, Riokets, LMr- asmus, Loua of Plesh, (3enerai Debility, andaail conditions of Wasting. The only genuine Seott'*s Emulsion us put in sa/mon- colored wrapper. Refuse inferior substitutes 1 SendforpawpAe on s&ott's Emulsion. FRER. S8cot Bone,13llVillî.Alil Dugglete. 50c. and cl . LAM9E BACK and ERUPTIONS. PAPRS, Borders to Match Crne early# and getfiraf choice. P. B. WARAM, Brysn's old Stand, Brook St., W-aitby. Back ini Wh itby. WM. TILL, Undertaker, Cabinet Makei', .Upholoter, And dealer in Furniture of ail kinds. The Subsoriber begu to, announce that lie lias again opened busineesin is old stand, and lias placed therein a choice, styliali and completes8tock of NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, which will be sold at a email margin on cost. Another bile of those celebrated Mixed Mattrasses 98.M, -worth $5.00. See thwe Tes2r or (Jarpet Loxinges at $5, Worth $8. H= rd ioodSideboards, 1x24gla sf r 8. 0 worth $1~2.fo 8ý'Â fuilstock o ofis~n. Oaskets, and a Fist.OAUé Hearse. Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. IRADAM'S MICROBE KILLER REMEDY. J. Se EDGAR, KerchatWmdn4 M.. aéted.-marvel lsy l case -etý chroic stomacli ad w troube WALL Bal. in bank ....................... Cash from goverfiment ............. Licenses............................ FIFTII DAY. AFTERNOON SESSION. Met at 2 ocelock. Haine bylaw knocked eut. FINANCE RERORT. Mr. Mowbray brouglit in the laeL re- port of the finane committee. (t1 Stating that £23 000 wtt] have te be ratsed to defrav the county's expenses for the year; (2) Rranting $10 for postage te each of the countv judges and $16 extra te J urge Darineli oe ac. ceunt of extra postage required in division court business; (3) ordering a set of Goad's raps fer ounty uises ; (4) recommending that stationery he purchased with the county's crest upon it, and supplied the difterent county oficers to the ex- tent et $zoo ; (5) recemmending that $75 be zranted the 34th battalion ta help prsent colors (amended un committee as wili be seen farther on) ; (6) passing county solicitor's account of $14 95. On clause te grant $75 te volunteers, Mr. Edmoneen moved for $200. HIe said othor countiehad muade liberal grants toeonable their battalions te pre sent a respectable appearance. The gev- ernment epende as mudli meney in tues lins as can ho spared and we sbould now as a matter of national and local pride do sometbing hundearne. The W ardon aid ho woiuld be in favor of givinig the battalion a handeome grant or nothiug. Ho wonld net offer thein 875. Ho knows a single officer of tho battalion who lias laid ont over $800 on accoutrements, etc. If ws bave sueh on- thugiastie volntoors w.elihôuld help thern froly. Mr. King thinice cut soldiery sbould be reeognized. The volunteers, do net corne bore to beg. It is ne ebarity to doca patriotic mot like this. The ameudment wau carried by 10 te, 18, and $200 will be granted tbe -batta lien fer colora, whioli will b. s-ifficiont te purobase the saine. On motion $28 was erdered te bopaid oaci cf the connty auditors, WM Nelsn and-B A Flummerfoît. The Warden tooic the oppcrtunity cf thanking the membere for the excellent support, kindnosa and courtesy viti whioh ho bas been favered during the year. Hoelias been most fortunste lu baving very loyal colleagues te work witi who have steod by hlm lu ail his deci. siens. The council wound up by siuging God Save the Queen. Té Mak. pur. BleeS Thera 14 no seedioo befors the P:ee=a te }ieod'sUsspalta.It là ta le ard sessemeuliar mer*.wIbhories tV luai0 rialysasss ii esitrn, Hooe' ls mbooe the favorite oatbarde ,itb evey eus vIe tries tbsesm '2 ps bo Aid. Kagute, of st.' Catharmns., as (ound drd "Iu bed tthio u »htsi la hh.tCity tvwau overdmàe t lisawa rietor .iteî'tl i. rît.,s of Show [CE. cident o0. knce Co. to the *ath ur XV i t by. ron to. n gîvirg a lip ru b ber, r fillung %toré at e1 City. s dam- Charge. t curbesr ER. p 5p n LowFST :-: PRICES, ýý()0-31POUND* Take no other. 1

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