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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jul 1895, p. 7

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Reaoh - omd The regular MO@ting cf the IReaeh Couneil was held on Monday 1ai, ail membere present. The mfinutes cf thei prevlous meeting were read and ap. proved. The Clerk read a Ilunber of cocmmuni. cai ions. Froru Mr. P. B. St, John, Sunderland, Statinil Oint a party-of five with a double covered carrnage wbile driving along be. tween colis. i and 12j Reach majut north of Greenbanik. upset in the gravel pit there, breaking the carnlage, toaring the instile of the top), twisting and breaking tihe.towes, tand ctherwise damaginR the carrnage for which damage he claims s5o ; eticli occupant of the vebiole was te Itifl considerably, and, bad flot tietanbeen fatigueBd, the consequenoes Tho».G. Jtt,~,Itinlit have been scrious. FromIL 1 S. Osier, Esq., Toronto, ask ' ~ ~ ~ng furtiterifomtn regarding the Com moEK 5JI action of the council on the pétition pre- sèt'nted askîng' for the repeal of thé by-law Afiiiiction leasing certain roa<1 lwace to the scrugog Gaine Preserve Company. Mr. John Armstrong camne before the Permanenti, Cured by Taklng Icuncil lie wisbed to know what action .Sarsa- the councîl waâ igoing tW take regarding the cuttî ng down the bill near bis place A Y E R S parilla on the townline of Uxbnidge ; $100 would niake a good job of outting and graveljng. A CABDRIVER'8 STORY. On motion of Mr. Weir a grant Of i wam afTicted for eight yeart wl1h ISait $37ÃŽ.50 wvas mnade on the Armstrong iii, 111;iNtniirtng î, lichWertigie:;ca: jon lite towni'ne Uxbridge and Reaoh, b ii-ii",tut Il0lbte gave n ie re tie.'1- 0,.t(ý1tattetownship of Ulridge ilI.îadvîsed t try A ers hersa- grît a ti ke amnount for the same purpose, pitLi, UNu af rit-ttil A to tîtd( nie that I arolM essns. JohinAmtog and J. M. piciesi tueand ise tiietti Amtog L.r)ig directins 3t yluled to lis Real were appointed comnmissioners in Il. bontii itIi ig t t i x Su httes, atnd b l cl f this1ns cp lt n h l t ite 'îInteîits if t1irve of tiie4e bt-t bhî tncp lî n h lr ,tit'iit titcnug anl%- ihteci it'nefit. was iiistriicted to inforni the Uzbnidge i I litlii lied Lfie fourtit botule, councilof tire action t.aken by Reach ti.' nîîîe "tie ascon n cil tin thie matter. ,Frcc from Eruptions On oto ofMn. Lamb, $1.75 was 1 odèed o e pidto Mr. John How@am '- 1'svr t1hity %cre' %ls biji#nes, which for reiairiiîz ,railing aud supplyju mater- l.t l i i Wl îî n ti t ir u I -iet4 liti for sanie on the big marsh, opposite n rat hî s.un I traduit-114s litS 4 ati ., (con. 12. r iutru tiî'-i tii% . ii J 'lI)1, i > iîoti1 of Mlr. Lamb, 82 was order- aîîiri ht. t bcjlai,,& i Mr. Hicks, being two. ...bi.tîîîr, sloms-ustained 1by hOn in having a AYB S. n22 xu au ar ll ()trb ilmotii ogo'a r.Real, 81.00 was Admltted at the Worid's Fair. rirltlepttoM.Ae. oro Âtr'a P>ila(lt-anse the Bor*wty.an exCtas Of appropriation on sîde ______________________________ *On motion cf Mr. Real, $8.90 was ord- ered to il itd te Mr. Leonard Barnett, THE TERRORS 0F DYSPEPSIA 1I îtnoanmtint tn excess of grant on 9th P' SAS '1711.~I II\T TNI.\RES TIl andCentre Road. On i noct)i cf Mr. Lamb $1.60 was Iý1.11()F VITS V ICTI NI A UI af uirilreil 1 le paid to Mr. Edward Wil. U NIAIlABL . iaii- for nnipenformed statute labor on Sý;i!-rer or ve rs te lis l,)w lt 1 iri. ý,c . 7. 'i flre ti vztr teislitV lie~. Mr. Johin Coates came before the t î;îîi L-li-I Iliglt Ity .1 110c1îtnci regardiing a gate te the gravel pit t î' 1!11a.iWi'i AîTlecti. 01)lus property. The gate had been wt. . WNc%%--t' broken iv core party, and be had or4Ler T.ti-iti thLe Nei-ws, liti cenipFin\vel a new one at a cost of 84. Mr: Jiir . îr, ut the n i Ilknowu lirai 0. Un mlnio f Mr. Weir, $4 was ordered i1lt A Jiiy vltttoIi tit, home cf Satu- Lii le pald to Mr. John Coates, being for lod, M*itthu of ,1iifIarlîng tu e erectien cf a new gate, and supplying ,r 1u Jitrj tSt ti is tilli h inges l'or saine, to the. corporation gravel t , . ir,tii ti r of tAies-i reitnark )i t on thle rear of the 2nd con. a' . ~ . i ap i bo~lit bity tAie 1On mot ion cf Nfr. Real, 50c. wae orderý litr.iîiP inîk Iiilie for Paie ; ci to be pari] te Mr. XW'n. Taylor, for ne. w.Itet NI) 1r'. \V ci W Iîol 0Ilad pairîng gpravtel pit on Bowle's bil, Centre .-etî ît-as liîîî -iffening, anud road, con. 7; the came having been left n ..-~îiii i îs1î1 M tututiiiii-known in a damgeroue coudition by unknown >!;ti-~ s-lt i; k lt (an L'ive yen partiesq. it i sît u tii vn tavor tifIDr. \Vii On motion of Mr. Real, $8 was ordered ;'.u1i,, . lmk 1l11s, tir 1I foliese thiat if to Le paid to Mr. Alex. Gordon, for un- 'ilii mii save ntr i te, iy at ail performed statute labor on lot. 19, t-i ~ ~ it i ei- i t ro ll) In iftcî od iîsery. con. 10. S îîîu thrt- y ýeirs ag) i ilvepepemna camne On motion of Mr. Lamb, $6 was order tii mii 11aS( 'crtu f,,roi.I doctoned e.,te e-idte n. Jon Mane,-fr tn i Cii îîted the use- of the pillé; until I forseen occcmrrence took place which liai tituti eleven boxes wlien 1 was fui y wouid necessitate a stili larger expendi' rfec,ou-r(t 1.Tlitis was a couple of years tune. On retnmning on Tuesday monning ag, ari 1 have nuit nowv the lenet sigu of te put on the finisbing touches they found dvs-'e1-s-i:î - Ns. Wood furtiten said about fonty feet of the nonth sBie of the týîît, lt-rliiîiiand had been a victini cf bridze hsad almoet disappeared throngh kîiltet-ý r tile for a long time and had the bottomiless abyse cf tuis, now notoni taktut a ur t-at deal of medicine for its one, sink bol.. and hie objeet in ceming cir,- 1r iit no avaîl. Witen il was seen before the council wue ta ascertain what . '1 i tilt. s were doing bis .wife so should be doue under the. cireumetanocu. 1-ii. lr. Wood determined te try To say tbat it was disappointing and t'-witi miiitîey acted like a charm as ho annoying toalal engaged on the job 1, ia)W u-nîtreîy free fnom his complaint, would but feebiy express thoir feelings, lit. t le attrt'muîed ail to the use of Pink especialiy when aIl 'bad taken e much :il-cil wonilul net be without them in interest in the accemplishment of the Iliéii I ucý. ' obet-the erection of a nermanent M i- -.s tott & Jury iâformed the iatît Pink Pille have an enormous 'i t-y have hnndied Pink Pille for Vitr iisay that they cannet rocall a 5Fi~l .'ta nce lun wb ic a customon Came -'iii]i said tlîey wcrc net perfeotly -iwitit lie nesuite. This iscr at rt-tiarkniule record, but thon Di. Pi-.iu~t >nk Pille is a remnankable ria.u.nul cures wben other medi- Pr\\Vlliiiiims Pink Pille are sold only r I.,-s arinmg bbc flrm's trade mark uit I wr prminted in red ink). Bear il aj3iît Dr. William'~ Pink Pille are tusur'li in bulk or by thbe dozen on l.iiIr.-i, andl any denier whe effens eub- îtit. n t-is torm le tnying te defnaud Y',' in atilehould b. avoided. The. public a9- ailp(c cautioned againat all other so t-tu lu-Il Mîlîud buildena and nenve tontes, [uit uîî tin aimîlan fonzn intendod tic de' t--iv- iTey aro ail imIita.tions Whc rnuumni e te neap a p.ular dv tat-t, Ire r tii. wendeortui .ptti Pvl 4 Iedy Dr. WIJians' Pin Pil. Xek Yeur dealer for tbsm. litft libs are uf*Ob tii. bb J)r William'o Miedioh». C a - ooY qvillA, (>ntanl and B.ho$=sLPj,, bi are so14 oui lu bbzm b.mxii the Arr', trod. ma.~ mad vnmolet it.50 uflha a box, or et% 'bossé, if ý8 The#y may bé bâà hm Y4Io Of Il d a<U& 4Du or rodway-tbe mon had workea -;rýad late and wene unsparing of hoth time and labon in onden te niuccefully solvo the puzzle, the flndid« of a subetantial foundation for tii. bridge. H. (Binkett) bad ne suggestion te make other than they keep on filling untul snob time as a substantiai fonudation is fcund. Tii. reeve sa.id that woald b. the pnop on courne te take. Mr. Lamb, introduced and oarried thnougii, a b)y 1mw te &moud the. by-law Ildefining tiie height and description cf lawful fonces " by a.dding the following "1thon. shall b. ne vacant spmo. in fence ezeeeding ton inahes." Mn. Wefr, introduced anid oanied through a by-law te a *moud by-.Iaw 78$, by debaring as free allowd to iu- at large 1,oxen, stes, co@ws idhefon " m thbt in future. .11 animua uiieutioned in the. by..law m .prohiibt4 frozaoi ng at lu#&. luirQgoub, a by aw fs-ér -ballERg ea ;à o U i-*4 1 ordored to b. paid tOc Mn. S. Oromail, fer 78 loade Of gravel and right cf way te gravel pit. On motion of Mr. Lamb, $18 wus erdered te b. paid to Mr. John Bradley for cedar supplied the. corporation. On motion cf Mn. -Weir, $15 was order- od te be paid to Mr. Robt Vernon for oedar suppliod the. corporation. On motion of Mr. Real, $8 50 was ardened ta be paid ta Mn. A. MeGregor for work performed opposite lot 4, con 8 On motion of Mn. Woîr, $1<) was order. cd ta be paid te Mr. Thos. Tripp, patli- master of Seagrave rond division. On motion of Mr. Real, 85 ivas ondeneil ta be paid ta Mn. Reese, being part salary as canetaker of the town hall pnoperty. On motion of Mn. Weir, $4 was ondere] to be paid to Mn. John Kilpatrick for services as heaith offioer lu 1894. On motion of Mr. Lamb, thie reeve and lst depaty were appointed ta ruake the necessary repaire on Bowies' bill; niso te inqire iat the dlaim of Mn. P. 1B St. John, ne aileged accident near Green- bank. On motion af Mr. Weir, the clerk was insînucted to notify t-be clenk of Scot that ail money expendedjointîv by Reach and Scott on the towuine shahl be by publie tender under the supervision oi Commission ens one te represent Reach. Mn. W. MeCîi came befene the council. H.- said In conversation with Mn. Yann- aId ais te the condition of the gzravel pit on lot 12, con 7, Mr. Yarnold stated that rond adjacent was in an unsatisfactory etate. Mr. MeOhîl said tbe rond was on hie pnoperty, anothen part-y being in pos ses8iou of tb. road alowance as well as a portion of lite (MceGili'sî property on te euet sîde of the read and lie liad offened te seli to the party, mn pesessi on at a Riven figure but the îîarty about te puir- chuse wislied te ittake- the- tran'-fer Lv sncb n cinctnmlectit(i-î îiocess titat the punchase moues- wtin(l have bLt -cii t- lîausted in makîng the conen-yauce se de- ciined tlie offer. lThe corporation iîaving exsippnopniateîî a portiion of my lande so in onden te define tOie pi-open line Le- Lween t-be properties the uiuniciupality beînge intenested lie would asl< the councI te take that course. Ile said there -as anothen matter lie wislied te refer. that wae bis deterniînatîon, that is, if it cau he legally accenapiisiîed, t-be opeuing te tbe publietat portion of thbe 7ti coices Sion, new close(], leadtng te the waters of the ScngoR. He saut there was still anoîhen matter wluîch lie ccnsidered of importance aud te witich lie wisliAd te direct the attention of the counicil arnd that was te t-h. destruction of a uumber of shade trees in the '2nd concession. On motion of nr. Real, t-be clerk wue instructed t-o noîity tie township engi- neer t-o locale t-le cast bouindary of the Centre rond in tii. 7tb cou, as nequest-ed by W. MeGili Esq On motion of Mn. Stephens, 82.40 wu ondered te Le paid te Mn. James H- ru, beimig in excees cf appropriation on con 5. On motion of Mn. Weir, $4275à was ordered te be pnilte Mr. Wni. iickett, Leiug atinount in excese of gront for job on cou 2, opposite lot 13, known as the 66îsnk hole.', On motion tbe council adjourned. k WHITEVALE.. Miss Mason, of Toronto, is visitiug Mrs. W. S. Major. Sam Cooper and Miss Todd visited D. R. Beaton ot-er Sunday. -Miss Colvin is spending the vacation with ber parents at- Toronto Junction. 'Mesdamres john Sîeigh and.F. Mc- Cov spent last week with friends in Toronto. Severai f rom here atteuded the funer- ai of thie late Mrs. Nighswander at Altona. Miss Edua Heron, of Scarboro', is spendiug a few weeks wit-h her aunt Mrs. W. S. Major. Miss Maggie Tait, of Norval. is speud- ing the schooi vacation with ber motlt- en, Mrs. jas. Taylor. Mrs. jas. White and daughter, Mrs. D. S. Turner, are visitiug Mrs Wm. Meek, (nee Miss White) 8f M.axwell. Jas. Malcom has returned from Jack- sons Point, where he has been for the past couple -of weeks engaged in enect- ing a summer cottage for Capt. Robt. Reeson. The boys have commenced practic- ing a littie at football. There must have been some nough play on Satur- day night as we noticed Jud Pugh and Fred Nighswauder were badly used Up aften it. The Rev. Mn. Oak, the new pastor of the methodist church here, with bis familý, are occupying the parsonage. The Rev. gentleman filled his new ap.. pointmemts on Sabbath last, preaching veny acceptably ta lange congregations. The Nuowlan Bros. have punchased the Fretz farm, consisting of îoo acres. This is a very desirabie pnopemty. The price paid wase $7 300. By the time Bob gets the place fixed Up te suit him it wiil probably stand them $îoo per acre. Tbis does not look as if farm lands have depreciated so very rnauch. A. E. Thornton bas returned from an eastenn trip for Millburu & Co., for whom he is travelling. We are pleased to learu that F. A. gave such eminent satisfaction to bis employers as to re. çeive a good pSrmotion, attended by ail the good tbrngs usu;ally attached to sucb a desirablecthazige. J. L. Hioshiel, teacher of Godwood, w-as summoned Ini My to Rlppey. -Ioato the hme o i nce -JOoaph Soott's is not a secret remedy. It is simiply the purest Norway Cod-liver Oil, the finest Hypphosphites, and chemi- cally pure Glycerine, ail com bined into a perfect Emul- sion so tha~t it wil neyer change or lose its integrity. This is the secret of Scott's Emulsion's great success. It is a most happy combination of fiesh-giving, strength- ening and healing agents, their perfect union giving them remarkable value in al WASTINÃ" DISEASES. Hence its great value in Consumption, wherein it arrests the wasting by supplying the most concentrated nour- ishment, and in Anoeria and Scrofula it enriches and vitalizes the blood. In factP in every p hase of wasting it is most effective. Your doctor will confirm ahl we say about it. Don 't bcePersuaded ta accept a substitute I Scott & Bowne, Belleville. Ail Druggists. 50c. and $ 1. ETCPIIJN; PIN WO N~o MAore Visery. Dives Instant Relief. ITCHING PILES in an exceedlnglY paintul anri a!.Yqîyng afflif don, found allas In the rloh and poor. male and temale .i princiu sYMPteMs are a severO tchlnf. which te worst at, nigý1 \ Oen the au terer becomos warm in bed. lio terrible la tho itehlng t Oi. frequen It 18 impossible to tProctire sle.p. Often the sutfri'er - C )fscloul durnn alseev scratctbes the parts until they are sorti- ul, i rid tuino form, excessive molature fa exinded. Femnales are pe, il arly affect~ trom this disease. eau si unhearabie irritation and trouiii.t:. These *veryother syxnptom of I tching Pilies or irritation In any part Ilf bodi are immediately allayed and quiokiy cured by Case'cs~~ ment It wili lntn&iy top itching, heai ithe acres and ulcers.d4 UV the molature. PIN WORM S le an ailment entirely different aste can anItohlng Piles, jet ft. effects and symptoma are ezactiy ah.esmà The smre intolerable ltchin ; the sMme oreinaÃ"iraWUUg. uieg sensatioij oharacterlzes boho ases. a'sbitment ae" 1W mac twill at oncle afford relief frern this torment. REFERBSURS. Newmarket-J. T oart, Mr. Kftto. Hamilt.ow-R. G. Deee. euton-Mr.8hppad. r.MODonald. IKing Cty-Wmn. Walkesi. BellevUie-R. Teinpleton. druiat. Churo .-avtd Gros&. Tottenharn-James Soe.nion. J. -Reid. J Bradjford-R Davis. J. Roi&. The oelebrat.d Dç. Chas.. Ointrn nl made expresaly for Itching Plles, but It la equai [o i oring Il Ithy Btin Diteasea suh asREczemna, It.h. Barber s tcha. Sat Rheur. Ui Mt..ec. For sale b&Uai drugîlots. Price 60Centi.. LtBw-DXANSOP, R"TES CO., Toronta Ont., 84p gents or Donion 0f Oanai Ceminendable Promptitude. A Residnt of St. John, N.B., makes a Sue- ceeutful trial ef Dodd's Kidney Pille. ST. j oHN, N.B., July 8-Mr. Robent Moore, -esiaing iu Indiautown, a euburb of thie oîty, has necenty madie wbasPmis allowed by ail wbo are acquainted with the facte ta ho a moigtne- tuarkable redevenr. R.He as been a suif eren Erom a serions complaint cf the kidneys for over seven yeare. and during that time bas sut - fened exoraciaingly. H. has aise suffered cansidemuabiy in pocket, bavinv paid large suans fon muedicai ad vice. Qmiite recently h. bnp. pened te neati of the many cures effected by Dodd'e Kidney Pile, and with commuendabie promptitude. madie a triai of them, with the. ne- suit that aimter takîng three boxes of the remedy be was entirely restored te heaith. The jury in the Mns. Dioke'cee t Hamil- t-on retunned a verdict of deatb fromt natunal Ca uses. If yen would bave an abundance of dark, giossy bain, if you wouid bave a clean scalp, free f nom dandruif and irritating humons. or if- your bain îe faded and gray, and jeu wouid bave uts natural celer restored, use Ayer'm Rair ViRer. It is unquestionably the. beat dresaing. A paloter named John Fitzpatrichc feil froîm a ecaffold in Hamilton and waas eniousiy ln- jured. ro bave perfect beaiîh yen muet bave pure blooti, and the beat way ta, bave pure biood ie ta take Hood'a m aparila. The Iran and Steel Association of Canada bas oloeed a twa days' session aI Niagara on' the-Lake. Differences af Opinion regardin theypopuiar internal and external remedy, £51p. 'J.OMAI3' ECLEC'nMe OiL--do net, se far as kmsewns exist. The le8timony ie positive and concurrent that the article relieves physical pain, cures lame- nese, checks a cougb, i. an excellent i'eiiedy for pains and nbeumatio comuplainte, and it bas ne nauseaning or other unpleasant effeot whon taken internahIy. Francis Boyle, aged 76, cf London1 ship. waesîntuck by an electnie car and1 injured. Eluta d'a Liniment ourel iasftpp&. town- badly The. overdu. steamer Red River t e rpcrte at West Selkirk. On. cf the imostiuoted pbysiisns etmo&dur times aya :-"IWhei ii t *m is e urdmip#5 with bile snd tube livq oes a vwoetu "u- iue t eecit hte %lty s$okssfaeUtu t powertul caîhartlce $0 oUt>t tu iIo.Sy7 m Ilie, often attended, bowsv« e ýipastratIng- effets," and be 01*5 fi sm24 by tboir re-aeticn w ve" -bl icusmsthan befo*. the 5*0 * cm with EsWj.Js Lfv«ImeJs opt -Ybsdo net prestutto mor r>"Lt, Tby i powcrfuUY. ,TheeU-0p wua4 i or 4 su*51cm -or a wbulpes J0P Pmr t*cetbnlo. MAN LEY'S Celery N V COMPOUND Cures Blood and 8kin Di8eases. KE ADACHE rou rBiiu Kldney- Pilla. 'ir action on the stom.. adi and Liver je juet iglit and may ho '-e- lid %n te keep those organs in perfect condton NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matie,- of/te estate of SYL VANUS BRO0 N, laie of th. Townshnip of Pic-. kering, in the Conty of Ontario, yeo- m-an, deceased. Notice je hereby given pursuant te the provisious of the Revîsed Statutes cf On- tario, z887, Chapter ixa, that ail pensons having dlaimis or demanda against the es- tnt. of the said late Sylvanus Brown who died on or about the twenty-fiftli day cf Apnil, A. D. 189,5, are required an or before the i5th day cf August, A.D. 1895, te eend by post, prepaid, or deliver te David Brown, Whitby P.O., Ont., the sole enrviv- ing executor, who has proved the last wiIl and testament cf the said 1sf. Sylvanus Brown, deceased, their nazes, addresses ansd occupations, with fuU particuiars of- their dlaims, and statements cf their nc- countssd fx nature cf the securities, if sny, leld bytem And notie is lereby fu.rtlier given, that after auch lest mentioned ddt. tii. said executer wîll preceed te distrubute flie as- sets cf the estate cf th. said dgceased amcîigst the. parties entitled therete, hav- lng regard only te the daimis cf whlcli no- tice shall have been given as afonesïld, and the. said executor will not belhable. for the. sail assets or any part thexeofI, te auy pr son or persons of wlide daims lie ehiUnot have recelved notice etrtii date ofdstiu tien. - Dated et Whilby, juIy1 th,x8l5 32-3ifl. RUTI2DG1B, 32-1U- SoUitr or ai -1Z:eeuthr. t# Ch AU Mlw M"&». W. have the Finest Seleco tion lu town cf those BEAUTIFUL AMEM'CAN WALL PA PERII8 Borders to Match Corne early and get frai choie. P. B. WARAM, - Bryan's old Stand, Brook St., Wlitby Back in Whitby. Undertaker, Cabinet And dealer in Furniture of ail kinds. Theé Subsoriber bega to announce that he has again opened business in hie old stand, and has placed therein a ohoice, stylish and complet, stock of NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, whioh will be sold at a ernali margin on oost. Ânother bale of those celebrated Mixed Mattrasses $3.25, worth $5.00. S"e thos Tapetitry or Carpet Lounges at 6, worth $8. Hardwood Sideboards, 14x24 glass, for $88.50, worth 012. lUndortakingu S:ýî A full stock of 0one and Oaskets, and a Firet-Clasa Hearse. WMa IL Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. RADAM' S MICROBE KILLER REMEDY. J. S. EDGAR, Merchant, Wind- sor: M. K. aoted marveloously in my case ofi cbronic stomach and bowel trouble. Maker, 34 .not the moral 'te mnake aur - .'àeeltself wh .lork for weaic y-ill say that I -+t ofmry duty ,-'e Sunday il- -pretty nearîy lish t*he job, "it 15 a back JNoTT, "Y. IEEN ishý Il tb. B'.. ~ung. 'Ices. WM. MAORAE, L.D.B., Cook- shre, Que.: Was given up te die frcm a complicationof Dyspepsia and Liver trouble with consumption Arn as weil as ever now; it is truiy wonderful. T. H.' LUSOOXE, hrrater, London:% Chronie cough and hemorrbages from the Iungs were hurrying my wife te an early grave but thanks to M. K. she is as welI as evee. Wma. Radaem Microbe Killer, Co,, (Ltd.), 120 MING STREET WEST, ICORONTO, ONT For sale st ail cheiuts, -or at W. R. HIOWSE'S, WHITBX.ý Scidin eo LowFST 1 :-: PRICESU WM. TILL,

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