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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Aug 1895, p. 8

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Protèot Tour 'TE AND HORSES from the annoyance of the Texas FIy by using the TEX'î8 FL Y OINTMENT. -A Sure Remedy. - 25 Cents per Tin. TA.NGLDFOOT, large double sheet, 15c- ; 8 for 10c. PREBH INSECT POWDER, 5c. an oz. ; 4 oz. tor 15c. FLY PALDs AND PAPERS, 5c. and 10c. per package, at RBy ley's Druq Store, Si1mcoe St. south, Oshawa. OSHàAWA, AUG. 9) 1895. OSIIWA PAGE OSE3AWA. BusiNESS NOTICE.- Oshawa subscribers Or advertisers may transact an y business witl thse CHRoNqicLE or may o btain extra C~opie$ at any time, irom E. E. Rogers. Farmers will do well to cail at M. E. MBy's for boys' ready made clothing. 0 If you wish a nice French china dinner or teasetc, or anything ini fancy china, or glass- ware, go to E B Morgan & Son. XItwill pay any parties conteinplating buy- ng aù engagemnent or wedding ring to see thse large stock of Feit Bros., Oshawa as tbey will seli ibis month ver>' cheap for cash. Genauine diamond 14K, only $5. They are sloe -maklng somne special offers in Gents', Lsdies' and Boys' gold and silver watches. Se. themn. Feit Bros. Miss Mamie Coad la visiting ffrends in Picker. ing. Mr. . Glenny off Ottawa is spending his holi- days lu town. Miss P. Hezzltwood bas been visting Mirs. 0. Hlessewood. Thse civio holiday bas beeti finally fixed for Auguat i9th. N. D. MeAithur, of Belleville, was in town Wednesday. Miss Dame of New York is the guest of Miss Mab Whitney. Mrs. Mutrel bas been visiting Mrs. W. King for the past week. Miss Shields of Wbitby Jct. is the guest of Mrs. Win. Dickie, Rev. Mr. Panton will preach in the Presbyter- ian churcis next Sunday. -Miss Mabel Rice bas returned fromn a pleasant v'sît witb ftlCfdS in Myrtle. Mfr. Sam MeLaughlin bas returned from his tnp isn the Eastern provinces. M. > ,Cmpbell and R. Dillon are in Mon- tral attending the riflemjatches Miss Ida Guy- is spending ber holidays with parents. Mr. and Mm. 1. 0. Guy. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Coone and children or Manilla, are the guests of Mr. and Mis. S. Con- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ayres. off Detroit, spent Sunday in town, the gueats off Mrs. W. E. Messrs. Minaker & Richards have opened their evaporator and are ready to receive peeling 1ppes Tb# Royal Templars' garden Party held last Vuiday eveuinR proved te bu thse garden part y off thse sesso. Large numbers were present. The Dominion1 Organ aud Piano Co'y"s. band, off BowmanvI le came up tisat evemung go serenade tbe tOWn 10 advertise their excursion to Idyl Wyld, antd afferwsrds wenî 10 tthe par, whicis lîew no lack of meusic. The 34t bndwas simo pressasThse proceoda off the eveaWag vas about $40. Roi. Perce Ketchen and Rev. 1. McL aven off Columbus wîill report at a public meeting heM in the Chnistian çbmrb lu town to-ulgis:, upou the laie convention off Chnitian Endeavorcis beld lu BaSton. Bots off tisese gestieuS weredele-' gaies, snd au accurale sud iulerestlug repor iusy be expocted Tise "cisnsof 111e digùet, woy»cuchw es have t aited, sud asuoug servic vil Se isd trom 7.390 te8 P. M.. ficviW"istise eportswil be given. Tb bd fMr.pu. Kennedy v"s brut tb$bU Çudof St. George', chucb. Sou «0D aomuectà ioowh Mr. W., ,uauacgUrd .@~ =mhrslimpéernts in MW 1 nov ol the COCItisad &m tsCO. AfMle=am belud Mr. Kan- ao4lbit f*AessieuOum. Mdudmftrwus o Btob bere-- È--- bebu b=esla ibeinstu- am C M WMFI.W. 6GM.X,01 Md tise 1m -nany ROtise 3Voulatise BurI.a ff cS pany oet «C- 1.B.avfa nsOii MoaoWUmmUea PeMi U h na Mn. H. E. En ward oflWhlîby la lu town., thseJ guest off Mn. A. Eh>'. Some ua5o îook Iu the excursion te Torouto from hero last Thursda>'. T. J.'Boyd, Jewelleî. la spouding bis bolidays in milien sud 01:1er places. Mr. Hall. formeul> off Hall's cooperage off this town, la spendiug bis holidays in town. Mr. Geo. MvLatsghlin sud famil>' are spend- ring iheir bolidays camping ai Lake Scugog. Mn. Dudley Dingie off Chicago, is spendiug bis bolidays with bis mother, Mns. W. Dingle. At a meeting off tise counicil Monda>' evening the raie off taxation wss fixed ai 22 milîs on the dollar. Mr. Fred. Carter, wbo bas beeu in Toronto for some lime, is visiting bis father, Mn. John Ca'rter. Miss Sadie Urqtshart of Berlin, îs speuding her holidays in îowu aîth her mother, Mrs. D. U)rquhart. Mr. Arthur NowEorne. night operaior ai the .îtaiiou, bas reîurued froin a three weeks holiday in the wesi. ,Mr. jenugs off Bowmanville, speni Sunday in town. H1e seema 10 bu cutîing quite a mark in our town. Miss Maud Masson, elocutian teacher iu Con- verse College, Sparteuburg, S. C., is speudiug bier summer bolidays wiîh fiends in îown. Mn. Frank Cuntain, stenographer for Messrs. Trec>', Boaudman aud Plaît, lawyers, Wall st., New York, is spendiug bis vacation in towu. The following pupils off ihe Oshawa HigIs Scbool were successful iu passing t.ieirpimr examination :-T Curtin, A Dyer, K H aluan, F Joblin, C Swanson, A Thompson, R Lander, F Luke, M May, C Maw. A O'Connor, F Sug- den. Aiten sevenal rumone as ta the date on wbicb tbe diamon-l ai G.T. R. crossing was to be put in, ail off wbicb did net comte true, the work was accomplished lasi Sunda>', sud on Monda>' the guavel train started te put tbe ballast on the track te the lake. A slight dela>' vas caused by the trucks off thse tender geîîing oSt the tracx, but the work ia being napidl>' doue sud the road ta the lte wyul sobn bu opened for traffiv. Tbe cars were sîopped ruuning a few dsys this week on accauni off thse thunderstonm Tuesdsy mors- ing, thse armature being buri oui, The offices sud car bouse ofthie cempany viii soon bu readv for occupancy, sud ffreigbî sbeds viii be built ai once. The freigbî business off the Grnu Trunk is to bu cannied ou uptavu, thse freight stafi of 1 the G.TR. haviug been given notice te quit next Satunda> eveuîug. Tbey have ail beon eugagrdi b y thse Oshawa Raiway Ce.. sud enter thein em- plo>' next Monda>' morning. The business off Mn. W. P. Sierricker, agent for the Grand Tnunk Railway. Canadian Express Ce., sud thse Great North Western Telegrapb Co., bas been taken over b>' the cempan>' sud il is net kuowu whether Mn. Stemrcker vili remain in towu lu thse emplo> off thse compauy or accept an outside position, as we understand bue bas some good eues in viev. Tise public regret te baose Mn. Sierricker, as he was a most obliging sud pains- taking agent sud many hope thai ho wiil remain sud manage thse business for thse uew people.j Complaints are becoming ver>' uninerous as to the rapid riing off somne bicyclisis on thse side. waiks off our tovu. Ibere is a by-law ta preven t such, but thse town constable is as a raie lbaient vîîh thse wbeelmen, sud asHows theus te use the sidewalks as long as îbey ride ai a moderate rate sud are mindfful off thse privileges off pecple waiîg ou the sîdewalks. Last Tbursday as eue off ihe men in thse emplo>' of thse raiîva>' vas siîîiug on tbe edge of the sîdewaik eatiug his dinner. C Thomuas, an employee off the Me- Laughliu Carniage Co'y., was riding along ai a terrific raie te gui home ta bis dinuen. He rau into thse railwa a> nuasd broke saine off bis ribs. The iujured man was taken te bis boardiug bouse sud thse malter vas settled b>' the bicyclist agreeing te psy thse man's vagua wbile bu is iii, aud the doctor bill. By ordinar>' iding Thomas could bave dismouuîed from bis wheel in turne ta bave saved himseif the cost off ibis accident. A resideut off Simcoe struet nortb says that a great man>' use the sîdewalk ou ibai street 10 coast on sud also seemingly te break records. The ether eveuing a little girl vas plav'ing on the sidevalk wben a young fellow cause rusbing b>' sud knocked ber over, hunting ber consider- abi>'. Nobody vanta te depnive tise bicycliste off the town tbe pivilege off iding on the sidewslk, sud everybody is willicg tisai thu>' sbould ride thene if tIse>' yul net abuse thse pivileges tIsat are accorded them. To the credit off tIse wheui- the lime vas ripe ffor publisbing their intentions sud jso tbe editor off tise Vindicator gave tbem a persoual. TIse> loaded up their provisson, sud CPta, Boton sud Lieut. Sterrickeu succeeded after mucis telepbouiug snd driviug around lu gettiug iheir conipan>' togetiser. Tbey had in- teuded takriug a docier aloug, but ai tie selti moment vure dlsappointed. This dampened their aider somevisai, as tise>' thoughisi l vuld be daugerons fortishem were tise>'te bosrow too may pksfom tise*farineW rs usaloug tise rcadsde. Tise>'reced Coesarea al l gbî sud sîarted out eas-ly f'niday morniug w ook for Suis, but evideutl>' the S mist have kuowu ot tiser comulug, for tise> appeazed go koep ven mm une it off the road orf hese vorth isSasos, sud dld ot bite a ail. Tise pariy fisised alilmSu- ing. bu:tisWout mor n.,sd d ecmdedl to go S«u to Port Penn for dizneu, visue, weamarinlformie b>' a deud, just as tise y ve laud10gtise> secune a faieueMe g & igxl bý.,and tise «W ea ,lbs., We bavecuotbeec abk to find St dus excunaborof f Baitise>'caugision iSsu ne- 1=m I tta0Cesa, but as tbey an al ci> Ummnlà Préeneeeoibolr isbing ezpmeeow. bave ftraed tétiSe nroa onlusontisai tise> did IM cC"h-MuecisA=obe b« W g tisM s Ogb u u ultni la t is e hattiaitie asw m u.tom er>'aer PurdaW mlg&Y BMlY blues be blace o.tii.bouesace A-Ues sud suothooff t»sepRMy, a 3w00mlt ass Iutasielfb %shtiaie bas bem S ugb Ndue"to tbe muglus I E Id. VIOKEU t u éer. EseOà s aS JAMEs PuL.ow, dealer, lu etoves, ltike.# tî5115. vas-e, etc. Large stock kopt constauti band. Jebblug a tipeoialty. 81raeeesluauel nortis. - -e- -Le K. , 1, 3 . BrslSr Slots, Niotar>' Public, Oouveyaniser, &o. Mouby te- lenc. Offce ov-er Donirji iBk, Blimcoei Street, Oshaw*, M. E.- MÂ.-teslcr lu Oroctles. Pane y Chinea,' (Irooker>', Tl"&".r, and; -Pauoy Goods. Pure Test sudCOUsfes. *Boys' ready made auitea a spoollty-very cheap. AucTioiN SàLu-Tise subecnilser wlll -be lu 0mb sawa at the Centrai Hotel, Fida>' ef each weoit from onee te 8 o'elock p.ns., te suais.an- agement.avit»parties vslngt aemis L PÂUUU.x: autioneer. n t ae ae P. LAMBHItT & MoNs-The led «talening sud gents' turnlshluge houseof Oehawa. S1plendid aasortmeut ef tweeds, voustede, trowue nss, chit, mollars, etc, alwas kept lu stocks. FELT BBos - Watcismakers and Jewolenfl. Deslers lu watchea. olookg, jeweler>',efivor- waue, epectacies, etc. Engrsving, gold sud siver plating, sud oid goid rings madeoavenr. Fine watoeh, cluck, sud jeweieuy repalrlug s apecolit>'. Oaaaw RoLI.Ks Muz,-Âtteutiou ef taumere is d.reoted te teed choepplg ow carrled on dsily st 5-3 per bsg. CeIebrsted Jewel buand et foeur, b..t lu Canada, sold b>' ai firet-olase guocera lu Whltby sud Osawa, sud aS Oui mill. Campbell & White. EvRReor & HAWMWBi - Importera sud dealoeg iu tannons', manufacturer.' sud houaetnrnlsh-j lng suppliea. Manufacturera eft tnware. EaVe- troughlug sud other contuaotiug doue. Fur- nase, chandelier.sud lampa. A atolk o1 bicycles lispS ou baud. RAGLA N Aguin we have Miss Jessie Ross' smiiing face with us. Most off tise farinera are going abead with their hanveat. Mn. R. Fewster gees ta Bnooklin occasion- al>'. No doubt we wiii lose hum soon. The Ragi- n boys have puuchased anothur football, ve wish thein evur>' success. Rev. Mu. Wetheuull pruacbed a ver>' inter- esting sermon last Sunda>'. We believu bim in saying that- people ueuded more faith. Miss Savage, off Port Penny, visited our division Saturda>' evuning. The memburs voue iuteuestud vitis heu sud heu nucitation- Mn. John Bus>' bas bouglistIshe residunce owued b>'tise late Mus. Medland, off Brook- lin. We are saur>' te hase a citizen like Mu. Bray, for bu la alvays sround sud knows eveuyt bing. Thse membuns off Raglan division baye de- cided netto hobod thse district division during t-be vinteu but viii bohd it in a summer ses- sion. Tse>' have aIse decided t-o hold a pic- uic after barvust t-o Oshava laku. AIl ex- pevtiug a goed lime. 8BEIELBY. Misa Ethel Grahams is visitiug friunds at Prospect. Thse ruceut usina have doue a great deal off good t-o tIse green crops. Mns. Teims bas spent thse lasi ivo weuks vith frieuds in Cobourg. Miss Bysin, off Deuryville, bas been ru- viviug old acquaintances hure this vsleek. Mus. R. Butsou sud Mus. Butler off Gaine- bridge, veeuvsiiug at Mr. J.- Bravn's last veek. Mu. Juo. Buawn vas cailed last wuek to viait bis brother-in-iaw, Mu. S. Ceembu near Sunderland, who vas hying serieuslillii. MOUINT CAREMEL. Miss Lillie Squelch off Toronto is visiting under t-be parent-ai roof. Mu. Sydne>' Prescotbas purvhased anotis- un nuw bindur, s Noxon this time. This ia tIse fiftb one in ten yeaus. Mn. James Prescotbas again ueturued te, the west wburu bu expucta 10 ru-jein bis wife. Shu must off gel veau>'living vithout hlm. Thnee off aur pupilb triud t-bu entrance ex- ama at Port Per>', off vhicb two were suc- cessfuh, Editb Hezzlvood and Bertie Grîose. Miss Eva Aunis, off Osbawa, oui' former achool teacher, visited at Mn. James Hezzle- voods lest week. We are pleased te beau off ber success at Maple Grove. Mr. Edward Gnose- bad the miafotune off finaiiy 5mw Mr. Ward 'Ceoing) singing Gior>' te God ilutise hîgisust." A ffew off oui young' people attended tise excursien te Washbuuu Island hast Tueda>'. One young gentleman left bis hieuse in Peut, aud whiie sway te tise Islansd il was taken for tise accomodation off otiseus. Wisen 1e arrlved in Use eveningi was net te bu fouud. But it soon landeci snd dida't look any tise werse. Hope Use>' iad s joli>' good urne. MimsMaggiuen13gliai, off Toronto, 1, triait- ing her, grandmcther, Mus Blakel>'. Mu Ward shlpped >w't fine herses frein Uxbridgu te oudon, zg.,ou Mouds>'. Mu Tes Graham n d wifu, off Claucinont, were vWsting friends lieue ou Saturday1 st. 'Messrs Stone iud Beal eblpped two car 10oada of caffle and sheP, ýfremi' Baekstock, mmsti lidsy. 1 A picuic atyfrom lieue visited- lakti Simncoeon b i y sud gmr e jy Mies s Inanesaines, seciond d <iërf Wm Ruines,'lies -at ahe>oitof d- .Suie lu* seeus sn forngoule ië- fru mie daaee nt ti e au wyeary, no longer able ta stand, he doubled &ver iïke an eînptyý bag and fell te , se gund;.-just then a good sansarhtan in the pesos Of Mr J Os Stone appeaued. He lifte up ottnoble m1ayor, rubbed bim down, fed ldui and filled nd up with cider until he becaine a full bag, aud could stand and finish his jounne>'. This good samaul- tan wil be forever held in grateful resnem- brauce fôt-his great klndness in neàtoring bo us oui beloved inayor. PINZDALE Miss Lydia McFadyen, of Manilla, is the guest of Miss M E Real. Mrs N Real is away at present visiting friends in Toronto and Georgetown. We are sorry to state that Mu. Walter Saule>' bas been seriouslillii, but under skillful tueatment is recovering. Mu Waddel is adding to the mny attrac- tions of the place by erecting a ine' few bouse on bis farus. We may expect the workmansbip to be first-clsss as Mr Win Stewart, of Wick, is the contractor. The hum of the threshiný machine is once more beard in our vicinit>'. M. A. Roach bas purchabed a new machine from the Waterloo msnufscturing compan>' and 18 prepared to fi11 all orders and guarantees satisfaction. A quiet and surprising event took place on the x7th july iu the shape of the mar- riage of Mr H McDougsll to Miss Emma lunes, both of Sonys. The marriage cere- mni y was performed b>' the Rev P A Mc- Leod of the samne place. Tbe happy couple took the evening train for a two weeks tour through western Ontario. While Mr N Tohnson, of Chicago, Mr A Lyons, off Blackwater, and others, were en- joying a row on Lake Scugog tbey met with what might have proved a fatal accident. The former, desiring to change bis position, capsized the boat and but for the timel>' assistance off Mr. Robt Lessk sud Mr. John- sou's father both migbt have been drown- ed. ,'Mr. Lyons being accustosned to such naurow escapes clung to the boat with bis teeth sud wus thus rescued. PRINCE ALBERT. Miss K. Okeuden visited Prince Albert on her bicycle last Friday. Mu. Joshua Wright has flot yet recovered fromn bis attack off malaria fever and jaundice. A small party of cyclists, from Toronto, spent Sunday at th e residence of Mr. R. Brown. Miss Bertha and Miss Ethel Hall, daught- ers off the Rev. Mn. Hall off Horninge Milîs. previously stationed ai ibis place, are visit- ing their many friends in Prince Albert and vicinity. Ail are delighted to see them ne- new the tie off fniendsbip. It is reported that a certain yoting man accompanied a cer-tain young lady on her rezurn homne on wheel for about ten miles. Hav-ng just begun to pursue his course homne- ward bis wbeel became dissbled and he ws elected 10 carry the wheel on bis arm. How pleasant that would be.  LIETTER LOST OUT 01? YOUR ALPHABE~T If yen do not bu>' yourScbool Books frein us. We carry the largest assont- ment off High snd Public School Books sud schnol supplies in the county. We invite ever>' schoiar t0 inspect our Scribbling sud Exencise books. We have the best uines in the market. We lead in lowest prices. ROGERS' 800K STORE One door north off Post Office, OSHAWA, - ONTARIO. "'MUJR R A YS TAILORING :: STORE. KIng Street Muet, Ronse Blook,. Oshawa People off Oshawa did'net understand why Fashionable Clotbing, or an>' style desiued, could net be turned eut as cbeap as 1 take it as you gel it" wbat tbey bave been used te. Tie>' realize now h vcan be doue b>' us. No elack season. We are constanti>' employed. We neveu calculate on al- terations or goodit returned ; we bave noue. We calculate on Cash,, or as near as posible. OALL .AND-SEE our assortment of Goods just received. NT. B.-Parties purchauing goods from tm for making Su or have them cti free mof Àare GRAND) -:DEMON8TRA-TION TiHE ARCADE.I Specials for this week. 7 pieces of Stripe Lawns, regular 12ýýC goods for 754c. 6 pieces of White Ground Musliii, with colored spots, regular 25C. goods, for 15c. 44-inch Cre ponnes, in pink and blue, reduce d tb 1C. White Ducking, regular 17c- goods, ueduced to i2l5c. Our $2.5o Parasols reduced to $1.75. Our $1.5o Parasols ueduced to $i.00. Ail 12%c and 14c. Prints at i price, iOC Chimezetts, regular 35c-. une for 22C.- Ladies' White Linen Cuifs for i9C. Ladies' Stripe Skirts, regular 45 ets., for 30 cts. Ail Summer'Goods reduced to a price that will tempt every one. The one price Cash store. ThOL MillorI a. Gall at PELLOWSý and see bis; Wrought Steel -AT- SP50.oo. Aiso bis COAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FR OM- ,5.50 to $25-00. Oshawa Steamship Ticket Agency. Sîeamsbip Tickets te Europe b>' the hest lines on the Atlantic. Special railwa>' rates, Oshawa te Monîrual, in conueciion vith Sîeamsbip Tickets. Ca.nadian Express Co. Goods fouwarded ou ail passeuger trains ; also coUlecteri and de- iivered to ail parts off the town without extra charge,. *Money Orders on sale fromn eight a. m. until eigbt p.m. Give tbemn a trial sud you will always use îbemn. Great North-western Telegraph Company Fouward messages te ail point off Canada sud U. S. Messages received prompily delivered. W. P, STERICKER, Agent. Office opposite the Post Office. W E. D YER, e e eOSHAWA OFFICE. * Bale Blovk, just noéth of tbe post off- * fice. Inspecter off Agencies off Aid * Savings & Loan Ce., Toronto. Agent *Sun Life Assurance Comàpany off * Canada and thse Employers' Liability Corporation off LoND)ON, ENG. AGreat DÎ8ispay ,iii Is that we are making off Rings. It's equal is not to be found irn the county. Here you can have a stock to select from that is prac- ticali>' limitless. Among the beautiful and resu>' artiEtic things are our i.5k. Ruby aud Pearl Set Rings. _99Engagemeflt and Wedding Rings a speciait>'. N. B. -A new line of Silverware just open- ed out, at 0 ...* BOYD'8 JeweI#ry Store. KING, STREET WEST, - OSHAwA. DO YOU DRINK TEA?? Let us assume as a fact that you do. We nearly ail do. The great essential, therefore, is to know where to get the best TEA for the least money. JAPAN TEA-We have just purchased from a wholesale Tea House, 25 pack- ages of fine japan Tea at ver>' close figures. It is equal in quality to any 5oc. Tea on the market to-day. We are offering it at the ver>' low price of 25c. per lb. or ô ibe. for $1,10. This is an excellent bargrin. Cali and get a sample and try it. :ýj We want Butter, Cheese, Eggs, and other farm produce, for whicb we pay highest puices. ýBeaton's NIAGAR t-bu samE Prices of, Thu>' bave Soap -roin thst a B UTTE. OA TME And a au] cakes for ALS< la -Fr-sh -ail kin Grocery, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa, - .Ontario,~ THE CORNER SHOE STORE, G--O -S HAWA.---D Leather Steadily Advancing. Wbolesale prives for footwear rar 0per cent. higiser. Oui immense stock is selliug fast at old prices. Save mone>' by buying your shees at once. The opportunity wMflsoonpas One puce te ail. _Carsclwn _m? Our rate of profit is thse lowest libmhi district. IT KFEPS US POOR. We have ail'ays a general aund varied stock te select fromn-Iatest- designs and finishes. Puices righLt Undertaking depaulment fully stock- ed, and embaiming according te laiest methods. factoril>' doue. Luke Bros, prompily asdd atis- am Osha wat The ioseph -Hall Machine, work8, -ESTÂBLISHED 1857.- lump i~ ~ 1> I Alsi Sc Sm s- W1 Thse t housei Byrion~ fruit tri pair.- ply toi Touent Aug. Farmr 320i state ai and v grain 1 2 Umles S Posses SLos i y 'Appi>' Aug. 1 Farn Tise tise '4 4, COn M Lesthler

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