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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Aug 1895, p. 1

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The c. i-ronice FVOL. XXXIX. WHJTBY, ONTAR1O, FRIDAY, 'AUIGUST 16,19.N3 àauoi NIAGARA lsn't te he the sae breath with Prices of ont- raiil mentioned in the falling of SOAPS. They mnust corne dowmx, even if tbey bave te faîl down. Our Stock of Toilet Seýapo must be dispeeed of te make room for other goods. This explains the stupendous bargains we are giving. B(. 7TTERMILK SOAP ic LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, CaxoNICLE COPRESPONDENCEC. -:0:- BROUKLI N. Mr and Mes Underhili have returned freni PBewdey. wh'-re thf-y spent a thee weeks' vaca- tion. Mr- Albert AA,:'cy is laid up with an attack cf typhoid lever. The case is riot a serions ane, and it s expected that he will soon ba. battr. Mr and Mm-e E %V Smith of New Haven. Conn., accornpanied l'y Mes Dicks, e aister (if Virs Smitîh, are hem-e for a short visit witb M, Wrn Smith. Mr. and Miss Dryden, Mrs. T J HElay and Miss Hodi 1e, Mr. (lea. Holliday and Mr. R. C. Skininer. went on the excursion te tùe Theusand Islands on 1 hursday. Mes W Wilson of Toronto, who is jurt Dow stapping at Mm-T H Wilson's, is sick with diph. theria. We are glad te know thet she bas the disease in a miid form. Messrs. Thomas Black and Thomas Liddle were two af the xaao wha started on the excur- sien te Manitoba on Tnasday lest. They ex- peciteW spend the harvest montb thre. A~r Ibos Frankish, who bas iately beau werk- ing in Mon tra!, was ai home hem-e lest Sunday, having stopped off on bis way 1<> Sanit Ste Marie. Hie is sti Il in the employ of tire Hamîl- cakes for 25c., regular price 25c. per cake. Schaol re*opns on Monday next. Me. M. ALSO ,*Helmes, the new prificipal, wiIl enter on iris O AIaym n had * duties then, and Miss Galloway. whe bes 50 0 Alaye n bad 0successfuily managed the junior division for the -Fe-esh Dalmalian Insect Jo,'der- and- past îwo years, wii again have charge of thai -a!I kinds olJ FL Y J'.DS ai Iie department. CORNER DRUC, STORE. The foliowing made up the Brooktin foot bail team ai Norwoed on Wednesday-Frank Hal- LýW R. HIOWSE'S STAND. lett, Thos Marshall, Ed Holliday, Geo Gi, Fred Holliday, E D) Holliday, Arthur Curtis, Chantie Morrison, W Burnait, Alfred Helliday and Ed lBradley. The recuit cf tira gaine was another draw. Play lasted oeaheur and ne goals wrre scored by eitiher sida. An effort wtll be made ,, brtng the Norwocd players te Frooklin ini the near future-probeblyen Labor Day. iThe Christian Endeaver sociatias cf the vil- are paying the lage have arranged te riold a union meeting in highest price for ing 21St ifst., to receive the report of Rev. 1 B Mlclaren, who was the couniy dalegata it the recnt ostn cnvention. Ail friands of the A. iske : Clo er. E. movement, whether members or net, are cordially învittd to be percent ait thîs gatharing. IThe societes at Mlyrtle and Kinsale and the - 000, voun g people of th,-'Ashbturn chnrch hava bean i n vted. Speciai attention wtll be given te the Sec sogtng. and rffýti ll be made te have a veey nteresrtng~ programme. We hope to see the church fiided tu the doors on thîs occasion. Our superîor W. A. H. Smoked W. B. PflVPTI. 1Business Dtreotory. 131aiils. GU & CO., grain buyers. &CO. -W IlIT:13-r Brick Hou8e Cheap. The undersigned will sell at a bargain the house now occupied by Mr. John Burns on f3vron st., Whitby. There are two lots 'in fruit trees and the property is in good re- pair. Price very low and ternis easy. Ap- pIy te JOHN LYNESS, i ii Gladstone Ave., Toronto. F Aug. 14th, î8S. Farm to Rent. 3po acres. -26o cleared and mn first class state of cultivation, well watered by springs and welis Adopted for either stock or grain farmîng. Good buildings and orchard .7 miles east of Claremnont. School close by. Possession te plow and haul manure at once. Lots ii and 12 in 9th con. of Pickering. Apply to I Aug. 12, 1895.-36-4ir ALE-X. WAVDLE, n. Cleremont. Farm Property for Sale by Ten-1 der. The undersigned will receive tenders tili the 14th. DAY OP SEI'TEMBER, 189,5, for lot 4, con. 2, Pickering, containing 205 acres, ail cleared, free from stumps, and tones, weil fenced and drained, conveniept to echools, churches, markets and railway, two Jdweliing bouses, large barns, good stobling. Also for the northwest ten acres of north i lot 8, con. 4, Pickering, covered with good cedar and bardwood. Parti î tenderng to state price and terms oayet or1ac lot. No tender neces- sarily accepted. Ail information can be obtained frein J. H. Long, Esq., Wbitby, or from tbe undersign- e'l on the premise. A. A. POST, Whitby. AUG# 13 d 2Oth -WiLL RUN- Laborers' Excursions TO ail pointa irat 0 of npq Estcvan}o ..... IG DR. PATTxIasoN, Dantist; st Sebert's hotel, firet Thursday, every month. BEALL, 8. - Issuer of Marrs.e ILtenue. Besidence opposite Town H.f Biooklin. W A MONESLr, D V S.-Grs.duste 01 Uie-On- tarie Veterlnary College, Toronto; llonorary inenber of the Onta.rio Medital Soolety. Treatisa&U d iseases of the domesticated a.nimale by the m osti approved method. Also particular attention to ur-gics,1 eperati<>ns and dentistry. Day or night caU. ipromptly attended to. Office and rasidence Brookliin, On tarie. Shits and- Overails. We are now offeri.ng superior value in these; first,-class material, well-anade. Shirts are 50c. and î àe. each, and the Overails go at frofh 75c. to $1.10 per pair. We have just opened a cask of Bohemian glassware, ruby tinted. It i8 very pretty and very chea.p. We give a 5 per cent. dis- 'Rememberi count to CASH BUY- (ERS on ail regular goods. b.'JStore closes at 7 p.m. sharp, each Tuesday and Thursday evening. HOLLIDAT BUOS. BROOKLIN. SAINTFIEZLD Miss Madden, of Toronto, is the guest of ber aunt, Mrs. Malyon. Mrs. McKay, of Wbitby, bas been vislting ber daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Park, Mr. Newton, of Oshawa, is visiting 1118 nepbew, Mr. Newton, of the Central botel. Mr. John McKay, of Wbitby, bas beau visiting friends here. John la a fascinatingir singer. He singe, "Oh!1 Its pleasaüt asw a, - i ng on the gate m itb Maggîe by my sidW" as ifbe meant it. Ask bim»to singit..,, Several of our borsemen are flttlng upý their horses for tbe fail fare. , J js. Stoneý bas a creanà roadster that la bad to-beatL Mr. jas. Grabam» is breaking a stan~dard bred tbre.-year-old, a perfect beattf.1Mr. John Brannlng bas a stylb -yoÜnogorse well broken and a test trotter~. WM. WUL Grahasns "Sunshine"la isas pretty as aVtc- tur. I am sorry to bave te recordâ 4 dIa Of FraucesRaies, second dauI* Wý Kr, ope filllng loto a plissant *oa evenlag lait.Franco.isa gent andklndhate n OmomonbaM 10- 0 SM x. ab 'i county clark, ecWisng metont requlred to b. ralsad lu, the- township éf Reach for aont sd du a1na1l p be ing s Tollow: Cssuty ie tucational motion of Mr. Weir, the clerk was instructed te notlfy ail parties interestec' in the Man chester drain, north of Mr Reeses peoperty cf the coniplaint made bv NIe Reese, that the drain requires te be cleaned out, and if net coruplied with at once the township en- g ineer will take a.hand in. Mr. Real intro- duced and carried through a by-law te raise by asseseinent $r8.So for the generml pur poses ci the townshi p for the year 189,5. Mr. Weir introdnced and carried through a by- law te assesa the several school sections, and the armount ask*d for by trustees, and also anotbee to raise frorn general assese- mentes, $1,740. a special grant to the support cf several schools. Mr. Stephens introduced and ca rried througib a by-law, for the sup- port et the poor for $816.67. The following rates were adopted by tbe counc il, this being the budget day. For county andi educa- tional purposes l5Y4 cents on everv hundred d Ilars ; for township pur»POa;s a. rate cf 9 cents on eveey hundr.ed dollars. For the support of the poor, 4 cents on every bun- dred dollars. Special grant te school 8j c. on the $xoo. The communications from p. B. St John claiming damages of rig on up- setting in gravel pit near Greenbank bas been left in the hands of reeve and ist dep- uty to arrange, P. C. GRAHAm. Manohester Busines DIrectory. Mas. R. S. PARU, Manchester, repairs, re- novates or re-fashlons ail sorte cf flurs ren- dering them in most cases as good and fashionable as when new. Orders solicited. Now la the turne te look over your furs for their safety, and te have them renovated. KINSALE. Mortice is visiting at Mr. Wagner's. A çood deal cf winter wheat will be sown in this locality. Mr. Wm. Richardson visited Mr. C. Mackey on Sabbath. Quite a number of tbe farmers have done considerable pieughing. Miss Bongard, of Prince Albert bas been vlsiting at R. R. Mowbray's. Miss S. J. Tripp from Seagrave has been spending a few days at ber home. Mr. Arthur Richardson and wife, of Whitby, visiîed friends in this locality on Tuesday. Mr. Will Newton wears a winning smile. It is a beautiful littié girl baby, and Will siles and reckons oe and otie are two. Me. Fleming, cf Markham, bas on exhibi- tion at Mr. Joseph Tripps one cf the Bow- manville organs, be being agent for that Owing te the inciemency of the weather on Sabbath there was ne Sabbath school, but the usual service at 2.30 was conducted in the churcb by Rev. Dove. The cengregation was net as large as it usually ie. PORT FERRY.- 1 Me. Chas King, cf Whitby, was in tewn On. Newton Murray is borne on a visit. Wednesday. Mr Ge Ok lelaidup w:h icknss.james Isaacs, of Parkdale, and a friend are Mrs D J Adae l lispit i rins@ iaaaheiidaying with friende bere. FaisDJAasi iiigfinsa igr Masser Lou Quackenbush is back at hie o'd Rev 1 O Cameron was in town lest Satne- place in Jones & Ço'c grecerY. day. . Mrs Wm McGiil has eeturned frein a lengtby visit te fniends on the American sida. A E Nasb, et Terento, was in town ever $un-. rdCag eot, n egBok day. Fe rgTrno n rgBok Chares Dnaldonof Trent, ishom lyn, N. Y., are guests of Mr A 1 Davis, onare visit.,o Trot, sho Messis Arthur and Oco Loftus left on Tuzes- Mrs. Giroves, cf Ottawa, is vîsiting Mr S E dyfrPraeL-riiMn Allisen. Miss Urqubart, cf Oshawa, and Mrs ne Me îllOlier afRocesmr as n twaWillis, of Whitby, bave been visiting Mes 1D Mrhis l OlvreekRcete,.a n onPaxton. Th ise s erao eono rege Rev A C Courtica, B.D., edifor cf the The isse Mernsof Trono, ae gustsChristian (Guerdian, will preacb in the methodist cf Mrs. Brisbin. church nexi Sunday avening, Geo Bewail, of Uxbeidge, was ini town On The fire insuranoe inspecter wa5 hm as ait . Monday on business. urday and bad a taise alarm et nomn, the flue- Arthur Allen arlved beome on Monday frein men were promptly on band and went tbioiigh a Genany looking well. test. 1 have ne: beau able te get bis repor. Mr and Mrs R A Sinclair, of Cantungton, ara Quarteriy services in the methodiui -churéh visiting C H and Mes Alliser. waiO conductCd lest Sabbatii by tihe ytQ and Mrs Walks and Miss Dehart, of Brookla, ý,-rt r RJ no>A McCamius. o Noi'wood, were guests cf Mes W Parrisb. Who preached inorniug and eveni ng, wîth lov Jas Brevener retuened home last aura féat after the mornlng servie and sacramient in feem his western holiday trip.rda the eveniag. alter wbieh the cîdinance of bal'. tnp.---a- tisin was administered te four. Mvesses uîngle anc company, cf Oshiawa, ara camping et Adam' Gm-ove. j ne Billinge, les McBrian and comeedaes hava ratntnad fret» camp et Wasirbnrn's Island. Geo J ackson, auctieneer, Scugog, lef t on Tuesday for Merris, Man., on a prospacting toue. PaINCE ALBERT. Chas. Bongard has returned from camp. Miss Mary Armstrong le spending a weak at Niagara Falls.t The Misses Hall raturned te, Hoenings1 Mille on Monday. They dlaim te have spent1 an enjoyable time at Prince Albert. John Bongard was very sick Satuiday and Sunday with neuralgia. He le noix almosi receveeed froni the attack. Me. J. Wright is aIso on the mand. Our new teacher Mr-. Albert Miller will soon be amiong us as school opens on Mon- diay naxt. Aliss Tewlcsbury leaves on Set- urday fer ber scbool in Cold water. Four of the six Prince Albert students wbo1 triad the primery axaminations have passed,i they are as follows :-Mi-s M. Armstrong. Mliçs L Dodds, Miss E. Foy, and Mies C. Scelles. The E.L. of CE. have made provision for a chlidrens' day next Sunday. The meen- ing service chai! ceneist entiraly of child- cens' exercises and a respontiva service. Efforts are baing mada te procure a speaker for the afternoon and evaning. A few days ago our town wes the scene of an inter. family broil which resultad in a job for a J.P. Defandant entered plaintiffs bouse and addressed the latter in net vary flattaring terme and ended by dashing a stene threugb the screen door. Then came the street scana which lasted but a minute, twe of the femala sex runnitig a foot race but at a safe distance apart, and finially the suit. Judgmnen: was given egainst dafendant for the use of abusive languaga. Har fine and costs ameounts te about $8. School starts here on Monday. Miss Lillie Martyn is visiting friends in Bow manv iiie. Miss L. Roberts cf Port Perry, spent Sun- day here with Miss Lillie Munro. Mr. Samuel Baird of Toronto, is visiting liere with bis brother. Mr. Jas. Baird. Misses. Kate Ferguson and B. Thempeon cf Toronto, are vîsiting et the residence cf Me. Arthur Thompson. Mes. David Reese, who bas been vieiting for scme time in Toronto, returned te ber home hera on Saturday evening. Tha aid red miii is heing overhauied egain, it having recaived a new coat of shingles and new eavetroughs. Our oid friand Tomn is always on the buzz. The church choir is getting aiong immen- sely. Mes. J. R. Heard has taken Charge, and everythîng is looking quite brisk. We wish tbem every success. Me. Thos. Smith, se., bas, we are sorry te say, taken a change for the wore, and is now very low again. Wa hope ha may soon taka a change for the bettee, A number of eue farmers have tbrashed already. However, it is only feul wheet and alsike that bas been touched yet. The Messes Carnes are tak.ing the lead. Misses Maud and Frenkie Spea'ce and« Flor.nce GoodfeUow took in, the ecursiqu. permtamier CàidcfrnýCI'tY toôNiegaraFait on Monday lest. Wa presumne tbey had a bon voyage. The Rev. R. McCuilogb and daughter, of Centreville, are visiting with Mes. A. Mc- Cnlioch here. Me. McCuilocb assistad Mr. Wilmett in the pulpit on Sunday lest, and delivered an excellant sermon. Messrs. Chas. and Geo. Ewees laft bere on Wednesday for their echools west cf Toron- te. They intend going ail the way on thair wheels, a distance of about i5o miles. We wish tham a pleasant trip. Me. Thos. Dobson, Mr. and Mes. Wm. Stubbs, and Wm. and Miss Allie Tbompson of this place, took in the firemens excursion te Niagara Falls on Wednesdey and Thurs- day lest. Tbay report an excellent trip andi a pleasant time. Master Geo. Munro, who received a sev- are bita fret» e deg some tima ago, la it»- previug. The gesh was indead a bad oe, and ta the thick part cf the ieg. Ha soiemn- iy declares that ha will neyer egain try te part flghting doge. Twe runaways Two runaways la tcwn tbis wek. Oae was the rasuit af a tihiasbing angine- on the sida cf. the enseet, frlgbtaning a Young homcf -Mr Ramse, of Manchester. Tha other was a berne drivas by Albert Beason. Mis vision waSssem- what clouded by having tee mach badge ln bis, sîomach. The resuit was bis brain and eyaslgbt were net clear, aud ha workad up a collision, leeving bis buggy badly wrackad. This Iles Young man whc needs te mead bis ways vet7û quickly, as ha is fast going go the dogs with drink. Only a few weeksa go I saw hlm going along Queen streat and a six foot Sidewulk was hardly wlde enongir for bis staggering. Hotel Proporty. Sinca my article e faw weaks age in rafereilc tei hotel proparty lu tewu axchangisg bandsi h wes rumored the St Chrarles was boughti b p s J.- M. Brooks of the Oriental. i aska. . BMOoki- aud heasid hahad net bonghteitnonbý.amny intention of buying. J then askad Mi. Sabant, aud hie reply was * * 1 havaebugthleSi,- Charles,,. sotibat,'by hie owu w erds ý_1_ both the St. Charles sud tba Oriental -Iit,i It appears te a great many peoplê Abat tbeoe is a screw loese somawbara about i ts.batm busmneRs. Breaks seains te ha baving a nimSsM of custom». end se bas Seber, but. it -is said-7-L tiret neigbbor Sebart can': stand opposition.W will do- bit good te hbave a lively eppcitieii Tireais ne nead ofanlber of tbase two -moei getting ente the otber's ne&kiu tibia fashion.;_ Tirera e ommfor boUs in îown, and: bath, ma good hotels and do their besuLfor the travèlling public. I have been told by- commrercial àlua. and toueists that, outside.,cf tile large cicies, the" S. Chrles and Oriental can't be excelled. 'Tigs speaks well for thair management. NO'cqms cen own the earth nor -control Wt. Howe'Iti enîcome cf ibis rivairy betwëéeu thoetsw - will prcbably ha tirai Our Wwn,il aîm4~ eue cf tirefinast hotels, iubteprovinc The CÇburch cf to-dwy., A lacrsse game iras' i11ye4baYreo4ày, betwen the juniereoang ci ~ n*bt are kncwlr\as ubêjuliors, T 0< çîé thubanysay-tbere le no 1.semior<teài be. Wna te.teaipa llne4-upto aasm1ý observer it was -plain that, tbe, visitatî V" w.r." mach the. beavier taansd -tâ,alI 1?â.à vt it was plain senalater tise 1game beg4u hâ tbey were aisô thse stip sqdi ply'e*-. Whàt-, Port, Perry c-euold2-not wi'u byfa'ieinue,ý-.-We. ara serry toeiy it attemptea&to.gmia-iiy fàa> galiàe. b.hsacond, bidcr irere wmnaluftour minutes eacit 6ii o 0' tiseactator & ÏI After a proionged vacation of seven weekc scirool wli ire opened nexti Monday mora. Let the pupils enter upon their dutias witb reneived ýaurnestuess, as a good education le ene tif God's grandest gifts. We as Cauad. !ans can boasti cf as good, if net tire best, educational systet» lintire universa. Miw rtaHall end sister, daugiters-cf Weôd 'circuit for tbree years,, renewad old acqualatancas hera. Their meny friands were pleased te mne.: thein and hear of the walfatecf tirafamily. It issoeayearssince Mr. Hall labored bere but bis zeelous efforts ara by no meens forgotten. Soe bave tlnisbed harvesting and soma bave net, lied the weatber this lest few days be» favorable many would hava beau do,=but ara naxt waaks issue is forwarded irree peretiens for '95 wilI heae thiug cf tise pat, witb few exceptions. 0f course soe would net like te break their old record 'of slowuess, and will likely finish about Sept. 30tih et 8.3o p. mi. sharp. Witb pleesare we aoticed Mi. Will Law- tou's recent exet»s. for cartificae at tira W. C. I. Wl! is e very studicus, youag ma. Ha lias bed a goal in view, and hes reechad it succassfully. Young men shoald net )ive itlîout a purpose. Kinsele boys have nev- ai failed te sacure their ebare of the bonois, we cen aise, add tihe girls in this sae list. Miss Lottie Hortcp was plucked, but wa believe faiied la cafy oeasubject. A few cf oui tipplera ,bad a goueral big tume a feir nizg ts since, Onaeiod vetara got'se, fhIilcf tiie mouatala daw that be had to be carrled honme and placed inside the deer mI were ha iatnainad during the. night. He lay in hie wallow lIike-soe aof the- lower creation, ad, cii! what a-spectacle te b.e- beldl lu the mcrintg. .'Several,*eare impl- cated la tisbrawling -littla cpi.., and this bein ii.efrst emtbrèak tbat bas coma te car, saules, but-, ext time àdiegrucetul, scene 1k. t ta Jiperpetrated'l oin ilag by aither Young or olii, rich or pooir wçý wtt! expose, the miole business, and mekle It just ns paisonal 'as possible.- Old: âisu bould net becauzht 1» bremis like tiesmoretia =ece. Mîis cCana le botter sud abl obe- erounii, - Wgaer' S meatI pedlàrbu been getlnIl.P* m ktario. 'TORE, ,anc/n g. le t t i ti "((A, ýha wa, rks, 'eshers. r. rapers, &ILL, Ibuilty> t.bsnie. 1 «-ýýTOILET Harry Bewell. teacher from Brandon, is homne on i holiday visit and reporte fine crops iu. Manitoba. Wm Motharai, cf Drumbe, is home on a visît te hie motetir. Ha reporte- cm-e as veey poor in tiret section of Ontario. .Mr- Fred Geeanad îwo sons, fret» Tom-ente, hava bean camping a: Adams' Groe and have ramuned houme mach imprcved iu heaith. -Our citizens ara plaased te sea caverai of the Toronto bicycle clubs stopping ovar lu town on theie spins tirrough the country. Mr andi Mes A Gitroy, cf Tom-ente, are enjoy- ing traie helidays wiîb friands in ibis section, going fret» place te place ou tirair quiet bikes. Mr- sud Mes James Boxall, cf Lindsay, have bean in town menawing old ecquaintances. While hare Mr Bexait wae looking efter busi- ness as well. Miss Dore Best, Miss Essie McLacuad Charles Baker, ail of Teronto, ratnrned ou Wadnasday after spending a pleesent time witb friands in town. los Abhott, Df Wocdstock,, feemarly of tira Standard staff under E Mundy, wes lu town Sunday and Monday, atîending tire uerai cf tirelaie R Cirristian. Mes May, Creamote, Mes R E Richmond, Bufialo. S H Cirristian. Tom-auto, W Christian aud bis moirer, Bracebridge, were bere on Sun- day attanding the funeral of their brctirer and Isou. 'Married, in Port Ferry on Tuasday. Aag. x3tb mast., by Rev. D. N. McCemus, et the rtsidance cftlwbrlde's father;-.Mr. Elijais Pargeter, Jo 'ù eld, Qof Wlitby, eMi Jnc. Mareden, indien of Scugog, caugist,âa mask.incage Iast Frlday waigbing over 30 ibe.,' tis and 2 othars making 74 Ibs., were- axpressad to an Amenican lu Pittsburg, Pa., Mr. H. A. Leugbren. Wm Jainiesea bas secam-ad saveal fine rigs for hic mew livery, and is ready et ailUniîes to tara ont a niace coaveyanceaet a reasonabie price to ail thosa wbe fsvçr bit» with thair pat- ronage, wbetbar a cab, phaéton, cenpy or bsg- gaga wagon. Giva hm aecal!._ I sea iry Use Standard*of yesterday (Thrrdy a latter frein-1. H. Brown i a!teomsyartce of tbraa waeks ago. Neat wae shall givebis' article lu ful andreaply to ih. end'probably hafora 1 at» tbrongb with thre subject, ire wil Seàt ocreI te tirrew surs or use Blllggote. wirich aJppesr to e h is idea cf chnistiaulty. UAl! le ne: g'id tiret glittars," asbha mey find eut. A laciossa match was piaYad haro on ùTuadY batweea Peott >rry juniors and Canuingtou seniors. witb the rasuit cf an- easy -victory for Cenniugton with a score of >i too. 'Outi club, would be giad te play a ritura match. et eny tine an t:weaks' ôtice, bq, t wité tbpro-. vision of tire pla". sou both citi ehiug equeir, net young men rou eue sideanatd boya -on iii. ether. Fair p'e andi ne favos Chiange cf tisse Tire Sens of Tamperanca excursion to.IÀludsày, on Fiday, Age 23, wiil leavt Port Perw dock et 7 oC ôck, a.m., abarp. Fettie'.s 730 Oaldweil's 8i, Hode 8:z. Procura YOar tickets. lu etivancç as large number bave beau solê and 'theaboat wl afUdt t nt ie Crandeflàe'bas ilatcbtrèd., This.iiriilzbe fine tnawalahaiwtis o désre îc 's- tbecrcus ~c1ts ~cent. WJ. Notte~~ ç9tsyèf1 1,

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