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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Aug 1895, p. 5

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The Lion of Scotland, the. Cross and the Thistie, are the ernblemis we think of Most these days. Goid and Silver Jewelry set with Cairn- gormn, Agate and Pebble, Silver and Silver Plated Thisties are in demand. We have these goods and in addli- tion to the stock can make on short notice Badges, Medals, etc., and tastefully engrave in- iscr11tions, names and crests uponi the prizet3 Won in the gaines next week. ixe ,Sm ]BARNARD, JEWELER & ENGRAVER, S~r~ranic1e. Offtotl.!county Orgaa.-laarg.st Circula-1 tion of any local papr in canada FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1895. LOCAL LACONIOS. See our a.1 wool tweed suits at $5. \V. H. Warr en. Fýýnt races for men and youths at civic lol(ay gamnes. ~large discount given for the next thirty Sai Mrs. Alun's, Whitby book and iiiU,ic store. 4'Nih highilanders band allday civic holiday I service. týe- the excellent programme to be rendered 1,ý the, famous band. Mrs Robert K. Orr has returned to Whit- h\ aller bheing absent a month vîsît1ilà 'rieîîds ai Toronto and Lorne Park. ,,ee the extensive programme of games for (-,%(nhliday, a so t he itames of parties wbo ixelilerally contributed 10 the fund. Missr Eliza Johoiston hias left foi a visit to Fi'o ohm, 'Barrie, and Massev, Algonia, %\ ineer 5151er, NM rs. ( Dr.) Hershey lh es. i.. vcle races, best two out of ilîree, i mile rýI ladlies anîd gentlemen civie holiday ý,pt- aI bicycle race, one mîile, for riders re- ,,ditig in the county of ( )ntario. As,'essor 1 IlPowell is collecting the 1)011 Six WVe hope tbere irat mît be 100 great a r i,li rmade tor bis resideîi e when thîs ai- nicnreteit is ruade. Hie ecuber wants dol. l.or scalps, anîd uses a broadaxe for a i riabawk to remove the haîr with. MIr \V'n. Birkett, one of PUeach townshîp's let-- farmers, was h ere on 1.aturday getting a cease drawn up for Mr. Johnt E. l)îsnev s 2,- ac.re farm south of Ashburn. The latter m, ili in aIl probability retire to \Vhiiby tcnt, anîd devote his time ta affairs of claie and the ed.ucation of hic family. Under the headiag " Now for Faîl Shows" the Part Perry Observer announces ihat . Rev. jas. Kines of Oshawa will preach in the meîhodisî church this, (Thursday) even- îng at 8 o'clack." This rc what we call rushing the seasan, and whether or not Mr. Kînes runs a fa)) show in the dog-days we leave ta thase whoataîended ta decide. Wa.nted. A good general servant. Apply ta Mrs. J. Brown, Byron St. north. Clearr up for Civic Holiday. Let us aIl remove weeds and diri fromn in front of business places before civic holiday. There wihl be thousands of visitors here that day, and every-thiag aloag the main streets should be slicked and tidied up. Sports For the ehampianship of the Midland district lacrosse league at Markhat n o Wednesday the Talagoos of Newmarkel de- feated the Markham leam by 4 goals ta 2, afier a very close and excitiag gamne. Coa.l Cosi Ihia ve completed the purchase of a la rge quatntîy of freshi miaed Scranton Valley (oal, which 1 con furnish 10 my custamersi arnd othere at remarkably iow prices. Also a large supply of sofi coal on hand. Before IhuNiig give me a caîl. H. B. Taylor. Re Teachers' Examns. We are requested ta state ihat the marks takeîî by candidates who wr-ote Bt the recent ulepari mental exams. for primary, matricula- nion, junior and senior leaving wlll not be lu thre hands of pr1 ijrcipal Tamblyn until about the 24tih of Au . jst,# aad those interestoed will hrave un exe r ci*e patience until they corne. The relu riteaie sent oui alphabeticaily, and iii,)sî foi Wib y came near the lasi on the Ariother Weduesday excursion Thre Garden City will ru is Wednesday ((ur.sion as usual nert week, Au g. nt, a hîîîg ai Newcastle, Bowmanvllle, Oýshnwa atid Whiihy. ht hati been found impossible icarry the large number of excursionists xiowisbh t go ta Toronto on these trips, (J dtlire boat will not cail at Pickering neit &ve,)c there m illbe no more disappoint. tlîcre. 'rhese papular excursions arc< much talked of, and will b. rua as long as it pays ta do, mooulight trips belag fnade each Wednesday aight after the returo frein 'r,'ronta. Highland fliag, sword dance teet cf tui- loch, sailors horapipe, seana niAubleas te be daniced by the best dancers la Ameica on civuc holiday, Monday, Aug. î9th, at the gamles here. SWalker Bro.. big Pavillon Usclo Toms Ca" Show. WakrBros. colossal pavillon Undw, Trn's Cablu show will exhibit In Wbltby on Thursday, Aug. 22nd. This la sud te be, the largel5t cornpany ever organtIed to *pre- 'antihia werld famed draina. .WgIkoe Bras are veteran sbowmen and ko htft people waaî. For 2e years th.y bave cater' ed tia the Amerlean pwole, Their MmIo luta ex*tel iu presentintotheputb1çtbiri 4 adte g vte a prormanoe clesa'U# fi- - -* andrnueli &e#udbeftbo *PI y oti«ý company bas ever prmnut.,A * * uâtre« paradeSt" Pl& S - -, , exh lfin u iWUgiveocux hommence et 8 M; . oo 1W r"m '- bo rw"l la thr Garden, City t keijtf ù tiiùà A.ug. Mad. Mr. H. C. Firbakû 0 wlsedn this week in town. Qhwispedg Bargain dayr $atLur4sy &ug l.West Side BQot and Bbc. 'Sti Men's and barsë strA* batS are Bollinglat cost prices at W. H. Warnis. Caledonian gaines civk b oluda ,Monda Aug. i9th, gates opetnâ 2150cok Last week's wlndsi proved very destructive to the harvesi apples and Cftly variettes of pears. Basebal competition, jilvenile teams for valuable prizes, at 12.30 exhibition grounds, civic holiday. ScrIbblers froni zc, up and wonderful value in exercice books, at Mrs. Alln's, Whitby book and music store. Pie appeals of the (armets from the ex- emption by-law will be heard before Hie Honor Judge Dartnell on Friday Aug. 23rd. %'Ne inv-ite Vou to inSpect our stock of reaàdy made clothing. We feel confident you will be pleased with the quality and price at W. H. Warren's, The Bowmanville cricket club came here on F rida>' last and gave our baye a trimming whîch more than balanced Whitby'c îwo previous victories. They made about three runs to Whitby's one. The contractors Bt Ontario LadiesW College are most energetic meni, and are pushing the work with as much speed as possible to firet class workmanship. The brick work of t.he kitchen section will be finished in a few day s. Mr. Jno. Noble has just received at his lumiber y'ard near uptown station a new sup- ply of pine and hemlock lumber, shingles xxx A No. i cut for Amnetican market,) tioot itg and siding. Ail kinds of builders' supplies, doors, saches, blinde, etc., furnish- ed at shortest notice. Screen doors, win- dows of ail sizes, and shutters mnade to order, Cali around and seeour stock. JNO. NOBLE. Remember That Dr. Graiit's "Hairene" icguaranteed to --top falling hair anid remnove dandruif. One naine left oui. ln ou r report of the teachers' examinations last a'eek we omitted the name of Mies Gertie Smith of the base line, who also passed. St. Johns at the Bay. The Rev. Edwin Daniel, M. A., Rector of Port Hope, will officiate ia St. Jahn's church on S--unidav- next (17lh) and administer the bol>' communion at the close of the mnorning Wonderful bargains. Ladies' fine kid buti boots, S$r.r ; gent's fine lace boots t0e tup, (?8c; geats fine gaiters t0e tlp, 99c ; boy's lace boots t0e tup, 98c ; cliild's tan shoes 8Y,9c, o,5c ; child'c fine shîoes toc uip, 5oc; ladies' house slippers, r5c. Cail early, M. XV. Collins, new red shoe store, cast side, Whitby. One hundred divison court.cases. TFhere are about one huudred men who owe large subscription bis for the CHRON. iý, i i- anîd we hiave ruade up our mmndc ta place the niatter in suit where the parties are good for it, and advertise the accounts for sale xshere they are doubtful. We shahl gel tii nîonev- somehow righî at once, or kaow thc reason wbv. Cut those weeds and thistles 1 A gentleman who travels on the roads a gond deal said to uc ou Monday :" I wish VolAu would sur up the country pathmasters to cut the weeds and thistles along the roads. I kîîow %ou would rather ]et fiy ai someane n the CýHRONICLE than not, and a paper sbiould do some good once in a while ta balance up what harm it does atother times Port Whitby, Miss Mary Smith is visiting la Toronto. Miss M. Wilson of Oshawa, la visiting friends here. Mr. Southam visited Port-Hope on Wed- nesday af last week. The Misses Wood cf Pickering, speat a day here this week. Mrs. W. Gibson and chiidrea of Toronto, are visiting relatives bere. Miss A. Hay is speiiditig a week with re- latives and friends in Toronto. Civic holiday demonstrati on. Read the! programme in another columa. Miss Alice Hobbs of0Oshawa, spent a few dayc this week witb friends here. Throwing the light and heavy hammer, putting the stone, quoitiag, etc., civic holi- day ai the exhibition grounds. M r. Robert Watson and friend of London, Ontario, visitedl Mrs. Golding on Monday. They were on their way tei Bowmnanville On their bicycles. Mrs. and Miss McEdward of Sarnia, re- turned home on Tuesday after a threeweek's visit wltb Mrs. John Patterson. They are always welcome visiters, and we hope te sec themn again soon. Mr. and Mss. Van Kenan of Buffalo, wlio have been vicitiug at Mn. McCourts during' the pasi week, left fer home on M4onday morniug. accompanied by Miss Anaie Mc- Court who, expects te b. gene severai monthc. Mr. Stariing of Hamburg, 19 night open- ator at the station lhe durlng thé iliees cf Mr. Nornis. We are pleased to e wem Mr. Starlîng, but hoe Mr. Norri$ WlU soon be able 'teresume hbis duttes, as b. l ssegd' by ait bore. Although a lttle late ln starting 001 .CCuIt of the fog the excursion te ýNiag=r FaUsî from here was very wel tendéd. 111r. waa excellent music and e Irthng lie de- sirable on board this popular steamer, and every one reports liavig had a VerY pleus- ant day. Chivalry lsaunt dead. So many f ,nd variedà t enes to be iec-n at tîli is constantiy watchingc an ofly more fleetlyt dI>d in t hecase of on. cd Monda y last. Soengeç observing cbldren Iniý thein, that tbcy missedi sIen, and were at C1Uft the tlmthey sbould - Upon enqulryhe th last car hadIeft,tii. PD ber cbildren wowd us far, fan freinbomne. 'Bu terminatlon, sire tod . tirat the. excataon bo -and tir4 eh. .lrnply bée at hom0% NOW, "te t sua 4 Veuzmîat iu&ié o t@ocieter on Thmlway, Aug. m2=d, by Garden City. Tug of war ln front of the grand stand at 4.30 o dlock, civlc holiday. Another excursion to Toronto next Wed nesday, and moonlight at night. A good old-fsshioned Scotch reel wil open the gamnes on Monday, clvic holiday. We are selling i2ic. print and 15c. duck sultings for ioc. pet yd. at W. H. Warren's. 6 piece solid walnut parlor suite, plush, wlth silk plush bands, for $32, worth M5, t W, Till's. Bargaine in ail kinde of Boots and Shoes on Saturday, Aug. 17. West Side Boot and Shoe Store. Goods eold every day at bargain prices. Special bargains on Saturday at W. H. Warren'c. Mr. Mayor Rutledge and Mrs. Rutledge have gone to Ocean Grove, Mew jersey, to spend a fortnight. Pipe music competition, marches, pib- roches, eîrathspeys and reels at the civic holiday games, Atig. i9th. Hie Honor Judge Dartneil ie the oldest in membership of any of the members of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. Mr. Wm. McBurney, laie of C. F. Stewart' s store here, has gone ta New York to cecure a position. We wieh him success. A letter from Deputy Reeve Pringle ex- plaining Sunday milk matters was xeceived t00 late ta put in type for this issue. It will appear next week. Note paper, writing tables, envelopes. For quahy, value, and variety, these goods have no cuperiar, ai Mrs. Alun's, Whibty book and musi.c et e. Princi pai Tam ly nof the collegiate institute returne on Saturday from Toronto, where he had been readiag papers in connection with the recent deparîmnental exams. Sherifi Paxton and family have retumned from Stoney Lake. Their ouîing was corne- what spoiled by the illness of Master Charlie, who took lever and had ta be broughî homie twa weeks ago. Mr. F. N. Leavins, publisher of the Bolton Enierprise, suspended publication lass week, and spent hic holiday ai Pickering. On Friday he came here ta cee Bowmanville do up our cricketerc. We congratulate Mr. John Reid upon hic marriage ta Miss Pargeter of Port Perry. This town cmnnaî name a more worthy or respected young man then Mr. Reid, and he has fixed choice on an equally worthy young lady. Mr. J. W. Crassan, the Cobourg car manufacturer, retired one night tact weelr with $250 in the pocket of his pants, which garment lie hung on hic bedpost. Nexi morning he found hic trousers down clairs with the pockets rîfied. The thief had caally lunched afier secu ring the pile. W,Àe have ta îhank Messrs, Spence, Eddy and Henderson for a fine fish sent from Pute Point. It was one of the s-ort which pulls like a 22 paunder on the uine, but turns oui ta be ro when landed, and which will no doubt figure as a 28 pou nder in the fish story wvhich tilhl be related after he--camp breaks Up. Highland dress, Valuable prixec and medals are given for beci dressed highlander, full dress and plain dress. Two Capital Trips Garden City to Rochester on AUg. 22nd, and Niagara Faits on Aug. 29th. See large posters. Threshing Coal ioo tans of firsl ctass saft coat just receiv- ed per Schooner Jamieson from Saudusky. Far-ners, cati an E. R. Blow for your threshing coal: office appacite-CHRGNICLE, Whiiby. W. H. Piper Selîs the most popular wind-mill muade in Canada. Ten of these mitis used te every one of any otber kind. Cbeap and durable. Prices on application te the agent, W. H. Piper. Ail kinds of pumps for sale. Fine trip t Niagara Falls. About 325 took lu the trip ta Niagara Falls on Monday. The fogs of the early morning caused a delay of anr bout or two, but the boat cleared here about io o'ctock. About three hats were spent at the Falls. and a grand sait enjoyed ou the way. home. New grain and coal business. Mr. James Downey, of Napanee, was here on Wednesday making arrangements ta es- tablisb a grain and ceai business here. It wilI be run on the same limes as wac the business of the Downey & Ca. here coe years ago, and farmers wiil be well pleased if it be conducted as popularly. Business wîil b. opened la a few days we understand. jndge Burnbam's aceident On Friday iact His Houer Judge Buraham received a bad shaking up la a trolley car accident on Yonge St. He was la tbe act of gsining a seat ln a car when it moved with a sudden lunch, causing hlm to lose bis foot- lag on the steps and fail heavily te tbe pave- ment. The judge bad to remain la Torento until Wednesday of this weekc, when lie carne hcme and is eut cf danger, tliougb stili son. and somewhat weak. Tlhe mhlk question Whea People areund tewn read la hast week's CimUONICLu that the town fathers bad usurped the autberity cf the Dominion ParIiamient, and had ordered that thi. Sui-, day delivery cf milk b. stopped, there wfts a great demi cf Indigfnat1 sd somme cuss words. 19ebes_ cf0councrilwere besieçed by people aud Deputy PringIe and CouncRrie Blow, wbose plate of busi 'nessare opposte the C«RONIcLs, bad ,a -bard tinie of It. Ceuncilior 'Warne, wbo was wrongiy, re- petdas bavng wne t tpmil dv- eyon Sonday. ealy loh ise11f.throügli the. mistake. he moe was su etrodrn- aryon on tii. part cf the 9,cl;su very singiular tbing abçaUtt u athatInetesa Of actingtbphugb.ti.-,he!constbie, asi < tbe twus 'do,, the- counécitorderedlb.eý Of Iu. meone mae- là CLEaAao The balance of our Stock of Spring ana Snmrner- Dry Gooda, COhing, Lace Ourtains, Parasolg, Embroideries, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, HaVs, Caps, I'ilinery, &o., to be'cleared out this month a& GRIEAT BEDUCTIONS. Corne and see. In some cases thae prices cut in twO, *3E Oai UOo4oh, ] In Clan Tartans, only 25'c. each. Mens' Straw Hats ail to be cleared out at 250@. eich, worth 75c., 50c., and 85c. Drebs Goods, worth 50c., 40c. and 80c., al Vo go at 25c. per yard. Ail our beantiful Linen Stock at JRedueed Prices. Summer Goods miist go out at Bargain Prices. Seeing is Believing. 1 M PO0R TA NT We have Jtist opened up New Fail and Winter Tweeds, Serges, Worsteds, Golf Oloakings, etc. These goodlà are the beàt to be had in the trade. Make your selectionsi early, as WO have alre9aY comrnenced toý seli these goods. When you want sattisfaction visit s-i TWO SATU RDAY August 0H010E 75c. 60c. 550. 500. 40e. 37. 35c. S TE W~ART. UMMA L-N 13 ID ý3YSm ~AN D l7th ,MQ0N DAYi and . 1'th. SUMMgR DRKLSS. GOOD9 -""25 cts.V', __________ E New this season's styles. 0f course there werei Tweed effecte, Serges, Creppons, Menetian TWiils, etc., etc. other Bargain Day Sales, but neyer one at whioh sucli elegant values were given as at ttiis one. 90c., 85c., 75c., Everybody should take advantage of goods than yon can bny in the city. are not late in coming. 60e., 50., 45ec, 40e., 35c. ~Straw H ate for 25 C'entZ. onr Bargain Pays. We give yon better values and newer What we advertise we have in onr store to.showyon if- you ME11'6 NaOy Serge Suits ...............Q$2699. Boys' 2-iece Serge Suits ................99. Boy Serge Knee Pants ............40. Moe 's Woël- Tweed Suits ........... 499. Yen- can't beat the abovo prices in for above lines, bnt we axe having. Bave yen money. ~1~I TV e Go the city or in town. Bargain Days new. Webuy in large quantities and'pay more, Always read our advertiement-, à it~ll, WALTE RS. SOHOOL BOOKS 8CHOOL BOOKS. il Complete Assortment of ail Books used in the Collegia Institute, High.and Public Schools. A. new supply -of Exorcise sud 8oribbling Books, and Sohool Boqiit which forprie sudaquality ca'not b. sur se&O.Alsot1ho largeet Mild b stock of Stationery aud Fsxioy Good,ifusio snd musicaItrm ts s,- J N. Withy Lo --l - "P"z n the county. Liberalfi80tfo the Nex-,t' Thirt Da8 ME?~SM IL~ WHIWBY B ËOOK AND,., MWS-IO STQRS4 'Wk ot in âke ýl eùýdo &4 8 Ltcý c ou 1 ci-3coic:m--61) 1 lIYýjl .. AY

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