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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Sep 1895, p. 1

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* y VOL.e XXXIX. WIIITBY, ONTAIRIOe, SEPTFEMBEIR 1 0918950 NO. 41 LOCAL NEWS' LETTERSe BIKOOKICN. Mr. Frank Kerr I. home from Summers- tOwn, wbere h. bas been for two years. Toronto's great faim in stili a powenful maguet, and the usual large cnovd o! sight- seers bas gone cityward thhs week. Service wlll b. held In the Presbytenlan chunch next Sabbath i n the rorninizat eleven o1clock, iastead of nt the usual atr noon hour. Meurns. Ed. and John Wyatt of Detrbit, anc bere thls week visitlng their sister,ys J. F. Pînle. Ail their old friendi are glad to see tbem again. Mmi. James Beatty of St. Mamy's, was here this week for a short visit wlth hem parents, Mm. and Mmi. Wm. Kerr, sud ta be present at the mai rnage of hem sister. We have heard wlth rnuch regret of the sudden death of Mm. and Mri. J. A. Uuader- hill's eldest chlld, Their many friends heme sincerely sympathize witb tbem la their be- reavement. Butcb's "New Sensation" company gave a performance heme to a amnaîl audience on Monday evening. Those wbo wene present fouad it to be the moît satlsfactory affain of the kind that bas been hem. la a long time. No, I arn not completely '<squelched" by the editonial reply ta my lait week's mefer- ence ta the Mutual Reserve Fund Assoc. In rny perversenesi I have still this ta saV, that I bplieve the Mutual Reserve i all rigbt. Mm. Andnew Tait, who bas been esiding with bis son-in-law, Mm. Wm. Bell, for the paît thmee years, died on Wedneîday aight. He had been ha declhning health for sorne time and waî ha bis 76th yeam at the time of death. Messra. Diamond Bras. of Warkworth, spent a week here visiting their sister, Mmi. J. W. Valleau. They carne frorn a part of the province wheme cheese making lu a very extensive iadustry, and at the present time -are milkiag forty four caws. The pulpit of the Baptist cbumch will be occupied neit Sunday morning by Dr. G. F. Fouter, recently profesion o! pbiiosophy, McMastem University, now occupying the chair of îystematic thealogy, Chicago Uni- versity. A rich treat and a bearty welcomne awaits ail who can find it convenient to be ln attendance. Mm. Jos. Bell and Miss Mary Kerr were married on Wednesday evening at the ei- dence of Mm. and Mrs. Wrn. Kerr. The ceenony was peformed by Rev. J. B. Mc- Laren hn the presence of the membemi o! the twa familles mpesented. W. unite aur congratulations and good wishes with those o! the hasts af friends the young people have heme. lb.mangeentijien ths yarta xce ISince lait writing thcne have been twa The anaemet iten ths yar o eceldeatbs among the cattie. Mr. J. E. Knight's aIl former efforts la making thhs the ptemier cow, thai bas bieen sick fan two weeks1 hs County Faim o! Ontario. Goad stablhng, dead, and a two year aId beifer beîongîng beautiful graunds, and incneased entries, ta Mn. D. Helliday, which was found sick should make ibis Faim an institution wotby on Monday m zu,-die. thie saine day. of support. Ou Tbunsdy mornng, 'as h - write, ei Exhi"bitions of Trottillg S/at/ion-s, Fast that Mr. George Co!ley bas another sick, lu DrîersandSaddle Jiorses for the same way as aIl the othems have been. ** Diver andAnd theme i stil n eue ta itell us wbat thc ** bç kies.trouble eally lu. Ihisl almost beyond belle!, GOD BAND 0F MUSIC. if we did not know h ta be se, only too well, GOOD that aftem veterlnaries o! high sud how de- Bicycle Races and special attractions la grec bave investigated, sud the examinathous front o! the Grand Stand each afternoaa. that have been made by the btst analyists ha ,Sec programmes and prize lists for the land, that naw, aitich close o! thç second particlars.summen, ail appear ta be ai much in the partculas. tdark coacerning this mystenions disease as J.D, Houden, J. H. Long, Jos. White, thcy weme wbcn the fimit case wai found lait President. Imeasuret, Secrctamy. ycam. In fact they sem more puzzled aow than then. Farm and Chatte/s for Sa/e. 1Bumimês Direotory. Executor o! the late Uearge Sdeworth, Mm. GU & CO., grain bnyons. Thomas Sideworth, bas hnstucted the under- 1Dit. PÂTTYuSON, Dontist; ai; Sobert'a hotel, sgned ta selI by Public'Auctian on the premises, finît Thnreday, ovbry manth. Lot No. i8 in thc 4th Con. Whitby. on WED- NESDAV, OCTOBER 3oth, 1895, St I o'chOck BEALL. 8. - leseronfaiM&mnhage Liceumea. p.m., that fartm being the eas bait of Lot No. 18 Biidence oppoaite Town Hall, Brookliu. ta the 4th con., Whitby. Also ail the farm ScANwi CoÂ&L.-D. HoLiLiDAT 15 u ow prepareff stock, etc., on said fim. For further particu- to delivem, or soi tai sbed, Brooklîn statîov, or lars see posters, off cars tho celebmatod Scranton Coah ai close L. FAIRBANKS, pices ior cash.-(The boit le the. cheots;) Auctioneer. 5ept. smd, lm0.- Whitby, A'ig. 28th. 1895. W A MONzELY, D V S.-Oraduate of the. Ou- taio Veternasy Cahege, Tornto; Honaorary meatber of the Outario Medical Society. Bric Houe Chap.Tresta afi 11lsease of tue dom.uticated Brick Hosged Chl'eap. .a.ahai te Lmaîîby the. mast appnovsd Method. Aima The athnalnedwil sd aia brgan te -paisculan attention ta surgîcai operatione' bouse now occupied by Mn. John Burns ou' aud dentiotry. Day an night calle rpmptly Byron st., Whitby. Themc anc two lotsin u ttended i;a. Orna. sand résidence o roklu, fruit trecs sud the property lu ia good e- Otne pair. price vemy low sud tenms easy. Ap -__________________ ply ta JOHN LYNESS, i ii Gladstone Ave., Toronto. A; q I are payirlg the highest price for Alsike :.-. Clover. -:000:- our superior Smoked e* Ilams. WI9. Nil. ___AGO A specimen list of what it wifl buy when hbrougzht te o LIÂ 818,Brookliu: 22 lb&. j6hb 14 7O, -Sapafi 2 Grauuhatcd sugar. a"_, 4Sugar.-- ý Messrs. Wm. and John Banrett of Park Hill, are visling relatives ber.. Qut. a numuber from ber. took lu the To- ronto Exhibition this week. Mr. and Mis. Albert Vansickler aud daughtens Gracie aud Haxel of Caino, Mich- igan, are vsiting at Mr. jas. Pankîns.' A veny onjoyable tîmne was spent Bt the hop at the mili on Frlday evenlng last. rMany wlîh the event-would happn ottn. Rurnor bas It that mine bost of the Revere bouse hai gat lato trouble about seliing Il- quor on the Sabbath. W. hope the light la thne bar on Sunday had aothing ta do witlh it. The lawn social at Mm. Thomas Formans lait Fnlday eveniag was a grand success.I A large nuruber were la attenda.nce, and al I enjoyed themeelves irnrensely. Praceeda arnounted to over $1,5. Mr. Jason Irwln of Blackstock, bas reated the farm near Prospect belanging ta Mn. Thos. Gahamn. He îtamted the faîl work on Monday. We welcome him to aur midat sud at the samne time wish hlm cvery pas- sible success. Thev tRlk about the grain being a very poor yield this year, but converse with the threshers and they wiIl tell you different. Off Of 17 acres Mr. Wrn. Bemkett had aven .wcoo bushels. 6o bushels ta the acre ha what we caîl an excellent tumnout. The threshers are doing quite a using business amound here, Messrs. Lamb at the present takiag the lead. About as goad a day's work as we have record of was the anc *.lone at Mm. Wrn. McClintock's lait week. About i6oo bushels weme turncd ont. Can ayone beat that ? You are mght, J. W. lu a hustler. Mesrs. Wm. Thomadike and Leslie Bawes a! Oakwood, and Mr. John Butler of To- ronto, stopped over here on Friday eveaing last. AIl were on their way for Toronto, each diving a dandy mule. The former twa will exhibit et tht- faim, while the latter lu only a late purchase. We hope ta see them bmîng baclc the mcd ticket. A very mean trick, and one which poved vemy dangerous, was practised on Mn. Hiram Fitchett on anc evening lait week. Some persan or pensons tied same canvas aound a dog, saturatedj.t with coal ail, lit it and turned the dog loase. The ponai- mal sufieing from the pain of the fit. enter- ed Mr. Fitchett's yard howling at a terrible ate. Mr. Fitchett, who happeued te be home and in tbe act af eimlng te bed, ran out ta sec whiat w55 up. Whea h. gai to the yard h. wai just in trne ta save bis straw stack, whlch had caught fine frorn the fîames. The dog wae with rnuch difflculty relleved from the fime. W. think this is a veny dis. creditable trick, sud had there beeu no pen. son to attend ta the matter prompt Mn. Fit chett's buildings might have been butned, Thene 19 no clu. to who did the dity act. Reach CoundiL. wene read by theclcetk, the followiug beiug- the Important ones :-From thu clerk ëf Whitby tewnship, advising the clerk -of Rcacb that a committee o! -their council meêet Reach inlurefereuce te granting indigent l4 te Q $ooo~olle4t.d.Aomwtowun 10eaT tens. VrmH .EblP eryçsat iug tbat David Deacon bat phacedaà aim in bis bands for cedar, wbich h.alleges b. furnishes the co4toratien sud dhd net getV psy for. Frein Wnm. McGilI, infonmint the council ibat be.wllhaccepi $3.5 per acre for the land thecocuncil saine urne ago took from loi 12, lainith 7tb con. Orders wete drawn on the treasurer for thc folloeung amounts :-F. Dure, $29.zo, being werk-on, town Ue between Reach sud Scott, Scott te b. charged bal! the amaunt, ; Newton Bras.,, f3.75 for advertisiug ; John Ack.uey, $5 50 for gravel furnished this. compoation; jas,. Hilsop, $1.12 for wonk done on 6th con.,. west of Brock road ; John Park $t, fan ne- painang Bowles' bibi. On motion- of Mn. Weir the fohlowing arnaunts were paid, being two thirds eworn value of . sbeep killed by og:-Armen Sophen, $2. ; James Medd $18-78; W. H. Hayes, $2; John Tennysoa, $7.33; John Martin, $6.66. - On motion of- Mn. Real the clcrk wae instructed te nati!y" D. J. Adams ta move bis fence o! the ro.ad allowanice on 7th con. A deputation, frein the. Whitby council met* the councisud t ié. followiug arrangements weme cntered -witbý' lu regard tQ, the Solleti maiter, sud keep>Ing Uic town lino in repairs. Each- côtincil bas- ta give 82.50 per month for the support-o! Solomon Solleit, and Wbitby agrces t.spend., $4, ou thc îown Ue each ycar lu lieu ef the_ý statute labor o! Reach, aud thc clenk-,wu lu- stnuctcd ta prepane an agreemnent coutinîng' the above conditions me town-line, ,Wbicli is te b. signcd by reeve and clerk_- o! each municipality. Mn. John Blanchaàrd, ex- meeve a! Scott, came before ibe council in - efemence ta keeping, thc tewn hile- btwecn tbe twoý municipalities i repai for tiie fàsý ture. No final arrangement was made.- On motion o! Mn. Weir, the zst deputy-ieeve. sud Councilmsu Stepheils wérê ppblqtçd-a, comnittee te lù«speC,,t ic trvel it!on thc tôwn Ue between'iReath. and Scott, and tobaveany'nepairss mat.-id pitïýtlat thema dem neéessumy) prôvided eacb, conuachipays ba4f-,The clerk -#as lufruet- ed-verlly-to teply te ttie conmknatiou, o! Mr. H. S. Epbes,, r. Deoe. 4aim, motiothe counc'i dogrned., Pil- . eÂAIzL. I M hêEd. Webster, of the Duna Commer- - .4ency, Duluth, ln spending a short AllicMcGreggor sud hem frtead, Miss ghan,, speunt- the.latter part o! hast ocrmied rw hoe. Mang -punpyhrolding speèîlfmid-Week services at. Alojîdsabopt the frst *week'lu October. Mr. and Mm-. Peter, Wilson, of Bizfalo,. N. Y, bave lost ýtheir youngest chld. -Tbey were heeIs ekt ave the emains in- termed ut the Union cemeteny. On Tuesday evening after the. thnesbens had remoéd - the machine fmem Mn. Rowe's barn, the ý,grunary 'fon gave way and drap- ped tic day's threshhng o! grain into the root -cellar *below. "It was a bud day for Mn. R webn the barley carne down. Wbhile one of the Young ladies of this place wai camping iu the viciuity of Mucd lakée,- lIaut July, gbe met with rather an inàteresting, yauug lady of seventy-six then enjoying ber, boniey-moon, tegether -with ,ber - basbful' bridegroom of seventy-eigbt. The bride on learntng this young lady hailed from near Whitby, enquired if she were *acquainted wilthe c editer o! thei. aCmONICLE. The yug lady- ansvoerè~d inthé affirmiaive, wbereuan thebride ,rcmarked, Ibv kuown hlm ýfer over'fifty years. >" Mr.,S. Bgrret retum -ned ou Satunday lait from bis trip Io- MontreaI ,wbere hbaÃŽd been with ~ car load of he4V , workring - herses. se. as tobavé roorn. for ~CIarlyMo 1he 1 , wo did thc work on Mr. Barett's house. The. brick wonk was doue by Mr. George. Gardi- uer of this town who-lu known ai oue.oôf the beit masons in Ontario . Mm,. S. Mesura aslisted hlm lunth. work. RHoer te -whops day evenü.iin g leoking hale ' sud héi>èra i - 1 havlug a wdfllbrowned -face as lf hehad su-" joyd lii uropesu tTII:Mr. eu p kiudhy promused a senies of lettens, fer the CHRoNIcLE readems descriptive of bis ýtrav- els, as he wehl knows how ta deseibý,-elu a trip. A pleasant treat la lu, store for theuê- who lnay nead his lettens. The. Rèv. L. W. Hill occupled th ç> pi af the methodist churc le at, Suuday K ie evening service îhowed that tic Rev-gentle- men had haut noue of his former populamlty, as Uiechcurch was filled.- He pneached-'at thus service frein Uic tei: "'Thon art welglied lu the balances, sud- âxt found wantlng. 1 It was a practical sermon, sud held the. attention of his audience. ])iecl, lu Port Perry on the8thut,Rap W.. sou o! Mm. and Mis. J. A.- -Underhil - ged i yeam 9 monthisud iîg da-ys. Mn.'ani Mrsa.1Underhill have thc heartfelt sympathy of onmrcitizens lun Uic sad béealiement of their dear littie boy, whose lossi lafeltîore keenly-asl-te chld'waeLtnlj4llUa fêWholms,"- being tàke.n finît wlth conrvulsions f floîd day- slxowe"' -berei d Attumtê - A ew e Prnclit oup* - n. B. Pi~E~i Tahua hy flir~rimo I GREN8NK.POT ~der~d~fal, ý.except eÏxhïbitoswhen thi program"e Zopen-et 8 o"elock sar Mns. Dennison insvisiting* friends iu Brook-the lo amiolbîof,1$1cent*s. Tne id here 14t linegroude ilbslg lbt Mr, Z Phoenix bas been seriously 111, but Mr. W. Delve went to New York lent I'r1 I4-j1ht C&.ThufSdSy- anid fridaÏ la 110w Wproving. day on business. ee im ilùOlloiinIStlie list ofsea OUr Pwnsinan, Alex. Horne, bas been Mr. and Mrs. Monet are in Toronto Visit iOate-urizes are wrnbni ge ntia len ace, - #s9mewlUat under the weather iately. ing sud taklng In the fai. ton a; s t e rie a 1te: Bcycle race Mrs. Andrews was visiting lber daughter, Mr. Lou DolI, from, Calgary, la home v st-lop e; ot etlenans t.-rn ont: Bfl st Mr.. Léltcb et the parsonage lant week. lng hie mother and friends. f armets snd farmer's sons only. Horse sud MISssAnnie Bush is home from Thornton, Miss Florence Dennison is vislting frienda rgt e boue fdep2oe7of the Iperom but ùqtends returnlng In about a month. in Cauningt>n sudToronto. kentering. Speed, form sUulessBld le Teannual sermon i la ctonwith te Mren. J. Bue nenjoying lerholidays to be oIi5 dened; -Bicycle- race-2 ml. SofT.il b pe cdon Sncthe the Riin. r c is heronto.open to those- who did.not receive a prinl S. f T wll reahedonS~nay he29t vlitngfiens u Trono.fore e-Lady drivera.; Bestçgemtlemn lit. Mn. Anthony Benson, of Detroit, W& rde;Tandemns ; Opà copetition ; Lad->. About thtý usual number from this localitv visiting old friends last week. îles - iccle race ; peu competition for are taking in the Toronto Industrial Fair D. Campbell has moved into his new 1redn 1 a os.Seefrrsunui this week. home corner Queen sud Bigelow Street. and s -e te be considered, $30, $2oY $1o. Died-At Greenbank, on the i îth Inît,, Mr. Wallace McKenzie, fromn Cleveland The booths, tent sud dining hall space cau Edgar, youngest son of joseph Watson, Ohio. is home on hie holidays. - hail by applving to J. H. Brown, Secre- aged io years. M.Aar ssike u ail ee ay It our merchants and tradesnien work The thunder storm on Saturday îast wasguest9 lait week of Mr. Robert Vasicklen. as faithfully as have the managers sud the Most severe as regards the rainfaîl, of Messrs Meharry and McKenzie have each directons of Our e±khibion, aud make good aythis season. taken a stallion to the Industrial ]Zxhibi- exhibits 1 shall be able to'state that the afair of 1iý95 in the best thatwas ever held iu Misses Mettie and Allie McMillan and tio.L the town of Port Peiry. The executive Maggie Blair have been visiting friends i-n Caleb Crandeil, son of Rueben Crandell, committee deserve credit for the way in Toronto and taking la the slghts. has been renewing old acquaintances in; which they have conducted everything ini JaÃŽeph Burton and James McKltrict have towa. I counection i wth Our fair, and Ieau say they eacW put up a silo in their barns. It appears Mr. Ford, Toronto, caught on Saturday 18 are the right mien lu the right place. The 'to b4 only a question OP tîme when one will base and one maskinonge and 2o base onI gronudand buildings -aremot etcelled out- ber fÃ"und on each farm where modern îm- Monday. idofTrnth cloainsnte provements are coasldered of value. Mn. and Mmi. Jno. Reid, of Whitby, wce gnaarefirsts uevcry way.Con ITwo of our laigyugmnwvisiting Mns. Reid's parents on Saturday to P>ort Penny exhibton sud enjoy your-- ledn on e ent down ad na.selves snd yen will go home -satisfied that to lowen Egypt one night lait week. W. do o udy ur fair was the best in thié district. flot Say that they went for the purpose of. Miss Lizzie Irvin has returned home, hav- The public and fins. seeing the eclipse of the moon, but they saw îng been visiting friends ia Dotroit, Rochest- The public demande circus sud huppe- It all the same. ht waî a beautiful night. er and Toronto. . romne attractions at ourfairs these days sud The followiug are the officers of the Ep. Mn1er8raanhsivetdsd the bam. ias much on, the public as on wonh Lagu fo th crret trm -Pnî.applying for patents on su attachment inte hr sir. S. It la istrange that farm- G. Lee; it vice.prçs, P. A. Cragg; 2nd rfenet crculr rs sud asoomny éther eople besides vicepres, J.- A. Miller; 3rd vice-nes ico James McMillan, of the Western Bank, farmens, çvigomay loer, reace sud jeunison; sec., Miss Sbire; mres., Vito went on duty a gain on Wednesday, aften an wifl leave stoEk and ait otlïWr exhibits to see Fanny Phoenix; organist Miss'A rea ns.s enforced rest froin the accident to his foot a honse race aàywhee froin 2 'rta 4-.30, A.Pekis.soine weeks ago. while 99 out;O! eyeýr100 get ther incomes For some trne a gooclly number of the Messrs. Hugh Lucas, James Armstrong froiu everythuiibût racers. Men will go. members of the S. of the S. of T. have been and James Bravener wce lui Whltby on crazy sud yell thexuselves, hoarse.' oer their quietly at <vork preparlng to give a public Sunday laut. Boys, did you sec wheitthere, favorite winuiug na-, wiiee-lie is the~ rendering of the popular temperance arama Myrtle Peavine? fastest or net The ýbreedilng sud deve-lop.-. "The lait loaf."1 Thursday, Oct.3dhhe oucnpoto ndmesyM..H ing of the trotting - or ý uùùin, horsei date frxed for iti delivery and judgiag from Purdy bail bought $4oo worth of alsike. He worthy of prain, ,and every farmer-and the reputation of the piet e and the talents of bas paid out from Ang. 3rd to Sept. Mrd aver homre breeder shonid, stndy the, pedigree- tOse that are to take part, it will b. some four thousand six hundred dollars for aluike su-cine fredn, ad _apy tii.sanie thin wel wrth earng.clovr sed.to breeding both hie hora-ýe,Cddeatt id Surine tbtg wll ont hanig. oye sed.etc; but why a fariner 'or 'any other sane t We regret to chronicle the death t,! Mns. Mn. L. Sebert when at the Toronto fair mau'or womnen wlll -go-,wil4 e ver a borne Thonias Ganton, which took place at North bought the three year old colt IHl ary that-is probably uot worth imuch. more than; Toronto on the 4th lit. at the age of 28. Wilkes."1 It teok third place lu the cots the puse lie trotÏ- for js, ajrizzle.- It la- De<çeased was well and favorably known la race las week. Mn. Sebert kn~ows a g00lu mauy cases that- the-fasteet sud thlsýyîcinity, being the eldest daughter of hos hnh esi.nîccît hors. is .pnrpesely ~t.ewiil 1Mr. Thornas Allia. The remains wene laid Mr. Hanny Hall and Mn. James Roevart of hanse. If things kcep oias they'have for ete reSt In Bethel cemetcmy on Fnlday. The Oskraloysa., Iowa, fror. the Penn College, the. lent five yearaç *twilU eome _ýto .astage îbereuued husband and fiends bave the wcre visiting the. parents of Mn. Hall hast that faim managers to dra*- theê crowds wMi *heartfelt sympathy of the catir. community. week, and returned ta thei*Amcricaii home have te tak e Jit to tbefr cO2nisdératlin --on Monday. whetherit wotld notbebe-st-tahrea'crli TOWN Lin£. Acoan sd have a fewiexhibits aàs a sida show, sO-e - thiat It ca e b. csil-à-felr ,or çbte * Mr. Frank Brown le on the sick list. Several of the boys anound town have a e augr f Rgtv 4 oot)ýIds' -Is ilbourne, of Londion, le the gucst of plecuhiar ',grave yard c9ugh." The symp-, baehb. ii-thef. fa si:neéto- * * Mre W. S. Gold at present. tms are very bad. Remedy :kecp away or -- - h the ouyIislteihc *.W. Dî, Carruthers had three hogs kil- Ui#og hlb os.Iui-eyardwoekto' ' Zeép rý, d led~iuth G.I~.. hiswee.Vont Manchester correspondent was inu abeve 'wvater. Peopîe "o'ta T - - ' e' U efT u t ..weks r' o n lsavluoe T. Moituré Sômliùre ncué The people will be surprised when they find out we are selling Sticky Fly Paper at Two double sheets for 5 cents. Fnesh dalmation Insect Powdem 5c an oz. or 4 Oz. for 15 cents. Shoe Fly Poison Paper for ......... ... 5c. Wilson's Poison Pads-for,................ Ioc. Just arrived a fine assortment of Hanging Lamps, Hall Lampi, Bouquet Lampi, Vase Lampi and Stand Lampu. 1he prices will surprise you. _$g Caîl and Sec. r~W. R. HOWSE'S STAND. THE CORNER DRUG STORE. !AIy't ratFar EPTBS.YDI 17th, lBth and l9the $p3,000 in Prizes.1 The finest grounds and buildings o! any Caunty Faim in the Province. Reduced ates on aIl trains per G.T.R. and Midland Ry. on i8th and î9îh. Any persan wishing ta enjay a day's pleasu e, and at the samne tirne sec the best exhibition outside of the cities, should visit this Faim situate ai it in the vemy garden of Canada, as well as in the finest stock section in Arnerica. [0< L 7#1

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