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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Sep 1895, p. 2

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to thé haïr, au Bis ý»Inte W. Peuwtek, of rbr* a.I, ,says;. 40 little more WOyears ago nai, ior y oIIn ut. An- àtïbas since kept of flair. S gO I bad the vario- M~y halir, which previ- ,e abundant. 1 tried ýepaatiQîis but wîth- ~g1,tilt i began to beperManentiy bald. tltl$agomiy lhusbanid ý aý-botÏle et Aver's Id 1began at once te short lme, new hair 5,1' and there is iiow ôO ls t'i e'- a tgrm~-th UP,1olyniLnia St., New flAIR VIGOR 2i"A-REID OiLWLMASS., U -S. A. lir$ick Headache. DENCE rnoon Mn. R. C. Tefft Z'48- the. village sud B,,,Rickeîtt bis herse Y+.- sud in jumping I$hhod the rig. Tii. trouble getting home Btisat won'î mun away r bicycle.. Welîr had au exciting timae Ji môrmi4g lut. Ris hoe ~tinfront cf Mc&aw's3 .U la bfont cf Selby'e blew ý1gh*ned il. The haiter t. bÏons. made off up Main a, "unt h. w&s capturod in 410vil.3 n D damage don. "l mested on Fniday -ibbving ou th. 25th cf rOWn a stoesat, s G. T. e. Re was brought Wale, Wilson and council ehamber on luist.- Le. plesdod lugtowu lbe ston. but i4-having thnown the stone thony.te attraot hie attention e8truok a rail sud glanced car Window. Ho -was dis 12 1and cosîs (81.10). The. BOU"#" Wm. J. Ooekburn, of >p wanted $2 a day aud 02 a Mzai0g in ail a bill cf $24 te thre dofepdant but the onldn't 800 It. [)rydeu's'absord Paritanieni ctPin f bonse races ah gii gubd at au ovon lb. rIo, 00oul imagine a fair or"s racl9 e pleM I to it. Doe..the boorle id dioliuuebed agricultur- ;l oourse if S ceintious.- wôitsd aborlly deetnoy lthe townslilp aine whiob lie bout of. Tr evmmn GS 0tioreabots, bas ne th Ue amount received ini *ûm4ith. race. enthosieste ti*ons would sipy'ad; Mso ï entomd te keee tr Oliver should ind aorne g subj.e ofr bie ,punitan kg the destruction of hor»çý- hsestate ad bridges. ai aud tise th tir fvd. 1.08, and 21'm inutelts.çley duaret but sot bt»,d. In a wreatle for fun between Bort Dunn andl aconipanion on Mlmsisaga street Thursday ovening the. former fell. A boutle containlng phosphorus in Dunn's pocket broke and t ho combustible took fre. %Vit~h the assistance of hie friencis and one or two gentlemen %~ho were pas, singtih. blazê was put out. Duan was be.ly scared but net burned.. Btruek In sef defonee. Dra. J. N. Harvie and A. E. Ardagh heid a post inorteni at Severn Bridge on Saturday on the. remainh of John Wilson, who had received a fatal blow from Peter Paulsen on the Tuesday previous The. medical mon gave evidence in the inqueat held on Saturday afternoon, at which they stated that death had been caused by a blow, which had produced concus- sion. The jury exonerated Poulsen, as it was slown he liad oniy struck in self defonce. KiUOG at Wamag. Tho recent massacre o! missionaries at Wasang and Kecheng, China, possesses a nieiancholyi ntereat for Orillians, as two, of the victime ware very well known here. Rev. Robert Warren Stewart and hi& wife, who were among the first to fail at Wasang, spont a weok in Orillia two years ago the guest of Canon Greene. Whule here Mr. Stewart, a fine big Irish- man, preached in St. James' on Sunday and on the following Moniday lie addres- sed a very crowded meeting in the school house on bis work ini China. While lier. he expressed the opinion tliat the Christ- ianizing of China would b. a compara- tively easy niatter were il flot for the op. position of the mandarins. Mr. and Mrt3. Stewart were sent out tb China by au Eiigliih missionary society. Their two children were not with thei while lier., being in charge of a governesa who was to take thern froin England te China lator. The only menibers of the family wlio escaped wus the baby, and it liad one of its eyes gouged out. The governeas, Miss Lena Irish, was also kiiled. - News Letter. Love's romance. Two weeks ago to-day a Buffalo gentle- man of sixty summers mnet at tlie circus a biushir.g young widow who lias journeyed aloi-g life's highway just haif that length of tune, and witliout warning or furtiier ado, tihe little god Cupid '-killed two birds with one ston(o." 'Twas a clear case of love at firet sight, and it only teok the tail but handsome swain a few heurs te find out that the widow had some property. and te make a proposai of mar- nîage. The date wus fixed for yesterday, and ail arrangements were made, the. cake ordered sud intimate f iends invited te witness the corermony. But alas ! "the. but laid plans of mice and mon gang af t agie., " wua al toe true in thiecase of the. prospective groom, for tlie widow, with 'tiiat fickleness for which her soi is noted, changed lier mind, and on Tuesday de ciared she would become nobody's bride at presont. Thegentleman coaxed, thon scolded, and finally threatened a suit for breacli of promise, but il was of no aise, the lady remained firm in her conviction, and the would-be bridegroom lbf t tuis morning alone on what was te be the. boneymoon tour. BoLli parties are well- known in tewn, and thi. outeome of this littl. romance will lie eagerly looked for. -Times. Applea may prove a poor crop for keeping purposes tuis year. Many varie- lies are nning op the trees a mentir or 80 te ery, owing te, dry weather in the eariy part cf 1h. season. Tir, ai-niglit telephone service was commeuced on Tueeday nigil.lasî, sud il may now be aîd thal the local eîchango is nover cboeed. Thore ahouid lie a sub- stantial increase in the nuniber cf phones in use in town as a mark cf appreciatien of the coipauy's enlerprise. and ehould geveru themeelves aceordiing-, ly. It wiil be fouud in future tiret put- ting tieebig rocy appies ou top sud the little acrube at th. botlom cf thre barrel won't psy.- A Lindsy lady vlited thre uiet hamiet of Omemee,-one day lut weelansd paint, ced tire plae sbriant crinuson, and on Fniday laut thers ame persouage wsoe of tire partieipan» in a bair-pulling and lawing match ou the roadway istire viclnily >o! Mount Horebr. fer siter vus one toc many for hon, sud as ah., sîrted on hemrerten te towu\ahe, sirook ber fat at thse fait of hemrelatiVes aud tirroatn.d lohaveal&Rleoked up b.- fore aunmet.-athmsu MW o" w &, Wm. SleIghe LfTôïonîcç- s 'enteê few days lut woek 'itt -fMe*dsiber. Dr. RH.'l'H. Major h" ai uameôt à trip throuiout the Weteon state Î1 -nMr$ Ii*o Petenboro, is'vfmigý hors with hie siter, Mrse L J.eq~r Messrs. Wi. .8ik fToroutp and 0I. B. smjtb of airy 18ound, Vis*ed gt Major, Biroe. l.t week. After a welI oanned holiday, .E Lount has nosumed bis position in the factory of Taylor & Lbunt, J J. P. Lauglilin bas rented the fin eof Aloi. Pringle, near Unionvill, and will remove hither in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Edward layior, cf San.- ford, viaitod the latter'. brothers, Mess.rs James and William White last Week. Mise Mary MePho. eailod from Qnebec for Scotland on Saturday set. W. trust that she may have a pleasant voyage. The many friends cf hMrs. Martin Hoover, of Altona, will regret to iearn that elie is at present in a very weak condition. The Misses Pencher and Mise Editli Lang, of Toron te, spent a couple of weeks witb friends at Whitevaie and Greon River. Birtlis-At Whitevale, on the 28th uit. the wife cf Chest.er Lehman, cf a son, and at the sanie place, on the Bth uit., the wife of G. E. Thovian, cf a son. Two bouncing fine boys added to our popula- tien. $2,000 added te the. wealth of the happy parents. Chest.er's boy is fat and saucy looking, and the other boy is fat onongb te weigh Il Ibs. The Rev. Mr. Baker preaclhed iu the bapti6t cburch on Sunday morning, and in the. methodist church in the evening. The cbc.ir in the evening was under the leadership of Mr. Metcalf, the organ lie- ing presided over by Miss Laura Pugli, organist of the baptist chnrch, who kind- ly took the place in tue unaveidable ab- sence of Mrs. W. S. Major, organist of the methediat churcli. Tii. romains of the late John D. Me- Phee were iast week maoved irom tîteir original resting place and re-interred be side those of bit; late fatlier, postmaster McPliee, in the mothodist eemeterv. AI- though buried for 28 years the coffin was found te lie ini a fair stato of presorvation, while the. outor sheil was quit. sround. Upon removing the iid cf the sheil the Masonic aprori cf deco't.ed was feund but iittle decayed, while the eprige cf over- groon, which covered the coffin, thore de posited by the Masonia bretheru Who conducted the funeral obsequies 28'years sinco, looked as natural as if piucked frornithe parent tree but -a short time Probably it will b. the common fate of many cf ne te di. aud b.e hortly forgot- ton, net so, however, with the. late .tJohnny" MePhe.. Ho died at the oar- iy age of 28 years, and hie mortal ro- mains have beon qnietly repcsing lu tii. village for 28 long years, yet hie memery is oherisbod by tiie people bore, even.to thonsWho wene tee young te know&or remnembor him or Who were hemn sinoe ho oeasod te live, bis namo bhas a fàanil sound. It see as if w. reaily cddkuow hum in the. misty years cf long aeo. Froru bearing our eiders talk about him we- have gel te think or at leset fool tuat way. W. perliapesbenold flot memore- lize thus on our dead cf long -ago, 'but the. op>ening cof thie grave bhas revived mem *1 E I I I ]EL are at preseut the mmi Who-àdoes: this is 1doin e=&wl~,Orwrtlho the farming c ommuiîty is, -that the' izolden grain,«willlie 'safely harveste~ and when thé-. yule time arrives the yelbow husks will be stripped from the goldeq-_,ears,- followed- by the- mrry "-Money Musk and accotupanied by that well-known sound of "down the centre and ail hands round." Another Warning The tragic end of young Clark, the Montreal broker, who lest two hundred thousand dollars in wheat, is another warning te young men against the vice of gambling. There may be an occas- ional instance in which a man has be- corne suddenly rich by a lucky strike in wheat or stocks, but for every such a one there are a thousand who are ruin- ed beyond redemption in this world. In nearly every case when a man finds his feet slipping from under hum he borrows from friends, uses their securi- ties. or forges their names in order to obtain funds to carry hlm through, as he hopes. But he does not gel through. The collapse cornes, and in addition to the loss of his money there is the ioss of character, and he goes forth from the social and business circles where he w-as once honored, to live eut a blasted life or perhaps to oc- cupy a felon's ccli. And the sadness and pain of il ail is that in other re- spects the victims are usually the brightest and most attractive young mnen in the cornrunity. Flning missiles4 At Newmarket last week, before Squire Jackson and Mayor Robert5on, three bovs were cargcd with -acting disorderly by throwing a stone and using improper latiguage towards the occupants of a rig in which certain young men fromn Uxbridge werc being driven on the evening of the lacrosse match on the 9th of August."- Two of the bovs were discharged and judg- ment in the case of the third reserved. It seems that these boys belong to a gang of young toughs who congregate near the Newmairket station at night and insuit passers-by., On the evening in question the lJxbridge lacrosse boys were returning home, and the occu- pants of one of the carniages were greeted with a shower of stones and bad language just at the eutskirts of the town. Mr. A. J. Coombe was struck on the forehead by a flying mis- sile, but the stiff rim of lis hat stopped the force of the blow, and the injury did net ameunt te anything. How- ever, some Newmarket people, and more especially the officers of the la- crosse club, heard ef the affair and took iinimediate sîeps te have the ef- fenders punished, with- the above re- Oold in the head-Nasal Baim give instant relief; speedily cures, Nove fals. Eight of Montreal's business men have been ýarrested on the charge of setting lire te their stores. Chronfo Derangements of - the 8îomaobý Lirn d Blod, are speediiy remeved bythe activa prinoipls cf lhe ingredients entermng siet lhe compoition of Panmoboe's Vegetable Pilla. vîsitic an anthe trousers .poctets of, several inmates turned inside out*and theircoSntents appropiated. Althoug: the, hOuse. wuspretty well- _valkedover no one heard the intruders. Leëàvinge ,thé hote r it is supposed they proceeded by way of Bay street to the residence of Mr. H. Westcott, but in the effort to enter- was detected by Mr. E. C., Wescott, who happened to be on the ground floor at the timne. They in- mediately decamded. From the fact that a number of articles of clothing were remnoved from the clothes line on the premises of the editor of the Ex- press wve are led to infer that the thieves crossed the river. They are likely the samne parties who raided the Queen's hotel, Woodville, on Friday night, making off with provisions and other articles. Since the above was put in type we learn that the residence of C. A. Patterson was also enitered and the premises entirely ransacked. The thieves generously exchanged clothes with Mr. Patterson and- also ap>Wýpriated a silver watch. A valu- able box of jewelry narrowly escaped fallinig into their hands, it having been hidden by some of the articles tumbied out of a chest. -Express. an A1arming Inorease. The Prevalenos of Femnale Com plaints found to Resuit Largely frow the Kidueys. SAGINAW, MiCh., Sept. 2-Dýctors are b.. gzinning to turu their attent> -n nin-re exslusive- ly to the causes for the grent increase of what are known as femnale c-xnp!aint4 during the past ten years, and to the remedies for the. saie. Many cases bave been investigated, and amotig others that of Mis. Reany, of Ash- land, Wis., who wus cured of this form of trouble by the use of a kîdney mertîcine known as Dodd'a Kidney Piil, which originated in CanadJa but has now becoome widely known and used throughout the Western States. This and other similar cases go to s3how that these troubles are largely do,, b the kidneys and that the aboya rnentioned remedy ise hkely to bave a zrot effeet in lessenîng the number of victirus to this furin of complaint. A severe thunderstorn' flooded parts of Lon- don rrqffic tvas suespended on sotne of the district railwayd. When Baby wss sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Mis, he clung te Castoria&. When she had Chlldren, she gave tham CaU*orl& The body of Mr. Walter Citapinan, droiva- ed at Hamilton on September 3, hbu been re- o vered. Eliard's Linim-ent Lumberman's Friend Bhidr ~TWiIIO Central Prison Make. Thià Twine le pure, well-made, and guaranteed to bind more isheaves from' eaoh bail than any other Juno l4th, 1895. ~K PaiS in the joints Caued by InflamlmatOry sweIlng A Perfect Cure by 14o@d'S Sarsa- *ý parlla. 'lit affords me mucli pleasure te recommend flood's Sarsaparifla. My son WUs afflilted wlth great pain in tiie joints, tccoD2pailed with swellng so bad that ho couIlflot get Up stairs to bed without erawling on bands and knees. I was very anxioua about hlm, and having read Hîoods e-Cure$ so inuch about HoodW8 Sarsaparifla, I deter- mtned to try it, and got a haif-dozen bottles, four of whlcb entirely cured hlm." Mas. G. A. LARE, Oshawa, Ontario. N. B. Be sure to got Hood'5 Sarsaparîia. Hoo)ds Pille act easly, yet promlptly and efficiently, on the ilver and bowels. 25c WHITBY. W-RITBY."

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