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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Sep 1895, p. 3

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THII W~ell trn Liter Haif a Oeil nf!oring! on - chld ànd 'to;~aYo e. viertÃ"n--ýto Imour bis 11ý lo ih ,te de:]- ceased 'w» at one timeameur0 the Týoronto Police force, ànd-Wo~~f ly tspeCted by ail hise acquaintancel His reinains were interred It Brechin, on Sundaly. Much syflP9thy Is feit lor the bereaved wif e and relatives. T. 8jss at zEIN. BepMupr-wr The Cure is a W onderful One O ledfrt j 8atdodthiatm Portere bas pur eapedr omi tan Porter W rought- by Paine's Celery Compound Leserandre std; d a MrsSel- 1Mss don, Br., of Whbitby, were ber. with Mr The rea Stengh an HelthGiv rfiende SBundsy. lun The reatStrngth and ealh-Giere Andrew -Avinant of Dunbarton, bas Wilou memoy o th grat isoverof ecton f te Este Tonsbps.purchaied the WestOii Pelmen faim neai Jai Theii. yo h getd8cvro special ocino the Eatr onbpetebey, and je now engsged putting in tues Paine'e Celony Comnpound will ever be Pi-ofessional Mien, business u.ofl, and ft4r. fali wheat. each eacred te the thonsande who have been mers, have diseussed the Puljeet, and to- Wonder when the Whitby sud Bow Mi wondenfully delivened from disoaee and day Paine's Celery Cowpound bas a ne- manville cricket teame are comimg ber. of )K suffering. The united efforts of this putation aud a fame Vi the district that to play those roturn matches ? Our buys wll world's medical men will neyer equal the no othen medicine ever poat.Ciisaed. wi othausPtberbad. HWomr etmt work, the mîghty îifeaving resuite, tbat Mrs awill ms ey rel utt othanseterbandy. H onrlf ai have corne te sufféerrs through the vin the point , sIbe sys ne day omchigaun bis hefr. br tues of Paine's Celery Compotnud. "I arndelighted te send My testimony tmerewîricommenter work uponhieorfarmfew ie The moat difflouit, îuest distressiug, regar-ding vour mortvaînabl P medicine, thers e. f lie ter illashe ut fry.a ew and the seemimgly bard and incurable Paine's Celery Compound.wekbeieseigtecutyba cases, are sudcesafully cured by the great "Sarne ime ago 1 had Grippe, whicbi It je currently neported that Uniah a d( medicine. There je no neason why any left me se lame and weak. that for six Jones bas traded his farmi on the Brook ma man or woman shonld despair auà give menthe I could net iRet up without helP. Bead te Jolîi Gilîrnan for bis prtie up hope, while they eau procure the I told my husband that uothing else but )n Church gtreet. The change will take hel medicine that drives away disesse. Paines Celery Compound could help me. f ,i lC this f, -ll. bay Strong and incoutrevertible proof- after other medîcines snd doctors had James lirien bas purcbased the Hart- sen, testimeny froid eue who suffered for ever faîled. r kfrnwtDue yToa fifty years-will give hope and inspira ",After takiug several botties of Paine'srikL arw, .Theprenaitd byuom eas tien te uiany of Canada's suffeners who, Celory Compound, I feel that I arn cured; in tihe neigbborbeod of $4,200, sud Mn. ag -p te tie presont, have boom unsuocose- I can uow walk aud go u# aud dowm Law netains possessionu ntil April fat, i g fuI with physiciaus aud thre common ad- stairs witli ease, and do ail my bouse- 1897. tim vertiaed medicinos of the day. work. Under the bleesing of Ged and George Dougss, south of the village, Tire marvellous and speedy cure cf yeur Paine's Celeny Compound, 1 arn has decided te retire from farming sud Mrs. A. R. Pansons, ef Sutton, P .Q., bas new well.' iras purchased frem G. W. Deeker the 1 created a wonderful sensation in that dwelhugn formnerly occupiod by the late ons - Mrs. Lahey. \X e wish Mn. aud Mrs. 1 ]BLACKSTUCK. lqAMPTON. Douglass every cornfort in their old age, bui aud at the same tîrno welcomne them to 1 Rev. S. J. Tavlor vitîted frîends bere Mrs. Fred and Miss Alice Kersiake our village as permanent rosidente. m retcrflt Iv. are visiting relatives ini Toronto. A numbon of district lettere consigned r Mrs. Andr-ew Kînsman w-ho bas been Mr. WVIll leacock. Toronto, visited te the waste paper basket again this et, il for soime time, is convalescing find1 eereety week, reason : devoid of uows, but foulOf i Mr 1 asfes gcdte - r. nd M s Bull INitems of a pensonal nature, idiculous in MrJoinstcin a rseeth o- r.adMsBul Stirling, are vis- tire extreme. We dont mimd a joke ofa mercial Hotelýwith a coat of paint. iting Mr. Fr-ank Parr. harmless nature, but idle gossBiP bas ne A goodly number of men are at work Mrs. E. Trenourh and M.\rs. J. H. place in our attention. 'We want evory Oe on our vill'age streets repairing and ex- Biurrows are under tbe doctors car-e. district in thre townships of Scarboro sud tending thre sidewalks. Mrs. Frank Ruse, Exeter, is guest at Pickering nepriaseuted in Our comue. Pa *Rev. R. M. Phalen lias rcturned Mr. Alex. Thompson's. Cerne fieude irelp us te make your local- ov from bhis vacation, lie attended tire Miss Ward entertained ber Sundav ity of importance. ni indiuction of Rev. G. l. NcLeodl into Scirool class at ber home Monday even- Thureday evoning of lest woek oeeof di the ewcstleconregtion Set. 3d. ng.these toncii-ligbt fakirs paid OU towm a the ewcstleconregtion Set. 3d. ng.vis it sud did some bnsiness ; but net W Mr. Wm. Lucas, our esteenied Town- Mr. H. Elliott. jr., gave an at borne meanly as mmciias e desinod, sud after s w sbip Clerk, was prostr-ated by iîîness te tire memrbers cf the choir. short lecture, the. valise wae packed sud about three weeks ago. Nie Is somne- Mr. T. B. Hoid.ge and wife of Mon- the toncb sxtinguisbod. Oui people are 0 wbat better tbougb ver-v weak. treal, are guests of Mr. John Cowlîng. becoming fairly well educated in this lin., ti A nmbe c tb votb cfCart- Mr. F. L. Ellis has beaten Mr. E. sunow giv. tiieso gentlemen a cool ne- Awrigb oined te eoflus t- Hastings' champion 26 oz. tomnate, ception, but we bave yet poople who eauh wriht-I'lnd he xOus o hegreat ' dcn n eghn oo.Nx.bo made blier. that gold watciies eau b. grain fieds of cdr Great Nortb Westprdcgoe igig3oz Nxt. purcbased for oue dollar, sud that power- j All werc succassf ni in getting work. Tire annual meeting cf tire auxiliary fui mnaguifyens are offened oometimes for 'Mis ElenWhie aýsed o hr lngbrancir cf the Womnan 1s Missionary So- 15 centa s .e MestsuEnd bit Se pad and t berog ciety was ireld on Tuesday evening and Que of the micet fasbionable woddings re~tSunav . Sre ad n atac ofthe following officers wrere elected: that hau yet taken place in Pickering wus mieasles wben inflammation cf tbe Iungs President. Mr-s. Howard; ist vice, Miss that cf Wodnesday eveuinglt wien Miss ýupcrvone of The funes era en in Annie Asiton; 2nd vice, Mrs. E. Rob- Effie Philp sud Mn. F. 0. Proston, of wasonecf ir ]ages eer eçninbins; secretary, Miss Mary J. Elliott; Midi and, wene. unitod in tiié hly bonds Cartwrigbt. Mr. Wh'ite and family treas, Miss Martha Oliver; cor. sec, cf matrimouy iu the mnetiiodist ohurob, in bave tire sympathy of their many. Miss Jennie Ward. tii. preseuce of a bout ofiuviled gUe8s.. friends. Ber. S. C. Pbilp, fatiier of the bride per- Rard Luek. 5BOLINA. formed tiie cenomouy. Tii. churoii as A fw Sbirtir sice rivte ord Mrs. W. Gorrill visited at Orono last suitsbly decorated for tiie occasion, sud was received at Blackstock that tire week.. the cenomouy WaS . wtnessed bY a large license inspecter contemplated a visit Mr. and Mrs. C. Bunt, Brock, visit- n2UMber 'Of OUT citie-a After tiihezer- to Ciusarea on tirat dav. Fearing tire ed Mr. Edwin Reynolds. 01805 in the chnrcb theo bridal partysud irote at on i un-thoir gueste repaired te tiie parsonàgé, htlkeeperatirhe village migbt ire Mr. Walter Vices second snisi-whore s sumptuofis fest was partaken of,. taken by sur-prise. one cf iris friends proving since his ilîness. Tii. bridewft5thie recipieut of a number callud hmm up 1w telepirore. warning Deputy-reeve Pascoe and wife have of preseuts, among them some COstily bim to have iris bouse in order, wbich been visiting friends at Port Perry. plate. The hiappy pain took the nigiit acîvice ire was prompt te act upon. A Mis Leta Gifferd, East Whitby, has trainl for Toronto, on route for Brie, party cf preminent residents cf tire.le- envîsiting ber aunt, Mr-s. A. L. Mich., whene tiiey will spend a fornight. calitv wiro bad been enjoying mine enTii. bride was s favorite iu the. Village, as hos'sbopialiy urngtireda 1to Pascoe. ellas aprominout inomben of the. warin -ase. tan'vduinLor de assthe Msr.WslkeadHsi r etoitcnc hir .ji o balncecf ir Sairair lesanly e- oig god orkwiir irer tacionuwnrabe riads n w~iiugMI.V- ver-y serieus ; tire passengers. ne doubt tinking prudence tire- better part cf valor, quietly slipped everboard into tire canee and paddled safely asirore. At a saf e distance tirey watcbed for tire destruction cf tire engineer and iris craft,ý but kind Providence interfered and the party were spared a tragedy. Tireirotel keeper's luck was net quite as favorable. Tire inspecter arriving at threirotel sirortly after tire departure cf the party, irad his suspicions aroused, and ire surnoned the rnerry party te give evideuce in the case against tire irotel keeper. Tbey, net wishing te appear in court, suggested tire fine te be paid witirout any evidence being taken, wiricb suggestion wu proraptly acted upon. Tire Cartwriirt Council made eut tireir budget at their, late meeting as follows: Townshiip purposes $1,227; county purposes 8i,3yi i;f-to -bex-ased for division amofli the schools, $î ,Soo; making a total Of $4,338 to be collect- cd. The only tùf i er 'tch te Council bas contol je 'tjat raised for -township pnrposes. The»aseaed value of t.he township je $723020,5801 that' it will require 6o cents on the $loo as- sesscd value tormise the total aniouni required, Tire prizes offered by tire Canning- ton Central fair tis year are mucb, larger tiran those cf previeus years, r w a i l tire special attractions are first-class, and everytiig points the coming fair being tire best in tire history cf tis 1111M town.. Rev. J. B. McLaren, cf Columbus, delivered a very interesting and enter- TIIS Sp RING tainink lecture in the rnethodist churcbi on Tbursday evening last. The sub- ject was --The Boston Convention Qf TAKB T' 8 NEWý Christian Éndeavor.- His lecture was M DCN Mrucii appreciated by all present. A 'good joke was perpetrated on- aboqt ole hundred of our citizens on__ Saturday- A report was cîrculated te - tl4e effoct ,that Mr. C. H. Amey,,bad a NXIPN large w*Ild-ca at hie liver "bland _y bt AK N Oo threshin g mchinie.,with the words ___________ Cail tî pit6il îuhe aide of it... it tale~ t A e cJ. r ai. 4.B Oa fr o lltn t w."' here* on ~akPerrie,tîcf Toronto, caliedhre eM iusaa L ittlejoh ui werd Iere on awe wioisr pmnts. 1 1&y il of Toronto, baî been wih à9y =erW for à few doam. *. Wiioliffe ad bride, of Toronto, be with friende Tueday. loi Irwin, tesober t Green River, d be Sunly with ber friend, Ir. Nah, of Wahington Terrltory, w witb ber nother, Ms. Casper son. &mes Wiliams showed us three pots the other day that veraged a pound- b. r. nd Mie. Sherrard ad daughter, lansas, left fror home on Friday. Thy 1visit at Niagara Fals ad New York. . Hutcbison bas returned to bis ve bills in Uxbridge townhip, fter ing spent a few days here witb ohm Pattersoiiad W. Harvey are ing orne trouble over the shootinq of og. The. probabilities are that the ktter wifl go to court. LutL Saturday a number of our people d a rivate picnic at Frenchman's Y. Aout twenty persona were pre- t ad ail enjoyed the. day imniensely. Robert Beattie je mcii pleased with Lnitoba ad bas eecured a situation at ood salary. Joseph Young is also do- gwell. Thoy will mot return for some e yet.-News. TYKONIE, Mr. G. H. Jardine is progressing fav- -ably. Mr. S. Binghamn is doing a rushing simeas in apple barrels. Mr. J. Awde je making many improve- iente on hie property. Mr. H. Wilson will pursue hi E studios tAlbert College, Belleville, during the nauing torni. Viaitors: Mr. ad Mrs. W. J. Davey, Vhitby; Mr. and Mn. T. T. Jardine, ehawa ; Miss Ethel King, Bowrnanville. A vory heavy thunder storm accom- ,aied by very sharp lightning, passed )ver lust Saturday aftornoon ; the light- img struck several places, but no serious amage was don. around here. Mr. Arthiur sd Miss Betha Brent ere viiting friende at Millbrok, this week. Miss M. Wilson ably officiated at tiie organ in tiie church on Sabbath laut, in ho absence of Miss B. Brent. Miss Wilson lef t on Tuesday to resume hen duties at Blleville College. Her brotiier acconipanied ber and will attend the high echool there. The. Rarveat Rlom. will b. held here n Sudy, Sept. 29th, ad Wdesday Oct. 2nd. On Sunday the. Rev. Dr. Haro, President of the. Whitby Ladies' Colaege, will occupy the pulpit both mornîng "d evemxzg, and on tii. fudlow-. ing Wednesdy Rer., A. 0. Courtice, E4i t .-tii.Gardumn, Toronto, will give a lecture. Ilanpton choir wull f ur- nish. munic at ail services. Notice- of Tran8 fer Pubi<~noiceishereby givem that I have made appi Cation for the ti ansfer of town- tayr n ios. 14o. 36o now beld by John' Smitbi.Oftbe Rafiroad Houe, Whitby, to me> ' J. FO'Yl'Whitby Ont. M g utt zt ,1 895 3 21n, AneÂ,d Cottages are on. the. Souh lion, of Lakte Ontario, pop.divsa &TYLE AND SHAPE Ladies .-: Dresses% bm; aSer usisgmai rs Ti.only Sklrt Boue thiat nsy be Wet wlthotur Uy. .The Celebrtedè4 ahrb n comes WG orded with bis For sale by i-eadlng 0Dry Gooderoaos. What is and Obildren. It contatas neither OoiumlIgorphlflenor other &qamrotie substSflCO. It la a barmilu substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothlng SrIMp1an d Castor 011. It la Pleasant. Its guairantee la -thlrty yeatV use by Millons of Mothers. Cagtoria deStroys Wo!1Isand ailsys feverlslifess. Castoria prevents vomitlng Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. CaStOrIS reliev«i teething troubles, cures constipaionl sud fiatulency. Castorla assimilates the food. reguI5ýO5-the@ StO!fSh and bowels, givl.ug healthy aud - ntural oleepe Oau- toria le the Oblidren'5 FanaSa--th-iffIother'5 Fieuid et castelaman ercelentrnedldflê for el- dieu. Motes have repeatedliy told mue cf its good ef.»ct upon their chilren."1 Dir. G. 0. Osoocu, toweI4 Ms ~CaMrila.the best remedy for ebildren cf which 1 am cqialnted.1 hop the day la et far dlstànt wbenmotheroW&1oonfderthoreal juteest of theirOchUlreI, and um Càotwl8 In Mmed of the vrlous qu&nsà%kIEIs'wi& m destnOyig tl1k'loved oeesby forcingOPIfl> morphlue, eootizlng uynup and other rt agerAtadcviithein thrcatB, ther.byeudn tem to PematuiO graves" Da. 3. P. NmE OGqxi5YArk. 'sec. i~ J121 Ïty die. 1 ,.plred tO 'f kn.own to me&" JL A. EEEI , "Our physiciSfS lu. llzedlim%5dent- meu bse soken hlgbly4t IIUr ezpoe(f- ece ln tWar OUCt» pa<oWltOte and alt.oush va ny ae c~oo med MM upIOm wba$ 5 nR àarOgulat prodqctsy« *0 O *65 5M1bt meitf caêoris bau wea ln to Iglkv faenupeafflit." ALtiAiS .Buria, Freia., anTS.sd Mise Fb Couice visitedl -in canton receittly. Mr. <kGo. Short talks of eelln bs fam heme and go4 nortb. *ý--Aý- lu %.. m U......u vi îtd +he-iv Il kl - mmi o.atauw oplT :iwySreK $old E r eO 5e w-.You t, . -TO-- of Ta vern 1

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