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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Sep 1895, p. 4

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£OQei$s o.refnlly r ~epared. !IL LIS, Druggist, Hall, * Whftby T. 13, 1895. Uà bers -X, ~l~l1idutrla exhibition bas iowloù as4belng\ the greaLtst an- i the world, ant if balf a million *=mPed together ta ,put up new 'It would ,Son ho regacded as a zrot g1ah rottersanad îaurists ta ýig firme ai fardiersanad tailors in ev- hua arrested charged wîth bo fire iusUranco campanies out ýtIllait dollars. The case against iî1Vry bad and aIl the principal ýX9ntreal Ihave been ongaged for tadiancanaI at Sault ste. Marie PyO~~d ta traffic laut Friday. .rut advautage ta lake traffic, P«* titétI the American canal. t 'Paus vees loaded ta their ity. Thle apening af this canal Ïb IMPOrtant Period lu Canada's Q"w anmd lake waterways, and Îni ' an acievemoent of whl i 11w - W, proud. trecta questions ta be settled ini 'rk State. elections this falli int toicatlug liquorm shaîl be ~4"y,, end the. Republican and C P&rties are iguring au ta baw est i Is pollcy ta catch the be er i', pýemOt3Mamde the present W,-wbich fobilds liquor selling pp#mttlgo for bpen Sunday laws ý'à1IiIbrty lwsthey cal hem. 4kaat's are ikely to try local op- Ibl4 for the. ilquar vote-that is, e people of each City ta vote Wi or not; they want grog shops jt"inu asYdia le eomewhat ad- 99ýwe»Y under its new editorial ý4À,d u4bsfor some weeks been î# dlseussion on the aid sub- ý=hsUd State, hoping ta be able M ebiIe the Msate should be alied U*t tbèe'sbould bu no recog. deuominatIous. 0< course this god sensible talk, though mast lt;Z u efore ; but if weunde r. Îtrt Wcasustlat the stato shall bu ychristian The Roman n col their daim ta, se te WIcoud tat religion 8houiîd 4 ndwIth ecrything, and os- ~teducation, and thue argument cMtegaet'aarmd. It meassprac- 4my, *i-the-year-round religion,i ewere only 'one religions denomi- Wfdofrnany jealous, intriguin~ flbt n that everybody woul Ïe-ot" pCatholle View of thet K inthc correct ane. But prac-4 co appeaus ta demand that the Mt ftcognize suy sect, sud this ýtm* we oea aie why It should1 IW"iem 1411.'»d ail their educa1 tUc1ôftà Tierefore, wc (car, thse1 s*Uuot Make a vMe trong jobc " hoflit argument on church andc âffle tisat the state should bu mLpqty nonlly 50, la like aay-g «ù lskeU busa blilever lu christ- -iot a practical or profeeeing Ï CM fs ai slsurance friud bas ght et XCaMme City. Dr. Fraker1 *a» bethlnt with morne frleuds at w.c yeaum ep. Hi suddenly dis Mtd bis companlone thought hiu He kup ot of ai ght for a dayar Sake of wetcblng the effect of hie J by that trne MW tus: the cur- fii b.d tabia suce c =u. that a do wU Ifbe mowed up nein. mn e wendhre. lHe dfted tô ilvaùkee, sud other plwacensd me a oermit luthe. mode of1 tw t, -Cqneden border. Tt il _pý&L 0( ftail d projevwwori qpneo. I ;taztpeort0àn mOUt lAvé to ý.v .t>rd4ý'inehë taTontô ln -an u ir sli üp1v u tu\ge6,us, sud nothl keelig wth tbman.*rch ifot r modem divi. lizatiosi, Everythlrg te chIeapur thanme ~sd Ia be, except the postaI stamp wblich i. con. trle y goverdeîttild tbsrallway-ticket wblcb ia coptrofledby îuoney sharke. The' govooie»t:ýud'the- rntiney gtabber ie'ie in.ý dlifférent to pragresa aud'toobllnd to their own tntereaýs- to sec, th&t lower poutal sud rallway telatou wauld instantly increase the traffic five or ten fold. The best way for Canada ta do Is ta wait a fow years loilger until the English sbareholders froeze them- selves out, and then lot our government take hold of the road and run it at ratesthat wIlll promote, flot retard, traffic. We can use the telophono and telegraph, and can buy tic- kets for a few Vears until a ratlanal period strikes our big corporations. Town "ocale. Mfrs. J. Richardson is laid up with an attack af bronchitîs. Miss Florence Dartnell left on Manday last ta reside in Toronto. See our bandsarne al wool delaines, anly 25C. per yard at W. H. Warren's. Mm. Elliott ieft for Maberley, Ont., ta visit ber son Alfred, wbo bas a goneral store there. Special line aIl wool serge dress goads 47 inches wide, otily 25C., al l eading colors ta select from. W. G. %Valters. segries oi m ni ts Srcstta, ins-.utg a, 8zsle am."dcoltay trotting ,mâticu, Peqýle thouirht tha the Yachting suprrnaecy Of the ,rî'would ùow bu settledt but fýô:m the nlàoa 1eut, thera t wbltelsale .wer6sped ob% thusé rac ng moýnÊtroeltles .-we8' suc elit thetblng ha. petered Out lu aridiaui lo>ue and lunparaitlekd farce, aud ychtlhg wlU godcown beoodconteiuptn tb bil ai People of t0u future. The siaitl 1be zelegated to the pait, where it belongs, :aud attention *Ill be turned to the betteil pro- pelltng methode of the proceût aud future. PRiaNoC LIMSEUR. 'Miss L. Boyntau le spending a week In the City. Mr. R. Balfour, sr., has beon apjpo1nted sexton iu the place of Mc. Tucker. Mrs. Bartley has retucned borne after at. tending sorne sick people elsewhore. Mr. aud Mrs. A. Hayes were attendlng the exhibition on Wednesday aud Tbursday. Harry Willmott bas returned homoe. He looks muchi invlgorated aiter bis period of manual labor. Mc. Epton, wbo bas been il1 for smre tirne, daeflot improve. The nature af bis malady la uncertain, tbougb it is su pposed that ho, too, bas bad a slight attack otféfver. The muembers af the division of tbe S. of T. are tcying ta wark up interest in the divi- sioh by the question drawer, which consists af questions asked by rfembers ai the divi- sion and answered by other memubers chosen irorn the div. Other divisions nt.ay profit in this duil time by adopting such a plan. Another case ai typhoid fever lu reported, that ai Miss Maud Bartley. This disease has for smre lime been epidernic, the num- ber wbo have been afflicted thereby being large in proportion ta the population. This should be a warning to others ta keep their back-yards and out-houses in a good sani- tary condition and aIl o: ber filthy corners where the germs ai uuch diseases mnay be produced. Get vour fire-pots, grates, Iran or brick linings for ail kinda af' stoves, ranges or furnaces, from J. Mclntyre. ý%'e are pleased ta see Mr. Jas. Nocris, night operatar at tbe junction, out agii ater su ftering a severe at tac k af lever. Have you seen the new Trllby corset? Il nat, try a pair. The b)est Si curset in the market, ta be badi only lrorn W. H. Warren. Dr. Henry Brigbt's English Liver and Kidney Pilla, are tiow. beiiig introduced in Canada. Can be had ai ail dealers in medi- c: ne. The thernioreter got beYond the contraI of the weatber clerk or aîiybodv elbe on Wednesday, and perfocmed a blgb wire as- censionact, reacbing an altitude somewbere between 95 aud iao degrees. Mr. L. T. Barclay arrived back on Tues- day iiom bhis trip wltb the Foresters o Eng. land. Mr. Bacclay looks vigorous, and bears every evidence ai baviug passed a splendid holiday. We may add that Mr. Rasse Jaostan bas moat efficieutly and cour- teously discharged thc important duties af Mr. Barclay's office during the Iatter's ab- sence. Rev. Geo. Stafiord and Mrs. Stafford, ai Barnston, Que., are here vlsing Mr. Wni. WVicks and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stafford are pbysically and mentally in good condi- tion, and report theneiseves as residing iu a modernized and progressive cammuuity. The farmers ai the Eastern Townships bave gone largely inta dat't3irig, aud store away immnse quantities ai corn in silos at this season oi the year. Fifteen months for $z es. The Chronicle and Weekly Globe fcam naw ta Jan. Iqt. 189-,, for $1.25. Tell your triends about it. Ta Rent. Good stable, drive house and yard, next lot ta foundry nortb, $i per montb. Apply- ta Wn>. Shaw or E. Stephenson. Wanted. 1000 people ta buy boots and shoos atà ceduction ai 25 per cent, for the next 3o days at the west side bout and sboe store. Colon aof the 34th Battalion. Thse ceremony ai preseuting the new colora, ta the 34th battalian will take place at the Ontario & Durham exhibition bore next week. See programmes. At thse ExhibitIon. Mr. B. Madill asks us ta announce that be wîll have a Sturgessa iteel churn'an exhibi- tion at the great fair bore next week. Ho wisbes ta bave fariners sud their wives in- spect the cburn. Coul 1 Coal 1 j ust recei ved thbree cargoes, 400 tous each, fresb miued Scranton coal per steamer Flora Carvetb. I amrnuow prepared ta aupply clean, brigbt, carefully screoned coal ut lowest possible price. Office opposite Tfiz C13EONICLE Wbitby. E. R. BLOW. A treat coanlng. We understind the choir ai the Simcoe st. ttethodiat cburcb, Osbawa. wbicb com- prises smre splendid soloists, wili give a concert in the tabernacle bore on Manday Sept. 3ath. Our people may look forward ta a great treat. Card of thanks. The- afficers aud members of Roderick Dbu camp, Sans ai Scotland, take this op- portunlty ai thanking aIl those whoa contri- buted towards the prize fuud or in any other wsy asslsted in carryiug out the cale- donian celebrat on on thse civic holiday. D. WILSON, Secretary. Chicagoansd Returu On October 3rd, gh aud 5tb ticke~t agents in Canada ýwi l seIl round trip tickets ta Chicago at the lowest rate ever made ta thse Wiudy city. Ticket% oust read via Detroit, Wabash railway.. Ail tickets are gond iW returu up ta, October axt ; eolld through tisins. Diagram o f uleepers now open. Full pariculas ,(acta any R.R. agent, or J. A. RichIardson, Canadien Passenger Agent, nortbeast corner King sud Yougo streets, Toronto. Towa Cvoue The towu foaeibl"ePsvery short tacet- 1agoa Monday aight A letter was read NE W E FALL ï AND E BROOK ST COLUMBUYS. Mr. Blake Doolittie is reccvening. Mr. J. Wotten is the happy father of a voung son. Mr. and Mrs. T. Stabback have returned borne. Mr. Samuel Tink bas again returned ta Belle- ville Coliege. The Misses Hugo have returned to their home ln Toronto. Quite a number from this place are attendnF the Toronto exhibition. Miss Mary Spo.ncer, of Toron to, has been re- newing acquain tances here. Mr. Edwin Collins, Stratford, is spending a few days with friends here. Mr. lErnest Allant bas gone ta Toronto toa au tend the College of Phariacy. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harper, Of Utica, spent Sunday and Monday with friends here. Mrs W. 1. Roberts and Master Charles and .Miss Ethel are viiting relatives in Columbus. Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Christian and MIrs. Ba:- four, of Pott Perry, are at Mrs. Wm. Braund's. Mr. Samuel Tink took cba e af îbe last Sun. day mervices in the methodist curch at Brooktin, Mr. Leggott being absent on bis vacatign. Mr. and Mrs Marks, of Greenibanlc,'are w~ Mr. Win. Mclean's. Mr. Albert Orruiston is at bomne. Mrs. Manning at Win. Ormiston's. Messrs. Hobbs and Goodman are at Mr. Wni. Hobbs. The methodist congregation were gladtia u ee one of their former ministers, at the rnorning service, (viz) Rev. Mr. Philp. Rev. Mr. Smith and wife of Lyons Head, were also preseniand their young son was baptised. Tbe ceremony was perforrned by the pastor af the churcb as- sisted by Rev. Mr. Pbllp. Rev. Mr., Smith also took charge of tbe evening service and gave a very interesting diseourse, choosishi sub-, ject from the twenty-fiftb chaptér of atthew, At 27' Grant street, Buffalo, N. Y., on Wed- nesday SePt. 4th, Cecil Leslie, son of Peter and Lily Wilson, aged one yoar and- ton days, interred at Whitby. Port Psrr. Faîl whoat Mc to 56c, spring M5c to 56c, gooso 50c to 52, bartey 6 rowed 30Ç to 3.5c, barloy 2 rowed 30C to 35c, Tye 4oc to -.oo, oats 21 ta 22C, blackeyed peas 53c ta 5.5, mummy .53C ta 55, small 48c ta so, buckwboat 3.5c to 38, beans 81.00 ta $x.io, alsike clover S4oo ta 4.60, red $5.00 to #.5.50, grass sooid $1-76 ta $2.20, corn 40C to o0, sheepskins 40C ta 6oc, WOOl 2oC to oo, bides 5c to 6c, beef $.5. oo ta 0.0o, park $5.oo, ta 5 5o, turkeys lac ta 00, ducks soc ta oo, cbickens o7c to o, geese 7c ta oo, butter sac ta i5c, eggs lic ta saC, lard 12 t oaoc. potatoos aoc W acoc, apptes per bush 2aCctW 30C., bard wood $4.00o W *4-50, soft wood 82.00 to $250. Whltby. Fali whoat, 6oc ; spring wlieat,' 7c'; oats neW 2,5 ta 30, old 35;- potatoes per big 40c; peas sesall 6o c; claver Alsike $3.50o W $4.50; hay Sia W $i i; butter z8, ta 2o. The Vindicatar Baye: Nat much grain le as yot offoring on our local market. Follow- Ing are the. quotations : barley, NO. 1, pc-;' NO. a,' 3C ; nsts, -25C ta a6C ;POas, iemall soc; mumnifes, .5c; black-'ytei,, &c; fiaiif,ý .5OC ta 55c ; rYe, 40C ; alsike, ý 4.00 tO$,.Uo Apple$ are In emali denzand. the evsporators- Phfg 25c.- r zoo lbq. On Saturday Mi;ý Fo6*ke sald C could flot get au acoeptance 'Of 40 ets. p«Tzoo Mb.. forta Iot'of (alil pples. Lut ysrtbery.oldst $z eý - 'b EW M s. O O D S ibf AND' Ready Made «OU may tadk about the break of tb 0 Conduit Pipe ini Torouto, but -it is nothing wben oompared with the break in prices of E Goods at our Store. We arce going-. I make business hum this Fa/t, and in order Io do so we wl/i commence 4>' seiling; . Ho 8e at 25e., (special value.) Ladies' Corsets at 25o per pair. All Wool Grey Flannel at 15e, 20e, 25c and- 80c. Just reeeived another bale of that Factory Cotton selling at 5c per yard (worth 8c) ; selling fast. Corne early and secure some before it is ail gone. Men's Beady made Suits at $5, $5.50 and1 $8.75. BoyB' 2-piece Suite-at $2.759 $8, and $3.50. Boys' 8-piece Suite at $4, $4.50 and $5 ; ail well made and stylish. Canton Flannel at 8e, 9e, 10 and 12je. New Goods ar- riving daily. Be sure and see our's before making your fali purchases as it will welI repay you for your trouble. P.S.---Order secure a good to selectJfrom. j; your Fali Suit from us and Large range of Patterns Donm prom, Ladies' Cashmere W INTER GOODS. WE are in receipt of a portion of our new FALL and WINTEIR DIRY (100DS, consisting ini part of New Dres Goode in Tweeds, Serges, Henriettas,1 etc. New IHosiery, Gljoves, Corsets;, and email wares, Linons, Towels, Towellings, Napkins, etc. New Flannels, Cot- tons, Flannelettes, etc. In men's, yonths' and boys' Clothing wro are showing the finest, range we have yet of-' fered and at prices that cannot help but-please everybody. In men's, youthis' and boys' Hats and Caps we are' show- ing the very newest thing ini the- mari t. in ladies' aund- men's Waterproof Clothing we have juà.t received a& xery choice selection of the very best goods ii - the mokt which wilI be sold at the very, lowest prices. W. H. fI?,00Xo]K WARREN-* WBITBr The- Ungited- ,States Hseêd offioe-îIùNEW, YOJK, City Le A4 Ste wart, canadian ',manar~ îeap. I. IMPORTANTT AI.-NDREW@ Me ROSS. m swim YLI'blà(L,Àà<LX Ylî>6y.L-4àK4exàcàyx" YIE se LadieB' and Children's Rubbei Cireulars at 500. Ladies .Walters'. Hardwo at W. Till iMc. Geq holiday at Mr. Wrr a flying vi Ladies' prices at 1 Miss Ma of Miss Ec For di! Brigbt's E Mr. and bave been Hughes ht Mr. Alfr week visit Mr. Jas frani Nap grain buyi Mr. Ed Friday an, interests. witb him. Mr. Jna tawn an, -tria. Thi at Toio-ntÀ * -twa birds On the nard Bake WbItby to be bettq bicycle ram advertisem Belore bi theAnders threshsng 1 Wlitby. Servicesat At AUl S -îng service a course0 The subie ingnext i ityand its a Capitg 1 bave Mr. W.Hl -quirng th * - ass rep, réopaired-s - &st clase. The ste ý,xu'~n the T 0 1 m à DN'!âFORGE Hayard - hasgo uhs FALI~~ An ITBGQS f"iles of theta. ea tlfb 1a * t

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