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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Sep 1895, p. 6

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of t h. arriva wfth a brothfi trthuzey mert î *oprsson of th( oflher sirgle statE 4piywuBaail&H imeE ' bIrtàera, who treated "da ireverential ceur BV m otting signait litilei Luaeand Modal 511581 "ithal il was Dai< MaiIê iter but te soinetgifl1 ~9e* .a~kiportance ini Ilici long asud finally decide< a romiance. There wu. it1I Way tbey saîi IlP'tite ~I m i ey they avoided ail 93=bdtamige and marniage ýU2 tt~wy'ite Loulson'a uA Moepted inatantiy as final, ts&d satiafiednode on «althe brothere, and witl #4110W oee!-Hos naffected neyer te bear but looked comp1acently NV.btr ber, stirrinthe speen ir and butter. ce was quite lte adorat.ion in whicb she weas 4a he gracefully acceptedv--di kh vs an objeot of interest. h"bd ibot the heart te laugh ýÃ"tssaeof ber brothers, net at the sarfor though she was aitd e ansd thin, and ber ~êlre and red, there was a 9deeP in ber cyca, a curieus 112u her'otrriage which cemmanded 8hh6 at ruled these brothers, 1b60worhipped by them for nearly î *tuwry, sud the romance they ,kD' 0ive had-produced a grotesque elU.and i bauty in the admirxrxg ':1 qso=n29 an affectionate name gmte, 1ke the IlLittle Cor fo~ ~apoeon.She was net littie 4rbtt'bout th. middle heiglit, and aW.l streaketi with gray. Wt-ý »unetr towards Madellion wus '2îýkd- %Vany affection. Bbc waa WUfrmn âýnd, izupersonal way, muech 4s'ort cf old-fashioned mnight have been trying dOG et t es eei ofrth *e*e were Florian adOtv and Ieàdo. and Emily-the 1$'t wlher aside from the others, *tqialkod together by the river. ~ifr ugeted confidence and pi1emo nwith a voice cf husbed j he told Medilon theroac ýX1QUiôU. A.nd each of the ýbM -4 dferent limes during tbe ý'*oWeeke 4d 1 he same, differing ~ i udetais8 or choice et ýýg a2*lelng, d net Bt ail in Wfabtî anti essentials. But eacb, ý .104 tir ade a difierent exclama oo ~oSad so wonderful!1 8h; tt-erP'tite Lonisen 1 Ii~lwgives him a legaoy in ber t P'tité Louison r" said Octave atsite Goveruor and the Cardi lier-P'tite Louison 1", said Ieding oeônfldently aIMedallion. ke~i, you should sec the linen and 4'bpa1Psaii lastore, the humer. -t A t Il fl. 1ews.re. ;w. In~uit meet again!l" te *hauk hM and hurry away Nezl ay eh. -U, skating, aiMdshe do thedànseot'lthe in Fy« up.- -cl. . Whils ah. do it, Some on. u is*M, sud obl irbua U.emolslle, leIwo do il togthe- W. lt "eaboler breat4iaway. It a MI'. d. l i -kamthe û îihe bnowe btu hé have a strar voae maun.PtipLuon -khmber bathmn o le Mw, P'ieLâouison, .helrayuc.hî what fine thinga bad eh., suiùl la il tc 'g b. doun I a vekhile lb.e theatre in le New York wait for M'sien. And hle ail lter. with nsb aud -play with the &Iddie, rand sing songa sud sot pisys and bhel -Florian in th. barn. snd Octave te men rthe fece., and the cure te mend the. pape. tvines ou bis wail. And b. show me and OEmile how te play sword sticks, sud Le pick flowers sud fêteb thee te P'tite E îo ensd show ber how te inike an romelette aud a sslad like the chief of the Louis Quinze Hotel, s0 te say. By gesh, what a geod lime we have, but first oee dsad thon anctthor, h. gel a sob in bis 9throat wben h. tbiuk thet P'titc Louison gr o to beave us, and thé more w. are damu rois. A.nd that P't.ite Louison, se kies d every oeeand say le M'sieu Hadrian, "Charles, I love yen, but I cannot go." Ho laugh at ber, sud say: "lVoIla, we wiil takeitsbem all with us." That nigbl ea thing bappon. The ocure corne aud he laIook ver' rnad, snd ho frowu, sud hoiegay jte M'sien Hadrian before us al: "M'sieu, ydu arc married1J. "iilBy goali, that P'tite Leuison get pale ike suow, sud w. ail stand round ber close sud iaay te ber quick : I"Cenrage, r lie Louison," M'sien Hadnian thon M'sieu a the priest sud said: Il No, 2 'in; 1 was married ten years ago; zny wife drink aud go wrong and I gel divorce; I amn froc tike the wind. " "lYou ere not free," theocure gay qnick, church canet marry yen again, aud 1 canaud Leuison wc give yen up." IlPtite Louiscu stand like Stone. rM'sien turu te ber. Il What shail it b;, Louison ?" b;Say. IlYon will corne with me ? 4Kies me, Charles," eh;egay, "suad teti me zood-bye tili-till yen are free." " He look liko saniadruan. "lKies me on ce, Chartes," se;gay, "sand let me go." " And ho cerne te ber and kiss ber on the lips once, sud lho say, IlLouison, corne witb me. I wili neyer give you Up.- She draw back to Florian. ',Goodby, Charle," she gay. IlI will wait as long as yen witI. Mothor of God, bow bard it je te do righs J" se;gay, and thon she turu sud leave tho reoin. M'sien Hadrian, be gave s long sigh. "It was my eue chance,' b;egay. Now the devil take il ahl." Thon ho nod snd Bay to the cure:. "We'il tbrash this eut at judgrnont day, M'Sieu. J'il meot yen there-you sud the wornu that spoiled me Hie turu le Florian aud the rosI of us sud shako bauds, sud saý, " Take car; cf Louison. Tbank yeu, Gcod-by." Then ho etare towards the door sud stumble, fer ho teck sick, "lGive me a drink." b; eay. sud begin te congb a tittle-s queor sort ef ratte. Florian give bim a big drink, sudheo tes ilcff.I"Tbauk yen," ho gay, sud start agair, aud wo 000 bimn walk away over the bill ver' rilow, sud ho nover came back ! But every ycar there cernes te New York a box cffiowers, sud every year P'tite Louison send himaa Merci. Chartes, mille fois. Dieu te &garde." It is se every year for tweuty fivo yoar. " Where i he o w ?" asked Medallion. Isadoro sheok bis bead, thon lifted bis eyes religiously. IIWaiting for judgrnenl day and P'tito Lonisgon," ho auswered. "Dead 1"- cried Medailion. "How long ?" Twenty years." "But the fiewers-the fiowers" "Ho ef t word for theut te b. sent jusl tL- sain.-Te idnghe.,the .hid c Graveyard Insuce Case. BODY 0P &ýRS- GOREnoALGER. 0F BROUG- Bià>it! EIXHUMED.-WEERE 15 DRI. FRÂK(7Y, Or WHITEVALz '-P05T MoR- TElS SHOWS TEE vexAit DIED op colt- ( Toronto World.) Provincial De$etv. John Muay, se- oopied by Dm,. Jol> Fergusen and George 'L.DBmghami t or mot , euuty Orovu Attorneay J.E& Famreol ad 9e' mI.rIotWhlby 7- ~ %t5W58ýi&UJWt ISUQ e sOMO.Wve,. ppMnetly dtàp oh & WL.,> informeti th e -mo ~nt,îserions charge àlikely toe Le f proferredý vai thait of cou- a piracy te defraud. GUÂRDINO TEE GRÂVXE. High Constable Calverley Lad speut' teni¶ptiu the ceinotery Looping guard 1 oe " gave, fears havixig evidently bbeau entertainedti ta au attempt would bbe made te remeve th. body. Mnr.. Alger vas bunied in uthe.centre ef tbe Hubbard fatnily plot. Mesurs. Macdonald & Fitch, Algen's solicitons, wm onou aud te look after the intereits ef thein client, sud thneatened to resist any attempte te rais; tb; body, but finaliy Iheught botter cf ik. They thon dcmnded that a coronerse jury b. calod, but when this requcat was refused Dra. Bateson, of Brougham, Brodie, cf Claremont, sud R',binson, cf Markham, were adrnittcd to the poet mortem on b;- hall of bMr, Alger-. TRE BODY EXHUMED. To set at roi the rumor cf murder by pcisoniug that had been flying round the township, Meuirs. Macdonald & Fitch asked that the contents ef the stomach b; taken for analysis. The crewn offi- cerf acceded te the request, though their attention was particuiarly devoted to tbe lungs whero evidonces cf 1h; cause cf death were expected te b; apparent The officiaI axiatysis wil l e made knowu in a few days, wben specialists on bebaif of M1r. Alger will Le presont, but a superfi- cial oxarinatien was sufficiont to reveal that tho woman's death was duo te con. sumption. The ioft iung had aimost on- tirety wastod away ; tb; sinail portion that rcmained baving grewn te ber aide. The ight Iling wae aise in an advanced etate cf decay. Those ergans, the braie and the contents of the stemach were taken charge cf by the physicians, sud tbe body again iowerod imb its rosting place. WHERE 18 DR. FRANCY A Wortd ropresontative calîed at the reaidonce cf Dr. Fraecy, in Whitovate, but was inforrned by Mms. Francy that tho dector bsd left borne Saturday evon. xng. As te wbero b; went, or wbou ho intexided le roturu, Mn.. F'rancy eaid ube wau enîireîy ignorant. She oxpected him home Monday evening, but ho did net appear, sud as she Lad ne word frem hip ah; did net kaow anything of bis mevements. Dr. Fraucy's nain; is at tached le botb applications as modicai [examiner cf Mrs. Alger. Hie ha. prac- ti.aod in Whitevato for six years.1 -THE HUSBÂND 0F THE DEÂD WOMÂK. . Mr. ARgon, the Lusband oet1h. dead woman, is s fariner in ceintentable cir onmstancea. Hiaborne, two miles veit ef Broughamn, is eueetflte model tarins cf tLe township. Mn. Alger Lad iesaed bis tari n d issnod postons aunouncing s sale et Lis stock sud impleuxonts for Sept. 20. Realiziug Ibat this wonid only ,add te the ruinors wbiob bail been circulated, Le drove through tLe township Monday caiug in th; posters snd announcng lte indefinite postponemeut et thc sae. WLen The World iutenvieved Mr. Algen, 'lie declaned beisnlnocence of any, -vnongdeing, aud expresaed a deaire fot a seanching investigation into Le wboIe malter. WLen teld that Dr Fnancy Las net been at bomne since Sïtunday, - Mr. Alger nrnsnrked, "The man iea.a fool, if' Le is as innocent s he clairns tobte« I don't tear an investigation, as I bave doue nothing vnong." Hie coinplained bitterly that tLe crowu autherities Lad given i ne official notice et lb; exhuination oethlie body. MR. ÂLGER'5 SOLICITOR8. Messrs. Macdonald & Fiich'wene seen in retoreuce te ILe Position Ot their client, Mn. Alger, in the malter. "4Mr.. Alger is a pertcctly innocent man,"I ssid Mn. Fitch, "sud this action of the auth- enlties te-day iu dnagging the body et Lis wite ont oftheb grave vo Consider a scan- dai sud au injustice te hini. The fust poli'y we admit, That vas the resul t a innînal arrangement belveen Mn, ipn Mn.. Alger. when they agneed te î 1 anre thein ives for $7000 eab, lu laver oet eue anoîhen. Mn. Alger vas thon carrying insnrauce for $5000, sud h. sdd.d su- othen $200. The tast application M 1. Alger Lad ngotbling to do. vith, HoeLad ne ides of t itsexistence untir atten bhie wif e's death. Thon. was undoubtedly a couspinaoy te defnand the insurauce cen-, pany, but oun client Lad nelowl g of il. There veulti neveriave been an:y attempîte tocollethe b.rnuy ÛàîLe Polcy, Lad gene Ihnough." Mrs. Alger, the dead wouran,, w' yean Of 'Age. 8è u he I.ouly danghtï efthL late William Webb ubebzdwho vas eUT et breai1hictî farwen ~uthes township. R. diot a year sud a, ,haI ago, Lutlia. euLard la stiUimlyv. ren,~ ~ ~ ~~n 1h oueî fwe re twanaa boyadagilaLu 7 yg0g, discover -îLe tiei-. Hè shoul&b se"vferely deaIt with.-News. Threshing is the order of the day. The grain is.turning out weîl. One of Wm. Dobte's horses was noticed to be a little sick the otherday. and they gave it a dose cf medicine. At tweive o'clock it was much worse, and the hired: man went for the vet, but when he got back it vas dead. It was worth tvo bundred dollars, Mr-. Arthur Swanick, of Marsh Hill, was visiting friends hero on Monday. Mr-. E. Acton had a weti dug a week ago about a hundred feet deep and Saturday it was fifled with the ramn and washed in the banks and about haif filleti it in. à Comiort lemetimes. When health lu far gene in Cousuxnption, then soeitime enly case and coînfont caui b; secured frein tb. use ef Soît's Emulsion, What ls u es boîter 14 te take this muedicine iu time b sBave your bealth, Au increase ef rates is being discusoed by the tranesasntic steamship cernpanies. KOecP Mirds Liniment in e Boua. The trial ef Napeleon Demens, charged with wifc murdor, is ie progresu at Mootreal. 5 Linos on K snd L. IChas;'the eopylîe roudhere prefer Dr. Chae'sKidey-ive Pilote auj other I have i stock, They are a woe erf liM. Soed 3 dezen ai once, I amn nearly eut. P.S. -Send by peut, J W Ireland, Goureck. Anoiher horrible atrecity ccmmiiled by the Turks ou Armneniae village populations is re- ported. (Publis/sed /iy Requesi.) Dear Mr. Ediior .-Will you kindly in- forte the readers cf your valuable pa per that I wiIl gladly send FREE to any sufterer from Lest Maubood, Nerveus Debility, Night Lasses, Vanicocele, Impotency sud the r!ssults cf yeuthful folly, particulars cf a simple aud inexpeusive means et self-cure which after be- iug humbugged sud imposed upon fer years by quacks and patent medicine sharks, cured n'; iu a few weeks. 1 have uething te seli or give away, uer amn I advertising auy patent medicine business, but will be pleased te hear from auy sulffner auieus te find a cure fer bis complaint. te whem I will explain coufiden- tiaily bow sud by what meaus I was cured. Hundneds have been cured through my ad- vice. Coats nothiug to learu what 1 paid bue.- dneds of dollars te fiud eut. Address couSi. deusialiy sud enclose stamp if cenvenient. D. G. OWEN, Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.O. John Fraîg, fonznerly a preminent contracter et Hamnilton, tried te bang bilfinfl the police Some persona have periodical attacks of Cauodiau choiera, dysentery or Diarrboea, and have te use great precautions tt. avoid the dis . sase. Change of water, cooking, sudl green fruit;, lu sure te brrng on the sttacks. Te sucb persona we would rccommend Dr. J. D. Xei- logg's Dysentcry Cordial am -bcing the best bnedîiïine iu the market for ail summner coin- plainte. If a few drape are taken in water when the syraptomu are noticed ne furtber trouble will. be experienced. A nuxuber of customa decisions affccting medicinal wiues, articles ef jcwcllery, farmi ma- ch"es, etc., are reportcd from Ottawa. There arc ail mauner of drugs mced new-a- days tekl ues reigMicrobes in the hua systcm, but thay de it at the expense ef the bealtby portions of the s -aios, by poisonous medîcation of the blood. Microbe Killer does net pessess a ingle poisenous in- gredient in its make.,up, hence is safety itseif in using fer troubles of any kind. Cerner Drug Store, agent. Sir Henry Tyler is in Philadelphia. Re' wilt apo te Peru -te experiment with an etectrie locomotive en& mountaineus railway. ruies! PU«es1 tebing Pues. SYMTMS-Moistuiýe; intense itehing and tiniginsg; Mest at Dight ; ,werae by acratchxng. Ils alowed te continue turners ferm, which bften-bleed and ulcerate, becemming ery sore. "S8WÂxNâ's OxNRENru, a tops the itcbi nd, blecdingi - eals ,uleeration, and in moet.case vemoveà -the tum~ors. , At druggiats e!by mafil for, b0 cents. D.Swyc&Bon, Philadeiphia. Lyman Seons & Ce., Montréal,: Wholead ~1~~l45AV -~ ~yu~>~wx~. "saaup nouin w mg or OorlMoasWby..ULDtB Bmrriser, etc. Office formerly ocoupiedl I>y Fa.rewell & Butlcdgeo next Icyali Hotel, lfrock et., Whitby. DAVID ORISTON 9 B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Ohancery, Convoyancer, etc. Office - In the Office south of the Pest Office, in McMilan'. Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITHi. LL, B., Barrister, etc. ,-Money to Los.n. Issuer ef Maiage Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, South of Market, Bi ock St., Whitby. DOW & MeIcGILLIVRAY, Barristeris, Solicitors in Chs.ncery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hawken'a new block Brook St., Whitby, south oi Ontario bank. Dr.Warren & Moore,, New Livory and Sale Stables 4 1 J. J. Moore, M.D., Breekli. Office heurs 9. a. mn. .2rPriva/e Te/ephone Communication. D. P. BOGART, DI.D.,L.D.S. Physican, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next to Ail Saint's Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ail itsi branches promrtly attended to. Dr. H. Wîghtman F. .Warren, M. D. Whitby. Office 1heUrs 11 .M OverOI9EN& TJnrsT. W. E. YÂRNOLD, De.Le S. <Jounty Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Ferry, Ont. A. A POST, Arcbitect, late with Langley, Langley& Burke, Toronto. Designs for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Drawings prepared for remodeling existing structures. Ofince-First flat over W. R. Howse's drug store. 1ýP. O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, HARNESS MAKER, WRITB!. Having moved iJnto eur new prer ses136, we' are prep)ared to extend the range of business. AiU worik pertii e the harness-making and saddlery business wiil lÏe donc te satis- faction. Collars a specialty.. Cail and sec =y shop and stock W. CALVERLEY, Second door west of oid shop. Dundas Street, Whiby JNO. NOBLE, -DgeÂLR IN ALL KINDS 0F- #nber, Shingls, ,Wsh, Doons and Blinds, Turang and Tr.t-Bawlng. _I' Ali orders or information can be obtained from JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street,- Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. WiI- son's resideuce. Whitby, April 4th, 1894. Estabhshed 1856. el per annum in advance, otherwme 01.50, subocriptions aI.wayis Pa'yoble atý ,the office ot publicationi,- The publhz do not-ndertake ýto diliver 'thepAper a any post o111 ce buit Whitby. AUj P'&Per whioch talli te. ,reacix ils destination wM lb., replaoed upOn noùýtifcation. as A, matter cf coureey Adertslngrats ulesby co0ný- sertien, aud cetçpe ne Ã"ach subw quent ingertidin LZO*OPaL, ets ý,potr Un. HBIEBom *1GEAHIAX XQH>T STANTox Y e81î. R Iwy TIie Table GRD TRUNK ANDMDLN 1 .u.ndas SRtWhby Commercial men liberally dea t with Teaming donc at resonable prices. Freight and Baggagc hauled at reason- able prices. A cmii solcited. LIFE INSURANCE. -:0:- Manuacturere' Life & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. Largest Capital Stock Lif e Insunrance Co. On the Continent. Ninety per cent. of anl accumulations et surplus ia returned te the police hlders. AUildaim,.s are -paid withot delay or discount on proof uf deatli or aturity of endowment F;b. lit, 98. Agent, Whitby. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge S3t. Toronto. For ih. next three menths I ami givin-g specisi attention to patients front a dis- tance. Arn stili rnaking plates. iu rubber, 88, cdiluloiti 4. .Gold d.silver filling work crowning, by ftrat-claaa operaters at- tLe most reasonsbie rates Iu te ct Wheun ithe c i " in luadet eexares-- inejUr teéth. _1 inake 7no extra ebsirge. 0.£ RIGGS-1 -Deutist, suth -cast corner King gmnd Yongef ., Teontoi Nov. h182, W. FRWARNE. ÇV PY-Mtm OAL J. B. POWELL, Dec.8. O s x Âw A - 'D w , M 4oO l u h t y i OC l e r k ; Jan. 8; b P' b4 - M a ch 4".. S; M Y B0 ; Jun 4 ;- Jiâ y-ë ; . e . ; O t. 8 N ov. 4 ; Ded. 4, Cler,-35.d; aro5lSMay4;: JUIY ; sep. 5; Nov. 5 PORT P E T W . Burnixau Port P"rr, Clerk--JBfl' 29; March 9; kay 9; July il; sep. 28; Nov. 18. U X B E n ) G Ec o s p h 13 - G o u l d ' b rid g , Clerk-Ja. 80; Msârcb 1; My' 5h; Jly 12; Oct 14 ; Pcc, 17. OÂzsnxneoOn-Geoe e Smth, Cannington, Jan. 81; MaroLh 14; Ma&Y 16; July 18; Oct. 15; Dec. 180 Bz.&EEoi-Geo. Y. Bruce, Beaverton, Clerk-Manih 16; May 17; Oct. 16; Dc, 19. 'UpTEZGRaovu- JGillesple, Uptergrove, C lerk,-March 16; May 18; Oct. 17; Dec 20. By order, 1. E. PARE WELL, 10 cobe 15t, 194. Cerk et the Peace. ,hma 1.11, c te ail sectia g ho iù LeRfg wve 1 ;, ws 1,I t -of l head, Lan (esu )ISE Whi CUR suc1 h a' >a w~ a y ;. 1tt %ahii kined me. ho tound, ,Per part egIe mtf ected. lu manac « ctoral ha v; it atri iuble wa! Ie-d the h( tclîmake yeî s Eligheet ~EUM -GREA' Discoveî Cannc Paris, Witb des, Ont., Rhenme 1profée d inter ,sters ü th, hot i ier tim oeumatim e 1f. ol In. Thi Dundas St., Whitby, Proprietor. Whitby. ý 1 Feb. lot, 98. 10- TEL --UIGFGFS.

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