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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Sep 1895, p. 7

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Resait of a Neglected CoId. DISEASED LUNGS Whlch Dooton r aild ta Hieip, CURED BY TAKINÇ AYER'S Cherr AYEeSPectoral. i citnirtce a severe cold, which setf 1 d on ti lutiugand 1 dtd what la otten drine 1 i [1-1 f i nglected 1? thinkin gItwaolild pi' !'%%y js It tca; but 1 fotnnd n fier a pi I fnie.I thoen Consulted a Doctor who founnti.on cxarnlning nîy 1uns, thaf lthe tý pa't itft left one' 'aas ha 1>'affet 'îet. i > c ( ni"t, no ne edicine %v'lt'fu I i tol, as i!rot.butii i utlt nt sema b do aîty goti. 1I ait'lv 1I fîapjîeneti to reat IniiA(i crs A n(, oi tfiho cii-cet that Ayer's ('lit't t.) 1- ir il 1170 On tOuers, and 1 dêernîiieti t) ' t ! lfrt 1 f ter tikln g a'ftoid oss ' i ' s ;-ýr4 fit ici ant i fefore 1Ivlut fi' 111 oile 1I .;'ta red ."-A. LEFLUtR %%; u mker, Oruigeville Oût. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Righeot Awards ut World'e Fair. iuc r'a Pi'>lla Cure Indigestion,. RHEUMATISM OONQUERED.1 .\EiLAT AI)".NCE IN MEI)ICAL! SCII'NCE. A l,).scou'erv- Whuclî Tihis Pain ful Digease Canntît -lx'ttii.î Mr. B3. Bla8dell of Parist, lZ-.lel-itea Ilus Experieuce \\ii-b itle Cuire. 'uriî, Ont., Rt-' iiew llleumatism bas loîai-Ialed the riedu cal ptrofesston. Medicine for external anti internaI use bits been produced, plasters tried, electricity experimented wîtlî, bot and cold baîlia anti a thousand ci-ler thingi tie'd, l'ut witboui- auail. lllieuniatisrn stili held the fort, uiakiug tbc lîfe of its victims one of misery and pain. The first real @tep toward con- tliiering rbeumnatism was made when i-be preparation known as Dr. Wiliams' Pink Ptlls for Pale People was discovered, and 1'l'nce that ime tîtousands have tesîified to their wonderful efficacy in this, as j well as in other troubles, the origin of which iy be traced to the blood. Aunong those who epeak in thbe higbest te':'îs of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills je Mr-. Ilasdell, of tItis town, who us known nal (,)nl1 vi-o ail our citîzene but i-o residente of ti-lns section, and be is as bigbly esteeut. cd as lie is widely known. To thec aditor of die Review Mfr. BîsedeIl recently said: -lI bave reason to speak in terms of i-be wurrnee praise of Dr. Williama' Pink l'lls, as tbey not anly saved me a big doctorsà bill but have restored nie to luealtb, whiebi wae impaired by rbeuma-t tism and neuralgia. These troubles 'acre, I bhink, thbe atter effects of an ai- îuuck of mneasiet;. After the latter' trouble liad tlisappeared I feit an awful pain in ruy iuead, ueck, andi down my back. I tried. a number of remedies, but witbout etteci-. I was tben advised by Mrs. llort)nn, of Copetown, who had been curetl of paral.vais by the use of Dr. WVil- littms' Pink Pille, La give Lbem a trial. I followed ber advice, and after using a box or two I began ta feel maucli better, an-d wi-h their continued use I oonstantly împroved in heafth, and amn now feeling botter than I have done before in ton yeara. 1 am isatisfied i-bat but for the timely use of Pink Pilla I wonld ta da" bave been a physical wrsok, living a Mef cf constant pain, and I c&nnai speak too Iiiglily of Ibeir curative powers, or re commend i-hem tangfy ta ai-ber suf- ferers. I cbssrfully give permaission i-o publish My uiaterneni in the ho pe i-bat Fi)fe allier sufferer may read and profit by it." Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla are sald onl1 in boxes bearingl the ftrm's trade Mark and wrapper, (printed in red ink). Bora in mind that Dr. Wiliamz' Pink Pille are zeyer oM in bulk or by thé. dozen or h3undred, and any dealer who offers sub' stitutes w ths form ts trying to defraud a01sd should be avoided. The, ublic aue aiseo autioned agaiust aSU otor 00 cialled blood builders and noeVe tonoS, olv,. Tbey are &Ui imlatlous whoue m4sb hope to pa mps psimaryaIvim fram the W*OUe tauou puor demies' for Sbaua. * v.r d b y D r. W i le m ' P a i l Wh» iaMduu op yB ê w%1é, OntWao, ami 6obeuedyt, N., or &4.bo« fb.su#130- ffléociUxtbri4ge, has eqnVls:in~freIlds here. Miss S1lage, of Port Perry, spent Saturday with bher friend, Miss Minnie Pinkhamn. Mr. Lorne. Plnkham is now attending the high sc-hool in Port Perry. We wish hirm every success. Mrs. John Rundie has had another attack of her old disease, heart trouble. Glad to find she is improving. Old Mn Hargrave, who for some timie past has been living with his grand daughter, Mrs. G. W. Sonley. is scriously ill. It is thought his disease s incurable. Mrs. W. Wright, who has been w-ait- t ng on her sister, Miss Arsenath Sonley', wcnt home on Monday with Mr. W\right. He reports aIl well around Blac kstock. \\c learn with sortie surprise that Mr-. Roach is a frequent and flot un- wclconme visitor at Poplar Point. the resitince of Mrs. Moore. of I3lack-- Wto.Suîccess ctowns p)ersistent ef- f rtsý. Nfr. Fred Allen left last Monday for Toronto. He has been studving with niî.îkcd success at the univcersitv- during. t w iîu three v'cars, and ncxt v*ear we lîùpc e lic ay attai n the igoalin xiew- a li. A. degrec. The S. (i. T. bave i niprived and en-1 larged their lodge room,. and thcv now ha-c ' a necat, conim krtîbl c, a n d (-0111 ni td mis hall. The\, arc to h tw t S.rulaîccl for thcir ta'cadpst :\ contc t is In()\%'i n îr tgress iiil, 1 diui-slili S. ( ). T. utith ïNlssrs,.1J. Nuird .îi C. Sonloua s oapain 'fi - 1u tKisrther ulurk for thec lattcr .atro "cnt Wc 1ic.gad to ri tth;ît Nhl5 \r îtt t lt!ttu.cdantI u ry "c\'orc .t- t It 't" weokS silice site lia, ltcil itîit'l d c'uî'scare, and altlu'uu.t -t i \i ueC.k. is graduu.îllv gain uîu.. >tîeipl AH .r; .\1 -at the niust skiful lt.nIt maýtln nt. aIS~tidluttus cuire. and t c llt I iiisi g cou Id dto, basb1een don c 1,) lît'î. andi ue reJulice tu) sai' with suc- t c t'I\"ltpe antd pray for ber s1teea restoration to health and 'tt r'îingih. The practical sy'np}athy of îit'u es r' and friends for i-beafficted fautl in î their labor of love is higbly a tu'caiodbu' themn. A\ gardon partyu' asio have been helti on \\ednesdav evduing Sept. 4th in ti-iînterests of i-be Epwortb League tf i-hoeNethodisi- Cburch here. 0w- ing itu i-le ram uit had i-o be pqstponed uni-il Friday even ing. \Veather more suitablo for such an eveni- could not have been, and the fine groundsbf Mr. Eduvard Rundie vvere beautifully il- luminated bv Chinese lani-ernis. A goodly number assembled and a mont en j ovable evening was speni- by ail. It was a success in every way. Proceeds amounted i-o nearly $9. WICK.- More people than usual are aitending i-be exhibition front here this fali. W'e receiu'ed on Saturday whai- is suppî'sed i-o be the heaviesi- shower i-bat bas fallen for years. hi- lefi- manv traces of ts force. On-e man had three bags of potatoes washed out of his patcb. The managers of the congregation have decided to have g new driving hiouse and stable built at the manse i-bis fail. They have advertised for tenders i-o do this job and the tenders are i-o be for building it either framne or brick. Afi-er the tenders have been re- ceived and the comparative cost of us- ing wood or brick is known it will then be decided which material will be used. A new building of this kind is badly needed. ,We notice in last week's issue that your Greenbank correspondent mnani- f ests somne rather unnecessary solici- tude about the way school matters are going on here. He evidently fancies that little else is discussed in thin neighborhood, but in this notion he is qu ite rnistaken. The faci- is the mat- ter bas become so old and rancid i-o aIl but two or three agit.ators that it is little tbought about and les talked of here. Outsiders, like your Greenbank cor. apparently take more interesi- in. i-be trouble and know more about it than people living bere. Dr. Gillespie bas sent in bis report on i-le sanitary 'condition of i-he schodJ gronds. He reports that he finds nothing unsanlury in thbe condition of thbe ichool building, grounds or surroundlngs, or -wii-h its present location., He rocommeuds, however, ai- an irnproven1ent or a safeguard agans.it ever becoming un-, santary. i-bat dryeath' clseéts li putý In, tisaiithe schoolbe rised Isigier, and tieathe 9-»"erousbe v*d.up. Uls Next door'neighbir-My new ora hap twenty stops. The sufferer-Why don't you use themn once in -a while ? Friend-Your son, 1 understand, has literary aspirations. Does he write for money ? Father (feelingly) -Unceas- ingly. " 1Somne of the world's finest literature is out of print," romarked the biblio- phile. "-That's right." replied the poet, -I can't get an editor to touch mny productions."- Flora (at the seaside'-What sort of a fellow is he, anyway'? Julia-l don't know. Ive only been engaged to himn since last evening. She (to waiter-Let me see. Have voti ice creami ? Waiter-Yes'm, how would vou like a plate? She-Very full, thank 'ou. He-I helieu'e 1 will propose i-olher hy1 telephone. Do vou think she will accepi- me ? She-She ought to if you ring bier up properly. The worst examiple of the '- bicycle face - is i-bat of the man wiho does not ouen a wheel himiself. but kccps coining round to horrow' uours. -\'ou sa\, ut was a runawav match?' Partlu.'.He tried i-o run awav. but she brouglit hîni to timie by thrcats of a brcach of promise suit." The wife-You arc a fool' l'ie bus- h and-I kntuî't . Any'body lut a fool uiilt avc knouu'-ýn enouigh t i au cPt "i t i rst reecotion t()f ni\', r t ass.l '1 Baks-lx's gto, tor.F ur acts )tf thus is about ahi 1 îî -taîi,. or Lsist t t-)ut. Banks. Scciiu()f tlic (lcî'.utors arc kilîed off in the ncxt \'u.tiîe-\'th uu au'c spinach to- îlî.si r . uest-\' es but 1 uIt m't wîtti OSpinky as it uuas utistordai'. lirin nne soitne wi linto sand i n it. Sub-ediltor-lioN- s Pennington toi "pr'lin. ax'uav diitr-Well. bic',s i.d liti-le toti tuaint foîr ordinary E nglish and not quau;nt cnough for dialcct. Smnall Margery' bad iJust bccn stung by a wiasp. "1 wtuld n't a-m înded its Swalking aIl ou'er my band" she said. between lber sobs, "if-if ut hadn't sat down so bard.'- ".What became of i-bat trifing fel- low Tw'eedles ?" " Oh. hie weni- wesi- and opened a store. " Doing uwell ?" "No; doing ime; he was caughi- in the aci.-" Editors wife-Who wrote this beau- tiful article on "-How i-c Maniage a WVIfe?"- Ediior-Young Quiller. Edi- to rs Wîfe-Why. 1 didn't know hie was mnarried. Editor-He isn't. " Are you very busy ""No. sir. .What can we do for you - I notice that the advertisement on the window says you have i o, ooo overcoats for sale. Can I trv themn on ? " Little Ethel (horrified)-We've in- vited too many children to our tea party. There isn't enough for them to get more than a bite each. Little Dot resignedly)-That's too bad. We'Il have to cail it a reception. presented as a.li-ile boy. A boy couldn't be sucbt- an unerring ehot as Cu-" "Couldn't- be? Say, did you ever have a small boy and a catapuli- get a spite againsi- one of your win- dows ?" "I wisb we were ricb, John, and could do somei-hing for i-beworld," Mrs..-B. remnarked haif devoui-ly, haif impai-ienily." "But my dear," 'lie re- plied, "we can do good in a quiet' way now." "Yen; but no one will ever ecre rmeY. It1ss they icpurest N orway pu-lvr01,nest3Eéosphte ,and chemiu call pur Gcerine, ail èoriinedint efc ml sion80 hat t wll ever change or lose Its integrity. This ié the secret Of Scott's EIÎU.lslon!s gi:eat success. It s&ota, srnk1 isaos apycombination of fiesh.-giving, Tregu- ening and healing agents, their perfect union givin them remarkable value ini ailgvn WAiSTINO. DISEASES., Hlence its great value in Consunption, wherein it arrests the wasting by supplying the xnost concentrated nour- ishment, and in Anoemia and Scrofula it enriches ad vitalizes the blood. In fact, in every p hase of wasting it is most effective. Your doctor wiIl confirm ail we say about it. Don't bepersuaded ta accej5t a substituteI ScOtt & Bowneo Belleville, Ail Druggists. 50c. and $1. AND PIN WORMS. J1ICIgING PILPSela an oieedingly panfnl andi alrlcyî fi h tion, tourid alice ln therc n oo.mi nd femRl(ýI t. * prrc N/Itrn oree8arfsub.:re0Il form, excessive moisture la exuied. Fmales are ple ,,i:riv affect1 Msery f rom thia diseaso, causin¶ unbcarable irritation and trou .e. Thege e ter symptorn of tchin g Piles or irritation in any art of Jd are Immediately ailaYed and qunok.ly oured by Cgages oin Ment It will instantly Stop ftchln&. heAlthe Bor" ad UJiers, 4 up the moisture Pitt WORme la an llmeni nloydfeetse jives IcbzL;anuypios r reieffomiitraL P6 stant New ILmarket-J. T. ruPRNE. G Relilef. -eu Mur Tb* eelobmatd Dr. Chases Ointment la made exprugey lto g Ilesbut k la equ&Ai ~dtu ouring au itchr "m inoasuch am tozema, -tch, Davbe"eM itoh . ii Rheumml to Lrr ligu PraI rU&> fl0eOcent$ IU 8 ToW r =ont &""10 QponJggg uag4 honor's gramrnar is much àt fault. What can neyer be a synonym for whom. Miss Mildmay-I arn sure that there is good in Mr. Spooner. He certainly is very tender-hearted. Miss Frost- Yes, he bas a heart that has been tend- ered ta about every unmarried woman in town, if that is what you mean. ~Few ame the remedies wliose benefici a qualities sud réal mérits have made the m 50 popular with the public, sud increased f rom year ta ycar their conmumptian, whioh, whilst possesing the moot valuable remédiai prapenties, are yst se simple lu thei come pound. sud s0 easy ta take, s The Qina Wine, prpaed byr Northlrop & Lyman of TaruraneTis artile is prepared tram the Dure suiphate of Quinine. combined with ne Sherry Wu.ne, and choice arematica, whicb relieves thie Quinine of uts bitter tuais, and dome fot impair in the leasi-dégre ti-e sffioaoy of its action upon i-li patient; while sali doses. trequentiy repeated, sttengtlisn thes pulse, lucres. musoular forcs. and in- vigorate the tan» of ithe nervon', system, and i-lis by the général vigor which it impaiti creates aunappetits, Whohgeati-ssa- ali tains sd ma g and fortifiée the sys- i-cm againti&Iailifections diseases. Âsk f ôa Northirop & Lyman@s Quinine Wius ; sold by aIl druggists. Lîgltitung killed Mr. John Puckering, of Caledon, and bis dog. Simply app L e "SwÂTNE'5 Ou-tXeNt"No internai medicn eurd ue -iti sozeUmaiolai p#uloan the face, bande,ý nase, &o. Ieaving ibe skin cdean, wie ud, lhi-tby. Ïi' sgréai healing and curative powen are passesedby neothMer rxe*dy. Ask yenr drgust for ABw4 E' ic TUN.Lyman, Sn& C.,. bleuirosIi, olsal gents. The Msanlo Temple ai-Boston wau dam- aRgedby firso. 1 <,-, ,'. i1 Tha Uo4oeuiSSUtV. Pl PI5DWà. mà irmm y'1 7 ef exu Wl-hb M AN L EY'S CelerCOMPOUND C ureB Blood and 8kmn DiseaeeB. WESTER-1 BANK 0F, CANADAi SHEAD OFFICE, OSHAWA, ONT.- Capital Authorfzed $1,000,000 Capital Subscrzbed 500,000 Capital Paid-up 373t000 Rest 100,000 BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. JoHN CowÂN, EsQ., President. REuBEN S. HÂMLIN, Esq., Vice-President. W. F. Cowan, Esq., W. F. Allun, Esq., J. A. Gibàon, Esq. Robért Mclntosh M. D. Thomas Paterson, Esq. T. H. MCMILLJIN, - - Cashier BRÂzcis-.-Mdland, Tilsonburg, New' Hamburg, Whitby, Paisley, Penètanguish- ene,. and Port Perry. Drafts on"'NeW York and Sterling EX.-- change bought and sold., Deposits received and intereit'alowed at highestcurrent ratesi 334 per .cée Collections solicited and Correspondents 1Û. New York sud lu Can. ada-TheMeé JatsB oi f Canada.Lo- donEng~T RyalBankeofScèotland. Seialate to collection-of Fze~ S aSlc Nes. M -D>.WARN Maânager"ôf Wlutby- Braitcb. Bulfo hrIo 'We have -the Placet BoIsa- tion- - a towu. of thosei BEAULTif-UL A MER/CA N WALL P 1A-PER-S, Borders to Match AT LoWEST JOrne early and gafirst choice. P, B. WARAM,, BTan's oa % tnd Book St,Wh b H. but Iam nlera, e. iooks. If renly die. I reapared t10 Ils n ice. YOwhom to this men ~NOTT. ePared to f~he latesi 1doue to SCO TT . a PUTMPMÂKER, WHITBY. (Successor tIoFH.Thompson.) The Subscriber bas again opened business here. His office will be at E. R. Blow's telegraph office, factory at Mrs. Newbery's bouse on Brock Street, south. New Pumps manufactured a.nd oid Pumps repaired. First class material used and work warrant- ed. Wells dug or cleaned eut. Orders solicited. Feb. 14, 1895- H. SCOTT., Whitby apd Obhawa. DOMINION BANK. Capita.l Paid up, -$1t500,000 Surplus, - - $19500 000 Whitby Agenoy. General Transacted.. Ba.nking Busines SÂVINOS DEPABTMENT.' Interest &afow.d ai highemt cumin rrates. No notce of withdawairbquird'. E. J. THORNTOgt IRADAM'8 MIOCROBE KILLER REMEDI. J. 8. EDGÂR, Mierchaut, Win~ M. K. acted marvelously lu Miy caseof chronie stomach and bowel trouble. WX. MO&,L.D.B.,Oo- Was.given up te dis fromac qomplcatiu1 Dyspepsia snd Livertouble -wîthcoWnslmptdoa Am UaSuw ias ever now ;it le trnly wnsfl Te M LUICoomBE, Barister,-, Chronic cough oand hemouags(rm2h lungs were hurrying ,my wf ea enygâe but thanks té.M.'K. àhe is-asweUu set. Wm. Radam Microbe Kier Oo,, 120 KIXN :SvNT WEST,, For sale ati- W..HOSS. hear of ut." ud ploua -I bave been almosi- a hermnit, " s'ih ed i-he suçcessful mmn..,Now i-bat MY fortune la macle, and I have a li-le of my ôwn, 1 fiud ik Impossible i-o get in- toutd wl-h i-he world." &.YQuoughtto Sn-&bicycle,"' sagested bi*s frieWd. you MwY. U.42 u "I .1 21. IÂIiÂGPR. Vlt li t il . e gi- b. ne 'se o s'ce WO ri- 1 PRICES. IMI"éý , Fi

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