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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Sep 1895, p. 8

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DHORSES annoyance of the hy Uaing -the IN.TMENT. are Reinedy. enta per Titi. rge double Bheet, MQT POWDER, 5c. iD O.tor 15c. AND PAPERS, 5c. er package, at .Drug Store, South, Oshawa. n~ruit*c EP.T. 13, 1895. tA PAGE. IOIU-Oshawa subacribers ,el Ma.Y transset an y business L10MÇII1 oL~er may obtain extra Y;tile# ftmEI. B. Rogers. wlfl do -W.hl te cail aI M. E. Ã"Yt« edy nmade clotbing. bhh a àke Frenchi china dinner or itiytbifig ln faucy china, or glass- R8 Moêrgan & son. Y ItnyptrdiCQuote:uplating buy- #Mimt or wedding ring 10 se ltték f FttBros.. Oshawa as Il tbie month very cbeap for cash. Wmn.d14K. only $s. They are g *men speciliofers in Gents', 1- Beys> geld sud ilver watches. FéIt Bros. mga la Vlsdug friends lu towu. *ar are vlsiting f(neuda in Toron - Plsbu of Parkdale, ta visiting Mra. Â*dlof etToronto, vas iu town W'Reduond, Cleveland, Ohio, are Obi lowg. 9W. teuchers of ibe rowu acboola ,SlnMcosa. souîb, spent a few 4 la Teronto ibis veek, lilsu, who bas been visiting Wi fo ore lime past, bas re- mSe lu St. Caihenlues. et-o T, Millet & Sons, arrived lid asi Thursday. lie trip -ie vdh hlm vondettufly. ift Ca#Mge Ce. abut <leva fut deasdthe plane venka for esday ofthiis week, lu onder >cIvou a chance te go the exhi- - expeditieus forr-Uih year are ~igt iat Mn. Slemeu or Mr. =ôehr the baud ei braves that w *eat future fer ibe ertemmin- od' chdick, sud atari out on a tuutu hUIs. h vould give the tet ef eut diflereut papers an batý vouid b. second te noue. iF*relgnMisuionazy Society cf ui Mothedist cbutcb beld is an- bb, thlection ef oflicers for the Predeut, Mna. Kines; vice- 'A. %ý Domili, Mrs. James Luke 'soell .rccordl y ra. . Q.rl ,aecr se. ewood; ergait,'Mms.G. J mi.., Mr*. H, Kiug. ordou occupied tiie pulpit o! lb. Odwis " lhutelSuday, beth Ming. 'The eveuing service vas csaieeswhlhhavc become se - 'This hast song service vas lu the ceus ees whicb bave r ua~brson bepregrasbeing Lh speef at festures vere a quar- Miss fHanseun, Mr. M. Luke, b imd IWIllLuit., sud a sele by _Xorris gave address *aiwL o oie- ihat ev. lu eésitbwoi Dot': .t Oubava RaIiay a great many. sbould have',been te lHewever, perbapa :69 ~top ef Tr ewl's tom hors;;,dedibut-a eiutjuto i milss Rio~ Patte la vltirhg frî.rwis ili Lonido.I6 MissBadahome trom Jiliovllahospita&. A CbIulauudry ýbas beeiï e8tM1liIbed la Mmss Hoelbkt of Ottawa, là vislîlnâg MM, lames Kînes.. Mr. john Coad, of BrockvMle, la apending bis holidays la town. Burtch's sbuw visited town on Tuesday and gave perlermances to fair audienv.s Mr. Patte's-residenoe on Willim &t., wusthe scene of a veryv quiet weddlug lasi Mondr7 morniug ai 7 vdock, when Mr, S. Woodfor, of Detroit, and Miss Laure Patte were United in marriage by Rev. T. H. 'Cutbbert, ssisted by Rev. S. H. Woodferd. The yeung couple leïn noe i ine 'clock. Mr. T. Heny ai Oshawa- on-ibe-lake has been pLepalng any pultry for exhibition ai Wbiîby qai, "IauCha taken great pains witb them ex- pectng te semure a few prizi-s. However. aiM Thursay evening seme persen or persens thought îhey could make a better sucsu oui of it than Mr. Henry could and se îhey helped themsuives te tbe pick of bis fdock. Mr. Heary bas therest of his poultry locked up but be says hoexpectsto find tengole soe ieeaO Our Htgh SchooL Th. Board of Education met last Thursday evening te censider the advlsability of cngaglu another teacher te assist l0 the higb acheol work. Our sehool bas the lergesi atten- dance It bas lied for soine lime pasi, and we feel certain that the succesa the achool bas met wltb lu tbe recent departmental examnations bas been the means ci attractlng many bere who ne doubt would have gone le other places were ht not for thbh standard it bua atained. U nder tbe new reultions 1: la uîîerly impossible for tour teachers to cover the. yearls work and do it satlsfaciorlly. Whlle some 230 clas'es ught 10 b. taken up tbreugb the week. wltb the present staff only iflo can bo accomodated. Mr Smiuth the principal cf tbe achool. addressed lb. boar on*the ameunt of work requlred te be doue, and aud tbey very quickly decided to add another teacher. Even wiîh Ibi addition il viii be nec- essary for some cf the teachers In bave classes afier heurs in gel threugb ail of the work. The board have secured Miss Kinver as the new teacher, imd we bave ne doubla but tbat ah. viii b. a valuable addition to the aiready excel- lent stafi of teachers lu our svbool,- Magtstrrtes' Cases. On Saturday before P. M. Griersen, J ne. Thompson and-Bamuey Smitb ver. chargedby Constable Hainan wlîh diaîurbing the pa.by fighîing on the sireets on be evenng cf Monday, Sept. 2nd. Mr. 1. F. Gri zon, ou bebaif of buis client Smith, put in a plea of net guilty, wbule Tbompson pleaded guilty on seit defence. A number cf vitnesses were cailed for tbe presecti. tien, but ail knew little or nothing of lb. scrap. T'homnpsen cailed no wînese. The (acta of the case as given in the sworp statement cf the ac. cused are these. Thompsou and Sithbet Into au altercation a: tbe basebaili £n ,and Smith said he could bring a team of ex-Oshawa- ites that could play ail around the preseut Oshawa ieam. Tbompsen ofiered le bei Smith $5o tbat b. couid net. aud as Smitb bad not that much money be weni and feund another mnan vite vas vihing te bet tlb. money. but wiih this indivdual Tbompsen refused te bet. Tbompson ihen lefi Smith and bis cempanien. In the evening Smitb, who had beer drinkiug, wenîte Thompeon's boann houa. and again wanted te make the bei. and Tom<seu asked hlm if he was loektng for trouble, and said ihat if hie was he ceuld find il. Barney vas neyer knowu 10 take a bluft and be saiied lu, sud fer a t ime tings were preîty liveiy. Neliher men seemed t0 kuow wbicb struck fisi. Constable Hainan was put on oaîh, and said that (rom Smith's talk and actions bie was under the lu- fluence et liquor, and wbile lu ibat condition vas always looking for trouble, lu tact ho waa a gen- eral nuisance. m Te magistrat. la sumrng up the evideuce said some preuty severe ibingi about Smith, aud as h. had gene te Tbooepsou's board- ing bouse b. vas evldenily looklug for trouble, aud was therefore to blame. He considered boti liable sud assesed Smih 85 and costs and Thempson $z aud Co811a, t e opaid fertbwh, la defauli ef wblcb tbey vetoeacbh te reccve 20 day. lu ths common ja4l, Tompacu paid bis fine. -Peter Caulfield, Lavrence Abrams snd bye broibers nauied Boue vers charged wlîh haviug, ou the evening of Ttiesday. Sept. 3rd, breken open a valise lu the pivate tent et Messrs. Har-t- ley & Byrne, proprieters o e di"er-ge-reund, aud taken tberfom tiCkets îo the amounit ef $6. Mr. ]Byrne wanted te be as lenleni as possible vitb tbe boys sud oniv wanted the ameuni h. vas eut. Ah ithe boys pleadcd guilty te the charge cf stealing tickets, but deuied break- ing open the valise. It vas open wvhen tbey went ibore. The magistrate explained ibat the offence complaildfet as only punishabie by imprisenmrent, and impoa.d a seuteice ef 3o days lu jail, sucb sentence te b. suspeuded se long as tbe boys behaved îhemselves. The tickets the boys had stolen bad been uscd or de- s1troyed, sud the merry-go-reund people are ont the arnount. E E ROGERS. EL. VICRY. barber. Simce irset. BB60K5' LIVEBY, Simos street, north. 1 ILIOLPI, haneau maker, Bimeos street. KT OTHERBILL, butoher, Ring St, West, Du. PÂ'rTEEseN, Dontiat; offlce over Bowsoes store. A. J. ST.&zTu-Denxinion pianos snd organa, slmo. utreet A. 0. WAJoejh, Votelnary Surgeon and Dontist Ring street veut Oshawa, Ont, J,. Dwrs, Deminion sud Ontario ud Survyer, Civil Engineor, Box 57, Osh- sWA. Umcul HO'ZE-J. OC. Wooii, pi-oprletor. Miodern lmstsiry, ustan sd omfortably 1oquipp.d. DAM o.-Catursrfor &selaAsmbiios, Wsd- ding., Supper, *etc. t.Alie ailkinda ef 6oyers, OffNA OOJTOB-FI inoofbooks OmnAW& Dans Sto»o-L J MXv.», diffp¶irw ohoraltw ui.U'lline9Of puir. rugi and e0 sels always Cn 4 al. Jes.Heulux Whlby-osbsaastige lIo. M svs Oh&;ws8 a laIand 2p,P M a Whuuby *10&aindizddp i. CoMi aM, ulaaufssum elms crdages erts,, vic"tod, &U idd of outtéis 51 Chas. Micey wuS Ati bhomeon Sbbatb. MissBella MeBnlà la isltlnfriends-in tii. Quwen City# Mtiss Buckley, of Orono, la visli g ai Mr. Mfises McCullocbs, sisiers of or pedagogue, spent Sabbatb here. Rev. iue. Harris sud wife are expecteti home 114a f!il<laya -frem the old country. WS. Lawrence, ofWhltby, vlsited bis home on Sabbatb. He came outhibi ue. Mrs. Dr. Y. AX jencs, of Ambersîburg, la vlsittng ai ber father s, Mr. Sylvester Mackîy.- Miss Annie Sadier, of Whîîby, bas been spending a few <laysata ber faîhoes home bene, Harry Dixon, wbo summercd ai Mr. Walter Rogers bas decamped. He le now taking lu tbe exhibition at the Industrial no doubi. Seme (rom herm tek lu the barvest bomne at Brokllui last week. A large crowd la said te have been lc attendance and a good time en- jeyed. J. W. Stevenson la rapidly developing mIe oa hersetrader, having tmmcd tala several limes of laie. Of course be oaways gels the bellerothe del-s4o do meet hors. dealers, If you let îhem tel) it. Many leada of grain have passed ihrough the village ln route (.r Bronkitu elevator. The prices are 1ev in the extreme, but owîng te the prevaling depression fat snd nean cvenytblng gees for vha:il it ii realize. Rev. W. X. Buriner, formerly junior pastor ef thia circuit, vlited firienda beensd Preacý>éd kt ibree of tbe appointimenta. 1: la five years since Mr. Bonner labored berm. He ta nov sltuated at iifinden, vberc h. la spending bis third Vear, C. J. Stevenson vited bis old froud, Walter Thomn, of Dunharien, on Sêbbath. lValter's position la silîl a precaieus one, noî being able toe get away from bis bcd ai ail. No encourage- ing bopes are given by bis medical examiners. Fred. Rogers la ai the p rsent lime actlvely en- gaged worklng -for the Farmers Insurance Ce.. laeyoran ized ai Columbus. Fred wiii do bis besi to0 uriher the besi interests of ibis Co., as b. la boit comupebent sud villinig te do bis besi ait anything be undertakes. W. notice from lime to time cousiderable re- marks passed about Mr. Warner Brown by one numibemu scribes, who la evidenîly senseless euough te imagine be eau by scrlbbling ofi a few of bis guys maire somebody feel bad, and for bis edification we would justilnform him, Waruet la weli aud favorably kuowu ber. and is.a thousand timesbus supetien. Alfred Saiton bas disposed et his fine driver te seme egg peddlers whe bail ibe musiortune te leese oeeof ibeir borses. It appears the animal vas se bard worked and poerly fed it couid net stand the verk any longer, sud after using the rougbesî kiud cf tcalment ve are informed tbe poor animal-'vas left bebind te disasd sure enough Il vas net long lun cartyiug out the pro ject. Tbe aunual* circuit barvesi berne will b. given ai Greeuweod on Uic z7th of ibis month. Tb. pepular Brookilu choir wilI bu presont sud bave charge of the musical departmtent. An excellent staff of speakers viii b. lu atteudance and every- tbing lu the shape of eatables the heurt or slorn- ach conld rish wili be previded. In tact noîh- ing whll b. vanttng le make ibis entertainrnenî successful. Cerne aloug sud biug your best Rirl te Greenveod on Tuesday nexi, x7tb insi. The opeuing lemperance meeting under lb. ausipices ef the 1..G.T.- of ibis place as given on Tbutaday evening of kasi week, aùd vas de- cidealy succeshi. Mn F. S. Spence, Trouie. sec of tbe Grand Lodge, was preseut and de- livered su excllent tempperance address He bas ne deubta but prohibition vIl seaun b. ere if ve vole as ve sbould do. He sys mny of this generatien wyl live te ecbs hugr-t crse drlven fremout fait Dominion. Mbr. Spno l Canada's champion temprauce worke ansd neyer tala toigive s geed. accourtt i seif sud bis business wbeever he tu=us up.U>r. W. A. Hefliday, of Bmeklinanot wbok-sepled.tern- perance werker. vas proment asud. ga shobrt adi4m«.swhiecbwvas fui fescarneas.& 'lh. leiter et last veek- sigued- 'IlleFour Pedro Players", canard sorme liii). comment lu eut village, bul coming froib te sourceil <id ve taxit hwîhb a grain of sait Open confesision la saad te b. geed for tb. seul, so if these men bave any seul ieft autel y tbey havé. receii'ed a bleissng. But vas net ibi a revilatIosi frem us. Ibhis werk bas been goiug en for- along lime under a cloak. If it la tb. innecent gamé ,they would bave nq le believe il to e b, "y lu the name of ail ibat la good de us7y secredy, convene in ibis sbop, bliud bbc windows, boIt-tbd <ons, sud tait. every precaution te cover Up ibeir fu. You veuld almosi ibiuk as Jessle lames v as ameng ibeir tanks, snd soute cf bis prauki migbî b. loeked forward te. judglg frein th. pains tbey take t0 secret their innocence. Nov, al are forced te admit ibese men are ne credit te socieiy. Sorny te say il. but -Pedro la nonr lb. ouly innocent gaine thcy iziduige lu. Iî'a wbo cau take lb. biggest bovi et old eider coupled wiib pedro, and seme tai sweariug bas. been howlid ai tbe aunoyiug beus, or men as tbey cal) them, outside. If ibis klnd et svliumg-does net very soon terminale ve predficithat ýthese shame- less faîbers viilb. quietly mobbed "hlenegaged lu ibeir tevelling. Young sud -old,-are a-unit la disceuntenaucing the deporet t thes. ex-. emplary characiets, Tbcy siiould-ferbear front sncb practices if for ne other meason t h ie ex- ample ibey are haudiug dovh ote cyouhb la their ovu or etber familles la theli midst. 'Wo vish te state lu laonet vlth -any degresiofpléa-. sure ve have referrod te these mattera, buts long as ve writee w iil'MIMn'tvers e. Th esie men noed make ne mistake, ve will expose IbIs kiud of thiug, and fesrlessl gvetheir napues te the public if ve deeu Sl essa* f course. Nçrman.Fbôuver was home ove' Sunday. Miss- McCann is* very III w. are sorry to T B Wiliis andi Wm Cowle wus iu the City WednesdaY. Miss Martha Phillipe la attending the ex- hibition, Toronto. The cider mIii Is again ln operatlon wlîb Geo. Young as manager._ Mrs. jas. Fuller, of Mitchell, la Vlaiting bier mother. Mrs. C. Wilson. Mr. Elms and bride, of Brooklyn, speut Sunday wlth the later's parents Mrs. Bell. Meusrs. Hender and Wagner took in the exhibition, so also did Mru., Fred. and Pic. ton Moagrove. Mr and Mrs Thorton rode down on their bicycles.* Sunday to visit the later'. sister Mrs. T. C. Blown. Dr. Bateson and wife attended a reception on Thesday evening given to the Rev. Mr. Harris, who had lust returned from Eng- land. Miss Chariey, of Toronto, who is visiting at S. H. Stevenson's and Chas. Barclay', sang a nolo iu the methodist choir Sunday evening.. She le a fine singer and those who did not hear her missed a treat. HUSTON-At Providence, R. I., on the îoth inst., the wife of Mr. George Huston, o>f a son. Railway and Steamn8hlp Agenc/ee have been transferred to th. OSHA WA RAIL WA Y CO., whose o ffices are a few doors south of his former place of business, where he will be prepared to supply ail required Railwa y and Steam- ship Tickets Ett rates guaranteed to be as low as the lowest. The best steamsbip lines on the Atlantic are represented. Special railway rates are given lu con- nection with Steerage and Intermediate Tickets. Through Railway Tickets are sold to al points in the United States and Canada, includingithe Canadian Nortbwest. Baggage is checked through from Oshawa to aIl points. Passengers for the United States may have thei r baggageéxamined i n Toronto, thus saving any inconvenience at the frontier. Ai informalion cheer/ully given. When contemplatîng a trip call on or write 10 R. 0. OARTER, Agt~, OSHAWA. .Sept. 91h, 1895. CLARKE & DYER. INSURAACE AND COM- MISSION A GENCI. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, which la to-day unquestionally the Leading Life Company. Canada Accident and Employers' Liabillîy 1 Corporation of Londion. Eng. Among the Fire and Plate Glass Companies we handle the Lancashire, Guardian, Mercantile and Hand-in-Hand, Aid Savings snd Loan Co., Toronto. OFFICE just north of the Western Bank, J. S. CLARKE. W. .DVER. We have always a general and varied ÃŽIocic 10 select from-latest designs andfinishes. Prices right. 0 Ûndertaking department fully stock- ed, and embalming according te latesi methods. Picture framing promptly and satis- factorily doue. Luke Brasa,,- Oshawa, AETR, LosT Specials for this week. 7 pieces of Stripe Lawns, reguiar 1234e gooda for, %c 6 pieces of White Ground Malin, wfth colored spots, regular 25c. goode, for zî5c. 44-inch Crepennes, in pink and bine, White Ducking, regular i7c. goode, reduced to i234c. Our $2.50o Parasols reduced te $1.75. Our $i.,So Parasols reduced to $i. oo. Al 12c and i4c. Prints at 1 price, l0V Chîmezetta, regular 35c. line for 2xC. Ladies' White Linen Cuifs for î9c. Ladies' Stripe Skirts, regular 45 cts., for .30 cts. kil Summer Goods reduced to a price that will tempt every one. The one price Cash store. flo:. -Millor 9 Son. Gall at PELLOWSý, and see lis Wrought Steel -AT- Also his GOAL QIL and GAS STOYES -PFROM- $P5.5o to $25-00. The Corner' Si- I /1W Io that we are making of Rings. Jt's equal la flot to b. found ln the county. Here you cau have a stock to select frotm that la prac- tically Uimît1ess Among the beautiful snd resll~ artiatie tbingsare eont 15k Ruby and Pa Set Rings. _;1!-lngagement snd Wedding Rings à* speciilty. N. B.-A new Ulneof Silverware Just open- ed.out, at- .....0 1BOYD'5Jwer Soe KIN(-.S'raauTWU.TP - OSIRAwA. DO YOUf DRIN& TEL??1 Let us assume as a fact that you do. We nearly ail do. The great essential, therefore, la to know where to get the best TEA for the Ieast money. JAPAN TEA-We -have just purcbased from a wholesale Tes -House,. 25 pack- ages of fine japan Tesaiat very close figures. Il is equal in quallty te any 5oc. Tes on the market today. We are offering it at the very low price of 25c. per IL. or 5 1h.i. for <1.10. This la au excellent bargriu. Cal) sud get a sample sud tiy-it. jrWe want Butter, Cheese, Eggs, sud other fi- produce, for vbicb vo psy bighest prices. Beaton',s OPPOSITE Oshawa, Shoe Grocery, POST OFFICE,, -Oiûtarkos Sto r, ~-OSHAWA* LATE ST STYLE S. From the best makers. IMMENSE ASSORTMENT. Boots, Shees, Blippers, .ftubbers, Oveshkes3, Satchels, Telesoopes, Shawl-strap8., UP-TO-DATE Trunke, SELLING 8SYB-TEM. One unchangeable price--the lo1weàt;--cash da Ê checks, saine treatmnen t of. poor sud rieoh. GOOD WEARING BOOTS. No matter how remarkably. cheap, evleury ]pair wesew CLOSE-OUJT CITY', PRICES, W. compute àsuccessfufly tagailnst ýToroni dispute we are. the loweatpriced store l Follow yoar neighbors bere for, boots thas you seen our 75*. and $1l io The Joseph 1 EST18

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