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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Oct 1895, p. 3

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TheLsb 1uêhr.e1 be fori m enr tho fguùnrsI tang plac on Sunaty at 8.80. oolook from the. Dal bouse te St. Mary'. ohuroh, tbence tb the Roman oathcoe eemetury. The fneral wae laruly tteded thre being a lrge l'of tb't . vng o** land fruit were ve yeff.ok' ive. T'he fruit was brought as p, gift by the ebildren. and on Mondai? MorlnTg fifteen baskets and thrss barreÏs of pears grapes, andi apples were sent to the Children's Sheltor, the Havon and the Ohildren'e H1-ospital, Toronto .-Btateos. The cititenas'band beaded the prccesicdn. MIary fi hurch to opposite the post office on setttreet. Ho loe a widow but " r U H O IF&tal 6ooldeut on Monday evoning last as the 6.20 train for Cobocouk was leaving town and drawîng near Hopkins' crossing nortb of tbe sandpits, a Young lad ne.med camp bell, driving à teani belonging tu Mr James Hopkins, was proceedinitnortb on October \Veather the road. Engineer Deyrnan, as usual, sounded the whistle while the firemen D eç d b h u rang the bell. t j ise meeaserted by sorne D e ý d b h that the cylinder cooks were open and the esoapifig steam lent ils signal ilote of matic Sunfererse warning. But the rattling ufthte luinher wagon, tegether witb the stoppage ut the sound by the close fonce along the rail-S ddn C agsi To way Bide of thue orchard preveuted tii. dd nC an e i unng man from hea.ring the warnings. nest as the engine was on the cross;ing perature B ring Agon- thycul esope hy a ili no ies and 8uffering. the driving wheels. ruie harnesoth neareçt borse becumninR entangledl in the- wheels of the train cauped t le aniLlal to be ho drawn under. The wagon also was Paine's Celerv Compound trai;ed intu the driving wbeels and the b rev Ue h unfortunate Young follow had hie îeg Should Month. Uedthc crusbèd as fair up asute k nee. Instantly M nh the train was stoIpped it heing an 11P grade. The wouuded lad wae brought - back by the train, which thon proceeded O/ on its way. It ie reporteti that the Jeu- The OI Medicine that Cure, tors firet cut off the leg and then changed Rheuma t/sm and Scia t/ca. their minds and out it off again farther up.- The fine Young fellow.-died. -Few - streng men coula undergu the ordeals he We bave just entered ou the montb passeti throngb and live. The crossiI3g octub)er, a tme fraught with tremendoz where the accident occurreti is a inost dangers te li rhentnatie sufferers. It dangerous eue. We, tberefore respect- terrible teo ontemplae theii agonies thl fuily, suggeet te the Grand Trunk Rail- thonsande will bave to endure. TI way Company, the advisabilitY Of placing victimes are many ; tbey areo ld at an eleotric signal, similar te, these on the Yug e n or oi eIL Chicao andGrandTrankin So that dsufferers will betake themeselves 1o clim' Indiana, andi at other placep, a at withl fewer dangerous changes uit tempe crosaîng. it is the only one in the counnattnre ; but the vaet majority are oblig try where une is réally nOceeearY Yet. te face and enduire *lhe evils that miu Thp cuttinR on each side, the orchard and Muet surely COrne, uniage they seek ti high close fonce effectually prevent the help et Paino's Celery CoMpotund, th approachina traveller from hearing or muedicine that neyer fails in the Most tx seeinz the trains, and ai90 prevt13t the rible cases ut'rrlueumatismn. erîgineere trous seeinir the wagon road. In tho complete baniehment of rhe The engineers are tully aware ot this tmatism and sciatica, Peine's Celery Col datngrousé croisintg. mand are theretore pound bias more wundertul cures te alwavs tspeciallyv careful to appoilu l redit than eau be shown1 by ail ot wîtliî dîue catîtioneirv signais. Indeed, as combiued medicines. a ruie, tluey net ouI'.' sonud the required [t shouid be remnembereti that Pain siLznais of whistle ami bell, but aise cause Ceiery Compound doos not irnply relil a low tootinia sud steamn hissing to forth, for a tew days or weeks ; this wonde: or gtarantee traveliers beiug notifiod. iredicîne pees straight te the root of1 Enaineer Deyman ami Couductor Greaves trouble and takes away the. soode ofd with their able assistantp, feel deeply sase forever. Medial mon know wel! grieveti over the accident. It ie every its value in rheumatism, ad ndodrfe true vailwaytuan'a pride-and ambition toue. tiu,.teror$0f1[y,0psyoiwr:ýfl avuid accident of every kinti, sud non e 8féiï"we u ue ar ore careful and painstakîng than goun sufeughen If ,oure & l 'w the slediuelowko he o icn uyour rah yuar e a rheu thespenda ellwsof heCooo suffereir, and wîâh a complete cure, train. Ne blame wbatever in tluis in- that vou are net lnflinned te take Z, stance attaches te thein - It wasjust oeue flGET.SE. even if your doaler re* ofthose unturtunate accidents for wbicb Tured t oi ae- eed n gooneseeme responible.-Warder. onde it;ne elrY e mfo e andnt BOWUM&NVILE mire.culouS Virtiles. Mr Thos Goodmnan of Chicago, is ILdCae Wgn evJHaevisited at Rev D c ýr An old churcb in Beigium decided U Rev.J jliar viited- a RevD ,pair ite properties aud eumploy au arti McDowell's last week. touch up a large painmting. Upon prosei Mis Brkoler UnionVille, is hie bill the conlmittee iu charge refuso( McMuBukhld r rytuent unleess tho details were specified, ul guest of Mrs. T j cuty upon ho presented the items as foliows Mr Mark Dulmnage and Mr A Watts,ý To cerrectiflg the Ten CoMmaudmeuti elocutionist of Belleville, visited at M1 Embellîshing Pontius Piiate and puttiuj M lerr a s t week. uew ribbone un hie bonnet ...... Cryrermn'SPuttin new tail on the roostor ef St. Miss Emm White ad Miss Capple tr n d edn i ob Hielyar's over Sunday. Mondixig the shir t Of the Prodigat Sc Miss jennîe Hooper and Miss Kate and cleauizug bis ear - ------ Battie returned to Rochester last week after spelidiTlg a few weeks with rela- ot........ gyth onmjt tives home. th il eitÃ" fee e saYtsc ti M rs (Rev) T W j ollifle, of Camp-tebiwlhtfutsrpos. beliford, has for a fewr days been visit- ZNKL~ in g W'iîh ber cousin, Rev j W Totteui, and farni)y,- Lindsay. Visihors-Mme R. T Philp, tlCI A lezfl vent took place ini thé MWssL1<asd Mr W E ?ollaxd, ' Second l3aptiSt chutche hîag. ii g uest ofiid Mi tdeti lydo on Thusda-y. Sept. 4h whe Of ýMiss uelte fMue )r I itche Ius Amela Brmllbe, dêightefo M; 85 r.,e Dt~mt GereaBrimaOih o hitw wsvîs,,i±ngfriéodi he; Mr- H Geiorge Bimarriage w.t Mu. W 1> ' P .t of >fr. N.,B Douglass Of Blootn 'field, N. « The ~MrI $olI tiahr and, bu b cerenoflY which wëas'Private, WSS Peu' i ucsèu ecit u.ts frmin a p. m -byRev, W 'MlW '~ge ata ducds retice in the presClV1o ieym c' #e-ai~êtyr timate friernds. MieB frMi4e, f lts of LààGrange, actedU r4sÙ - - e i -a MbrF Çhildrtss, -9t P6C* r C vening fora D)Ouglas' rin i=____ .,iîp wsh b%0~V ~& - f ý9 va 1 b. e 1 q 6 iol eI)-ou are. 10 e156 lMàtayb asrtrie to atu gVbP5talvdiosgirls aeWben tbey thrgug1h Western 9Itario Visiting frieeid#. ~l:y~~Wbt dls re Doou bl4 r~. R 8ohèe gou. te the ebanýies, lio11, ari rV hwsz'leb Our' vilagetorekeer ledoing a rush. thiik se? Thabt prlfl jpe ~the imiitation le. etfot1 Th gpeaolcur eesy Merrit-She lai; 5uh 1 a etfoo, hetine&ieelctr Wdes don't know where Y011 wond UY evenirig wu flot well attended but those thing smaller,'do ou ? Cura-Ther in prosent eujoyed sa rare intellectuel treat. the shoe she wears. Thoue on tlh outaide should b. aahamedl Oh, you are too fly, retnarked the wind of such rowdyismn as'they were engagead in. to the kit.. Well, 1 noticeOO YU .IwaY5Mr'. M. W. Pasco. han returnod to Trîn,. give me a good send.oft, retoi'tod tbe ity Modical College, Toronto, for another kito. term. Mother-FanrIie, wbat ie the carjLal of Mrs. Eg. G. Psaooe and Miss Paecoe Conectiutld yun WO eerl don't visited at Haydon Ilut week. Cono.Itol o u t? Fn i geography Our ville ge had a very narrow esape ast term. from fire Wednesday when a spark from Fogg saya they are qtiite etylieb et hie the ohimney caught the roof of the blaok- boaatn boseThie eerv5fle 18 not In smith shop and but fore the timely aid of livery, but the breakfast 113, @il mornings the threshing hande working near it was in the Week. extinguished or probaiily one haif of the Nephew-DO Y00 know, Unole, I village might have been destroyed. dreamt liet niglit that von lent me $10 ? Viaitors: Mr. J. A. Mountjoy, Haydon Unele (senerotislv)-l that so ? Ah, Mr. S. J. Courtice; Mr'. T. Ward, ad Mr well, on iay keep thein, Otto1 H. Reynolds, Drayton. Why, Mr. Co1neillor, you are tryiflg New officers elected at Solina Diviso: to open the front door with your cigar 1 No. 40 S. of T: W P, James A Werry Really, now! IWonder if Ive been W A, Miss E Awdo; R S, Siu Werry s oking theiatchikeY? A R S, Mies Elizabeth Argue; F S, V~ mises Passe indulged in sonewhat with- Chas Werry; Treas, Mise E J Pasoi ering sarcasfl2 whefl she was talking of Chap, A L Pascoe; Coti, J H Williami VOI tis ber privilege, poor thing. A Cen, Miss Edna Rose; 1 Sent, Miss' Sheue orI wha . jhering hereoif. Leask; 0 Sent, N Rosa; P W P, Jasý 18 that perforiter fariiliari witb your Rundie; Organist, Mise Jackson. mniesio he asked nt the concert. He __________ muet be, replied the com poser' Who Wue ýS writing; he takes suOh liberties With it. Don' T aIk Yacht Bace Sam BîaeB-Look hyar, Looshua, wbY amn dis hivar «Valkyrie laik a troLley car 1 ANY MOUtE, BU TELL YOt Lucuis 1ove-De6d I donno. Sam Bis F I N S A O T T E qs-Case de fend ah s.allaers in front DERFUL VRTUE 0F ...... Piaa whore are the nost diamonde foun' asked Willie. In eomebodyT MINARDS LNIMEN* elses hand when they are trtimps, growl IN 0URING ................ of ed papa, who'e been having bard luck at o g a ld ,B o Mts i 1 If dere's any invention dat I bave a Rhewnatism, Neuralgi, e- ia profound respect for, su d M ov oalong A D IN .................. .... be Miko, it's de fountain Pen. Whut'e de A ,n reaeon? inquired Podding Pte. Dey Relieving Pins Of Ail Kin ky nover works.1 EDTET Tl NA eg Wht was the Most 00onusng oaee yonREPTE ETMO A :ed- ever had ? aske d the dootor of the lawyer. est Case of champagne, returned the. lawyer. Mndge- Another man oalied me a hot l antgthi hog tbfr alst night. Yabsiley-What did you th ail mnddled up. " Well, as he was three sizes bigger t hr* Ah, but it'e hie good record that stands 1,I1aeked him why ho couldn't say no lur i bis way. How ? lie hae fooliehly a,- thing original. e- aYe made it a point to pay cash for Ever have any trouble with your w], ,eU evrthn adco quently ho hamn't Not YOt-.said the Sweet Young TI )m. t emet it ofndcodit. «" ar, w 1 never T hâve rmn over an, b tser les bto ceit'I have ben able te get away beforf 11I~Nthey ut t Hazel-I have one of the nice8t der e s aX T m a n n i j a i l , h e u v r a w N t e - n h t oeve -cannot follow o ve mw uteInwa T'fui natucal inclination%. azl-Why, ho pulied eut the w teHis en' mreut of tooth the other day and wouldn't c] dis life le limited. Re me.acent for it. dis canuot eat what he Il of wats to-he isli- mite ~~~ited to a ve yfge1~~ ~ SW 1L 3~ LtO- ~ ~ vk~i~I inatiMîdife ad Trilbed Nurse nai poesm, pmtàOptlyV ttddod to -Green Street, Wh , e.Aee àl71ée c f a d y a5; cp i - F er i l a j e A- 4101n_ 'au, of the -raciùej oy- irely ment he vets.eut of M A a î's h.ife, be inight as well ienlujail. fie cari- net a«Ï what he likes, ( e E V 7 bore inot7 lo anthe whole bodyHEDOIcu OHAA id 7 je isbeing iedr with iÃŽt. Impurity ln thse blood ihay les4te ainlet any di Cpial&ithozë *, 1B 30 C -s aii~- s bestit f ta Andy é ' et i fj b arib ed, ne peope are carelese bout it, It h isenost O i 1 70 erious thlng lun tis wrld, ad tbe eaMest é'u ~ ~to cure if you gobuiTg~ r ire.~ P4U1 gJ Pleasalit Pelleta CUfý O cutipatiet Cure et- nd it posBtiU lm ,RECORS. id i oiiely. -ceiýtBiiIay;-infa1IubIy. Cureit: BA DO I . 613 »o it Stays ciied Ctir ht 0eYeicmflS0P, a taking iie.i'CWAw qt'041. 413 And tisat 1, .oetln ia l ~ ~ ltî~~l on remedy ln the WOrdI W-d-. w , wau aSWn1 A lw 3 39 'To-»q.-koa**M n FOR GIVING -TOYE 4X Laie Deses quills. 1t1s sQftm~ Itg efiif% readily te feldge yet gvi tpfip o Skirt or-Dee The olilySlcirt boue that uMy o e without injury. The. Oelbratd Fetherbôle- Corsets are corded mWitb ll matei'i&. I For Sale by losdiing Dry Goods Dealers, What IS n Castorla 18Dr. Samnuel Pltcher'5 prescrpiionf«OiInfants aud Cblidren. It contains neither Oouitn, MorPhine nor JR other ttarcotlc substance. Lt la, a barmles8- substitfltO-- N- for Paregorie,, Dropi, Sootbing Byrup1, and CastOr OU. le IoPl aal.its guarantee la tblrty yeaWs'u»,. ?y - T ~millions f mothers.Castorla destroyrw0TH ud feverisbflSS. Castorla prevent5 v6oxnJg Soi cure@ Diarrhoea and Wind Colle Castor)]z teetblng troubles, cures constipt-4of and fauY tC. Castoria assimlatOs the food, regmUla-S the a»id bowelâ, giving heslthy snd nstullleei4' As. toria latthe Childrefl's Pauscea-the Mother's "castods laan excellent mnedicine for chU- dren. Mothers ha" e rpemtedly iold sme of its good effett upn therdfldreu"- D Q.C. OsGOOn, -wheh amaeqaIný 1hope the daylIs net interest of thelr chldOfl, a se 0Castois, lu- estroyl1g tlI2fr loved eues, by foreinlfPum. morphine, sootblug syrup snd other hurth n agents dowfl their -tbroats, thereby sentllng tbem to premtuW5 graveS" :,0 "Ceur Comus , m -A 1.,,ss cfaspxtosu3al 1kreowuto u." «lroâY 111 So. Oxford ýSt, B (OUr physici en usthe cbldt ment bave s"o. blgbly 0f I and uitougis we n u ae medficelsappie -ýwbat la e k" product8sYe$ WOS'va"fr0. t> S tsVoruponit" usrrunUBTM &l Severe FattI-i Cured byNThe s lle 1-1- 1m li I a URE. I a( a yo r nIt l .m<- ti ,1i ' 4 x wtt> A 1 ab e qb îm > ON, ssq A 'll) o'HEP IVER. rINES MON. 100. LTIM oftoffr Yean ips y ER FR41rmD 14 Av s PUMPSI N IAICF. or 10 yar8, 1 are undoubt t, and are re. > $4> 50to $15. wht hiy. -st by ai who most durable, ordinary lift mps. Sample mi store t Mr. the neessry pson's Pup, WMtby, O5nti îaIen4 O i Mrllý.1 ..: Dresses# Ladies

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