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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Oct 1895, p. 8

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yGoode, bing ini thte Lino, Drug Store, S.Bouth, 4,OCT. Oshawa. 4, 1895.1 £OtOuS~f COshnw trsaw- Itvipg arâ Terry 'at th irand Opeta bouse abed'ibeir light on (the public, U re space CE thue Ouluawa papers la M$lgAged . t he, CrIRoNICLS shah be at thelî disos. There may have licens oue who blsw enougli stuif to secitèse stage notables froloi the iFai gallery, or even, the pit We date sot for a moment assume ibai many oW our Citises could afiord the luucury ci a look ai tire world's greatest stagers, and anythlng which ny be wrtteu. or. tire subjeci whll lie looked upn l the light of a revelalion by thre ctizene of Osahawa. If cren one urorectizen cati in a columa or so make us know that be saw Sir Henry and Ellet4 we saîal be comforled, and $hall me ibai bis Dame goet; down ta posterity, side by side wlth thet of Hou. Tiras. Canant, traveler and lîterateur. In thie meanîlme we suppose thre latter Rentleman wili be preparlng bis ilustrieus tnind for an outpouring cf grati- tude tu God mu îbanksgiving day, by way of a day'.sbootîtrg, Oshawna uinesa Direotory. E .VIOKEBY. barber. Simca. lireet. BROOKS' LIVERY, Simca. street, north. WM. ROLPE, hamnea maker, Sirnoas street. T. B. MOTEBBILL, butcher*, King St., West. Da. PATmissoN, Dentist; office over Rowse's store. A. J. S'rÂLTMI-Domînîon pianos and orgalis, I imcae street. A., 0. WsNVs., Vsterinary Surgeon and Dentiat, Rinig atreet West, Oshawa, ont. WILLIAM J. DBANt, Dominion and Ontario Land 5urvsyam, Civil Engineer, Bai 57, Osh- awa. COmcxmuaoL OTL-J. C. Woon, propristor. Modern hostelmy, nsai and comfortably equipped. ___________________D. Mb. To». -Oaterer for Balle, Assem blies, Wed. Idingo, Suppers, etc., etc. Alsea]mlknsa - - l#Owens. PAGEI tI8 ~ ifC,-Oshawa ubcribers trtisers may -titaasact "ny business LeÇ2àOmer*J4or may obtain extra ât ày "ï fmu U Z.Rogers. lma wihl do Weil to Cali ai m. E. rObOYSi readY madle clothlng. Ut wish af nice. frnch china dinner or Or anYthlng lu fancy china, or glass- Ot~Morgau & Son. IPaY inY partes eontemplauing buy- wg9ag.m.nt, or wcdding ring to sec teStk of FeIt Brou., Oshawa as IR Ilthl m tnh verycheap for cash, ýe d1aind r4X.Ony $5. Tbey are akint»Omespeclal offers in Gents', and Boys' gold and silver watcbes. mn. -Foit gros, OlasF8lse Blair la vlsltrng frietids lu Mark- [lus Uciuhlens, of Tomanto, la vlsing Mrs. 3. JRloe.' 1 eiV, A. B. tisinll oeupled last Sùnday morn- ,,thepUpit of Sme est. churcli, and Rev. J ,ho barrves: homie entertainnientInl the Simcoe pbtrtbhasut Thursday evetrlng was weil at- t, aud a gdprogramume was given. Liue Haitie Ologle, contralto of Simcoe st. Iroisi choir, won the -Catharite Cameron olarshlp attire Toronto-Coilege ofMusie. 'ho milllnery apeslg are belng beld in îowu week. Tire 4leplays of tbe dlffercsî millin- estalishulment are so taately geiten up tira: idalmost l inisile to Saywhlch 13e Eh. hesu. Ir. len,. arrerson. d uéelerk whh >*ssr, g.ory anrtJury, blas gone t0 Whlîby, wbcre h"aseacured a situatiffl with'Mr. Whliis. rWsdeparture wus very Imueir reecd ln n by ail whq kaew hlm, andasiomecspecialty th lady ftbendi, We wisir bu sucZess in new rÀtuation. ho irasebsfl cbamplonshp cf the towLt bas a decided, and, Bowder's Tark Nine are ne ter the ownm's or tihe pestant. Tire Orioles ktd t1teîm ast Puldaywihb a score of zS to Tihe game wsas well fbught eut. and despite 4old - eather iulte a large number were an procuris intesnse y watohlnthie game. rft rDerby plug tabaccc ,-sa thmcewireelec Yù tcam et doge. Tire OM 2:bepaint on bis blue " id rit attracted cvery. 80 se exotcd were tire email ébtitlbey slpeut' theîr Urne in "0o140d tieStreet as long as stand IL. lsslbasY Society la conrec. et Qunte COnference opened riait rttesday morni ethOdhat ohuçoitSome onei e laiatesdaoe. The ben¶ goaethrroughwltb. t k th ye shaows (bat s, mted by this ocbety f ormis. Thre - arembetsirp. utuberu aven luat Ur cf o6.Ad- tives ça dhl e~misslonam iI>Ik ontertah t Iii thé olt attende&d. (lrub the local Sabbatr acools Scoee t. nirtho- 0. -TMe Christ., reb, and Pmsby. hsïrferesntS ,n. OOnÀwA BOocXBroB-FuIlins af bocks, statlonery and fancy goeda. B. E. Rogers" Siniccestreet. Jas. HODLni>N- Whîtby-Oshawa stage lins. Leaves Oshaaet 8 a m and 2 p m, and Whitby st 10 arn and 4 p m. JosEPH iCRaIe, manufacturer of fuse carniages, oarts, wagons, and all kinds cf cutters and e1.1gb., Repaiming a apeoisity. JoaN Daim, paloter and decoratoir. Dealer in Wal1paperu, ceiling decorations, paints, ail, vamnihines, bruehes, winaow shades, etc. JAMEs PELLOW, dealer th stoves, furnacea, tUn. ware, etc. Large stock kepi eonstantly an baud. Jobblng a *pecialty. Sixuco. street corth, L. R. MuTToN, B. A. - BaMrster, Solicitor, Notary Public, Oonveyacer, &o. Money ta lend. Ofieamer DomInon Bank, inicoe Street, Oshawa. Whucontemplating1puttiIngon Lite Insurance, see D uwmv, oThe -nif dStates Lite. Their poliie are thre mont attractive. Largest guarantees. M. E. MAY,.-Ilealem in Gracertes, Fancy China, Crookery, Tlnware, and Fanoy Goode. Purs Teas and CogIes. Boys' rsady made suite a specialty-vemy cheap. Auc'nzorr SALz-Tbe suberiber will be Ini Osh sas, ai the Central Rotel, Friday et sach week f rom ans ta 8 o'olock pan., ta niake ar- angements with parties wlshlng ta have sales. L FauAnSKe auctianeer. F. LumEnaT & nais-Thi leading tailoriug and gants' furnishing housof Osirawa. Splendid assortment ai tweeds, wosteds, rwrings* shirts, coltars, stc, always kept lu stoor. FELT Baos - Waichmakers and Jewslems. Dealers in watchse. ocks, Jewelery. silver. s'aie, spectacles, etc. Engmaving, gold and silver pîating, and aid gald rings made aver. Fine watch, ckck, and Jewelery reparing a specialiy. OsuAW& Bolnam Mna,-Attentlon et taniers la dlrectod ta ýtee oheppirDow carrled on daiy .t r sy a» Celebrated Jewel brand cf tlôur,-best (n Canada, sold by aI l frstoiass p«oser.In Whttby and Oshawa, and at out mille. Carupiel & Whrite.*1 Evairox k&ilawxiws- Importerea ad dealer,- lu tarmers, manufactuLrer,' and bensefurnislr. lsUpplies. M afacturer, oft tnwame. Bav-e trauglng ad other contracting dans. Fur- nases,%chandeliersand lampe.- A stock of bicycles kept on hand. ?EiÇucz ALDEETr. Miss Mary .Bcyntou le home from the city. Mr. Frank Tripp, of Tarante Police Farce, is vletlng friends bere. A lcad cf Prinm AlbrtmiSens of Temperance aiiended Grcenba*% &=aniver-sary entertainment. re epworth Iegue le levited te attend the Port Perr Presbyterian leagire on Monday ncxi r. Mr. Wm. Armstrong, in the empIco' ai Stone I & Wellington, nursery met, le naw visiting ai à bis home. 5 Mise Bessie MeBrien *bnd Mm. R. O. White hbave returncd- to Toronto, te resunre their studtes -at the untvemstty. 1Disea sl atUi prevalent"-here. One cf Mr. Joncs' ildren le dowti with-dipbhberia. Bertha Bartley le naw very i11 wlth typhoid. 1ire ciber Lpatients are convalescent. Aitirhe elecion ot officeme inîhbe division ai tbe -S. of Ti the falia*n were eppointed for tire - oing quarter :-W.P., R, Robertson; W.A., Miss JMcdd- R.S ,W Boyntou;. A. R.S., Mise Ç Madden; .. Mise M. Armstrong; FTreu ,î.Kllpatrick; Cbap.. Mies P. Ione: tCon.,* A Bradlcy;-,A-C., J. Balfour;..,. Jeffrey; O.S., E. Foy; P.W.P., Miss T. Scenes. j Our public hall basben tumued it an apple e vqporaing building, beiug engaged until Chniatmus.- A large nuarber cf apples are caur- bug ln dally aud a number et eur- lads arc pari"~ W& are pleaed tosec inch an îndusiy carri' o*'.ýbut we imagiÏe a more sutable place iban a puIloc hall mtulgiiie choes ns it will probably * -e Ilbiuad ifo ourerpurposes. Miss Mary MeDouga» cýf Point Edward, la th4 guest of Mrs. Rector lMcDoîrgal bt-Jas. Audr&on,formeèrly of Laytos, b-pow of Sunderland, spont -a fes' days -visIÜg od, atquintances rctumulng holite iis. ryant wbo hàsbien bolidaylag rltb iýlatas'eîf thé'v1,hbogIod'(falst -in. a sdi'ce of reat condbirt tb the scft0wlg reilatives and 'ffrlendsto know be wu Per» fectly reconcile& wt bis God., Durtig hie pasi 111e be had been preparing for the eir- nlty beyond " and when sicknese came tou,,d hlm ready to areet hls'Master. on his death bcd lie -was frequently heard ta repeal his favorite hymne, "1Jesue, lover of WY BUt and "ýNearer tny God ta Tbee." The fun- eral took place on Wednesday, ihe body be" lng taken ta, the station, ta be conveyed then by train to Bowmanvlle for interniént, and the large carte ge which paid iheir last tribute of respect ta hile marial remains tee- tifled ibat lie was bclovcd by ail. The sor- row strlcken wife and son and relatives bave thre sympaîby of tire entire commuflity- Work bas been commenced on thre new mianse stable. Thre loundation lias been laid, and the mnaterial to build it is beiflg laid an tire grounds by the contractOr Mr- Miller. Thre sacrament of the Lord's supper wil1 will be dispensed ln the chiurchi here next salibatirmorning. Preparatory services 'viii be beld on Friday. Sunderland fair is in progress at the timie of wriîing and promises to be an average success, though the races advertised for Tuesday have nal been held for somne rea- son or oIrer. The exhiblîs lu the hall are about up ta tire average and the weather A big dance was beld ai tire iouse of Ir. Wm. McLeod ou Friday niigiri, A vreat many werc ai it, some coming from a long distance, and they kept it up nearly ail uighî. We do nat approve af this style of entertainment especially when taken in suchi very large doses. The Rev. Mr. Cameron took for iris text on Sunday eveuing the "fiight from Sodom af Lot. The burden of hie discourse 'vas tire wisdom and duty of fletiug for saivation ai this present time. He urÉed tris beciuse now ha tthe otîly lime you are sure of 10 do a thing in, and because on present action or ual may ire hanging an eternal destiny of irappiness or woe. VICTORIA CORLNERS. Mr. A. Doty speut Sanday home. Mr. Swanicl's barn le now completed. Another ncw bouse is being added to our town. Miss Lindsay and Mise Crawford spent a few days lu town. Our bicycle club inîends taking in Greeni- bank an Wedneeday the 2nd. Mr. A. larrinitaon bas finisired iris ride of anc thousaud miles ini gohours. Mr. H-. Saunders and A. Harrington intend wheeling ta Oshawa next Sunday. Mr. A. l-arriugton is preparing for a long ride on the wheel ta Huntsville for a hunt. Revival services are being held at the meuirodist cirurch by tire great evaugelisi Mr. Reid. Wc are sorry ta learn Ihat Mr. McFarland le about ta leave us. We wish him the best of success. OREECNEANE. Mr. lamés Brethour, of Sunderlaud, was bcre an Sunday. Mrs. T. Gold, af Toronto, has been visit- ing for the last few days ai Mrs. Arkhurst's. O>ur sidewalks have been overhauled in a way that makes a decided improvemnent, and ual a day toc soon. Tire W..F. M. S. inteud holding Iheir an- nual thanksgiving social on thre eveniug ai Tuesday tire 8tb inst. Ahl are invited. Mr. John McLeÉin of Columbus, paid hie friends a vieil on Suuday. Tirert mumtsur.1- ely ire hnusual attraction back In Ï'th l ai tbis world. Asmiir ie expccîed iu Greeubank, thre Presiryylterian chut ch was crowded on-Sun- day afrernoon last, tbe occasion beingtire annual sermon in cannectien witir the S. of T., lu being the l7tb auniversary ' f the organization of thre arder in ibis place. Tirere was a good 1turnaut af members-, ard Mr. Camneron gave a grand and soul sting discourse. Tire fallowing are tire S. of T. officess-o the next quarter :-W P, Robert T Lee; W A, AIma Harman;, RS, Noman Cragg R S, Nellie Burnet; F S, Robert Miie; Treas., Edgar Cragg; Chap., Noms Bnrsgeit; Cor., James Durward ; A C, Estellà Rèal ; J S, Arche McArîirur; O S, John Sbmer- ville; P W P, George D McMillan; organiet, Nettie McMHilan. Visiors-Mr Tudhope, Toronto, at Mrs W McCulloch's; Miss FloMbia<iev,. Kinsale, and Miss L Mackey, Rocheat- er, at Mr R Pascoe's; Mr HBradley, Uxbridge, at home. Mr j E Dyer has hast .one of his ,.bept horses., New. officers Sons of Temperance' W P, Wm Humpage; W. A,ý. Miss '-E Wotton; F S, J Campbell;- Treasurer,'. Miss K Ormiston; R S, L ICI ascoe; A R S, Miss B Gilbert; Chap,.C? Mac- key; Con, H Hurst; A Con,- MissjY Gibson; C S, E Pascoe; ISMîgsN Alexander; P W P, R Paocoe4; Orgait- ist, Miss B Gilbert. Octoboand 4thy WEDNEDAY,-- THIURSDAY~, 12-+ -and FRIDÂy, ;e-Finer display than ever. W-'For Stylish Millinery corne and and oee hi$ Wrought Sti el. -AT- $ 50.00. Also bis GOAL OIL and GAS STOVES $P5.50 to $25.OO. [ILATEST STYLE&~ IMMENSE ASSORTMENT. Boots, Shoes, Blippers, Rubbers, OvershoeE, Trun1csý Satchels, Telescopes, Shawl-straps. UP-TO-DATE SELLING SYSTEM. One unebangeable» price-the 1owest, - cash do'1wn checks, sarne treatmen t Of poadrich. GOOD WEARING BOOTS.. No matter how-.rernarkabl ha.ée'.wWASI CLOSE-CUT ,CITY, . e ompete ' dispnted;_we fa Let uo we nea: beet 1%À frontm t siesc 25c. per lb. -Or Gls.5r 1 This le an excllent argon. Cl n get a ample àan4 ry .ItL E'We want -I3utter, Cheese, È ggso and other farth produce, for whlch we- Beaton'8g Urocery, OPPOSIE POSTOFFWE OSHAWA'S NEU' 1NDUSTRY~ ;ý"Open till ta o'clock on Wednesday. EdflOfldSOfl THE ARCADE. Tho:.9 Miior. A nnual Excursion1 -TO- W~Port Huron, Detroit, Cleveland, WSaginaw, Bay City, Grand Rapids, WChicago, Cincinnati, St. Paul and W~Minneapolis, on Oct. 3rd, 4th and 5th, Good returning on or before 0--Oot. 219t, 1895. RATES- IProm Oshawa to-j-- Pt. Huron or Detroit $5.25 Cleveland ...............75 Saginaw or Bay City..8.25 Grand Rapids........... 9.25 Chicago and Cincinnati .1 1.25 St Paul or Minneapolis . 34.25 &WFor rates and full particulars apply to' W.- P. STERICKER, at Oshawa Railway office, just * a few doors south of his old stand. R. 0. CARTER, Agt., OSHAWA. .Sept. 25tb, z895. CLARKE & DYER. INSURANCE 4NjD COM- MISSION AGENCE Sun Life Assurance ýCc. of Canada, wbicb le to-day unquest',ibnably the Leading Life Company.1 Canada Accident and Etaployers' Liability Corporation of London. Eng. Among tbe Pire and Plate Glass Companies we handle the Lancashire, Guardian, Mercantile and Hatnd-in-Hand. Aid Savings and Loan Co., 'Toronto. OFFicn just novth of the Western Bank, 1 0 0 OBEAWA IDC I J. S. CLARKE. W, E.DYER DONT'T0e0 BLINDLYI 'i -, We bave , stock tq.< sud hii TIIE MODEL MILLS 0F ONTARIO& To the Farmers of the County ol Ontario and Durhkam: At a very large cosi ibese Mills bave been equlpped ibrougbont wlîh the vey besi and lateet IMProved machinery for Chopping Grain. They bave been specally deskgned for, the purpose of meeting the demands ai tbe fariners in tbis Une, wblcb are :--' ,.-Large Capacity, so ibat a Grist can be ground qulckly and talien home ai once.' These Mille have a capacity of 200 busbels pcr bour. 2.-To have macblnery so easlly and so persectly àadjusied tbat the vcry smallest noxious seed oan be absalutely killed. These mill *fill make flour of the finest se6de, if'nèessarY. tbcreby enturely destroylng the gerai. 3.-Mills ta, be s o construcled as to grind ihoroughly al hinds of -grain. mixed or otberwuse,1 with- oui delay. These are the orily milis Ibat will do it. 4. -Corn and-Cob are crusbed togeiber, reduclng iheai 10 fine meal. These Mill will reduce it as fine as fluur, and as fast as two can bandle. There la a rapidiy growing demand for ibis feed., Lt lilite besi and clieapest fodder forixnilch cows and hogs that the farmer can praduce. I là; also the Most valgable fertilserObtain 'able ; the Cob contains a large amaunt of sugar (a fattening. propcrty,) is a wonderful appeUsc.ancw eat ht wib great reflh. Ih contains more potaeb hiba any oiber prodnot.of the farm, andf wben ted as above descrlbed, returns ta ithe soul a vital principal tuai le fast, beîdg eilnatedL The.power required for the operatlan of these mille ii necessarily greai;* notw hitasùding th15; I bave made the price as low as any of thee utile mille ibat have insufficient power, only balf griding thé stock. allowing ail fine seeds to escape ýieing ground, and frequenily requiring severai jotzrneys before a grist cati be bad. Oshawa is ane of thbe est towns in Canada to sel faim produce in, and Ie also one of the best ta purchase goods in. Bring your Grisîs along and wbilebycu are shopping your gris: utilU 'be ground. . ) . Tbe.large amount af cusîom now coming to the mille warrants (l-ise srtion "Ibat farmers have been humbugged too long in tbe way tbeir feed bas been gound, and'complain Joudly of thre inadequate reîurn af feed taken ta, différent mills." Tley fuly appreciame, te "New Order of Things." Bring along plenty af empîy bags. The Corner ShoeSoe Theç find c at Fresb. Sboe1 WiLso0 Juist a Hat THE Mt e 1- WelI are ~OSHÂWÂ.w j E -,FROM-ý- OPPOSITE POST OFFICEÏ W. E. DYER. 1 PELLOWSi 109halffile M-ili8l Pro veuder

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