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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Oct 1895, p. 1

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XXXIX. WIIITBY9 ONTARIO, FRI1>DAY, OCTOBE'R ,185 Ion ylrro The people will be surprised when they find out we are selling Sticky F1y Paper at Two double sheets for 5 cents. Fresb dalmation Insect Powder 5c an oz. or 4 Oz. for 15 cents. Shoe FIy Poison Paper for .............. 5c. Wilson's Poison Pads fo.,.....oc. Just arrlved a fine sssortnient of Hatqging Lamps, Hall Lampa, Bouquet Lampe, Vase Lampe and Stand Lampe. The prices wil surprise yeu. ft9rCail and See. KIrW. R. HOWSE'S STAND. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, MUCH HEAT, A t Little Co8t, ; lewhatyou will get by burnin u Well Bcreened, Carefully Delivered, Bright and Hard, Free of Siate, No Clikere. are pointe we dlaim for our Coal. _MM-GZVE US A TR1AL.-91 Je H. DOWNEY & COs OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Choice farin to let. The undersigu wishes te rent for a term. ofyears, lot 4, cýon. 2, Picktring, contaihlng ao çres. The farm ie one of the beeqt ini the 'ý.ownship, well watered, fenced and drained, ood and convenient buildings ; beautifully cated on Kingston road, winding between Wbitby town and the village of Pickering. For particulars apply on the premises or to A. A. POST, Whitby. Sept. 26th, '95.-43-3in. DCI'!' FOi ql! If ayw ard -ias got in his- FALt and WINTER, GOODS. Piles of tbem Beautiful te 100k at. Lovely te Iraudie. Pesimable po bae.' Easy' te obt*alu. Be="uso ôtderfullv ceap. Yout Inspection flovltcd. Wtd& vale S«e&tiilt »04«44lochý, .4jc - sàamèeoSSr-gis ,1woole- 44 hidi, 371 etu., regi~t8ý-& ký. etta-Serge, u11 vool44 Ittïcb# &frek n 31r .çUP.- LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. EEYRTLEC Mr. Archie johnston fell from a tree on Sunday last breaki'g ies collar bonte. 01ONnoxCLE CenuxsposND1cE. Mies E. E Hayeraft frorn the Bowmanville Stateernan office ha. been here for several daye past etaying with ber sick mother. GREENANE.The dîvîson of the Sons of Temperance Miss Ettie Salter bas been on the slck lest reopened their divison that has been closed but je recovering. for Borne two or more menthe past on Satur- Mr. James McKitrick is down with an at- day night [ast. é tack of typboid fever. There are t wo new cases of féyer bere since MissLaua Bown ofTorotobasbee 1 Our iast writing, the afflicted little girls are iss Lauhra rwn, of ronoha ibena daughter of Mr-. W. James Dixon and visitng hr frendebore daugbter of Mr. W. Tarvis. Mr. E. Barrett le erecting a handsonie 1 La.t week a carload of heavy herses was brick residence on his farrn. 1sbir>ped fromn this station by Mr Harkness Mr. W. M. Real spent the Loi-d'e Day and this week Mr S. Barrett goes to Montreal vieiting hie friende in'Scugog a~nd Brock. witb a car load ofbheavy working herses. Mr. and Mrs. George Bush have returned Mr. Wiil McTaggart and wife started for frorn an extended visited to relatives down their horne at Ossego Lake Michigan on Tues. east. day of this week, taking Mies Nettie Mc- A large numnber cf the Presbyterlan ele- Taggart with tbemn to etay some t wo months. ment attended the sacramental services at Nettie being thre church and Sunday school Wlck on Sunday. organlest she will be very mucb misseoddurlng Afler Thureday night, who says that ber absence. Greenbank does not need a larger hall for If twe big railroads smash ups killing one public gatherings ? man, the shoot>ng of Brown, and now the robbery of over twentý> one hundred dollars Mr. Arnos Stone bas been under the will cause a place to be noted, then this is a weatber for tbe last few days, but is, we are noted place, for particulars of the robery se glad te say. on the mend agaîn. the Editors description of the affair. Mrvi. icharc ragg icîr on aionaay te at- tend thc higb court of the I. 0. F., wbich is Ibeing beld this wcek at London. Mr. W. -Perkins is 110w domniciled acrese the volley toward the settlng sun, la the bouse lately occupiedby jas. Bush. Thre W. F. M. S. social on Tuesday even- iag was not very laigeiy attended, but a very pleasant time was spent br- those present. The thank offering amounted to $z4. We regret te leara that John Blair, wbo had bis band amputated some time ago, ia ntow under thre neceseity - of gettlng medical assistance for hie leg, that wos effected by blood poleioning. Wanted, a public scavenger to keop oui sidewailks free -from the filth depoeîted at varlous times and places by Out host cf vil- lage cows. Applications recelved up te the iî5th inet. Apply at the Mayore office. Anotber conteet bas been etarted in the division. It je a tbree sided fight tins Urne. George A. McMiilan, George Miller and John Somerville -are thre captains, and that means a lively time from new te the end of the year.* It je reported that o of ou r leading poui- tical ligbts ha. applied for a gove'moment position at Ottawa, and i-expectîag a notice to report hirneolf for duty at any time. If party services count for aaything, he cer- tainly deserves it. Mr. GeoDge Miflr bas engaged te teach the Sgaeç oolfr the year, 'je. We conXatulate the people of thgtai burgh.1o bavîng secared sncb an -estimable young mani te fili this imuportant position, and pro- dict tInt Uiey wIlI hbave ne reason to regret their cholCe, 1 weuld b. pottinig it mild to Say that -the S. of.T, concert on Tbiarsday evening lest was -àgrand SUCoM. N"T4l wm rër fectien itËel(, sud every fôoot ,ýf eiéatiii' and standing room ln the bal, as taken ubut, altbougb thc building- was se uncoinfortably crowded thre best of eider sud good feeling prevaiîea and -vo h-ave yot te bear of oe boiag dissatiefied. Messre. Balfour, Camp- bell and Helliday voie there la tIreur'begt forrn, and delighted thre audience vith tIroir comlc aa sentimental songe. But the bead- ing feature cf the programme vas tIre drama "Thre Last Leaf," whicb vas icndered lu a way that would have been ne discredU te pfefessionals. TIre Rev. Mi-. LeUtcI occup- fe the chair in bis asual pleasant sty4ý Thre prpçeçdie gMqUTIete #zo$3. Miss Harmis visîteit our Salibatir echool on Sunday. Miss Lotdie Tmul speut Sunday witb ber trlcnd, Mime E. Guthrile Miss Minalie Pardon ha s téd (MBIS àô f ort- night's visit with featui&luUibkldpandvicia-. lty. Mins Katie M(tIiàtlt basbeen epending a, week or se with hl ieonde luin(Jberrywood and vleinity. Miss Calonder ha lotifor Myrtle ýfte uped. lng deatym wUh hem cousin, miss K.ay, whoutbere to visi wltlr ber. Seeri rom hem atuded Markbasew f*I Ma they ay. IROUGRAM. in- whlcli the Brooklu football team is Con- cemned, will have eoniethi1ng to Bay this. week 'because nu refereqce çwas miade to the above In ity laît letter. It 'vas a Pure Oversight on niy part aîd 1 regret mY carelessness, not because ofits efiect on1 the gentleman frors Greenwoed bt ecus of mny bei ng a week Inter In plzblIShing an item of news in which the pubtitfre lnterested. The foltý,$ving la frem the Brooklin celun ithe Gasétte of last week -«$The chances are nowý tbat phould there be another ont. break Otilie COw disease, a certain partv In the vilisgC wvill be strung up to a tree, witb the posilbility of an enraged Public rlddling( hie body witb bullets.1, 'here lu no dOny. ing thefýaçt that should the person guilty of thece be d.CiscOVered there wold be a unanimojie demnand that punisbrnentebàouîd be mete<lVbit euch as the offense medte, but it b alktOnsense to say that the müethods of tue '#ý*dk-And woolly west", would be te- sorted tâby the peaceful law respecting clUi. zens ys village. While ebjecting te the» languaW<;ust d we prefer to think -of WL as the result Of à-sip of the pen or te censiderit as figuratily ueed. We would bi sorry In- deed te thlnk thatIthe edtor's weekly ýviëits to Brookili ave led hinm to formu such au opinion cf any portion of ite inhabitants.. W. A. H. GUY & CO..-graJn bnyers. John Cowie bas leased tbe Alger faim, and Da. P,&I϶SoN, Dentisi; st Seberstuhoel, wiîî lie pîowing in a few days. fini TI*zraday, every month. Ramersys that John Hood sr. has enter- ed action agfflnet bis son John for net paying rent*etc. 1Sam Adamson je now etopping at Gemows, having eevered bis cennection with T. Mitchell, Claremont, tIre being some mis- uaderstanding. We boom R. Miller bas eold tIre zet prize Welsh pony for thre Iandsome sum of $250. At that rate. herses are leoking up or I sbould eay prices. Mr. J. Rabam and wlfe -passed thîough oui burg on Tbursday nigbton tIroir way te Markbam four baving stopped and visitcd at Mri--C. H. Pilkeys on tbo,7tb con.' Nearly everybody attended Markham fait âst week and report a grand succese. J. Millet & Sensweto theme whth sbeep and succeeded in getting it prize as4usual. Potatees are-egeuting uneartbed at a tre- inendous rate. Eveîy 0one says they have thre lai-geet, and oh what etoîjes sorne viii tell, but w-ait D. R. bas flot dag bis yet. W. Gibsen and J. Clyne were ii the city wlth a load of apples, butter etc., Tbey wero accompanied by J. Madili. They report price4 10w, but think it je tho best mar-ket. John Gee was i the nelgbborbeod lookh1ei at tIre orchards.» Hoe sys ire bas bougbt'~ 8ooo barres already and eays one orcbaîd« coûtains 8eo. bai-tels and another 500,-ami qulte a numbrbaJià. , TOWâ LIU. The Meurs McGregor were suc cesfuii cpturlpg-a nanibet iof,.prazes at Markara Thé revival aervces commencràsi lus edeor MiBrien vlsted- eur echool ont bad adays frelie.Y dgrl ?4r. Bai-ke of the firm Bai-k & Gray pbotô-. gaphe ,Teot) j pediga ,wbel dysbei-e. 'Hé bas hie caeraaloug« and là taklng a few inapooteby way -*irson-. The school'chîldren bad thIr l ysigare.l peetdon a plate oni.Monday, Mmn. Sandferd Brownis down wltb ty phoid foyer, and au lire Brb wu le troubled'with an afiectUon cf the heart ber case le souuewhat critical. Dr.Meidruu i lattending. ',The- othete who have béen sxtfleriag from typhoid are all botter and around again We hôpO that Mtm Brown may sooi h restoed-'to at homo on Sat Rev. R. flSi bei-e latéPi- day afteruýSoon Theepworth vishest vn for five eat BBlAL14, a. - Isuer of Maae Lienus. EegHane oppocite Town Hall, BrooklUD. SOuBAlToOI; SL.&-D. Hommânuuyle nmànprepeed te :ý B.u~ >.OU staished, Beolllns6îion,or o carai . celebrated Sorsaton Ce'Al ai close l rices forcauh. (The. bot,e uhe oheapesi.) w A MONJI"rL, > V S.-oiGfit.-o! the On- turlo Voierlnary ib; onoray meiuber, o! the Ontario ociety. Treail -ail dIsease et d iof anlnlby themos ht' As id-delMUtry. Day or-zLighinyl atiended to. Omoe suad et e Un Ontarit4 DonWt Shiverý when y-ou can be warm -and. cofortable .at the8e rca Men's 'Uuderat 4mc, oS, 7oc, 750 and $I cacir. lAdes' n'udervests at c2M, 25c, SSc, 7e and 85c caci Gry1' aunel at 1Me, soc,, 27ind 3oc pery 'o- neletes a 5c, c, ic, 4c, , zecnd Mqja e n'W se é ke)at t -acx.2 To propi-ietor of the CHRONICLE; Please send Geo. Newton a copy oLthe CHRLONICLE eQach week. Ho le always bothering- your tibscribers, for their paper, I arn afraid seme of these fine Frlday mornings ho will break bis neck a~ s se anxioue te see a 'CHRONICLE. (Why doesn't he go te 'that empty store tvhere b e enys there are se many CuIRONicLEssgeing te waste ?-ED, CH;] The Cous- Reformer. Talk of the cburch of to-day refermer, I amn net it witb the Newtons of the Stafl- dard-Gazette. 1 bave ne doult but that any undertaker in thie county wiil gladly furnieb cUtber of these gentlemen when he shuffies oùi this mortal coil wltb a hernlock ceffin weil stained witb turpentine atain to allew it te crack well-wben it humes, for ts magnan-, imous effusion on the fuserai reform busines. Thèy in their great wisdom, are actually dictating to men who are about te beave this sphere of -life, adqising them wbat te do in making their wille. Poor follows, for some time past I bave been under the impression tbey were net rnentally balanced. But fer pure and unadulterated cbeek cemmnend me te the Newtons. They have coffin on the braîn, coffins ia their editorials, coffins i their (?) tirade againet myself. If tbey get any worsee1 shall send Lbem a 5-9cefin, lest anythlngbhappens te ,ny friends tbe coffin refermers. Thi-co cheers and a tiger for thre meet celebrated- only living, "'coffin"11re- fermera. on thre North American Continent!1 A living curioshty 1 See them before tliey de. part fyom off this nlundtine spberc. The church cf to-day le a living issue. but the, f.coffiti" refermer 19-dead, as a dcci nail. It je an honor te, be tdentified with an issue cf the dityla which thereýls a probability of good being dene, but tei champion aà'klcad" Je heartis work. The Newtons viii have tbeir ban de full loeking, after tihe large cir- culation of the, Standard, and attendîng te An Blectrlc Raiiway. Mi-. A. L. C. Pew, cf Welland,, vas bei-o on Weddesday last'-and mot a' aumber cf eain en oe' Port Perry. with-wbom -ho discnssed ýtie proiect cf an electric road run- ning ffom Port- Penrv te KXinciar-,1ie,, a dW tance cf 150,mllcs,'anud crossit'-gtine or ten rgiîvays; Hoestiniâteithat k iIlceet $àooo pýeriznile te loy" the itak ud $1000ý more .fortUic overhead trolleyire. t-l propoSe.r)te utilise thoplie croads ajuci as.o posilefr laying the "tran adtu savo tire espense et-,pircllasing;nikbt 0'wy Port ici-i-y is te be thre- amtern, -termi&us cf the.îogd, aad tire'poiwer euseS-vilIH be ýle- cated boe.- Mongy is tequired te sec uie, the passage cf lave te seare ,a,-ùlirter, and'Mr.' pew vants thè- fe'- largeet tevsti-og i viichr thre'raid Will i-un te.ýsubsctibe t stock-in advance tte-Uicextenpt oI 0ei *F é vhicirSoo l te, be pRidown n -Hle instead df thre" CHRioméiCLEaid. :,Wê dOW want thatd-d CHROmICLE héue.". 4fts let the cat out of the bag'l 'p~d the. epJ thets used againt me ot. S tandard's ai icle . A-most .contemptr kous land insignif hiant creature, sneaàk,, kiecà~cr, #dig, ---,d liberate Iying, instincts of a sflaà-.e, caI~ effrontery, utterly debaned epidritdié"fo eflusons, karagornti.(1) of wisdom, deibeie. lie, broad-cîoth (for -wliole cfilÎth, r&V' îiî self-opinionated uttranees, Ianàicàt, craicI wlnd.bag (thie appiied te b dtoof1 CHROr*IcLE), maSk Of falàehOîWd, done; thi garb of a spie, -miserableé_s 'eaék ' niisrerabl sneak, misrepresentationi , able ý te plèa enough to mnake onesiklnnalc assy1iî The public wili readil belovethat aéwi papers are getting badIýy worédrwben dith bave to resort -to the use of sncb langiiaée Port Perry Buai«» trogor. G. B. Wm~umsoç, barber, Dexitte post offi. Ooi, Uthi-8 mos. new fa» aet-ook of milhinery "d f# rp~ tur out' firsi-clase UM-IWnry l hlt styles- andi' low >rlqeo. -Siànipliig don. order. sept. lUth.--msnont W rCAim haa.-fer uabeihreêgoed seoek band parlor heaiters1vi Ongus» blehb sell oheap for cash. CaU and-Imups-on as ihey are, good bargaIns. W. Le, -PARRAIE PORT PE! for hp HAF WA LANERN ~APPLE' ni-day Isat. panu bd tas VOL. Ji-~ n IL 1 ý 1

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