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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Oct 1895, p. 3

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050~S ~ qEA14 *TESvaIlAc- now Uà*for. Lbî. pM@sugersî. Consid oring tho ' teethe 1vterage pasnzrs *hY tbehavacoQmfortabîo quairtersansd rl good fod, Jusat thint, shay have caradpssengors fer,#8 oach aud paid #2 te au agent for aamiasui>,, and they feed th en 10 days and carry them 8000 miles loJr 86, what eau oeeoxpeot. ltowayer, Mi- Editor, the bout le nana tee 9oo4 La have when crosaing the big pond. The cabin passengers being largely fratornal were from ail parta of the Amerjoan continent, almost overy state wbs reprosentad, and ovory province in the Dominion of Canada. There ware about 225 sud al *njoyed themealves thoroughly. Soea hougbt at the com- mencement of Lb. voyage that everything vas net what it might b., but iL was very pleasant afLer ail, aud oe muet cousider that if the cabine seam miit they ara net on land, where thora is plenty et rooru a menve about. The quantities food taken aboard iliose steamers for use ef passengors is onormn- eus; aud we were served witb the oboicest quality. The regularity of the meals was very noticeabie and iL seemed as if we woro living ta est. Coffée at 7, breakfast at 8, dinner at 12, supper at 5 80, and what LJ.y cail a snack consisting of ses biscuits, cheese snd tes or ceffée at 9 kept us quite busy. During Lb. intervals betwaen meale the people enjoyed tbem- salves chattiug, waing the docks, piay. ing aL ail kinde ef gamaes, and usually at nighit seme entertainment was arrsnged fer which would briug out the latent talent of tb. passangers, but I muet gay that unlees ana je seaeick crossing the ocean in a La-daye ship le what yen rmighitetrin enforced idlenees. Ainongist the chief ejoyment of a great aony paasaugers on Lb. ocean je aeessick- nase. I do net daim ta be a superior saitor but wss fortunate in not h.wiug an attack of this terrible disease wbile away, but I ssw enough of it e!speciallY Ou tbhé return journey, when it blew a amii gale aud rsined fer almoet a waek. Soe people goS ick if tbey go ou a bosS, let atone crossing the oceasu. 15Is hard ta dascriba seasscknetis, it seams te b. ne respecor of persans. Rich aud poor, large and sinai seain ta suifer, axcapt oilidren wbe seeante, b. Lb. hast sailore. Nearly cvary person aboard oui- ship coming home was sick aud asmong tb. werst were the medical men. On. gentleman, a Dr. Arnold frein Owosea, Micea, -said ta me , Rose just let me geLft is ship aud 1 shall nevor gat on anothar." I have heard Lb. feeling de- scrihed by soeaone something lika this. Whau firet sick tb. patient je afraid that tb.e hip je going otaeLb. ottain sud t4- fora long they would ba elad if iL would go down. 6, oh 1 1 wish I were dead " could ha beard ail over the ship. IL le neadlesa Le say that we.iooked for whale8 for oua would expeoLte e ee big fish in snob a great océhn. W. were favorod i With a sight ef an immense Oe comiug bhaie, iL sbowed ite gi-est black back eut of thé- wstar, sud woot epouting Off T bora wara a numbar of thain epouting but wa did net geL very close ta thein. W. saw the fiying fish that- ris, as th.y ara diqtui-bed by Lb. vassal sud tbay ri-- semble a bumming bird as Lhey fly along the water eut of danger. Porpoises seain te infeet thA-oceasu and evory day gi-caL light sud twÎllightait the. sa i m. rose one uioraing te sae the. daybraak.1 was atone, the. sailore wera wsshiug the docks, sud I'saw a siglit novez te ha for' gotou. Ishamont attempt Se dascribe 15. I counot; 18 vassimply grand.i watobeti the moon, whiob vas ebining btightly viien I cameo ondock.boue îi golden caoler andi grow pale. Thi. stari went out befors tbs brigh; beasinof t5h risin su», and 1h. ,dha.Dgei, incolore# ai th alsbreak gavewaytotioUiTiU vas maguiliont. W. met a large numbe ofai mai11» ,essfrB.dstemerand lmm., i vhol au vb aa véryJ, aant au» 1ienjoyei Uvsry miuch. V eilu>.gis to catch, Mlgiof andu-on ouri- sistva jour»ey if 18 vas the. rocks ou t1W corna :uialsudSsad' fôr ny bon"*rs vo ad ft' isw of g>.5 X$sli coant au ve ssi Î, t te1.ýibrbr. h. a 9P tOreeivje iti; I wala 80 i&.m'pîtied "ta, sas theec 'prera b - udleie Lb.e . reat ors damne tle steeta4,.i.aggas: s -of ail the steetago. PASsengere. We ware on Englieh soil àd in the greate 'tst ee port cii-y in the world. It was flot diffi. cuis for us to find Our baggage,; the gi-caL customs warehouee is well laid eut aud 4e arranged alèhabetically in sections 1 loalçod fer the latter R snd found my trnnk in that section. The gooa natured offioer,,wboeoxamined oui- luggage was on the bunt for !obacco, cigare or liquera. On. of the chief revenues of the govern ment je fi-ouithe excise and imote of these articles and they keap a =hrplook- out for t.ben. The whole party ýwent direotly on te London by train, but I wanted te se. sema of the ceuntry, aud s0 with my brother John and Dr. Smith, stayed in Liverpool. We spant th. afternoon seeing the sights. The assises wore on and immense crowis were gath ered in Lb. square oppobittl our hotel, on Lima streot, and the bi r 'Lstops iu front of St. George's hall vuere covered with people. We watàdored through the lovely grounds of St John's churcb,,4nd thon down Le tho cotten exohange. WNe oxpected te bave te go inside but found that when the weatber was at ai laver able tho cott.on merchants preforred te t'ude iu tho open square, fortned by tbe exohange buildings, aud just in front of Nelpon'e monument. About a block away le Lh. produce ex- change. IL wae mar-ket day (Tnesdsy) sud the gi-ast exohange i-oam wus crowd- ed with merchants sud inillere. The1 sellera dieplayeti thoir geode, viz., whest, coarse grains of al hindi, fleur etc., on email tables, sud they seemed Le ha daing a thriviug tbusiness. The counti-y grain marchantesud milan scongregate an Ilchange," sud iL lus aconvanient plsae meet snd de business. 15 le ana ai the sigbtase s.thie place ou s mai-ket day sud wateh Lhe thansanda doiug wholesale trade. -W. aieo visiteti the irait, floyer, mesS sud -. Bob mar-ket -whicb are large sud weil appointad show places. Spealiig ef fruit reminds me of Engliab cherries. I thought ve produed good charrias lu Canada but Lb. samples va tasted that aftornoon ver. Lhb bot I bava ever bad. I romambai- Lb.7 vera 8d. par lb,(alt fruit in England le solti rotai] by the pounti) sud about the aize ai aur ordiuary email gi-eeu gaga, sud the. recallection ai th. lusciausuesoai hase cherries is etili vitb me. The standard af aborrnes witb me nov is English cher- ries as I hkd thain in Liverpool. Wa hati occasion atorwards te sampte English fruits aud really vara sui-prisad Le sea such lovaly goashari-is, plumes, bot-bouse grapes snd peaches. We vera delightod with inany ai the shapesud etreets. IL vas on Duk, St. inu hS ecity. that Mns. Haan, thspoetoss vas hemn, sud thon Roduey St. lu fanions feor -bai.g" Lb. birth place ai Hoin, W. B. Gladistone. Parbape the meet intaresting sud chai-set. eristie eight of Liverpool le its encloseti docks wbicb ai- a moas net only for their axtent but for their soliti construction Iucluding th. Bir-kenhead docks, which are under the saine management, tbay caver evar 500 soi-es of vater, andi quay spaca ai 82 miles, sud ceS$55,000,000. Tha meut modern sud noteti apecimons ara the. Alexandra 44 acres, Hloruby sud Laugtou frein vbich va sailed i avering 21 acres. -J8unniug along Lb. enSime lina oi docks je au elevateti railvay about 9, miles sud oea gets a splendid ides of,'the docks sud es al hindi af ships frein al parte of tbe wvend. Thare vere ovar 20,000 shipe in Liverpool docks set year .aud 1 am teld4tbe income te, the city asat year vas aver 85,000,000. On. ai the offleera an oui- ebip cemîng homo told me thay paiti 8150 par éday deekage. The ovarbead railway took ne eut te Sesiorth Sande sud as the ida vas eut wa wslked along the bard fi-m çseoa the se&shabe. IL le a.gi-est Place.ici- ahltirpu sud gi-est nuxuben vers enjay ing theinselves hathing, playing in Lb. sande, and bavine s goti Lma generaily. (To be Continad.) Thse aidMe 'ho aboya aortnoil ' 4~Moday.- A comnnulioMaion was ,-aUfo Oshaiwa RaiIway 00 re (drain oùr basa fina', froffaEby, ré acôiL; f rmGT. B Co'. w" hraference te, croussî ti-A st. . Heàry moved îbthat e s ýeaputaI4on of the Ontarieo'& DurbRn' ou iltgricultural Society requesting îlîis 0o oltemke au ajvrup ilation or $100 to aid thain in their indatadnose, owing fô having unfavoralble weather for the lait two yeara. this council daters, action toe ana mouîh for further considration .- Oilrried. Mr-. H, nry moved that the ieava grant his order for the suin of $25 in favor of E. F. Nicholson Wo be appliod on printing centi-sot. - Carried. Mr-. Grierson moved that the reeve grant bit; ordar ou the treasurer for the following: A. Dearboru, for Smith family, $7; G. M. Ashley, for Smith family, $12; Mre. J. Dingle, for John Abrams, 98.50 Aise Lb. foilowinR indigents: Mrs. Bur- goyne, 883; Jno Hobbs, 88; Mary Me- Carthy, 88; David Moore, read8 and bridgt fi, $5; James Jenkins, 84; Jas btook's jr , $26 40; R. J. Robinson, $4; Wm Edgar, $1.50; R. Angle, $5.70; L. Bickett, J2 05, Mi.. Eltene, 81.50; Gao Brook, 82 87 ; G H. Griorson, 810; Wm Gilmour, $20.20; John Sykea, 856.- 71 ; A. K. Farewell, 84; Wm. Lanoh- lacid, $ 11.20; EbeL Willson, $8.52; Mrs. Nicliolas, work etc., $8 50. Adjourncd to nicet the lat Monday in Novornber at 1 o'clock p.M. WM. PURVES, clerk. Columbus, &Oct 7th, 1895. BILECRIN The terrace àa receiviug a new coat ai paint, which adds muob ta ite appesi-ance. About sixty couple spent Friday aveu- ing laut, aL the residence of Mi-. MoRse, " The Peint " ln honer ai the mariage ai John P. MoRes, te Mis e anie MeDonaid. Ail enjoyed theîuselvea Le the utmeest aud msuy were tha congratulations extended te, thé uewty maried coupla. Mise Bella Santimo, of Beaverton, le spaudiug s iaw weka balitisys aS the aid home iu the village, Miss Evoye, Toi-onte, le virnýting her ant Mrs. AllbrigbL. Mr. Thos. MoDarmnott lait for Toorute Wedneeday lut, ou a business trip. Massrs. Stone sud Martin, shippeti two loads, ai cattie, frei ber. ou Thureday Ilut, for Tarante mar-ket. Mr-. Overeut d aily, spent Suuday day in Beaverton. lu the baebail conteet Taesday Brachin club van Lb. su-aer oup sud the champion- abip of Mars deiesiug the Sobapelar club. Soen gooti ptaying vas doue on bath aides. This wus Lb. mont iâterestiug gainapiayed bai-a thi season sud wus witnassad by s large gatberiug. W. are gzlad te, repart ta day that Mr-. Wallu wbo wue knocked. dow sud i-un ovei- by a herse iu the rig oterday le improving sud out ai ail danger. afew day8 ip the, villae. Mrs. William ' )rr retu rnod-MondÊky 'fi-pi a woek'e vieiLte friands ini Taronto. Mr. Mai-Lin 0'Douueil bu asuchsedah uaw threshing, outiS. Th. aid machin, giving out Iatwok. Mr-. andi lia. Thouipson lbas-the am pathy of the antire cemmuuîty in tiie lo«s ai sheir infant sou, ageti 7 months, whiph teok place Monday ýmorning, Sept 30tlh, Mars only isoke 40 namas ef iaving oenougb au the voter's hit te entitieher ta another reeve.7 Mise MoKinnon and Miss MobaiIof Gihua, are visiliug -58 lira. McLelIus. The flU fai- b.d an idoal da n d'sas successfalinlu .vory, rospOct -The, entrios vers above the. avoragj, andi thpr were sanie specIy gotiexhbità.' Âmng others em inglit mentioà .tiie ýf6okwipg W. Braeumield, fiue axhîbît of2iioisatéýnik which orieoff svai-al prize.. lw a 01ofGamobritigo, 13 vaii#4 àfýpplea., Angue D. MODougail 'f GambMgi reots applei a sn. I est _i.' lprMRa twa large sSUho'os p~,g~4Ibn. Graf ton- & Co Olioiaialrge teit ou thea groundiss aoinï,thâir osau Mi- >Moutgomüery _*W-ni eÙt"arga"9 Grla verký.: éi ý_Iiùk9hfrO.. ' p > Wright, Mx.*ud lrs. Thoàr*1 ceai-seThe îesm wïhee ~.Ms88lO.Ùuuti~ 'we~llegate t L ho Nts.(ReOV.)ÏW. Liuiý-.rtt -04. .1, vifiiL- R.ev. Dr-. Marvin preaches owpeciè.liy tô objîdren neit Siy morning -4t Eben. Neow officers in the E.L. of Ebenezer for thia terre :-Ron. Pies., ftav. Dr. Marvin ;l>res., A. Fi. Rundia; Vice Pres., B. J. Gay, Mise O..B. Littiejohne, Mrs. R. B. Qsborne ; Seotary, E. W. Osborne; Trese, M. Worden. Officers of Mt. Carswell division for prasent quarter.:-W.P., W. R. Opur- tice; W.A.,--Eva Courtice ; R.8.9 Â. J. Gay; A.R.S, B. Hal; FS., F. Gay; Treas, J.- Baison ; Chap,1 B. J. Gay ; Con,, Wes Salter; Asst. Con., L. Lyle; 1 S., S. Balson ; 0.S., H.- Hancock. on Wednasday week one of the oldest if not the oldeBL resident of South Daj- fngton, In the person of Mrs. Joseph Kirkpatrick, quiatly passad te ber reward at the rasidarice of ber son.in.law, Mr. John Penfound. She was of the hap- pleat and raost cheerful disposition and wili b. mauch missed in the family and among ber friands. The funerai services were oonducted in Ebenezer church by the pastor,. Re,. Dr.. Mai-vin, a large number being prasent. The interniant took place at Bowmanville. Fevef Send A iue and Bilions Derangements are poosivelY ourad by the use of Parmelee's pis. Tboy Dot only cleanse the stcimaoh and bo wvels from ail bilious matter, but they open the exretory vessais, causing tbem to pour copions effusions from the blood mint the bowelis, after whioh the corrupted mass is tbrowfl ont by the natural passage of the body. Tbey are used as a general f amîly medicins with tbe beat results. The inspecter'. report of the People' Bank reveals a much botter state of affaire than an- ticipated. A z'nRem woxÂx may morasse ber charme by clearing her akin of agowness and disfigur- ing eruptions. Ealjaysf Liver Lezanges. 2Uo King Humbert bas placod a palac~e ai Naples et Quesu Victora's disposaIif ber msjety hould visit that cit» V ery many persons dia annualty f rom choi- era and kindred' summer. o romplainta, who might have beau saved if, proper .romedies bàd been used. Yf attaaked do flot delay Wugai- ting a boitte of Dr. J. D. Kellogg'is Dysentary Cordial, the medicine thait nover fallt taffect a cure. Thonwhohbave usad,îts"Y it acte promnptly, snd tboroughlv, subduas the pain and dase. Bri*is trado raturus for Saptember show greatly iuoreased importa andltxports. Reeve l'ilson, of Amherst Islad, is dead. In a collision of 'two trains near Brassea eighteen persons were killed and ovar 100 in- A eonvention of chiefs of the lira departý- Méxiaopened atýAuguat&, Georgia. M RS. IL 1,CRSWEt. Î3yers po Auat ofSà:. pnds Hacepita. de AU, càts- promnptty-attoddoed t; Green Street., Wltby. MAN>E- O~IeryNERVE A legt pliable,, elastic boné inàadefr6tù, PFOi GIVING quitta. It is so* snd- yielding,, ôf4mi readity te foldaî, yet givlng. proper shaàpe te' flhIAft~Skirt or Dress. ANDThe only Skirt Bone'.that, mayb S uit A.ND ouAt wiîreu -TG- The Oelebra.ted FeatherboLe' Corsets are oorded witb? *thiS Ladies Dresses% - Por S3ale -by. leading Dry Goods Dealers. Wht1 CA iOVI Dr. SMueÏil P~brspeol*iforI and Ohildre m" i cntalns nefther O»iuin, orpbl otlae .>arcolo sbstace.I a amiessubi for -Iareobe,, rops, SoothlnigSyusd.4< -Ilt 8Pleasamnt. I[ta guarantee. 18 tbirty y>-V Niloaof Mothers. Castorla deMStrosWzftS Waaud feyrtsflel5.Castorla prevents vomiiug Sn. cures, Diarrhoe- and Wind Colle.,, Caatoriâa-r4 teetlUng troubles, cures constpaPonl and lAi Castorla asslmliates the foot4 regulea tIhe »b and- boweis, givlng healthy -and. natural sI torla li the Obildre'Panacea-the Mh4èsI', Dit. G. CLow.Ossen fo chuîm of .scitsbéedÎtrflUd foeob"dIn.. 1Oastori&b i reenedtssupen1Oitoa4y lKéjU m-tbaveo spkeg z bgbiy - et lulrsxie once~ ~ bw à!-af uWo po ýwI.:z c sala -*-Adw 1

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