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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Oct 1895, p. 1

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k5 *0 VOL. XXXIX. WHITBY, NTARTO10RDAY, cr E 25, 18956 NO. 47 by ~rpri:s The people will be surprised wheu they find out we are selliug Sticky Fly Paper at Two double sheets for 5 cents. Freeh dalmatien Insect Powder Sc anuez. or 4 Oz. for 15 cents. Sboe Fly Poison Paper for.............. 5c. Wilson'. Poison Pada for... ........... 1OC. .lust rrived s fine sssortment ef Hauging Lampe, Hall Lampe, Bouquet Lampe, Vase Lampesudi Stand Lampe. The prices will surprise yen. ftg Cal sund Sec. vMW. R. HOWSE'S STAND. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, MUCH HEA T, A t Littie Cost, La wha.t you will get by burning our -4CO.AD «A. Well Screened, Carefully Delivered, Brighit and lard, *Free of Siate, No Cinkers. are points we claim for our Coal. fi"-GrVE US A TRIA.I J. He OOWNEY & CO@ OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Choice farm to let. The undersign wisbes to rent for a tern of years, lot 4, con. 2, Pickering, coDW]aiping 200 acres. The farm is one of the best in the township, well wabered, fenced and dralued,ý good and convenient buildings ; beautifully located on Kingston road, winding -between Whitby town and the village of Pickering. For particulars apply on the premises or to A. A. POST, Whitby. Sept. 26th, '95.-43-310. DGN'T 'oQIT H ayward -has got ini his- FAIL and - WIVTFR GOt)SI Piles of 111cm. Benutiful te look aI Lovely te baudle. Desirable te have. Ea9y te chIais. Because wouderfuIlîv Àceap. Vour inspection iniâled. Bargains in Dreas Goods. Widc walc Serges, al yow,04 44 inch, 45 cia., regular 65 cts. Esiamuere Serges, ail wool, 44 inchr,,371 Cea., regular 50 cIe. up. Henrletta Serge, al vool, 4o Inch, 2e cents, regulai' rocts. up. B!ack Henrictifi Serge, ail wool, 44 inch, 25 cts., rcq niai'35 13P-. Black Brocaded DressGioda, 44 lnch, 37ics regilar 50 cia. Çovert CIolb, al ywoël, 44 lucb.-6oe cg gc« Meltoa Serges, «4-lu., 25c, reg 30e. Cbeckr Serges. «4-lu, 23c, reg 35e.i Fancy TartanlCheckat 44 lncbsocregg4=e Tweed Sutinp, s lncb, 25 Cia, reg 35CM TvedSitng,46 ui, ,ecg 75 CII. Tweed Sululge, ý ichi I, etg$$ r Dreu Ilin 95 P«sud 9 below relar 'prces, x* and 15e, *@th ISC, aod LOCAL NEWS LET1'ERS@ TOWN LINS. Mr. R. G. Oke la arouud again. Mr. Pst Rysu le on a fair way to recovery. Mr. Sain. P. Brown and bis young wlfe are visitlng frieuds lu Ibis locnlity. Revival services are stil inl progrese at AI- monda. It le expected tbey wlll close on Friday evenlng. Uncle Whitflcld Lee has a large force at work in hie orchard this week. He bas sold his apples te Gordon of pickering. Mrs. Walter McGregar was lu Toronto on Saturday atteudlng the funeral of 11111e Frankie McGregor, wbo dled on Friday. Mrs. Sandford Brown sltbougb silîl ratber low on accounit of heart trouble la entirely over the fever, and it le boped will soon be ont again. Mr. Jno. Graham, wbo for th1e p ast five years ha. tnught our school tesidered bis resignatlon, tu take eflect at the end of the year. The trustees now find themeselves face to face with a problem Ithe solution of which may bring cither praise or censure up. on theni. Patrous of thc beef-ring met on Weduesday evening and settlcd for the years actounts. They were almest'unauimous lu expresslug their satisfaction wlîh the season's buieness. Mr. Havey did the killllug again and gave gencral \-satisfaction. We understand tbey have organized for 1896 witb the saine officers:. Pres. D. W. Carruthers, Secy. Hcrb. Webster, Bookkeeper, W. J. Davy, Auditors,T. C. Osborne and Jno Graliani. BZOUGBAU. We bave a nigbî watcbmau In our village. Mr. Jewel's father, from Fenelon Falls, visited bere last weck. Maisbdl Youung bas procured a situation in the gas works lu Toronto. Mrs. Abbott, cf Toronto. le visiting ber mother and friends here titi week. A number of young folks frein this place atteudcd the preshyterian party at Stoufiville Mionday night. Mr. Ed. Wilson- Mrs. Wagner Miss Phillipesud Mies Joiiuston are attenc<ug 1the S. S. convention. A surp rise pnrty wae given te Mis. Nash, Saturday, Oct. r9tb, who reîurned te ber home in Washington territory last Monday moi ning. Miss A. Steele ta teachinç achool in Mr. Heuderson's absence. He is atteudiug tbe convention of S. S. lu Toronto. Mrs. Dunuani' graudaugbîer Mdr John- sbon of Toronto, wIîb -ber two lldren, are spcndlug a few week.s wlth ber. Mrs. J. Cowau bas returucd from Cinare- mont, wbere ehe bas been attending ber brotbers wbo botb met witb very painfut accidents a few weekrs ago. .Ç9~. k 1W"p f Whi't> fr waehes. Conuer, of Whitby, for jewelry, clocks, watches, etc. Mr. Geo. Wilson returned te Toronto on Saturday. Rev. T. W. Leggott lias been atteuding the Provincial Suuday school convention iu Toronto. Mrm. J. H. tioar, of Toronto, bas becu visitiug lber fatber, Mr. John ODay, fer a few days. Mr. C. E. Scott, pastor of tbe baptisl cburcb, will Wbe ere te couduct botb services next Sabbath. .The Royal Templars are about te under. take t1e productien cf s temperance draina. It will probably be presenled sorne lime lu Decemnber. The August aud September make of cbeeee bas been sold sud sornetbing çsver 2oo were sbipped Ibis week. The price was eigbî cents. Froni present appearauces tbe Oc- tober make will bring 4bout ten cents. The W.F.M.S. of 11e presbyterian cbnrcb will ,beld theïr usual m seionary meeting sud tea ou tbe cvcniug cf Thauksgivîng day. Rev.'W. G. Hanna, B.A., cf Uxbridge, will th11e principal speaker for the occasion. Ie net Ibis a geod limue te agatu make an effort for 111e establishment tfsa mecbauic's înstitute library aud readîug roin l the village? Wc ougbt te bave sometbing cf tife kind, sud there la ccrtaiuly ne lime like tite preseut for working il up. I - ____________________ _________________________________________________________ electrical conccru. Mr. Magner bas had tisi pusition for several years. Dr. Starr's uew resîdence wlll sccu be conapleted and read y for occupation. The tauuery hollow, back of die new strUCtfl7G, 1188 been filled ln and uotbing now rermBinS to mark the site wbere once stood the bomne of Brooklln's chief industry. Needîss to an" f1q, U&É%âp thai hotaummer bas Every member sbould corne out to the S. O<Tr. lodge on Saturday eveulng. A debate ruder th1e leadership of Messrs. W. Munro almd W. Tennyson wtll be dispensed wîtb. The topic fer consideration le: " Resplved tbatthepress has more Influence than the- PlatfOrm." This la a subject upon wblcb rnucli. lîterature can be collected and no doubt there will be a hot discussion. made awonderful Improvement ln that Part lu bebaîf of Outr communlty we thauk yeu of the village. May we seau sec lots more Mr- Ediior nîcet heartily for the extra copiesi of it. et 0 the CHRONICLE dlsîrlbuîed atmeng our1 Lest Sabbatb Rev. T. W Leggett made a nsubî iesls ek-W ih ut plitecag ihRî E , oad fsae here tbat the CHItONICLn bas the larg- pumpton.xcMr.gewardv. . E Hastd cf etaubit Cription liet of auy paper Ibat HMpo. c r. H hrord waeterscf thecOnCS L Ibis office, aud in al probability E. cburcb here soie tweî cr g belote tbree moutha rolls by th1e list will be, but is stilI hale aud hearty an d alete more than doubled. All are ln praise of preach at least two good sermons a1dyash1e CIIRONICLE, was made manifeet lmet Sunday, He fennu1 but few cf hie old congregation for ibere are Den't forget the Prince Albert S. O. T. grreat changes lu a commuflitY lu tweuîy concert here on -Friday evening. Evcry- cears but be recelved a bearty weîcome tbîug la being doue te mire 1the entertain- ~om Il wo ar lef. jmeutla great success. The grent feature cf Loal whae ekt bu. iesîabrlsthe jrogram rue being 1te play eutitîed The anLasphwerk1rie utrip e bu tbere SoeIGlaas. This le au excellent pîay ln ander adîereu tege ts ime be ut eevery respect. A yeung husbaud snd wife fSudy lghet oas the mteverhe fror set ont iu life, enjcyment and bappines o bendrsngtwth Ae s 5efrozen crownîug their evet y act ; but two enemies prety erna lon i but t les et hne thtlurk ns reptiles lu their pstb, sud drag the prety enealy bti ent shultta former te the doors cf destruction-one le those sill lun1the trees were injurco 10 auy acqulred dissipation, the ether a jealous sud serious extent. Iu some places Uudug worsied lover;, this enemy by repcated acte potatoes were frezen. Very few cf thé fat-m.oftecryadegn ridsp,-n crs weré able 10 proceed with their plôsigh- c eae t sudnfcigncd fp r qlndsahip -r Ingtil wel o inthe éreoonof ondy, roIra, allures aud drage down bis victlm te The cold snap bas caueed a greater rush 1tbevery gutter. A deveted servant ef the than ever lun1the fail work, but we stîlI hope youtig busband lengues wltb the enemy, de- for our usual Iu4Iau summier. celves t11e decelver and makes bis treacbery Representatives ef a new firin of apple ku rn, ruinesud ciiegraces hlm by expoeîng buyers, Messrs. Ingersoil, Pedwell, aud' bis crmssd te evade th1e sharne the de- Hunt, of Collingwood, are now lu Ibis dis- ceiver commits suicide; th1e servant recelves trlct, sud are offering blgher prices than a rowar d of $iÃ"oeo fbr hie beneficieut act. bave becu pnid by tne other bu yers, wbo The betel keeper, helplessly enslavcd by th1e bave alrcady secured the bulk of 1119 crop. liquor habit, destroes is own life sud that Those wbe sold early are of course dieap- cf bis wîfé, Anotber prorninent character la pointed, because of haviug taken the low Nctty Nettleby, the towu gossip, who always price Ibal then prevailed, and soute are I;efrignds th1e weak, and, lu ber owu etrauge blanilng the buyere for taklug advantage, way,ý doe much good. A yeuug doctor, a but I caunot sec that there te aunygod faet friend aI first ef nIl, but lu enfe limne ground for this. The recent rîse inuprice leaves bis dlesipated trieude, sud a young secins 10 have becu a genuine surprise te al aud clever lawyer, always a streug temper- parties couccrued. The reason for Itlal sald affl.advccte, complete the-caste of charsct-- te be that the extremtely warrn weatber they ers. The play consiste of five acte. Deere bave lately had lu England bas caused the opeqat 7 P. m-, concert cormcenciug at 7.30 nbuudaut.home crop of apple* to spoil vert5 sbarý. Admission, adulte 2oc., cbildren toc. qulckly, consequently there le now aun!to- P. C. GRAHAM. fru it. The Colliugwcod firin expect te be ln th1e field early nextsecason sud bve almost, If net quite, decidcd 10 build a fruit bouse bere for storing Ibeir r-tock while waitiug ehipmcut. The dImensions cf 1the proposed building will be about 7ox'0oo feet. W.A.H. Buosm5ies Dr.cery. GUYAt CO,, grMlsibuyers. Dit. PATTN5ow, Denlisi; at Sebert's betel, flrst Thuraday, every montii. Essdone oposte Tovu Hall, BreklL te duliver. or ssIi>at -shedBrookiUn statIn o o11 cars the culsbra.td Boraton .oa ZIclos prices Lor cash. <The beat l ib ecepa. V -A MOsimLy, D YV S-Orï4uaie of- b. Oa mumber o! the Onliarie KeMdical Sccioliy. Trusts &Il tiseasois of tbe domsstloted à.nlimsa sby the nost ~roved method., AIs partlonlur attention surgicâl opuaations sud dutstry. Dayouih alprupy attéudued te. Ofce sudorsîdo co Brooblin Ontario. I 11000 . Pounds TEAýD Direct froini japan, specially ina- portcd for oursei4es, bas jtist ar- rnved Price,__2S-Cents per lb. or 49 iba. for ;W-$x.oo CASH.S It is the finest in tbe land. «We -have alse a delicieus Black Tea. -at sanie price. The special, blenda of Ceylou Teas, 'fBEN HuiR e t,"àz*- wATTEfl" and 4"SÂLÂA" lalwitys on baud. Don't be deceived by ped- lars. We.wîll givebetter Tees and dioser prices than any of thetm can. Try us and We convinced. We guarantee to please. New Salon, Tlomaioes, Raisins, Peels, etc., are arriving daily.. BOL] Messrs. Edwards Brou. are silil very busy1 Mr. makiug apple barrels. They badl cxpertéd weck. te bée al inisbed up by now but orders arce Our etil comniug in for &rge quantities. Tbey repaire bave made barrets that were firat-clasin every particular and well deserve tbe suc- ý evi cees îbcy bayje met witb. Tbey crnployy eu'e men lu the sbop and bave two teama de- Mes. ilvering. -under The >annnai druecbservice of lb. -LT. cf Mr. T. wiii bc ld as previously arauouuceed, on Asbi Suuday. Nov. roU. ' Tbe acritce aill in l sea il thc presbeelian chuzichin luthre, altenoon. Mins lu tbc evenlog of tre'same day tic Chosqaa Brook] Friends viii have theiÉ annual s"MOU-the Pal preached, lu the- -meliodist churcb, Pknv. 1We. X. I. Alhn, o! Coubs'i, Who rAsGrela4 nte Chaplain of thpe orer, wIU coù,çttht. 1 t'.îa ter servce. - theo ML Trca.rnar*et~rd fÙ9nManitobas ImID à BROB-.,Brooklin. Robt. Munro loat a valuable horse las sidealaksa!a* suflcring some sligbt a. Pretty neir urnme. iva~servcesare still a unùbcr.aïteud at ecdi-t .Jam was sick la Wm;. Bleket C u istweoï - Iia# 1lae . -.- couôtirning. uelIng. centcd-a farua Mlanchester Batuoes Direotory. afs'B. 8. Prne:, Manchester, repaire, rue. »oý,slius or re-fashiens aIl sorts of frr, run- deo$ug lilim imeut cases s good and friionabletïau when nov. Ordure solicited. Nopj~s tbe lime fielook over your furs fer thifrsafety, sud te have Ilium renovated. 'u UijiqTunSTATre Lrm n fuuaa.& oe. issith bsmont iibt ral polilcy in ahe n>rket. P G IAA, agent for th1e coantîsu o$ Ou- tm#-and ictr..Local agunt@ van-tId li eyrtev su hsznlt~To snobagente wtIl -b~eer5 IrI ca.e cotratawrite fort p*Icir.Wq,-sat yen. cuatIfr«e. Mi~,i-Èzzie Murray la vlting freuds bore. ' ýhliotzlas McGroeblS Still laid np witb MZdwar, Acton who bas becu disabled ceriux. .Md1 OfSêttipeuî Sundday *iîla ' u tie. Mir,aud*Mrs. H. Degear, of Uxbridgc, are ependuing a: few days at Mt. McKay's. -The evival services were brotiglit 10 a close bere on Mouday night with a lecture by Mr. Reid. ». Mr. Ges.- Acton bad off j acre four waggon loadsocf potatoe. Tbey are a- great crop. PORT W2Eti Mér. sud rs. W. ý H. MeCaw retutrucd home on Mouday lest freitheir Aurerican 'WinAruistrong left <nituesda-,te resoide i4 Collugood- wqith bis sister, idrs., aiw-- rence. - Mr.; jas Botiàlli, cf Liudsay, le lu townî doing ienlsb.u i M loug's new- Denmie Wakly le haine.frein Detroit. Charles Joncs,,latc.ýwith A. J, DaNis, bas eugaged- i Jury &îregory, drugtists, cf r Dewfley i& Co., of Whitby, ii, haviig -ibis week1large déliveries cf buckwhent at thc station for shipment. Mairler'Bres. are slipplug a erodof cvaporatcd apples te Wiuuipegtad io cases te Hamailton. auyBros.lad a god ouse On -Moaday evenag à.nd ist personS eay. Uic' >ro gramme 'was not as good as fermeïr ycs Win. -Batétum i le hipping a carload Of fancy 1pes te -Plaladepimaj- uother car" we4 -ferward soredays ago. t lookes like business te so muclaproduce .-being .de-. Iivercd and siripped froua berés, -On Mon-' da* morn4ùv tetfive or tiry-ffarnier' hie catioe as qulckly as he could. There wus a small insurance. no concern of eur citisens. We ýueed--not mensure our arain in theleblfahL There are some lads and men in town who XNever iciLUwjilat oc' ..aii -US er S wS are ikey t ge ino trubl iftheattmptLet us clear our teft 'n ande igeideèntalY arelllel tegetjue toule f te ttcpthomes of as many evils as possible. to Carr out a pro 'ramme which I hear they, W. sor> are talking up. Soetbingetartliug may be the outceme of holloween performance. Fort PSITT Bunuiesu »tueamoy. MGilnt lonor to Indiana. Lest week threc indiane froru Scugog were lu towu snd got filled up with firewater as uenal. It le a kuown fact that our three botels snd liquor shop have positively re- fused 10 seli or give liquor directly or lu- directly to Ibese indiane The indian agent ehould lok into 1the malter sud catch the men who buy liquor for the indiaus. The wsy il as dc>ne is:. Say Tom Maredent wants whiskey, he gives A. B. a bottle and money te buy liquor for him. While A. B. le away the indian hides where A. B. kuows 11e can find hlm. Iu that wny the law ie violated. Ifs asevere Ieson werc tauglit those men it migbt be te their advnntage. Thes Maccabees On Thursdny eveuing last the Maccabees had a big tim ç here. The ar knights from, Myrtle paid their bretbren bere a friendlyr vieit, snd lte home tent, providtd an excel- lent programme, contribtatcd,-toéy tbe Wil- liameon sud Batemanon cear is dues eses 1Gou *-)4ll<r ;'b9g bWIClark: recita oes'byMe991WMe MilnsdMckuight - ff saofmCoUt- mander Roberts and dit Kaalgbts frolàMy'.- tle lent. -After a pleasaut evîits# bId biÃŽhI speut iutellectunlly, the visiteil v'ere agrqt- ably surprised lu haviug Mr Jos Cook ýmake bis appeance witb refreshments, *W.ýhl'h were henrtily eujoyed by ail. Aftcr a»d4ria1 lime over refreshmente the members aùd' visitors sepnrnted siuging as they wounuUp '00F The degree team frena Oshawa came ont here ou Tneeday eveniug te pay Warrincr lodge a social vieil Tlacy initatcd oue can- ,didate sud cenfcrred three degree luna manuer very profitable sud iutereeting te the membere. After these dutie werc per- ferincd in tic lodge room th1e memnbers and visitors repaired te the Oriental hotel. Ibountiful epread with all the delicacie of the seaqon had been erepared by mine heet lar function had been pe ormed Ibere came nu intellectual part. Bro W H Leonard as chairman. supcrviscd n proposlng sud dis- a series oif toasts anud reeponees. Addresse were delivered by District Depuly joues Capt Jacobi, oif Oehawa, and Major Farewell oif Whitby, and Messrs Hutchison, Nott, 5111cr. Allîson, Baird, Sangeter, MeKuiglit, Rolpb and Brook4. -Ac very sociable and pleasant cvening was speut, sud 1the visi- tors lefI for home well p;cascd with their happy vieil. Happy te mccl, eorry te part, but hope te meet agaiu. SocWalpurity Iu a daily oif met week les a report ofthe "Purily Congrese" hceld lu the city.-cf Balti- more, M&. There I read of a noble, bond. cof christian men.and womaen, froua ýthellUited. States , atm Cautlda ,havitag r e, 10 reaê, Papers t*idlaold cantud, saonub-h- Jects-elative te "tsocial' 1purity." 1it 5 evideut by- the numieronspapers > .read bfore thre, con-grese - -that.thic writers be >Iicveéà lin clugaade sae ." Wôodôïbt oUD. Oct, Utb,-8 Mo$. MILLINzaY. -1« Txzokwom basreoived h«s new fail ztock of m1iDinery sud la prepared e turn ont Bret-las mil s17 ýW luie lalei etyles aud low prios. ,Rtà)ûa#lng doue to arde. Sep4 l9lih.-8s-mos, W Et OLABZK bau fer ale libres good secon- hand parlor heatera with oysuê, wý,ùch ha vil sell cheap for cash. 0.11 and tuspeot tbAnÉ as tbsy mr good bargains. w. L.PA RRISH,- C'--HARD WARE.OD. Wehav...........4. fatevery&hftg ' s#csful shoot miarket prwces.' at the'4 $eý ur-" O~tock of CoUw Tws iiJAxee before making, your -purchse Be*t American,,,and' Canadliaun CoaZ W .Parrisk, Poýt Péery Did tire as we did-itoi »jý païd euretv1ées'ý tisement ; it - id large atouit fgOOd& MI two days ; it pardté,fi because our poode màa,,a play for theixkrWr. e 10=mý plimented beyscre v -* ig sae hifnet - grae Eruieraever seeli, uted fthe cites.- Ej ESSP Ftîntr :0 W. J2"NO-TTl thc saine woide aùd terme.-ad aine people I tbiuk he l ou beyond bîmself They dlaim that such, disctisàiont;s ebold net ho heard or rend by tihe younüg. if some w ' to read the paper coutribntcd by M.r. O.0 lEflewer, editor of "ieAea"Bo$-t-ù (eue cf the beat magazines -ef tin _ dayt. W have they would be ,shoýedc& at,,edudcated aud- vi insu usée4 words -tuiwere e1v inI. 1t' rns"lie cendemiied Ithe.,gurltysilence 30-Btu call*ed mrode$ty which with1held tire properç .knowledge. freinchîilreùuïiutead - Of > Aillki thoroughly iustructi gteurmu a rn n therno6f Ueifa =sd dn~t ha. Mrs. Lake, of ,Chieo> said fa-eFpe IURF a eril keleton an naaý j»ny homes i ai s, erpiiuôthe eauctuary,. We have pushed M i our -cause lino 6tir hé" files theuselvea; * but bnck cotà .es'thÉe auswer, No ,help.11 Sept. ÃŽ8,1, .Wlïaat as ne dobiasupsee ny readers of,"tbhlaàily. was lu -*tead fen a, CÇanadian 4c1ýgate vire rea4 .a Jter ou -.oia1 Jrt work lu Canada-" rvilre- Mo feTg l-pur tôbe lsaid, "1 tbe- ioraity deprtUeu-,id charge of a-lPetf "K.c2 anc -epeak .applaudeî acqiiaiute. have mai paerI é-al -tAt,, S? j Y L I 4 1' ------------- 1 %eavame ý - - -- 1%

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