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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Oct 1895, p. 3

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cokt'sl ~epr e ntrIn, mn ga111i of Lays M.; lbzr.th. xi Suday-.BfeTrno pockt W th Mi"Immà beclllii il rïürâ Pinkhan î hoe frinf.Utl t i on Bear. an ,a ntiRce. _-1 didn't tven have foi ifig Mu. Bo rlisa Tn~.oticon flo*hab hr~~r M.ad fr R .Obreaevs ltemeekly. Ms B0. n isn A. E @@t Miss Sonléyîsavislting with lersite 4veaj*éiin Deroit. Belfe -h ae'cornet la said Weloome, spent a very enjoyab1eîe WlJMn. . Wrtght, at Va.Wih.>isa Beusie, Hall and Miss Edith Pst,. Belefieryl ~h ayesBomildYuj &mde4BehAeue rnl, in Bwmajil list week, guesta of Mrs. Mr. John '"Ife,*e and son, are tenonu have returned home to Camp- would be faint, too, if you ha4 traveled Mr. snd Mrs. T. B. Higginbotham rT0 visiglle nd s or int onHope. M belr. Atn ii a envstn as far. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~turned home lsut week havinu hadavilanPotHp.brAthrnisu e iitg Yeast-Did you ever hug a clelusion. most enjoyable trip to Quebec, eintrea, Miss Fatterson has been re-engagdfrjends in Soarboro. Crimsonbeak-Yes; before 1 married I Ottawa, Pembroke and Toronto. as school teacher for the comiflg yea8- Mr. sud Ms. (Cornelius Osbiorne visit- thought the woman 1 loved wau worth ln Lthe liât of officers of the Presbyter- Miss Phoebe Thompsoci is leaving ed Moinda here recently. a fortune. isi Society of the Presbytery of %hiLby this neighborhood. We understafld Mr. sud Mni. Waltz, Toronto, have 1 will take some of this material- given luat week, the name of Mr. Wm. she intends th go to the cit/. been vlaiting at the pansonage. but w ill it wear well ? Oh! it is ne Purves was acidental1' omnitted. Mins The inspector visited th'e sch~oo here Mr. and Mns. John Rundie, Brook, qtrutibe-unearble-evelasind-tJ. Panton, Osawa,, is corresPOndiug on Monday and gave the children a yisited Jas. Rundie, Esq., this week. willwea til yu pa fo it veretay. oliay.Rev. Dr. Marvin is a delegate te the wîl wer ilIyo pa' or t.A very profiable meeting wusfeld ut The contractor has finished painlting Provinial S. 8. Convention in Toronto. Blobbs-That Young Hardup keeps the E.L. of C.B. of the. methodist cnc h chur ch. Mr. John Gibson, London, is visiting late hours, doesn't hie? Slobbs-I on Monda>' eveuingi i being the month- tacuc shouldn't be surprised. He keeps 1>' consecration and roll cmii meeting. At The Sons of Temperance here intend relatives liane, and gave a very iuterait- about everything he can get. the close a short nectiption service was having a pie social or eftertaiflment of ing address in Ebenezen Sabbath sohool - Howar yo sccedig n kepngheld b>' Rev. 0. Parnken, when four new somne kmi in the near future. The Sunday. How re ou uccedin inkeeingnames were added to the roIl. The. leaueu girls have a good reputation as pie W. observe in the Exeter (Eug) West- bouse in the country, Mr. Hall? First bua acepted an invitation to visit the makers. Sime of the boys have had eru J!mes of Oct. il, that MiessE. A. rateat hat.Buttheneighbors have Oshawa Sirne eut. league, on Nov, Lit. their mnouths watering for pie since the Oue no hirctokn i. Oid Country borrowed almost everything else. A good time is expected. social last winter. cue where ah isspening .i lCntryA Young Swimley-ls there anything Walter Sinclair and William Hender- Mr. John Hill, Layton, has s i the harveut thanksgiving and annivensary in thc report that a young lady of this son, the two mon arrosted ut Bowman. the rights for seliing a patent gat' of tii. Bible Christian Chapel ut Brait- hotel is engaged to old Coiner, the ville a few weeks ago for stealing a ride the township of Brock. worthy the. decorators wero Mise Courtice BankerD Sweet girl (tantalizingly- on a fri iht tri and threatening the There is a law on the stitute book of Canada, Mr. J. Ashton, London, Yes; l'miùin î. lives of t oe trainimen, were befere His eurn hlrno eti gstOEgad n r anr enne Honon Judge Benson yesterday. After areuningcholdarn nof cern a astO Enga, WadeMn. Msynar enuigu MIrs. Avebee-MCfl are such funny heaning the evidence Ris Hoor sent- atth endschtoli etany nmber odys Swu. ne on.they r i iragly things ' When Ayebe asked nie to be enced the. former to nine mouthis in dthe te y ar t iedmnat hegou d comlm en M.Ted on ti.urtis.t.ic ang- his he was the most disconsolate man Central prison, and the latter to fqur law is flot enfre si hUdb.mne n .RniB . ed iaiable. Mrs. Code-i can well montha in the common goal ut liard There are children in this and in many master of Shebbear coilege, wio pneaoiied bie ha.lao. te scioswb r seldom if ever iu Bowmanvilie a few yesrs ugo, preached Wht ovoltievil e the at- r.WT.Obor neadJh on asho. We are not sure two abe sermons te crowed cougregations corn doe uthf Culb? theatr- borne, two brothers who have been liv- whose duty it is to see tht hi îaiinpSnd y Ms A. Tnk sn oo plîd c Ofian .wharnswerba eve res- ng with some of the best farmers in enforced, but sureîv te parents or akempund bMis .A ast nj. Altonc lionde mns a od diýeal on ery ine- this district for some years, started for guardians of the children shouid be the the ongan. Rev. W. Lee, the pastor, de- t'io, dpens agooddea onthein-England this week to visit their widow- Most interestei. \Xe know of We iivered an address aud Mn. S. J. Ashton corne Of the Spanisli treasury. ed mother at Poughill, Cornwall. Both reason why they are not sent. Wereud the report. Mrs. Eiigah Westawsy, wondcr what makes those buttons are steady, respectable young men and have a good school, and* a good teac.her, cf the. Tempenance Hotel, pnovided an hurst ofi so ? Dora petulantly exclaim- have done well since coming to Cari- one who has given satisfaction to the ecletta cd DàVid looked at bier tight fitting ada. mjrt ftertpyr o er.ýO drs. Force <f h bt Pmaly ea jor i' of tbe ratepay ier fol e aS. _______and_ meons_ are________e habtprbabybe Representatives from the Metbodist A'fcid fori a itelectcri- ghtfl puse secte-thefounatin 0fruit" te many persous éeo onsittuted that tbe >i hardykofwebrt ryi roviho Snd c lvn thiuTornto this mon education before the>' are old leaut indulgence t fllowed by attackuef obol- 1 hot' adknt theou t. Heryfate P k rovnc alC ndnMrs. W. E.roti>'enoughto be of rnucb service at home era, dysenter>', gri'g, &o. Thase pensons -Her fathr weekMrr:aDd.evenMrif we havelltomake a sacrifice are net avare that îbey eau ludulge te their or in o ." d the lot ing t . ' T er s M rs. W . E . B ennett, M rs. T ole, M . a d ev nh e a e t eurts content i t t ey have on ba d a bett e of iioe, in bthe s,' sig ta de. the Due. . C re1c c and M isses S. A . for a y ea or two' what i that compared Dr. J. D. Keiboggle Dysenter Cordial, a Thoere inltheany i mine ad teNeds. E.C . l-iycra.A.Moio, with the value )f an education. What medicine that will Rive Immediate relief, aud - -her is't ny n mne 11 aidth NedsE. . HycrftA. ollnM. is the young nman or womnaf goiflg to is a sure cura for &Il summer complaînts. Count. ~~~~~Mosetta, James L. Brimacombe, M r. be in the 2oth century without an edu- tisadht1,500sqremlsote J. S. Rundbe. Rev. R. Douglas cto.W antalgta i It lumniosadetut 125,00 quremiesoftb -Ah," said the burglar wbobhad once F raser, catA.,.iWeacannot aahngetca h-îgit Dominion arebutnexplored. sen ete dvs this remi!ids me of M-AThe af'ýe attridance.s-Mo. eduation ut we an ge the dayI attaied my mjorîty.common schooi educatiofi for our child- TeBttPis-rWn.udrort s-low s that?" skei aie eradsrl'i.iswrhteefrSydney Crêtuing, Ont,, writeu: 4"W. bave e p tv in g tt ash p o.mai M a ra d s re t J os wot4 nh egff o t .b een u siug P an tuelee 's P ille, an d flud th em by box s hinto-askd is ckrtet for the Young man or woman without it fa the bt Pille we ever usd. For Delicate money are adlyhandicapped in the raceo like a charma. Taken in umal dous, the effeet -1 hve omein or orneWhet i Maitoa ha sod dwn o lfe-is bntb a tenie and a stimulant, mildly exciting Gadzooks-l tell you, Younghus- 45c ad 4u JManC.toba. thlias soidO thedowR te lifeean bane dres'ses up bis pretty wife in great JOHNC. BTT. te sretosc h oy iigtu u style. Zounds-That's a11% right, but Canudisu eggs are oomiug Moret intao vigor.ma bd oss ul ber wonîien friends make up for it by favor in Euglaud. ilsut week aCoHEiliugwoodOIman had roses fuilen giving lier a dressing gown whenever The 1ev pries Of POtat0es i ieyt u U NN ON lvih5a~ei tby ak botbe.keep flour cheaper. i-TOME R CMFORT AND SUCC-ffl A Remukable Cre.-J. W. Jennison, GII- th y allcab tl ierP."k toek a funther drop in the Eug- 15 GAJN D DY THE, US <,OFford..4pent between $200 sud $100 lu censult- -jclu ascertain. Colonel ' - Pokiug Doc)tors; tried Dixori's aud %Il othen Lieut- ingof. î ouwold mae fw ish mrket îast week. usants but ReL no benefit. One box f Obus lcJr g f NouId" o r god? Wni Brockvibie cheese market liasadvanced Catarrh Cure did me more good ta l te speeches t901 901(.vir-g FbeenldpWidlremedies. lu fueL 1 cousider myseif cured, sud 1 should sa'. so! For gold. silver, 9v.hvn be ad ith a 25 cent box at that. greii'>akSnotes, garden sass or cord- Buckwheat je ivelier and 43 te 44ic. Colonel.' shave be ui t Montresl frcrlots. M.Rg rhm oqraeris$ p wood. Times are lbard, bColonel."or000r n. fl.s nghGrbisaf.Moteicres$5, Butter is boomning once more and high- .. 0 uniae nhmle 'YVou dont object to a c ontributor r icsaelkel>' to be maiutained. Mnr' iietwleo uag. a>'lia adaucd $ pe to aice-as droppîig into poetrS once in. a wnile. b presu me?'- said the caller witb an H affable smle. "Certainly not. sir. iue Sit down,' replied the editor, pushîng ig the waste basket toward hini.L Radbourn-l suppose that wben the Le 1 emnancipated woman bas ultimately E i1- - uered, our girls will be going for for soldiers. Cbesney-I sbould flot be bril surpriVsed. They went for tbem long before the E. W. was ever thought of.,liav Waggs-l tell you, it makes me feel bag proud to think that no genuine Ameni- can has ever been known to accept a bar European title of nobilitv. Gaggs-I iu1 guess thats because there are oril>'ý enough of them for AWerican girls. ha Mrs. Prattle (to ber visitor-Have a N,>u heard of the splendid catch Miss Et' bwiftly bas made ? Skie is engaged to r a nobleman, the baron of--of (to berto husband>)-Wbat is he baron of, My a dear ? Mr. Prattle (wbo bas met him)01 -deas. e6 Numerous are the people wbo bave St "-bui*lded better than the>' knew."lA smail boy in one of the public schools bE was asked to define a demagogue. "A 1( demnagegue,- he said. "is a vesse1 that bi bolds wine, gin, whisky or an>' other liquot'. Mrs. Slimson (severey)-Wilbîe, this lady complains that you have been fighting with ber little boy, arid wants you to promise neyer to do s0 again. Willie (to lady)-You needn't be af raid, ma'ani. Your boy will keep out of my way after this. Mr, Manri-That was a very pretty bonnet that Miss Kapote had on. M-t.s. Mann-And pra>', how long have you been a judge of millinery? Mr. Matn -Never claimed to be. Ail 1 know la the other womnen declared that itws hideous. Gus-Did you make an impression on that pretty girl' you were so wild about ? George-I'm afr'&idntot. When 1. calted she summone4 lier chaperon, and then the two spent ýthe evening arguing the points of a UCeW costume, with me as timpire. in the electrlC: FirstStaù4de-ý-Dô1 y ubelier that aman afl gt-o !clç, under, sufliçient, provCOLtIUU Second stnee9-,-ost ertain1i 1.sÈ ,~. iqlf',*Ide"l k at Montreal. $11 te $12 now be- paid. ýast week 330herses, 2473 cattie and ;8 sheep wene shipped from Montreal ingland. Englisii upples have beeu selliug tiiene .ld. per lb., whie Canadian fruit egs 4d. te, 6d. At the. large centres prices for potatoes Ie advanced a tnifle. As 1ev as 25c. a ,of 90 ibe. pnevailed ut Tenonto. Australian markets ut this season ane xe of fruit and Canadian apples are be- uiihipped tiiere au an expeninient. 'Dreught iu Engiand thie past mooth is cauaed farmens thene te sel1 off their kttle in store condition for vaut of keep. As an evidence of values of mutton inu ,igliali markets, laut week Engliali mut,- n sold at 5s. ld ; Canadian 4s. 4d; nd Ameniosti 3s. l0d. Boni. 10,000 bushels pesa wene sold ne day lait v.ek ut Montreal, 651c. per 6 Ibo. Abeut 15,000 bushelasosld ut iratfond at 4.81 te 49 per 60 lb. Barbe>' la mote active sud sales have sen madle at sdvance rie, sales of ,0,000 bushels uat fnem 40e t 45c3. Food aile>' sella ut Dl utreal ut 40<3. suif ailau e 'bÃŽ, g we ukedia . 7t1 ,we den't like.atmeC I gond thinge ve cat, wnigeiollfol- " ow he gratiec- tin , a tL- 0fo help 7 ~~M. Baker, MKP.,frMissqn il une- AmdMr. Curran ausolctrGuil ~LRS. M. I..CRESSWELL, 3 year £%0~e matit Midwife adTruied Nurse;Gr. duate of Sir V. Duu's. Hospital. Ir AIl cails pîomptbv a*edded te;, Green Street, Wbûtby. DIAMOND DYES. LEYJ These wendWeul T>yeg gve tbomsnds 0f dollars auaulyte IniFPY bîmes ln C mnaa.N BR ' capes, jacket, and meos -aud -bey$' sui te cin e CJ , "OB>OJD. b. re-dyed, and nad tlokas!wcblassoew, at a co5t cften cent& s. ett se;t Diamonùd Dysa I ssetkese le' u*cor n km D B ae are the bightbttOlCStP»tdu>eàst daurab)le.Cue81dan kjD8aU Ask forer 6I)IM "Iamd" ; refuse ailo"n irection DokÉakdtaof s~calpred edoth fre; addresX CHAS. SCOTI, Wnu-s& ~ . Q. AUCTIONEER, WHITBY. ONT. -~~ The usdeis4gued begs te aonnmùS <bat he bau taken ot a 'license for aucueenipg, an w[iibe 'lad te fIM eidesfor *8<bIsasOf buasii Masons are at wOrk On Mr- R. A kviii epaiJ H on' Phulp's residence. -p hr llfridi nyh baud Mr. F. 14tMilla", returned from aWhdYNV.9 f4 seasn lu Western Ontazio. MUrs. "Co41c auid ebn Abert, George- town, are vlsitiug at'.Mr. 0.- Stock's WSEN AK B M.sS. Bord hýs reterned from visit. n.g her'daughte4~rs.Go Bar Taito.HLADuOma SHWO Miss Ilag,McFecUers and Mise Riioda Waltersatended thÏelwierai bof 0J&pitI'49i be4 *1OU,> Mrs. Jhn Heoer, ?aupesa, last ~$IS4~ ~e MissEtta Emmerson ho bas aby istditMrJ. Vlttue"'s sre for 1OOPO< tome time, hiaS aCéePted a- pos1iOn lu -BOAD'QFDIET RS.- M - I. L -Cole's store Hampton. jo- C**ÀË I~e.D.' C. MXoÃ"êel ,Banv=illk XpXýý FOR GIVXNG MTLE ÂDSHAPE Ladies -:Dressesi A Illht pliable, elýutlc bee's s4 quilse. Ide Loft ud -yleldig, té readil>' te foidu, yet glving Propen Sýi Sklrt or Dress. The ouI>' Skirt Boue thaits' wlthout Injur>'. The Oelebrated eý Corsets ame oorded-wt materia. for Sale by leading Dry Goods. Castoris 18 Dr. amuql Pitcher'5 prsr1ptIloflfor Infants and Obildren. h coutlflnenitherOUm, MorphineOnor Other 1qgrcotic substanCee. h lsa a arinles s >bstute for paregoric, ]Drops, $oothtug syrupi, and Castor Oil. It l; pleasant. Its guarantea ln thirty years use by Kiflons of Mothers. CatorhItsdtrO(Y5 Worm5sud says feverlsbflef5. Castoréla prevents -V.O. Mtlng BouléCurde cure Diarrhoea and Wind ColleV. CêStorla relleves teetbing troubles, cures constipS"Ofl> ad._Iffetueney. Castorla assimilates the foodp regulW*e5 the stbànwh aud bowelS9 givlng healtli and i-natural sleep. caim toria is the Cbildrell'5Panacea-the Itother's Frlend. 'sonaUau exSiient medide fonrcli- dieu. Mtelbs hve repettdi> toid me et ILs Du. G. C. Ossee,, Slevei% mom et ut«is&theebut diesdY for utanlf- beted oftliêr 0lOved Md eLs moe~sootlngsy~psudogier burtfid ageut u thefr tàra t84 trbY seudieg tbaIIitg PieMA&Mrgraveï." Tii. CatsuS opiuy, ? Ar£ y tv1 Irecezened it msUPeiloet5EPyoeIé G kwovntO me." "Oui phyuliO -u tbe cbiidreu'S dopa M"t have 'spekés l4blof tbefr expa- sud ithegli . ou>' b Me oeg Our medesiuppeiwbat lu kn&U as«regulwr fr0 ~c cafsnthalt th avruo &IS #v unt oo"U ÂLuN .0B0r=0, PlWs., àmid SoW I B ils ru What 18 FOR GIVING --TO- uunard-m liniment reuev« m~aIsis :ND ýA. R j&'11't an. r(ý* v e i le, Ilitby. LII wh(j urablt, Lry lift iample of Mr. cessary Pump, ,Rt Ont 1 a What ts

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