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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Oct 1895, p. 4

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T/w Leading Drug Store in t/te County. Pure Druge and Cheinicals. Oenuine Patent Medicines. Prescriptionsi and Receipte enrefully ana acnrately prepared. de Eu WILLISI C hem/st cf Drug g/st, iMedical Hall, Erock Street, Whitbl WUITBY, OCT. 25, 1895. Short Notes. The two important events which are being Iooked forward to on this continent at pres- ent, and especially by. our American cousins,. are the marriage of the Duke of Marbor- ough to Miss Vanderbilt and the prize fight between Corbett and Fitzsimmons. -,- The East York agricuitàiral society adver.. tised $12o0 of speçiu prssfor its faîl show at Markhau;, -blut uow we notice in the an- nual finwow 1retun thât the tot1&Mnount givou in pries wua exattly - Si2oo. There - .usut be a 4dlaeemncy aomnewbet e. The .tjetjtans pay fri $s,oooooo to $s.5.ooto e duce.titled foreignera to uarrythelr daughters. If they would creat.e a Uit of prîices, dukes and marquises of thier own they might attacli the titles ta theit bcst citizens, wbo would make suitable mn for heiresses, and the millions wonld -Z be kept at home. Their boasted democratic ides.s are tao costly as at present carried ont. It takes about Siooooo,ooo per annuim to '~hold out at bait for lEuropeans, wbo as a 1general thing marry tic girls for their 'joney and do not live with thena for very jýong after marriage. j, -Town Locl.. Flannelette skirting, 38 Inches wide, only i5c. yard at W. G. Walter's. Conner the jeweler is advevitsing bis wliode stock of stationery at cost. See bts kL. adv. - 1 The United Statea Life Insurance Com- pany represented by E. J. Dinginan Issues the most liberal contract in the miarket. Al profits belong to thé policy hclder. Rev. J. C. Syr<4tÃ"ra will occupy the pulpit In the Baptio ý,hurch, Sunday, morning and eevi.tg-Subject for evening "Ruth's choice". Ail are welcomc. There will be a grand pigeon ahooting match at the Whitby Junction hotel on Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 2otb and 218t, the latter being Thanksgiving day. Keep it it mind. The regular meeting of the Mission Band will be held in the Bapist church to-night, Friday, at 8 o'clock. Pastor Sycamore will occupy the chair and a good programme wif be given. Alare cordialiy Invited. The anniversary of AI] Saints church willl be tabserved by a special tîervice on Friday eve:îing, Nov. ist, (Ail Saints' day.) The Rev. Canon MacNab, of St. Alba's Cathe- dral, Toronto, will be the special preacher. The Nov. aumber of the Deieatr iscalled the Thanktsgiving number, and illustrates a bewildering wealth of autuma sand wintcr fashions, the collection of styllsb and becorn- ing garments being particularly complete. A novel departure in mnillinery is noted, and the' colors and combinations in the season 's dresa goods and the glint and glitter cf their spangled and jcwelled tririmilge are at- tractiv- ly described. Mrs. Roger A. Pryor furaishes a gossipy and clrcumstantlal ac- count of dinner giving la societ y and Julian "Corson mites lntercstlngly on domestic ser vice as an employaient. The beet klnd of a Thanksglvlng dinuer le descrlbed, .wltb rwe cîpes for ail It. diàhes - and a tiinly article on carving tele just huwt graceftally dis tmmber the noblo bird that occpies tut pace of honor In the menu given. Helený MarsbaIl North deuails the vured Inunstrl ls#tonta be bad et #ératt Instttute, Brooklinla btb eblîdren sd»d$s f8ýwilil b< dAelighted to lean lust buw theoe Papier Brownies are inade, sud witlthe ctres.lot theso amnuslng littie figures. aiet Kettui Forbes shop*a buir burp ,work décorutlons may-be appUed w ris.. pr-ires and fur ulture, sid Sri ife lbydsrb and defendt Own uto K dergrteuWork Boh- ea esil- lustalàbstrectWe or ota beiptful Gio pautomlu. drili. thr ter. b u itenter talotalt tes table chat, as weil es papersou orientai rap, so0Mteartistle scr.ePt5a OOS omit for lte imouti, a nove! oulertaloutwll *ad the lexemtidoiakblIntattuig, lac* me- A.amoe iü luukflClf P~~dBvt<v~8~8the 'fie rd p abc) ~btuiiO t sr wae' ,Scug Ib o s n.mbrdrai.t and iroadstr horses colts and files.Se h Ade ln another colutTia. ~satrubbers andi ~~ S~ayud, Oct. 2Gîb, at the west side boot and ishoe store. Men'a long rubber boots, $2.50; do. plain rubbers, 45c. do. lined overshoc5, SI; ladies' rubbers, 30c- ; Misses' rubbers, 25C To whom it may concern 1 cnn highly recommmyend W. H. Piper aU a first class workman at ,'epairitig Pumpa. He has donc sorte work for me in that line and it has proved everyway satisfRctory. 1 cari also hlghly recommefld his new pumps, to any person wantlng the samie. W TILL., Whitb y, Oct. 16, '95. Town CouncU . Met ýMonday nighit. Coun. Devereli put through a report from tile streets coi4mittee recommyeriding the followiflg accounts foi îvav ment: Jno. McCarl, labor, $9.69; Wm. Hopper, labor, $9 38 ; J no. Bravener, team- ing. $9 .50; Jaines Willis, labor, S2; J. T. McGety livery, $2 ; J. Mclntyre, fixing fur nace, t$2 25. The report passed. Cobri Scott dffered a motion in f-ivor of lighiting Perry s:reet, which was referred to the flrt and «water committee, with instructions tc consider th.- whole lighting question. A $3 offor. The liv stock jourual bas been tnrnedý into a farmers magazine to be called "farm .ing and iq probably the best publication oi the kind in America. It is certalvfl the besi for the nioney4ri a year. It is well illustra t cd and mnakek quite a book monthly. Vt shahl give Farming together with the CHRON- ICLIC and Weckly Globe and Canada Farm -er to Jan rat 1897 for $2. We will givt Farvming and CHRONICLE and Weekiv Mail Empire tojan ret &97 for $2. An agricul tural magazine, aV o general ncwspapel .and the very best local new-spaper in tht Province ail for $2. Chronicle clubs ' CHRONICLE to Jani. st, 1897. SI. . CtRON ICLR and weekly Globe to Jan . i t. r-[897, 81.25. . CHRONICLE anid weekly mail to Jan. îst, t£197 $1.2-5. CHRONIcLE and World 82 5o a yeav,. CHRONICLE and family Herald and week- Iy Star, $1.75. a year. CHRoNICLE and Montreal Witness Sr.6o per annum. CHRONICLE and Toronto Morning Star or News 81 75 a yeor. The Wabash Rallroad la now acknowledged by travelers to be the shortest, quickest and best line from Canada ta Chicago, St. Louise, Kansas City, Califoruia, and sPli west and southweatern points. Ita, train equipment la superlativcly thc flnest la America. It is the great trunk line, passipg tbrougb six States of the Union and makring direct connections with one huadred and nineteen other railways. The oaly direct line to old Mexico, the Egypt of America. Tlme-tables and full particulars fromn any railroad agent, or J. A. Richardson Canada Passenger agent, N. E. Corner King & Young street Toronto. R T of T Satertalsment The Royal Templars' entertainmient here on Wednesday night was, as usual a decided succeas. Aftcr the opening exercises and a short sâdresi by Chairman Rosa Jolinston, thc progranue for . th eveaing was catered upon and kept up to'thii evîdeut satisfaction of th e fairly large aienîéce, who manifested their pleasure by euthtWsastic tokens of ap- plansc, Miss Lord presided at thc organ, and solos, duetts, recitations, readings and short speeclhes for med the substance of tbe entertainment. The recitation by Miss Holden and Miss a9'tes was just exquisi e. A bunsorous ireadlng ttyA. Jackson almost caused ai explosion, 'and thc solbà and dueta by Mr. Henry, Msr. Ayres, aud Mr. Alex. Wiîson.were ail rendered in excellent 'rtyle The remarks by Mr. T Yates and Mr jas. Fegan bit the nail on thc head every time. WVe learn with 'pleasure that it is the intention of the Sons and Royal Templars to keep Up a sertes of unonthly meetings dur- ing the winter. Ramers Cornrs Council. Met Monday night; Mayor W. H. johnston in the chair. Clerk McDonald read a letter from the Postmaster-Geueral aîating that it was proposed to establish a mail delivery there after the population shall have reacbed 25,000. Also anc frorn President Elmir Lick of the South Ontario farinera' institute, of- fering ta shoot ail the doga in town and bur y thern at is own expense. provided ail be corralled la one field on Thanksgiving day.. Fariner Farewell sent In bis resignation of bis portfolio as- pannd-keepcr, stating that hie had become interestcd ln a trout reserve whlch was more piofitable thani farming, and that lie had rentcd his land to anc more ,addictod to agricuitural pursuits. Mr. Mal- , cola McTaggart was permittcd ta address the c6uucil in regard to the establishment of a branch of the salvation army et Hamar's. t li ssld it would be more convenient to him 'tIan golg &P Whitby. He would give cor- ,fot sélas' Ia the street marches, and Hall > Kelly'badi voluntecred ta boat the drum. eAlderman Batenian opposed tic estgbliubng i ü religions Institutions in town. He sald .people live lu harmoay until the varions de- 1011% ieget a foot-hold, sud then it lu f iothlugbt wool.pufiiug. Alderman Wlnn 0 sid hé would not be o-pposed to maIcolut à "d HUI Kelly sereuadlng the town wlîti suetad dramn, but no party tuntes alhold 1 b flayd.The mayorumaïd bc wo Id -1 kk 15 ly squeîc l asttempts w sutuprclfglowu à aetiugs Inu town. I U aegrt had, any 1. surplus wiad ý#. ocaM blow lî off at Whlby, .Ilwhorothey b.d become su uped tw 1Utearni y kunlas*se that it <114 no batt. - Mr. --Harr WMenu came befor. 1he ccaucil. to, .advocate w ale 'llh U,~pstsShhf I~I should"Ib-ê.'ee .n »ght icb a nc il, ta' 'o(urb-her dls ctrÏWh u4:A. WIDacd whsuren ,h AI.Dasi datis.1 wld he filled Hen sald be ueacim thý at the ood e64dha Heo si bedubis staod nor ot h eaIld a ntreiagd bM&reiewer gt aay 'hes ma reepssn-d eit0hustemved out ofl'h dnaoor tained thee ae membutro cough lefta tansat thrbietart eii th next election. Thie ounclîadkouraed. Whitby PleugtUug Match Doue Under Unfivo'&ble Conditions The Wh itby and East Whitby ploughing natch came off on Mr. John Bartlett's fara, one mile west of Oshawa, on Wednesday. The number ot entries was not as large as LIguaI, nor the number ln attendance. Con. s idering that the land was dry and the soil light 1 the work was wcll donc. The follow Ing la a list of the judgcs' award : First class ment in sod-i, M. Martin, Raglan; -2, Geo. Liddîe, Scarboro - 3 R. E. Parden, Whitby ; 4, Wmr,. Lynde, ýVhitby. Second-class mcna1la sod-îi, Samuel Baya, Whitby; 2, Wm Fields 1 Columbus; _, W. G Mackie, Columbus; 4, P Simpson, Taun ton. Stubble claca, men-i, J. Birkctt, Ash- burn; 2, W Moffatt, C-,&urnbus; 3, G Bryant Prince Albert:; 4, R 'Hall, Enfield ; 5. T Craig, Brooklin; 6, S Roberts, Shirley ; 7, C Morrison, Broolciti; 8, W Hueson, Brook- lin. Stubble cass, boys under r6-î, Wmn Cole, Brooklin ; 2, J Hallewell, . Raglan ;1 James Coates, Shirley; 4, B Coates, Shirley, 5, J Jackson, Taunton: 6, Ira Glover, Col- umbus; 7, W J Leask, Taunton; 8, D Wil- son, Columbus. special prizes for best groomed team and best cleaned harness-i, G E Little, Scar- boro' ; 2, S Roberts, Shirley. For best finish in sod-S Bays, Whitbv. Best finish ia stubble class, men, G Bry ant, Ptince Albert. Best finish in stubble css, boys-J Halle- well, Raglan. For youngest boy that ploughs-Ira Glover of Columbua, aged Io years. The work finished, the ploughmen dined at the Central botel and dld justice to the godmeal provided. The annual meeting f llowcd, at whlch the officers elccted werc Presi1dent, R pardon; vice-president, M Doolittle ; trçasurer, JD Howdeii; secre- talry, J Bright. Directors, W Howden, S Stocks, R W Grierson. A Young, Wm Mc- Brien and W Kerr. WANTED. A good geacral servant. Apply to MR S. JAMES RUTLEDGE. Whitby, Oct. -23rd. 1895.-ia. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Short-Horn FRID Gattie,1 Songog, on )AV, NO VR8th, 1895. 45 head Pure-bred Short-Rom -Cattle. 10 Clydesdale llorses and Col&as. 1 Splendid Teai Carniage Bnses-16 handg. The property of the estate of the. late JAS. . GRAHAM. This being the Winding Up Sale of the Raid estate, ail will be sold without re serve. gýrCat&logiie on application. Port Pemry, Oct. 21, 1895. Irnproved Yo'kshire W hite Boar The undersigned keepa for service at bis place, Lot 29, 2tid con., Wbitby tp., baîf a mile west of Whitby towa, that splendid young* Improved Yokshire White Boar, BRIERY BANKS JACK, -935-,. pronotitc- ,ed by alI capable of judging, one of the best ln hia class ta be found. PECDIGRzFE-Briery Banka jack, -93- Farrowed April 5th, 1893~, bred by Caldwel Bras., Orchardvillc, Ont. Second owner, joseph Heard, Whitby, Ont, Site, Briery Banks Bandy -828-, dami, Misa Emma -505- by King Tom --24- ; Beauty 99ý by Snowflake --25-: Lady Bird -4.5-, by Holywell Wonder 2nd (Irrp.) -3- (711); Hilda--8-, by Holywell Vic- tor (Imp.) -1- (517) ; Holywell Victores (IMp ) -1 - (720o), by Halywell Duke (327) ; Bleaisb 3rd (34o) by Snnb (14) ; Blenaish and (94), b Holywehl Jimuty (3291 ; Eve, by SampuOn 6tb (123). J i 1Wbltby, Oct. igit 895: -othe Foxmom, p&MPBELL & LLIOTTÉ wfll gveS 8Ib. of istolsaslior, 01~ lba. of Brant, and 4 Ib.o f Shorts for ~frUtr~hamue got tkem%- ol8 -receivf3sthe bon0ft, he&YOzýe beautifùtd goodo 'we re 8 Black ana Oolored Serges at 25., 85. and 500e. Black and Colored Artillery Corde at 50c., worth 76. ..GRAY FLANNELS.... Unions at 10., 12je and 15. *..BLAN KETS......***,*** Black and Golored Soliels at 500., worth 75c. Ail wool at 150, 20e, 25e and B0a. Don pjrol, Military, ail prices. Unions at $1.50, $2.25, $8.00. Ail Wool at $2 -50,'$2.75, 850. Also sotnething -new : Shaker Flannel Blankets at 90 cents a pair. *.FURS .................... We are showing a latrge variety in Caps, Capes and Collars. * .UNDERWEAR ....... Men's Extra1 and $1 -00. Ail st extreinely low prices. leavy Shirts at 85c. Drawers to match. men's Ail1 Wool Shirts st 50c, 60c, 76c Ladies' Veste st 15c, 20e, 25c, 80e, 50e, 75e. and $1,00, TAILORING EPARTMENT, The verdict always bas been that we ha~ve earried nobby goods for yonng men a.nd city trade in order elothing, and this fali we are making up Suite for $18, $18-50, $14, $151, $16, $17 and up. Be sure and see the grand selection we have. ... STAPLE GOODS... Do not forget we have more of that Cheap Factory Cotton Ieft that everybody je after at 5 ets. per yard, worth 8 cents. READY-MADE CLOTHING oA N D REW Strayed Ne/for. A red and white yearling heifer hi oke into my field on or about the 15th of Oct. The owner mnay have the saine by proving pro- perty and paying all expenaca. JOSEPH MITCHELL. Whitby, Oct. 22, 1895. FOR fiENT one first.class upright piano, <new.) Ap- ply at CHRONICLE office. JÀOKBON'5s NUTRITIVE IN E wjth Cod Liver Oil. Patients derive the full benefit of the crude Cod Liver OùI witbout being subjected to the digestive disturbance frequealy caused bjv it. A marked increase in wcîgbi is noticeable after taking a few boules of ibis wîne. EL F. JACKSON, Manufacturing Chemist. Whoiesale Depot-14 De Brmsoes-st., Montrea.l For sale at-Corner Drug Store.-46-z3ln. NO0TI1C E County of Ontario, 1 r S HEREBV GIVEN TO WIT: j IL that the Court of Assize, Niai Prius. Oyer and Terminer and General Goal Delivery will he liolden in and for the COUNTY 0F atteCOURT flOUSE, ini the town atte of WHITBX', on TUBDÂy, ]NOV. l2the 1895e1 at the boum of Ten o"clock, in the foretîoon, of which ail Coronert. justices of Peace, and aIl others cancttemned, will take notice and govern theaiselves accor'litigly. J. F. PAXTON, Sheriff's Office, Sheiff Co. Ont. Whitbýy, Oct. 24th, -1895. A $trayed Cow. At Lot zg, Con. 4. of Whitby. onith c2Atb f: Sept., a red al wbite oÃŽG- braie Ilto my 8cMd, Anyone pr>Dviag propemtvand paytc .expoosos-' may te ob= .rwa., NO. SCOflE. - Osbawa, $Oct. , 80 li, me No Charge. IF ROSSo.e« STO-CK BAN KRUPT am WHITlgYà Offtax tion -F Hard at W.i The off to d $1-3511l The dainag ital orc Dr. keep b day nil -Weî weatbE downi Dr. Kidne' Canad câne. Mr. Sundaý W. G old hi Mr. farml hotel. $6 p, Mr. 1 - - A Whi Fa j .-tool goci enai c AU B0e oca CT x AT Do yOU want DARGAINS ii.' MEN'S F(JRNISHING8, HATS AND C&R8, IREADY-MADE -CLOTEHING?' If so see W . H.-. WA RREN Y' ý. BANKRUPT STOCK 0F $5W-OOOý WORTH of Choice New Goods 11Gw on stde at the store r- 00M- ly occupied by iMr. Warren. We have bcught, teock at slôw rate on the dollar and as Mr. Warren only çomixýened bsines ls é te goode arealnew. The stock je well sssorted fia fine »e'od and Trimminge, Table Linens, Luce,(Jrtainsma rnIBkto Ya.rns, Flannel Sheeting, Flannelettes, Tiekingoe, -Grey amuid White Ce-ttons,' Pnints, Shirtings, Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets Tweeds, M.en's ad -BoYs' Overeos, Suite and ýPants. Latet styles lu Hsra dî Soft Felt aseand Caps. Fine Shirte, Collare-, Çtffs, Neok*ée - - k(enta' Finshed--GlovsPancyDry Goods, 14 tios t~ .- -A -si fha aa arnPin in at a. monntheuaen- --if prices fromý,15 ta64 per cent., beoi choice stock.of 1âew Goodsare au y induc trash Ã"or ehoddy. 10 t QUo ETO- LIOGG BROS., - w. Wl H. 'UT t", f.,'- In Boys, Ohildre n and M'en'e SUITS and OVERCOATS. KýrWe invite everybody in the Town and County to eal ini snd inspeet our stock. ONTARIOý 1 Service $i.oo. [D$EPH HEARD. - -

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