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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Oct 1895, p. 6

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y i ~, ~; s 4 ràufi idAe S U 4 a the Euiglha pare 8o$Md of but thq m bve81 tîe effl iwiand"bt éin Ti. omtte wae iïutlt byýtbs arat ormau Bari cf Cheeter ai bas a tover o«1164 Juans Ooesars, It t a emra V teO 20: oldtr t 'of the amtie 1h.rou bvln b-- .mdelled froi re ità mine. A very geatlemaaiiy sergeant ahoweld ne round. It in ueed as a bai. tacks aud prison, muid the assise courts ef -M-el ýthere. W. voie -V ti minnîtely aud ses t dit eson sud off duty, sud he>m it VeIleqê$ voy goviow of the imrmninhg e.o ty. Nrom that peint (~ w~urILbl lb.e mile.Tho originale wore a ai d as tb. Norman couqucat sud famous in songe sud'élory. There was a jolly miller once lived on the river Dee, rr nr ilngt He worked sud sang feimc tlInh, D-oue ma& -a-blithe as ie; Andmitli the burden cf bis seug forever uéed te h- I cure for no n nt I. and nobody earcq for mer' 1 08*0ot ave Cheseor vithout ment- ionlug Ita Boys. They are peouliar te th Iis oity snd coutain the. shopei. Tbey ApPeau as centÃŽinubus galleries, rased frein thb shoot the heigbî of one story, yqu climb the ateps lesdiug 10 thetn sud whoqld think il vas su arcade OUI thei sido towards tho tl!et le epen sud 'iôa eau stand sud valtohe»ii.peopein, tbiii streote blov yoa Md Ilieie are enual shopa udouuostb, these, Thue thc bave s double îeo! sf hop fbout& wbliiis au asdyantage iu IhM 0.oaauy pltre land is bigh lz>Prices.' Inon.e cf"eerove i. the ,4~ated atruotur oalled Gode Pr6vldenoe Hfowe.. Jus inl the front cf bi oua. (lu lb. pIo*e wiere yon weuld look up toa shopn."àt te learu the usine of lb. truzkeI) is tbe inscription « Gods ,prvIâoce is mine inheritance" &»d It1.reouded that duuing a grosî plqqo that viéeod (Jbester Ibis wae the ft ýà»51r bouse fot vieited, sud theowever folt sel thaukful that buie ommomoiated il in Ibis vay. But vo beave old chester sud by train jouruey tbrcugh the county cf Shropshire ~j~~'~àssng Shrewsbury, which rerninde eue c"f"tho famous batth. fouglit thero, sud -4uito the county of Staffeudishire through lei kuovu astla0 ho 1Black Oouutry, te olvoîhampton vhicb je epecially uotedl r the manufaeture of bocks, sud tha'n on te Birmiugtcu ini thé coanny pîi War- Wick. EBore iie one cf the argà iailway stations in tbe woutd. It je 1100 foot long sud covors about IL acres of grouud. Birminghamn bas a repul&tien cf about 500,000 people, ançýislethe fourtb city in ise in Engtaud, It je the obiof centre of the brase trtde cf Euglaud sud uoted for its maueafscturors of jovclry, guns, .~~ 9e10P, stcam englues, etc. TChoro i8 also a mint for the ceinage of copper coins. We had oniy a couple of heure te @pare in this fie city, but ùprovod the Coînhisu style cf architecture,, sud us- minds us cf the Madeleine at Phris, the f post office containing a tatnmc f Sir Rovland 11111, tbe concil bouse. art gai- lery sud musoumn. The man e tuecte of the cii>' arc vide, sud steain tram-cýars and herse cars couvoy the people. Tbe abops are largo, well-stocked sud attraot.- ive, sud altogether it is s splendid oity and veiliworth s visil. Brmingham le alec the homeocf Joephi Chamiberlain, the piemineut atatosman, who boldo office in tbe preaent govorumont ase Minister cf Colonial Aff-tre, sud te beau Birmingham pecopie taik eue would think ho vas t e hei.futurs Prîme Mîisiter of iaI greatcounutry. The Engtiab railvay cars are mucli amaller than ours, sud are. divided into r cempartineoi, oompoeed cf fluet, second aud third -clame. Thero are osIe fer frein four te six poisons lu tho firet-clas coin- paulmeuts, sud Ion pissen;ers in each cf the. scond- and ubimd. 'Intead o! enter- iug the car aitbheoed as vo do, tbe dcci. reon thc aide, sud the people ait oppos- ite. W. trsveiled, by rail third-cs lu Engbaud, sud if our cemparmment vas Illed there woold be five porsona on the »Mat aog the englue, "rd ire 0 et W. feuud il vor>' coifortable a&P on sidered that tbiud-clsss travelling as vo had it lu Engisud vas about tho smre as firet-class in oui country. Thonrin leu wlndoiF iu eaob sia. cf the. compartunent an sd the'lot dowu frein the top vhiohils a vqry iuch, botter meane cf ventilation tIJi lsiblo by ruiing tii. windor.' Yonr tickets are exmmlned before yen are .alowed into th. station proper, asud aise ticket luspeetors sboug the ine et dîffeot peints. Tiie guard (or Us vo auY conductor> u hashage etf'lha. train but h. dosa net look alter the takiug of the tà t& Ra.H.las tatioueinfa ara -beblu8 yon, wbioh ile vider tias ea ethern sud buaawindow frmn wblab b. «~Sa l0akfto i**otof!thes trslu,*aud i tit woughaà o' WOountry7sudt it the lealley of h. ÂV o 10Stralrd. As Iw. ve. whlrled alouig by th. faut raili- wYAy i 'uI .euglgb of the Ivl'y eouutry. :110VbeaM l y reen thbiatwia uetned, -and tâe crope were read-y 1charvest. ?Thon are no wooden fonces lu EnBâlaud, the iflda are dlvided by hedgea or lu the stoney ections by atonet eucm, and eorywbere thero e in- ed evideuces of thrift anid car. in the onltivatlou cf the land. Stratford-oxm.Ayou je a town of about 800 population and the centre cf a gcod' Mgrioultural country. It wus market day mand the hfare.were in doinR their trad- ing sud standing in littIs groups on the sîreet talking. Tite centre of tbe main street wbirli wae very wido was uaed sa ta mîarket aud we ssw theo itinerant rnercb-. ants doing a thriving trade in orookory, sms.Ilwares, etc., iu the open air. The ohief attraction il Straîfotrd le that ài 1 the birthplaee cf the great Shakespeare aud it je said Ibat at lecet 20,000 poople viait it annually. We visited Shake- spesro's bouse w bore the pool was hein in 15U4 It le owned by tbe nation, lias a museum of portraits and reliesud is extrewely intoresting. Wo aso visited Ring Edward VI school, foundcd about 1402, and it je the eue whore the greut poot vas educated. It is a very old and curions place and one of the attractions rega.rding the buildings ie the buge reugh. lievu cak timbere ef the roof. Engtisi) Oak is known the world ovor for ita sttregh and dnrability, sudthiers yen séeeit after centuries as bard as ire'n and flot a aigu cof decay. ý Leaving the old sco<lIw. wsndored te the ohurch and pasaing through a most besutiful avenue of lime trocs entered its ssored deors. muid.e -the churcb is the old parisb eogster vitb the entry of Shakespearo's baptiam sud borial snd near by je the old fount frein which bo wus baptised. The atone lab whieh covoîs the peets grave le inside thee auctuary rail, sud beare the fellowing inscription iu old Englisb «Good frlend for Jesus sake forbe ir To dig the dust enclosed here, Blest be the muan that spares these stones, And curst be he that moves my bones." It is net recorded whether the ourse bas deterred admirera of the poot from removing hie duet or net. We passed eut te the gravoyard attacbed te the ohurcb sud read somne cf the inscriptions on the tombe snd wondered as we eaw tbe great flat stenes laid on tho graves if they vere put there te keep the cvi spirite frein theru or may-bc te keep their bodies down But wc leit the levely townu of Strat ford wiâ ti~is eweo mmeenrios, sud by train ýwent te Oxford. We passed on the way, Warwick with its eld castle, near by which is the famous Kenilwortb casîle, through Leamington, s town cf 'À7-000 people, noted for ils minoraI springe, suad Banbury, iumeortalized in nursery' ihymo, celebrated aise fer itr. buns whioh we sarmpled. W. reached Oxford about 9 o'clock. aud after dinner e'rallîd round the old college city by moonlight, uetiug the vsriety of arobitc turc l ils tmagnificont buildings snd universities. I really would like r.o write more cf Oxford sud ils bislory, if I dare, but will inot sîlompt s detail cf the principlo plades of thie great centre cf lesrniug. We were diaappointed on visiling tbe University Press to fin.d that il was a holiday sud thal the pressep wbioh turu ent se màany bibles were nùt working. There aie ovor twenty colleges Tom Glrfaein the wa kr e cf wich an miles distant. Ou thc jouruoy vo passed Windsor, vbere is the home cf the Qucen, Whih wevisited later ouna&4,acon vo comie -ho the grest motropolis, the train atopped ah Psddlngiciu statinn and w e were in London. How dolighted vo voue to b. expeotitig friende, sud il vas a great pleasue to catch uight cf the umiling faces cf Re,. E R Youngsud bis good vife watiug te meet ns. (70 bt coWiMued.) ~11 iS ileturbmno. uw Sayme~u~~lIvhig, woei~~promote ft~ hmparI keu1~a, b.. ~hu~Ia~vlagf~ -7 ý 971 jàs& Miller, tatriter, of Baoham, has located iii BaveÏoi teee ex- pects to work up a g6od ipramtice-. WC regret tooetite that J. T. Clark, of Toronto Saturday Night, formerly editor of this paper, le confined to his room with a mild attack of typhoid fever. We join bis numerous frienda, in wishing him a speedy reeovery. Mr. and Mis. Aylesworth'aud Mrs. Harry Hyams, of toronto, spent a few days last week with Uriah Jones and wife, on the Brock road. Mis. Hyams le in very poor health and niay net be able te appear at the trial of ber hus- band, wbich cornes off shortly at Tor- onto., We have had a deluge ef life insur- ance agents during the past week. It is the customn with eue agent at least te hold a religieus service upon cern- pleting each aFpicatien. The Ilxbridge Journal is rnuch eîated over the fact that a subscriber has do- nated that sanctum a potatoe 2 ý4 lbs., and states that it is perhaps the largest in the county. What nonsense. Two weeks age we described one weighing 2 lbs.t*o eoz., and since that have learn- cd of one weighing 4 lbs., less one oz., and the hens removed that ounce be- fore the potato was dug. The journal can have another innings. Nicholas Brown, of Uxbridge, was here last week in the interests of the Home Life Insurance Company. We expressedl some surprise at seeing him, as it was generally rcported throughout the township that he had departed hence. He informcd ius that he had flot the slightest intention of doing se just yet. A. J. Huggins, of the 3rd conces- sion, informs us that some person un- known entered his pasture field Satur- day night and stole a - four-year-old black gelding. The animal was track- ed through the gateway and the gate closed again. The authorities have been notified, a-id a description of the horse published in the city papers. The thief must have been possessed of a bridie, as the animal alone was taken from the premises. More sheep-w~orrying has been re- ported in the neighborhood of Thomp- son's Corners, on the Brock road. It seemns peculiar that these dogs zannot be traced. On Monday Councillor Richards gave notice that he would at the next meeting introduce a by-law, providing for the payment of a reward for the capture of dogs found worrying sheep. Such a by-law exists in Scar- boro tewnship, and as a result the mut- ton bill of that corporation is very low indeed. Frequentîy the reward is clairned and the dogs destroyed, while the damage to the sheep is paid by the owner of the vicieus brutes. The reward is pîaced at $8 in that town- ship. Some time Tuesday night Richard Burt was aroused by hearing a noise outside his bedroom window.' He arose to converse with the stranger, but Io and behold the feîiow vas gene. He evidently desired te enter the house without Mr. Burt's knowledge. As this the season of the year when burglaries are usualîy committed, it Wold wlrh -l fr each hosehoide step on the sidewalk and 'the noise at the grating ceased for somne time; but resumed when s'he lit a. lamp and nolli- ing more was heard. J.1.E Hern was going to work at the mil] about 12~. 30, and his approacli scared the burglars fo. time In the morning it was found that the~ grating across the door- way had been- pried apart, and twO chisels were .found bet;Veen the vire and the door. A brace, and bit were aise found on the platform. These tCools w erde id&inîi6ed by W. G. Hatný,- they. hýavïng, been taisea> Irom a tool- case in> bis sliop, the Iock ' havlng" been broken. Theré jeuno doubt but that tbe llgtiug Of thec lamP is I what scared the Marudrsof.,NewS. Rev. E. Uowlartd, Of Hamïpton, viii preach here next-Su'nday. Mr., Ma rtin Lee~, Pickering, was the gtiest <of, fr. T, Rogers leist wÃŽcek. -111e ý- , à!Te'oi.gniztd for inibiud -the. chikea pie sca -.- -w w* g Climate ofManitoha Trîed In vain. A 'Victiw of Bright's Ismeo fr Ton Yearai-Oured Lby Dodd's]Kidney Pllla-Folowa. the Adrice cf Hor Little Child. Special te The CHRONICLE. Noopsws, Man., Oct. 25th.-Tbo atart- liug reappearsuce ou tho streots here of a wornan who for many menthe had beun reported a hopolesa iuvsiid aud slovly dyiug, &ind by msuy believ o Le hoai- ready dosd, bas eated the greatoat c«- cit.emeut and subjoot of talk that has ever befere etirred the nores of this quiet village. To soc a womnuwslkiug thoe treet in seerng perfect bealth who had been ho. lieved desd or dyzng was s sensation fou peison-9 not givon te superstition. The subject of ail thie von dor-Mis. T. H. MoKe, foîmeîly of Listowel, but resid- ing bore for the last foui years-in a et.atoment cf ber case said:. "Reidiug for mauy yeas at LisLowel, Ont., after sufferig six yeas.1Iwus gi von up hy the doctors, sud advsed s a laut ieoit te try the effeet of Manitoeba climat.. I camne out hero about four yeare age Dis. appoinîed lu nmy expectation of benofit from the change sud roceiving ne holp f rom auy cfthie many remodios tried, but inking lover fru yoar 10 yee.r, 1 had at last given up in despair. One day my litile boy, af teiroading in a paper of a wenderful cure wrought by Dodd'e Kid- uey Pille, tuîned te me sud said, 'Mother, I believe these pille viii cure yeu.' Thoy voie sont for, aud from the firet dose I began te feol botter. Afteî takiug foui sud s balf boxes 1I amy ih ith hoarffeit gratitude I amn perfeotly cured of vhst the dootore prouounced BrightVs disosso of the kidueys sud incurable.- 1No other remody in the world his ever boon knowu te cure Brlght's diseaso ex- copt Dodd'e Kiduey Pille. Tbe S. O. E. Grand officers will visit this lodge here on Tuesday, Oct. 29tli. Misses Carrne and Annie -Grese are attending Whitby celiegia'te institute. The dredge lias been called away, enougli has been donc te permit schooners te enter. Sportsmen leave fer Muskoka, deer hunting, on the 28th inst. : Messrs. George Warren, Fred. Chandler, Geo. Eilbeck and Herh. Manning. Mr. Benjamin Moyse, tenant on Mrs. Steen's farm, is te move up te the village, where lielias purchased a residence. (Plub lisked ô> Rcquest.) Dear Mr. Editor.:-Will your-kindly in. forni the readers cf your, ratuable paper that I will gladly scud FREE to any sufferer frein Lest Manhood, Nervous Debility, Nîght Losses, Varicocele, Impotency sud the r--sults cf youthful folly, particulars cf a simple and inexpensive means of self.cure wblch- after be- ing humbugged aud imposed upen for years by quacks and patent medicine sharks, cured re in a few weeks. Lbave uothing to ssdi or give away, uer. am I advertisîug any patent medicmne business, but wiilb. pleased te hear froin any sufferer auxious to fiud a cmr for his complaiut. Le wbom 1 vxllexplain coufiden- Barrisieér Oonuty Orova Oonnty êolioitor. Offic-8£ BoUi% Court Sonse, Whltby. o JAME5 *VUTLBDOE, Barriuter, etc. Office Iormer!ly occupled by Furewell & Iluîledge, neit Royal Hotol, Brook Sc.. Whltby. DAVID OIIISTON, B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancory, Oonveyanoer, etc. Office - In the OfiRce scuth of the Pont Office, in àMcMiIImn's Block, Brook Streot, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL# B., Barrister e.,-Money to Loan. Issuer of Marrl'ae Licenites. Office - Smlth's Block, qout4 cf Market, B-ock St., Whltby. DOW & Mc<ILLIVRAÂY, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hawken's nov bleck Brock St., W hltby, south of Ontari o bank. Drs Warren &~ Moore, JJ. Moore, M. D., Brooklil. F. Warren, M. D. Whitby. OfIRce heurs 9. a. m. Office bours il &.m te il S.M. . to 2 p.m. ~"Prvate Telepizone Commnuwicasèýs. D. P. BOGART, Ml.D., L.D.S. Ph ysican, Surgeon aud Accoucher, etc. office and Residence noit te Ail Saint'a Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in aUi is branches promytly attonded te. Dr. H. Wightman DENTIST. Over Gros & GTanger'u. Whfby. (lounty Surveyer and Drainage Engmneer, Port Ferry, Ont. A. A POST, Architoot late vith Langley, Langley& Burke, 1!oronto. Designo for Churches, Villas sud Cottages a speoislty. Dravings propared for remodeling exlstiiîg structures. offce-Firet flat ever W. K LýHovse's ding stere. IgP C> Box 202, Whltby. Wu. CALVERLEY, Rama" M AKER, WRMTY. Having moved iuto oui nov preimies, ve are prepared te extend the range cf business. AUl vork pertaiuing'.to the harness-mahing sud saddlery business wii be dloue to satis- faction. Collais a spocialty. Cail and sec my shop aud stock. W. OALVERLEY, Second dcirwest cf od hp Dundas'iSticet, Whifiby JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Saa,. loos atBengda, TurMlg Bai Fret-Sawlg. pg-Al. orders or information can be obtaiued fiom JOHN 'NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- son'É residence. Whitby, April 4th. l1894. *3per anu aavioe, otcthervma 1 he-,Ã"Rç«;c.pif ýpU iiu .h.pblb ile:W6,'û â~ n.iaàk&to eliv.r. ihe ijvuierat Clr Dec. 8. osEA m .Nodoneils wJmftb7,ÏOI k; Jan.8;F0b" ;MiC4. pril -8; &y 8 Jnied4. julyS; Sep. 4;1 . ;No.4 Dec. 4, 'BaconN-M luoon, , WGreenwoodp Clrk,-Jafl 4; MarOh5; May 4; July 9; Bop. 5; Nov. 5. PORT PEKKT - J. -W. Burnham Port Perry, Clerk-Jakl. 29; Mdarch 9; Ù67 Y9; july il; Sep. 28; IÇov. 18. umou-JoSOPh B. Goiul, Uxbtidge, Clerk-Jan. 80; Miarch 18; May i5th; .)uly 12; Ct 14 ; Dec. 1l.2 C,ÂNNIN0XTONQGOrgO Smith, Cannington, Jan. 81; March 14; May 16; JuJy 18; Oct. 16; Dec. 18. B,&vERTo-040. 'F. Bruce, Boaverten, Clerk-Me.rch 16; May 17; Ct. 16; Dec. 19. IUProVz-F J Gillespie, Uptergiovo, Clerk,-March 16; May 18; Oct. 17; Dec 20. By eider, J. Z. FARE WELL Octoberl56th, 1894. 0lr ft I&e N1iw Llvey and .-Sale Stable s Dundas St., WhitIby, J. T. NEWPORT, Prêprietor., Commercial men liberally dealt wltb Teamlug doue ah resonable _pxiceo. Prelght and Bagga"e hsuled st reason- able puices. A ciii sohicited. LIFE INSURANCE. Manutacturera' Life & Accident Instirance Co., Toronito. 1.argeet Capital Stock Lif e Insurance Ce. on the continent. Ninety per cent. cf sail accumulations et surplus je returned to the policy holders. II-claims are paid withouh delay. or Aiscount-on preof of dealh or m4atinrty ôM endowment J. B. IPOWELL, Pcb. lot, 98. -Agent, Whitby. c0- DW4NTIST. Cor. King, & Yonge St. Toronto. .?eu the ue4lt, uxee mcuths I amgn gug 0pecal attention te pafientsfreon a dis- tance. Arn ai u aking plates in rubber, $,celluloid $10. Gold sud il er fllling9 vork crevng liyfut-hsopertrsi th. meut -ressenable ,,ratestluin ct > èu.y When lu th. city cml IË.ind ud lne exarn- mue joux tll"I .1 ilae ne exta, charge.-s O. G Dotis, authesist corner, Novl. 8th, 1802.-j w.u.WRNR CORDoDj SOLE- AG ENT m - Wbitby fori-the "Celebrat- eds> PL£rMUTH GCOAL. Often bleedaosd-ulceratiý emadOOOu & verysr. 'Swxnîwi -,OuINmUT» stops tb.itchbîg and' bleedig, boauls u1ce a nsd l uo OU", remoye ea.lb lmera. ýAt4nu g or e byni for 50 *ents,-Dr.. Svayn.&Bèuiladelpbia. Lyman sous o,' Monfteiw hô1li 73 Go' Rheunl. emmende vgs at la. parilla. bi must ~I tics vlth( my handi free fr s ever t la ithat 10 beoeut Il wlitiout imever re StradSoc ST À- MALLE rFLE .ASpeedy Severe Froni The( lu a har lOth fine c 0elvea Mr. Buad daughlor, ,:a eevcre A an~d who 1 without a -leexned t] v

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