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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Oct 1895, p. 7

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p i ,~/ G)1. A Common Affiction Purmanently ured by Taklng AYEIZparilla IWNS afflicted 'or elght yýears w1th jSaft 1 Illeum. Durlng th .ttLMe,1I rled a great IIIaiy medicines whlch were higlîl y re- ssîneuded, but noue gave mue relief. 1I w as at last advised te try Ayers Sarsît- parila, by a friend -who told me that I insîst. purchase six botties, and use thern Is'çorsiing to directions. 1 yielded to bis 1 ,ersuasion, bougbt the six hotties, and tossk the contents of three of these bot.-1 ile'î wthout notlclng any direct benefit. 1 liefssre I had flîîlshed the feurtlu buttie, iny hands were as Free f romn lEruptions as e-ver they were. My buqtness. which is ilat of a cabi-driver, requtres me to be out in eoid and wet weatber often ,%Itlout gloves, and the trouble has up ver returned."- TRiOIAS Â. JoHNis, trat1ord, Ount. Ayer's aîapril Adniltted a.t the World's 1%r. iiierla PULs Cleanse the .Bowela. ST. VITUS DANCE. A NMALADY THAT HAS LONG RAF- FLED MEDICAL SK1LL. A Speedy Cure for thp Trouble at Last Disoovered-The Psîrticulars of the Cuire f a Little Girl Who Wae a Severe Suifferer. Froni The Ottawa journal lu EL 1andsoume brick r' stieuce on the 1Oth liue of Gotiboru township, Carleton Co.. lives Mr. Thornas Bradley, one of Gouidtorn's moat succEssrfui farmere. In Mr. Iradley's fau3ily 18 a briglat littie daugliter, 8 vears of agze, Who had been a severê sufferer fromn St. Vitua dance, and ahia had beeu treated by phymicians without any beneficial results. Having Iearned that the luttle one, had been fully restored to health by the use of -Dr. Williari.& Pink Pills, a correspondent of, -Nlow Entire/y Free From Disease. "1 efo4rgbI.-or ,d1'.etby mail- fromn Di, WVVillhii Médi6Iie Ooopany'b-omi elther addr.sUg Ire price st which the PIl are sol.d -Msa oumseof Iweak ment oomparatively inexpensive as oompared with other remedies or medical, The late John Parker. ONE OF DUNBÂRTON'S OLDEST AND MOST RBBPEOTBD CITJ.ZRNS - SIR. OLIVER làOWAT'S PoLITiCÂL DISCOVERER. The death yesterday mornîng of the venerable John Parker of IDu. s!a-ton re' moves one of the most prison,. spoctod figures in the vil .. is whoae meîtnory wifll oi.r by iwauty1 f riends 11s 11ic. c 11N-,as nu i i tithe vicin- 1 ity in whtch hu itdis. any yearsi 0f hins is h-a Lo truely said that ho did his duty a.-ý ho saw it, both as a citi- zen sud a chnîstiaon. He waa in the 88rd yoar of hie age, sud, although a native of Ayrshire, 53 years of his if e wore lived in tisiacountry of his adoption. After ooming to Canada ho spent nine years in Toronto, dnring which ime he carried on business. 0f that period of hie life tiho story is Lold LhaL ho met Oliver Mowst, thon an unknuwn young lawyer, in the Bible clasm of the old Gould Street church and wua s e impressed with him that, ho- ing conimissioried to look for a suitable Liberal canidate for Sout.h Oxford, ho ,called upon the future Priniier sud pro- posed tu, make bis ontry itt politics in that riding The-young lawyer cunsented and accompanîed Mr. Parker Lo the nomination meeting. Ho won the contest, and Mr. Parker used to, claini with pride that, ho was Sir Oliver's discoverer. Ho was ane of the firsti subscribers te, the uld Banner, and George Brown's fust frioud. » In Duribarton ho was lung a prominont figure, occupyiug an influentiai position. Few mon nuL devoed to iterary pursuite were more widely read than he. He watched with keen patriotic interest the course uf curreut events HiR judgement on questions which he discussed was dlean and conclusive. Ho was a consistent Preshyterian eider, and for forty years superintendent of the Sunday Sohool, and alwayis steod aide by aide with tiwo othen prominent officiais of the church in support of the congregation with which ho wus connected. Hias inister credits him with vaving been thbe mosti liberal contributon to mimsions in any Chrois'ian body in tihe township. Hie charitiy wau far-neaching in etihen respecte. Ho wus married in 1851 te Hlannah Tingle, sud for 44 years tihey feliowed life's path tegether. United in life, in deatb they were not long divided, for hon departure proceded his by enly six weeks. Tbnee son and two daugter survive him. Ho wau postmuter of his vfllage, and a justie of the peace. Hi. funeral took place on Friday to Erakine cometery. inMmotm Lines writien in Iovin& remembrance of Mr Samuelt McClunug Sonys, wbo departed ibis lite on Sept. 23rd, î895, Once more or home and beartis are sad. Bec:iuse the angel of Deatb Has taken froru our midst away A preclous gem of worth. A precious one front us is gene. A voice we loved is stilled: A place is vacant in our homne Which neyer can be filled. A husband, patient. kind and good, Whose every aci was love, Is taken fromr omre below,, To dwell ia heaven above. A Father, leved, submissive, meek, Frem us la snatched away, To swell the angelic boit above, And sAng rbrougb endies day. The praises of his Savieur dear, Of, wbom' Rl oved teotell, And even in de.atb by Faitu ceud say: "1My lesus bath donc ail ifings weh." We mouru, because we sec hm net Nor bear bis gentle voice, But Christ hath Ils(t Ails nrnmlsfor u the journal cailed at the family residonco "And-blds u i rjua for tb.e purposeofo asoertaining tue factu, lbat He who died his-soül te save alnd found the littile girl a picture of He w'ill MsSe it lest. brigbtnese and good bealtli. Mrs. But safely leaid blmn by tic band. Faulkner, a sistor of the lititle une, gave Up te bis ransoaied hdst. the following information:. "About eight- We bow beuestb, the Almlgbey'& baud, een menthe age Alvira was attacked by Nor vould we Uùr te shun. that terrible malady, St. Vitus danee, But alSnly amd reaWbtedty say sud becamne se bad that we oalled wù two '*Thy W buhdo=e." doctors, who held ent ne hupe te us of,'The precious promise ofTy Wordt, ber nitimate cure, sud ee as se badfly Shahh. e ut guidi aad siay. affectied w i bL the &dauce ' as te require Suficent îs Tygrace fcr us aiment constant watobing. -Abouti Ibis Tit5l3tiRbeacb sctuemg day. time we noad in the Ott.awa Journal of a We laid bis levely fi= awaY sîmilar oa-ie curod by the-luse of-Dr. Wi n hesilenit terni esmt- iatus' Pink Pi-le, whioh gave us renewed "mee o awatt the resutxen h ope. W.e proured a couple cf 'b.«., O!1 Gve lahteIfu at t ic bst. aud before the voie ailtused there vas Oh 1 Grae Wheel e ltry.- a perceptable improvernent. Âft»r usiiig OtSverbeeis a'ntdth c toini- six boxes merseh.u was eatlrly fie from And . ov HoercsÈnau as g. t 1 e disease, and as yei n auueo e ejey- iug the bout of bealtb. Bevelmontha Toé mcct u el-s oe lia vo passed since the -une o et l-Pink eBMahava bk ie t ee Pila as isqnlnudbut thora bha beon They Smciopat e ore. nu rotur eft h.enialady, nor auy symp- ilgrbrbu itevl tomseof it. W. are quite certain Dr. Williams, Pink Pille cmiii ber andiAt eImttc u eoc bO stïiigIy recommend ihem in. sMilli ..$Iodm rgokden sloMui: cases. Onie leas on eattt>--ab. yen-. Dr. Williame' Pink Pille ame au mitail- The deriIy cirele riven$- ing speoiflo for snob diecases s ulooemetei Andthte mlis seS, rbugksçIithe 9 ataxia, partia paralysio, St.s Vite.' daneo, MIgoêsut e hoadache, the attor affects etll$p. palpitation o! Lthe heait, pale asisllw " complexion, ait forma of 'me" aa ei r in maie and fotaie. Pink Pilla ai old by ail dealer-s, or will be *0nlmWê po4 ASIb*It$IP.4I S ou receipt of price, W0 mutsa à*@K ê'0r éI o s tIO stih boxes for 62.50, by ,a4il ï Jii>r. Wil s- 5PO)g*O0*I g Schenectady* N-4TY, 1- Dr. W l l t 4s'-' It is becoming too com mon in Orillia streets ta see young boys smoking cigarettes, with an ostentation showiflg th.at they consider it manly ta smoke. They probably have no idea of lte iii effects which tobacco has on a .growinlg lad, and if told would only scoif. But there is a law against selling tobacco ta juveniles, and as someone muost be' breaking it the societies which have for their abject the welfare of the youflg, might endeavor ta have it put in force. One or two convictions would tfe the backbone of dealers in refusing ta ell ta young lads. -Packet. H3AMPTON. Miss jennie Ward spent nla'in the city.' M4rs. Avery, Toronto, is'g-uest at Mr. F. L, Ellis.' qtvr. Chas. Rogers is home again from Vinden, Man. .4siss Herrington, Belleville, is visit- ing Mrs. C. N. Ruse. Miss Ada Hastings is visiting at Markham and Toronto. The E. L. of C. E. will hold their annual social and concert Thanksgiv- ing evening. Mr. Wm. Scott, town, has been as- sisting Mr. F. A. Cale arrange bis stock of groceries. Mr, W. W. Price, F. S. Mason, Mrs. J. Trewin and Mr. T. Pascoe spent Sunday in the village. Glad ta have the bouses ail occupied again. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Williams, of Sauina, ta aur village. Several fram here attended thie Dis- trict convention of the Epworth League af Christian Endeavor at Newcastle an Friday. - s Rev. T. W. Legott occupied the pul- pit on Sabbath. He may expect a hearty welcomne if ever lie has chargeq af the services again. A gain death has entered our village, this time taking Mr. Wni.1 Elford; an aId and highly esteemed'resident who( lias spent a great number of years in the village and vicinity. He passed peacefully ta rest on Sunday after- noon after a little over a znonth's ili. ness., Interment in the old B. C. cem'w etery.Hi pw n the churoh- was draped durîng the Sunday,evcnhig ser-, vice as a token o! respect. 'Truly.it iay be said of hWm, 'a gvod n=and a kind husband lias passd to lhis reward. Measels are prevalent her. Mr., Benj. Powell [s repairlug hie hanse. Mr. John Hobbs lias rented Thomas' Evans'. farm.- i11 Mr. J. E. Dyer's lieuse is receivixýg a- coat of paint. - A turkey thief visited J. MClth fiack, Hi. footpriaits gave, him away. Mr. Arthur Ormiston had a '*rery large husking bee iast week, busking about i15o bushels of corn. Visitons :-Mr. and- Mrs. H. ?ascoe, Taunton; Mn. and Mrs.- E. Virtuit, Manchiester; Mr. L. T. and'Mable Pas- coSolina; Miss L. Rogers, Kinsale; Miss Winnie Fletcher, Cedar Dalei1 Misses Annie and Lelia Ho9anth -,anti Master J. Hogarth,- Solina. A very pleasant event took place,-at. the residenÃŽce of Mn. . W. -Knapp, re-. cently, bmebg'the -mamtflgeof his - - est daùgerFU*za, to Mr. Collino Scugog' Islan& -di The ..happy cople spent' their honeymoon on a ýtnp te Woodstock. TeEwtth leaguelbas -been, r-. ' ~hi , nmcitdprons-we eçer ýy dayre a~tall ~%~mgfor nourishment Yonay .eatutl yeu ae tffed, but unlesa voUtr .fod . ïassmilated it dces-you nogood. TheéIdud of food ýthat mnakes tissue and enriches the blood is found in Cod-liv'er -Oil, and thàe easiest; Ifost palatable form of Cod-liver Oil is Scott'-s E uLsion 13 uit Scott's Emulsion is more than this. It contains Ilypophosphites of Limie and Soda, a nerve tonic and constructive agent. The nutrients in Scott's Emulsion, therefore, are just what is needed to build up the syýs- temn and overcome wasting tendencies. Chidren gain flesh and strength on Scott's Emulsion when no other f orm of f ood nourishes them. They almost al like it Don>t bepersuaded to accept a substitu te / Scott &Bowne, Belleville. Al Druggists. SCic.ai-d $1. AND FI . PIN WORMS. e-cH[.NG PILES la an ezcedlngly panlul and ano irg %f,91 tN Q tAon, tound atlie ti tii he s or . al udfmale. rrnCtp mipom r a severs ftching, wflich la worst at nitih 'len. the terer becm warm in bcd. goSerrble la thie Itohing i -i; fre queu M ore ftsipsile to procure sieep. Otten theie srlicri' sL1J)l- durtnc seen scratches the pa-a unti iey are sor- ul, szrd tmurne torm , xcess ve m o st re lex u d ed. F eniales are pe euî. arly a Iu c M is e r " u from thi dieae. cansin g nubearable irrtation s n u-, Th s *very otier sympteo ettchng Piles or irritattop in any t artf ~~ bodr are hmdlatoly aliyed and q0c ycurd by Ohae's Q ment. ILwl ntalaoichi'slhgSduontha lup 1h. ugoIstume ~?~>'" *ta" isymptom raty e.s Dives nt4fz pàatuourilala t S aDIseses.snal ob smua, Xob, BoobW&11126lob. Samt M 06oaeym6a-ttt»pàg- à a4~~çaa GiE.EENWOOD. SWe notice our Bailiff bas another sale on the ul8. Mr.' 3. Oourtney was in the village on avisit this week. Wm. Haney, has loft our midat. liav- ing zone te, Brooklia. Bd. Jackon hbu been, visiting friends in Oriffis Ibis laut woek. Mrïs. Abe Boyer in improving nieely aftér having à <cancer removed. Mfr. A. Milla, of Brooklin, is going te, work on the. fine new buildings of F. L. Geenu. 'John StowaÏt,has left the emnployment' of -PegaUly Broï,.nd agonie te Stoney 'Many from hbore attelided'thbefnea k e cdf 1the Wlat Goe. O'Loary'yon Tuesdair, Who 41.4 ftoî b tiefféceots !'ypboid, foyer. Mr. aùu--Mis. Abe a, iOahaw1a1' visitet iGo.LaWs-oVer Sunday. missl E.Law' retamrne&tç, Os1hawa ith tbew.h,ý MiSs B4 Go. vil!permanently'reside in ,bys a vola4 Torôol, frab- gort- fâunre. 1Havlng be- O= 7 cerns al tudont in ithe Towout9(-eun cf -We'are -sony te 10Leam ît 1frM..-, eeeu,»tt lsxad for the good of ber healtlmba not mno-aoproed.drulbt. f Many et fýoui boys pmrtlopated iù nthe 8ýne & Oc rafie given i.by Mr. Badgrerowi bore, on tihe igbl ofteieedày et. Jndging fromui les dead dueko, beshr o in ilw ay in the mrnng uiboys muet bave a1nà faily we.! Oui football boysbve t elre tbi gmre ýwith <*Ordon Mo1x$yoff 'a eiouul ofGodon mcKsy tbam not b.ingat I Wu, table, te giv. oui leaagameu A'RDS LI bore s 40o ae k 'ef ii. e am going te Korweed éu Thankoàiving djay' t6p e c tbefacouos. m of tbiato wn. -. Wo bhe0 a teatitfobraregins té eè OW Mp.$ 8&h-' Dt$i4.uý lobe bald ai -Wb"'- "on ý i Pie Ml *Iwa ni 4 ý s4p oet~y 6 We have the Flno.t Séoec- tion ini Lewn of thoso BEAUTIFUL AMEfjIOAS WALL l'A PLR8. Borders to Matdh wýas ïtiéit o0énée' to Jet themt nýàfon Z' kurpended sentenjCe coupled with as- soundia piece5 of- advîce as, ever came., from, the bench. Thid ayor, thwtig [t possible that the lads had been read-. ing that class of fiterature whicharouses- the evil spirit iii ioys of their age, ask- ed one of them if he 'could rend. 1Yes, " came the answe<. ",-And what are you reading?" ",The second book," answered the youngster, an expression of innocence beamine on his scared countenance. -News Letter. The i) g which was iost between ri. nd Dalson, fifteen or sixteen atvs. !îas been found byMr. Rich- .1ri .Xiderson in the bush near the roadside, flot far beyond Rugby. The bag has suffered severely from expasure ta the weather. A hole in thcý bottomn shows that it was cut open ta abstract the letters. None of the contents were found. Mr. Bail, postmasterat Rugby, has sent the bag ta M r. Gofflatt. -:PRICES-. Corne earlyj and get/lrai choico. P. B. WARAM, Bryai s ltiStrand, Brook 13t., Wbitby H. SCO TT, PUMPMÂKER, WHIýTBYI (Stacessor Io H Tkompson.) The Subscriber bas again opened business. ber.. His office will be at E. R. Blo*!$s- telegrapb office, factory at Mrs. New1ery5' bense on Brock Street, senth. New Pump manufactured and eld Pumpsreaed First clase' material used and werk warant-1 ed. Wells dug or cleaned out. -:-Prdersa solhcited. Feb. 14, 1895. Whitby sud Obhawa. DOMINION B»P Osipital Paid ups Surplus, - General. Bankig Bi Transaoted. Interest allowedeaihlh.teur Ne nettee ofwtdawai r.qulw3) 4K. 00 CIy ont rates E. 3. TEOINTON, Managei IRÂD4MO 8 Anmee v4ed.pa "it MICROBE' KILLER -REhfEl An uewbfob*0-we ery ailbave, is efJivtns advim .Theniet of tsplaco Vigne uon Our owu opinions, sometirne cer-rectly as, at J. a. 7IDGÂU,.1fXeroýat, WM oithèr times 4theseOopinions are Worth D~ oe îbap the V"uruineîhborsplace éÃ"p.iem, an opiniîowntbràoug hioliwo e an&ly aU ildltand M K td avle1eýwly51a My u0" Whièh uadoubtedy ébutains a -gtëat dealof -rn tmc nt ~ç1o~o médWone ta mslst. aturêla lie-,remvai ais»l .lÏnpurlitlé romthe bIo4.It - lmly aquai- 'M A leIL..S., C tien of what la the béet? oui o1 dugsa m e teusMey Esel itr' L0vrLosngethe si',Q beet retnedy ,for Ibis ,pnrposandi for, bilsWas gIV=nup te die frein- acomplicat troubles, il we tuay jdeb the tck hy Dyspepsia anti LAver troule vithçousun are laying in. Wo notiSd th im pledt* ulu Am Masweil as ver now ;it 35 tinly-wonde tie; -Coruer Drug Stoxr sud Mr, -J. E W à tee ls w.n îupphi. A ue1auw o ud tbem rmnit «T - -lp këdbe ur .. . USO B, a~ an î a-ion Rl" ablgptee'h oeufs, ie boxes 8. Stn rideoý e ve-h lau mea our. ~wuelo rby-law Iungs war bun =yg m wife's W . &daàm ,jep Ivice, 'Mn. C,. Mr$. AIlex.Me( E,,Caompiell;t but. 48i imatie '1. >Mr s4>s itor )nta. givil c à (is. u bt. r, fi l ri g orm at City e ain- bar ge. Co rnler ' s, OD, ETC ,st of' ER. ing tQ- nrb- uine ýara, 'tu 6- islip of knouwn none, Good Mne cor- ;("e mac asud latticu eM-1e LIOWEST

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