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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Oct 1895, p. 8

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baevo y the bon» bas bult byW th mad bas sa te ime. showed i racksansd; w as qi famons i There w river' He worki And stihlý 1 cure f ha O àppear frem tI YOu clix woUld side 1e - cen 5te. stretts shopa t a doul' ad van, bigh i tRie A Prov1l thieRi# look UV Of the ste.. 66 God's pwv and it' plagl3 ouly fit i Bc ~ ouri of tI ipto wi Bil 5(X Biz of foi c (loriL mi" f f s. ~' 44 <4 "E E6 4< 1< 's 4 Toilet Requisities Toiet Soaps, B'anq yGoods, di Anything in the ~Drug LUne, -Ryley'8 Drug Store, Simacoe St. south, Oshawa. OSIIAWAY OCT. 25? 1895.1 OSIIAWA PAGE 09HAWA. BUSINESS NOTICE- Oehawa subecribers or advertlsers May trausact îany business» with the CIRuokZ]rrc., Or May obtain extra' copies at any tlme, from 14. I. Rogers. Farmers wiIl do well tecaRi at M. E. May's for boyis' ready made clothing. If you wlsh a nice French china dinner or tea eî or anythlu< lu faucy china, or glass- ware,io ta a aMort"& Son. It wll pay ally arties couiteinplating bny- ing an engage0oe, or wedding ring to sec thç farge stock eft1Pelt Bros., Oshawa as tliey Jii 1sel" titinbnth very cbeap for cash. Genuine dianaônd 14X. only $5. They are also makling some special ofers in Gents', Ladies' and- Boys' gold and silver watcbes. See theni. Feit Bros. Mr. Guihrie, or Audley, was in town on Mon- 'IV. Mr. E. Annis in výsitinR his father Mr. A. Annis. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McL.ean spent Sunday in Myrtle. Mr. C. lones and Mr. Mcbean spent Sunday in Port Perry. Mr. N. Jeunings, of Bowtnanville, spent Sun- day in town. Miss Bertha McLean, of Port Perry, lu visiting Mrs. W. E. McLeau. Mr. Rôbt. Inch will preach in the Christian church ne-xt Sunday. Miss Ada Luxon of the pont office lu spenûing a fcw days in Port Perr. Rev. 1. S. Clarke preacbed in Bowmanville methodisi church last Sunday.morning. Miss E. Trewîn, of Bowmenrille. spent a few days tbis week with Miss Mimie Stevenson. Rev. t. N. Marshall preached in the baptist church last Sunday beth morning and evcming. Miss Fb Tat.ter, of the Ontario Ladies' Col- le ge Whitby, spent Sunday in town the guest of Mdrs. W. E. L'yer. if we liai ed lw mr eilwf 8 tr ested: la Golfes Mr.Jas-. Proven la We o have, satirat cRiss olf tease ed goudea AI", ý'iDUr1g ris vt lu 'Englsnd thisyear Kr.'provan -became usuch Iuterestedlu the gaine, and brought home smre sticks wlbb hitni. ou Wednesday morulug he aud bis brother were n te the drivlug park and ar-_ rauged a mmatfild and enjoyed a gaine Of of It. Mr. Provan is very enthualastle over It and sas othér places are orgunizing clubs surely Oshawa eau support eue. At the regular meeting of the Ladies Aid uoclety of the obistian cburcb,' beld at Miss K. Hall'a home, Rev. Perey Fýetcher, the pastor of that chnrch. was preçented wltb an overcoat and also çt purse of mcuey . Miss Editb Rogere read au address in whioh the earnestusofe the pester was commented, and aise thie blgbh esteeni in wbicb he lu bcld by bis people. It wua compiete surprise te Mr. Fletcher but be accepi' cd the presen: with a short tbougb vcry tonching reply. He will attend college iu Kingston tbis wutet alter whlcb be feels tRat ie wlll be better able te take charge of the work eft t iicbnrch. During bis sojeunu ere Mr. Fletcher ban made many fricuds and hi@ retutn ln the sprlng will b. eageriy looked forward te Cîurcb opeulur. The christian wetkers ceiebrated tbe opening efthieir recently purcbased cbntch last Tbursday evening. Te& was served lu tRie aftetuooil te utealarge number and ln tRie evenlng the chthbich bad been decorated for the occas- !on. was fiicd wltb a very appreclative audience. Hon. John. Dryden was the chairman, and spoke lu bis ustus pleasing mauner. The ciRer speak- ers cf the eveniug were Mesurs. W. E. Dyer. W. Sithî M. P., and Fîsher. Mesurs. F L. Fowke and Robt. McLangbUun sent letters et regret ou accunt cf their luabiity te Rie present, accom. panylng the letters witRi contributions te aid tRie cbnrch funds. TRie churob, wbich is çtuated OL Coîborne sîreet. lusa very neat trame building. and lu well adapted te thie ueeds cf tRis flaurisb- lng congregation. It was formerly used by iRe Chist churcb members, The Perler Metal Roofiug Co's works was tbe scene of thc most mrlous accident that Ras hep- pcned lu Oshawa for some tume peut, thie resuit belng that Fiank Rlggs lest bis nglht anm. A belt weu hanglng oosely ou tRie sbafing and Mn. Pedlat lu passlng tbrongh tRie sbop beppened te sec fi, Re thought ih migbt posibiy get caugbt lu somteîing se Re toRd Riggs, wbose duty it ls te attend thie englué, te shut it down and de up the beli ; but Rlggi sscured a step ladder and climb- cd up ta thie sbaft and begun tielng the beit. H-e was lmmediately finng te the roof et the shop and bis body feil te one 'side and the anm te the other. Dr. Coburu was lmmediateiy cal. led lu, and Rad hlm removed te Mrs. Tbompsons bcsrding bouse, where Des Kaiser, Raee Hoig and Coburu were ail lu attendence on hlm. Tbe arm had bren broken &bout three nches from tbe shouider but the akin Rad beau broken et tRie shoulder as eveniy as if it hed becu cnt with a Imife. The muscles were torn out and thie flesh was terrly rnaugled. The doctors cnt off the sumnp and dressed the wound. At present Reie l resîung tairly weil, and doing as weU as could be expected. censldering thie terrible sbeck that bis systeni must have received. Frank bail been in tbe compauy's ernploy ever since they:began operatiens here, and wes well liketi by Mr. Pediar. Mr. Pedler bai elways warned al bis meni te stop tRe englue when working around thie behîs, but it is uuderstood that Rirgs bad, eten doue tRis work before witb ne serions results. Considerig tRie arrangement cf tRie sbop wbere tRie accident Rappened fitIs e miracle that Rie dld net mcci witb -fsatnt ideath. At fitst, sligbt hepes were given for bis recovcry. but au tRie -tue .,oes by bis chances are gettlng better and better. E. E. ROGERS. Il L. VIOREZBT. barber.W=006cestreet. ArIL. BOLPE, barneasmak.r, iSoe tret. F. B KOHEBILL, butoher, Ring St,, West. Dp. PÂTTERson, Deohilt; office over Bowse s store. &. «Y. Brà.z.rs-DoniWon pianos and organe, Simco Street A. C. WÂinisÀz, Voerlnary Surgeen sud Dentist, -King Street West, Ouava, Ont. About oe u udrcd dollars wort b o k WILLIAM J. DERiNS, DomWtiensud Ontani will be immediately added te tRe library cftRie Land Survayor, Civil Enginar, Box 57, Osh- mecbeuica institute. 1I9aW&.1 Hucting parties are beiug arranged fon, hItisl expected tuai there will be several sportsmen go frein" tRis ieIl MIsîs Madd iTbompson, et Whitby. bas beeu speadlng a few days wih ber sister, Mrs. L. Eveley, Smcoc street south. R«r. j. CRishohni, of Duubarion, bas Reen annonnced te preacb iu the preshyterian cbîrcb next Suudav. moruiug auevening. A soýiaI la being beld tbis. Friday eveuneg, et Mr. Robi. Dillon'u. The preceeds will be in aid cf Che presbytetian church buitding fund. Rev. Mr. McCail, of the Meca'f St. method- - lt cburch and Rev. Mr. Jas. Kinea, oethtRe Srnmcee St. cburch excbanged pulpits* lait Sun- day evenrnng.P Mn. A MeMillan lefi for Toronto on Frîday te resume bis course et tRie pacalcele science. He bas bceu honie fe-r a weekoor se on account etfilinesu. Mr. Fred Moore wbe bas been visitiug is parents -fer tRie peut ton day left cru Tuesdsy afternoonfor MnoctW. Next Tnesdy puoulni iRe Bail faudly appear lu the Mescaîf St-.metbodtst chuncb. -Lime igRit vlews wili b. givea lu coïnectien witli the music- al programme. Mr. Avery Deanrom retutned e few deys age fram !lta where Re seut a couple of weeks in fanding eut thie goud sud bad quatities ofthte TRie depree baw o e iCorintien Lotigeo f 1.0. O.. lutbis ownwvent to Part Persylawt, TueMey evoing te exemplify tRie degree work o the orde th1. 0. . of tbssîtown. A meeting of bbthe ers cf hockey le calRed for ttie, Fnday evenlug lu the CommencIai bote).ý As hockrey le lest becoming a popàlar lnter ganse e goed atteudence of yomngl moisleexpccted. Mî.y T. Nicholson reprsmtlagt the ýwrhlengueof !thse SmS t wcoe& tt"tAifà &Î"*t hetb.dîsttiomeeting beld 'lanNtwacetla lm t7uidey. vedCf heotber umbem of tRiaIauqios uuosat alie e.alageoig. CoxxMCAcw. oEL-J. C. Ween, proprieor. -modern hostelry. nest sud oomtcnisbly equippod. D. Ml. To .--Osteren for BslIm, Assemblie, Wed- dinga. Suppors, etc., etc. Aise .&U kinds ef flowers. O5EAWA UBOoKSTOBn-PUfl lneofetbook$, stationery snd tancy goode. E. B. Rogers, Bincoe street. Jeu. RotiLDUm - W@hitby-Oshaws stage lne. lesvsOshawas at 8 asm nsud 2 p m. snd Whitby s aatl nd4 p m. JOSEP3 Caixo. rnsunfrturer etf Iue earniages, cas agnm.su d &U kindà oetentiers and .7051<BuvEas patuser snd decorater. Dosiez in &U&pesoOMI« u deoeralslîloug, au oit v nm~obrushes, wInaow shadea, e. -AUxISPELi»W, desler lu stosaI, fumagces,. Un- wswe, e. Large stock kep opi enttly -pu hsnd.. Jcbbicg s spoelaty. Rimece etroot norchi. L. R. MuaTlors, B. A. - Banniaier,. Bohietoz. Netary Public, Convayaneer, &e. Kcnay te end. Offes over Dominion Bank, itimoce Street, Oshwa. Whu onteraplatln<fttn, iinauresCe, bea W 1) S.....,tatas lUt.. Thoir peliceas are tb. nsost attractive. Larego urantees. -ý M.. . AT.r-t> o .li rooeio., YanoyChipa, Teasu sud offee. -Bôy#i'r ya440nssuenie a Avouaos 8uaMF-Tbe sitbsanber WinI bo inu00 *w% M to Cenral' Ect6l, Irlds*y"osaii we frIm ove te 59 e'hok -pm- tona>o a «Saeote s r.w lsMugtobsa les. L 7aaum» ïUnoer »dfe te anuiueblzag boas» «t Oole.. Sewrai uwrtm ofW tweed% , V'egtst. * *nwonte bl*,oçie aw 2'U4Urw ta fUuOe theni 0111L I~S coeyeu is iery eauiio%às about'>lai im wheoe, ïb ýk igbrs Olef4eue co*Mild e MMr Iti. No lois wuasustained beyond Ibe stt>' apetîe safc, ýNôo bi o the mtdaight me. One of themebappy events that alwayU Omise somewhat of a fluiïy in oclety circles ocatirfCd at the resdenceofMr. IL Mothersill, exWàrdeà of the oouutyq, on Wednesday of ibis wftk. When bis yOttagct daugbîcr,. Be*tice Was unlîed lu marruge -r Mr. F. L. Waldou cf. Parri Sound, nt.Thie ceremoiiy wa5 Per- formed at 5,30o'cloclt p. ni. by Rev. Mr. East- man. The bride WasaUla:cd by Miss K Wal' don, muster of the groom, while the bridegrooli had thie asistance of Mr. B. Motbersili. The presents were costly and nurnerous, and were vicwcd by mimerons invited guests. as showitig the 11gh esteeni wilb which' thc bride was held oy pcrsonu.in tRis vicinuîy. The happy couple ieft by the evenuug train, for a.trnp to western points amld the beut wisbes of many friends and sboweru of nec. IKINSALEC. Wm. Newton is looking for a ernaîl farm to rent. Mrs. T. E. Bartley bas been speuding e few weeks et her mothers Mrs. Thos. McBryans. George Mutch bas donc considerabie work on the Ward farm, near Balsani, where he will move before long. Our pedagogue spent Sabbretb under the pareqp 1 roof. We hope Our trustee board willqeulgage hlm as ht: bas given splendid satisfaction this year. Owing to the regular quarterly meeting service being beld et Brougham next Sab- bath our service willlbe held here at 6.3o instead Of 2.30. Wm. Lawrence, of Whilby, wbeeled into our village on Monday afternoou about 5 p. m. aud reîurned homne the eame nlght, Will otiten visits bis home bere. Mr. Waddington bas served his appren. ticeship witb Mr. Tripp and now .labors wlth M1r. Lewis. He surely wttl develop into a thorougb goed workmau sbortly. Mr. S. Mackey & Son visiteil Toronto market on Saturday lest with a load of splendid bogs. Thie market is reported fair. y good but prices range lower then sorne urne ago. Mr. and Mis. Seidon, et Greenwood, at- tend our sanctuary (rom time te timue. John stili boRds a tender spot lu bis Reent for Kinsale with is many privileges and happy people. Rev. T. E. Bantley, et Toronto, wbeeled down on bis bike on Mond-a>'lest pessin_ îhrough our village before nonu, haviug made thc run lu a littie o%er two and oe hait heurs. James Sadier is net quite se well of late it being necessary te callu Dr. Moore of Broekle who lu doing al le his power te, lighten the load of affliction for Jimes. We trust he mey be successful lu binging hlm around. Many from bere went ever te Brooklil baptist cburch a few Sabbeths ago to e c ut old friend Seth Rodman dipped. He weut tbrough the ordeal adsnirably eff-d atteuded. cburcti there ever since. He is in every sense et the word now eabaptist. Jack Frost made bis persouel appearance here Sundey night. it being the most sfvere ftest for tRie lime et year known for lnany years. Old resideuts ail agree they neyer before witnessed anything ike it. Apple pickers and packers are geltiug a &ait t4i for a certainty. Baron Rothchilds bas a splendid yleld- cf white cRever deed, whic wilil bring >lÜlIn about ten dollars a bushel. He.says élbver seed an untstard, buckwheae and beaà cul- Lure are tRie only peying productshe bas deait W'ith for sem trne ü,back. Mn. Wm. Lewton baà appiied- ftt. a posi- tien lu a public scbool. Wehope Rie may mueet with suctess lu getting eue as we have eveny reason te believe be would do excel- lent work in the teacbing profession. He has elways been a splendid student, passîng' every examn. be wrcte on with a. good per- centage cf marks. ,Mn. Marshai Nutting, brother-in-law et R. R. Mowbray, called on friends Rere Iàst weck. He lu working for the Sun IÇifc« Iu- surance Ce. and is doing a good tran e, but et course J. N. Hortop easiiy gobbles bbc business in bRus vicinity, as Rie aIsej'works for a good company, and can tell a mýàerate yarn with a gond degree et compesure. He stili drives another man's. roadster Bur- rowed herses sem te catch Jee. Owing to tRie press of circuinstences. ot late we bave net been ebRe te ceutnibute .ur budgets weekly, but Item tRie -item cf lest week signed thne four pere players the pub- lic would infer that a pedro cub cither was iuatgurated bere or wonld Rie in thse very near future, as tRie meetings arç growing in inoerest weekly we are toRd. the lest game pieyedbitte was meuipulatitd by tRie saine foutrnmarried men wbo playedth ibfret geme. and only one othen than tRie players wlî- nessed tRie game, and Rie too was a- rnarrded man belongiug te tRie sanie gamesters. This wes thie first uigbt wc even beard efthiese brave fellows eujeying thgeir Innocent- game with,.uubinded wiindows and -unloekçd doors and tRis would not, bave Rappened only for eurt evelations frem titue te lime. eo their secrecy and debaucht ry. We "neyer raised an y objection te the game e ofpero. uer Rave' wea ow te nise; but wbeuir' la acceun- paied u i tbhbottkdA aRcandi olti idéër wjèd Id raise ut objections.lTbis kintiof thiugbasù been going on bere sine leat Xtrsas., -ati silîl tihe enjpymeuî is nelt iabpted, hey tel us, but' luIlikeir te develIop' bite bluftand, blusteron tRhe part of tbe plaeiïë. lie body wil jelu thern exceptn nimeni ef-thiri own kind, apdýhey ore féw ausdfa.r bl>4een. ,Whec yen fiîd usarnieti mens comitg onsid. erable distance, leaving their (antil -ieiand, rernalning most cf lise night. tise prevejIing, opinionis'that'Itlb a, ktnd-of uek gpme'- 1ndý not a gme of indro at ali. Shouad ïns sieued by Lb e four pedro pTayers coninueto' Mts.McKt!à. h orne hbetter attiait ac- 'AUI thie (amera arebusy honslng their tur- Onesbçemer Mr. 'S. Dusty, las laid up witltbas Mon t!l bis h and. Miss AunleTtney bas been spending a few days wjlî ber friendu bhere. Miss Mabel Hem of Scugeg, was the. guest of Mrs. G. R. Real, on Sunday. Mn. Wes Doble is spendlng a week or twe witb bis frlends ln Ibis ncighborbood. Miss Florence Manlebani etBey City, Micb., is vlsitlug ber aunt, Mrs. Joseph Lee. TRie eveuing ervice lunbbceînetbodist, churcb nezt Sunday wiill be largeiy in the nature of a song service by the choir, tb'tt bas been giving sncb excellent satisfaction Iateiy., Mr. Alex. Lee, the well -known aud res- pected resident of Egypt, wishes it to be understood that he bas on exhibition nt bis residence a turnip grown under bis personal care and tsupervision thet weighs (witbout top) over 2l bs. He also states that be bas wagon load s of turnipe that would weigb on an average 20 pounda or better. It is confidently expected tbat about the urne the CHRONICLE goes to press this week the bymeneal knot will be tied, uniting Mr. Wm: J. Vincent of Chicago, and Minnie, third daughter of John Leesk, Esq., of this place. Iînmediately after the cermony the happy couple leave for Chicago, their future home. May 'long life and prosperity be theirs. On Saturday lest Mr. E. Hilson, wbile taking a number of horses te, Uxbridge for the purpose ef shipping tbem to the Oid Country,* wes kicked by one of them on tbe ieg wlt h such force as te cause a serious frac. ture of the bone. Mr. Hilson has the sym- patby of the entire community, as be bas but lately recovered (rom a long and erious illness. We have flot done witb big potetoes yet. The Uxbridge man got ahead of us lest week, but only by a quarter of a pound, but now we bave eue out ef sight of anything iu this liue that we have heard of as yet. Mr. William Oliver, near our village, hA one grown on bis ratm that weigbs 5j pounds. Wbat bas Columbus to say about this. Cen they beet it? BALISAN AND NT ZION Mr. William Ward and family intend nmoving to Uxbridge this week. Mr. josepb Hodgson's sale of fanm stock atnd implements passed off successfully, and boe feels bappy and contented. The special services beld lu Mt. Zion cburch are better atteuded tbis week tlan last week. Tht-roembers of the cburch in- tend holding theif anniversary Borne time in November. Mr. J. E. Disney and farnily have gone to Uxbnldge te reside. Mr. Birkett bas moved on Mr. Disuey's farin. The many fniends of' Xr. and. Mrs. Disney feel sorry to lose such good neighhors but we welcomne àr. Burkett in Our midst. WisDNxpDA&Y, Qd!r. 3o.-Farxn and farm stock.,'3aeate of late Geo. Sidswortb. L. Fairba.-.ks, Auctieneer. THuRtsDAY, Nov. 7tb 1895-Auction ýsale of good hardwoo timber, in haîf-acre lots, at Lot No. ro, in the Irear of 5tb con. of the Tp. of Rea ch, tbe property of Thos. Dobson. - Two years to remove tiniber. No reserve. Sale ai -i oeclock. L. Fairbanks, auctioneer. WED>NEDAY, Nov. 6th.-Chaflel mortgage sale at lot 9. iu the 9th conce ssion Pick- ering. See posters. FUR .CAPE88 Caë& andFr.~ As a. mie tÎhey do net travýel. band in hand but .they do st th" THE -ARCADE!. Yo au Sa.ve from *30,00te -*b QD on F1?R <JPU. ýl,9lr Wrought Steel -AT- 0i0 Also bis GOAL OIL and OAS STOVES -FROM- $p5.5o to $25-000 -:-UCUO GOING DATES- Oct. 28th, 29th, SOth, 3tt Nov. lot and 2ncl 1895. LIMIT.-Al lioketa good to retorn leav- ing destination, flot later than Dec. I5tb, C85.or until close of navigation, if earier, to points reacbed by Muskoka Navigation Co. FARE.-Single Fare, according to route traveiled. DISTRICT-Penetang, Midland, ail points. Severn to North Bay, Liclusive. Argyle to Coboconk, Inclusive. Cameron to Haliburton, inclusive. Ail points on Muskoka lakes (via Muskoka Naviga- tion Co.,) and ail points on Canadian Pacific Ry. Mattawa to Nipigon and Spanisb, inclusive, (via North Bay) and return. For tickets and aill Information cali and see -W. P. STERICKER,- at Rallway Ticket Office, Thornas' block, Oshawa. 0. O. ATER, Agt., OBHAWA. We have alweys e general andi venied stoc c te select troni-Ratest deaigu and finishes. Prices rigbt. Underta.uing depettment fnlly stock- cd,. and enibeltuing according te atest methods. Picture freming factonily donc. L uke Br-os., promptly andi salis-I 'og Tea ~b aktt aae 'efrlu H i t hs e m r I w p l e f T is-t ty p e ex elti agri. C l -ssýe gel a a âepieand te It. or We -w=jt ;Wçr hes, gs and .tbsa'fr" OIC ProucO; for wblch WC pay hlghest prleB. Beaton' 8 Groceril, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE,ý OshawB, CLARKE &DYER. ZNSrAN A ND COM- MISSION AGENCY Sun Life -Assurance CO. of Canada, w1bich fs to-day unquestiouably the Leading Life CaniadaAccdent and .EmployersW LiabilitY Corporatiomlof Londéo. Eng. Among the Fire and Plate Glass Cosupanies we handie the, Lancâshire, Guardian, Mercantile -and Iland-in-Hand. Aid Savingeanad Loan Co., Toronto. OFFICE juat nOrth Of tire Western Bankxl, . 0 0 OààKA0 O -e J. S. CLARKE. W. EK. DVER. A ler£R O OUT OP TOUR MA /If you ciRot buqj-y nieit«RfHi a d Pub sea in te MOERS' shawa. SAAOe osHAASiNEW l-"A L.dmondson'8s pro TIIE MODEL MILLS' To thse Farmers o thse Cousty., of Ow"rio -ariJ"D At e very Rage ceai ibee MeRsbave beau eqnlppd hr îmrvdmacblnery, for Cbopplug.Grai. They Rave beenspeci metn Reduse t tRe'ferai-ibis line, wbý~ r î.-Lerge Capacity,g have ae'capet 2.-TO ave mech"g Rie absluteh eut delay. 4.Cenand.Ccb-s that, a Giist cen Rie ground qnickiy ud etc 2010, RuchseRs penter se eshlyudueoerscty siinthet__

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