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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Nov 1895, p. 2

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Raesuits Astonlsh MEN 0F SCIENCE. AVERSpail A MEDICINE3 WJTHOUT AN EQUAL. stateinent of a Well Known Doctor Aycr' S:îsapaih wtheit nt Rfl (l as 1o1~rfe and Spritn mdelle,;iiii cantîot have lir.-Iïe cnough. 1 have wat'- I, Its ecthcts l14 cuj-offle cases, wliere ot.-r treatn- cnt wmaa of nîo avail, and bave lwcet t~1oiii,!i(1 tLtite resuits. No other biood 1f' iilti have ever iised, and I have rt e t hem 1.l,11,) sithorough In Its action, and 'ec,,çts ", mvy pernmnent cures as Ayer's S:r4aiîftrlla."-Dr. Il. F. MERRILL, Augusta, Me- Ayers±T--SaîsapauiIký Adxitted at th Word'a Pair. Ayer's Plis for lLi'cr Qsa.d botwelà. ~The appleo op hbat -gah 4a larg*e pottion of It smdi. Borne of ont ,,,ri,,Iturista prie1a -rimeltèIo Thël»t Dýchu'i tSeownohîp nte opinionl of gogay, le thaàt owïned M R Ite bêtwen Manchestrc Pr Perryt, while eUe Of the beOtý payiflg orobards this year bel been Mr*. John Âokneylse t Epsome but for ize Mr. Geo. Horn, 5tb cou.. probablY takes the palm, having 14 acres set out, rnemtly youngR tries. In a few yeers bis apple crop ought te be enormefle. Mr. Wnx. Terry lias a twie apple on exibition et hie blaoksmiith Bhtip whicli in Bhapeil very inuch iike the one grown by Mr. Whitney. lu reference te the Joinrnae statemient tMat this wus the firet case of twine in Mr. hitneY 'sfamily, lie says the Journal could ne thave heard of the twîn teeth possessed at birth by the Iatest addition toe bsfeniily, Miss Martha Maijory W»itney, a stirring littie lady who entered EZhi world in the montli of May laut and took up hier abode et the Epsoni botel with the fu intention ef stayiflg and inakieg ber premence feit. The first remarkable tbieg thet the new guet did w asteow e x apair et perfectly forined lower front teetli, and for this reason shie wam et once regarded as oee ef the mont wonderfnl obilcirén ef the century. It is certalflly a rare ocur. rence and eue worth récording. OANNINGTON Miess Ciustot bée visiting et1 semis here, je and around Pefi, Mn. snd Mnis are visitieg et M a few deys. Thé coutroeé village paper, th et eur citises Iotbear elreg sidéwalks, is ec uet a téw juat1 gave e fév facti littlé andi 80 did walks are in thE Mr. May, thé 80 or that whiebt f OO R8PODEOE théelbotter ill scarccly a queti o.. te trust a few r -CLrABEMONT. rusk cf lé gal pro F. Hutchison visiteci Richmnond illihon thein propérl>' Sunday. sone uutortuî Chatles Derusha vas hère Sunda>' vitli which iniglit pi î1îg parents. bimn for lité. N J. H. Bunday andi lis vite, et Picket- Plaely', vatI Il iny weré hère on Sunde>' vith frieuds.. ils tight lu bli L asBanhury anîd inother et, Aurore, muai ef thé nel 0oi tien for thé saki vas here over Sunda>' witli triencis. conecil of 1891 E. B. Eddy eur joyial pédlagogue i. hé- weîî in regard coming quite handy witli thé short gun. Burpming that F. Daveweil whééied te Mont Albert so muah i vt i on Sunday andc alled upon J. Speudliegy ou havé e oc Mrs. W. Sherdperson presentéci ler heac ef affairé husliend witli a brand neév baby girl thebers arein goo0 othér day. The Misses Pningié, et Markbaeniiare le itta. t"W with then. trandfeliee, A. Tracy, toit a day whon a ]m ehort> tin.eolmg h Misisgie Mcneb was hoeiefrein was-zhB thé V hitbyâLadies' Colège fon a fév tisyal front o th but hli nturneci again. Wilson, of the Thé Christian Endeevor meetings 7wrn meuce t'Oleni horétérbélelci on Sunda>' evénings PtOvé4 to Ibo a *ettér thé regular service, laees f tes> Bdi. Graham nd i'Miss Béélli> vêe tou pi dulýr-uarnieci on Wédnesdsy, andi our ulation vo esta people éxteec te tihéin boat vishés. dscain<i Chidren's servicé next Salibath mm- incestue- C ing je Erskineechaith, sud san uid- have arrnge tirée on "Reading," ini thé éveing. Ai néxti Wédti .made velcome. cerdial>' mvi >P'he Medthodistintend hjiving théir makis thé von aunuialbot dinnér on N'ew Yeans day as boat talent ha usuel Friénde viii kindi>' have turkéysmission fé e j in a prime condition Thé sidèva Thé romain.etftie lite Annie Smith condition, auý vh Ie din lu anitoba hasin Jul>', are tehé at onceamke brouglit hère and interrea inl St. Johui'asident mati w cemeér>', 7th con. ae wslk. T Thé baptiet Union mémbers wili attend iug on viiiue an open meeting efthte Epvertt League dents te thé *next Toesca>' eveniug sud vil také part troschîroua lu thé pregrain. courage ci lira. Alfred cy e>' eiti lier son Ove M.b1 is. Soundi for a riait. 8h. viilaise &pend wevésk Wut .*mre tune-vith ler daugîtet at Horniug'. Owenén Sundi Mils beforé returning. ria*it befoe Thneé young castlé, thé proert>' of I à 1 1 1 - lis. Tho*. Pugi G leu major vire killed &0 tve>0i -on thé rally>'or'osiug saturda>' morning cwý o r Théesti>'y express did thé daniagé. mm. 0 Mr. sud lKra. Joslius Bond>' and i ts nMI Anuier Goulti are lu Toronto thia «eek et- Sib oe tonding t4lié unéral etf tué laIe Judmson it1v mejr. Deoisaiti as well knovti deotor tle& ho" u having Vited us lait muter, vie liasbéeî Dr., 0. X. Brette, Dr. W. P. Esottrootid abie ui OJBrodii, V. 8.o Daiel Sorsyth and j» Ali. Wilun bava ý ff m Ta vit.uesésnle tic aimsn lgrCame.Te caséha. én ajoiteecifrouu <l>'Uriay is 7e., cousfleuntly tliéL iéw,,0ihbave not yétlotce m bée requined. but !huey. ari iomdW __ eu, ef Toronto, wbo bas thé homae ef Mr. George speeding a fév cisys ln Télaw. 1. McPhérson, et Orillia, Ur. Win. McPberson'B for brsy uow igoing on le eur Ajo Gleaner, betweee two1 : I uo e a couiioilior, thé evé, on thé question ef1 )COUpyingthé attention et niiW. Cleencleor Lavery a hioli startIéci ns net e 1Mhr. Msay. It thé aide- e condition desotibéci by ouner thé présent coueil choyéw9lies théin neipaired, Iat the tai rate mey lié, it hé for thé public. It is tion whethér it lie botter otten boerds andi rue thé 0cécdings, egainet ievieg rérpaired andi tins sae îate eue fron accident >ossibly résult in injurng Mir. Laver>' statés is case bave ne deubt but that hé 2e main, but thon le tec, eedles test et raisieg taxa- ke et making votés. Thé 95 lias doue mýxééedibgiy 1te financing, in tact it la kt thé>' havé acmomplilhedl so little moeé>; but vhu ood a business Mau at thé s U Mt. W. H. Ucyle, Mat-1 >44 hande. il I c I i Too mfi nv $,ss-g«P .a d ,loti- ters to ah$sw i 'é te lele-o Du-neMcenxie, -( KItfiîd', Wires H3is Rt«espotl Répi> te aIl cerres. pondents, and Âolcno'-Wleahs complété 'Curée à Diabtes eftoer ualuûg orily 8, box"s of Docds Ridun.> Pilla. Kirkfléld, Nov. 8.-Aà ietter sprseating à a Toronto peper frein Mr. -Duncan Ncenzie, a vell-knove mîi owner and [umberman hère, aise s brothe 'r ot thé preuidént et thé Toronto Stréet ftailway bompany, statieg that héolied hein curéd of diabètes by uaing Dodd'a Kicine>' pilla aité thé beet médical akill procuirablé ted taeéi -The publication uft ibis, jet- tet by thé preprieteti et thé mediciete t whicli, as hé stêtést hé éwei hlm lite, vas authorizeci, but with gne ide& îhat-lie woulci hé embarrassed by suai a floodi cf nql iinés. ne order te rélievé himaeit et thé pres- sure cf se mcl oorrespondence, your créspendent liasbée requestied te (wire thie tacts te théejpublie prios,hie etaté- ment béing as fe0llos- 4 Thât lýving diabetea andi tailing of médical help, endi that beiegst avisiio hie. probable ésrly death, lie vaspubting hi& affaire in fnal eh e, vien héovas le- dueécite try Dotdds idué>'Pilla sa elut résortt andi whiho ied with thé succesi stated in thé letter. Tht lié tcs pub- liai>' endorses thé stateménts made in thet letton, sud thet hé gratetul>' ackcv- léciges thé meana of hie nacrer>'; alec thet ti despatal inl intendeci a hie réa- peatt ul tépi>' te ah coticitiéc. " Noeother unedicint or treatinéet le tht woi'id hem ever béen knowu te cure dia. botes except Dotdda Kidney Pilla. ]W. White wus home over Scnday. Fred Sélden lé ndér thé weatliér thi wéék. Miss Magge Dwyer buasrétutuéd fret Torouto. MnreW.* G. Ward has téooveréd frov her récent ilînese.-.* Albert IHan.>' i. viting, at AJOÉ Moore's iswek A petate isï on -exhibition in M. GléE sons MMor weighing 4 lbs. 10 on. William Crumnier liastredc hrsei lie nov spor.ts a fieshing driver. Thé W«Utl&ke Oompanyt 'pf ýWbitb] are bure rîpairing Gteénwnod- cresméri Smith Gchrae lias gel &,bey frO thé oïrpins' home, Too. NU"sG.0.ug1 ,profeionalaura hie ettirneti te ésm é er dxtié tivti ué iiç,éié i PP Ot orthi>'bei jariving mnot commende the rutileiu Our w f.eu~ ! usice fo- »îristiâaù Endéavon Society îifrniyhdQ1uo to I fors uxuelleulieonoerttor éV 1 H f8&dutr ids> eveing iov.~ ~.omapb.lfoidthe 2autwééèk. MU ~~~an '~'~i ~ ty tfr laort tare ~ oflt spyg ucs.Thé The. gr"efet.âeIl.you évita is enaurcisu tué ead- the 0u -éOU4fSUeitgLa*.: tilt are y.mt iis éy uaf n i8S gS.ht i it bécies thé counoil to em<la toéhin s mende. n as -ohavqe a ré- bunc, Which mut endoudiédl>' ause may &M- ~neflati w «wn.inil*ri ébilren he aily use thé e výen'ace. The gr Jlûcr4 vay. - A gootiv>'t esE. van'0 ioed >uh dent pmie.OlémIeen, Our génerelmetohat.' Cie &uderse,4ai tir 'a bye Alarge turnént vas at theI to hén iatr and frieneat Wodanesday ivéiug sud joye taking her engagement M, talent Many thanks are duo iU in Teretô. A@sheah lias éé-peple foriuteir auaitsuc. sam lir wrie ili be groati>' Ir bou W-eU w-isbu go0 iil OSt.Wi.- Jones, maAlex- en ili vte mmité it te e t . c or n e , #r4 9. U I s e i '& < l t . T pértoti P ,'Praod~ f flD t innhboy'7_ orn'itg out of alma ' tobccOsWiê h ~owi aton.Urn ~,hi prvicligeod pharactur, tii.au2rn Sion. paici, auncia i. 'eél te'e h. à% Guo*% lx *I' u* llllng le tace rioe baèk lu h o mlo Thee l ~ liot ii qinn. bsh . f the fitin, the jtidgé, eftét a etrong WeTt sréé. tha bé0- n sn oftn .repiimenci, lât -hum'go on, snspended tween the hours cf- 12 znidnight and 2 a. sentence. m. A wésteùdui', w9 a sin no. aboter naméci Dan Dewyéx' was ont ledgîe of apeoka, ha.éasked. thé News for e vacation yésterday end tlie bracing Létter up te hie lbouse any evéning aiter atinospheré, cenfiuéd with tee, muchIl oh dark and sée it. Iisbu halaise "stumped" b. jeyfu"IlSeéméci te u>ake e néw man- te approach within speeàking distance ef or rather an od man eft bu. W hile thé apirit and get an interview. The standing on Kent street, in front cf D. spook it îs said bua a lantérn which it Bay's store, hé informeci the passera by ebo up andi down in a nervous fashion. thet lie was thé laté Iemented Napoléon Wéistenderle invitation hasnflot yet bée Bonaparte, and whle net engaged je bu. accepted. wailiek hie sorrow in net being able to àbiate in a bedrooml. Ildo up Old Eunglond," whicli li thouLIdt A dauglitét of Mr~. arkness wus thé vas tee baci, le amnused i himeof by kick- innocent cause cf e fir. the othér ev ng n magnayeey in thé gutter. ing. thet would have beén attendeci with Chief Bell bappenéci along just about -this serions résulta lied not prompt assistance ime, alipped thé nippera on lin and in arrived. Shé lied lighted. a lamp in lier duced imte Il go west *"-te thé lock-up. bedrocin, and carieély threw thé match A couple of Indians frein- Sougeg toward thé window, and in an instant the lsienci, narned Elliott aud Simcoe vîsiteciL curtains ignited. In het endeavors to Lindsay ou Saturday lust, and owing te Eter thé blazing haegings frein their tan. thé higli winds combined withi other téninge the front ef h et dréss ceuglit firé, cironmstanes thon prévailing beanie t causing lier te drop the ertains on thie gloriously Boa sick. When on thoir way r bed. Ber sereama brought héip andi thé eroé in a canoe a différence of opinion lire wus put eut, but it was a close oeil erising ou soe miner political Lepie tbey botli for Miss Hatkness and hler father's uedertook te séttié théeaimein the sinei résidence. eraft, with thé résuit that an upset too.k i ut outIbisn tougne, placé opposite Isaac , E irl's landing. f Mr. Jos. Baikérville, of Buffalo, Both Indiens yelled likée, ntera andi brother of Mr. Sulas Baakei'ville, undér- coulci be beard for a couplé cof infls *went an opération ini New York about Finally Elliott nndértook to ewicn te thé bt three wééks ago which necessitatéd eut- shore, whieh hé readhéci in e véry wéak. a ting eut hie tongue. Soe three menthsenéed condition, and was unable to reaclit & go e email cancerous growth appearéd on Mr. Earl's bouse ie order te givé thé a thé endi of thé organ and on thé acivice etfearin. Simcoe menegeci toe cure a fitini >. lis Buffalo physicien, Mr. Beakerville ai- hold on thé end et e log andi whooped lier o lowéd himséif to hé e pereted on in a New uj1 te béat thé band, fally réeliting whoree gYork hospital wliere tretrnent et such A ai aIndians go. His cries were diseses i. made a specialty. To show évélntually heard by Mesura Jas. Oasey., ýe how succéssfui thé undértaking wau, Mr. J. Huttoli andi M. Foi, whc wént tc, bis à-Baakérville in again et liei home sud but relief and i slied him ont- alter being l.in, for thé sérieus impeduteent in hie speech, Ibo water for f ully an bout. Hé was lies recovered hi. normal lieelth. Hé is taken te the bouse cf Mr. Earl more dead wéll known in Oro township, whete hé than elive, snd mtange te say hé kntéw réuidéci for a number o e . reaiiy nething et the tacts on thé tollew- e bd ~, ~ing mornsng when lia aweke -frein his, ifota im gir, -tl& lumber.-Watchmnan- is A lady ou Front stréét receiveci an en-________ velopé through thé pont office thée ther m> day which centeineci e S5 bill. Shé wuas adrgLillmeunt the bust gair3OStTi inclinéci te beliéve et first that sorebody's blundr lied meéler thé récipient et #6  numbér et stores in Chath ein onenter-, m whiah did .net bélong te lier. A short éd by burgiens Suudey night. *léttér accsmpônybigthé nioney, éxplali- A Or.aiise orToronto 1UntvîoIY y ii e.~dinattérs, ho*eet It wu- signéci by a gfrwh ledserved hler as a do- "ycudé aébée a s.wti et' metco oeyas g.Th g e akEmuion tram their earliest yeais 1, Our Pby' e- meedg~-e at âtage. é wradit ck-sician firet recommaéndait itsud novwbihnever nowedgdl hatet ue rneanc an the aecbild cakes cold my. w4f e nadîat<ëy aresorts 38, sii. lid purlotned I»-m lier _Iistréas, te this renédy, which alwgyseffecti a cur»," whîleiné im-ýpie -dlvers kniiek keacks, ..... amash hre been '$hWatsied further that.ç>q 4tH èe bpchat l ir etIrécently and, '»É>pdÏa o'fdriâme .,mitreés voulci-0' ~ ox~idt eroi cuupeSae by théen- HOIJ8EHOLI> : FURNI1TWEW oload baik ole The lady fénis cern -- Mi peiisati., The subscriber bas received, lnstriu4t1itns firae -J» botter r w -A iaés 8Waat4. MR$. HENiRYG0ULD to e1-ii h public - " aAAi.e brpele1Dnis neli~b Pa After Taking I40od'S Sarsaparilta, Cured Of 3a Seflo usDlet aI.td~q 'tspiéfO tiv yars, d a t a Ume 1had Ieechs pPléd atd .il o bene- Et. Béeino Ziôo-d'5 BarsaVpUia iris3l tl ýi î ppa deoideci to àr ftbette. 1 tound HOC>D'8$ eUfbefere Ibac i slwdtûikghall of a l>ot- Li,1got gse uh bel> freifl tàkluàg tLif lrst bottie iliat I decied it r> noier> . r.p- taklng thé second hottle 1j, lasciweil :;> IddIninylfé.» 3.EnTTrýt.ct easyff ef action1 Bol dby aiu4ffists. 25c. Miss stree- fair d the amb pîcture 1 beauty, E e new wc well as I wben tieu thai doms nfl shé lbes thé fadis who wou oetn, a Masculini altering dence, e dowu. Miss Ble inakes thi Thée" dons the ratifa] .@oanc" day v i ~'0 ~- - -1~ ~'

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