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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Nov 1895, p. 5

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9 r it ,arns.-Disised ïanThek sstoOk$.yncIO di ,vs. Arn. ll.-Judg, Rer J. C, Sycamore preacheýd a venY wasd Alge ict. * ro qldl o'r f&5.00 wiîhout costsi beautiful sud interesting sermon in the bap- rei¶ed tiat ie>-wouId,,go lfAgU ol on he couater cdaim. tiet church on Sunday evenisg last1 using tltt r wlid end c retd lc-sccufcd or fplf., G. Y. Smith fer theisterycf RuLtbas hic subjeet.Etimelec sdtlè te wold tbc1 ailrs. -1 & Ganer s.Jacsi, found the tîntes 1se bard at Bethlehiemt tit bih wl- 'nl f ite ril e Hortcp wl for plaintif for $184.60. hi conld netgeaigse nedetiaeudcerd plstoSOTi pe asîite dimtebebard heathen land cf Moab, wberc le succerdcd tbc meniit àtZdbthathe Onf bl8utWsl rcJuge otr ca r ee.T. better. Hic two sons, Maillon and Chilien, did 0 ite vwomem -F safl* ere.i5d.t lor plaintiff, G. y. Smith for de- nianricd Orpai sud Ruth, two Pletty Moab- eswsit ck ii-sre p$CtOi i ayward vs. S5mith.-JudgtWent itish maidetis. Soon affiction entered thec Insurutîce in tic- HnouscMe t. a*t14 hêtft-4 plarssff MKayvs Hrkfls.-J. E. bousehoid sud deatil carried oS ElmmelecI blaiikqxplt Jir.. Aler-0fU.lèt Fzeweil Q. C., for the plaintiff, Mn. Tucitir, and bath sous, ieaving thrce,,,wdows te but d414 no f ber ..l In a- 'fcr "day. Mgo Q n Sio~ nd, fcr the defendatit. HisHehier sanae each ctber>c poverty. The mother-4n. brougtLI obl fWý,i-*1 tel*c4tl f acts that plaintif isold eei Iwavpdmtitwe daughters-WI-1w tog exgam a n~ tS~< a ~'.'inuteresi ina herse whi hhiewned haie tti.cir P saelncddtog rout H fe . Loch ibhe defendatit w» to psy $100. big* te Bethlehemwicre clinstlanity pre- ýfôtwàt<L b» epol Thel.atter was tla tako Ifte oscotlaid, sezi h çsild, and wiere- *cy would have tolivé accept di n ae -,aCetl-ag te tebest advantagi sud divide fic oc an t w «ipm. 1Opai deçlded la.nrd a1u *uleis s#u.4Jmade L roeds. The 1 *~ntift wu tiw s.ktig sseot the huthen l oabites idot lier wc v7htch t Sr bt oth" o 4 - -îk alshtheevalue of la aais. LIiWGDmay suotSr i ob e 4-IÇ tiwc profits and the defedtws <*I 4SZ* bis trouble, expensedisad isif p'e i z acothn : Bco parties are content tfa gri i *4ti- tsoitc L.t&w Y~bt , AetB antlial iîted ,C70csterliuneg, ffth e ex. 1 la ci' P I9MUdt ud 4Pe'àèm 4ess hàto&Ilëi B iUê u- er pc i e i850, that l u C ari u lS l "ud s 4 W a .w* #P t*.y ib equal toifflO. ;&etst pal pain tl n 7wtb T-e dl tii ge.einb =WU -&A)fm actilàn. . ey d isagreae to-f et-atte '1t4 r -, dd w :~~s i Ni 0L W 7-' W s tsit an gd où, thhe - o r&-dregows ' 46kucIés wtde a* A lerls. 6 peç.Oh W1&a ~ ~ witb silk pInsh banâà, INIT ~Wheti the <ayse are stormy ai d peopt NITIA.1~~S, strong. a~y at hO1ôtou u'ef4s if tplâçed M&r. A. TItI> Toiýotïto, spetit Sunday 4 ta eCn&ôZtf1-t e th town wlth I' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W43. >tr îl~' ei, foiine1rle f thfr toýn, but CYPHERSI Till.nô tPrdlwseeeo'M daà C F TSMr. Jua ôe ilo, fomierly af tiso n ow of therkaps waoflthe Prda culing~ but now of Totôatoo was liere this week onoiefte ip ofterdl cuin * SORPTIO S, bsinTh.e carpecters are busy jiuslis he work MnaFrieze ulsters ln black, brown, où Mr. Wm. J3umÊ' neW stOre-_ w sucti iawn and gray, at exceptionally low ptlie pletecd It Wifl gratly improve the apl>ear-, etW .Wslter's. ance of the oid site. "Done in tasie fui wy DQtit overiook the Sans cf Temperance Trhe sky wau tfluminated ia the west on wa>entertainiment at their hall Monday even- Wednesdav evening, caused.by a fire in the f ;;f/5tying Nov i ith 1895. neiçrhiborhood cfPickertng, the bara of Mr. ad a ioet Mr. J. 'Ham PIerry's many fri.ndm wil b1 ontbtan Porter being birned. delighted tu hear that bis he..Ilh ikbt,i I t is j lst as important ta xPut Your1advert. />rices, by than usual this fait. tis.:uaent ini the ighit imper as ta shli Yaur Men are ýbusy at work these days fixing goods by the rlglit railroad. That ls Why up Mr. Wi.i Grangeris rtsidence Whihthe ' CERoNiqCL leads as an advefttsiflg ______________wus nearly destroyed Iast week by àre. medium. A ]RN RD, 'r. C. Cartwright, Kingston, son oi Sir A 0 U W Sermon. X Richard Cartwright spent Sunday and The anmlal sermon of the above soclety Monday lit town, l guest ofaielm nor nctpned through Inclement weather wiil J EWELER & ENGRAVER, judge Dartnell. 6e-preacbed nezt Sunday evening ln the Many people want what rnany people methodist tabernacle by the Rev. Mr. Man- want te get rid of. The mneans te satlsfy ning. A full attendânceioi the members of bath lu ta put an advertisement ln the best tbe order le earnestiy reqtsested. local paper, the CHROtJICLE. In a bit et chimie. _______________ - Ater severai fruitiess attempts, Jas Lintan A ieading citizen ai Whitby came into the I. L I Abas abandoned the idea of recavering any- CHRONICLE office on Monday marnlng ta Sthing from the feilow Sills, who collided with show us a nail, about like haif a pin, that and stnashed bis buggy and lnjured bis one ai his famlly had faund ini a piece ai horse recently. He abandoned the case when cheese whilst eating it. Ifilt had been Swai- ________lie discovered that the expenses wouid be iowed it wouid have proved a very <angerous mure than thie da niag es.- Pickering News. occupant ai cnes digestive apparatfls It Ofttan Cfuatyloca pae t cn a - Wne seems that wire nails are used ta fasten tOffociai OOUlocid paLr i CnaaUt echtese hoaps, and by smre nieans this pleceT A Good Generai Servant. Appiy ta MRtS. had been braken ofi ln the flesh of the cheese. T _________E. HARPER. A mrnaway FR1DAY, NCY. 8, 1895. Sons of Temperance. A team of herses, belonglig te Mr. Win. Don't forget the Sons of Temperalce enter- Mceausland, came tearing down Brock ______ -tainmient at ibeir hall on Monday evenlhtg street on l1riday night last. at a furiaus rate (Nov. i t h,) A good program la iully arran- snd when opposite Mr. Sam Quigley's boat LOCAL LA0ONIOS. ged for and you nîay expect an enjoyabie and shee store the wagon struck ~e elec- S-cott repairs ail kirids of pumps. time. Silver collection. Commence at 8 tie light pale, which caused a numnber cf o'clock sharp. Corne ln goed lime. the wires to falîtot the grounid. The horses 11l.1rd lt'i dnng tables, 4 leRves, oniy $5, F'armi Praducta at high prlces. then preceeded as far as the tannery corner, t \V T 1 Vs.To us it la a wonder that every farmer's when they turned west and ran itot a tree, lkst re.- eived new patternsalal wool plaids wife for twenty miles dees net bring her ra which el thein fast until they were liber- t sic Nard ai WV. G. Waiters. duce to Whitbv ta find a market. Wýed>o ated by the owner. Ne further damage wus I or diseases of the kidneys use lDr. nt believe eggs and butter retail in any done, however, and in a short time the elec-- ýýr:ght's Eltglish Lî'ver and Kidtev l'îlls. other tewn la the Midand district for 20 tric wires were placed in Iheir respective 1i. oteCdo Belleville,. is spend- Cents per doz. and lb. respectively. place.adlcue Nig atnew days in town the guest of Miss A. Landiard and Tenant. 'l e concert and lecture under the auspices.cf N1.ýi IlIl.By an act of the Lacal Legisiature, p assed St.. John's R. C. Churoh an Wednesday evening Ii.econes on horseback to tlie imnat it s last session, itlei the opinion of many was well atteaded and highly apprecited by the m1îvt'rtises. To the mri who does flot, iawyers that henceforth a landiord's righlta intelligent audience. Father Ryan. af Toranto. it,)nVes On foot-if at ail. distrain and a tenant'e right to bis fixtures delivered an able and cloquent address, takng M tl (.'d MeBrien, an oid Whaitby boy are taken awa>'. Until there has been a for bis subjeet. "Liberty of Conscience and the ii)\: . n wa mthodist preacher at Maple, is îudgment iv' the courts upon the question, Roman Catholio Church " The spei,-Iy Tt V.nuvisiting Ilis parents. it wouid be saler for ail leases, hereafter deaat wilb the perniciaus doctrine thatls g ilg ' Ni : anl Nr Fred AAlin, afler sedn a drawn up and executed, ta conlaiti a para- ground among the masses in manY »Mrpean th r. lus sendng graph guarding agaiast these ccnsequerlces cauntries. ibat Liberty means licees and Con- jý,_ih ýiti M. lli'sparents here, re- and the followinleisuggested: "It is iurther futed the theary of Tyndall.HtixIY , Dar*in'and t, their home at McDonald, Mich. agreed betweca the parties hereto, the le& others ibat the glary and liberty ai mani shoula I1 sn in tabernacle on Sunday as sor and the lessee, each for himiself, bis exe- lie the soie aim ci seciety. Hle warned his t. n 1 Lovefeast and teilowshiip mneeting culera, adaîlaistraters and assigns, that the hearers 91gainst the xisconceived and inisunder- 11, nii Lordis suPPer atIl .45. Sermon contract upena/,which the relation between staca liberty of the submerged tenth, and direct \V. t1) ptu, Quarterly collec- thlem is totinded by these presents le the ne- id thein te that liberty which enables a mant t t litlaiton with ail its rights, remedies and la- îhlnk and sav and write and do what he ought. (o1: .1. t o -Il Nlc'iillan was laid off a cidtents exisliag betweea a landiord and Liberty te know the truth sud liberty to foilcw d<ck bý. an attack of lumbago. tenaitt la the Province of Ontario before the it. Religons., civil and palitical liberty were :,,d loak Mr. McMli(O'),pmch.au ssec.er.churcli reggrdin ah was fll etfot. h * .later ilnss.rnfManitoba schOc q=to wscharactertid es a latte's ilness.The bankers are urging the Finance parental an.. domnestie question. and one that Nlatnng and wife passed Minister le taire steps le drive American parents, and net politictans.. shauld settle. He tsterdav and were for a brief silver eut cf Canada, and it is moe than teiied upon that breail catholicitv of spirit that f ofIMr. and Mrs. C. McPher- prothable that there willI be a big discount on pervadid the inhabitante cf the Dominion for a The\'v drive ail the waY American culver before long. The quaiitity setulement cf Ibat vexed question. Thuisaine t iteir destination was flowing into the Dominion is said lobe creat- spirit that manifested itself in the universal tri- t i.go Ia visit Mr«.. iag sach a surplus ari cuver coin as ta cause butepn id ta the mcmary cf the ltle Catholie 1:I.îNeN\~S-Letter. a silver nuisanace similar ta that of 1870. A prenider, Sir c * hopsn and ln the respect large portion bateUitdSaesrrecyadv n age pr.id ta the persan cf the pris-4 his lase warn and defaced that if that country ent catholic leader of thec oppoito, m ,were tepace ils currency on a cliver basis L.aurier, wonid eveîitually ,ass5r- t iel in tic nuci f the coin circnlatiag bhere would. flot dealings witb the Manitabaschoo queston d b.wt oîty cents on the dollar. Many the intuirests cfibte mintty woutd not sufter.?1' defaced cons bave been offered at the United The unîted choirs cf Oshawa and Vhitby con- States custouts hoVse and starnpe4 ima rbti eea nha in la ighly'ep&a b- cross as tîýjected coins, but are still circulat- manner. A cuple cf sacai bï ferelga t nt' ing in this, country. We wculd warn aur aise adde to the Sucoes of the ivening, Ion Hiotel reademsa aginst takin& coins of this descrip- Father Jefféoti hr4u ht the entertalnment >oûa Nov 21St tien, and it would bejust as safe ta net havi close by a -few weil onreuiarks. - ý....h çv.ili be paid tee much American cliver on baud cf any The Alger lsurane case pattern Manties io eomýplete with ail the lateait, styles.-lu>: Cl Ps riezfs,, Itough Finished. Goodaeto., t mosi popular ýanid fashionable tkings f "or -Ladies' Maniles. We have the verv Newest; Pitem a'd wiII out -youf coat for you Free fCd reommk it for yon ini thé Very Latesi Style. 'W é guarsnmteel sittisfaction ii* titis IDepartment. ggSe ou (~-L adîes' Ulster Cloik ai 25- cents "a yd. When N cuive R~eu and prioedailuthe Mintle- Stoeks in town y<u'A find the me11 you want right her6f âau Cý .'Me prices are always lower thansew/ere You say th.t's putting it strong-.W.)),oI Mii stock is se1t cted to baok up strong statmns Test Itti HZ DESSGOODL... NEW THINOS IN MILLINEBY, MT., arrving dB.ly. Trimmod Salor, the "Lilian Russel, only $1 each, in blak, bine ana cordial. 8EE33IK cm- Fm TABLE* :tpl no0 use fishing * very niewest,. STEWAETS TALK t unlese the bait is right. No hope of =2 -; unlees t he (*oodst the Prions, ana t he 4 Prices, and Methods for the Past eight years iimi Busin steadily inorease our trade; ~3 anhg oOifpOei la8 adane i pice, we feel that 'Our POUto i net only fair anad lwost valuQée,bufeqet A DRESS GOODS- 48-im a11 wÇ01 Serge l Ic~bo oasdiia, ia'v, 91172e. a yard,.. 46-Îm Metiau OIoluh inblaokpbrowi g»en, pganet, at 60e0 42flalwool aisolyS. 41-in Union Pladsat 2e,8e u estt"y's MetimauOlâoth ana Berge9s, 1w G. fJ? e , The above Cut is the of one of our Ladies' which we cut and make. you want satisfaction in shopping?, yc iii toi

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