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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Nov 1895, p. 5

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1j~' I f IXITIALU,- CERSTS, INIPIOS Donc in a tasteful w&» trombl/y, and ai lowest ix 9 1_____ JEWEL ER & ENGRAVER, tusa of a"y booampapet M an and FRIDÂYs NOV. 15o 1895. LOOÂL LAÂQONIS. Ail sorts and conditions of weather thia week. Miss Gibson, Toronto, ila viitlng relatives in towfl.- Englisb Flannelettes only Sc. yard at W. G, Walters'. Hardwood diuing tables, 4 leaves, only $5,q et W. Till's.à For disease of the kidueys use Dr. Bright's English Liver and Kidney Pilla. C Mr. jas. Shaw, Jr. of Toronto, le spend- ina few boiidays witbh hi parents ber. tIs week. Mr. Adam Klug, New Vorkt, was home for a day's visit to the family las% week, and left for a business trip to the weat. M an y loade of potatots are being bnougbt ber. from the sand-hils of Uxbidge town- ship, but oniy amati prices are being realzed. Advertising la 1ke a bellows ; it makes *the fine of trade bure vitb greater *vigor. Then place an adventisment ln tht CH RONICL.H end note nesult. Mr.Lydia B. Scott, widow of the late Dr. cott, of Newmarket, brother of Alderman Ste, Charlts Scott and Mrs. Wm. Marshal of this tovn, vas tuarried on Nov. 6th te UT. John Findla7, of Norwood. Take advaitage of Warren',, bànktl$pt stock sale nov t» secure your winter sup- plies of dry goodeanad clothing at bargain prices. Sale closes thia month. Extra good value in fine dness matenials. 'u Dot for sais ciaeap. Ayottng, large andhandsome, NewrSund'U. land dog for sale, gond Wacl dot. Enquirt at this office. Auctiosi business. Parties wishing t"eniploy mue te attend their sales tan maire arr-angements as'to terme and dates at thteHNCaicLa office. L. FAIRBA.NKS. Combination auction sale. Thene wili b. a great auction sale of horaes, cattle, impiements funniture, cookîng and heating stoves, and varousother aiticles at Ithýq ueens hoe ere, on Saturday, Nov. We are pleased te note that Mina Stftha Tamblyn daugbter of Principal Tamblyn- or the Whitby collegiate inattute, has won the scbolarship ini Metropoltai musenmn cf music Toronto, wbicb entities hrto a years taition under miss Ruby Preste.,,Wus& Bac. iss Tamblyn bas been the pupil of Mise juee Lord of(thlstown. St. Andrew's Concert The entertainmnent esson will b. appro- priately opened by a grand concert under the auspices of St. AndreW's Society, là tht music hall, bore, ou Frlday, thtea9th lst. St. Andrew's eme la addition w ocal talent the society la procria h assistance, ,of freign talent of a highore. The pice of admnission bas been put witin tht meach * of ail, 25 cents, without extra cargfoWr u- served seats. Ho 1 for Xmas. at home.j England. Seotland Irelaud Brtlsh Co- lumubm, Manitoba biallforniZa, il Uulted Sta tes and Canadin points, auywber.# *evervmwhere, boat, rail or oteala. Rates guarantecci ritht. Through tickets fi=> Pickering, Toronto, Myrtie, Broolu snd Whitby. Set E. Stepheaeson, MWhltby, b..' fore travelling and get chioit. of «routes ffld 110 ht-st ocean stamshPlp hes. Mao very, clkcap tickets to l'exposition" it Atlanta, '9 Pa., set Stephenson, Whtby.- 'Twll pay Atagorder. Last Fiday our tom Luke, placed a amallis annfoUnclng appt. eu-r morning ve reeeived &i W. F. Weir, Prinace AI Mr. Luke, and haye Weîr as to hoWso barrels at ttpi.D ment. Iftadvrslg proper goods'oftmra the CastoMe= c mo succeas. Mn. L,.. in othorpa 1e o to the CIλu>uCLr. bis barrels, 'Wabasa h X m~~ Every nuor se il eqguippod t, 1«"J lIsh Liv.,Raid *idu*y pils.. MI*aKen d>, Po~Irt a bis beWttIuP 6 pioe tId W&Inut pinlor suite, gluahý, with iIklkaàbaao e br~hwbrth , W. T1111.. Udrteweatber drntheptb twe.M but ýa abl.eb. pround agalls, Meurst. hio. Melom itne aAlbert Staltb ame laidup t" s wek with what appeans t»- be a ellght touch ôf the fever. The bMl»*E4 Step ensnPeterbclro, who have been spendint a mont), %% iJ1 rei'utlvcs town, returned, to iheir hume on Mondai' Iast. A large nuiuher of men (rom pickerlng township were i, own on1 Friday lait at- tenldlng the preiimitiary hearing o(th. Aiger Insuraice case. Several mtghty huntets have retuaned ftouai the back wooda, but that amy of thet» brought home a der la Yet to be au- nounced. Advertislugtoabuisnesa la as ogl to a englue. and tie la tr requires It contlauous- 1 1M«fOrePlate an adrerisment ln the gýROcLi andyour buisuess wiil ruai along hmoothly. A great di of our space je given this weetk w reportlng important legal trials, and 1ocal matters have bien ionewhat curtalld ln consequence. As- usual we devote our whole eigtit pages to county news, a thins flot attempted by any other local pape, li Canada. For "ai Four thorohred minoreS roosters, apply to JD. MeMillan, Whitby. The Pigeon shooting tournament at the tunction hotel will be -held on Wednesday and Tbursay Nov motitand 2119t and bot on 21$t and Mad as stated ln our tatitsla.. A grand dance will b. held ln tht couacil chainber, Whitby, on Wodnesday evontng, Nov. 2oth. Goo muaic. Dancing to coin- eSence at ý o'clock. Adiniuaion 33 cents a couple. Ail are velconie. oua t Canada than Protection," vill be given la the chapel o! the collae) Saturday, Nov. 23r%. at 7 eciock. Thé - debaesfo h affrmadyt are Mi.e. eco n amloa for the negative Misse Boves aid Shflllagoo. Admission 15c- kt Seagj&ve, on Nov. 1 th, the vife of Mr. John Brown of a son. At Whitby, on Fridy Nov. 8th, the vife of John Touisof a daughter. Births.-At Hainaa- Corners, on Touday, Nov, îa i895, the vif. of Mr. Geo. Alai, of * dazgfter. Go Home or Viait Friends to est your turkey via Canadma Pcif Raillay. who, for Thanksgtvlnfg.Dy~Nv 218t, 1895,vilii liround tnp ticketsfo aingle Sm-clan furt, golng Nov, motb «CI stat reurulngNov.a$ta, 8~.Note.- LoIng luit. 'Stay Suaday with yourfriends, Secure yonr tIckets front EL R. Blov, agent, Wbitby, Ont. To Conwspoadsts Next Thuraday la Thauksgtving Dey snd' tht m stf 1the Ci-ôim hLa pj-obably as "îeh 'tQe gfe thanks for as auyliody elêt, and vili talFe a holiday. This Journal wIli. therefore b., prated on Wednesday ulght. and copy should b. in, our bands' a ilay earier. Besides this, me may add that we have a day Itesa w rte -the editorlal part, and wo to he ave .cvorcorresou, dent raake sure tw ýcqstrbute. Write sure, snd a day tarlier, bearla mimd. chroc.iels h. CHIoNICLR w Jan. rst, 1897. Si. Ca o s ca ad weekly Globe to ,Jnis t. Cuaaorrz= aid weekly mai tojan. utl 18W7 $î.a5. CutomcLz snd World *a.So a year. -CnasorraLa and famlly HRwald and week-' tyStar, $1.73. a year. CuHImcLz sud Montreat Wltueus S.6o. CHRoNicLa, and Torouto Mornz g tar « Ne"s *9-75 asyir. The Msr iI1. ~ Alerberngi~J~ ontlugiauý&t n'- >m.to day, 'rIday. .~.Ivait for t drw'sonerton'Flid y »A~k tae~twed efct dres gooda at te. y W. G. Walter'sl. Mr Arthur hnWho il tudytigla lu Toronto *t st undy lun town., -; the Sous of .1etuperace ,had ah ai o.. a.tnt,eon BMottdayev"eulu at. A o rma ter coidout bemce or. eapondnuàts ddfot5n. tli n b tout Get your llre-lpobs, es, o liints fur ait l hidios0 T» a lok ove, -*,0, change of adverdgs. Inenti lù- the CaiROI#IVtL£, thit wftka gretbatrgaim are being advertla.-d. An agent of Lovefl'a .elasifd business Mi you ever hear aàman pmi the coraffon remark that he can read ail h.e wanstâ tomse lun th* CRONICLB ln fifteen or twenty Minutes ? Buycbeap railway tickets for Thankagiv- lng at Stepheuaon', uptown, Whity. Sinle faro wô ait.Q T. R. stations on 2oth aud sait good «I 2gh N'ov. to return. Se Stephetnson Whitby, for cheaçfsoian tickets by ail tht beat fines and toutes. Wantad A Gond Gentral Servant. Apply to Mas. Makiug CiM.,. Mr. Wn. Bailey hase commenced making cider for bis, many customers. A H.ath Talk hi La"« viii b. givea at the W.- C. T. U. hall on rlidAyNov. igîh, and Monday and Tues day, Nov. a&handid 1t, at p.m., under tht auspices of the Toronto VIavi company, by Mrn. 1. E. Fox. Subjtct : "Tht Temp le Dlot mnade with banda No admission chsrged. Kaivalous and wondrll. The great mtney aavIng ahot sale is now soin on athe nev shoe store. All our gocas are new and up-to-date styles and evea-y pair a bargain. This stock la comn- plet'nd tob nuamerous to quote. Big eut rate sale. Discounts on everj pair Ladies' and gentil -rubbers, îs and cper pair cheaper thattothtt ýlaes: ~Cali early and secure baulgains. Te w Red Shoe Store# M. W. Collinis east Bide. 80" i athsdbrac. A 1 Very plann social was held In the schoolroou of the 'nethodist tabernacle on Thursay eeig Thete-was a very fair attendacc nte anan Ilntereting :programnme. The ladies aid'of the cburch have been mak- log some repaira la the 'carpet and matting où tht church Sioorand thesocal at even- lng.was under- their auspices'The choir was present -lauMIl force and sang several chorus. A duet by Uic ?4misesTamblyn aid arecitatlop b MssClaà aHoIde4 were much apprecatod.The roeea iile ave a sur- lus to th cWeit o! the ladies *id -at the cloue ,4f the veut,; Tht' var AoCorea la nov -over andt-.he THIS STYLUSH JAOKET w. make inBIaok Oi .th, Molton Prioh el,8.go ~satin Pinishod CRothso etc. C We have' got..the GüC)Qd0, ~an&at ~ ~XVe ae ling. thzrz ývey 1iour whoae withçut doub~ t, o.. e0si Ail the batest Styles ,theps; Tioes phirtc, i Gtlex., WAI: M UNDEBWE&R 18 sow HAVE T OU f8EOt1RÉD TOUR 8UPPLY f- WB ARE AE MàXIN(i HEA VIOF TEBE GOODSB 1qOWl PEREOT XI BH-.-PUYEOT XN PIT See our Lidies' tTnderdrawers at 25c. per pair, with Vesjtzita match at 25,0. Mch. Dres Goode, Millinery, Hlosiery,,Gloveo, Cor-sets, Handkerchiefe, Laesf, Ribboxus,,vela tc, ail at very low prices, at O . ~1u TABLE T It'is no use flh gules hehils una"ti oo,$ Iitadvanoo it nokon", af IJRESS STE f 1No hope of - I C'tD ".. [b. found a..fulr11 tit dnf dwÀ*àP -- r. 1fr 500 UIEN'S in Fine ieetings, 8, Fine abinga, Pants. cou idress Buts, bo. --14- in . Gentlem.c -1 GOODS ou and i'au at 'BL

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