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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Nov 1895, p. 7

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Fi Clark &'y 2 FClcrk May N (v.V, (A ~ ~49 1' t by, oprietor. lu withl wices Accident onuto- ieurance Co. cent. of &Il Lrned to the paid without if deatb or WIELL, 'nt. WhiLhbu Toronto. S1 amn giving f rom a ais- es in~ rubber, silver fillinu operators ati In the oity. et mne exaun- extra charge. iseat corner NER~ L, [BER, qGLE8, DWOOD, BS, ETC. "Celebrat- COAL. Mv. s"pju6hn, Ayetè's plIs "T 1wnulâ 1k, te d o ,Uuo~~s that of others WhVthave uMoci ArMwe Pis, and teeay tlat I a. ve,>u., for manu ears. and avy eÎ. be-t resul tom Chir ue For Stojnach Ind "ver trOu" , d orthe cure ef !1»-, f riendsa8k o býM w Id mdy IûrdisrdérüJ>0 a 5.but Liver, orBwes niIvariable anuvert.îArs us TakenID Sasouthey vIl wak Upa c tprevent la grpe, Ohe11ck foyeranud 'fLecillate the dge va Organe. Thoi am uasy Ltajce, and Are the best k an Il11eîcîe Ihave evr Ave., New york Oit>', wide AYER'S P[LLc7 OONSUMPTION OONQUEREI à P~. E. ISLAND LADY RESTORD T REALTH. Tho", S«eCt torgtédt-aé-tè a',1=M $o*rdb te.-uttbey swet'vêd gah in U thnp uu vil DrXéîl K4siiîë, om»auy 9rock came out utoB _ckateand.e ~~l* Oiaulo A4 Bobn.obady, N. T.. the eneotweewllan *ma re oldOui n b1 ed of: t ' l Wal â' daarge t6ctrie sol4onl 011"xe bea$ing the light, pole. They crosséd Brock stIreet 8tuii~ tra , ",,sd wapr at 50 iowards tlhe market and at- the ciàg~ cents box, or ;fx boxeé for *2,go.aaxewsbonanoewhl Thy ay1' I~«rrmany dealIer, orthwgosprae, the hres aro vib.sent by mai, on rooeipt Of price. ceedn tor th tonorstr w Dr. Wiliatnu Pille>115 ay be had t tht onoTorunti toeycaeteeatopth of &Il druggistq or direct by mail freinwago' ntatrewiî the cheel tartopd Dr. Williams, Medicine Companîayintfrein wie hewhOl iare Oither rddress. Thoýprio Which theose on a trip of its own, making a dead pilla are ioldtheset for Mr. R. Umphrey and success- mfent compravly ùne oae at.fl running him td earth. Mr. cOmpared wPh-tfe rueiv edilU mDhrev wiI begin to thunk the Ux- treatinent. bridge mnarket is becoming a dangyer- ous place for him. Besides the da7m.' age t<-' the wagon, one of the horsts Whitby Townshlp 'Joucil. was hurt a little. The record for Hailowe'en pranks )ett&londaY Nov. 41 à number of was broken. along with sundry other coounut wero presouted and aubmltî.fl things, in this town Thursday nught. te cenneil. The report of Jno Tw,,die, S t>p'1enIeot, " water course on lot 81 5igSw'eple down, and other and rtaesalloWance 7 co.wu ad.ssuwrrising tee wth wnrer of I I ta htat original water course a s uP'nZtseth nmbro on lot, 81 10,r about 50 rodatsouth, of M. wbeels hung up in various positions Oôultico's no0rtberu boundary, and no-t on along Brock street. A pile of wood road allowance, oauslug linry te said blocked the sidewalk east o! the Do- road. Ho recemmende ti . onil to minion batik, à pyramid of shingles tae. stepe to have water confiued te lot stood in fron of McGowan Bros.' 81 for said 50 roda; Tii.council appoint. store, an old, binder 9cood guard at the ed Mesart. Ketohen, Rogers and MoTag. telegraph office, a secd drill cccupied Rart ascomiisionere to SM .out thoe the middle of the road a littie farther recommendation of the. engineer. A up, the Queen's hote! bus with a pro- cemmunioatjOn frein James Braud4r miscuous collection o! contents barri- asiig if it was usuel for ceuncil to/assts caded the ire hall and a horse rake in building wire feuces te preveut eowstood on the sidewalk in front o! the bloing road, es h. vas obsuiging bis market Kellys barber pole was the fece, on &th cou., and if they thought centre piece for a wigwam o! scantling advisable might build wiro fonce. No0 on the brow o! the hill, boxes- were action was taken by concil in the mnatter strewn around the bill in every d irec- et this meeting. Mr. E. Debart applied tion, pieces o! fence were placed across for a MAil grant to repair marah road ondo base lin.$10 s ,greuted On condition dorways, a niower stood at Browns- that DeputY-roeve Smith aftor viewing combes corner witl- thetatngue point- the. road deenued it necessary. Mr. Samn ing over at a couple of decorations on Harris and John> Bright made application Kimmerly's repair sbop west of the for pey 'for sheep killed by doits. Mr journal office, àïï8oo' lb, wheel setter Hlarris was paid $6.67 being j1 value cf was rernoved froni, Steward's black- oeeowe and oue lamb; Mr- Bright waý.srnthshop and taken over to the sta- paid $26. 66, beinR î value of one ewe tion, a beavy binder wbeel lay on the and four Iambe. The committee ap. sidewalk near Derusha's barber shop. oiumted te enquir. inte partionlars of a large Packing box was wedged tigbtly damage doue te 1Mr. Audersona buggy on in tht hallway leading to the division 8rd con. reported thât tii.7 dld net cou- court office, gates vere removed and ider the counoil respousible for saïd hidden, and several 5mai! buildings accident. The council adopted the. rs- overturned. The boys certainîy worked port of committes. The followmg ac- hard--.-much harder we have no doubt 0ounts vere paid : E. Debart, grave) for than they are in the habit of, and we moade, $9.74; Jos. Kemp, wotk in grave) hôpe tbey viii some day meet with pit and breakriug atone, 815 50; Gros, & their reward, Tht local constabiiarly Graugor, lumber for moatin,$18.28V A. probably slept through it ril. Next Hiu9eon, wood ta J. Hudson, U~; Jas.' Lyuide, gravel for roads, *4.45; Rtooell. year it wili pay to have a couple of ex- & Hutchison,jurens blauka, *1 66; Hetob tr police engaged for hallowe'en duty. Bros., sewer pipe fer roadà, *6; Jueý -Journal. Harris, repaiuing road 7th con., 75c. ; J.'BEHN A. on"s work ou town lin. Pickering', Mr. Martin Mulhern left for the 82.50; J L Mci., iedical atteudance .lumbering -districts in Michigan, on te indiaents, *8.87; Jue. Tweedie, timb.ý Tuesdaylast. or and wéprk on moade, *.65; Jno. 'Guests to the number o! sixty took Tweedje, seepce arn tp. egineer. #7; poSsesç a ttrsuc ir.dd Chau. Calder, James Brnfoqr and, D. Cuddgh ee o ,edy xlu a 0 Holidy,*3eaiifor seleoting j u rors where a most deliglitfül ti "me vas spent Robt. Dif, grave] for ronas4 10178; E'i h a iasoilhp on Lidet. er o Bt on. $6.Coun1cfi choice instrumental music was given adjourued until Monday 2ud Docomber by Mr. Joh' uko ula hc atp m as appreciated to the utmos ya present. . ost by aIl for the annual Mduskoka hunt.0 Mr. John Wille pet'a days visiting his, many frieîdàý in-town- last f M e s ars . b rt H fII an d J s. D . _ _ _ _ Brady,- spentý Friday ast -taking, in the sights and workings Of the Trenït'cana at Kirkield. Mr. Brud(I M r. John E. Clak, of Faâirvalleya, i ueIs. Lbabi a g tat the V ri ua h dtoP èSBhe co DI Mi~ . O' or~n l efi for N orth ]Bay (, on Saturday, where lte wiII reMnainuntU l SOMaà spi gthen e wif u~ o takoe thë o. position on ' t base in, thé-ý baïbeI There 1s00- tuh whatver. in the false report ircuated in Our villaeI% n week,ç that one oÏ Our young busifte'sa ' laigendE mnen had îmade an -assignment. T ,Th~ et o n 1 c h n g e q s a tra n s f e f s o m ll ' a 4 r. M r cons o-vle n, ouwilind-he@ ïl - saine yrung man in- bis 'place of bùal. i bi URb ness -ready to ,attend 'your wante àt.in The. trs". 76at.,Thoyl M.Thç.. Sullivan returned' *fo ,-cw0.M MuÛskla: On Friday. M.Mack McEwan,- of 'the. Quesü"S Iotel, Woodville,-spent Monayàt--.*ë-~ cld hom nl wtn. .but now ru*tdtng la nOrillia, ièalloni old frieonay laOn MKM e. l Alarge aM ot grak ,lCXn- va ngfriedi I38 fowi I T h e rim a i h ~ g # t ~ ~ ~ . ro Tttaced with a Hlacking Congb, Lona of Apeieand General Feeling of Lu satde - Pink Pis Bestored Her Uealth Afwer Doctors Failed. I'rotu the Clarlettetown Patriot. Tirnes Without numnber lbave vo reaÀ et tho wenderful cures effected by Dr Williavas' Pink Filla, but generally th4 testimonials tefing the tale iuad laid tii r> cene in sorne of the. other provipeu This timne, however, the matter ià brougi direotly home, and thi ettýnony eee frein'a u Cl respected and Christian wometu. Mis. Sarah Striokland, nov re- eiding in the suburbs o! Charlottetown, bas been married many yVears, and blesaed witb a large faruily and altbough nove] enjoying ua robusi constitution hed, antil a year ago, been u emparatively gootd health. About that tirne oie began tc feel "I rn devu," ber b.Ieod becanie tusn anld a general feeling oflaaitide toh osseaTiLoth be uind andi body. er family an #nil Tewed vtb alam the. graduai devolopmnt o! hi-r ilineos and wien a cough-s firet jicipient, but afterwards almoet constant,.especially at rigbt,-set in, doctors were sainmoned and everytiing tba Jovinsg, tender care and medicel ekiliod do vas reorted te in order te save the affectionate wife t East of lONER Joking- thr Mom4er on h'er appeie aond mether, vhose day. appear. d te b. E nurnbered. Her e ppetite vas alMost cowpîetOîY goui. Food vas paraako o! ClA 4-'<ýi.wtout rlis!, and -gr&. Stioklaad vas unable to do eveai th odwylghe vork of the housebold. 8h. ë"be=e greatly emaciated and iun orer topartake et aven tbeomogt dainty nouriahmente Btimallant had et fiSse b.'t imIas~g Whdle thia glom bang over aie boôme ~u nand the mother iomroflly thought o! FHE LIX. 60bey sào vould bave tose Kerevel V te bier young faml, ~wa udod ___ a friend te ê' 'Dr., %illigàcà Pin~Ple )an Though utter;y disýcré«.d, "d'àhnoet I diagusted 'wltb medioine oii. ylldd more CCording-t in a tnefiendy W&Y tb,"ý JU o$(nçî$;. lutuina the Pau -foi là a eow-*ie ï WITH, gleaun of hope,. a vioU geli agta Whumb.. -- tpk poos rio a ba, udià lIhabni moent Loan i clueer!u s feeling ms~ing MYr. G~eorge t$eweli and family have 3mroved to Detroit- Mr. F. J. Gillespie, the candidate of the Reforni Party in North Onario, was ini tQwn a few days ago. bYesterclay was a busy day foreour 1town carter. He liad three car Ioads of beer to handie, and was upto his eyes in work with an additional staff of three ot four men. A few days agli e handled a car load, so that the t.own's winter supply consists of four car loads. a Stumum ttum We have received word from Mr. Kinsey of. the Stouffville creamery that separator will be Iolaced at, Uxbridge -next ipring for the conveaience o farmers in this section who wish to send their creani to a creaniery. In order to make this a success the board of managers of the Stouffvilîe creamery will need to advertise. it thoroughly in good4tinie. Mr. Kinsey is doing -some canvassing among the farmers this week. ABuoo.mfumfa*e Mr. Richard Bell has demonstrated that even in liard times lie ca4 nafre farming pay. Messrs., Geo. Haxnilton > & S n have coniPleted his tre hp and itishlargest we bavelicardo6f this year, ovcupying 18 liours and tutu- ing out bet.ween i6oo and 18oo bnshnls Of àai;ada1ths came o ., s tukngavei«e Of bu 2;bëh-l Pe a=re o!aU i dsof gf"ai. M Bell aISo had 7,oo bushels of potatoes c oiff 2X acres. He 'puits about 400Io loads of manureon histarm C- ach ycar and aCtributee:s i.gàô,ýIcrops te, his leeding o! the.,l. J" M'a Aw*gàu ~~-1 rit e l. 't s r dôt YMt b >é9!t it is, a battle f'.n t1 *a4,bu wthth-wa propérly utd it be o e r ahdtJie ilisîdjoso .~'vnquiHe.iope, courage, poei eercise,wi- powery and the regular and fltno~ e o te es flufliùng f ood .m dicusee of ethe.nce-. Scott'sEdinuso -the ~ Câ Vat g caibe arreste.d, theé Ii g he ed t e cougl rre, odiyeege renewed and the physical pow rs adetoassert temsel'ves and kil H egrn that are beginnlingz to find lagmn iithe.,ugs This IrflOwned -preparation, that, has no doubt ured. hiundreds of thousands of inii tcs f Comump- tio, i siply Cod-liver Oïl emtilsified andmad palatable aixd easy.of asimilation c abnd wihale flyophsphites, the great- boue, brain and nerve-t énic. Sctt& owne, Bellevife Ail Druzit . O. nl 1 'Im :-wmii W.have the Fineut Selo. tiennu tovu of 5hos. 8EAUTIFUL AMERICAN WA.LL PAPRI8 8ordeW8tE- Border8 to M8tch Condarly and gétfirss chokes. P. B. WARAM, reustodBn, PUMPMÂKU wmTBY (Sucesst.or té H. bonsu. The Subsciber basagt opeuèd bsns here. is office vi" b. ut 1F, L, loW's bouse.011,Brock Street, souh w o Iumps niaufaturd ,nd oI4Pusupsre)*grid,. Plrst clans maelluelan iWOr arn- éd. WoIls-dut- or eeumLeu.Q.dys sollclted. P'eb,~ ~~, x4-. Wftby rnnd-'aa , DO INIOU'j.~ Sui~p1u, - * 000,p SOT chronle aé Ill Il 1 owpST ý H. SCOTTt a âî 21 1 1

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