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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Nov 1895, p. 1

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WHITBY, ONTÂRIO9, FRIDAY, .'NOVEMBER I5 Push it along. LCLNW LTTRI MsStlaHodge, Myrtie, speut Suuday 6Q~> *~ Most of us had a sleigh ride on Sunday >~\t& .~asd Monday, but alas!1 the suow disappoar- 'i cd about as quick as It came. Mr. Frank L.amb is principal scoopihovcl of thc îowu ibis week. We undenstand tirai ____ be will shortly represent Mir. jas. Caruogie's lumber camp as toremau. If you have a. COLI) or OOUGH try The sink h ole-, cast of Prospect, i s OW correctlv repaired. To thoso havinit busi- 0UGH uess that way we would ssy that.tbcy are CURE. pefectly sale ta travel over thc bridge. DR. B RTMA S <~RE. Qu110 an enjoyabc urne was speut lait and you wili be couvinced it la a good tbiugt. Tbursday cveuzug ai thc Ladies Aid social For Cougbs, Coida and Cold iu the Head, ai tbe residence of Mn. jas Pankin. A larg'e IT IS UNEQUALLED. number wee lu atteudauce. Proceedi - nearly $7. The messies bave again visted out îawu. Try oOr., Wftdý Hazel Oream Soutucit so htpriucipally ail the youfl : for Chapped Hauds, etc. Softens ibe suce ai Echoîl i very amalsud if tbe roughegt ikin. Does not leave tbe plague continues it will very iikeîy have to bauds sticky or greasy. For sale only close for a time. at UicMi. A. W. Ewers bas realized good resuits T FIE ORNERORUG TOREfrom drawingbis bay taUxbridge.* He finds her. Prhps àmeofoui farmons havtug TE~I"BY~ ay ta seli would do wcll ta look into thc Uxbridge Market. Kîr W. R. HROWSE'S STAND. The Rev. Geo. McCuilogb, pastor af St. _____________________________Alba's cburch, Toronto, gave thi. place a fying visit au Weduosday lust. Pcrbaps aur LICA Pie Abstbusinesonduth ueî aghooado IIf>L I EATiie a isbuntcrespoindt as gb e a odo _________________sa short a time lait woek. We are plcased ta scecMi. John White At Littie 008 t, aroundblitbe sud hearty agalu, after bis Y somewhatbard shakiug sp te reccived short trne ago in Port Penn, wbile sbipplsg apples. jack is a goad tougthScattie snd -it Is whmt yon will get by burnmg our would take a dealtot knockthlm princlpaUy - - aIl out. Wel1 Breened, Oarefully Delivered, Bright and Hard, Pmesof Siste, .No Olinkere. are points we claim for our Cosi. ,e-GJVE US A TRL.-L, J. Ha DOWNEY & 90, OPPOSITE POST, OFFICE. Mn. sud Mii. Titos. Graham are lu Rich- moud Hill titis week celebmsting s main. maniai transaction. The event ooak place lu the methadist parsonage, Richmond -Hill, an Wedsesday. The principal paties Inter- euted wcrre Miss W. Vernon, ai thé shove named place, snd Mn. W. M. Tharudike, of Oakwook. Hanses anc becoming a nuisance th... daysca'i hardiy give ihem away. Sa masy are uow lu stockr that the oldeon"e are being killed. As a rnis awsnn of sncb genersliy seli theu for a triffé to pensons wanting their bides, býut juitisbe .aiier day ane ai oui ciiens Il unas ad ,siager sud rathen tissu seli l m-m i a ee vt«naa Ieur dollars ta put' tise aulafl to 5151 [t, iooked sa solem'uta e.th po ad fclow loyed the. programme whicb ý.ws oductodý by thc pastor. The choir aiso ddd xceBelnt service. Tihis choir can îlug a common metre tas. to s long meine bymu sud flot break dowu cutber. 1. The Adamas proffly wa« sold ou Mou- day. The ose d lot was sold- to Mr. Thos. Gibion for b$a ud the fans af fifty acres adjoining waî oi'ened sud as bld of $z825 recclve but dchiued the reserve bld beiug $2oao. It was held to be sold by tender to ho opcued on Monday soit Dec. 2ud. BROOIUN. Miss Elma Haltday lu viîitig fiendsinl Fergus. Mn. A. Kctcben tas been quit. sick ion tte lait tua wecks. Mr. Win. Bawlcs la moviug loto the. house lately accupied by Mn, John Bareit. Mr. H. Mecu will be ber. ai tbe councli noos snext Mondey sfternoou to neceive taxes. i Oui uctoal teacher, Mr. M. Haimes sud Miss Gailoway have becs îe-eugaged for sert year. Hon. John Dr yden sud Mis. Dryden were combiniug business sud pleasure lu a trip ta New York ibis weok. Misses Lizzie sud Jousie Dryden from To- routa, and Master Will Dryden frais Wood- stock, wero bore for thauksgiviug. Mn. sud Mis. Jas. G. Michael, of New Haven, Coun., speut-a few days witt friends ber. lait woek. They îetuîued ta theit tome ou Monday. Miss Maggle Spencer, wbo le at pmoent attending ttc madel sobool ai Wtitby, bas becs esgaged as teacher of wtat li ksowu as MeKouzio'isctaol, lu East Whitby., Then. was no sbootiug match ou ibsuki- gving day. A numben of yoUag men wlio had expectcd ta take part lu tbîc m atch weut out nons ol Pont Perry Iu quost of sport, u fousd garnevcry scaice. On Tbursday lait Mn. George guùàc1 _end Miss LouisaClarke af Gneeniwood, e marriedat the utethudie a psseby ýRe7' T. W., ý -1W exteud ta thern out bout wisbicethppiness sud pnospenity. . Owls to, thé coitiuued --tilpeu of ber pie enaM rsEook# bas fou d hinecossary t» fgIve up ber d-saak rgroaven ol hidy>*s store- Ste wlu l gad ta se. her custorer'tber borne whre é~W-ihIbe pie pared tù do thein wonk as uul Mn. RPobi,ý . I'Walkis rrived -home frosu left hlm coosiderably weakeued aud hoei tte stro fors 'ils,. H.- ihteudi rturap âgto bis poulu the- Lindsay- colleglate, i,, sfnewheu h ne-bpens iu the nje W Webhot hibhlth ,illbecompile" edfbre. n I"Tu[Ëýhan5.. ofPPnamAav *1h vÂý VOL. XXXIX. ivg day- wihhindaugitorsud'- sic aiBrauzptop, WaVfa Blnehfarry HcMp- 11 n overi .8 on.u dl, cil ,oâksý md fi RGra 0*9 p ru ol tue. el 1 oeaw AN IMPOJITNT CLE4N SW.E EP.1 Pi-tees taIk for Cash: Good Wlre Matiras, Worth $2.5o foi $1.7,5. Good Mixed Mattras, woztfi $4 for $,I. Finit-dais Extension Table Worth i6. So for $S. Bodrootu Sets wanth $14 for Siogo. Bedroam Set, wortb $16 for $13. We, have sotblug but firsi-clasu workmeu lu aur Up- holstering Departineut. Leading Undert&ker,- re.- je JOHNSÃ"Nt BROOK ST., wHITBY. Town of Whltby Votera' List. oti rt. . pizrmmat iUo4mhe' OtaoVo6tera" t et 1889, by RRi onorthé- 1 .cd tIi. Cou Court of Ibo Couuty of OutpMat«Town Hall Whitby, on -RIDÂV, the 8204 457 (?40V., 1895. t oçàoc1 &.m.tto heurand.toe9ms the oww oes iiçfa.mmie&pty oft ah.Town of Whitbty Wor18. .Ali panama baving huai- ness a the CoutaeS sudw~r mm ý t Med ut ad. sulddimd place., Dated ",.t" o hcdolNoremburM 1115. BUS N Cletk of Whihby ztWIiv NUTRIT7IVE -WINE with Ood Lia Os over-ucnclig BHeMile U'U UOilavIDg -'vory- oui Raglan-unre ging oýfsta .pcSl. Bb"f"an( Holtby thinks ho sgoing ta rmuih&fSbo*, for up and buy ail tise boxes as b. geueiuily-doe.sitema nd ou but wnit, JîmmieBlfoUn, of Prince Aibnt# a htl aud Bob Michier of Greenbank, aud ail Ume èaa. WO fellours are camus' -sud thon eI se wbat le sc tnnmp. Mille Dabson igo&s t ctpini Tisè "MWu iple scoopshovel sud catch hlmi seiling off the a.pobt pictty girls clieip. Douli psy auy stter Thunsdiy eor ta what Joe S.ý.ird says, e '.cv - .raiSon below Remember to-nîght (Friday) j4! .evoryother rn Tbe cpwantbbae ai ofchristian cudeavanor. per isaie spokten af lu lit weekslssne was dulyangan* - an .a son lid bore on.Wednoudsy eveulng ÃŽl.Tise cncrf nlgbî waas omewbainrongb th1l ihere w ae o h fia in ncpeseiitatiau. -'Taksug mia canmsOer- éiee atlas tise- ftai iai filten active members Dyen f wene ennolled. Wefeel> 'Urie ibsi iho leagus DThq ub, au wil tesgrand isuecos. a umben Wf 3kmub SotS i bosoîsny mnSbers were also sdded ýto the OL 11 lisi sud urbé n ailr swingt i rpected that ater a memben of-associaie, will bé ,ept teojceo Thc sigtapPoistdWfoth. negasiameeting sr iv n was Wedsesday and, the weckiy prr aTmi meeting dServi111hlbétouducted on SUD1aY ovesiuigu. Asthi dne urss limlted £11 thet t ofes-s unot elected but 1.11 ovr untii ;_ fo te ,«ti negulan meeting, Those tisai vers e o electêd are as lbows $!Hou. presideut, Rsv . -4ctw5 i J. . Wllmtt;pneildent, J. Laëist ivice taber ICnpieu piesideut (ësdao) Thos ,Dobeoa; sud.'-- (litraiy) iss +1Vi ll olby; 41h vlcÇ, : (Sw)0.Lli; .ecrotltaiZW,.DMusuo MaP. C. S. Puais, Mauoh. nsom&* so n-fsiomas 51,xort ett sei te he" * a*OW4Q à oNu a#__ * Patktis deulve %bu I Cod l4ver Ou whihou -dige*v 4uain*moc ( &,unakbd lm à il Wbçwm Dpt-z4 D et e.I au snlus to exchange them for j OR P UT bitGa àah or' any. 1Usd <>1 fimu prbduce. Cail Rv.. CMcoeiofBwall, rdsm anRse merbr u nlesaysdtst eWl In town on business on Wednesdsy, Price1 X.dl bs o u The well knows choir of St. John's Pres- i h t tfiplace OnSuuûdsyan Monday byterisu cburch go to Wick on Dec. 2nd Wm Brn next. The arrangeMnpte -for li are almomi sexi. icok ~au complets, the comniittees iu chsrge having Hrbçrt Jamieson, of Toronto, ppent holiday met witb excellent succeus. -In addition oTin aptâ,ndCwe what-they have advertised for the entertain- Tbaukso.giving dsy witb his se-Tsu awe ment they expect an accompiished singer jfren*i1Cu-t4 from, Toronto to assisi. A Sood entertain Mr$. Wm. Johnston sud Miss 1,. . Johnof t.lwsg ment la looked for. i ton, of Whitby, wcre visiting -U . Wni G Hutel Préparations for the comiug élection have i aJaeson hast wetek. leu JR bgn to, inove biskly arouud thsena 5 1u, t>G. Robsou's fiu-iture was removed oot il, thr.e parties beiug-vcry buey. Political t Toronto lait, week, which place will be presbyt meetngshav bes Iet Pi,>. Dale and~ his home for the future. Be'ý Sonys -du ÎÏng thé lait -week, sud mort ofI Mr. T Platte&and Miss Collous, sud Mr 6àenà tbit are advertiiaed. An'additlouai interest 13 Rundie and Miss G Plsticu of Port Pcrry, 1? tisn, l,added 10o ibis clection by the. preseuce of spent Sunday et Uxbnldge with fulends. the t0, oèftwp&jrty In the avens, sud it ie workiug What la the matter the riuk le sot rcady At hà 01 té2b"ar<setbrof! the ad oses. The for akaters snd curlers ? Robtrt Hlckflg et As 113 4vstry btwéen tbe-PitroÏi'sud ilh. old pan- s move on or the boys snd girls wll be afieratu e eui keener even iban that betweeu yo. corne; t4i old parties themeqilveo. It le nt a C5 to T 1, Meredith snd wifc of the Nationaluse Say it what kr.sulî oftt. election. wihl -bc, bskSorCt lar -t r eding '.11 ORRNAN.tnîp iÙ%d ngh Lucas sudfriendi liàst Mr J Rarman bus been uider the weather n iitOWfl. <nIesV lately. 1Fauk MeRenzlc opens out lu a few daju15 8 aphoto. gallcry lu the Bloug block. Ieave yIt sud amiy hae mvedan order with Irack sud it will bc promtyj, attodd t ad riwhe instle -Miss BUs Throop, of Torouto, spent Oawtnc a sud fschelufo tl ea. ly' tbaýkoivng nde te prenal oof amatch on thauksgiving day witb ouiýý ,Mns Wilmot Asllsg, Toronto, bas becs email boys sud beat tbem i ta o. Whsgt vÃŽsltlug ber fricudse re for a few days, would Oshswa have doue ii, ounr egulur teamvn. Miss I, Raham, of Torouto le staylugr fôr hsd faced the baIl wlth them? a Urne wltb her sister, Mn rryI v. Sisce itherais an Mouday the ice os,,tËe 4utim i Mn sud, Mrs Thotmas Warren, of Suuder- lake le ln good conditfi nsd the-boy6'and ksowi lund, werc with their friends hene on Sun- girls ssy it li just too niée for snïythlulg, antd, ot q da.ail who owa or can barrow a Pair cgnt"skU*o ri rjsAMiller sud Miss Emma Lee werc have becs on the Ic tiài week. s-ed ît villu rlends at Goodwood on thankegiv- Rev.'A. C. Cnews, ut .a~of the ep,tht ~!' d lags t~ etho6disi r4, pteach.êau ~r' OIerssaeof live stock o'I - lOuntsemi iÏ ~* W, ulg.rO bd. day es wèUllttcuded, sud fair prices were Mosdtty evodeog, 4be n.-raued th~p vOSII*d - ~ wrth <411&emethodist chuwcb l ja Mi. rocui *UULUE ~eU NC rscorbct dcl su m yare .visili )r Clemens se Moone t ent, -A pi j!l bamafit of tIi. 1 JL 1 wý

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