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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Dec 1895, p. 1

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- - Smo TO?- 1t l ~IF YOU WANT A NICE NXmas Posant Sat a LOW PRICE, do net fail to go the (ç,CORNER DRUG STQ)RB. They have the choicest stock of PeR- jý,fVMIRY and TOILET GOODS ever h~V.in W'hitby, wit.h PRicEs to suit ilîcy have a beautiful line of LAMPS ,wlich they are offering at a Cut Price. rhev are boiind to please the people hoth in DSanid PRICES. Call and see their XMAS. GOODS bciore you bhuv. 1 :1 IS/1 a Ife,;,rv ~Xmas and a Happ5y THE CORNE'R DRUG STORE, WBIBY MUGH HEA T, A t L ittie Ccmt, Is what you, wi Il get by burning our1 4 0CO-&-T- Wel1 Scroeened, Carefully Delivered, Brighit and. Hard, Frees of Siete, N o Olinkers. Uie Points we dlaim for our Coal. ZO-GIVE U T42RL.S He H.9OOWNEY .& COU OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, LOCAL ,N El LE 1 leie eabies atilt continue -arnong l'b!, eblidren. Trhis town la very .quiet npow Inu tIle ýda time. Don't séë many "idteti,-arçiund.Ai the boys have got a job cutting-woodon ti Dobson estate. The epworth league pràyerý,ne.îIng on Sunday evening undIe he itàdershlpo r Stulba was a grand sucm&s. Mr. J Lne will take'charge next Sabbatb.evening. The skating on the . pond *as googd .Satur4l day. The beautiful inoonight nîglits gnd good Ice attracts thc attention of rnany of our Voung folks to a few bours enjoymenit. Mr. F. C. Taggart, general agent for the Noxon Man'fg. Co., spent Sunday at lits home here. He telis us that business isso rushing that b. wlll lie unable this.yeal te tlits holldays. Vou bet your àii. red uster.111 The »ales of stapidIng timber are quit. num erdrim 'this tiML Notlùnggetliêre were a c o u p l e a n d 9 - w . s .*b p o s e r s t h a t tbrec or four wll b. lield shoétly. 1liay are ail nef far front kerc. The people need flot be without woùd thé w*inter. Quit. a éiumber cannet understand wisat wc ment by thse terni priiicipie scoop- shevel"11imi the lest issue. Weii, it is.kind et singular, but w. kuow what f0 Use. Per- haps if <bey cailed arotind iu good season your scribe ceuld inform thent. Wc noted with pleasurb- on P 1d&y l ait tise grand load, of furniture pass brougbbhere. Mr. W. J. Neut, Port Perry, was thse bearer. W. learn tliat ti agodsin question «ere coeeof the exhitat Port Perry far. One of our lady citizensbas indeeéd made a grand ad ditioù Io ber parlor. .thse weatber last w'eek wdse é1gant for buntlng. Seznucli so thot, many of our'Woali spors 3, d---eltln Îak ng the rabbits buzz. . 1 n'our scfib, bhasb-ad- no expeniencêti sao, butsorne of these days when aur nobWiÏ#edhor# finda timnte v intend giving hlm a tmn Ëfor 1b3s fe. Thse messies are sdtl spïieading. among flie chidren of this vicnity. The cold ,.weather proves a great, drawback towards 'thse im- provement of thse sick eues. On het as liappenedth4Weeek flirougis the littie cisild Igcghtitod. The parent.sshould be veryartWo keep ftle sick eues frein al cdand liglit.. Thse box socta on ffliaY evening vas a' grand failure. Tise boys turned out good but the girls were sornewbat faint-bearted.-1 Thse storm was net very bad, stili it wosbad1 enougl to check a sue". Hciw.eve tbQSe@ Who were preelt j ned in and- made a god time'of i. T établnwuêiIivf4ed urn amnnr IT.it-fter whh a n éiaIehj hcf a anid Mm .. Brownu of Whltby,- As in 1fe.a carefut aùnd providen manso at the. tinte cf- lits deatb bhe vas ao tnnnfilo1fi n .certainty pf life aàdi*n additi,on, to porsýoual property 'ieft Actîdent $êud Lif, policles amounting toeiglit thousand, doll#rs. Unr. Eli Haruden is ou the sljck îflot, hope for lier specdy recover. Mr. H. McKinley and family have rnovced back to their-former home, Scugog Island. Mr. James and Thsomas Feusýer-, of Osbi. awa, speat Sunday under the parental root. Deatis On Thursday, Nov. a--8tli, tise Infant son cf Mr. and Mrs. Angle.' Blrth Ln Raglan, on Tutesdy, Nov. 26th, the wife of R. Angle,. of a son. Mr. Chaarles McLaren la mcrodeling bis bouse. Hustle Up Charlcay for wlnter lias Corne. Mrs. . 1. Yçlbcay wbo lias been visitingt iu Toronto 4iù%g the piaf week, lias re-. turned homne agalu.ý M.,WaÀsonu idgsn n hsd the misfnvtun to huqrt, - Scisooli Arcli Ag IRosa, 2e, Wn%. Ros S g w'totml@utîd botlï servoos ln the Cburcb 4ast Sunday. Y. Burdge, of Oakvile, is lier. on a vWst, jrents, Mr. and Mr.J1. B. lxmgbr..- k. i.. penqer bas pnrcbased front Mr. tUbchouse, fortoenly -ccupjed, 7y ,Mrs. 'and-i bahad hii veiup fbe ghae *~~~~~~ rI4nx xt a, 0rc ivels Wrr 4hbould.bëer -i miùd tisalian-addi- 4nee Per 06nt. ge-naiter thàt datê. Md'idaY lat çb on Barneij, wbile îg 1 be hoschold duties ruptured a bld vessai ad bhas since been gretlY ýed by thi e noïge rcuitg e = c- ibbar that ch.re cwverlg but ac thé' r wJitng ber condition la considercd Wm.ý Robson died last J'rlday morning. 0 Sý vlctlm ofcfoobsumpdoa -and for several hadisee a gà atsufferer. Bbc was *a r offisoprmsst nlan cllàùreh. Tisefuneral. ld4ù Io t e tbenion- cemetory. tiaed ber Sist ycar and bad spcnt RAtIty of' tblogig 0tbe Maw] ave mlys ulydisappeard (om the m therl othef~mnbct ved. Ont tise bacliof tisepie babecsl iaving tise front nvun' à ià anI fo son thlic tiwas sot -notlced. dli a abç«n o and thetc-ts no sgyîng wisen ibe d<bc ne, - Some efrhàit thuad ýweré,tki tbnide v Yi on this wek. -i.veryrnan Shier looks ai Mrs.Sbirprei.,tdhlm -oi 1witb a finie boy-. i, 18 10 is fmnl nowconists f thr AýChristmssentertanlo by,*tiseç baptist-,Sà3bbàtfr-$ç1 evenin Dec otb. Ago b ie p rovi ded;fujaUù The Masonic Iodge lu tlal Ïàid'rabl7,e expense ecre Wèblng 5sters (roui Londi whI , g ve- eu e of-their choice on the oveaing oifMWondayî 'ID towenhaIl. Pariculats nextý, Ltsendstrange to- srce g&iz Ik. badly, '*hile killilng pîga qke, lastweek.I vipe at six 'CIOck neif Sundajr ç,t 8,tb, it being'chauged on ac- eý -enper4ne sermùon, to -b. Myrtie, by Mr. Wethexlil, -àt I IMPOle TAFT Pi-ices talk for Cash: Good Wire Mattrasa, worth $2.5e? $1.7,5. Goed Mixed Mattrass, wor $4 for $3. Piret-clas s Extension Tal worth $6.5o for $5. Bedroom Sc worth $14 for $be.9e. BedroomQ worth S:6 fer $13. We, have nothi but first.class werkuuen lu our -U holsteriug Departinent. Lea.ding Undertaker-' Es J. JOENSWe IBROCK ST., WHITBY. own of Whitby Voter8' Liât Court. Notice is hereby given that a n6ê*ill be beld, pursuant ta the Ontario Voters'- List Act of 18Sg, by Hi's Honor, the )udge of the County Court Df the County of Ontario, at To*wn Hall? Whitby, on FRIDAJY, the aztid <ayof NOV., 189 -, a t io o'clock, arm., te hesr and dptermine ethe several complaints of errors andou onsiSu the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Town Of Whitby for 1895. AU pensons bavipg busi- Dess at the Court are required <o &atend at the sail urnme and place I>ated this xoti-day of Novemberz895. THOS. H USTON, Clcrk of Whltby Town. JACKSONS Nutriti ve WIn Thia palatable and HTGHLYWGON! G à îepar.ed withCo ve0,là etn 1Fa digsted by th e slu th" f fMuacular toue. Of gnuat Nutdd*v. "&ue ta Adulta and Cblldrcn.; - 1'p 1 4 nmrked increas ue in méWt im nçdcoeM.ate îaking a f ew boules of "<hi. Wls*wh rprputa a~eulquantkyp((*004 viM3.AUDio 'WESTERN 8*BAU 0F CANulA! Qapital Authorlzed 41 W~OW Surpluis BOARD OF DIRCTOJ OH N COWAN ESQ. Pres1dent.- REUBEN à. HAMLIS, ESQ. VIC>PmI,. T. I. CXLAN General Banking Batu Drsfts Isrnzed, payable îi, al 4» IL~United Stales, and on km 'rollýup 'i good style, toèebenganp îo of eighit. Tise topîca aregoo>d"aud aU take jAé fin a7ctive part. MrsUt. Wilmnott led the meet;- jr.- .g e Mofa t, Artisur ing and su.cee 1li. ikn isit Liwzto ject liuterestng. At the close diser. vas w sbort becs seeting. .Tise retnaining ioffcers eiectcd wcre as folows: ras-r,{~te leis Minnie Fitclitt; corre pndinhaslcre- bail on - SryP. C. Grahami; organist, Miss TuIie foItby. te e a n vi Our greatest sympatby la witb Mé. and week Mrs. J. Suttlif lu the- deatb .of 'their ueco6nd 'S.C~d~ hsipp4ta eldest boy Willle, on Tuesdayu ight. Hav- bo ,» Un-ti sat~intoOtaw, foi ing wandered lu bis mind lie ot ut, aud of lastwek i-fb tried to drese bimeoif w4tehe pea that- be ek bewatedto cee bis sclooftle6çber an'ocllItt Wp. understand itbot Miss -Ai bebis books as lie wouldÏ,id < ýuedtb nger, bas been re-ensgaged: f0 teacçli t 'ets His mother tried t0 pacify hiîn but h. kcpt tiss ection another year. Set. it up that he wanted to go homeé. IHesem- I i eort u io roth t îng cd to grov vansefront baving' e-oeegwa hr isuppçri Yp., caugh4,cold. The ocd wOfl Ce sent1 s.es were-ezcàlléùnt, for but ,;before,,t 'tperséti mïtiv. uth' Mr. Wil l>ty la ;yet laid.ý littie feliow bha!M 1vemyi cect tbsIe re - itiful scéeo Utee one~iitl. Sellow bn bis 4wo - kag., cofflu Sud four- oire»[ing ilb, 'nudî R ick as tliey catibe Thtough t of-M#!. $2 Iaý ett b Vicharge of Dr. Archer we (ccl 'by iittIeiiwnshb >V.ùiî hboy survive. patote P. C, GEATA.m 15$i'B.,y _IrA. IW M Mu11.w Mas. R. 'S. PAaz ~rnVAIAU Isi ra-fofil P 0 G on Satu achoolç frtpa~ cordiaÏ ~. i VOL. xxxx. Uv inû i, Mao 1-

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