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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Dec 1895, p. 2

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y -. Swhor I part- ,IlÇ' eA T, Headache CURED PERMANNTY Ayer's PisÈ 'I was troubled a Ion tme wttb s1l headache. It was iusnlaî acéoflpanied withb14evere pains In the temples, a ee of fiilli.ess aind tendernesq lu otne eV"7: a imid taste in rny mouth tongue coared,. hands and feet cold, anâ si-ekne at tfie stomnach. I trled a good mainr~m~I' recommencied for this COMPlaixt; bUt It. was uot until 1 Began Taking Ayer's Pis that I rpeived an ything like p'1rrnn, itent benéft. A singe box of t1es- i. S ttid the work for me, and I ;im* nnw f ree from beadaches, and a veili mn." - C. IH. HUTCHINO(SE&St Auburn, Me AYER'S PILLS .Alwarded Medal at Worid'B Fair Âyer's Saravapartla a is "Boa& OORR!BPONDINOg CLARMONT. Miss Aurlie Gonld is at promeut vith City friends. . Dý Pngh, of Chatham, is tiere shis week *ith friende. Miss Montgomery, cf Whitby, vas haro over Snnday vith frienda. ,Geo. and Iowan Dovswell, of the city, were bers lapt weak for a fev days. Albert Hyfield, cf Kirkfild, visitod',usi nuether and éistar ever the holiday.' R. A. Flemiming, cf Iiarkhaun, as lier. on Tuasday with Newv Wiiii4ni's machine%. W. Lidgett bas rotuned fromth. *est, viiere bc bas speut'5h. past few menths. -~Judson Pugh sud wife, of WJiteval., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Evýa&sthis week. Mrs. Thomas Thompscn a*&i Mips Leaper, of Torouto,;were ber. ovrer the holiday. Miss Wallaco, of Scarbore, wuas here over the holiday with ber sister, Mi'.. OeGerow. The union thanksgiviug service in lErsicine cburch on Tharsday eveng a -welI attended. Mr. Hughes, eftue o. P. B. heu., bas vrchbaed a fine Dominion organ fronu .Flemitïî, o! Markham. Ezra 8heniok, cf Stouffvile, bas ongsg' ed for a ime wilfh W. J. Grahamu, voîk lu the, blasoksmithing lino -bocoming;-$se brisk.' Juduon Bundy, cf Muakoka, sbipped some fine venison te, bis friendi here dur- iuugthi eason. The samie vas iob: -relished by ail. A. Mauteie labaviug bw eli to the, - ar o! bis clioppiug tuill reuovat.ed andl a bew purnp placed therin. Hevetêfore water for the. us of the. enin basbe * supplied by a tank. 'W. Thoxupeon bas retuned homé after sp.-ndgiug tiii. umuier near, Wbitby, in 4e, employ cf S. Ooxworth. Re vii Iikoly aneist hie father n tlu 5h,.eapsu business is ov very briLak A. G. Heuderson aud vifs, ef Whitby, were the gute oMn)Sud. M . Eddy 2ver the, holidaky. 'MesurEL H. B. veut sbaoting on Friday ùz- xbeidge Tp. âud baiged a nu'mber o! rabbit ad Ixý oyer aud4 bisbat dieeolved arI uureluion-T usy op, the, main corner. the t Mr. I À-vory'uriou inidet. took plseaM certain jfarmr'ihopa out*eýigh _ a1 h é others.but it was foirnd ot later on ;thM -he inâh made it'a -point to',rise st- tour" o'lokami trestthe U ilIe; lmuie thaï their appetite seetnd. taO racve for likewiso anothir feod at» six befr. :4bey itarted on their journey -'i»tii. villageý, which was cinly a trlili Over à ile. W. preslumo on amcunto~f -the' loy ,-pricesof- grinva a means taken to atîera a far prics. Thé ' Patrons are making a. flrm stand in tuis oonsritutenoy. They chose ini convention about a year sec 1fr.,Bobert Brandon, a well-to-de farmer of Brook township, and ho bas l>oen makingI a vigorotte canvase ever i' 51104n4d is mes&- ing with *good e81100088 " Il have the help cf several of the best speakers ini the order for the next two weeksincùludu ing Mr. Haycock, leader of the Patrons in the Legîsiative &ssembiy, 0. A. Mal- lory, Lookie Wilson, of Glengzarry, T. 0. Curry, D. O. kAnderon, of East Sim ce, and Mr. Gifford, of Meaford. The- political oye of the Dominion is watching olosely the three-cornered contest in this riding and will wait wîth anxiety the re- suit, r Mrss Giben, of Uxbridge, speut Sun- diy suda lionday under tlî, Parental roc Mi. Samuel Footé, et Triuity-Medical OelgsPýntthapksg ving attI e herùi Of uspfitor o of tr Uri' eteso6berï and u&'Party ifflIle-pent Thursday iu~~ e~y ve . uc Oes foi. ofHoIS, preaciheie -01 A -T E"RTLLS 11WW(ý 8he -88y8:Il1 thank 0od fo th e Wonder aiiOo~' Compound Acoookllsbed for m. General Boothi and hi. vast army of Salvationiats are now a Mighty power la every quarter cf thé. Gobe. The Ir ,drums, music, soulinapiring songe andi prayers aire stirring up the. Cold callous inufflerent and wicked ý ii every country under aleaven, and thoy arm accomplili ing a work thatýýputthamae the United efforts cf ail ' 'Ur Christian, churches. Ille ineibers cf the .Salvation arzny endure trials, hardship ',and pereecutionià as did the valiant af l'e Paul in his time. Many of these liful Sairation- ista labor on fromn day: day, ufrn frmthorne in the fl8e 'no doibt. *of a lika character te that ,'endured- by the great preacher to the Gent.les;' but aà merci! ni snd vise Buler lias, Lhroughi science provided for iRi fflicted andi diseased servants, Mrs.,H. Hrïboiur, of Mn~ie an., a faithf ni-vèteran cpf the. great ialvatio11 Ax.wasl for a-tîme obliq egv u aotia-<rk wing te th~ agonies -anti sut«gs 6o! -heart dise kdney trouble and generW eakuess., Eno-wing well t hat her great work de- manded * atopng and vigoroueibody,'sht> visely ýd4termined te use, -paine's Oelery 'Compound atrhearing, vwhat i. hai] Tii. reants were surpris'ing t erorsly as velas te her brotherau,àd ai8ter soldiers. alter tIueyfàiled4 viSAi ktie, COxMUron mdu- -i Mim.sýboùr,*lit"sas folioW withî the. viewi o! lenefittîng alil èik P lpe i "eIt i. v7ith gretpleure "that t vnte'ý_ to tauk ypafor youwoderful podic=«e E Paix'à dieny Compeund-i sème timei ag9o f--very auck sud happa dta see1 on. of yêzurpublitioas l in hI' reati- cf otiions , -einÉ -ou r dI êluded to e TyPainwa Oéor[ Iôiptud' 'y self anti1 Inov tiiank'(*&f , t nders iL ac- - coMpliohed for me 1 4'ï à ujffering frein heiAntdiséase kiêuneytou - and~eo veakuessud seiue -a,,able te standwithent exp enieiojng zreat pain; *Y' atpotitO vma aiseven oo.Smo. itsed -thé 0,o 'm:pound I ard>abe t é about'ti. h<quée and work, suadcmnow est eùythbg4,'ut be!ore me. 'truhuuflY. tes tiunouy uMay manyi te tr-y your valuable remedy. Ere4 W. Meen spent a tsar day. lu the -Qusen ci"' laàt week, éàt O;reenui--tho e cf john ne Wtnes oaussituo sue xwoe par tef ues u cage WU disMilsspdWith oo6esu-to PIaiutftÉ vhloh'amnite touil-Wabout017-0 tices ~ ~ ~ ~ -O ciuesst luhro ~es ay at4. tens ot r s Markhâm and Mr. Madili wUw hired by hîmi last snnmer for tvo mouchE sat, $26 a unonth -Bretm g ftadill gave Mý. rôur e.îptfor payïueuxt e vages by aib f some gs, st8Sffa4a mare, vhich tranisc'tion waç sworW toiýy Orozier as being intended .-te , defraud other creditmr. Mr. Madili did neithber take -eontiuins popeaesston eo! themare a-or file a-bih ci safe withlnIthe ûvçedays required by statut., and the animaI vas afterwards incladed in a chattel 'mort gagete Thos. Willîason. OùnMopéday Madii vwithont the consent of, OrWzer took tbe animal away and the latte? 1usd hin àrreeted for theft. It Wau pesaeti that Madili considered he ovned the. mare and consequently -did net intend leo commit a felony. The action vas, dis- missed with costs. The anniversary services hold lust Sunday and Tueeday were na. suucesfl as the short notice wonld warrant. Mr. Manniog preached excellent sermons morning and evening on Bund"y, and the home choir furnished appropriate music. The gathering on 'Tueiday ,eveuiug vas notas large as noualéi. éespread _below vas o! good quaiity, as it ualwayrs ".A choir',composed of no4ue. rsoi..the" choirs cf tb. ifrn penueè.ae a-nomber' of musical :selectionaTer are a nuberof good singer -a Coh'. uisdwith 'a lit in1 r tietgether wculd d oredI 'a m1w larger place then 'flpscm c0cut. - Tue chair was filled by h-pso f the- ohuroh, Who gave L sýhort sddîtess appro- priste te this thankgiiizg ss[o of, thé Roe brcu4gtit c -ùstht not seeme d te ueed -courafie' t~he Speaker éâî and-- stil -Èxitel wi - adie Mr. 0.W %1.lf opls 'n dayfor PeetagUkefl vlere- heg ii b. oggd fdor a jf W4 linsiug mm- be frtu athbru nopa7 MisL-.Murry wh» has benviMti I.frieënd èwluin ùntevileuring - thoput tu-rc. veaks, returned home on Mndy Alargenuumberof 0'Ur young ctie have 'efhère fýr'ýtii . *inter ti., Ma- jority oltho rngoIng toe uelauber camp, up north Tii.yo Wkop e ohave taken u-p club swirq i as an oeorcse areproges- in vo? vorably under tae quperviuon The ampaiRn opetiedlier. Tuesd-4y even!ng it a meeting in Mr. Gilles- pie'.- interosti whichvais-large1Y attind- ed,- Axg r: deo. Thomuen -aeted as chaîimàn. Th!e me'ting vas -addresseda by, the Liberal, ,candidae followod. by.1 Mr' MoGMliva, Erf.- Etger,.snd Dr. MoLean in the ede amedý.- "#C. I. nomdfiOoloweW mmau. ip itaOf<fd 'IàttuSPDLllL orftveyear, bhamfe beon.troflbled WU th olunm>' neci mn4thrbat Bvoal kinda Ot medleieu,,wlc ~ItMld dU -MM do meany good, and wim I com, m OSke 1oed5 BampaÏ!Ulatherewer< large bunCIIOSon -MY nec Bo sorsthat I coui~ * Ioods~Cures flot Dev-e ar llgMtitouch. When 1 had talce one bottie of tixi mediclnai the soreness hb gone, andbeMore 1 bad finished the second th~ bunchies haâ ontlrely dlsappeared." Bia&NciH N. B. If you decide to talce Hoodis Sarspa rlla do flot be ladaeed ta buy any oLliet. W~OOd's PISecure eoWnstipation by resW pe:~r. r.izctuOc.ehetayaa There is s plendid ice on tii. 'Altona pond., Manin qo'onwen t ~8uttModay moroing for a rabbk* mut, ve vieh bluru 1fr Mok)ons l pntig st~addition te hia-baru iu the soh>et a cî Poulcry bouge, Mr. 1 ýeudenon, of wo-l I reute& ýthe -bouas scn $týe vfmO-- y ~A. Lêbinàü -smV viii Wdltel e Altona scool tii.e COmiug yearw REIED y LST. rbl*,, MLIRE utrnany .[nilîz. îderkm' Everybody us these days. We- are- aeie One of the moiat interesting. events that has' taken place in Brechîn for some time ocourred on Monday znorning in st. &aurev's churoh. The event *Îs the marriage cf Mr. Wm.. Murphy, cof this place, te Miss Lizzas O'Leary,-on. e! Breohiu's most est imabIý, Young ladies Notwitlistauding t he -eaÊy heur the churoh was tbronged with tthe uuany friende of the oontractingparties.ý. The groom vas supportogd' by .HnghM- Dougall>etfthm*s-, ifai Ke; thlýb4de,ýwho, vasueiy .atUtn- in- lurown, siikt vas masted by ber Cousin, gissMary Rose O'Leà.aryo! Torouto. Aftsr the oere- mouiy, ymaperforened ,the guests verë c6onveyed inurigs to tii.resideuca of te bride*s sistor, Mrst . Â CWùOddahe, whiee the woadding brmakat wsPar., taken cf,. and many h1*4rVycoatula tions wore indulged in* Tho hi4ýppyý côuple thon drove teo 044 4 , ccopan-- ied by soçae .£ffteen cou 1gl ,viers'the-y took the' trai dst ftif c 14I, bridle vas the.reOîp1.nw - - f a, reatý mnany Costiy presents. Yýë_ corres- pondent. Joins With the *i u'fisudé c'f't I eying.o î u wshing them every fatu"r-$eY sud prospenity, and- Crust they -,m ,g-y have a leng anid happy vedded lite. 9 ~ * -f

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