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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Dec 1895, p. 5

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ùutMe c Pure Drugsaadchemicoi. j 4ea Genu.ine Patent Modicinaa. a hi Preecription8 eanad eceipt~s carefully .g and acirately prepared. fd" d. E. WIL LIS, Chemist if Dru ggiat, Medical Hall, Brock Street, WHITBY, DEC. Whftby1 185.1 Short Notes. The trial or the Hyamns brothers lu Tor- ýunto lias resulted in their acquital ou the ,charge of murdering Wm. Wells. Publiç feeling is greatly outraged, tbough flot badly- -disappointed by the resuit. Mr. OsIer, es public prosecuitor discharged bis duty to the -state with great fidelity and ability, but fromn the first the feeling prevailed tliat the judge was strongly in favor of the prisoners in his rulings, and when his charge was de- li vet ed there was littie Ieft for the jury to do but bring in a verdict of acquittai. On :natiy occasions juries have been blwmed for shiutting their eyes to evidence, but the iost of the blamne goes elsewhere this time, and we fail to setthie advantage of sucb edi- torials as that in the Toronto Globe. giving everybody connected with the trial hlgb praîse aind assumniug that a great public function has been nobly executed, but witb- out venturing to nmakinag the public any wiser as to its opinion of the resuit. As the IN'orld puts it, nine out of ten people wiil ai- ways believe that the Hyamns shouid bave been convicted, and, for any gieat news- paper Lu ,gloss over what is almost unanlm- ý-tus1N believed to be an open miscarriage of justice nmust he regarded as a questionable proceeding. The Hyamns are now to be put on trial for conspiracy to take the life of Mms. H. P. Hyams, the deceased Wm. Wells' sister, for the sake of securing ber lîfe assurance, but we scarcely see the utility of suchi a proceeding. If things continue working to defeat justice, then people must k no %vt ha t t he y a re a t the miercy o! plotters, a id we wi11 require to carry revolvers and 4ntroduce mnob law. There is no use in talk- itîg one thing and thinking another. The tUnited States Congress met on Mon- day, President Cleveland's address dea4t- largely with inanciai affairs, there being an a,înual deficit of $5o,ooo,ooo or $6o,ooo,ooo (0 provide agni nst. As the presideatial eec- tioas will corne off befôre another annual mes g> o congress will be delivered, the Prosdet took the usuai opportunity to mak#z a hid for the support of Britaiu by set- tîîîg up in favor of ihiîerference against Eng- land in its diploinatic diffilulties witb Vene- zuala It wlll ruake no difierence-to Brita'lu what stand der-nogogues in the United Statési .adopt to catch the votes of fenians ; but ît ,would have looked oeuter for Mr. Cleveland, who has shown himuself a level-headed, Sound statesman, to have tlnished bis term Iu the 'earne high-minded nianner in wbich he bas always acted. It is exasperating to see the. 1iîead men of a nation stoop from their high position every four years to cultivate the good-will of dynainiters and blôod-thirsty agitators, and it the Americans had iî5o,ooo,- ooo of a population aud a grent army an navy they could neyer taice a place amoug nationsl until this low dernagoguery le; stop- Poor Frank Madili ! If h. could oniy for a day rise from the grave Lu wbicb fate as- signed him in the prime o! bis manhood sud sec the scrainbie wbich is beiug made te geL ihis seat in parliament for North Ontario, be would be hornified. IL is *a tbnee-cennered 1-101t, and is bting carried on with'tbeaid of every device wbicb la lruowu te electlota agents. The stump orators are those wbo serve the dificrent parties for thre sake of the spoihi that go along witb vîctony, and tic voncessio-n and sideline men are cf tbe usual 4 expert" character, and, as usual, will'col- Ject Lheir pay as they go, their servie to artv. being of sucb a nature as woufldJook' lad *if set up as a cîam for even a ar~t »f party spoils. For y cars ptNorth Ontario lias been contested faInly, sud wue are sort to bear that these methoa are being enolreiy lost sight of tbis ime. W. I.LOrvlaDe.d l'OUND tNCONSCIOUS AND DYING IN MIlS R<OMI AT THE HOTEL CLIFTON, SEVÈiT, KANSAS.-DEtATH CAUS&O BY AÀF'ALL. Tb.eniany frientis of Mn. W. H., Ont. wee shockcd te bear a few daysaugo -of bi deall lu Kansas wbeu be wua expected te 1* iten Us way home ber. te apend thtic Wig Lust Augusi, as ila puer1ily k wst, - wa sandbagged le Kansasa wteu boii1to stia- fer Lb. Kaiglits Teomlar conclave ai or und S6oco lu. . -Laords take(o mm ' witb $300-1hi money,. -On recoverq*.ýr thre effecta o! the rmurderou assalt be lmti- tuted a seancli for bl is'alttg iabau h. n- celved word tirai If h.é ouid gP ta IanS4i -City and psy $, lndsi~bibt He foliowed dmectioga.and vw çOIIcte4' ~a stanger on arrng , -et tbL 'bis boidn~ z git*a 'the munileof a r.voivor'MI, breut. Sae SnldI Use tn i»'arn t l": the nearufleisymnpauy or tiie comnny. I r tcýuuvr1y1 - madeIt pi Wlx«M" ,asCo a4 cor The 'Vlivltretatt=uotesa Hletihigli, IfM CÀ but we must have I. ft ýpftt ofthébo c Mli.Robt*. Müliii.t etured (tom Mark- uig.WbêThèm if han: ad là, viltlag lier aitter.Mra. Aunes. eYtvsMin Missa]EdIII- erosaafté 'e.'ending sjxroom -fowtb.w weeks 'wÃŽth- frieda' in 'rr .1*'X,,Fo ý%1 honse on Satiarday iat. ~~ How' tuis for a& lmp ? pUIlaet The CumakoefcLix .nad W 1 lobe and<l tP9,1ta ied Canada 1'armer (tboano* tojoia. ratt7, ers. ' 14t. -a. 1 I for ýsz.a.5, -payable ai New Ytars. n a-'arétéAdr postalcard'aud'P'apera ,W'111 b. (orwarded ai - u once.cr"cus Tax C4octoeru notice> As iii. ýoIec*r bas gettirougli deltver- 'CII&Omit eJal lng bis -slips be_ vii h. at Mir. Henry'a, mer- CagiRou.#rLX and- cjanî talior, Duodas ai., on- Mondiy and , $1. Thursday of each week. JAxew8 ?EJNGL .Ée CINL8at Coliector. £9 CfflmeucemeutExcie The commencement exercises of the C£R<?NVLK and- Whtby colleglate institute wîIli corne off ïn Ci Cmrc.zand the music hallon Pnlday, Déc. I3tbà weiek îy star, jý7_5.a.yol from to-niglit. Besidea gratlu ipoa CIO! n there wtlie a good programme gvn by 1 amrum pupils. anm Dedicationansd Conversaslone. CaikoliICLE &and' The dedication of Massey Hall and2 aunual N i i a year. conversazione of the Ontarlo Ladiles' College &.zomt gtihe &Mmr. wiil take place on Tbursday, Dec. iu$h. A 'ii. aorm Wedni special train will be ýrun (romn Toronto to turnout at the counq carry people ber. and Sir, Oliver Mowat, - Gerge Burclbttcj"t Hon. John Dryden, Rey. E. H. Dewart., D, Ilshhng a bulb ati D., Geo. A. Cox aud many other Ieaduug lTher.e restq men will b. present. patsad ubseat, î Grand Bal aud Suppe-r imiport ýdinto -na Th. Ioth annual bil and supper of the 'ai> ,gtwn a boun Whitby Pire B » de *IlI take place at the MeUi M eV music hall, WhTlby, on Ttea&ay evenlgplce-irconstuarli Dec. 318t, 'Se.A f 0 esa. oho aâre-lnterêsrad (compnising 8 jiletes) bas been ftcuiped fior -ýsion should amàka the. occasion. -The committeé wils pare no A Fruit Qsowers À-àm pains to make thii tih.e ycht of the segson. Aîtu etigc Acordial îuvatation.extended te ail. , Zcketss rs' î,>iitutt-ed h for bal sudisupper $r.Y Coluttee ofman<.<~ agemtent .J os Bandel, W H Smith ' Perry. John Stanto1..e; ; jnel ùn Wi Ilscouni captaun î A- mIl, ecea.y. eeting i 1 .6dê AM MJaxir of Lueehêaaic Mont thme vemlng -,nexi, Dec, Abot hre eeks aScMely young loredthual the, fr woman named. Mrs. Fox, wlfe of -a Toron1to v ilattendlferthé.: physiclan, came to this town and souglit imortat uce out the leaders cf the W.C.T..Wlttheci h.formed 1i .r .ý consent a very, modest local vas piaced uin uvtatnwlIb the town per announcung that Mà. I.,Z' vncîsinv!tin irowb Fox wouid deliverhIealth talks at the W.< iini nnuai mees T.13. rooms on Nov. z,5th, I8t and r9tli, on i t bs n woul behalf of thre Toronto Viavi Company, on 86 hs eüd "The Temple.net made witirhaudu." The great m first cf these lectures was net very welt ai- . iitump* tended. butby the lime th. lat ofthèm Schooj;. Nts came on people -begatf to"ndOutT if 'thit-W. 7.md4tn C.T..T17 were net etting in trimn for running I<00out frÇer iin e another candidate for inayor of tire tow'-frl .ew1 éa Thre place was jammed. Word* md pi rlàsie &i ea arouud among the women of tlje. town tirai CB -"Thre Temple not made with Irands" wW"scshool on the feurftl bàing discussed in a aensiy aursd the. model-achià and ihat cirarts vere being displayed . ecebr vealing physiologcamsens, ,vhicir 1.11 Promrotions lu 1v, nothingo<f tire=setsc ntueunuou 4.place duTr1 Stili thre world-îhe outside world-grew n, presenit taoiïth.' Fi wiser. A number of husbande bègan te feel titeir chldeware v tire effeci of the lectures inu way ,cf -a speciai o-1as 1.te hé iu shape' and rather severe drain on'iheir, coffers but The lxead4id in tb thèy ver. appeased by the . knovýlédge that Ile.veaho au, augel irad corne to tôwn disgù d as é'-zè .vomanud vas doing everything 'short of ensoôn.- special p*i raising people (rom tireâea&-on Tueaday Uî_ >l*5_, M week -Detective WaQson et 1Torouto_, cpm. pattersotn, R = ,$to to, WhitbY, aud -locate4 M -lra. Iox -i tube Ceü.,~l1b~ Royal hoiel- ', POr2Zequ irel~n~triAn~ed~ se hiad.been recivitg vits at her fooms lu a 1 nanittiee e frbm *a - ifsirber of leading ladies of; thir is- f Ch, tovu. luiç. Clote -a ë~*thre- front, head, ý@ýthay Albe Tootaa female detective, ad she visit-, e1Jo - ed Mrs. Fox ati lIe Royal to et stomacir anda Ïpain lu thre bak dre&She Rev-Dn> Shaw degd.,, got $3 venrhcf VIavi-(wWlcb weauw tire -_The-,trgk eàdliàg# way te sirength> «u,don th~e head.oý.t *lt To-tflai%0<1TPO Mrs.ý Pli wuvassummo -:a dô byatdort à i per. Then 'tire Lacis bg"nr tô- ibe W4ed h tby ote' aroutld towu - Prom ot themaktttaéuayo Viavi' nreâcn«' Jr4 bes.Ã"dt sciadsdâÈie; voman, manied airdtn oeh' l? Aldaut ia badhMP f 1w.çkly Globe te Jeu '..st. 1weekly. mail to, Jau. rot, -Wonid *aise a yeair taml>rHeridand week-ý Moýntrea Witness .6 Toroarto MIornung star or -ci ai prevenee erto hear -Mi plan of estat in th W-blth Dr; 41 40 I ÂIýIo ANDRE 'i mn u~digen Jaci est 6ix Cord *h for.... Underhirta .-for.... Draversfor. forx.... for ..a# * . * for.. a.0..à el ixtr héay or,... * . - for... . * for,.. Thrdud-, 0 a, groe may Qiter'Lnsw are o:ffermng fàr" 100 iente ~Rad aceOI1hing, rer. làgrageni, ^corS~. rig ana - ýyougeUU~ tToronto. « MOêN. CKand von -1 7 X

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