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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Dec 1895, p. 1

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VOL.* XX. STOP! IF YOU WANT A NICE 'k. Xasprsent * at aLOW *o ogo the whicil w,;; cery, VERle ,which ie tding Life Liabîity iuardian, id. ru Banik, DYER. DST PRICE, do Dot~ fail1 DRUG STOPR.*1 They bave the choicest stock of PUR- FUMERY and TOILET GOODS ever shown in Whitby, wlth PaîcuEs 10 suit JEVBRYBODY. They have a beautiful line of LAMPS which they are offerixzg at a Cut Price. They are bound 10 please the people both in GoODs and PRICES. Cali and see their XMAS. GOODS' before you buy. They, wisk a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Yearto ail. THE CORNER DRIJG STORE, AUCTION SALE Standing Tmbor'. rThe underslgned bas recelved instruc- tions from MR- A. SIDSWORTH, 'Lot 18, Con. 4, of Whitby township, to seil by pub- lic auction on TUESDAY, JAIN. 7tb, 1896, 2o acres of Standing Timber, in half acre lots. Sale at x o'clock, p. m. Terms-Three months credit given on ap- proved joint notes. Two wînters-allowed to remove wood. Purchasers to pile brush. L. FAIRBANKS, - Dec. 12th, 1892. Auctionieer. NO TICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of CHAS. ADAM CONNER,^' of the Town of Whitby, in the County of -4- tario, Jeweler, etc. Notice is bereby given that the above named debtor has'Made an asslgnrnent 10 me ln pursuance of the OYn- tario Act, 48 Vc., respecting assigumnent for the benefit of Creditors. A meeting of credit- ors for the appoqinîment of inspectors and the giving of directions for the disposa of the estate will be held aI me office, in the Court House, iô the Town of Whltby, on MON- DAY, DEC. 91h, A. D., 1895, at the hour of tbree in the afternoon, Creditors are re- 4uested 10 file tbeir dlaims against the state ýwth me, or my solicitors, with affidavit ka tached ; aiso nature and value of securîy, .~fany held, on or before the day of such1 )m eeting. Messrs. Dow & MCGILLIVRAY, SWhitby, solicitors for asslgnee. J. F. PAXTON. Sheriff C. 0., Assignee.i Dated at Wbitby, Dec. 2fld, 1895.-L-2iD. " AN IMPORTANT CLEÂN SWEEP. Pilocm talk fôr Cash : Good Wire Mattras, worth $2.,5o toi $1.7& Good Mîxed. Mattrasa, wortb $4 for $3. Plrst.dlass Extension Table worth $6.,5o for $5. Bedroom, Sels wortit $14 for $10-90- Bedroum Set worth $16 for $îjý. We have nolhing but firat-claas workmen iu unr Up- holsterlng Departmeul. -Leading Undrtaker,-9 S iBarrett wen wlb the car lad Ibis lime. T Th. pie social on Mondav night of Ibis Par week bu assistbte choir lu buying books ' for their use was fairly well atteuýded cou- it slderlug the weather sud roada. Tite pro-. gramme given was good and as s wbole the social was a szccess. -fl The Rev. Mr. Allen front, Columbus dad.~~ us excellent service at our free offrng I services on Sunday last. The snioin r- T ceived froni nembers of lte sciool and , others made te nice sum; pf $8.Thi.s' amouttmaY Seeini smdlltu large ore wealtb schoolrbut wetiink Ibis ueigitborbood Mitl the out sidc itelper did tir) top, W. are, not ouly pleased with e ainiunt ýgiven but Ibis being te -fist altempb bu raine mouey for thie scitool lunttis way il tSseens us taIttis is lte-practial evidence taounr people are seeiug Ibis lat ie -ce corec way of r"loig mn-uey Insted 0filiteold way of tes nmeeting. W. woùld 11kte axprees our thanks lu everyrperson ltat contribnted to titis fund hhrough Tx-s CsuxomcLu wiicb goes l te fmjouiby etofaMilles lintis- siclion.- Mr. oo. Ke!re ,- Mrm Jas. Beattle, 1 Màr. sud Mis. Jsi nias wilb teir soS Mr. and Mms.-Ge are srSdlfg the. the "Thedïauig selected lb. açrd- itich their «ii M 111 l~ lu a a... <'1 ]E. j. JOHNSON , BROOK ST., WHITBY. for Deicato Children, Invalida and Vioti the Agd, - 'N AOtKSONx i 'S wIne fu liutitvo Wio seeni ma 10 Ouxixzcam Omspjoemo~, walIr homue NI. must fi17t Thuraday last was a great -day amoùig the. for t Iban t boys and girls of the TOwune. public Place'than- school. A stranger driig abuS thet rosd tltey,»aY dm and passiug the neatly dre*seid ud -skillug than K Iara Ë faced children, would have rcadlly, ço,, alud- As uomfr ed that sometbing unususi *as lu iitb.wlnd. more',bein? It was examination day, sud it was lu. be a of an electtc field day long t0 b. reï nibered by ail Who ~tée .ill b were .fortunate enoug btotea baud lu. éreud Sa Parents joined wlth t Ir childr e iu their stand Ibate efforts to make theI t examinstion <ir. -date. ýr 4d ing Mr. Graham's enure of office,' Rgrssd pronounced success ad. that they sCà her oldT px ceeded goes without saying. Not onW b. oîl-eta'il were tbe trustees and the parents heardity 1 outin lulu force. but many of tbe old This villa students sud'several rminent teachers 'fr ba bui were on baud, probably ý criticize bu'. more work. 'i>fu likely 10 aidasud; assat bc gentleman wbo n bas for ive years so suc fully conducted a the educationai affairs o S. S. No. i. The at A Rev. Mr. Manning graced thé occasion wltb the efq t bis presence and took the opportunity-to the- liii but psy a hlgb tribut. bo the sterling _character 13r&,wher of the retiriug teacher.- The several classes to-hum lu t were thoroughly examined in the principal frlghtened.a subject or the public school course sud &dis- had been u played a proficieucy tbat prononuced Mr. plishedj Iheli Graham 10 be a most psinstakiug and effi- thîngs shou] cient teacher. The class recitations were uupunisbed telieved by calisthenic sund breathing ezer- tbank,.il tha cises that were most interestirig and pleas- success Mu-tl ing. Duriug the examination Miss Anale The m, Rowe, wbo bas iust been graduated-at lte with theunmi counîy niodel scnool,îtook charge of s clasa suceSsfuL. lu reading sud displayed aptitude that wll hty r soon carry ber t clase reontationsfte pro- JB. ca fession. When lte c srcttoswere .ML tbrougb Trustée. Caruthers was called 1tte o6wr chair ând given a programme that waa cul h abt short only by darkness, The cbildren con- w" 'nef tributed vocal selections sud short addresses sa" pop were delivered by the trUstees, te Rev. IlidY" s. Mr. Manning sud Messrs. Lee, Remmer, 'îdven on Xn Davey, Brown, Mackle, jas. Brown, prît- sud fufly up cipal of the model school, A. G. Heuderson of the collegiate lustitute, snd others. The Tagive M regular programme was pleasingly inter. of îïart, Mi rupted by tWo pretty youug misses, wito pre- Tbehest. offV sented Mr. Graham with a gold chain sud bte al locket, and an address, wbich will be found by heworb on anotber page. Mr.- Grahami replidin ëdoe o S feeling terns sud spoke most higbly, toIt ceeda -of co uniy of te pupils titenselves, but of th Returus are ratepayers at large whose liberality bad en- Sbaboi abled hlm 10 remain among tbem 00lgo . Mr. Graham leaves a host of frieuds bebind wbo wish hi m God speed. ErETL. GUY A; Mrs. Luire Francis was on lte sick lisI laSt .week but is better at lte lime of writing. BELe0 Mrs. S. Holt venI 10, Toronto ou Monday Bekln of Ibis week expecting 10 reniain with Mr. 1 eliver ii sud Mrs Harry Brown for some weeks. offcars2 i -Thereseenis 10 be mouey- lu buyiug and ~O O shipping itorses te Montreul for the -Barretl p$rd, l Broîbers shipped another car load 10, that W AoWuVNî city during tne uîght of Saturdav last. Mr,, $VOe itew upu~1e y by bo sun, an 1"6maofTorouto BraY, sspendiug bis Xmas itolidays iit Rep Mi. laseoBurobili, taller of tbls Maggl imê -wus iven by thte pplsMti Editit rida sfeuo.Âgol ber ýàC wbic 4b ohitecitldq cqited then- Smnith ton:36, bitaeen euJy titniels lai- AsgeI Is wiutet. Labtuesdaye-leig 25,L reont, w.reLotsmev.àie>uke d tospSid apluChas"bi. nanypleawdea i. Birke and -Tr, L. .É Au hi. sister, ri. Thos. last Simdi >a Tuesdi bhed beit Ir. hés lity 10 ai î. Weu0 ce of r $1.11 Calil O~ ORNER CT ol Booka t asort- A Books zty. W. >ecl ot i.W. .et. We prices.i umula- other. )ents.' nen' ;îosWtzoseioorihauwdle-lwas et *.W Mscdônald'si wbsere' ad su anuttrante, end foroed à secured ïnothing,, *fld, at.HMulliay re they made a desperate attempt b.e front doors, but happily werib away, leavtng thitelr bolsas thy r pups.We grel ltat aicit ldp cursd lb. guilly ýones go 1but there l mhrao 0b .1 te senumpa met -wlit such poor luis occasion. Mesaysevces -lu connection. idet churb' were decidedly Ou Sabbaîb Rev. T. Manuumg, reacid lu tb4'em0îrnhig *sud Ree. aren lu lte-evenlug. Botser-, full ot thoughttaud-inspirtWon., ff scitlmaso :meeting Bt 23 St ably sstaned by spleud "a"I adrsssfomW.>A. "I- suad Hon. John Dryden, M.?.?. ry and msial entertalument ras evenlnt> wasa asplendid effort Io any oftits predecesors. We, «Il the naies but Mises Me-dë ls D-qvldson aud Mr, T. Brooks, are wortty of speclal attention. tie programme was fuulshed by2 )ath scitool and was well render- rthy of lte iigiteetpralse. -pro.- Wbbatb collection, 8.4;Pro- cert about -6.6;total $0355 3-,net a41 in yet foir the special W. A. H. - lianrîé 'f Naile Licensai. Oppoe eTown Sal, Brooklu. or soll _»t bed 'r i CauiOD, o0r Cibs. (T"he ot lelthe- eheaeI".> CLT. DV - v$.radute; of, the <la-I

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