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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Dec 1895, p. 6

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c4 satuo1" larbMi beat amlàud 4 ~~tbaai thebouidry b. oaned J. ~ "~~GWO. Hoit wu h he re enginer ~'~wrd t Oan<, 'Làryi, eW, objeotàng 1te boLving any part cf the smre. W*J. Devitt wam heard regarding the, o~ se of onzorte:pipes for ulvrpuoffl SebiJRtïtrnd rmtewsiatr inspeeting these pipes in a number cf townships. The standing oommittee on contingen* S oies re orted and recommended as fol Iowa- e Rtchaideon. services asa«nit-. ary inspect.or and member cf B. cf H.,j $22.50 : Go Philîp saine, 016 ; W4 Dowawell game, $18-50 ;' Geo Gérow, member of board, 87 50; D. B., Beaton,- clerk 07 50. Martin Nighewe.nder, rebat. on dog taz, $1 ; Mrs Byron, on account,1 826-26; Jas. Bubbard, on accor'nt, 8; 1 D. R.- Beaton, balance of salary, 840,; i Geo Gel-cw, services as reeve and dis.é bursernen te, $85; Thos Poncher, services 1 as firet doputy, 050; R R Mowbray, asf 2nd deputy, $50; James Hiuts, as Brdg deputy, $50; James Richards, domicilIoï, 850; Geo Parker, tressurer, 8150. Thos k Brewn, balance as caretaker, 810; D r Birreil, rebate on dog tai, $1 ; W J <eClark, advertising votera liet, court and b printing nomination bills, $5 60; the reeve for telographinu, 86o ; E R Beston, dishursements, $15; Thomas Wilson, r.- bat. on dog tai, 8 1; Frank Matthews, rebat. on dog tax, $1. On motion of Mr. Mowbray, chairman, report was adopted. The standing committee on moade and bridgea reported and reeommended as follows: John Chapman, for drawin plank and repairing culvert on new road north of Claremont, 25c. ; Wrn. Goorube, < for two cedar poste furnished by Brown afilmer $ Tho@ Stevenson, for a flxiiig cnlvert on Kingston Road, $1, aise ÃŽÃ"or sbovellinR broken atone on Kingston ftoad, 75e.; John Perey, for cedar timber cl <~furnished and delivered by him as per P order of the couneil for the year 1895, b 817 46; Hay King, for building culvert d on 9th con., opp. lot 11, 88; Thomas Lamoreaux, for 64 yards of gravel at 7e. pet yd, 84.48; D AMinis, for drawîng L ; grael on west approach on Green River oontraet on tewnline between Pickering rl and Markbam, bcing haîf share, 88.10; I 4., W. 3i1. Reazin, for nails, spikes, etc., by 4 eirder of James Richards, 63c. ; Johna Devitt, for 24 yards of gravel at 7c. pet yard for division 54, $1.68; W Pengel ly, b for repairing hôle on bill on sideroad ~ Nbetween lots 12 and 18 in 6th con., $1.50; ai L. Johnston, for removing stone and re 0O * ~~pairing two eulvert.s on sideroad between C, .e~ 16 and 17, 6tlI con., $5; David Burrilil, Wr - for cedar supplied in 1890, $2 40; John~ orc Greenlaw, for 38 yards of graveI at 7c.1 wol a ~per yard supplied div. 8, 82.38; J and DP WO tel, MeNai,. nails,90 ; David Brown, use of road machine one day in R D No 55. $5; e( D Minis, gravel, $1. ul The standing eomniittee on Indigents t< ri. reports as follows: M Gleeson, support el ,r o~ to E. Bawes 85 weeks at 75c., 826.25; ed * Gleeson, support te, M. Byron 85 el is weeks at 75e., $26.25; M Gi eson, sup. t a ort te Mrs. Johnston 35 we at 50c., 01 $1750; Colin Philip, support te Mrs. r Lrinton A&5 weeksat 75e., 826.2or5 --; Ge' ¶ Your comuittee have before uap> aa a Utiin frein M. Gleeson and 18 others asitîng aid for Mary jolly, and would r. oommend liaI nie be grante thie num of l r Your committee îecommnend PaymetII f W M.-Gleesou for one.Co of wo *T] jplied M. Byron 84. Edward Pagh for 2 1 i. corde o! wood supplied Wm. Le., $7* t> On motion Mi. Mowbray and lobiad 1' >~ the council adjourned until Monday Dec. 101h, te prepare a financi9al ehterne,,nt dit and other business. A on motion cf Meurs Richar and ý' Huis Iithereeve was authorlgoed. ta grant.... his order on treasurer to piythe ament. l ~' reoomwàended in the -varicons7reports- e loi- standing ocemmittees. Mr. Richards seconded by Mr. Nov. 8 n; b:ay, moved that the reeve gnant ii' party fwO! Dale, overseer of div. 18 w, bei*g--Mount b CIh o haged on colleotors roll, on afoolut of W' etatute labor agalusî Mm. L. Ot'ÃŽeieys property in 1794-sud 1895. M.Mowbir»anç -doed 1byswo l>ryear 195 y-av q u throngh ilsoe Y" stages uM'a. l M passed.m Da.1j~t If ~ i ut a f I it 0 e tl a sd &P à neatemoat anti E okenng. M-r. P<>çiaseots >y11VMw bmay, movie ha' a voeo f thanlAs b. and accurate ropois 71h rocdig cf the opunoit durkin gUie rsn eî On' motion Mr. P<,uuher took theclh. Mm. Nowbray, iseoonddby Mr. RIUts, moyen thatb le thanken:of ti. oiinolare berebl tezndered, Gpo. Qerow, Boq.,"reeve, for the gentlemanly. and very' ecient mariner in wbhà e lis dia&CW ge.lie aulies of k'eeve for lie presànyear while ho as nmaint4ained 111e ignity of the. position in a becoming manner, his general demeanor and oourtesy te every bas met with the. hearty approval of esci member cf the board. Mr. Richards, seconded by Mr. Mow- bray, moves that tuis council do now ad- onîn inedi. - Brock Oouncill The members of the above council con- vened at the town hall, Sunderland, on Moenday, Dec. 16th, 1895. Members presant: R"eeve Vrooman, )epaty Reeves Brethour an&Weîiieral, and Counoillors McOully and Edwamds. The reeve took tie chair ai 10.80. Minutes of last meeting read and adcopted. On motion cf Coun. Edlwardis and )epuly reeve Brethou-, th. following ac- counts were pasned and ordered ho be paid: Ira MeMullen, $1.50, which had been charged up te hlm in taues for lwo laye statute labor for 189, h. having erformed the sane; W. E. Hall, $8.49, ol eaïcl supplied at tewn hall; John .Suier, 86.66, being two-thuds viuîre Df two sbeep killed by doge; th. officers f the- board of healti, $69, for service@ rend.red te t.he township of Brook for 895. On motion cf Depnty-îeeve Brêthour ind Coun. Ed wards, 'Mr. A.J.- Read, bar- ister, etc., Cannington, _was p aid $10.509 )eing amount cf aecount for legal ad vice ;o municipality; Levi Mosiier, 82.50, mount of rebats on 20 "eru wbich W"e ver-taxed in 1894 > J H Glendinning & 3o., $7.82, for tewn hall supplies; 3amuel Brethour, 50c., for telephone nessage te, Mutual Ineurance Oe., Water- o; Levi Parvis,. 4&55, for gravel ; Ex reas Ce., 25 cents. On motion of Cenn. Mocuily, second- )d by Conn Edwards, tie report of Dep. ty-reeve Wetbemal, commissione- on ýwn ian. Brook and Georgius., wus me Ieived and adopîed. On motion cf Deputy-reeve Brethour, icended by Deputy reeve Wetheral, the aport of Oo0in Edwamdn, conamissioner )n townline between Brook aud Thorah, , statute labor and money expended, wus teived and adopted.-1 On motion cf Depnty-reeve Wetheral, *oonded by Deputy reeve Brethour, the eport of Ocun McCully, oommissoner S tevuline belvoon Brook anid Beach, estatut. labor aud money expended, ran received and adopled. On motion of Ooun. 'Edwardn, Second- d by Coun MfOlfyt 1h. report of Dep- On mot, boLi -1 >for repairiaig road on cou o-,Deputyl-.ceve Brethourl bong ebat. on satte iumauW iTouiavuj nviaaa& neh. ouicl -met Dec. î6th. Coin- muicationsiwere received frotn W. B.ý P iethe Cotafederation Lte Asso- ciainsd Ma. M argaretFaevweil with reference to taxes on their respect- xhat i. themv,,gamât lusorderco4iýhe tresuer-n ayô o g r . Grass fort$1, 1ein xeund of4c!gts--arid Ma-. sîUc td «ot h tte colector be in- Ëticten>ti6 --col'lec±taxces froua Mis. M. Farewell, 'Harmnony, for the yea- 1895. Caried. Ïfi."Gri*erson moved that the reeve 'grant is order on the treasurer in favor of Albert Beckett for the sum o! $4, being % value of î sheep killed by dogs. Carried. Mr. Stocks Mvdýhtthýr eý-n-euyreeve be a committee to consult the township sicito re Pringle's taxes' and* act on his advice. Carried. Mr. -Henry moved, that- the reeve grant b is order on the' treasurèr for $4. ln favor of Sam- uel Stocks, being _ - value of î sheep killed by dogs. Carried. Mr. Guy moved that tie reeve grant his order on tic treasure- for 38 cents in favor of Mr. John Bartley, being refund o! sta- tute labor. Carried. Mr. Grierson moved that the reeve grant bis order on the treasurer in favor of tie clerk and treasurer for the suin O! $13 and $5 respectively, for postage and sta- tionery, etc. Carried. Mr. Grierson moved that the reeve grant his order on the treasurer for $50, in favor of James O'Dea, constable, this being sal- ary in full for the year '95. Carried. Mr. Grierson moved that the time for the returu of the collector's roll be ex- tended to tie first meeting of the coun- cil in january. Carried. Mr. Grierson movedthat tic clerk bè inst ructed to write the Coufederation Lite Associa- tion in reference te, their, taxes. Car- îied. Mr. Henry moved tiat Messrq. Stocks and Guy be a committee to se- lect and- purciase 50 chai-s for use in town hall, Colnumbus. Carried. Mr. Grierson moved,, seconded by Mr. Stocks, that tic iceve grant uis order on t.he treasurer for t.he fellowing ac- counts. Roads and bridges: John Ross $6. 30, John Vice $6. 5o. Salaries: R Hodgson $75, W Purves $175,"John Winter S S No. 1, $350; E J Pilips S S Ne. 2, $450oP A E Henry, S S No. 3, $joo; S L Kerr, S S NO. 4, $16o W Biight S S No. 5, $26o; S Rober-ts, No. 6, $325; Alex. McKenzie, S S NO. 7, $apo; Wm. Brent, S S No. 8, $125; John Bray S S No. 9, $210; Mr. Craw- forth, W S 4., $9.3,6;- G E Mowbray, S S No. 5, $237.69; Rev. J. J. Jeffcott, Sep., $25. Mr. * Guy moved that the reeve grant his order- on the treasu-er in favor o! the members o! council as foilows: Tie. reeve -$5o, and ether- members o! tie council $4o each. Car- ried. Mi. Henry moved that this council do now adjourn, sine die.. W. Purves, Clerk. An A eicnView. OUR COUSINS IRAVE--BIG, NOTIONS,0F- 'd à eoe Great. Britain :and really that eould beéa blésin or1 o îe ad would -eeleor deservesaympat 1hy. The 'aigwoldb80sotad decisive tat tiWè Dominion woutdbe neither devasted ngr î9ha istd' bykI. Thiè veéry wçcàkn of, o à Ca,~ would save it fa-oui ie awfl phsicalsuifeir- ing expécted by thde +Toronto.spper. Its anguisi would be« sentimental chiefiy. 1! Let us hop",hâwever, that -Canada wfill neyer be brouglat toe ither physic al or sentimental 'suffçringby tic Uzalîtd States. When the -star-spangled ban- ner is raised tiere, may it be run up over the Governinent buildings at Ot- tawa by tic exulting Canadians them- selves. and not as a symbol o! conquet and subjugation by victorious soldiers o! tic great Amnican Republic! Polultry Notes by Ereeder. Eggs are now -selling higi, every means should be cmployed t.o induce egg production. Tic early hatched pullel hens that have been moulteti eaîly, are to be depended on for thc supply. Pullets will flot iay until they have dcveloped organisin, and hens that have rnouled lateý need flot be ex- pected te lay be<oîe tic featiers have been replenishiet. To encourage tie egg inca-cae we have found bones an excellent food. If you have ne bone mill ta-y cxushing tiem with a hammer or asledge. wicrc only a limited number are kept this can be easily accomplished. Smash them as fine as possible and, yota will be suipiiscd' how eageily yonî he'ns wiil deveur them. A little meat sup- plied the fowls once a week wili be found v;Dry beneficial; tee muci meat, iowever, is injurfous and will preduce scours in tie flock. By ail means breed thoro-bred !owls. When once staitcd îhey are more pro- fitable and are beautiful te leok upeni, in tact tic sca-ub hen musl go, there la ne ioom fer ici on an up te, date faim. Tic American Poultiy Journal says sic is in Une witi tic railback iog, tic boneyaîd cow and the plug boise ani- mais tiat cal their ieads off, and are neither profitable nor 'tiings -et beauty.2 A !ew more yemansd, tie ppgre -ssive ,farmer will scoa- ehaeafoko scrub fowls disfiguring is.premises, If your liens are over fat, feedbian, and ciopped oats scalded,. in lic -morning, and at evcning !eed a snai quaaaity of wheaî, and watch resuits.. Gave plénity e!f ciafl or 111crfor lie hens fo scratch axnong, Uiey require exercise, toith of the ! lPot.fch Mklz' 'Bloks »rock $irpet, Wh$t~. &-etMacket, 3,ock St., Whithy.: DOW &KQLIRT Barr~tezsBoUo~or.h Obery, etc ~ffloe<1 *aihlszi & EakeWo' new block ii-VS~Wltbysn o# Oùi rebank, Drs', Warn fM oe J. J. Moore, M. D., Brooklln., Offie heurs O. a. Mu. pO- Privat Telephm~e Communmication'. P. Pu EOGART, .. LDS Physlca, Surgqon anil Accouzcber etc. Oice andu 1oidierce neit te AMlgainésu OChuzoh, Dundad 8Sreet, Whitby. -N.. B.- Dental Surgery lu a.11 is branches prornytly attendod te. Or. H. WiÃŽghtman Ovoer Gron hGra6'a, Whitby. rý" Open evrery Baturday mighl. CountiSr#ey9r r ui ainage Engineer, A. A POBT, Architeot lat'e with Langley ge Buri efToriZto. Desin frCharohes, vias and Cottages,,as iat.Drwwngs : ped fôr rio4el exi structures. ce-Pirt ft oý-,er ?aws' drug store. gap 6O BXS2% Wbitby. - .Warren, M. Di - Whltby. O£fce busi . R Hving mo0ved -utc oui ne-premises, w. are, Preared te ntm enli.range- c! biCiness. e 1 to b. hansxùt ldng sudMsdlery büàusissvib. doue tos'als- faction. Cola à aopeoat.Ci n Second doiiwest t l o he. Dudas Street, -Whl*by JNO. NOBLE, -DEÂLER US ÂLL KINDS 0F- Lnmber~ Ibingla., DouTa *84 Wla4w, 'ftraizg .84 Fret4~Jag mkPort fisp.o5;,~ Clerk-Jim Olerk,-March i116; Oct. 17; Dec 10.- By eder, Je3. i. EwPLlj .Octebez 151h,184 Nov Llvhry dlit ites D undas $St< Commrercmo liberàfly deiostwith Teamtng douie e0reasouable pre... Preiglil ani Baggageba areon able puco-es. A unil olittd. LIFE .INSURANCE. Manu±acturert8' Li% & Accident Inseurance O...Toronto. LamgetCapital Stock Làite Inanrance Co. on the continent. -Nmaety-per cent, o ail acccmulations et surplu, il yreturned te the pooy deis. Ail claý#to aare pald without dea or disount on proof ut death or maturfty cf endowinent J. B. -POWELL, Peb. lut,' 93. Agent, bIIÇ tby rtby, 10- IL RJGGS. Cor. King & Yonge k3t. Toronto. Por the next tiare. pecal attention: te tce.n .tn mki irm a dis- ,o ini rnbber, qifver fdfg i>an*.4..ai W. IL M DEALER IN '1 1

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